1 | # is-path-cwd
2 |
3 | > Check if a path is the [current working directory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Working_directory)
4 |
5 | ## Install
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7 | ```
8 | $ npm install is-path-cwd
9 | ```
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11 | ## Usage
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13 | ```js
14 | import isPathCwd from 'is-path-cwd';
15 |
16 | isPathCwd(process.cwd());
17 | //=> true
18 |
19 | isPathCwd('unicorn');
20 | //=> false
21 | ```
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23 | ---
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27 | <a href="https://tidelift.com/subscription/pkg/npm-is-path-cwd?utm_source=npm-is-path-cwd&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=readme">Get professional support for this package with a Tidelift subscription</a>
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31 | Tidelift helps make open source sustainable for maintainers while giving companies<br>assurances about security, maintenance, and licensing for their dependencies.
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