1 | "use strict";
2 | var __classPrivateFieldSet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldSet) || function (receiver, state, value, kind, f) {
3 | if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable");
4 | if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter");
5 | if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
6 | return (kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;
7 | };
8 | var __classPrivateFieldGet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldGet) || function (receiver, state, kind, f) {
9 | if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
10 | if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
11 | return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);
12 | };
13 | var _Code_defaultCategory, _Code_category, _Code_formatter, _JsiiDiagnostic_formatted;
14 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
15 | exports.configureCategories = exports.JsiiDiagnostic = exports.Code = void 0;
16 | const spec = require("@jsii/spec");
17 | const case_1 = require("case");
18 | const ts = require("typescript");
19 | const deprecation_warnings_1 = require("./transforms/deprecation-warnings");
20 | const utils_1 = require("./utils");
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 | class Code {
28 | |
29 |
30 |
31 | static message({ code, name, formatter, }) {
32 | return new Code(code, name, ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, formatter);
33 | }
34 | |
35 |
36 |
37 | static suggestion({ code, name, formatter, }) {
38 | return new Code(code, name, ts.DiagnosticCategory.Suggestion, formatter);
39 | }
40 | |
41 |
42 |
43 | static warning({ code, name, formatter, }) {
44 | return new Code(code, name, ts.DiagnosticCategory.Warning, formatter);
45 | }
46 | |
47 |
48 |
49 | static error({ code, name, formatter, }) {
50 | return new Code(code, name, ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, formatter);
51 | }
52 | |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 | static lookup(codeOrName) {
63 | if (typeof codeOrName === 'number') {
64 | return this.byCode[codeOrName];
65 | }
66 | return this.byName[codeOrName];
67 | }
68 | |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 | constructor(code, name, defaultCategory, formatter) {
77 | this.code = code;
78 | this.name = name;
79 |
80 | _Code_defaultCategory.set(this, void 0);
81 |
82 | _Code_category.set(this, void 0);
83 |
84 | _Code_formatter.set(this, void 0);
85 | __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _Code_defaultCategory, defaultCategory, "f");
86 | __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _Code_formatter, formatter, "f");
87 | if (code in Code.byCode) {
88 | throw new Error(`Attempted to create two instances of ${this.constructor.name} with code ${code}`);
89 | }
90 | if (name in Code.byName) {
91 | throw new Error(`Attempted to create two instances of ${this.constructor.name} with name ${name}`);
92 | }
93 | Code.byCode[code] = Code.byName[name] = this;
94 | }
95 | |
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 | get isError() {
101 | return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Code_defaultCategory, "f") === ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error;
102 | }
103 | |
104 |
105 |
106 | get category() {
107 | return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Code_category, "f") ?? __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Code_defaultCategory, "f");
108 | }
109 | |
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 | set category(newValue) {
117 | if (this.isError && newValue !== ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error) {
118 | throw new Error(`Illegal attempt to override category of error ${this.code} to ${ts.DiagnosticCategory[newValue]}`);
119 | }
120 | __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _Code_category, newValue, "f");
121 | }
122 | |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 | createDetached(...args) {
133 | return new JsiiDiagnostic(this, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Code_formatter, "f").call(this, ...args));
