1 | # jest-mock-extended
2 | > Type safe mocking extensions for Jest 🃏
3 |
4 | [](https://travis-ci.com/marchaos/jest-mock-extended)
5 | [](https://coveralls.io/github/marchaos/jest-mock-extended?branch=master)
6 | [](https://badge.fury.io/js/jest-mock-extended)
7 | [](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
8 | [](https://badge.fury.io/js/jest-mock-extended)
9 |
10 | ## Features
11 | - Provides complete Typescript type safety for interfaces, argument types and return types
12 | - Ability to mock any interface or object
13 | - calledWith() extension to provide argument specific expectations, which works for objects and functions.
14 | - Extensive Matcher API compatible with Jasmine matchers
15 | - Supports mocking deep objects / class instances.
16 | - Familiar Jest like API
17 |
18 | ## Installation
19 | ```bash
20 | npm install jest-mock-extended --save-dev
21 | ```
22 | or
23 | ```bash
24 | yarn add jest-mock-extended --dev
25 | ```
26 |
27 | ## Example
28 |
29 | ```ts
30 | import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended';
31 |
32 | interface PartyProvider {
33 | getPartyType: () => string;
34 | getSongs: (type: string) => string[]
35 | start: (type: string) => void;
36 | }
37 |
38 | describe('Party Tests', () => {
39 | test('Mock out an interface', () => {
40 | const mock = mock<PartyProvider>();
41 | mock.start('disco party');
42 |
43 | expect(mock.start).toHaveBeenCalledWith('disco party');
44 | });
45 |
46 |
47 | test('mock out a return type', () => {
48 | const mock = mock<PartyProvider>();
49 | mock.getPartyType.mockReturnValue('west coast party');
50 |
51 | expect(mock.getPartyType()).toBe('west coast party');
52 | });
53 |
54 | test('throwing an error if we forget to specify the return value')
55 | const mock = mock<PartyProvider>(
56 | {},
57 | {
58 | fallbackMockImplementation: () => {
59 | throw new Error('not mocked');
60 | },
61 | }
62 | );
63 |
64 | expect(() => mock.getPartyType()).toThrowError('not mocked');
65 | });
66 | ```
67 |
68 | ## Assigning Mocks with a Type
69 |
70 | If you wish to assign a mock to a variable that requires a type in your test, then you should use the MockProxy<> type
71 | given that this will provide the apis for calledWith() and other built-in jest types for providing test functionality.
72 |
73 | ```ts
74 | import { MockProxy, mock } from 'jest-mock-extended';
75 |
76 | describe('test', () => {
77 | let myMock: MockProxy<MyInterface>;
78 |
79 | beforeEach(() => {
80 | myMock = mock<MyInterface>();
81 | })
82 |
83 | test(() => {
84 | myMock.calledWith(1).mockReturnValue(2);
85 | ...
86 | })
87 | });
88 |
89 | ```
90 |
91 | ## calledWith() Extension
92 |
93 | ```jest-mock-extended``` allows for invocation matching expectations. Types of arguments, even when using matchers are type checked.
94 |
95 | ```ts
96 | const provider = mock<PartyProvider>();
97 | provider.getSongs.calledWith('disco party').mockReturnValue(['Dance the night away', 'Stayin Alive']);
98 | expect(provider.getSongs('disco party')).toEqual(['Dance the night away', 'Stayin Alive']);
99 |
100 | // Matchers
101 | provider.getSongs.calledWith(any()).mockReturnValue(['Saw her standing there']);
102 | provider.getSongs.calledWith(anyString()).mockReturnValue(['Saw her standing there']);
103 |
104 | ```
105 | You can also use ```mockFn()``` to create a ```jest.fn()``` with the calledWith extension:
106 |
107 | ```ts
108 | type MyFn = (x: number, y: number) => Promise<string>;
109 | const fn = mockFn<MyFn>();
110 | fn.calledWith(1, 2).mockReturnValue('str');
111 | ```
112 |
113 | ## Clearing / Resetting Mocks
114 |
115 | ```jest-mock-extended``` exposes a mockClear and mockReset for resetting or clearing mocks with the same
116 | functionality as ```jest.fn()```.
