1 | # js2xmlparser
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3 | [![Node.js CI](https://github.com/michaelkourlas/node-js2xmlparser/actions/workflows/node.js.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/michaelkourlas/node-js2xmlparser/actions/workflows/node.js.yml)
4 | [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/js2xmlparser.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/js2xmlparser)
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6 | ## Overview
7 |
8 | js2xmlparser is a Node.js module that parses JavaScript objects into XML.
9 |
10 | ## Features
11 |
12 | Since XML is a data-interchange format, js2xmlparser is designed primarily for
13 | JSON-type objects, arrays and primitive data types, like many of the other
14 | JavaScript to XML parsers currently available for Node.js.
15 |
16 | However, js2xmlparser is capable of parsing any object, including native
17 | JavaScript objects such as `Date` and `RegExp`, by taking advantage of each
18 | object's `toString` function or, if this function does not exist, the `String`
19 | constructor.
20 |
21 | js2xmlparser also has support for the `Map` and `Set` objects introduced in
22 | ECMAScript 2015, treating them as JSON-type objects and arrays respectively.
23 | Support for `Map`s is necessary to generate XML with elements in a specific
24 | order, since JSON-type objects do not guarantee insertion order. `Map` keys are
25 | always converted to strings using the method described above.
26 |
27 | js2xmlparser also supports a number of constructs unique to XML:
28 |
29 | - attributes (through an attribute property in objects)
30 | - mixed content (through value properties in objects)
31 | - multiple elements with the same name (through arrays)
32 |
33 | js2xmlparser can also pretty-print the XML it outputs.
34 |
35 | ## Installation
36 |
37 | The easiest way to install js2xmlparser is using npm:
38 |
39 | ```
40 | npm install js2xmlparser
41 | ```
42 |
43 | You can also build js2xmlparser from source using npm:
44 |
45 | ```
46 | git clone https://github.com/michaelkourlas/node-js2xmlparser.git
47 | npm install
48 | npm run-script build
49 | ```
50 |
51 | The `build` script will build the production variant of js2xmlparser, run all
52 | tests, and build the documentation.
53 |
54 | You can build the production variant without running tests using the script
55 | `prod`. You can also build the development version using the script `dev`.
56 | The only difference between the two is that the development version includes
57 | source maps.
58 |
59 | ## Usage
60 |
61 | The documentation for the current version is available [here](http://www.kourlas.com/node-js2xmlparser/docs/5.0.0/).
62 |
63 | You can also build the documentation using npm:
64 |
65 | ```
66 | npm run-script docs
67 | ```
68 |
69 | ## Examples
70 |
71 | The following example illustrates the basic usage of js2xmlparser:
72 |
73 | ```javascript
74 | var js2xmlparser = require("js2xmlparser");
75 |
76 | var obj = {
77 | "@": {
78 | type: "natural",
79 | },
80 | firstName: "John",
81 | lastName: "Smith",
82 | dateOfBirth: new Date(1964, 7, 26),
83 | address: {
84 | "@": {
85 | type: "home",
86 | },
87 | streetAddress: "3212 22nd St",
88 | city: "Chicago",
89 | state: "Illinois",
90 | zip: 10000,
91 | },
92 | phone: [
93 | {
94 | "@": {
95 | type: "home",
96 | },
97 | "#": "123-555-4567",
98 | },
99 | {
100 | "@": {
101 | type: "cell",
102 | },
103 | "#": "890-555-1234",
104 | },
105 | {
106 | "@": {
107 | type: "work",
108 | },
109 | "#": "567-555-8901",
110 | },
111 | ],
112 | email: "john@smith.com",
113 | };
114 |
115 | console.log(js2xmlparser.parse("person", obj));
116 | ```
117 |
118 | This example produces the following XML:
119 |
120 | ```xml
121 | <?xml version='1.0'?>
122 | <person type='natural'>
123 | <firstName>John</firstName>
124 | <lastName>Smith</lastName>
125 | <dateOfBirth>Wed Aug 26 1964 00:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Summer Time)</dateOfBirth>
126 | <address type='home'>
127 | <streetAddress>3212 22nd St</streetAddress>
128 | <city>Chicago</city>
129 | <state>Illinois</state>
130 | <zip>10000</zip>
131 | </address>
132 | <phone type='home'>123-555-4567</phone>
133 | <phone type='cell'>890-555-1234</phone>
134 | <phone type='work'>567-555-8901</phone>
135 | <email>john@smith.com</email>
136 | </person>
137 | ```
138 |
139 | Additional examples can be found in the examples directory.
140 |
141 | ## Tests
142 |
143 | js2xmlparser includes a set of tests to verify core functionality. You can run
144 | the tests using npm:
145 |
146 | ```
147 | npm run-script test-prod
148 | ```
149 |
150 | The only difference between the `test-prod` and `test-dev` scripts is that the
151 | development version includes source maps.
152 |
153 | ## License
154 |
155 | js2xmlparser is licensed under the [Apache License 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).