1 | # json-schema-to-typescript [![Build Status][build]](https://github.com/bcherny/json-schema-to-typescript/actions?query=branch%3Amaster+workflow%3ACI) [![npm]](https://www.npmjs.com/package/json-schema-to-typescript) [![mit]](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) ![node]
2 |
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7 |
8 | > Compile JSON Schema to TypeScript typings.
9 |
10 | ## Example
11 |
12 | Check out the [live demo](https://borischerny.com/json-schema-to-typescript-browser/).
13 |
14 | Input:
15 |
16 | ```json
17 | {
18 | "title": "Example Schema",
19 | "type": "object",
20 | "properties": {
21 | "firstName": {
22 | "type": "string"
23 | },
24 | "lastName": {
25 | "type": "string"
26 | },
27 | "age": {
28 | "description": "Age in years",
29 | "type": "integer",
30 | "minimum": 0
31 | },
32 | "hairColor": {
33 | "enum": ["black", "brown", "blue"],
34 | "type": "string"
35 | }
36 | },
37 | "additionalProperties": false,
38 | "required": ["firstName", "lastName"]
39 | }
40 | ```
41 |
42 | Output:
43 |
44 | ```ts
45 | export interface ExampleSchema {
46 | firstName: string;
47 | lastName: string;
48 | /**
49 | * Age in years
50 | */
51 | age?: number;
52 | hairColor?: "black" | "brown" | "blue";
53 | }
54 | ```
55 |
56 | ## Installation
57 |
58 | ```sh
59 | npm install json-schema-to-typescript
60 | ```
61 |
62 | ## Usage
63 |
64 | json-schema-to-typescript is easy to use via the CLI, or programmatically.
65 |
66 | ### CLI
67 |
68 | First make the CLI available using one of the following options:
69 |
70 | ```sh
71 | # install locally, then use `npx json2ts`
72 | npm install json-schema-to-typescript
73 |
74 | # or install globally, then use `json2ts`
75 | npm install json-schema-to-typescript --global
76 |
77 | # or install to npm cache, then use `npx --package=json-schema-to-typescript json2ts`
78 | # (you don't need to run an install command first)
79 | ```
80 |
81 | Then, use the CLI to convert JSON files to TypeScript typings:
82 |
83 | ```sh
84 | cat foo.json | json2ts > foo.d.ts
85 | # or
86 | json2ts foo.json > foo.d.ts
87 | # or
88 | json2ts foo.yaml foo.d.ts
89 | # or
90 | json2ts --input foo.json --output foo.d.ts
91 | # or
92 | json2ts -i foo.json -o foo.d.ts
93 | # or (quote globs so that your shell doesn't expand them)
94 | json2ts -i 'schemas/**/*.json'
95 | # or
96 | json2ts -i schemas/ -o types/
97 | ```
98 |
99 | You can pass any of the options described below (including style options) as CLI flags. Boolean values can be set to false using the `no-` prefix.
100 |
101 | ```sh
102 | # generate code for definitions that aren't referenced
103 | json2ts -i foo.json -o foo.d.ts --unreachableDefinitions
104 | # use single quotes and disable trailing semicolons
105 | json2ts -i foo.json -o foo.d.ts --style.singleQuote --no-style.semi
106 | ```
107 |
108 | ### API
109 |
110 | To invoke json-schema-to-typescript from your TypeScript or JavaScript program, import it and call `compile` or `compileFromFile`.
111 |
112 | ```js
113 | import { compile, compileFromFile } from 'json-schema-to-typescript'
114 |
115 | // compile from file
116 | compileFromFile('foo.json')
117 | .then(ts => fs.writeFileSync('foo.d.ts', ts))
118 |
119 | // or, compile a JS object
120 | let mySchema = {
121 | properties: [...]
122 | }
123 | compile(mySchema, 'MySchema')
124 | .then(ts => ...)
125 | ```
126 |
127 | See [server demo](example) and [browser demo](https://github.com/bcherny/json-schema-to-typescript-browser) for full examples.
128 |
129 | ## Options
130 |
131 | `compileFromFile` and `compile` accept options as their last argument (all keys are optional):
132 |
133 | | key | type | default | description |
134 | |-|-|-|-|
135 | | additionalProperties | boolean | `true` | Default value for `additionalProperties`, when it is not explicitly set |
136 | | bannerComment | string | `"/* eslint-disable */\n/**\n* This file was automatically generated by json-schema-to-typescript.\n* DO NOT MODIFY IT BY HAND. Instead, modify the source JSON Schema file,\n* and run json-schema-to-typescript to regenerate this file.\n*/"` | Disclaimer comment prepended to the top of each generated file |
137 | | customName | `(LinkedJSONSchema, string \| undefined) => string \| undefined` | `undefined` | Custom function to provide a type name for a given schema
138 | | cwd | string | `process.cwd()` | Root directory for resolving [`$ref`](https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-pbryan-zyp-json-ref-03.html)s |
139 | | declareExternallyReferenced | boolean | `true` | Declare external schemas referenced via `$ref`? |
140 | | enableConstEnums | boolean | `true` | Prepend enums with [`const`](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/enums.html#computed-and-constant-members)? |
141 | | inferStringEnumKeysFromValues | boolean | `false` | Create enums from JSON enums with eponymous keys |
142 | | format | boolean | `true` | Format code? Set this to `false` to improve performance. |
143 | | ignoreMinAndMaxItems | boolean | `false` | Ignore maxItems and minItems for `array` types, preventing tuples being generated. |
144 | | maxItems | number | `20` | Maximum number of unioned tuples to emit when representing bounded-size array types, before falling back to emitting unbounded arrays. Increase this to improve precision of emitted types, decrease it to improve performance, or set it to `-1` to ignore `maxItems`.
