1 | "use strict";
2 | var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
3 | if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
4 | var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
5 | if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
6 | desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
7 | }
8 | Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
9 | }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
10 | if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
11 | o[k2] = m[k];
12 | }));
13 | var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
14 | Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
15 | }) : function(o, v) {
16 | o["default"] = v;
17 | });
18 | var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
19 | if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
20 | var result = {};
21 | if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
22 | __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
23 | return result;
24 | };
25 | var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
26 | return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
27 | };
28 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
29 | exports.Test6 = void 0;
30 | const Mock_1 = __importStar(require("./Mock"));
31 | const Matchers_1 = require("./Matchers");
32 | const CalledWithFn_1 = __importDefault(require("./CalledWithFn"));
33 | class Test1 {
34 | constructor(id) {
35 | this.deepProp = new Test2();
36 | this.id = id;
37 | this.anotherPart = id;
38 | }
39 | ofAnother(test) {
40 | return test.getNumber();
41 | }
42 | getNumber() {
43 | return this.id;
44 | }
45 | getNumberWithMockArg(mock) {
46 | return this.id;
47 | }
48 | getSomethingWithArgs(arg1, arg2) {
49 | return this.id;
50 | }
51 | getSomethingWithMoreArgs(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
52 | return this.id;
53 | }
54 | }
55 | class Test2 {
56 | constructor() {
57 | this.deeperProp = new Test3();
58 | }
59 | getNumber(num) {
60 | return num * 2;
61 | }
62 | getAnotherString(str) {
63 | return `${str} another string`;
64 | }
65 | }
66 | class Test3 {
67 | getNumber(num) {
68 | return num ^ 2;
69 | }
70 | }
71 | class Test4 {
72 | constructor(test1, int) { }
73 | }
74 | class Test6 {
75 | constructor(funcValueProp, id) {
76 | this.id = id;
77 | this.funcValueProp = funcValueProp;
78 | }
79 | }
80 | exports.Test6 = Test6;
81 | describe('jest-mock-extended', () => {
82 | test('Can be assigned back to itself even when there are private parts', () => {
83 |
84 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
85 |
86 | new Test1(1).ofAnother(mockObj);
87 | expect(mockObj.getNumber).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
88 | });
89 | test('Check that a jest.fn() is created without any invocation to the mock method', () => {
90 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
91 | expect(mockObj.getNumber).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
92 | });
93 | test('Check that invocations are registered', () => {
94 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
95 | mockObj.getNumber();
96 | mockObj.getNumber();
97 | expect(mockObj.getNumber).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
98 | });
99 | test('Can mock a return value', () => {
100 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
101 | mockObj.getNumber.mockReturnValue(12);
102 | expect(mockObj.getNumber()).toBe(12);
103 | });
104 | test('Can specify args', () => {
105 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
106 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2);
107 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs).toBeCalledWith(1, 2);
108 | });
109 | test('Can specify calledWith', () => {
110 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
111 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(1, 2).mockReturnValue(1);
112 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(1);
113 | });
114 | test('Can specify fallbackMockImplementation', () => {
115 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)({}, {
116 | fallbackMockImplementation: () => {
117 | throw new Error('not mocked');
118 | },
119 | });
120 | expect(() => mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toThrowError('not mocked');
121 | });
122 | test('Can specify multiple calledWith', () => {
123 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
124 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(1, 2).mockReturnValue(3);
125 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(6, 7).mockReturnValue(13);
126 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(3);
127 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(6, 7)).toBe(13);
128 | });
129 | test('Can set props', () => {
130 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
131 | mockObj.id = 17;
132 | expect(mockObj.id).toBe(17);
133 | });
134 | test('Can set false and null boolean props', () => {
135 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)({
