1 | import { AnyClass } from './isType.js';
2 | type GlobalClassName = {
3 | [K in keyof typeof globalThis]: (typeof globalThis)[K] extends AnyClass ? K : never;
4 | }[keyof typeof globalThis];
5 | /**
6 | * Checks if a value is an instance of a class or a class name. Useful when you want to check if a
7 | * value is an instance of a class that may not be defined in the current scope. For example, if you
8 | * want to check if a value is an `OffscreenCanvas` instance, you might not want to do the song and
9 | * dance of using `typeof OffscreenCanvas !== 'undefined'` and then shimming `OffscreenCanvas` if
10 | * the types aren't around.
11 | *
12 | * @example
13 | * if (isInstanceOf(value, 'OffscreenCanvas')) {
14 | * // value is an OffscreenCanvas
15 | * }
16 | *
17 | * @param value The value to recursively check
18 | * @param class_ A string or class that the value should be an instance of
19 | */
20 | export declare function isInstanceOf<T extends AnyClass>(value: unknown, class_: T): value is T;
21 | export declare function isInstanceOf<K extends GlobalClassName>(value: unknown, className: K): value is (typeof globalThis)[K];
22 | export declare function isInstanceOf(value: unknown, className: string): value is object;
23 | export {};