4.55 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const logUpdate = require("log-update");
4const chalk = require("chalk");
5const indentString = require("indent-string");
6const Utils_1 = require("./Utils");
7const intdentText = (text, level, indentText = ' ', color, firstLinePrefix) => {
8 if (typeof text !== 'string') {
9 text = 'Message can not be displayed!';
10 }
11 const indentLength = level * indentString.length;
12 const maxLength = 120;
13 const maxTextLength = maxLength - indentLength;
14 let textLeft = text;
15 let tempText = '';
16 const returnArray = [];
17 let lastSpacePosition;
18 let fullIdentText;
19 let itteration = 0;
20 do {
21 tempText = textLeft.substring(0, maxTextLength);
22 textLeft = textLeft.substring(maxTextLength);
23 if (textLeft && tempText.charAt(maxTextLength - 1) !== ' ' && textLeft.charAt(0) !== ' ') {
24 lastSpacePosition = tempText.lastIndexOf(' ');
25 if (lastSpacePosition !== -1) {
26 textLeft = (tempText.substring(lastSpacePosition) + textLeft).trim();
27 tempText = tempText.substring(0, lastSpacePosition).trim();
28 }
29 }
30 else {
31 tempText = tempText.trim();
32 textLeft = textLeft.trim();
33 }
34 fullIdentText = indentText.repeat(level + 1);
35 if (firstLinePrefix) {
36 if (itteration === 0) {
37 fullIdentText = fullIdentText + firstLinePrefix;
38 }
39 else {
40 fullIdentText = fullIdentText + ' '.repeat(firstLinePrefix.length);
41 }
42 }
43 returnArray.push(`${chalk[color](fullIdentText + tempText)}`);
44 itteration++;
45 } while (textLeft);
46 return returnArray;
48const renderHelper = (tasks, options, level) => {
49 level = level || 1;
50 let output = [];
51 for (const task of tasks) {
52 if (task.isEnabled()) {
53 if (options.separateTopTasks === true && level === 1) {
54 output.push('');
55 }
56 output.push(indentString(` ${Utils_1.getSymbol(task, options)} ${task.title}`, level, ' '));
57 if ((task.isPending() || task.isSkipped() || task.hasFailed()) &&
58 Utils_1.isDefined(task.output)) {
59 const data = task.output;
60 if (Utils_1.isDefined(data)) {
61 if (data.substr(0, 5) === 'Info:') {
62 const arr = data.substr(6).split('\n');
63 for (const item of arr) {
64 output.push.apply(output, intdentText(item, level, ' ', 'grey', ' -> '));
65 }
66 }
67 else if (data.substr(0, 6) === 'Error:') {
68 const arr = data.substr(7).split('\n');
69 for (const item of arr) {
70 output.push.apply(output, intdentText(item, level, ' ', 'red', ' '));
71 }
72 }
73 else {
74 output.push.apply(output, intdentText(data, level, ' ', 'grey', ' -> '));
75 }
76 }
77 }
78 if ((task.isPending() || task.hasFailed() || options.collapse === false) &&
79 (task.hasFailed() || options.showSubtasks !== false) &&
80 task.subtasks.length > 0) {
81 output = output.concat(renderHelper(task.subtasks, options, level + 1));
82 }
83 }
84 }
85 return output.join('\n');
87const render = (tasks, options) => {
88 logUpdate(renderHelper(tasks, options));
90class JovoCliRenderer {
91 constructor(tasks = [], options = {}) {
92 this.nonTTY = false;
93 this._tasks = tasks;
94 this._options = Object.assign({
95 showSubtasks: true,
96 collapse: true,
97 clearOutput: false,
98 separateTopTasks: false,
99 }, options);
100 }
101 render() {
102 if (this._id) {
103 return;
104 }
105 this._id = setInterval(() => {
106 render(this._tasks, this._options);
107 }, 100);
108 }
109 end(err) {
110 if (this._id) {
111 clearInterval(this._id);
112 this._id = undefined;
113 }
114 render(this._tasks, this._options);
115 if (this._options.clearOutput && err === undefined) {
116 logUpdate.clear();
117 }
118 else {
119 logUpdate.done();
120 }
121 }
123exports.JovoCliRenderer = JovoCliRenderer;
124//# sourceMappingURL=JovoRenderer.js.map
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