1 | System.register(['react', 'jotai'], (function (exports) {
2 | 'use strict';
3 | var useContext, useState, useEffect, useDebugValue, useRef, useCallback, SECRET_INTERNAL_getScopeContext, useAtom;
4 | return {
5 | setters: [function (module) {
6 | useContext = module.useContext;
7 | useState = module.useState;
8 | useEffect = module.useEffect;
9 | useDebugValue = module.useDebugValue;
10 | useRef = module.useRef;
11 | useCallback = module.useCallback;
12 | }, function (module) {
13 | SECRET_INTERNAL_getScopeContext = module.SECRET_INTERNAL_getScopeContext;
14 | useAtom = module.useAtom;
15 | }],
16 | execute: (function () {
17 |
18 | exports({
19 | useAtomDevtools: useAtomDevtools,
20 | useAtomsDevtools: useAtomsDevtools,
21 | useAtomsSnapshot: useAtomsSnapshot,
22 | useGotoAtomsSnapshot: useGotoAtomsSnapshot
23 | });
24 |
25 | const RESTORE_ATOMS = "h";
26 | const DEV_SUBSCRIBE_STATE = "n";
27 | const DEV_GET_MOUNTED_ATOMS = "l";
28 | const DEV_GET_ATOM_STATE = "a";
29 | const DEV_GET_MOUNTED = "m";
30 |
31 | const atomToPrintable$1 = (atom) => atom.debugLabel || atom.toString();
32 | const stateToPrintable = ([store, atoms]) => Object.fromEntries(
33 | atoms.flatMap((atom) => {
34 | var _a, _b;
35 | const mounted = (_a = store[DEV_GET_MOUNTED]) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(store, atom);
36 | if (!mounted) {
37 | return [];
38 | }
39 | const dependents = mounted.t;
40 | const atomState = ((_b = store[DEV_GET_ATOM_STATE]) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(store, atom)) || {};
41 | return [
42 | [
43 | atomToPrintable$1(atom),
44 | {
45 | ..."e" in atomState && { error: atomState.e },
46 | ..."p" in atomState && { promise: atomState.p },
47 | ..."v" in atomState && { value: atomState.v },
48 | dependents: Array.from(dependents).map(atomToPrintable$1)
49 | }
50 | ]
51 | ];
52 | })
53 | );
54 | const useAtomsDebugValue = exports('useAtomsDebugValue', (options) => {
55 | var _a;
56 | const enabled = (_a = options == null ? void 0 : options.enabled) != null ? _a : true;
57 | const ScopeContext = SECRET_INTERNAL_getScopeContext(options == null ? void 0 : options.scope);
58 | const { s: store } = useContext(ScopeContext);
59 | const [atoms, setAtoms] = useState([]);
60 | useEffect(() => {
61 | var _a2;
62 | if (!enabled) {
63 | return;
64 | }
65 | const callback = () => {
66 | var _a3;
67 | setAtoms(Array.from(((_a3 = store[DEV_GET_MOUNTED_ATOMS]) == null ? void 0 : _a3.call(store)) || []));
68 | };
69 | const unsubscribe = (_a2 = store[DEV_SUBSCRIBE_STATE]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(store, callback);
70 | callback();
71 | return unsubscribe;
72 | }, [enabled, store]);
73 | useDebugValue([store, atoms], stateToPrintable);
74 | });
75 |
76 | function useAtomDevtools(anAtom, options, deprecatedScope) {
77 | if (typeof options === "string" || typeof deprecatedScope !== "undefined") {
78 | console.warn("DEPRECATED [useAtomDevtools] use DevtoolOptions");
79 | options = {
80 | name: options,
81 | scope: deprecatedScope
82 | };
83 | }
84 | const { enabled, name, scope } = options || {};
85 | let extension;
86 | try {
87 | extension = (enabled != null ? enabled : true) && window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__;
88 | } catch {
89 | }
90 | if (!extension) {
91 | if (enabled) {
92 | console.warn("Please install/enable Redux devtools extension");
93 | }
94 | }
95 | const [value, setValue] = useAtom(anAtom, scope);
96 | const lastValue = useRef(value);
97 | const isTimeTraveling = useRef(false);
98 | const devtools = useRef();
99 | const atomName = name || anAtom.debugLabel || anAtom.toString();
100 | useEffect(() => {
101 | if (!extension) {
102 | return;
103 | }
104 | const setValueIfWritable = (value2) => {
105 | if (typeof setValue === "function") {
106 | setValue(value2);
107 | return;
108 | }
109 | console.warn(
110 | "[Warn] you cannot do write operations (Time-travelling, etc) in read-only atoms\n",
111 | anAtom
112 | );
113 | };
114 | devtools.current = extension.connect({ name: atomName });
115 | const unsubscribe = devtools.current.subscribe((message) => {
116 | var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
117 | if (message.type === "ACTION" && message.payload) {
118 | try {
119 | setValueIfWritable(JSON.parse(message.payload));
120 | } catch (e) {
121 | console.error(
122 | "please dispatch a serializable value that JSON.parse() support\n",
123 | e
