1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | exports.Generator = void 0;
4 | const spec = require("@jsii/spec");
5 | const clone = require("clone");
6 | const codemaker_1 = require("codemaker");
7 | const crypto = require("crypto");
8 | const fs = require("fs-extra");
9 | const path = require("path");
10 | const version_1 = require("./version");
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 | class Generator {
16 | constructor(options) {
17 | this.options = options;
18 | this.excludeTypes = new Array();
19 | this.code = new codemaker_1.CodeMaker();
20 | }
21 | get runtimeTypeChecking() {
22 | return this.options.runtimeTypeChecking;
23 | }
24 | get assembly() {
25 | if (!this._assembly) {
26 | throw new Error('No assembly has been loaded! The #load() method must be called first!');
27 | }
28 | return this._assembly;
29 | }
30 | get reflectAssembly() {
31 | if (!this._reflectAssembly) {
32 | throw new Error('Call load() first');
33 | }
34 | return this._reflectAssembly;
35 | }
36 | get metadata() {
37 | return { fingerprint: this.fingerprint };
38 | }
39 | async load(_packageRoot, assembly) {
40 | this._reflectAssembly = assembly;
41 | this._assembly = assembly.spec;
42 |
43 | this.fingerprint = crypto
44 | .createHash('sha256')
45 | .update(version_1.VERSION_DESC)
46 | .update('\0')
47 | .update(this.assembly.fingerprint)
48 | .digest('base64');
49 | return Promise.resolve();
50 | }
51 | |
52 |
53 |
54 | generate(fingerprint) {
55 | this.onBeginAssembly(this.assembly, fingerprint);
56 | this.visit(spec.NameTree.of(this.assembly));
57 | this.onEndAssembly(this.assembly, fingerprint);
58 | }
59 | async upToDate(_) {
60 | return Promise.resolve(false);
61 | }
62 | |
63 |
64 |
65 | getAssemblyFileName() {
66 | let name = this.assembly.name;
67 | const parts = name.split('/');
68 | if (parts.length === 1) {
69 | name = parts[0];
70 | }
71 | else if (parts.length === 2 && parts[0].startsWith('@')) {
72 | name = parts[1];
73 | }
74 | else {
75 | throw new Error('Malformed assembly name. Expecting either <name> or @<scope>/<name>');
76 | }
77 | return `${name}@${this.assembly.version}.jsii.tgz`;
78 | }
79 | |
80 |
81 |
82 | async save(outdir, tarball, { license, notice }) {
83 | const assemblyDir = this.getAssemblyOutputDir(this.assembly);
84 | if (assemblyDir) {
85 | const fullPath = path.resolve(path.join(outdir, assemblyDir, this.getAssemblyFileName()));
86 | await fs.mkdirp(path.dirname(fullPath));
87 | await fs.copy(tarball, fullPath, { overwrite: true });
88 | if (license) {
89 | await fs.writeFile(path.resolve(outdir, 'LICENSE'), license, {
90 | encoding: 'utf8',
91 | });
92 | }
93 | if (notice) {
94 | await fs.writeFile(path.resolve(outdir, 'NOTICE'), notice, {
95 | encoding: 'utf8',
96 | });
97 | }
98 | }
99 | return this.code.save(outdir);
100 | }
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 | |
106 |
107 |
108 | getAssemblyOutputDir(_mod) {
109 | return undefined;
110 | }
111 |
112 |
113 | onBeginAssembly(_assm, _fingerprint) {
114 |
115 | }
116 | onEndAssembly(_assm, _fingerprint) {
117 |
118 | }
119 |
120 |
121 | onBeginNamespace(_ns) {
122 |
123 | }
124 | onEndNamespace(_ns) {
125 |
126 | }
127 |
128 |
129 | onBeginClass(_cls, _abstract) {
130 |
131 | }
132 | onEndClass(_cls) {
133 |
134 | }
135 |
136 |
137 | onInitializer(_cls, _initializer) {
138 |
139 | }
140 | onInitializerOverload(_cls, _overload, _originalInitializer) {
141 |
142 | }
143 |
144 |
145 | onBeginProperties(_cls) {
146 |
147 | }
148 | onEndProperties(_cls) {
149 |
150 | }
151 | onExpandedUnionProperty(_cls, _prop, _primaryName) {
152 | return;
153 | }
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 | onBeginMethods(_cls) {
159 |
160 | }
161 | onEndMethods(_cls) {
162 |
163 | }
164 |
165 |