136 | someValue: false,
137 | });
138 | const mockObj2 = (0, Mock_1.default)({
139 | someValue: null,
140 | });
141 | expect(mockObj.someValue).toBe(false);
142 | expect(mockObj2.someValue).toBe(null);
143 | });
144 | test('can set undefined explicitly', () => {
145 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)({
146 | someValue: undefined,
147 | });
148 | expect(mockObj.someValue).toBe(undefined);
149 | });
150 | test('Equals self', () => {
151 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
152 | expect(mockObj).toBe(mockObj);
153 | expect(mockObj).toEqual(mockObj);
154 | const spy = jest.fn();
155 | spy(mockObj);
156 | expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockObj);
157 | });
158 | describe('Mimic Type', () => {
159 | test('can use MockProxy in place of Mock Type', () => {
160 | const t1 = (0, Mock_1.default)();
161 | const i1 = (0, Mock_1.default)();
162 |
163 | const f = new Test4(t1, i1);
164 | });
165 | });
166 | describe('calledWith', () => {
167 | test('can use calledWith without mock', () => {
168 | const mockFunc = (0, CalledWithFn_1.default)();
169 | mockFunc.calledWith((0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)(), (0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)()).mockReturnValue(3);
170 | expect(mockFunc(1, 2)).toBe(3);
171 | });
172 | test('Can specify matchers', () => {
173 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
174 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith((0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)(), (0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)()).mockReturnValue(3);
175 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(3);
176 | });
177 | test('does not match when one arg does not match Matcher', () => {
178 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
179 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith((0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)(), (0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)()).mockReturnValue(3);
180 |
181 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs('1', 2)).toBe(undefined);
182 | });
183 | test('can use literals', () => {
184 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
185 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(1, 2).mockReturnValue(3);
186 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(3);
187 | });
188 | test('can mix Matchers with literals', () => {
189 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
190 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(1, (0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)()).mockReturnValue(3);
191 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(3);
192 | });
193 | test('supports multiple calledWith', () => {
194 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
195 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(2, (0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)()).mockReturnValue(4);
196 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(1, (0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)()).mockReturnValue(3);
197 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(6, (0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)()).mockReturnValue(7);
198 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(2, 2)).toBe(4);
199 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(3);
200 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(6, 2)).toBe(7);
201 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(7, 2)).toBe(undefined);
202 | });
203 | test('supports overriding with same args', () => {
204 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
205 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(1, 2).mockReturnValue(4);
206 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(1, 2).mockReturnValue(3);
207 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(3);
208 | });
209 | test('Support jest matcher', () => {
210 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
211 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(expect.anything(), expect.anything()).mockReturnValue(3);
212 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(3);
213 | });
214 | test('Suport mix Matchers with literals and with jest matcher', () => {
215 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
216 | mockObj.getSomethingWithMoreArgs.calledWith((0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)(), expect.anything(), 3).mockReturnValue(4);
217 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithMoreArgs(1, 2, 3)).toBe(4);
218 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithMoreArgs(1, 2, 4)).toBeUndefined;
219 | });
220 | test('Can use calledWith with an other mock', () => {
221 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
222 | const mockArg = (0, Mock_1.default)();
223 | mockObj.getNumberWithMockArg.calledWith(mockArg).mockReturnValue(4);
224 | expect(mockObj.getNumberWithMockArg(mockArg)).toBe(4);
