1 | # Changelog
2 |
3 | ## [4.7.2] - 2023-05-06
4 |
5 | ### Fixed
6 |
7 | - Fixed missing type exports (#97)
8 |
9 | ## [4.7.1] - 2023-03-15
10 |
11 | ### Added
12 |
13 | - `useRequestHandler` allows you to dynamically handle every invoked request (#95) - by @rubenduiveman (#95)
14 |
15 | ## [4.6.3] - 2023-03-15
16 |
17 | ### Added
18 |
19 | - `useRequestHandler` allows you to dynamically handle every invoked request (#95) - by @rubenduiveman (#95)
20 |
21 | ## [4.7.0] (Beta 2) - 2022-11-12
22 |
23 | ### Added
24 |
25 | - Added (empty) default objects for configuration per HTTP verb (#88) - by @CezarManea (#89)
26 |
27 | ### Other
28 |
29 | - Bumped dependencies (Jest 29)
30 |
31 | ## [4.7.0] (Beta 1) - 2022-09-01
32 |
33 | ### Fixed
34 |
35 | - Using `Promise.reject` in interceptors triggers `UnhandledPromiseRejection` (#87)
36 |
37 | ### Changed
38 |
39 | - Calling `MockAxios.reset()` now resets interceptors as well
40 |
41 | ### Other
42 |
43 | - Updated dependencies (Jest 28)
44 |
45 | ## [4.6.2] - 2022-11-12
46 |
47 | ### Added
48 |
49 | - Added (empty) default objects for configuration per HTTP verb (#88) - by @CezarManea (#89)
50 |
51 | ## [4.6.1] - 2022-04-13
52 |
53 | ### Changed
54 |
55 | - Revert "Experimental support for native ESM" (#83)
56 |
57 | ## [4.6.0] - 2022-04-13
58 |
59 | ### Changed
60 |
61 | - Experimental support for native ESM (#79)
62 |
63 | ### Added
64 |
65 | - Interceptors are applied now (#82 by @yarilchenko)
66 |
67 | ## [4.5.0] - 2021-12-05
68 |
69 | ### Added
70 |
71 | - Added support for passing `params` in `getReqMatching` (with support from @kylorhall, #77)
72 |
73 | ## [4.4.1] - 2021-09-28
74 |
75 | ### Other
76 |
77 | - Updated dependencies (Jest 27)
78 |
79 | ## [4.4.0] - 2021-04-18
80 |
81 | ### Added
82 |
83 | - Added `getReqByRegex` by @Victorcorcos
84 |
85 | ### Other
86 |
87 | - Updated dependencies
88 |
89 | ## [4.3.0] - 2021-02-05
90 |
91 | ### Added
92 |
93 | - Added mock for `isAxiosError` by @mAAdhaTTah (#66)
94 | - Errors passed to `mockError` wil now have `isAxiosError` attached by @mAAdhaTTah (#66)
95 |
96 | ### Other
97 |
98 | - Updated dependencies
99 |
100 | ## [4.2.1] - 2020-07-21
101 |
102 | ### Fixed
103 |
104 | - Add mock for `interceptors.eject` by @webbushka
105 |
106 | ### Changed
107 |
108 | - Ignore case when matching HTTP methods by @Chris-Thompson-bnsf
109 |
110 | ## [4.2.0] - 2020-06-04
111 |
112 | ### Breaking
113 |
114 | - `throwIfRequested` in `CancelToken` now actually throws if requested (not surprising, so not "really" breaking)
115 |
116 | ### Added
117 |
118 | - Added `getReqByMatchUrl` (!52) by @niltonvasques
119 | - Expose pending requests as `queue` (!52) by @niltonvasques
120 |
121 | ### Fixed
122 |
123 | - Fixed some bugs regarding to the cancel implementation
124 |
125 | ## [4.1.0] - 2020-05-22
126 |
127 | ### Added
128 |
129 | - Support `axios(url, [config])` syntax
130 |
131 | ## [4.0.0] - 2020-04-28
132 |
133 | ### Changed
134 |
135 | - Using `.cancel` in the code to test now actually cancels (i.e. rejects) the axios call / promise.
136 |
137 | ### Removed
138 |
139 | - The signatures of `get`, `delete`, `head`, and `options` now align with these of axios, meaning that the third argument (used to be `data`) has been removed.
140 |
141 | ## [3.2.0] - 2019-12-08
142 |
143 | ### Added
144 |
145 | - Added `mockResponseFor` and `getReqMatching` to support more sophisticated request-responding (#43 by @ThiefMaster)
146 |
147 | ### Other
148 |
149 | - Updated dependencies
150 |
151 | ## [3.1.2] - 2019-10-26
152 |
153 | ### Other
154 |
155 | - Update dependencies
156 |
157 | ## [3.1.1] - 2019-09-07
158 |
159 | ### Fixed
160 |
161 | - Fixes an upstream bug in `synchronous-promise` where `finally` would be called too early (#38)
162 |
163 | ## [3.1.0] - 2019-07-29
164 |
165 | ### Changed
166 |
167 | - We switched the library for synchronous promises from `jest-mock-promise` to `synchronous-promise`. This offers us:
168 | - Support for `finally` (#35)
169 | - Better handling of `.catch` (#17)
170 |
171 | - The error object used for `mockError` is now passed directly to `catch` / `reject` instead of being cloned beforehand (#14) (Breaking)
172 |
173 |
174 | ### Removed
175 |
176 | - You can no longer pass the return value of `then` and `catch` to `lastPromiseGet`. This was an undocumented feature. Use the promise directly instead.
177 |
178 | ## [3.0.0] - 2019-04-27
179 |
180 | ### Added
181 |
182 | * Allow specifying requests to respond to (#1) - see README
183 | * Provide mocked cancellation (#30, #32), thanks @VanTanev
184 |
185 | ### Changed
186 |
187 | * Make interface methods non-optional in typings
188 |
189 |
190 | ## [2.4.0] - 2019-04-08
191 |
192 | ### Added
193 |
194 | - Add support for setting default common headers (#16)
195 |
196 | ### Changed
197 |
198 | - Throw more descriptive error messages when trying to respond to no request as described in #3 (throwing an error can be disabled totally by passing a new, third argument `silentMode` to `mockResponse` and `mockError`)
199 | - Improve type definitions (#25)
200 |
201 | ### Docs
202 |
203 | - Improved docs (#26)
204 |
205 | ## [2.3.0] - 2019-03-19
206 |
207 | ### Added
208 | - Add basic support for interceptors (#5, #23)
209 | - Add support for more methods (`patch`, `head`, `options`) (#11, #12)
210 | - Add support for `axios.all` (#21)
211 |
212 | ### Fixed
213 | - Fix typescript declarations (#10, #15)
214 |
215 | ### Other
216 | - Fix various README typos (#22)
217 | - Migrate internal build process from webpack to typescript (#10)