166 | onBeginEnum(_enm) {
167 |
168 | }
169 | onEndEnum(_enm) {
170 |
171 | }
172 | onEnumMember(_enm, _member) {
173 |
174 | }
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 | hasField(_cls, _prop) {
180 | return false;
181 | }
182 | onField(_cls, _prop, _union) {
183 |
184 | }
185 | visit(node, names = new Array()) {
186 | const namespace = !node.fqn && names.length > 0 ? names.join('.') : undefined;
187 | if (namespace) {
188 | this.onBeginNamespace(namespace);
189 | }
190 | const visitChildren = () => {
191 | Object.keys(node.children)
192 | .sort()
193 | .forEach((name) => {
194 | this.visit(node.children[name], names.concat(name));
195 | });
196 | };
197 | if (node.fqn) {
198 | const type = this.assembly.types?.[node.fqn];
199 | if (!type) {
200 | throw new Error(`Malformed jsii file. Cannot find type: ${node.fqn}`);
201 | }
202 | if (!this.shouldExcludeType(type.name)) {
203 | switch (type.kind) {
204 | case spec.TypeKind.Class:
205 | const classSpec = type;
206 | const abstract = classSpec.abstract;
207 | if (abstract && this.options.addBasePostfixToAbstractClassNames) {
208 | this.addAbstractPostfixToClassName(classSpec);
209 | }
210 | this.onBeginClass(classSpec, abstract);
211 | this.visitClass(classSpec);
212 | visitChildren();
213 | this.onEndClass(classSpec);
214 | break;
215 | case spec.TypeKind.Enum:
216 | const enumSpec = type;
217 | this.onBeginEnum(enumSpec);
218 | this.visitEnum(enumSpec);
219 | visitChildren();
220 | this.onEndEnum(enumSpec);
221 | break;
222 | case spec.TypeKind.Interface:
223 | const interfaceSpec = type;
224 | this.onBeginInterface(interfaceSpec);
225 | this.visitInterface(interfaceSpec);
226 | visitChildren();
227 | this.onEndInterface(interfaceSpec);
228 | break;
229 | default:
230 | throw new Error(`Unsupported type kind: ${type.kind}`);
231 | }
232 | }
233 | }
234 | else {
235 | visitChildren();
236 | }
237 | if (namespace) {
238 | this.onEndNamespace(namespace);
239 | }
240 | }
241 | |
242 |
243 |
244 | addAbstractPostfixToClassName(cls) {
245 | cls.name = `${cls.name}Base`;
246 | const components = cls.fqn.split('.');
247 | cls.fqn = components
248 | .map((x, i) => (i < components.length - 1 ? x : `${x}Base`))
249 | .join('.');
250 | }
251 | excludeType(...names) {
252 | for (const n of names) {
253 | this.excludeTypes.push(n);
254 | }
255 | }
256 | shouldExcludeType(name) {
257 | return this.excludeTypes.includes(name);
258 | }
259 | |
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 | createOverloadsForOptionals(method) {
269 | const overloads = new Array();
270 |
271 | if (!this.options.generateOverloadsForMethodWithOptionals ||
272 | !method.parameters) {
273 | return overloads;
274 | }
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 | const remaining = clone(method.parameters);
281 | let next;
282 | next = remaining.pop();
283 |
284 | while (next?.optional) {
285 |
286 | const cloned = clone(method);
287 | cloned.parameters = clone(remaining);
288 | overloads.push(cloned);
289 |
290 | next = remaining.pop();
291 | }
292 | return overloads;
293 | }
294 | visitInterface(ifc) {
295 | if (ifc.properties) {
296 | ifc.properties.forEach((prop) => {
297 | this.onInterfaceProperty(ifc, prop);
298 | });
299 | }
300 | if (ifc.methods) {
301 | ifc.methods.forEach((method) => {
302 | this.onInterfaceMethod(ifc, method);
303 | for (const overload of this.createOverloadsForOptionals(method)) {
304 | this.onInterfaceMethodOverload(ifc, overload, method);
305 | }
306 | });
307 | }
308 | }
309 | visitClass(cls) {
310 | const initializer = cls.initializer;
311 | if (initializer) {
312 | this.onInitializer(cls, initializer);
313 |
314 | for (const overload of this.createOverloadsForOptionals(initializer)) {
315 | this.onInitializerOverload(cls, overload, initializer);