134 | }
135 | |
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 | create(location, ...args) {
143 | return new JsiiDiagnostic(this, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Code_formatter, "f").call(this, ...args), location);
144 | }
145 | }
146 | exports.Code = Code;
147 | _Code_defaultCategory = new WeakMap(), _Code_category = new WeakMap(), _Code_formatter = new WeakMap();
148 | Code.byCode = {};
149 | Code.byName = {};
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 | class JsiiDiagnostic {
154 |
155 | |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 | static isJsiiDiagnostic(diag) {
160 | return diag.domain === JsiiDiagnostic.DOMAIN;
161 | }
162 | |
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 | constructor(code, messageText, location) {
168 | this.domain = JsiiDiagnostic.DOMAIN;
169 | this.code = utils_1.JSII_DIAGNOSTICS_CODE;
170 | this.relatedInformation = new Array();
171 |
172 | _JsiiDiagnostic_formatted.set(this, void 0);
173 | this.category = code.category;
174 | this.jsiiCode = code.code;
175 | this.messageText = messageText;
176 | if (location != null) {
177 | this.file = location.getSourceFile();
178 | this.start = location.getStart(this.file);
179 | this.length = location.getEnd() - this.start;
180 | }
181 | }
182 | addRelatedInformation(node, message) {
183 |
184 | if (!/[\\/]typescript[\\/]lib[\\/]lib\..+\.d\.ts$/.test(node.getSourceFile().fileName)) {
185 | this.relatedInformation.push(JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_9999_RELATED_INFO.create(node, message));
186 | }
187 |
188 | __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _JsiiDiagnostic_formatted, undefined, "f");
189 | return this;
190 | }
191 | |
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 | addRelatedInformationIf(node, message) {
201 | if (node != null) {
202 | return this.addRelatedInformation(node, message);
203 | }
204 | else {
205 | return this;
206 | }
207 | }
208 | |
209 |
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
214 |
215 |
216 |
217 | maybeAddRelatedInformation(node, message) {
218 | if (node == null) {
219 | return this;
220 | }
221 | this.relatedInformation.push(JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_9999_RELATED_INFO.create(node, message));
222 |
223 | __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _JsiiDiagnostic_formatted, undefined, "f");
224 | return this;
225 | }
226 | |
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 | format(projectRoot) {
234 | if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _JsiiDiagnostic_formatted, "f") == null) {
235 | __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _JsiiDiagnostic_formatted, (0, utils_1._formatDiagnostic)(this, projectRoot), "f");
236 | }
237 | return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _JsiiDiagnostic_formatted, "f");
238 | }
239 | }
240 | exports.JsiiDiagnostic = JsiiDiagnostic;
241 | _JsiiDiagnostic_formatted = new WeakMap();
242 |
243 |
244 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_0001_PKG_MISSING_DESCRIPTION = Code.suggestion({
245 | code: 1,
246 | formatter: () => 'A "description" field should be specified in "package.json"',
247 | name: 'metadata/package-json-missing-description',
248 | });
249 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_0002_PKG_MISSING_HOMEPAGE = Code.suggestion({
250 | code: 2,
251 | formatter: () => 'A "homepage" field should be specified in "package.json"',
252 | name: 'metadata/package-json-missing-homepage',
253 | });
254 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_0003_MISSING_README = Code.warning({
255 | code: 3,
256 | formatter: () => 'There is no "README.md" file. It is required in order to generate valid PyPI (Python) packages.',
257 | name: 'metadata/missing-readme',
258 | });
259 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_0004_COULD_NOT_FIND_ENTRYPOINT = Code.error({
260 | code: 4,
261 | formatter: (mainFile) => `Could not find "main" file: ${mainFile}`,
262 | name: 'metadata/could-not-find-entrypoint',
263 | });