124 | );
125 | }
126 | } else if (message.type === "DISPATCH" && message.state) {
127 | if (((_a = message.payload) == null ? void 0 : _a.type) === "JUMP_TO_ACTION" || ((_b = message.payload) == null ? void 0 : _b.type) === "JUMP_TO_STATE") {
128 | isTimeTraveling.current = true;
129 | setValueIfWritable(JSON.parse(message.state));
130 | }
131 | } else if (message.type === "DISPATCH" && ((_c = message.payload) == null ? void 0 : _c.type) === "COMMIT") {
132 | (_d = devtools.current) == null ? void 0 : _d.init(lastValue.current);
133 | } else if (message.type === "DISPATCH" && ((_e = message.payload) == null ? void 0 : _e.type) === "IMPORT_STATE") {
134 | const computedStates = ((_f = message.payload.nextLiftedState) == null ? void 0 : _f.computedStates) || [];
135 | computedStates.forEach(({ state }, index) => {
136 | var _a2;
137 | if (index === 0) {
138 | (_a2 = devtools.current) == null ? void 0 : _a2.init(state);
139 | } else {
140 | setValueIfWritable(state);
141 | }
142 | });
143 | }
144 | });
145 | devtools.current.shouldInit = true;
146 | return unsubscribe;
147 | }, [anAtom, extension, atomName, setValue]);
148 | useEffect(() => {
149 | if (!devtools.current) {
150 | return;
151 | }
152 | lastValue.current = value;
153 | if (devtools.current.shouldInit) {
154 | devtools.current.init(value);
155 | devtools.current.shouldInit = false;
156 | } else if (isTimeTraveling.current) {
157 | isTimeTraveling.current = false;
158 | } else {
159 | devtools.current.send(
160 | `${atomName} - ${new Date().toLocaleString()}`,
161 | value
162 | );
163 | }
164 | }, [anAtom, extension, atomName, value]);
165 | }
166 |
167 | const isEqualAtomsValues = (left, right) => left.size === right.size && Array.from(left).every(([left2, v]) => Object.is(right.get(left2), v));
168 | const isEqualAtomsDependents = (left, right) => left.size === right.size && Array.from(left).every(([a, dLeft]) => {
169 | const dRight = right.get(a);
170 | return dRight && dLeft.size === dRight.size && Array.from(dLeft).every((d) => dRight.has(d));
171 | });
172 | function useAtomsSnapshot(scope) {
173 | const ScopeContext = SECRET_INTERNAL_getScopeContext(scope);
174 | const scopeContainer = useContext(ScopeContext);
175 | const store = scopeContainer.s;
176 | const [atomsSnapshot, setAtomsSnapshot] = useState(() => ({
177 | values: new Map(),
178 | dependents: new Map()
179 | }));
180 | useEffect(() => {
181 | if (!store[DEV_SUBSCRIBE_STATE])
182 | return;
183 | let prevValues = new Map();
184 | let prevDependents = new Map();
185 | const invalidatedAtoms = new Set();
186 | const callback = () => {
187 | const values = new Map();
188 | const dependents = new Map();
189 | let hasNewInvalidatedAtoms = false;
190 | for (const atom of store[DEV_GET_MOUNTED_ATOMS]() || []) {
191 | const atomState = store[DEV_GET_ATOM_STATE](atom);
192 | if (atomState) {
193 | if (!atomState.y) {
194 | if ("p" in atomState) {
195 | return;
196 | }
197 | if (!invalidatedAtoms.has(atom)) {
198 | invalidatedAtoms.add(atom);
199 | hasNewInvalidatedAtoms = true;
200 | }
201 | }
202 | if ("v" in atomState) {
203 | values.set(atom, atomState.v);
204 | }
205 | }
206 | const mounted = store[DEV_GET_MOUNTED](atom);
207 | if (mounted) {
208 | dependents.set(atom, mounted.t);
209 | }
210 | }
211 | if (hasNewInvalidatedAtoms) {
212 | return;
213 | }
214 | if (isEqualAtomsValues(prevValues, values) && isEqualAtomsDependents(prevDependents, dependents)) {
215 | return;
216 | }
217 | prevValues = values;
218 | prevDependents = dependents;
219 | invalidatedAtoms.clear();
220 | setAtomsSnapshot({ values, dependents });
221 | };
222 | const unsubscribe = store[DEV_SUBSCRIBE_STATE](callback);
223 | callback();
224 | return unsubscribe;
225 | }, [store]);
226 | return atomsSnapshot;
227 | }
228 |
229 | function useGotoAtomsSnapshot(scope) {
230 | const ScopeContext = SECRET_INTERNAL_getScopeContext(scope);
231 | const { s: store, w: versionedWrite } = useContext(ScopeContext);
232 | return useCallback(
233 | (snapshot) => {
234 | if (!store[DEV_SUBSCRIBE_STATE])
235 | return;
236 | const restoreAtoms = (values) => {
237 | if (versionedWrite) {
238 | versionedWrite((version) => {
239 | store[RESTORE_ATOMS](values, version);
240 | });
241 | } else {
242 | store[RESTORE_ATOMS](values);
243 | }
244 | };
245 | if (isIterable(snapshot)) {
246 | {
247 | console.warn(
248 | "snapshot as iterable is deprecated. use an object instead."
