5.93 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.9.0
6 JDB.Server
7 */
9JDB.Server = (function() {
10 function Server() {
11 var ego, k, self, v;
12 self = {};
13 ego = {
14 opts: {
15 interactive: false,
16 dbPath: 'jdb.db',
17 port: 8137,
18 host: '',
19 compactDBFile: true,
20 config_path: null
21 },
22 init: function() {
23 ego.init_options();
24 ego.jdb = new JDB.Jdb;
25 return ego.jdb.init(ego.opts).done(function() {
26 if (ego.opts.interactive) {
27 return ego.init_interactive();
28 } else {
29 return ego.init_server();
30 }
31 });
32 },
33 init_options: function() {
34 var cmder, conf, config, defaults;
35 cmder = require('commander');
36 cmder.usage('[options] [config.json or config.js]').option('-d, --dbPath <path>', 'Data base file path').option('-i, --interactive', 'Start with interactive mode').option('-p, --port <port>', 'Port to listen to. Default is ' + ego.opts.port, parseInt).option('--host <host>', "Host to listen to. Default is " + ego.opts.host + " only").option('-c, --compactDBFile <true>', 'Whether compact db file at start up or not', function(data) {
37 return data === 'true';
38 }).option('-v, --ver', 'Print JDB version').parse(process.argv);
39 if (cmder.ver) {
40 conf = require('../package');
41 console.log('JDB v' + conf.version);
42 process.exit();
43 }
44 if (cmder.args[0]) {
45 ego.opts.config_path = cmder.args[0];
46 }
47 if (ego.opts.config_path) {
48 config = require(ego.opts.config_path);
49 }
50 defaults = function(opts) {
51 var k, v, _ref, _results;
52 if (!opts) {
53 return;
54 }
55 _ref = ego.opts;
56 _results = [];
57 for (k in _ref) {
58 v = _ref[k];
59 if (opts[k]) {
60 _results.push(ego.opts[k] = opts[k]);
61 } else {
62 _results.push(void 0);
63 }
64 }
65 return _results;
66 };
67 defaults(config);
68 return defaults(cmder);
69 },
70 init_interactive: function() {
71 global.save = function() {
72 return ego.jdb.exec({
73 data: global.doc,
74 command: function(jdb, data) {
75 jdb.doc = data;
76 return jdb.save();
77 }
78 });
79 };
80 return ego.jdb.exec({
81 command: function(jdb) {
82 return jdb.send(jdb.doc);
83 },
84 callback: function(err, doc) {
85 var cmd;
86 global.doc = doc;
87 process.argv = [];
88 cmd = require('coffee-script/lib/coffee-script/command');
89 return cmd.run();
90 }
91 });
92 },
93 init_server: function() {
94 var http;
95 http = require('http');
96 ego.server = http.createServer(ego.init_routes);
97 ego.server.listen(ego.opts.port, ego.opts.host);
98 return ego.log("Listen: " + ego.opts.host + ":" + ego.opts.port);
99 },
100 init_routes: function(req, res) {
101 var ht;
102 ht = {
103 req: req,
104 res: res
105 };
106 switch (req.url) {
107 case '/exec':
108 return ego.exec(ht);
109 case '/compactDBFile':
110 return ego.compactDBFile(ht);
111 default:
112 return ego.not_found(ht);
113 }
114 },
115 log: function(msg, level) {
116 if (level == null) {
117 level = 0;
118 }
119 return console.log(">>", msg);
120 },
121 send: function(ht, body, status, type) {
122 var buf;
123 if (body == null) {
124 body = '';
125 }
126 if (status == null) {
127 status = 200;
128 }
129 if (type == null) {
130 type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
131 }
132 buf = new Buffer(body);
133 ht.res.writeHead(status, {
134 'Content-Type': type,
135 'Content-Length': buf.length,
136 'X-Powered-By': 'jdb'
137 });
138 return ht.res.end(buf);
139 },
140 exec: function(ht) {
141 var body;
142 body = '';
143 ht.req.on('data', function(chunk) {
144 return body += chunk;
145 });
146 return ht.req.on('end', function() {
147 var cmd, command, e;
148 try {
149 cmd = JSON.parse(body);
150 } catch (_error) {
151 e = _error;
152 ego.send(ht, "JSON syntax error: \n" + body, 500);
153 return;
154 }
155 if (!cmd.command) {
156 ego.send(ht, 'Empty command', 403);
157 return;
158 }
159 try {
160 command = eval("(" + cmd.command + ")");
161 } catch (_error) {
162 e = _error;
163 ego.send(ht, 'Command syntax error: \n' + cmd.command, 500);
164 return;
165 }
166 return ego.jdb.exec({
167 data: cmd.data,
168 command: command,
169 callback: function(err, data) {
170 if (err) {
171 return ego.send(ht, JSON.stringify({
172 error: err.message
173 }), 500);
174 } else {
175 return ego.send(ht, JSON.stringify(data || 'ok'));
176 }
177 }
178 });
179 });
180 },
181 compactDBFile: function(ht) {
182 return ego.jdb.compactDBFile.then(function(err) {
183 return ego.send(ht, 'OK');
184 })["catch"](function(err) {
185 return ego.send(ht, JSON.stringify({
186 error: err.message
187 }), 500);
188 }).done();
189 },
190 not_found: function(ht) {
191 return ego.send(ht, 'not found', 404);
192 }
193 };
194 for (k in self) {
195 v = self[k];
196 this[k] = v;
197 }
198 self = this;
199 for (k in ego) {
200 v = ego[k];
201 if (typeof v === 'function') {
202 v.bind(self);
203 }
204 }
205 ego.init();
206 return self;
207 }
209 return Server;