15 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3let path = require('doc-path'),
4 deeks = require('deeks'),
5 constants = require('./constants.json'),
6 utils = require('./utils');
8const Json2Csv = function(options) {
9 const wrapDelimiterCheckRegex = new RegExp(options.delimiter.wrap, 'g'),
10 crlfSearchRegex = /\r?\n|\r/,
11 expandingWithoutUnwinding = options.expandArrayObjects && !options.unwindArrays,
12 deeksOptions = {
13 expandArrayObjects: expandingWithoutUnwinding,
14 ignoreEmptyArraysWhenExpanding: expandingWithoutUnwinding
15 };
19 /**
20 * Returns the list of data field names of all documents in the provided list
21 * @param data {Array<Object>} Data to be converted
22 * @returns {Promise.<Array[String]>}
23 */
24 function getFieldNameList(data) {
25 // If keys weren't specified, then we'll use the list of keys generated by the deeks module
26 return Promise.resolve(deeks.deepKeysFromList(data, deeksOptions));
27 }
29 /**
30 * Processes the schemas by checking for schema differences, if so desired.
31 * If schema differences are not to be checked, then it resolves the unique
32 * list of field names.
33 * @param documentSchemas
34 * @returns {Promise.<Array[String]>}
35 */
36 function processSchemas(documentSchemas) {
37 // If the user wants to check for the same schema (regardless of schema ordering)
38 if (options.checkSchemaDifferences) {
39 return checkSchemaDifferences(documentSchemas);
40 } else {
41 // Otherwise, we do not care if the schemas are different, so we should get the unique list of keys
42 let uniqueFieldNames = utils.unique(utils.flatten(documentSchemas));
43 return Promise.resolve(uniqueFieldNames);
44 }
45 }
47 /**
48 * This function performs the schema difference check, if the user specifies that it should be checked.
49 * If there are no field names, then there are no differences.
50 * Otherwise, we get the first schema and the remaining list of schemas
51 * @param documentSchemas
52 * @returns {*}
53 */
54 function checkSchemaDifferences(documentSchemas) {
55 // have multiple documents - ensure only one schema (regardless of field ordering)
56 let firstDocSchema = documentSchemas[0],
57 restOfDocumentSchemas = documentSchemas.slice(1),
58 schemaDifferences = computeNumberOfSchemaDifferences(firstDocSchema, restOfDocumentSchemas);
60 // If there are schema inconsistencies, throw a schema not the same error
61 if (schemaDifferences) {
62 return Promise.reject(new Error(constants.errors.json2csv.notSameSchema));
63 }
65 return Promise.resolve(firstDocSchema);
66 }
68 /**
69 * Computes the number of schema differences
70 * @param firstDocSchema
71 * @param restOfDocumentSchemas
72 * @returns {*}
73 */
74 function computeNumberOfSchemaDifferences(firstDocSchema, restOfDocumentSchemas) {
75 return restOfDocumentSchemas.reduce((schemaDifferences, documentSchema) => {
76 // If there is a difference between the schemas, increment the counter of schema inconsistencies
77 let numberOfDifferences = utils.computeSchemaDifferences(firstDocSchema, documentSchema).length;
78 return numberOfDifferences > 0
79 ? schemaDifferences + 1
80 : schemaDifferences;
81 }, 0);
82 }
84 /**
85 * If so specified, this sorts the header field names alphabetically
86 * @param fieldNames {Array<String>}
87 * @returns {Array<String>} sorted field names, or unsorted if sorting not specified
88 */
89 function sortHeaderFields(fieldNames) {
90 if (options.sortHeader) {
91 return fieldNames.sort();
92 }
93 return fieldNames;
94 }
96 /**
97 * Trims the header fields, if the user desires them to be trimmed.
98 * @param params
99 * @returns {*}
100 */
101 function trimHeaderFields(params) {
102 if (options.trimHeaderFields) {
103 params.headerFields = params.headerFields.map((field) => field.split('.')
104 .map((component) => component.trim())
105 .join('.')
106 );
107 }
108 return params;
109 }
111 /**
112 * Wrap the headings, if desired by the user.
113 * @param params
114 * @returns {*}
115 */
116 function wrapHeaderFields(params) {
117 // only perform this if we are actually prepending the header
118 if (options.prependHeader) {
119 params.headerFields = params.headerFields.map(function(headingKey) {
120 return wrapFieldValueIfNecessary(headingKey);
121 });
122 }
123 return params;
124 }
126 /**
127 * Generates the CSV header string by joining the headerFields by the field delimiter
128 * @param params
129 * @returns {*}
130 */
131 function generateCsvHeader(params) {
132 params.header = params.headerFields.join(options.delimiter.field);
133 return params;
134 }
136 /**
137 * Retrieve the headings for all documents and return it.
