4.91 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3var ono = require('ono'),
4 url = require('./util/url'),
5 plugins = require('./util/plugins');
7module.exports = parse;
10 * Reads and parses the specified file path or URL.
11 *
12 * @param {string} path - This path MUST already be resolved, since `read` doesn't know the resolution context
13 * @param {$Refs} $refs
14 * @param {$RefParserOptions} options
15 *
16 * @returns {Promise}
17 * The promise resolves with the parsed file contents, NOT the raw (Buffer) contents.
18 */
19function parse (path, $refs, options) {
20 try {
21 // Remove the URL fragment, if any
22 path = url.stripHash(path);
24 // Add a new $Ref for this file, even though we don't have the value yet.
25 // This ensures that we don't simultaneously read & parse the same file multiple times
26 var $ref = $refs._add(path);
28 // This "file object" will be passed to all resolvers and parsers.
29 var file = {
30 url: path,
31 extension: url.getExtension(path),
32 };
34 // Read the file and then parse the data
35 return readFile(file, options)
36 .then(function (resolver) {
37 $ref.pathType = resolver.plugin.name;
38 file.data = resolver.result;
39 return parseFile(file, options);
40 })
41 .then(function (parser) {
42 $ref.value = parser.result;
43 return parser.result;
44 });
45 }
46 catch (e) {
47 return Promise.reject(e);
48 }
52 * Reads the given file, using the configured resolver plugins
53 *
54 * @param {object} file - An object containing information about the referenced file
55 * @param {string} file.url - The full URL of the referenced file
56 * @param {string} file.extension - The lowercased file extension (e.g. ".txt", ".html", etc.)
57 * @param {$RefParserOptions} options
58 *
59 * @returns {Promise}
60 * The promise resolves with the raw file contents and the resolver that was used.
61 */
62function readFile (file, options) {
63 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
64 // console.log('Reading %s', file.url);
66 // Find the resolvers that can read this file
67 var resolvers = plugins.all(options.resolve);
68 resolvers = plugins.filter(resolvers, 'canRead', file);
70 // Run the resolvers, in order, until one of them succeeds
71 plugins.sort(resolvers);
72 plugins.run(resolvers, 'read', file)
73 .then(resolve, onError);
75 function onError (err) {
76 // Throw the original error, if it's one of our own (user-friendly) errors.
77 // Otherwise, throw a generic, friendly error.
78 if (err && !(err instanceof SyntaxError)) {
79 reject(err);
80 }
81 else {
82 reject(ono.syntax('Unable to resolve $ref pointer "%s"', file.url));
83 }
84 }
85 });
89 * Parses the given file's contents, using the configured parser plugins.
90 *
91 * @param {object} file - An object containing information about the referenced file
92 * @param {string} file.url - The full URL of the referenced file
93 * @param {string} file.extension - The lowercased file extension (e.g. ".txt", ".html", etc.)
94 * @param {*} file.data - The file contents. This will be whatever data type was returned by the resolver
95 * @param {$RefParserOptions} options
96 *
97 * @returns {Promise}
98 * The promise resolves with the parsed file contents and the parser that was used.
99 */
100function parseFile (file, options) {
101 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
102 // console.log('Parsing %s', file.url);
104 // Find the parsers that can read this file type.
105 // If none of the parsers are an exact match for this file, then we'll try ALL of them.
106 // This handles situations where the file IS a supported type, just with an unknown extension.
107 var allParsers = plugins.all(options.parse);
108 var filteredParsers = plugins.filter(allParsers, 'canParse', file);
109 var parsers = filteredParsers.length > 0 ? filteredParsers : allParsers;
111 // Run the parsers, in order, until one of them succeeds
112 plugins.sort(parsers);
113 plugins.run(parsers, 'parse', file)
114 .then(onParsed, onError);
116 function onParsed (parser) {
117 if (!parser.plugin.allowEmpty && isEmpty(parser.result)) {
118 reject(ono.syntax('Error parsing "%s" as %s. \nParsed value is empty', file.url, parser.plugin.name));
119 }
120 else {
121 resolve(parser);
122 }
123 }
125 function onError (err) {
126 if (err) {
127 err = err instanceof Error ? err : new Error(err);
128 reject(ono.syntax(err, 'Error parsing %s', file.url));
129 }
130 else {
131 reject(ono.syntax('Unable to parse %s', file.url));
132 }
133 }
134 });
138 * Determines whether the parsed value is "empty".
139 *
140 * @param {*} value
141 * @returns {boolean}
142 */
143function isEmpty (value) {
144 return value === undefined ||
145 (typeof value === 'object' && Object.keys(value).length === 0) ||
146 (typeof value === 'string' && value.trim().length === 0) ||
147 (Buffer.isBuffer(value) && value.length === 0);