1 | /**
2 | * The error raised when processing a package fails due to running out of disk
3 | * space while installing it's dependency closure in a temporary directory. This
4 | * error cannot be immediately recovered, short of deleting files to make more
5 | * space availabe, then retrying.
6 | *
7 | * Users may perform an `err instanceof NoSpaceLeftOnDevice` test to determine
8 | * whether this error was raised or not, and cut retry attempts.
9 | */
10 | export declare class NoSpaceLeftOnDevice extends Error {
11 | readonly name: string;
12 | }
13 | /**
14 | * Generic error thrown by the library.
15 | */
16 | export declare class DocGenError extends Error {
17 | readonly name: string;
18 | }
19 | /**
20 | * Raised when docgen is unable to install the given package.
21 | * This can happen due to invalid dependency clojures for example.
22 | */
23 | export declare class UnInstallablePackageError extends DocGenError {
24 | }
25 | /**
26 | * Raised when docgen detects corrupted assemblies, preventing it from
27 | * generating documentation for a specific language.
28 | * This can happen either due to jsii compiler bugs, or authoring mistakes.
29 | *
30 | * For example: https://github.com/aws/jsii/pull/3147
31 | */
32 | export declare class CorruptedAssemblyError extends DocGenError {
33 | }
34 | /**
35 | * Raised when a render is requested for a language the package does not support.
36 | */
37 | export declare class LanguageNotSupportedError extends DocGenError {
38 | }
39 | /**
40 | * Raised when snippet transliteration into a target language failed.
41 | */
42 | export declare class TransliterationError extends DocGenError {
43 | }
44 | /**
45 | * The error raised when `npm` commands fail with an "opaque" exit code,
46 | * attempting to obtain more information from the commands output.
47 | */
48 | export declare class NpmError<T = unknown> extends DocGenError {
49 | /**
50 | * The name of this error.
51 | */
52 | readonly name: string;
53 | /**
54 | * The error code npm printed out to stderr or stdout before exiting. This can
55 | * provide more information about the error in a machine-friendlier way.
56 | *
57 | * This is extracted from log-parsing, and is hence not guaranteed to be
58 | * accurate.
59 | *
60 | * @example 'EPROTO'
61 | * @example 'E429'
62 | * @example 'E404'
63 | */
64 | readonly npmErrorCode: string | undefined;
65 | /**
66 | * Data the command produced to `STDOUT`.
67 | */
68 | readonly stdout: T;
69 | }