145 | | strictIndexSignatures | boolean | `false` | Append all index signatures with `\| undefined` so that they are strictly typed. |
146 | | style | object | `{ bracketSpacing: false, printWidth: 120, semi: true, singleQuote: false, tabWidth: 2, trailingComma: 'none', useTabs: false }` | A [Prettier](https://prettier.io/docs/en/options.html) configuration |
147 | | unknownAny | boolean | `true` | Use `unknown` instead of `any` where possible |
148 | | unreachableDefinitions | boolean | `false` | Generates code for `$defs` that aren't referenced by the schema. |
149 | | $refOptions | object | `{}` | [$RefParser](https://github.com/APIDevTools/json-schema-ref-parser) Options, used when resolving `$ref`s |
150 |
151 | ## Tests
152 |
153 | ```sh
154 | $ npm test
155 | ```
156 |
157 | ## Features
158 |
159 | - [x] `title` => `interface`
160 | - [x] Primitive types:
161 | - [x] array
162 | - [x] homogeneous array
163 | - [x] boolean
164 | - [x] integer
165 | - [x] number
166 | - [x] null
167 | - [x] object
168 | - [x] string
169 | - [x] homogeneous enum
170 | - [x] heterogeneous enum
171 | - [x] Non/extensible interfaces
172 | - [ ] Custom JSON-schema extensions
173 | - [x] Nested properties
174 | - [x] Schema definitions
175 | - [x] [Schema references](http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-core.html#rfc.section.7.2.2)
176 | - [x] Local (filesystem) schema references
177 | - [x] External (network) schema references
178 | - [x] Add support for running in browser
179 | - [x] default interface name
180 | - [x] infer unnamed interface name from filename
181 | - [x] `deprecated`
182 | - [x] `allOf` ("intersection")
183 | - [x] `anyOf` ("union")
184 | - [x] `oneOf` (treated like `anyOf`)
185 | - [x] `maxItems` ([eg](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L166))
186 | - [x] `minItems` ([eg](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L165))
187 | - [x] `additionalProperties` of type
188 | - [x] `patternProperties` (partial support)
189 | - [x] [`extends`](https://github.com/json-schema/json-schema/wiki/Extends/014e3cd8692250baad70c361dd81f6119ad0f696)
190 | - [x] `required` properties on objects ([eg](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L130))
191 | - [ ] `validateRequired` ([eg](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L124))
192 | - [x] literal objects in enum ([eg](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L236))
193 | - [x] referencing schema by id ([eg](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L331))
194 | - [x] custom typescript types via `tsType`
195 |
196 | ## Custom schema properties:
197 |
198 | - `tsType`: Overrides the type that's generated from the schema. Useful for forcing a type to `any` or when using non-standard JSON schema extensions ([eg](https://github.com/sokra/json-schema-to-typescript/blob/f1f40307cf5efa328522bb1c9ae0b0d9e5f367aa/test/e2e/customType.ts)).
199 | - `tsEnumNames`: Overrides the names used for the elements in an enum. Can also be used to create string enums ([eg](https://github.com/johnbillion/wp-json-schemas/blob/647440573e4a675f15880c95fcca513fdf7a2077/schemas/properties/post-status-name.json)).
200 |
201 | ## Not expressible in TypeScript:
202 |
203 | - `dependencies` ([single](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L261), [multiple](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L282))
204 | - `divisibleBy` ([eg](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L185))
205 | - [`format`](https://github.com/json-schema/json-schema/wiki/Format) ([eg](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L209))
206 | - `multipleOf` ([eg](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L186))
207 | - `maximum` ([eg](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L183))
208 | - `minimum` ([eg](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L182))
209 | - `maxProperties` ([eg](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L113))
210 | - `minProperties` ([eg](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L112))
211 | - `not`/`disallow`
212 | - `oneOf` ("xor", use `anyOf` instead)
213 | - `pattern` ([string](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L203), [regex](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L207))
214 | - `uniqueItems` ([eg](https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/67c0e27ce9542efde0bf43dc1b2a95dd87df43c3/examples/all.js#L172))
215 |
216 | ## FAQ
217 |
218 | ### JSON-Schema-to-TypeScript is crashing on my giant file. What can I do?
219 |
220 | Prettier is known to run slowly on really big files. To skip formatting and improve performance, set the `format` option to `false`.
221 |
222 | ## Further Reading
223 |
224 | - JSON-schema spec: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-zyp-json-schema-04
225 | - JSON-schema wiki: https://github.com/json-schema/json-schema/wiki
226 | - JSON-schema test suite: https://github.com/json-schema/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite/blob/node
227 | - TypeScript spec: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/master/doc/spec.md
228 |
229 | ## Who uses JSON-Schema-to-TypeScript?
230 |
231 | - [Alibaba](https://github.com/alibaba/lowcode-engine)
232 | - [Amazon](https://github.com/aws/aws-toolkit-vscode), [AWSLabs](https://github.com/awslabs/cdk8s)
233 | - [Expo](https://github.com/expo/expo)
234 | - [FormatJS](https://github.com/formatjs/formatjs)
235 | - [Microsoft](https://github.com/microsoft/mixed-reality-extension-sdk)
236 | - [Mozilla](https://github.com/mdn/browser-compat-data)
237 | - [Nx](https://github.com/nrwl/nx)
238 | - [RStudio](https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio)
239 | - [Sourcegraph](https://github.com/sourcegraph/sourcegraph)
240 | - [Stryker](https://github.com/stryker-mutator/stryker)
241 | - [Webpack](https://github.com/webpack/webpack)
242 | - [See more](https://github.com/bcherny/json-schema-to-typescript/network/dependents?package_id=UGFja2FnZS0xNjUxOTM5Mg%3D%3D)