225 | });
226 | });
227 | describe('Matchers with toHaveBeenCalledWith', () => {
228 | test('matchers allow all args to be Matcher based', () => {
229 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
230 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(2, 4);
231 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs).toHaveBeenCalledWith((0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)(), (0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)());
232 | });
233 | test('matchers allow for a mix of Matcher and literal', () => {
234 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
235 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(2, 4);
236 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs).toHaveBeenCalledWith((0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)(), 4);
237 | });
238 | test('matchers allow for not.toHaveBeenCalledWith', () => {
239 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
240 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(2, 4);
241 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith((0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)(), 5);
242 | });
243 | });
244 | describe('Deep mock support', () => {
245 | test('can deep mock members', () => {
246 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)();
247 | mockObj.deepProp.getNumber.calledWith(1).mockReturnValue(4);
248 | expect(mockObj.deepProp.getNumber(1)).toBe(4);
249 | });
250 | test('three level deep mock', () => {
251 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)();
252 | mockObj.deepProp.deeperProp.getNumber.calledWith(1).mockReturnValue(4);
253 | expect(mockObj.deepProp.deeperProp.getNumber(1)).toBe(4);
254 | });
255 | test('maintains API for deep mocks', () => {
256 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)();
257 | mockObj.deepProp.getNumber(100);
258 | expect(mockObj.deepProp.getNumber.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe(100);
259 | });
260 | test('non deep expectation work as expected', () => {
261 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)();
262 | new Test1(1).ofAnother(mockObj);
263 | expect(mockObj.getNumber).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
264 | });
265 | test('deep expectation work as expected', () => {
266 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)();
267 | mockObj.deepProp.getNumber(2);
268 | expect(mockObj.deepProp.getNumber).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
269 | });
270 | test('fallback mock implementation can be overridden', () => {
271 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)({
272 | fallbackMockImplementation: () => {
273 | throw new Error('not mocked');
274 | },
275 | });
276 | mockObj.deepProp.getAnotherString.calledWith('foo');
277 | expect(() => mockObj.getNumber()).toThrowError('not mocked');
278 | expect(() => mockObj.deepProp.getAnotherString('foo')).toThrowError('not mocked');
279 | });
280 | test('fallback mock implementation can be overridden while also providing a mock implementation', () => {
281 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)({
282 | fallbackMockImplementation: () => {
283 | throw new Error('not mocked');
284 | },
285 | }, {
286 | getNumber: () => {
287 | return 150;
288 | },
289 | });
290 | mockObj.deepProp.getAnotherString.calledWith('?').mockReturnValue('mocked');
291 | expect(mockObj.getNumber()).toBe(150);
292 | expect(mockObj.deepProp.getAnotherString('?')).toBe('mocked');
293 | expect(() => mockObj.deepProp.getNumber(1)).toThrowError('not mocked');
294 | expect(() => mockObj.deepProp.getAnotherString('!')).toThrowError('not mocked');
295 | });
296 | });
297 | describe('Deep mock support for class variables which are functions but also have nested properties and functions', () => {
298 | test('can deep mock members', () => {
299 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)({ funcPropSupport: true });
300 | const input = new Test1(1);
301 | mockObj.funcValueProp.nonDeepProp.calledWith(input).mockReturnValue(4);
302 | expect(mockObj.funcValueProp.nonDeepProp(input)).toBe(4);
303 | });
304 | test('three or more level deep mock', () => {
305 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)({ funcPropSupport: true });
306 | mockObj.funcValueProp.deepProp.deeperProp.getNumber.calledWith(1).mockReturnValue(4);
307 | expect(mockObj.funcValueProp.deepProp.deeperProp.getNumber(1)).toBe(4);
308 | });
309 | test('maintains API for deep mocks', () => {
310 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)({ funcPropSupport: true });
311 | mockObj.funcValueProp.deepProp.getNumber(100);
312 | expect(mockObj.funcValueProp.deepProp.getNumber.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe(100);
313 | });
314 | test('deep expectation work as expected', () => {
315 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)();
316 | mockObj.funcValueProp.deepProp.getNumber(2);
317 | expect(mockObj.funcValueProp.deepProp.getNumber).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