264 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_0005_MISSING_PEER_DEPENDENCY = Code.warning({
265 | code: 5,
266 | formatter: (assm, reference) => `The type "${reference}" is exposed in the public API of this module. ` +
267 | `Therefore, the module "${assm}" must also be defined under "peerDependencies". ` +
268 | 'This will be auto-corrected unless --no-fix-peer-dependencies was specified.',
269 | name: 'metadata/missing-peer-dependency',
270 | });
271 |
272 |
273 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_0006_MISSING_DEV_DEPENDENCY = Code.warning({
274 | code: 6,
275 | formatter: (dependencyName, peerRange, minVersion, actual) => `A "peerDependency" on "${dependencyName}" at "${peerRange}" means you ` +
276 | `should take a "devDependency" on "${dependencyName}" at "${minVersion}" ` +
277 | `(found ${JSON.stringify(actual)})`,
278 | name: 'metadata/missing-dev-dependency',
279 | });
280 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_0007_MISSING_WARNINGS_EXPORT = Code.error({
281 | code: 7,
282 | formatter: () => 'If you are compiling with --add-deprecation-warnings and your package.json ' +
283 | `declares subpath exports, you must include { "./${deprecation_warnings_1.WARNINGSCODE_FILE_NAME}": "./${deprecation_warnings_1.WARNINGSCODE_FILE_NAME}" } ` +
284 | 'in the set of exports.',
285 | name: 'metadata/missing-warnings-export',
286 | });
287 |
288 |
289 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_1000_NO_CONST_ENUM = Code.error({
290 | code: 1000,
291 | formatter: () => 'Exported "const enum" declarations are not allowed',
292 | name: 'typescript-restrictions/no-const-enum',
293 | });
294 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_1001_TYPE_HAS_NO_SYMBOL = Code.error({
295 | code: 1001,
296 | formatter: () => 'Non-primitive types without a symbol cannot be processed.',
297 | name: 'typescript-restrictions/type-has-no-symbol',
298 | });
299 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_1002_UNSPECIFIED_PROMISE = Code.error({
300 | code: 1002,
301 | formatter: () => 'Un-specified promise type. Specify it using "Promise<T>"',
302 | name: 'typescript-restrictions/unspecified-promise',
303 | });
304 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_1003_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE = Code.error({
305 | code: 1003,
306 | formatter: (messageText) => messageText,
307 | name: 'typescript-restrictions/unsupported-type',
308 | });
309 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_1004_DUPLICATE_ENUM_VALUE = Code.error({
310 | code: 1004,
311 | formatter: (enumValue, enumMemberNames) => `Value ${enumValue} is used for multiple enum values: ${enumMemberNames.join(', ')}`,
312 | name: 'typescript-restrictions/duplicate-enum-value',
313 | });
314 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_1005_SEPARATE_WRITE_TYPE = Code.error({
315 | code: 1005,
316 | formatter: () => 'Visible property signatures cannot use a separate write type. Use the same type as the getter.',
317 | name: 'typescript-restrictions/separate-write-type',
318 | });
319 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_1006_GENERIC_TYPE = Code.error({
320 | code: 1006,
321 | formatter: () => 'Generic types are not supported because semantics are not uniform in target languages.',
322 | name: 'typescript-restriction/generic-type',
323 | });
324 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_1999_UNSUPPORTED = Code.error({
325 | code: 1999,
326 | formatter: ({ what, alternative, suggestInternal, }) => `${what} are not supported in jsii APIs.${alternative ? ` Consider using ${alternative} instead.` : ''}${suggestInternal
327 | ? ` This declaration must${alternative ? ' otherwise' : ''} be marked "@internal" or "@jsii ignore".`
328 | : ''}`,
329 | name: 'typescript-restrictions/unsupported',
330 | });
331 |
332 |
333 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_2000_MISSING_DIRECTIVE_ARGUMENT = Code.warning({
334 | code: 2000,
335 | formatter: () => 'Missing argument to @jsii directive. Refer to the jsii compiler documentation for more information.',
336 | name: 'jsii-directive/missing-argument',
337 | });
