6.32 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.3
2(function() {
3 var async, coffee, conditionals, copyFile, escodegen, esprima, estools, expander, fs, isHidden, jscoverageFormatting, path, tools, wrench, writeFile, _;
5 fs = require('fs');
7 path = require('path');
9 _ = require('underscore');
11 esprima = require('esprima');
13 escodegen = require('escodegen');
15 wrench = require('wrench');
17 coffee = require('coffee-script');
19 async = require('async');
21 tools = require('./tools');
23 estools = require('./estools');
25 conditionals = require('./conditionals');
27 expander = require('./expander');
29 jscoverageFormatting = require('./jscoverage-formatting');
31 isHidden = function(filename) {
32 return filename[0] === '.';
33 };
35 copyFile = function(source, target, cb) {
36 var cbCalled, done, rd, wr;
37 cbCalled = false;
38 done = function(err) {
39 if (!cbCalled) {
40 cb(err);
41 return cbCalled = true;
42 }
43 };
44 rd = fs.createReadStream(source);
45 rd.on("error", done);
46 wr = fs.createWriteStream(target);
47 wr.on("error", done);
48 wr.on("close", function(ex) {
49 return done();
50 });
51 return rd.pipe(wr);
52 };
54 writeFile = (function() {
55 var sourceMappings;
56 sourceMappings = [
57 function(x) {
58 return x.replace(/&/g, '&');
59 }, function(x) {
60 return x.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
61 }, function(x) {
62 return x.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
63 }, function(x) {
64 return x.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\');
65 }, function(x) {
66 return x.replace(/"/g, '\\"');
67 }, function(x) {
68 return tools.strToNumericEntity(x);
69 }, function(x) {
70 return '"' + x + '"';
71 }
72 ];
73 return function(originalCode, coveredCode, filename, trackedLines, coverageVar) {
74 var originalSource, output;
75 originalSource = originalCode.split(/\r?\n/g).map(function(line) {
76 return sourceMappings.reduce((function(src, f) {
77 return f(src);
78 }), line);
79 });
80 if (_.last(originalSource) === '""') {
81 originalSource = originalSource.slice(0, -1);
82 }
83 output = [];
84 output.push("/* automatically generated by jscov - do not edit */");
85 output.push("if (typeof " + coverageVar + " === 'undefined') " + coverageVar + " = {};");
86 output.push("if (! " + coverageVar + "['" + filename + "']) {");
87 output.push(" " + coverageVar + "['" + filename + "'] = [];");
88 trackedLines.forEach(function(line) {
89 return output.push(" " + coverageVar + "['" + filename + "'][" + line + "] = 0;");
90 });
91 output.push("}");
92 output.push(coveredCode);
93 output.push(("" + coverageVar + "['" + filename + "'].source = [") + originalSource.join(",") + "];");
94 return output.join('\n');
95 };
96 })();
98 exports.rewriteSource = function(code, filename) {
99 var ast, coverageVar, injectList, outcode, trackedLines;
100 injectList = {};
101 coverageVar = '_$jscoverage';
102 ast = esprima.parse(code, {
103 loc: true
104 });
105 jscoverageFormatting.formatTree(ast);
106 estools.addBeforeEveryStatement(ast, function(node) {
107 injectList[node.loc.start.line] = 1;
108 return estools.coverageNode(node, filename, coverageVar);
109 });
110 jscoverageFormatting.postFormatTree(ast);
111 trackedLines = _.sortBy(Object.keys(injectList).map(function(x) {
112 return parseInt(x, 10);
113 }), _.identity);
114 outcode = escodegen.generate(ast, {
115 indent: " "
116 });
117 return writeFile(code, outcode, filename, trackedLines, coverageVar);
118 };
120 exports.rewriteFile = function(sourceFileBase, sourceFile, targetDir, options) {
121 var data, outfile, output;
122 data = fs.readFileSync(path.join(sourceFileBase, sourceFile), 'utf8');
123 if (options.conditionals) {
124 data = conditionals.expand(data, {
125 lang: (sourceFile.match(/\.coffee$/) ? 'coffee' : 'js')
126 });
127 }
128 if (sourceFile.match(/\.coffee$/)) {
129 data = coffee.compile(data);
130 }
131 if (options.expand) {
132 data = expander.expand(data);
133 }
134 output = exports.rewriteSource(data, sourceFile);
135 outfile = path.join(targetDir, sourceFile).replace(/\.coffee$/, '.js');
136 wrench.mkdirSyncRecursive(path.dirname(outfile));
137 return fs.writeFileSync(outfile, output, 'utf8');
138 };
140 exports.rewriteFolder = function(source, target, options, callback) {
141 var errors, ex, files;
142 errors = [];
143 if (callback == null) {
144 callback = options;
145 options = {};
146 }
147 try {
148 wrench.rmdirSyncRecursive(target, true);
149 files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive(source);
150 } catch (_error) {
151 ex = _error;
152 callback(ex);
153 return;
154 }
155 return async.forEach(files, function(file, callback) {
156 var dirs;
157 if (fs.lstatSync(path.join(source, file)).isDirectory()) {
158 return callback();
159 }
160 dirs = path.dirname(file).split(path.sep);
161 if (dirs[0] === '.') {
162 dirs = dirs.slice(1);
163 }
164 if ((dirs.some(isHidden) || isHidden(path.basename(file))) && !options.hidden) {
165 return callback();
166 }
167 if (file.match(/\.(coffee|js)$/)) {
168 try {
169 if (options.verbose) {
170 console.log("Rewriting " + source + "/" + file + " to " + target + "...");
171 }
172 exports.rewriteFile(source, file, target, options);
173 } catch (_error) {
174 ex = _error;
175 errors.push({
176 file: file,
177 ex: ex
178 });
179 callback();
180 return;
181 }
182 return callback();
183 } else {
184 if (options.verbose) {
185 console.log("Copying " + source + " to " + target + "...");
186 }
187 return copyFile(path.join(source, file), path.join(target, file), callback);
188 }
189 }, function(err) {
190 var failures;
191 if (err != null) {
192 return callback(err);
193 }
194 if (errors.length > 0) {
195 failures = _.sortBy(errors, function(x) {
196 return x.file;
197 }).map(function(x) {
198 return x.file + ": " + (x.ex.message || 'UNKNOWN');
199 }).join('\n');
200 return callback(new Error(failures));
201 } else {
202 return callback();
203 }
204 });
205 };
207 exports.cover = function(start, dir, file) {
208 return path.join(start, process.env.JSCOV || dir, file);
209 };