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11 <div id="hd"><h1><a href="./">JSCoverage</a><br><span class="tag">code coverage for JavaScript</span></h1></div>
12 <div id="bd">
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14 <div id="jscoverage-main" class="yui-b">
15 <h2>News <a href="http://siliconforks.com/jscoverage/news.xml" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS feed for JSCoverage"><img src="feed-icon-14x14.png" alt="RSS feed"></a></h2>
17 <h3><a name="20081211">December 11, 2008 - JSCoverage 0.4</a></h3>
18 <p>
19 JSCoverage 0.4 is available for <a href="http://siliconforks.com/jscoverage/download.html">download</a>.
20 </p>
21 <p>
22 This release includes many new features:
23 </p>
24 <ul class="list">
25 <li>
26 The new <code>jscoverage-server</code> program is provided as an
27 alternative to the <code>jscoverage</code> program. The
28 <code>jscoverage-server</code> program is a simple HTTP server which
29 instruments JavaScript code as it is served; this allows you to execute
30 JavaScript and gather code coverage statistics without a preliminary
31 step of creating instrumented code. The <code>jscoverage-server</code>
32 program can either serve files directly from the filesystem or run as a
33 proxy server (with the <code>--proxy</code> option), instrumenting
34 JavaScript provided by another web server.
35 <li>
36 Using <code>jscoverage-server</code>, coverage reports can now be stored
37 to the filesystem.
38 </li>
39 <li>
40 JSCoverage now recognizes special JavaScript comments which specify that
41 certain lines of code should be ignored in coverage reports.
42 </li>
43 <li>
44 The new <code>--encoding</code> option provides better support for
45 different character encodings.
46 </li>
47 <li>
48 The JSCoverage user interface is now faster and more responsive.
49 </li>
50 <li>
51 The new <code>--no-highlight</code> option can be used to disable syntax
52 highlighting (giving better performance for large JavaScript files).
53 </li>
54 <li>
55 The build system has been modified so that <code>make install</code>
56 only installs the <code>jscoverage</code> and
57 <code>jscoverage-server</code> executables and their manual pages.
58 (Previous versions installed SpiderMonkey library and executable files,
59 which could conflict with other versions of SpiderMonkey installed on
60 your system.)
61 </li>
62 <li>
63 JSCoverage now supports several features beyond those found in the
64 <cite>ECMAScript Language Specification</cite>, including the following:
65 <ul class="list">
66 <li>getters and setters
67 <li><code>for each</code> loops
68 <li>generators and iterators
69 <li>the <code>let</code> keyword
70 <li>destructuring assignment
71 <li>array comprehensions
72 <li>expression closures
73 <li>generator expressions
74 </ul>
75 Use the new <code>--js-version</code> option to enable these features.
76 </li>
77 </ul>
78 <p>
79 The GCC C++ compiler (<code>g++</code>) is now required to compile
80 JSCoverage. (Previously, only the C compiler was needed.)
81 </p>
82 <p>
83 Please report any bugs you find using the new <a href="http://siliconforks.com/jscoverage/bugs/">bug tracker</a>.
84 </p>
86 <h3><a name="20080331">March 31, 2008 - JSCoverage and Firefox 3</a></h3>
87 <p>
88 The <a href="faq.html">JSCoverage FAQ</a> has been updated to address problems using JSCoverage with Firefox 3.
89 </p>
91 <h3><a name="20080324">March 24, 2008 - JSCoverage in Debian GNU/Linux</a></h3>
92 <p>
93 JSCoverage is now <a href="http://packages.debian.org/sid/jscoverage">available</a> in the Debian unstable distribution.
94 </p>
96 <h3><a name="20071122">November 22, 2007 - JSCoverage 0.3.1</a></h3>
97 <p>
98 JSCoverage 0.3.1 is available for <a href="http://siliconforks.com/jscoverage/download.html">download</a>.
99 </p>
100 <p>
101 This release has a number of bug fixes:
102 </p>
103 <ul class="list">
104 <li>
105 It should now be possible to run the native Windows version of <code>jscoverage</code>
106 with minimal privileges.