338 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_2100_STRUCT_ON_NON_INTERFACE = Code.warning({
339 | code: 2100,
340 | formatter: () => 'The "@jsii struct" directive is only applicable to interface declarations.',
341 | name: 'jsii-directive/struct-on-non-interface',
342 | });
343 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_2999_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE = Code.warning({
344 | code: 2999,
345 | formatter: (text) => `Unknown @jsii directive: ${JSON.stringify(text)}. Refer to the jsii compiler documentation for more information.`,
346 | name: 'jsii-directive/unknown',
347 | });
348 |
349 |
350 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_3000_EXPORTED_API_USES_HIDDEN_TYPE = Code.error({
351 | code: 3000,
352 | formatter: (badFqn) => `Exported APIs cannot use un-exported type "${badFqn}"`,
353 | name: 'type-model/exported-api-cannot-use-unexported-type',
354 | });
355 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_3001_EXPOSED_INTERNAL_TYPE = Code.error({
356 | code: 3001,
357 | formatter: (symbol, isThisType, typeUse) => `Type ${isThisType ? `"this" (aka: "${symbol.name}")` : `"${symbol.name}"`} cannot be used as the ${typeUse} because it is private or @internal`,
358 | name: 'type-model/use-of-internal-type',
359 | });
360 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_3002_USE_OF_UNEXPORTED_FOREIGN_TYPE = Code.error({
361 | code: 3002,
362 | formatter: (fqn, typeUse, pkg) => `Type "${fqn}" cannot be used as a ${typeUse} because it is not exported from ${pkg.name}`,
363 | name: 'type-model/unexported-foreign-type',
364 | });
365 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_3003_SYMBOL_IS_EXPORTED_TWICE = Code.error({
366 | code: 3003,
367 | formatter: (ns1, ns2) => `Symbol is exported under two distinct submodules: ${ns1} and ${ns2}`,
368 | name: 'type-model/symbol-is-exported-twice',
369 | });
370 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_3004_INVALID_SUPERTYPE = Code.error({
371 | code: 3004,
372 | formatter: (clause, badDeclaration) => {
373 | return `Illegal ${clauseType(clause.token)} clause for an exported API: ${ts.SyntaxKind[badDeclaration.kind]}`;
374 | function clauseType(token) {
375 | switch (token) {
376 | case ts.SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword:
377 | return 'extends';
378 | case ts.SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword:
379 | return 'implements';
380 | default:
381 | return ts.SyntaxKind[token];
382 | }
383 | }
384 | },
385 | name: 'type-model/invalid-supertype',
386 | });
387 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_3005_TYPE_USED_AS_INTERFACE = Code.error({
388 | code: 3005,
389 | formatter: (badType) => `Type "${spec.describeTypeReference(badType)}" cannot be used as an interface`,
390 | name: 'type-model/type-used-as-interface',
391 | });
392 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_3006_TYPE_USED_AS_CLASS = Code.error({
393 | code: 3006,
394 | formatter: (badType) => `Type "${spec.describeTypeReference(badType)}" cannot be used as a class`,
395 | name: 'type-model/type-used-as-class',
396 | });
397 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_3007_ILLEGAL_STRUCT_EXTENSION = Code.error({
398 | code: 3007,
399 | formatter: (offender, struct) => `Attempt to extend or implement struct "${struct.fqn}" from "${offender.fqn}"`,
400 | name: 'type-model/illegal-struct-extension',
401 | });
402 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_3008_STRUCT_PROPS_MUST_BE_READONLY = Code.error({
403 | code: 3008,
404 | formatter: (propName, struct) => `The "${propName}" property of struct "${struct.fqn}" must be "readonly". Rename "${struct.fqn}" to "I${struct.name}" if it is meant to be a behavioral interface.`,
405 | name: 'type-model/struct-props-must-be-readonly',
406 | });
407 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_3009_OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_BEFORE_REQUIRED = Code.error({
408 | code: 3009,
409 | formatter: (param, nextParam) => `Parameter "${param.name}" cannot be optional, as it precedes required parameter "${nextParam.name}"`,
