1 | # jslint-configs
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10 | THE _best_ lint configurations for JS, React, Node, Jest and even React Native!
11 |
12 | Stop relying on humans to write consistent and good quality JavaScript.
13 | Use [jslint-configs](https://github.com/InamTaj/jslint-configs) to ensure your code is clean from common mistakes of JavaScript/React/Node and while doing that, give your developer-productivity an unfair boost!
14 |
15 | ## ⭐️ Features
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17 | [jslint-configs](https://github.com/InamTaj/jslint-configs) support linting for the following technologies:
18 |
19 | - JavaScript and ES6
20 | - Node.js
21 | - React.js (with latest [React Hooks](https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-intro.html))
22 | - React Native
23 |
24 | :bulb: For quickly increasing developer's knowledge it also has respective hyperlink for each lint rule as follows:
25 |
26 | ```javascript
27 | 'arrow-parens': [2, // https://eslint.org/docs/rules/arrow-parens
28 | 'as-needed',
29 | ],
30 | ```
31 |
32 | ### ⭐️ Bonus Features ⭐
33 |
34 | - Well documented
35 | - Extremely small bundle size: `7~9 KB`
36 |
37 | ## 💿 Installation
38 |
39 | > Please ensure that `eslint` is already installed in your project
40 |
41 | - For Yarn: `yarn add --dev jslint-configs`
42 | - For NPM: `npm install --save-dev jslint-configs`
43 |
44 | ## 📖 About Lint Setup
45 |
46 | The way this lint configuration is setup as follows:
47 |
48 | - **Base Configuration** (Parent configuration - includes all standard JS linting rules)
49 | - **React Configuration** (Inherits from Base Config - adds up all standard React.js and JSX linting rules)
50 | - **React Native Configuration** (Inherits from React Config - adds up RN specific rules on top of React rules)
51 | - **Node Configuration** (Inherits from Base Config - adds up all standard Node.js linting rules)
52 |
53 | _Let the picture speak a thousand words!_
54 |
55 | ![ESLint Configuration Diagram](./assets/images/config-diagram.png)
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57 | ## 🔧 Usage
58 |
59 | - Install ESLint in your project (`yarn add --dev eslint`)
60 | - Create `.eslintrc.js` at the root of your project
61 |
62 | #### Vanilla JavaScript
63 |
64 | If you want to lint only vanilla JavaScript, extend your project's `.eslintrc.js` file from [config-base](./config-base.js) as follows:
65 |
66 | ```javascript
67 | module.exports = {
68 | extends: "./node_modules/jslint-configs/index.js",
69 | };
70 | ```
71 |
72 | #### React.JS Linting
73 |
74 | If you want to lint JavaScript + React.JS code, extend your project's `.eslintrc.js` file from [config-react](./config-react.js) as follows:
75 |
76 | ```javascript
77 | module.exports = {
78 | extends: "./node_modules/jslint-configs/config-react.js",
79 | };
80 | ```
81 |
82 | #### React Native Linting
83 |
84 | If you want to lint JavaScript + React Native code, extend your project's `.eslintrc.js` file from [config-react](./config-react.js) as follows:
85 |
86 | ```javascript
87 | module.exports = {
88 | extends: "./node_modules/jslint-configs/config-react-native.js",
89 | };
90 | ```
91 |
92 | #### Node.JS Linting
93 |
94 | If you want to lint JavaScript + Node.JS, extend your project's `.eslintrc.js` file from [config-node](./config-node.js) as follows:
95 |
96 | ```javascript
97 | module.exports = {
98 | extends: "./node_modules/jslint-configs/config-node.js",
99 | };
100 | ```
101 |
102 | ## ❤️ Contributing
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104 | Welcome contributing!
105 |
106 | Please use GitHub's Issues/PRs.