107 </li>
108 <li>
109 All files used by JSCoverage now use a <code>jscoverage</code>
110 prefix to avoid name collisions.
111 </li>
112 <li>
113 Compilation bugs which occurred under some versions of MSYS have been fixed.
114 </li>
115 <li>
116 Various documentation improvements.
117 </li>
118 </ul>
120 <h3><a name="20070826">August 26, 2007 - JSCoverage 0.3</a></h3>
121 <p>
122 JSCoverage 0.3 is available for <a href="http://siliconforks.com/jscoverage/download.html">download</a>.
123 </p>
124 <p>
125 This release has the following new features:
126 </p>
127 <ul class="list">
128 <li>
129 The coverage summary now displays bar graphs (thanks to Ross Simpson).
130 </li>
131 <li>
132 A progress bar is displayed for lengthy computations.
133 </li>
134 <li>
135 JavaScript syntax highlighting has improved.
136 </li>
137 <li>
138 The display of missed statements can be turned on and off.
139 </li>
140 <li>
141 New "inverted mode" provides better support for working with <a href="http://www.jsunit.net/">JsUnit</a>.
142 </li>
143 </ul>
145 <h3><a name="20070823">August 23, 2007 - JSCoverage in Linux Format magazine</a></h3>
146 <p>
147 JSCoverage is in the October 2007 issue of Linux Format magazine
148 (<a href="http://www.linuxformat.co.uk/modules.php?op=modload&amp;name=NewArchives&amp;issue=97">table of contents</a>).
149 </p>
151 <h3><a name="20070731">July 31, 2007 - Subversion repository now available</a></h3>
152 <p>
153 See the <a href="http://siliconforks.com/jscoverage/download.html">download page</a> for instructions on accessing the Subversion repository.
154 </p>
156 <h3><a name="20070708">July 8, 2007 - JSCoverage 0.2</a></h3>
157 <p>
158 JSCoverage 0.2 is available for <a href="http://siliconforks.com/jscoverage/download.html">download</a>.
159 </p>
160 <p>
161 JSCoverage 0.2 features a new tabbed user interface.
162 </p>
164 <h3><a name="20070701">July 1, 2007 - JSCoverage 0.1.1</a></h3>
165 <p>
166 JSCoverage 0.1.1 is available for <a href="http://siliconforks.com/jscoverage/download.html">download</a>.
167 </p>
168 <p>
169 JSCoverage 0.1.1 fixes a bug that can cause large JavaScript files to be truncated when viewed with Opera.
170 </p>
172 <h3><a name="20070615">June 15, 2007 - documentation of JSCoverage internals</a></h3>
173 <p>
174 A new document,
175 <a href="http://siliconforks.com/doc/parsing-javascript-with-spidermonkey/">Parsing JavaScript with SpiderMonkey</a>,
176 describes the technique used by JSCoverage to parse JavaScript programs.
177 </p>
179 <h3><a name="20070530">May 30, 2007 - new examples</a></h3>
180 <p>
181 Added some <a href="demo.html">examples</a> of running JSCoverage on popular JavaScript libraries.
182 </p>
184 <h3><a name="20070526">May 26, 2007 - JSCoverage 0.1</a></h3>
185 <p>
186 JSCoverage 0.1 is available for <a href="http://siliconforks.com/jscoverage/download.html">download</a>.
187 </p>
188 </div>
189 </div>
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194 <li><a href="manual.html">Documentation</a>
195 <li><a href="demo.html">Demo</a>
196 <li><a href="http://siliconforks.com/jscoverage/download.html">Download</a>
197 <li><a href="faq.html">FAQ</a>
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202 <li><a href="http://siliconforks.com/jscoverage/bugs/">Bug tracker</a>
203 </ul>
204 </div>
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207 <address>
208 Copyright &copy; 2007, 2008 <a href="http://siliconforks.com/"><img src="siliconforks-16x16.png" width="16" height="16" class="icon" alt="Silicon Forks"></a> <a href="http://siliconforks.com/">siliconforks.com</a><br>
209 <a href="mailto:jscoverage@siliconforks.com">jscoverage@siliconforks.com</a>
210 </address>
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