316 | }
317 | }
318 |
319 | if (cls.methods) {
320 | this.onBeginMethods(cls);
321 | cls.methods.forEach((method) => {
322 | if (!method.static) {
323 | this.onMethod(cls, method);
324 | for (const overload of this.createOverloadsForOptionals(method)) {
325 | this.onMethodOverload(cls, overload, method);
326 | }
327 | }
328 | else {
329 | this.onStaticMethod(cls, method);
330 | for (const overload of this.createOverloadsForOptionals(method)) {
331 | this.onStaticMethodOverload(cls, overload, method);
332 | }
333 | }
334 | });
335 | this.onEndMethods(cls);
336 | }
337 | if (cls.properties) {
338 | this.onBeginProperties(cls);
339 | cls.properties.forEach((prop) => {
340 | if (this.hasField(cls, prop)) {
341 | this.onField(cls, prop, spec.isUnionTypeReference(prop.type) ? prop.type : undefined);
342 | }
343 | });
344 | cls.properties.forEach((prop) => {
345 | if (!spec.isUnionTypeReference(prop.type)) {
346 | if (!prop.static) {
347 | this.onProperty(cls, prop);
348 | }
349 | else {
350 | this.onStaticProperty(cls, prop);
351 | }
352 | }
353 | else {
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 |
358 | this.onUnionProperty(cls, prop, prop.type);
359 |
360 | if (this.options.expandUnionProperties) {
361 | for (const [index, type] of prop.type.union.types.entries()) {
362 |
363 | const propClone = clone(prop);
364 | const primary = this.isPrimaryExpandedUnionProperty(prop.type, index);
365 | const propertyName = primary
366 | ? prop.name
367 | : `${prop.name}As${this.displayNameForType(type)}`;
368 | propClone.type = type;
369 | propClone.optional = prop.optional;
370 | propClone.name = propertyName;
371 | this.onExpandedUnionProperty(cls, propClone, prop.name);
372 | }
373 | }
374 | }
375 | });
376 | this.onEndProperties(cls);
377 | }
378 | }
379 | |
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |
385 |
386 |
387 |
388 | isPrimaryExpandedUnionProperty(ref, index) {
389 | if (!ref) {
390 | return false;
391 | }
392 | return (index ===
393 | ref.union.types.findIndex((t) => {
394 | if (spec.isPrimitiveTypeReference(t)) {
395 | return true;
396 | }
397 | return false;
398 | }));
399 | }
400 | visitEnum(enumSpec) {
401 | if (enumSpec.members) {
402 | enumSpec.members.forEach((spec) => this.onEnumMember(enumSpec, spec));
403 | }
404 | }
405 | displayNameForType(type) {
406 |
407 | if (spec.isNamedTypeReference(type)) {
408 | const comps = type.fqn.split('.');
409 | const last = comps[comps.length - 1];
410 | return this.code.toPascalCase(last);
411 | }
412 |
413 | if (spec.isPrimitiveTypeReference(type)) {
414 | return this.code.toPascalCase(type.primitive);
415 | }
416 |
417 | const coll = spec.isCollectionTypeReference(type) && type.collection;
418 | if (coll) {
419 | return `${this.code.toPascalCase(coll.kind)}Of${this.displayNameForType(coll.elementtype)}`;
420 | }
421 | const union = spec.isUnionTypeReference(type) && type.union;
422 | if (union) {
423 | return union.types.map((t) => this.displayNameForType(t)).join('Or');
424 | }
425 | throw new Error(`Cannot determine display name for type: ${JSON.stringify(type)}`);
426 | }
427 | |
428 |
429 |
430 |
431 | findModule(name) {
432 |
433 | if (this.assembly.name === name) {
434 | return this.assembly;
435 | }
436 | const found = (this.assembly.dependencyClosure ?? {})[name];
437 | if (found) {
438 | return found;
439 | }
440 | throw new Error(`Unable to find module ${name} as a dependency of ${this.assembly.name}`);
441 | }
442 | findType(fqn) {
443 | const ret = this.reflectAssembly.system.tryFindFqn(fqn);
444 | if (!ret) {
445 | throw new Error(`Cannot find type '${fqn}' either as internal or external type`);
446 | }
447 | return ret.spec;
448 | }
449 | }
450 | exports.Generator = Generator;
451 |
\ | No newline at end of file |