138 * This checks that all documents have the same schema.
139 * @param data
140 * @returns {Promise}
141 */
142 function retrieveHeaderFields(data) {
143 if (options.keys && !options.unwindArrays) {
144 return Promise.resolve(options.keys)
145 .then(sortHeaderFields);
146 }
148 return getFieldNameList(data)
149 .then(processSchemas)
150 .then(sortHeaderFields);
151 }
155 /**
156 * Unwinds objects in arrays within record objects if the user specifies the
157 * expandArrayObjects option. If not specified, this passes the params
158 * argument through to the next function in the promise chain.
159 * @param params {Object}
160 * @returns {Promise}
161 */
162 function unwindRecordsIfNecessary(params) {
163 if (options.unwindArrays) {
164 const originalRecordsLength = params.records.length;
166 // Unwind each of the documents at the given headerField
167 params.headerFields.forEach((headerField) => {
168 params.records = utils.unwind(params.records, headerField);
169 });
171 return retrieveHeaderFields(params.records)
172 .then((headerFields) => {
173 params.headerFields = headerFields;
175 // If we were able to unwind more arrays, then try unwinding again...
176 if (originalRecordsLength !== params.records.length) {
177 return unwindRecordsIfNecessary(params);
178 }
179 // Otherwise, we didn't unwind any additional arrays, so continue...
181 // If keys were provided, set the headerFields to the provided keys:
182 if (options.keys) {
183 params.headerFields = options.keys;
184 }
185 return params;
186 });
187 }
188 return params;
189 }
191 /**
192 * Main function which handles the processing of a record, or document to be converted to CSV format
193 * This function specifies and performs the necessary operations in the necessary order
194 * in order to obtain the data and convert it to CSV form while maintaining RFC 4180 compliance.
195 * * Order of operations:
196 * - Get fields from provided key list (as array of actual values)
197 * - Convert the values to csv/string representation [possible option here for custom converters?]
198 * - Trim fields
199 * - Determine if they need to be wrapped (& wrap if necessary)
200 * - Combine values for each line (by joining by field delimiter)
201 * @param params
202 * @returns {*}
203 */
204 function processRecords(params) {
205 params.records = params.records.map((record) => {
206 // Retrieve data for each of the headerFields from this record
207 let recordFieldData = retrieveRecordFieldData(record, params.headerFields),
209 // Process the data in this record and return the
210 processedRecordData = recordFieldData.map((fieldValue) => {
211 fieldValue = trimRecordFieldValue(fieldValue);
212 fieldValue = recordFieldValueToString(fieldValue);
213 fieldValue = wrapFieldValueIfNecessary(fieldValue);
215 return fieldValue;
216 });
218 // Join the record data by the field delimiter
219 return generateCsvRowFromRecord(processedRecordData);
220 }).join(options.delimiter.eol);
222 return params;
223 }
225 /**
226 * Helper function intended to process *just* array values when the expandArrayObjects setting is set to true
227 * @param recordFieldValue
228 * @returns {*} processed array value
229 */
230 function processRecordFieldDataForExpandedArrayObject(recordFieldValue) {
231 let filteredRecordFieldValue = utils.removeEmptyFields(recordFieldValue);
233 // If we have an array and it's either empty of full of empty values, then use an empty value representation
234 if (!recordFieldValue.length || !filteredRecordFieldValue.length) {
235 return options.emptyFieldValue || '';
236 } else if (filteredRecordFieldValue.length === 1) {
237 // Otherwise, we have an array of actual values...
238 // Since we are expanding array objects, we will want to key in on values of objects.