410 | name: 'type-model/optional-parameter-before-required',
411 | });
412 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_3999_INCOHERENT_TYPE_MODEL = Code.error({
413 | code: 3999,
414 | formatter: (messageText) => messageText,
415 | name: 'type-model/incoherent-type-model',
416 | });
417 |
418 |
419 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_4000_FAILED_TSCONFIG_VALIDATION = Code.error({
420 | code: 4000,
421 | formatter: (config, ruleSet, violations) => {
422 | return `Typescript compiler options in "${config}" are not passing validation against rule set "${ruleSet}", found the following rule violations:\n${violations
423 | .map((v) => ` - ${v.field}: ${v.message}`)
424 | .join('\n')}`;
425 | },
426 | name: 'typescript-config/invalid-tsconfig',
427 | });
428 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_4009_DISABLED_TSCONFIG_VALIDATION = Code.warning({
429 | code: 4009,
430 | formatter: (config) => `Validation of typescript config "${config}" is disabled. This is intended for experimental setups only. Compilation might fail or produce incompatible artifacts.`,
431 | name: 'typescript-config/disabled-tsconfig-validation',
432 | });
433 |
434 |
435 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5000_JAVA_GETTERS = Code.error({
436 | code: 5000,
437 | formatter: (badName, typeName) => `Methods and properties cannot have names like "getXxx": those conflict with Java property getters. Rename "${typeName}.${badName}"`,
438 | name: 'language-compatibility/potential-java-getter-conflict',
439 | });
440 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5001_JAVA_SETTERS = Code.error({
441 | code: 5001,
442 | formatter: (badName, typeName) => `Methods and properties cannot have names like "setXxx": those conflict with Java property setters. Rename "${typeName}.${badName}"`,
443 | name: 'language-compatibility/potential-java-setter-conflict',
444 | });
445 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5002_OVERRIDE_CHANGES_VISIBILITY = Code.error({
446 | code: 5002,
447 | formatter: (newElement, action, newValue, oldValue) => `"${newElement}" changes visibility to ${newValue} when ${action}. Change it to ${oldValue}`,
448 | name: 'language-compatibility/override-changes-visibility',
449 | });
450 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5003_OVERRIDE_CHANGES_RETURN_TYPE = Code.error({
451 | code: 5003,
452 | formatter: (newElement, action, newValue, oldValue) => `"${newElement}" changes the return type to "${newValue}" when ${action}. Change it to "${oldValue}"`,
453 | name: 'language-compatibility/override-changes-return-type',
454 | });
455 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5004_OVERRIDE_CHANGES_PROP_TYPE = Code.error({
456 | code: 5004,
457 | formatter: (newElement, action, newType, oldType) => `"${newElement}" changes the property type to "${spec.describeTypeReference(newType)}" when ${action}. Change it to "${spec.describeTypeReference(oldType)}"`,
458 | name: 'language-compatibility/override-changes-property-type',
459 | });
460 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5005_OVERRIDE_CHANGES_PARAM_COUNT = Code.error({
461 | code: 5005,
462 | formatter: (newElement, action, newCount, oldCount) => `"${newElement}" has ${newCount} parameters when ${action}. It should accept ${oldCount} parameters`,
463 | name: 'language-compatibility/override-changes-param-count',
464 | });
465 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5006_OVERRIDE_CHANGES_PARAM_TYPE = Code.error({
466 | code: 5006,
467 | formatter: (newElement, action, newParam, oldParam) => `"${newElement}" changes the type of parameter "${newParam.name}" to ${spec.describeTypeReference(newParam.type)} when ${action}. Change it to ${spec.describeTypeReference(oldParam.type)}`,
468 | name: 'language-compatibility/override-changes-param-type',
469 | });
470 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5007_OVERRIDE_CHANGES_VARIADIC = Code.error({
471 | code: 5007,
