1 | Website
2 | ======================
3 | http://travistidwell.com/jsencrypt
4 |
5 | Introduction
6 | ======================
7 | When browsing the internet looking for a good solution to RSA Javascript
8 | encryption, there is a whole slew of libraries that basically take the fantastic
9 | work done by Tom Wu @ http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~tjw/jsbn/ and then
10 | modify that code to do what they want.
11 |
12 | What I couldn't find, however, was a simple wrapper around this library that
13 | basically uses the library <a href="https://github.com/travist/jsencrypt/pull/6">practically</a> untouched, but adds a wrapper to provide parsing of
14 | actual Private and Public key-pairs generated with OpenSSL.
15 |
16 | This library is the result of these efforts.
17 |
18 | How to use this library.
19 | =======================
20 | This library should work hand-in-hand with openssl. With that said, here is how to use this library.
21 |
22 | - Within your terminal (Unix based OS) type the following.
23 |
24 | ```
25 | openssl genrsa -out rsa_1024_priv.pem 1024
26 | ```
27 |
28 | - This generates a private key, which you can see by doing the following...
29 |
30 | ```
31 | cat rsa_1024_priv.pem
32 | ```
33 |
34 | - You can then copy and paste this in the Private Key section of within index.html.
35 | - Next, you can then get the public key by executing the following command.
36 |
37 | ```
38 | openssl rsa -pubout -in rsa_1024_priv.pem -out rsa_1024_pub.pem
39 | ```
40 |
41 | - You can see the public key by typing...
42 |
43 | ```
44 | cat rsa_1024_pub.pem
45 | ```
46 |
47 | - Now copy and paste this in the Public key within the index.html.
48 | - Now you can then convert to and from encrypted text by doing the following in code.
49 |
50 |
51 | ```html
52 | <!doctype html>
53 | <html>
54 | <head>
55 | <title>JavaScript RSA Encryption</title>
56 | <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script>
57 | <script src="bin/jsencrypt.min.js"></script>
58 | <script type="text/javascript">
59 |
60 | // Call this code when the page is done loading.
61 | $(function() {
62 |
63 | // Run a quick encryption/decryption when they click.
64 | $('#testme').click(function() {
65 |
66 | // Encrypt with the public key...
67 | var encrypt = new JSEncrypt();
68 | encrypt.setPublicKey($('#pubkey').val());
69 | var encrypted = encrypt.encrypt($('#input').val());
70 |
71 | // Decrypt with the private key...
72 | var decrypt = new JSEncrypt();
73 | decrypt.setPrivateKey($('#privkey').val());
74 | var uncrypted = decrypt.decrypt(encrypted);
75 |
76 | // Now a simple check to see if the round-trip worked.
77 | if (uncrypted == $('#input').val()) {
78 | alert('It works!!!');
79 | }
80 | else {
81 | alert('Something went wrong....');
82 | }
83 | });
84 | });
85 | </script>
86 | </head>
87 | <body>
88 | <label for="privkey">Private Key</label><br/>
89 | <textarea id="privkey" rows="15" cols="65">-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
90 | MIICXQIBAAKBgQDlOJu6TyygqxfWT7eLtGDwajtNFOb9I5XRb6khyfD1Yt3YiCgQ
91 | WMNW649887VGJiGr/L5i2osbl8C9+WJTeucF+S76xFxdU6jE0NQ+Z+zEdhUTooNR
93 | AoGAfY9LpnuWK5Bs50UVep5c93SJdUi82u7yMx4iHFMc/Z2hfenfYEzu+57fI4fv
94 | xTQ//5DbzRR/XKb8ulNv6+CHyPF31xk7YOBfkGI8qjLoq06V+FyBfDSwL8KbLyeH
96 | 8XJTSdcIX4a3gy3GGCJxOzv16XHxD03GW6UNLmfPwenKu+cdrQeaqEixrCejXdAF
97 | z/7+BSMpAkEA8EaSOeP5Xr3ZrbiKzi6TGMwHMvC7HdJxaBJbVRfApFrE0/mPwmP5
98 | rN7QwjrMY+0+AbXcm8mRQyQ1+IGEembsdwJBAN6az8Rv7QnD/YBvi52POIlRSSIM
99 | V7SwWvSK4WSMnGb1ZBbhgdg57DXaspcwHsFV7hByQ5BvMtIduHcT14ECfcECQATe
100 | aTgjFnqE/lQ22Rk0eGaYO80cc643BXVGafNfd9fcvwBMnk0iGX0XRsOozVt5Azil
101 | psLBYuApa66NcVHJpCECQQDTjI2AQhFc1yRnCU/YgDnSpJVm1nASoRUnU8Jfm3Oz
102 | uku7JUXcVpt08DFSceCEX9unCuMcT72rAQlLpdZir876
103 | -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----</textarea><br/>
104 | <label for="pubkey">Public Key</label><br/>
105 | <textarea id="pubkey" rows="15" cols="65">-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
107 | FOb9I5XRb6khyfD1Yt3YiCgQWMNW649887VGJiGr/L5i2osbl8C9+WJTeucF+S76
108 | xFxdU6jE0NQ+Z+zEdhUTooNRaY5nZiu5PgDB0ED/ZKBUSLKL7eibMxZtMlUDHjm4
110 | -----END PUBLIC KEY-----</textarea><br/>
111 | <label for="input">Text to encrypt:</label><br/>
112 | <textarea id="input" name="input" type="text" rows=4 cols=70>This is a test!</textarea><br/>
113 | <input id="testme" type="button" value="Test Me!!!" /><br/>
114 | </body>
115 | </html>
116 | ```
117 |
118 | - Look at how http://www.travistidwell.com/jsencrypt/demo works to get a better idea.
