1.92 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "is-there",
3 "version": "4.3.4",
4 "description": "Check if a file or directory exists in a given path.",
5 "main": "lib/index.js",
6 "directories": {
7 "example": "example",
8 "test": "test"
9 },
10 "scripts": {
11 "test": "mocha test"
12 },
13 "repository": {
14 "type": "git",
15 "url": "git@github.com:IonicaBizau/node-is-there.git"
16 },
17 "keywords": [
18 "fs",
19 "exists",
20 "file",
21 "directory"
22 ],
23 "author": "Ionică Bizău <bizauionica@gmail.com> (http://ionicabizau.net)",
24 "contributors": [
25 "Kevin Harrison <keharriso@gmail.com>"
26 ],
27 "license": "MIT",
28 "bugs": {
29 "url": "https://github.com/IonicaBizau/node-is-there/issues"
30 },
31 "homepage": "https://github.com/IonicaBizau/node-is-there",
32 "dependencies": {},
33 "devDependencies": {
34 "mocha": "^2.2.4"
35 },
36 "blah": {
37 "h_img": "http://i.imgur.com/ZHzpvvE.png",
38 "description": [
39 {
40 "h2": "Why? `fs.exists` already does the job!"
41 },
42 {
43 "p": "Because `fs.exists` and `fs.existsSync` ~~will be~~ are deprecated and in some cases we still need them!"
44 },
45 {
46 "blockquote": [
47 "`fs.exists()` is an anachronism and exists only for historical reasons. There should almost never be a reason to use it in your own code.",
48 "In particular, checking if a file exists before opening it is an anti-pattern that leaves you vulnerable to race conditions: another process may remove the file between the calls to `fs.exists()` and `fs.open()`. Just open the file and handle the error when it's not there.",
49 "**`fs.exists()` will be deprecated.**",
50 "<sup>([Source](http://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_fs_exists_path_callback), emphasis added)</sup>"
51 ]
52 }
53 ]
54 },
55 "files": [
56 "bin/",
57 "app/",
58 "lib/",
59 "dist/",
60 "src/",
61 "resources/",
62 "menu/",
63 "scripts/",
64 "cli.js",
65 "index.js"
66 ]
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