249 | );
250 | }
251 | restoreAtoms(snapshot);
252 | return;
253 | }
254 | restoreAtoms(snapshot.values);
255 | },
256 | [store, versionedWrite]
257 | );
258 | }
259 | const isIterable = (item) => {
260 | return typeof item[Symbol.iterator] === "function";
261 | };
262 |
263 | const atomToPrintable = (atom) => atom.debugLabel ? `${atom}:${atom.debugLabel}` : `${atom}`;
264 | const getDevtoolsState = (atomsSnapshot) => {
265 | const values = {};
266 | atomsSnapshot.values.forEach((v, atom) => {
267 | values[atomToPrintable(atom)] = v;
268 | });
269 | const dependents = {};
270 | atomsSnapshot.dependents.forEach((d, atom) => {
271 | dependents[atomToPrintable(atom)] = Array.from(d).map(atomToPrintable);
272 | });
273 | return {
274 | values,
275 | dependents
276 | };
277 | };
278 | function useAtomsDevtools(name, options) {
279 | if (typeof options !== "undefined" && typeof options !== "object") {
280 | console.warn("DEPRECATED [useAtomsDevtools] use DevtoolsOptions");
281 | options = { scope: options };
282 | }
283 | const { enabled, scope } = options || {};
284 | let extension;
285 | try {
286 | extension = (enabled != null ? enabled : true) && window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__;
287 | } catch {
288 | }
289 | if (!extension) {
290 | if (enabled) {
291 | console.warn("Please install/enable Redux devtools extension");
292 | }
293 | }
294 | const atomsSnapshot = useAtomsSnapshot(scope);
295 | const goToSnapshot = useGotoAtomsSnapshot(scope);
296 | const isTimeTraveling = useRef(false);
297 | const isRecording = useRef(true);
298 | const devtools = useRef();
299 | const snapshots = useRef([]);
300 | useEffect(() => {
301 | if (!extension) {
302 | return;
303 | }
304 | const getSnapshotAt = (index = snapshots.current.length - 1) => {
305 | const snapshot = snapshots.current[index >= 0 ? index : 0];
306 | if (!snapshot) {
307 | throw new Error("snaphost index out of bounds");
308 | }
309 | return snapshot;
310 | };
311 | const connection = extension.connect({ name });
312 | const devtoolsUnsubscribe = connection.subscribe((message) => {
313 | var _a;
314 | switch (message.type) {
315 | case "DISPATCH":
316 | switch ((_a = message.payload) == null ? void 0 : _a.type) {
317 | case "RESET":
318 | break;
319 | case "COMMIT":
320 | connection.init(getDevtoolsState(getSnapshotAt()));
321 | snapshots.current = [];
322 | break;
323 | case "JUMP_TO_ACTION":
324 | case "JUMP_TO_STATE":
325 | isTimeTraveling.current = true;
326 | goToSnapshot(getSnapshotAt(message.payload.actionId - 1));
327 | break;
328 | case "PAUSE_RECORDING":
329 | isRecording.current = !isRecording.current;
330 | break;
331 | }
332 | }
333 | });
334 | devtools.current = connection;
335 | devtools.current.shouldInit = true;
336 | return () => {
337 | extension.disconnect();
338 | devtoolsUnsubscribe == null ? void 0 : devtoolsUnsubscribe();
339 | };
340 | }, [extension, goToSnapshot, name]);
341 | useEffect(() => {
342 | if (!devtools.current) {
343 | return;
344 | }
345 | if (devtools.current.shouldInit) {
346 | devtools.current.init(void 0);
347 | devtools.current.shouldInit = false;
348 | return;
349 | }
350 | if (isTimeTraveling.current) {
351 | isTimeTraveling.current = false;
352 | } else if (isRecording.current) {
353 | snapshots.current.push(atomsSnapshot);
354 | devtools.current.send(
355 | {
356 | type: `${snapshots.current.length}`,
357 | updatedAt: new Date().toLocaleString()
358 | },
359 | getDevtoolsState(atomsSnapshot)
360 | );
361 | }
362 | }, [atomsSnapshot]);
363 | }
364 |
365 | })
366 | };
367 | }));