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1The KINDLY License
2Copyright (c) 2015 Ionică Bizău <bizauionica@gmail.com>
4You have the permission to use this software, read its source code, modify and
5redistribute it under the following terms:
7 - if you want to use this software or include parts of its code in a
8 closed-source or commercial project you should kindly ask the
9 author (via a private message or email) and get a positive answer
10 - this license should be included in the modified versions of this software
11 - in case of redistributing modified copies, you are encouraged to clearly
12 indicate that the copies are based on this work
13 - if you think that your redistributed copy is awesome, you are encouraged to
14 show the author of this software what you did and how you helped the others
16You are free to install and use this software on as many machines as you want,
17free of charge, making sure you met the terms above.
19You are encouraged to kindly support the software and its author by:
21 - sharing his/her work
22 - reporting issues/bugs and asking for feature requests
23 - donating money or any other things that can help the author
24 - contribute on the software code by fixing bugs and adding features