119 |
120 | - Signing and verification works in a similar way.
121 |
122 | ```javascript
123 | // Sign with the private key...
124 | var sign = new JSEncrypt();
125 | sign.setPrivateKey($('#privkey').val());
126 | var signature = sign.sign($('#input').val(), CryptoJS.SHA256, "sha256");
127 |
128 | // Verify with the public key...
129 | var verify = new JSEncrypt();
130 | verify.setPublicKey($('#pubkey').val());
131 | var verified = verify.verify($('#input').val(), signature, CryptoJS.SHA256);
132 |
133 | // Now a simple check to see if the round-trip worked.
134 | if (verified) {
135 | alert('It works!!!');
136 | }
137 | else {
138 | alert('Something went wrong....');
139 | }
140 | ```
141 |
142 | - Note that you have to provide the hash function. In this example we use one from the [CryptoJS](https://github.com/brix/crypto-js) library, but you can use whichever you want.
143 | - Also, unless you use a custom hash function, you should provide the hash type to the `sign` method. Possible values are: `md2`, `md5`, `sha1`, `sha224`, `sha256`, `sha384`, `sha512`, `ripemd160`.
144 |
145 | Other Information
146 | ========================
147 |
148 | This library heavily utilizes the wonderful work of Tom Wu found at http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~tjw/jsbn/.
149 |
150 | This jsbn library was written using the raw variables to perform encryption. This is great for encryption, but most private keys use a Private Key in the PEM format seen below.
151 |
152 | 1024 bit RSA Private Key in Base64 Format
153 | -----------------------------------------
154 | ```
155 | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
156 | MIICXgIBAAKBgQDHikastc8+I81zCg/qWW8dMr8mqvXQ3qbPAmu0RjxoZVI47tvs
157 | kYlFAXOf0sPrhO2nUuooJngnHV0639iTTEYG1vckNaW2R6U5QTdQ5Rq5u+uV3pMk
158 | 7w7Vs4n3urQ6jnqt2rTXbC1DNa/PFeAZatbf7ffBBy0IGO0zc128IshYcwIDAQAB
159 | AoGBALTNl2JxTvq4SDW/3VH0fZkQXWH1MM10oeMbB2qO5beWb11FGaOO77nGKfWc
160 | bYgfp5Ogrql4yhBvLAXnxH8bcqqwORtFhlyV68U1y4R+8WxDNh0aevxH8hRS/1X5
161 | 031DJm1JlU0E+vStiktN0tC3ebH5hE+1OxbIHSZ+WOWLYX7JAkEA5uigRgKp8ScG
162 | auUijvdOLZIhHWq7y5Wz+nOHUuDw8P7wOTKU34QJAoWEe771p9Pf/GTA/kr0BQnP
163 | QvWUDxGzJwJBAN05C6krwPeryFKrKtjOGJIniIoY72wRnoNcdEEs3HDRhf48YWFo
164 | riRbZylzzzNFy/gmzT6XJQTfktGqq+FZD9UCQGIJaGrxHJgfmpDuAhMzGsUsYtTr
165 | iRox0D1Iqa7dhE693t5aBG010OF6MLqdZA1CXrn5SRtuVVaCSLZEL/2J5UcCQQDA
166 | d3MXucNnN4NPuS/L9HMYJWD7lPoosaORcgyK77bSSNgk+u9WSjbH1uYIAIPSffUZ
167 | bti+jc1dUg5wb+aeZlgJAkEAurrpmpqj5vg087ZngKfFGR5rozDiTsK5DceTV97K
168 | a3Y+Nzl+XWTxDBWk4YPh2ZlKv402hZEfWBYxUDn5ZkH/bw==
169 | -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
170 | ```
171 |
172 | This library simply takes keys in the following format, and translates it to those variables needed to perform the encryptions used in Tom Wu's library.
173 |
174 | Here are some good resources to investigate further.
175 | - http://etherhack.co.uk/asymmetric/docs/rsa_key_breakdown.html
176 | - http://www.di-mgt.com.au/rsa_alg.html
177 | - https://polarssl.org/kb/cryptography/asn1-key-structures-in-der-and-pem
178 |
179 | With this information, we can translate a private key format to the variables
180 | required with the jsbn library from Tom Wu by using the following mappings.
181 |
182 | ```
183 | modulus => n
184 | public exponent => e
185 | private exponent => d
186 | prime1 => p
187 | prime2 => q
188 | exponent1 => dmp1
189 | exponent2 => dmq1
190 | coefficient => coeff
191 | ```
192 |