1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | require("@jsii/check-node/run");
4 | const path = require("node:path");
5 | const util = require("node:util");
6 | const log4js = require("log4js");
7 | const package_json_1 = require("typescript/package.json");
8 | const yargs = require("yargs");
9 | const compiler_1 = require("./compiler");
10 | const jsii_diagnostic_1 = require("./jsii-diagnostic");
11 | const project_info_1 = require("./project-info");
12 | const support_1 = require("./support");
13 | const tsconfig_1 = require("./tsconfig");
14 | const utils = require("./utils");
15 | const version_1 = require("./version");
16 | const warnings_1 = require("./warnings");
17 | const warningTypes = Object.keys(warnings_1.enabledWarnings);
18 | function choiceWithDesc(choices, desc) {
19 | return {
20 | choices: Object.keys(choices),
21 | desc: [desc, ...Object.entries(choices).map(([choice, docs]) => `${choice}: ${docs}`)].join('\n'),
22 | };
23 | }
24 | var OPTION_GROUP;
25 | (function (OPTION_GROUP) {
26 | OPTION_GROUP["JSII"] = "jsii compiler options:";
27 | OPTION_GROUP["TS"] = "TypeScript config options:";
28 | })(OPTION_GROUP || (OPTION_GROUP = {}));
29 | const ruleSets = {
30 | [tsconfig_1.TypeScriptConfigValidationRuleSet.STRICT]: 'Validates the provided config against a strict rule set designed for maximum backwards-compatibility.',
31 | [tsconfig_1.TypeScriptConfigValidationRuleSet.GENERATED]: 'Enforces a config as created by --generate-tsconfig. Use this to stay compatible with the generated config, but have full ownership over the file.',
32 | [tsconfig_1.TypeScriptConfigValidationRuleSet.MINIMAL]: 'Only enforce options that are known to be incompatible with jsii. This rule set is likely to be incomplete and new rules will be added without notice as incompatibilities emerge.',
33 | [tsconfig_1.TypeScriptConfigValidationRuleSet.NONE]: 'Disables all config validation, including options that are known to be incompatible with jsii. Intended for experimentation only. Use at your own risk.',
34 | };
35 | (async () => {
36 | await (0, support_1.emitSupportPolicyInformation)();
37 | await yargs
38 | .env('JSII')
39 | .command(['$0 [PROJECT_ROOT]', 'compile [PROJECT_ROOT]'], 'Compiles a jsii/TypeScript project', (argv) => argv
40 | .positional('PROJECT_ROOT', {
41 | type: 'string',
42 | desc: 'The root of the project to be compiled',
43 | default: '.',
44 | normalize: true,
45 | })
46 | .option('watch', {
47 | alias: 'w',
48 | type: 'boolean',
49 | desc: 'Watch for file changes and recompile automatically',
50 | })
51 | .option('project-references', {
52 | group: OPTION_GROUP.JSII,
53 | alias: 'r',
54 | type: 'boolean',
55 | desc: 'Generate TypeScript project references (also [package.json].jsii.projectReferences)\nHas no effect if --tsconfig is provided',
56 | })
57 | .option('fix-peer-dependencies', {
58 | type: 'boolean',
59 | default: true,
60 | desc: 'This option no longer has any effect.',
61 | hidden: true,
62 | })
63 | .options('fail-on-warnings', {
64 | group: OPTION_GROUP.JSII,
65 | alias: 'Werr',
66 | type: 'boolean',
67 | desc: 'Treat warnings as errors',
68 | })
69 | .option('silence-warnings', {
70 | group: OPTION_GROUP.JSII,
71 | type: 'array',
72 | default: [],
73 | desc: `List of warnings to silence (warnings: ${warningTypes.join(',')})`,
74 | })
75 | .option('strip-deprecated', {
76 | group: OPTION_GROUP.JSII,
77 | type: 'string',
78 | desc: '[EXPERIMENTAL] Hides all @deprecated members from the API (implementations remain). If an optional file name is given, only FQNs present in the file will be stripped.',
79 | })
80 | .option('add-deprecation-warnings', {
81 | group: OPTION_GROUP.JSII,
82 | type: 'boolean',
83 | default: false,
84 | desc: '[EXPERIMENTAL] Injects warning statements for all deprecated elements, to be printed at runtime',
85 | })
86 | .option('generate-tsconfig', {
87 | group: OPTION_GROUP.TS,
88 | type: 'string',
89 | defaultDescription: 'tsconfig.json',
90 | desc: 'Name of the typescript configuration file to generate with compiler settings',
91 | })
92 | .option('tsconfig', {
93 | group: OPTION_GROUP.TS,