239 return filteredRecordFieldValue[0]; // Extract the single value in the array
240 }
242 return recordFieldValue;
243 }
245 /**
246 * Gets all field values from a particular record for the given list of fields
247 * @param record
248 * @param fields
249 * @returns {Array}
250 */
251 function retrieveRecordFieldData(record, fields) {
252 let recordValues = [];
254 fields.forEach((field) => {
255 let recordFieldValue = path.evaluatePath(record, field);
257 if (!utils.isUndefined(options.emptyFieldValue) && utils.isEmptyField(recordFieldValue)) {
258 recordFieldValue = options.emptyFieldValue;
259 } else if (options.expandArrayObjects && Array.isArray(recordFieldValue)) {
260 recordFieldValue = processRecordFieldDataForExpandedArrayObject(recordFieldValue);
261 }
263 recordValues.push(recordFieldValue);
264 });
266 return recordValues;
267 }
269 /**
270 * Converts a record field value to its string representation
271 * @param fieldValue
272 * @returns {*}
273 */
274 function recordFieldValueToString(fieldValue) {
275 if (Array.isArray(fieldValue) || utils.isObject(fieldValue) && !utils.isDate(fieldValue)) {
276 return JSON.stringify(fieldValue);
277 } else if (utils.isUndefined(fieldValue)) {
278 return 'undefined';
279 } else if (utils.isNull(fieldValue)) {
280 return 'null';
281 } else {
282 return fieldValue.toString();
283 }
284 }
286 /**
287 * Trims the record field value, if specified by the user's provided options
288 * @param fieldValue
289 * @returns {*}
290 */
291 function trimRecordFieldValue(fieldValue) {
292 if (options.trimFieldValues) {
293 if (Array.isArray(fieldValue)) {
294 return fieldValue.map(trimRecordFieldValue);
295 } else if (utils.isString(fieldValue)) {
296 return fieldValue.trim();
297 }
298 return fieldValue;
299 }
300 return fieldValue;
301 }
303 /**
304 * Escapes quotation marks in the field value, if necessary, and appropriately
305 * wraps the record field value if it contains a comma (field delimiter),
306 * quotation mark (wrap delimiter), or a line break (CRLF)
307 * @param fieldValue
308 * @returns {*}
309 */
310 function wrapFieldValueIfNecessary(fieldValue) {
311 const wrapDelimiter = options.delimiter.wrap;
313 // eg. includes quotation marks (default delimiter)
314 if (fieldValue.includes(options.delimiter.wrap)) {
315 // add an additional quotation mark before each quotation mark appearing in the field value
316 fieldValue = fieldValue.replace(wrapDelimiterCheckRegex, wrapDelimiter + wrapDelimiter);
317 }
318 // if the field contains a comma (field delimiter), quotation mark (wrap delimiter), line break, or CRLF
319 // then enclose it in quotation marks (wrap delimiter)
320 if (fieldValue.includes(options.delimiter.field) ||
321 fieldValue.includes(options.delimiter.wrap) ||
322 fieldValue.match(crlfSearchRegex)) {
323 // wrap the field's value in a wrap delimiter (quotation marks by default)
324 fieldValue = wrapDelimiter + fieldValue + wrapDelimiter;
325 }
327 return fieldValue;
328 }
330 /**
331 * Generates the CSV record string by joining the field values together by the field delimiter
332 * @param recordFieldValues
333 */
334 function generateCsvRowFromRecord(recordFieldValues) {
335 return recordFieldValues.join(options.delimiter.field);
336 }
339 /**
340 * Performs the final CSV construction by combining the fields in the appropriate
341 * order depending on the provided options values and sends the generated CSV
342 * back to the user
343 * @param params
344 */
345 function generateCsvFromComponents(params) {
346 let header = params.header,
347 records = params.records,
349 // If we are prepending the header, then add an EOL, otherwise just return the records
350 csv = (options.excelBOM ? constants.values.excelBOM : '') +
351 (options.prependHeader ? header + options.delimiter.eol : '') +
352 records;
354 return params.callback(null, csv);
355 }
359 /**
360 * Internally exported json2csv function
361 * Takes data as either a document or array of documents and a callback that will be used to report the results
362 * @param data {Object|Array<Object>} documents to be converted to csv
363 * @param callback {Function} callback function
364 */
365 function convert(data, callback) {
366 // Single document, not an array
367 if (utils.isObject(data) && !data.length) {
368 data = [data]; // Convert to an array of the given document
369 }
371 // Retrieve the heading and then generate the CSV with the keys that are identified
372 retrieveHeaderFields(data)
373 .then((headerFields) => ({
374 headerFields,
375 callback,
376 records: data
377 }))
378 .then(unwindRecordsIfNecessary)
379 .then(processRecords)
380 .then(wrapHeaderFields)
381 .then(trimHeaderFields)
382 .then(generateCsvHeader)
383 .then(generateCsvFromComponents)
384 .catch(callback);
385 }
387 return {
388 convert,
389 validationFn: utils.isObject,
390 validationMessages: constants.errors.json2csv
391 };
394module.exports = { Json2Csv };