318 | });
319 | test('can mock base function which have properties', () => {
320 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)();
321 | mockObj.funcValueProp.calledWith(1).mockReturnValue(2);
322 | expect(mockObj.funcValueProp(1)).toBe(2);
323 | });
324 | test('base function expectation work as expected', () => {
325 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)();
326 | mockObj.funcValueProp(1);
327 | expect(mockObj.funcValueProp).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
328 | });
329 | });
330 | describe('mock implementation support', () => {
331 | test('can provide mock implementation for props', () => {
332 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)({
333 | id: 61,
334 | });
335 | expect(mockObj.id).toBe(61);
336 | });
337 | test('can provide mock implementation for functions', () => {
338 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)({
339 | getNumber: () => {
340 | return 150;
341 | },
342 | });
343 | expect(mockObj.getNumber()).toBe(150);
344 | });
345 | test('Partially mocked implementations can have non-mocked function expectations', () => {
346 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)({
347 | getNumber: () => {
348 | return 150;
349 | },
350 | });
351 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(1, 2).mockReturnValue(3);
352 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(3);
353 | });
354 | test('can provide deep mock implementations', () => {
355 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)({
356 | deepProp: {
357 | getNumber: (num) => {
358 | return 76;
359 | },
360 | },
361 | });
362 | expect(mockObj.deepProp.getNumber(123)).toBe(76);
363 | });
364 | test('Partially mocked implementations of deep mocks can have non-mocked function expectations', () => {
365 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)({
366 | deepProp: {
367 | getNumber: (num) => {
368 | return 76;
369 | },
370 | },
371 | });
372 | mockObj.deepProp.getAnotherString.calledWith('abc').mockReturnValue('this string');
373 | expect(mockObj.deepProp.getAnotherString('abc')).toBe('this string');
374 | });
375 | });
376 | describe('Promise', () => {
377 | test('Can return as Promise.resolve', async () => {
378 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
379 | mockObj.id = 17;
380 | const promiseMockObj = Promise.resolve(mockObj);
381 | await expect(promiseMockObj).resolves.toBeDefined();
382 | await expect(promiseMockObj).resolves.toMatchObject({ id: 17 });
383 | });
384 | test('Can return as Promise.reject', async () => {
385 | const mockError = (0, Mock_1.default)();
386 | mockError.message = '17';
387 | const promiseMockObj = Promise.reject(mockError);
388 | try {
389 | await promiseMockObj;
390 | fail('Promise must be rejected');
391 | }
392 | catch (e) {
393 | await expect(e).toBeDefined();
394 | await expect(e).toBe(mockError);
395 | await expect(e).toHaveProperty('message', '17');
396 | }
397 | await expect(promiseMockObj).rejects.toBeDefined();
398 | await expect(promiseMockObj).rejects.toBe(mockError);
399 | await expect(promiseMockObj).rejects.toHaveProperty('message', '17');
400 | });
401 | test('Can mock a then function', async () => {
402 | const mockPromiseObj = Promise.resolve(42);
403 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
404 | mockObj.id = 17;
405 |
406 | mockObj.then = mockPromiseObj.then.bind(mockPromiseObj);
407 | const promiseMockObj = Promise.resolve(mockObj);
408 | await promiseMockObj;
409 | await expect(promiseMockObj).resolves.toBeDefined();
410 | await expect(promiseMockObj).resolves.toEqual(42);
411 | });
412 | });
413 | describe('clearing / resetting', () => {
414 | test('mockReset supports jest.fn()', () => {
415 | const fn = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => true);
416 | expect(fn()).toBe(true);
417 | (0, Mock_1.mockReset)(fn);
418 | expect(fn()).toBe(undefined);
419 | });
420 | test('mockClear supports jest.fn()', () => {
421 | const fn = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => true);
422 | fn();
423 | expect(fn.mock.calls.length).toBe(1);
424 | (0, Mock_1.mockClear)(fn);
425 | expect(fn.mock.calls.length).toBe(0);
426 | });
427 | test('mockReset object', () => {
428 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
429 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(1, (0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)()).mockReturnValue(3);
430 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(3);
431 | (0, Mock_1.mockReset)(mockObj);
432 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(undefined);
433 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(1, (0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)()).mockReturnValue(3);
434 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(3);
435 | });
436 | test('mockClear object', () => {
437 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