472 | formatter: (newElement, action, newVariadic = false, oldVariadic = false) => `"${newElement}" turns ${newVariadic ? 'variadic' : 'non variadic'} when ${action}. Make it ${oldVariadic ? 'variadic' : 'non-variadic'}`,
473 | name: 'language-compatibility/override-changes-variadic',
474 | });
475 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5008_OVERRIDE_CHANGES_PARAM_OPTIONAL = Code.error({
476 | code: 5008,
477 | formatter: (newElement, action, newParam, oldParam) => `"${newElement}" turns parameter "${newParam.name}" ${newParam.optional ? 'optional' : 'required'} when ${action}. Make it ${oldParam.optional ? 'optional' : 'required'}`,
478 | name: 'language-compatibility/override-changes-param-optional',
479 | });
480 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5009_OVERRIDE_CHANGES_PROP_OPTIONAL = Code.error({
481 | code: 5009,
482 | formatter: (newElement, action, newOptional = false, oldOptional = false) => `"${newElement}" turns ${newOptional ? 'optional' : 'required'} when ${action}. Make it ${oldOptional ? 'optional' : 'required'}`,
483 | name: 'language-compatibility/override-changes-prop-optional',
484 | });
485 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5010_OVERRIDE_CHANGES_MUTABILITY = Code.error({
486 | code: 5010,
487 | formatter: (newElement, action, newReadonly = false, oldReadonly = false) => `"${newElement}" turns ${newReadonly ? 'readonly' : 'mutable'} when ${action}. Make it ${oldReadonly ? 'readonly' : 'mutable'}`,
488 | name: 'language-compatibility/override-changes-mutability',
489 | });
490 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5011_SUBMODULE_NAME_CONFLICT = Code.error({
491 | code: 5011,
492 | formatter: (submoduleName, typeName, reserved) => `Submodule "${submoduleName}" conflicts with "${typeName}, as different languages could represent it as: ${reserved
493 | .map((x) => `"${x}"`)
494 | .join(', ')}"`,
495 | name: 'language-compatibility/submodule-name-conflicts',
496 | });
497 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5012_NAMESPACE_IN_TYPE = Code.error({
498 | code: 5012,
499 | formatter: (typeName, namespaceName) => `All entities nested under a type (e.g: "${typeName}") must be concrete types, but "${namespaceName}" is a namespace. This structure cannot be supported in all languages (e.g: Java)`,
500 | name: 'language-compatibility/namespace-in-type',
501 | });
502 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5013_STATIC_INSTANCE_CONFLICT = Code.error({
503 | code: 5013,
504 | formatter: (member, type) => `Member "${member}" of class "${type.fqn}" has both a static and an instance delcaration`,
505 | name: 'language-compatibility/static-instance-conflict',
506 | });
507 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5014_INHERITED_STATIC_CONFLICT = Code.error({
508 | code: 5014,
509 | formatter: (member, type, baseMember, baseType) => `${member.static ? 'Static' : 'Instance'} member "${member.name}" of class "${type.fqn}" conflicts with ${baseMember.static ? 'static' : 'instance'} member in ancestor "${baseType.fqn}"`,
510 | name: 'language-compatibility/inherited-static-conflict',
511 | });
512 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5015_REDECLARED_INTERFACE_MEMBER = Code.error({
513 | code: 5015,
514 | formatter: (memberName, iface) => `Interface "${iface.fqn}" re-declares member "${memberName}". This is not supported as it results in invalid C#.`,
515 | name: 'language-compatibility/redeclared-interface-member',
516 | });
517 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5016_PROHIBITED_MEMBER_NAME = Code.error({
518 | code: 5016,
519 | formatter: (badName) => `Members cannot be named "${badName}" as it conflicts with synthetic declarations in some languages.`,
520 | name: 'language-compatibility/prohibited-member-name',
521 | });
522 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5017_POSITIONAL_KEYWORD_CONFLICT = Code.error({
523 | code: 5017,
524 | formatter: (badName) => `Parameter name "${badName}" is also the name of a property in a struct parameter. Rename the positional parameter.`,
525 | name: 'language-compatibility/positional-keyword-conflict',
526 | });