94 | alias: 'c',
95 | type: 'string',
96 | desc: '[EXPERIMENTAL] Use this typescript configuration file to compile the jsii project.',
97 | })
98 | .conflicts('tsconfig', ['generate-tsconfig', 'project-references'])
99 | .option('validate-tsconfig', {
100 | group: OPTION_GROUP.TS,
101 | ...choiceWithDesc(ruleSets, '[EXPERIMENTAL] Validate the provided typescript configuration file against a set of rules.'),
102 | defaultDescription: tsconfig_1.TypeScriptConfigValidationRuleSet.STRICT,
103 | })
104 | .option('compress-assembly', {
105 | group: OPTION_GROUP.JSII,
106 | type: 'boolean',
107 | default: false,
108 | desc: 'Emit a compressed version of the assembly',
109 | })
110 | .option('verbose', {
111 | alias: 'v',
112 | type: 'count',
113 | desc: 'Increase the verbosity of output',
114 | global: true,
115 | }), async (argv) => {
116 | _configureLog4js(argv.verbose);
117 | if (argv['generate-tsconfig'] != null && argv.tsconfig != null) {
118 | throw new Error('Options --generate-tsconfig and --tsconfig are mutually exclusive');
119 | }
120 | const projectRoot = path.normalize(path.resolve(process.cwd(), argv.PROJECT_ROOT));
121 | const { projectInfo, diagnostics: projectInfoDiagnostics } = (0, project_info_1.loadProjectInfo)(projectRoot);
122 |
123 | for (const key of argv['silence-warnings']) {
124 | if (!(key in warnings_1.enabledWarnings)) {
125 | throw new Error(`Unknown warning type ${key}. Must be one of: ${warningTypes.join(', ')}`);
126 | }
127 | warnings_1.enabledWarnings[key] = false;
128 | }
129 | (0, jsii_diagnostic_1.configureCategories)(projectInfo.diagnostics ?? {});
130 | const typeScriptConfig = argv.tsconfig ?? projectInfo.packageJson.jsii?.tsconfig;
131 | const validateTypeScriptConfig = argv['validate-tsconfig'] ??
132 | projectInfo.packageJson.jsii?.validateTsconfig ??
133 | tsconfig_1.TypeScriptConfigValidationRuleSet.STRICT;
134 | const compiler = new compiler_1.Compiler({
135 | projectInfo,
136 | projectReferences: argv['project-references'],
137 | failOnWarnings: argv['fail-on-warnings'],
138 | stripDeprecated: argv['strip-deprecated'] != null,
139 | stripDeprecatedAllowListFile: argv['strip-deprecated'],
140 | addDeprecationWarnings: argv['add-deprecation-warnings'],
141 | generateTypeScriptConfig: argv['generate-tsconfig'],
142 | typeScriptConfig,
143 | validateTypeScriptConfig,
144 | compressAssembly: argv['compress-assembly'],
145 | });
146 | const emitResult = argv.watch ? await compiler.watch() : compiler.emit();
147 | const allDiagnostics = [...projectInfoDiagnostics, ...emitResult.diagnostics];
148 | for (const diagnostic of allDiagnostics) {
149 | utils.logDiagnostic(diagnostic, projectRoot);
150 | }
151 | if (emitResult.emitSkipped) {
152 | process.exitCode = 1;
153 | }
154 | })
155 | .help()
156 | .version(`${version_1.VERSION}, typescript ${package_json_1.version}`)
157 | .parse();
158 | })().catch((e) => {
159 | console.error(`Error: ${e.stack}`);
160 | process.exitCode = -1;
161 | });
162 | function _configureLog4js(verbosity) {
163 | const stderrColor = !!process.stderr.isTTY;
164 | const stdoutColor = !!process.stdout.isTTY;
165 | log4js.addLayout('passThroughNoColor', () => {
166 | return (loggingEvent) => utils.stripAnsi(util.format(...loggingEvent.data));
167 | });
168 | log4js.configure({
169 | appenders: {
170 | console: {
171 | type: 'stderr',
172 | layout: { type: stderrColor ? 'colored' : 'basic' },
173 | },
174 | [utils.DIAGNOSTICS]: {
175 | type: 'stdout',
176 | layout: {
177 | type: stdoutColor ? 'messagePassThrough' : 'passThroughNoColor',
178 | },
179 | },
180 | },
181 | categories: {
182 | default: { appenders: ['console'], level: _logLevel() },
183 |
184 | [utils.DIAGNOSTICS]: {
185 | appenders: ['diagnostics'],
186 | level: _logLevel(Math.max(verbosity, 1)),
187 | },
188 | },
189 | });
190 | function _logLevel(verbosityLevel = verbosity) {
191 | switch (verbosityLevel) {
192 | case 0:
193 | return 'WARN';
194 | case 1:
195 | return 'INFO';
196 | case 2:
197 | return 'DEBUG';
198 | case 3:
199 | return 'TRACE';
200 | default:
201 | return 'ALL';
202 | }
203 | }
204 | }
205 |
\ | No newline at end of file |