117 |
118 | ```ts
119 | import { mock, mockClear, mockReset } from 'jest-mock-extended';
120 |
121 | describe('test', () => {
122 | const mock: UserService = mock<UserService>();
123 |
124 | beforeEach(() => {
125 | mockReset(mock); // or mockClear(mock)
126 | });
127 | ...
128 | })
129 | ```
130 |
131 | ## Deep mocks
132 |
133 | If your class has objects returns from methods that you would also like to mock, you can use ```mockDeep``` in
134 | replacement for mock.
135 |
136 | ```ts
137 | import { mockDeep } from 'jest-mock-extended';
138 |
139 | const mockObj: DeepMockProxy<Test1> = mockDeep<Test1>();
140 | mockObj.deepProp.getNumber.calledWith(1).mockReturnValue(4);
141 | expect(mockObj.deepProp.getNumber(1)).toBe(4);
142 | ```
143 | if you also need support for properties on functions, you can pass in an option to enable this
144 |
145 | ```ts
146 | import { mockDeep } from 'jest-mock-extended';
147 |
148 | const mockObj: DeepMockProxy<Test1> = mockDeep<Test1>({ funcPropSupport: true });
149 | mockObj.deepProp.calledWith(1).mockReturnValue(3)
150 | mockObj.deepProp.getNumber.calledWith(1).mockReturnValue(4);
151 |
152 | expect(mockObj.deepProp(1)).toBe(3);
153 | expect(mockObj.deepProp.getNumber(1)).toBe(4);
154 | ```
155 |
156 | Can can provide a fallback mock implementation used if you do not define a return value using `calledWith`.
157 |
158 | ```ts
159 | import { mockDeep } from 'jest-mock-extended';
160 | const mockObj = mockDeep<Test1>({
161 | fallbackMockImplementation: () => {
162 | throw new Error('please add expected return value using calledWith');
163 | },
164 | });
165 | expect(() => mockObj.getNumber()).toThrowError('not mocked');
166 | ```
167 |
168 |
169 | ## Available Matchers
170 |
171 |
172 | | Matcher | Description |
173 | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
174 | |any() | Matches any arg of any type. |
175 | |anyBoolean() | Matches any boolean (true or false) |
176 | |anyString() | Matches any string including empty string |
177 | |anyNumber() | Matches any number that is not NaN |
178 | |anyFunction() | Matches any function |
179 | |anyObject() | Matches any object (typeof m === 'object') and is not null |
180 | |anyArray() | Matches any array |
181 | |anyMap() | Matches any Map |
182 | |anySet() | Matches any Set |
183 | |isA(class) | e.g isA(DiscoPartyProvider) |
184 | |includes('value') | Checks if value is in the argument array |
185 | |containsKey('key') | Checks if the key exists in the object |
186 | |containsValue('value') | Checks if the value exists in an object |
187 | |has('value') | checks if the value exists in a Set |
188 | |notNull() | value !== null |
189 | |notUndefined() | value !== undefined |
190 | |notEmpty() | value !== undefined && value !== null && value !== '' |
191 | |captor() | Used to capture an arg - alternative to mock.calls[0][0] |
192 |
193 | ## Writing a Custom Matcher
194 |
195 | Custom matchers can be written using a ```MatcherCreator```
196 |
197 | ```ts
198 | import { MatcherCreator, Matcher } from 'jest-mock-extended';
199 |
200 | // expectedValue is optional
201 | export const myMatcher: MatcherCreator<MyType> = (expectedValue) => new Matcher((actualValue) => {
202 | return (expectedValue === actualValue && actualValue.isSpecial);
203 | });
204 | ```
205 |
206 | By default, the expected value and actual value are the same type. In the case where you need to type the expected value
207 | differently than the actual value, you can use the optional 2 generic parameter:
208 |
209 | ```ts
210 | import { MatcherCreator, Matcher } from 'jest-mock-extended';
211 |
212 | // expectedValue is optional
213 | export const myMatcher: MatcherCreator<string[], string> = (expectedValue) => new Matcher((actualValue) => {
214 | return (actualValue.includes(expectedValue));
215 | });
216 | ```