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20 "post-upgrade": "npx projen post-upgrade",
21 "pre-compile": "npx projen pre-compile",
22 "release": "npx projen release",
23 "tag-release": "npx projen tag-release",
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25 "test:benchmark": "npx projen test:benchmark",
26 "test:benchmark:update-aws-cdk-lib-snapshot": "npx projen test:benchmark:update-aws-cdk-lib-snapshot",
27 "test:watch": "npx projen test:watch",
28 "upgrade": "npx projen upgrade",
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30 "projen": "npx projen"
31 },
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101 "./package.json": "./package.json",
102 "./common": "./lib/common/index.js"
103 },
104 "//": "~~ Generated by projen. To modify, edit .projenrc.ts and run \"npx projen\"."