527 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5018_RESERVED_WORD = Code.warning({
528 | code: 5018,
529 | formatter: (badName, languages) => `"${badName}" is a reserved word in ${languages.join(', ')}. Using this name may cause problems when generating language bindings. Consider a different name.`,
530 | name: 'language-compatibility/reserved-word',
531 | });
532 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5019_MEMBER_TYPE_NAME_CONFLICT = Code.warning({
533 | code: 5019,
534 | formatter: (memberKind, memberSymbol, declaringType) => `The ${memberKind} name "${memberSymbol.name}" conflicts with the declaring ${declaringType.kind} "${declaringType.name}". This will result in renaming the ${declaringType.kind} to "_${declaringType.name}" in C#. Consider renaming "${memberSymbol.name}".`,
535 | name: 'language-compatibility/member-name-conflicts-with-type-name',
536 | });
537 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_5020_STATIC_MEMBER_CONFLICTS_WITH_NESTED_TYPE = Code.error({
538 | code: 5020,
539 | formatter: (nestingType, staticMember, nestedType) => `The static member "${nestingType.name}.${staticMember.name}" has the same PascalCased representation as nested type "${nestingType.name}.${nestedType.name}". This would result in invalid code in Go.`,
540 | name: 'language-compatibility/static-member-name-conflicts-with-nested-type',
541 | });
542 |
543 |
544 |
545 |
546 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_7000_NON_EXISTENT_PARAMETER = Code.warning({
547 | code: 7000,
548 | formatter: (method, param) => `Documentation for method "${method.name}" refers to non-existent @param "${param}"`,
549 | name: 'documentation/non-existent-parameter',
550 | });
551 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_7001_ILLEGAL_HINT = Code.error({
552 | code: 7001,
553 | formatter: (hint, ...valid) => `Illegal use of "@${hint}" hint. It is only valid on ${valid.join(', ')}.`,
554 | name: 'documentation/illegal-hint',
555 | });
556 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_7999_DOCUMENTATION_ERROR = Code.error({
557 | code: 7999,
558 | formatter: (messageText) => messageText,
559 | name: 'documentation/documentation-error',
560 | });
561 |
562 |
563 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_8000_PASCAL_CASED_TYPE_NAMES = Code.error({
564 | code: 8000,
565 | formatter: (badName, expectedName = (0, case_1.pascal)(badName)) => `Type names must be PascalCased. Rename "${badName}" to "${expectedName}"`,
566 | name: 'code-style/type-names-must-use-pascal-case',
567 | });
568 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_8001_ALL_CAPS_ENUM_MEMBERS = Code.error({
569 | code: 8001,
570 | formatter: (badName, typeName) => `Enum members must be ALL_CAPS. Rename "${typeName}.${badName}" to "${(0, case_1.constant)(badName)}"`,
571 | name: 'code-style/enum-members-must-use-all-caps',
572 | });
573 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_8002_CAMEL_CASED_MEMBERS = Code.error({
574 | code: 8002,
575 | formatter: (badName, typeName) => `Method and property (unless they are static readonly) names must use camelCase. Rename "${typeName}.${badName}" to "${(0, case_1.camel)(badName)}"`,
576 | name: 'code-style/member-names-must-use-camel-case',
577 | });
578 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_8003_STATIC_CONST_CASING = Code.error({
579 | code: 8003,
580 | formatter: (badName, typeName) => `Static constant names must use ALL_CAPS, PascalCase, or camelCase. Rename "${typeName}.${badName}" to "${(0, case_1.constant)(badName)}"`,
581 | name: 'code-style/static-readonly-property-casing',
582 | });
583 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_8004_SUBMOULE_NAME_CASING = Code.error({
584 | code: 8004,
585 | formatter: (badName) => `Submodule namespaces must be camelCased or snake_cased. Rename "${badName}" to ${(0, case_1.camel)(badName)}`,
586 | name: 'code-style/submodule-name-casing',
587 | });
588 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_8005_INTERNAL_UNDERSCORE = Code.error({
589 | code: 8005,
590 | formatter: (badName) => `Members marked with @internal must have a name starting with "_". Rename "${badName}" to "_${badName}"`,