438 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(1, (0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)()).mockReturnValue(3);
439 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(3);
440 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.mock.calls.length).toBe(1);
441 | (0, Mock_1.mockClear)(mockObj);
442 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.mock.calls.length).toBe(0);
443 |
444 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(3);
445 | });
446 | test('mockReset deep', () => {
447 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)();
448 | mockObj.deepProp.getNumber.calledWith(1).mockReturnValue(4);
449 | expect(mockObj.deepProp.getNumber(1)).toBe(4);
450 | (0, Mock_1.mockReset)(mockObj);
451 | expect(mockObj.deepProp.getNumber(1)).toBe(undefined);
452 | });
453 | test('mockClear deep', () => {
454 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.mockDeep)();
455 | mockObj.deepProp.getNumber.calledWith(1).mockReturnValue(4);
456 | expect(mockObj.deepProp.getNumber(1)).toBe(4);
457 | expect(mockObj.deepProp.getNumber.mock.calls.length).toBe(1);
458 | (0, Mock_1.mockClear)(mockObj);
459 | expect(mockObj.deepProp.getNumber.mock.calls.length).toBe(0);
460 |
461 | expect(mockObj.deepProp.getNumber(1)).toBe(4);
462 | });
463 | test('mockReset ignores undefined properties', () => {
464 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
465 | mockObj.someValue = undefined;
466 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(1, (0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)()).mockReturnValue(3);
467 | (0, Mock_1.mockReset)(mockObj);
468 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(undefined);
469 | });
470 | test('mockReset ignores null properties', () => {
471 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
472 | mockObj.someValue = null;
473 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(1, (0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)()).mockReturnValue(3);
474 | (0, Mock_1.mockReset)(mockObj);
475 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(undefined);
476 | });
477 | test('mockClear ignores undefined properties', () => {
478 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
479 | mockObj.someValue = undefined;
480 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(1, (0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)()).mockReturnValue(3);
481 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(3);
482 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.mock.calls.length).toBe(1);
483 | (0, Mock_1.mockClear)(mockObj);
484 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.mock.calls.length).toBe(0);
485 | });
486 | test('mockClear ignores null properties', () => {
487 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
488 | mockObj.someValue = null;
489 | mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.calledWith(1, (0, Matchers_1.anyNumber)()).mockReturnValue(3);
490 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs(1, 2)).toBe(3);
491 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.mock.calls.length).toBe(1);
492 | (0, Mock_1.mockClear)(mockObj);
493 | expect(mockObj.getSomethingWithArgs.mock.calls.length).toBe(0);
494 | });
495 | });
496 | describe('function mock', () => {
497 | test('should mock function', async () => {
498 | const mockFunc = (0, Mock_1.mockFn)();
499 | mockFunc.mockResolvedValue(`str`);
500 | const result = await mockFunc(1, 2);
501 | expect(result).toBe(`str`);
502 | });
503 | test('should mock function and use calledWith', async () => {
504 | const mockFunc = (0, Mock_1.mockFn)();
505 | mockFunc.calledWith(1, 2).mockResolvedValue(`str`);
506 | const result = await mockFunc(1, 2);
507 | expect(result).toBe(`str`);
508 | });
509 | });
510 | describe('ignoreProps', () => {
511 | test('can configure ignoreProps', async () => {
512 | Mock_1.JestMockExtended.configure({ ignoreProps: ['ignoreMe'] });
513 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
514 | expect(mockObj.ignoreMe).toBeUndefined();
515 | expect(mockObj.dontIgnoreMe).toBeDefined();
516 | });
517 | });
518 | describe('JestMockExtended config', () => {
519 | test('can mock then', async () => {
520 | Mock_1.JestMockExtended.configure({ ignoreProps: [] });
521 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
522 | mockObj.then();
523 | expect(mockObj.then).toHaveBeenCalled();
524 | });
525 | test('can reset config', async () => {
526 | Mock_1.JestMockExtended.configure({ ignoreProps: [] });
527 | Mock_1.JestMockExtended.resetConfig();
528 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)();
529 | expect(mockObj.then).toBeUndefined();
530 | });
531 | });
532 | describe('mock Date', () => {
533 | test('should call built-in date functions', () => {
534 | const mockObj = (0, Mock_1.default)({ date: new Date('2000-01-15') });
535 | expect(mockObj.date.getFullYear()).toBe(2000);
536 | expect(mockObj.date.getMonth()).toBe(0);
537 | expect(mockObj.date.getDate()).toBe(15);
538 | });
539 | });
540 | });