3.64 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6 */
7/// <reference types="yargs" />
8import { getVersion, SearchSource, TestScheduler, TestWatcher } from '@jest/core';
9import { run } from './cli';
10declare const _default: {
11 SearchSource: typeof SearchSource;
12 TestScheduler: typeof TestScheduler;
13 TestWatcher: typeof TestWatcher;
14 getVersion: typeof getVersion;
15 run: typeof run;
16 runCLI: (argv: import("yargs").Arguments<Partial<{
17 all: boolean;
18 automock: boolean;
19 bail: number | boolean;
20 browser: boolean;
21 cache: boolean;
22 cacheDirectory: string;
23 changedFilesWithAncestor: boolean;
24 changedSince: string;
25 ci: boolean;
26 clearCache: boolean;
27 clearMocks: boolean;
28 collectCoverage: boolean;
29 collectCoverageFrom: string;
30 collectCoverageOnlyFrom: string[];
31 color: boolean;
32 colors: boolean;
33 config: string;
34 coverage: boolean;
35 coverageDirectory: string;
36 coveragePathIgnorePatterns: string[];
37 coverageReporters: string[];
38 coverageThreshold: string;
39 debug: boolean;
40 env: string;
41 expand: boolean;
42 findRelatedTests: boolean;
43 forceExit: boolean;
44 globals: string;
45 globalSetup: string | null | undefined;
46 globalTeardown: string | null | undefined;
47 haste: string;
48 init: boolean;
49 json: boolean;
50 lastCommit: boolean;
51 logHeapUsage: boolean;
52 maxWorkers: string | number;
53 moduleDirectories: string[];
54 moduleFileExtensions: string[];
55 moduleNameMapper: string;
56 modulePathIgnorePatterns: string[];
57 modulePaths: string[];
58 noStackTrace: boolean;
59 notify: boolean;
60 notifyMode: string;
61 onlyChanged: boolean;
62 outputFile: string;
63 preset: string | null | undefined;
64 projects: string[];
65 prettierPath: string | null | undefined;
66 resetMocks: boolean;
67 resetModules: boolean;
68 resolver: string | null | undefined;
69 restoreMocks: boolean;
70 rootDir: string;
71 roots: string[];
72 runInBand: boolean;
73 setupFiles: string[];
74 setupFilesAfterEnv: string[];
75 showConfig: boolean;
76 silent: boolean;
77 snapshotSerializers: string[];
78 testEnvironment: string;
79 testFailureExitCode: string | null | undefined;
80 testMatch: string[];
81 testNamePattern: string;
82 testPathIgnorePatterns: string[];
83 testPathPattern: string[];
84 testRegex: string | string[];
85 testResultsProcessor: string | null | undefined;
86 testRunner: string;
87 testSequencer: string;
88 testURL: string;
89 testTimeout: number | null | undefined;
90 timers: string;
91 transform: string;
92 transformIgnorePatterns: string[];
93 unmockedModulePathPatterns: string[] | null | undefined;
94 updateSnapshot: boolean;
95 useStderr: boolean;
96 verbose: boolean | null | undefined;
97 version: boolean;
98 watch: boolean;
99 watchAll: boolean;
100 watchman: boolean;
101 watchPathIgnorePatterns: string[];
102 }>>, projects: string[]) => Promise<{
103 results: import("@jest/test-result").AggregatedResult;
104 globalConfig: import("@jest/types/build/Config").GlobalConfig;
105 }>;
107export = _default;
108//# sourceMappingURL=index.d.ts.map
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