591 | name: 'code-style/internal-members-underscore-prefix',
592 | });
593 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_8006_UNDERSCORE_INTERNAL = Code.error({
594 | code: 8006,
595 | formatter: (badName) => `Members with a name starting with "_" (e.g: "${badName}") must be marked @internal`,
596 | name: 'code-style/underscored-members-must-be-internal',
597 | });
598 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_8007_BEHAVIORAL_INTERFACE_NAME = Code.error({
599 | code: 8007,
600 | formatter: (badName) => `Interface contains behavior. Rename "${badName}" to "I${badName}"`,
601 | name: 'code-style/behavioral-interface-name',
602 | });
603 |
604 |
605 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_9000_UNKNOWN_MODULE = Code.error({
606 | code: 9000,
607 | formatter: (moduleName) => `Encountered use of module that is not declared in "dependencies" or "peerDependencies": "${moduleName}"`,
608 | name: 'miscellaneous/unknown-module',
609 | });
610 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_9001_TYPE_NOT_FOUND = Code.error({
611 | code: 9001,
612 | formatter: (typeRef) => `Type not found in the corresponding assembly: "${typeRef.fqn}"`,
613 | name: 'miscellaneous/type-not-found',
614 | });
615 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_9002_UNRESOLVEABLE_TYPE = Code.error({
616 | code: 9002,
617 | formatter: (reference) => `Unable to resolve type "${reference}". It may be @internal or not exported from the module's entry point (as configured in "package.json" as "main").`,
618 | name: 'miscellaneous/unresolveable-type',
619 | });
620 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_9003_UNRESOLVEABLE_MODULE = Code.error({
621 | code: 9003,
622 | formatter: (location) => `Unable to resolve module location "${location}"`,
623 | name: 'miscellaneous/unresolveable-module',
624 | });
625 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_9004_UNABLE_TO_COMPUTE_SIGNATURE = Code.error({
626 | code: 9004,
627 | formatter: (methodName, type) => `Unable to compute signature for method "${methodName}" of "${type.fqn}"`,
628 | name: 'miscellaneous/unable-to-compute-signature',
629 | });
630 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_9996_UNNECESSARY_TOKEN = Code.message({
631 | code: 9996,
632 | formatter: () => 'Unnecessary token, consider removing it',
633 | name: 'miscellaneous/unnecessary-token',
634 | });
635 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_9997_UNKNOWN_ERROR = Code.error({
636 | code: 9997,
637 | formatter: (error) => `Unknown error: ${error.message} -- ${error.stack}`,
638 | name: 'miscellaneous/unknown-error',
639 | });
640 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_9998_UNSUPPORTED_NODE = Code.message({
641 | code: 9998,
642 | formatter: (kindOrMessage) => typeof kindOrMessage === 'string'
643 | ? kindOrMessage
644 | : `Unsupported ${ts.SyntaxKind[kindOrMessage]} node. This declaration will not be accessible from other languages.`,
645 | name: 'miscellaneous/unsupported-node',
646 | });
647 |
648 | JsiiDiagnostic.JSII_9999_RELATED_INFO = Code.suggestion({
649 | code: 9999,
650 | formatter: (messageText) => messageText,
651 | name: 'miscellaneous/related-info',
652 | });
653 |
654 |
655 |
656 |
657 | JsiiDiagnostic.DOMAIN = Symbol('jsii');
658 | function configureCategories(records) {
659 | for (const [code, category] of Object.entries(records)) {
660 | const diagCode = Code.lookup(diagnosticCode(code));
661 | if (!diagCode) {
662 | throw new Error(`Unrecognized diagnostic code '${code}'`);
663 | }
664 | diagCode.category = category;
665 | }
666 | }
667 | exports.configureCategories = configureCategories;
668 | function diagnosticCode(str) {
669 | if (str.toLowerCase().startsWith('jsii')) {
670 | const re = /^JSII(\d+)$/i.exec(str);
671 | if (re) {
672 | return parseInt(re[1], 10);
673 | }
674 | throw new Error(`Invalid diagnostic code ${str}. A number must follow code that starts with 'JSII'`);
675 | }
676 | return str;
677 | }
678 |
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