1 | [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/tdegrunt/jsonschema.svg)](http://travis-ci.org/tdegrunt/jsonschema)
2 |
3 | # jsonschema
4 |
5 | [JSON schema](http://json-schema.org/) validator, which is designed to be fast and simple to use. JSON Schema versions through draft-07 are fully supported.
6 |
7 | ## Contributing & bugs
8 |
9 | Please fork the repository, make the changes in your fork and include tests. Once you're done making changes, send in a pull request.
10 |
11 | ### Bug reports
12 |
13 | Please include a test which shows why the code fails.
14 |
15 | ## Usage
16 |
17 | ### Simple
18 |
19 | Simple object validation using JSON schemas.
20 |
21 | ```javascript
22 | var Validator = require('jsonschema').Validator;
23 | var v = new Validator();
24 | var instance = 4;
25 | var schema = {"type": "number"};
26 | console.log(v.validate(instance, schema));
27 | ```
28 |
29 | ### Even simpler
30 |
31 | ```javascript
32 | var validate = require('jsonschema').validate;
33 | console.log(validate(4, {"type": "number"}));
34 | ```
35 |
36 | ### Complex example, with split schemas and references
37 |
38 | ```javascript
39 | var Validator = require('jsonschema').Validator;
40 | var v = new Validator();
41 |
42 | // Address, to be embedded on Person
43 | var addressSchema = {
44 | "id": "/SimpleAddress",
45 | "type": "object",
46 | "properties": {
47 | "lines": {
48 | "type": "array",
49 | "items": {"type": "string"}
50 | },
51 | "zip": {"type": "string"},
52 | "city": {"type": "string"},
53 | "country": {"type": "string"}
54 | },
55 | "required": ["country"]
56 | };
57 |
58 | // Person
59 | var schema = {
60 | "id": "/SimplePerson",
61 | "type": "object",
62 | "properties": {
63 | "name": {"type": "string"},
64 | "address": {"$ref": "/SimpleAddress"},
65 | "votes": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 1}
66 | }
67 | };
68 |
69 | var p = {
70 | "name": "Barack Obama",
71 | "address": {
72 | "lines": [ "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest" ],
73 | "zip": "DC 20500",
74 | "city": "Washington",
75 | "country": "USA"
76 | },
77 | "votes": "lots"
78 | };
79 |
80 | v.addSchema(addressSchema, '/SimpleAddress');
81 | console.log(v.validate(p, schema));
82 | ```
83 | ### Example for Array schema
84 |
85 | ```json
86 | var arraySchema = {
87 | "type": "array",
88 | "items": {
89 | "properties": {
90 | "name": { "type": "string" },
91 | "lastname": { "type": "string" }
92 | },
93 | "required": ["name", "lastname"]
94 | }
95 | }
96 | ```
97 | For a comprehensive, annotated example illustrating all possible validation options, see [examples/all.js](./examples/all.js)
98 |
99 | ## Features
100 |
101 | ### Definitions
102 |
103 | All schema definitions are supported, $schema is ignored.
104 |
105 | ### Types
106 |
107 | All types are supported
108 |
109 | ### Handling `undefined`
110 |
111 | `undefined` is not a value known to JSON, and by default, the validator treats it as if it is not invalid. i.e., it will return valid.
112 |
113 | ```javascript
114 | var res = validate(undefined, {type: 'string'});
115 | res.valid // true
116 | ```
117 |
118 | This behavior may be changed with the "required" option:
119 |
120 | ```javascript
121 | var res = validate(undefined, {type: 'string'}, {required: true});
122 | res.valid // false
123 | ```
124 |
125 | ### Formats
126 |
127 | #### Disabling the format keyword.
128 |
129 | You may disable format validation by providing `disableFormat: true` to the validator
130 | options.
131 |
132 | #### String Formats
133 |
134 | All formats are supported, phone numbers are expected to follow the [E.123](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.123) standard.
135 |
136 | #### Custom Formats
137 |
138 | You may add your own custom format functions. Format functions accept the input
139 | being validated and return a boolean value. If the returned value is `true`, then
140 | validation succeeds. If the returned value is `false`, then validation fails.
141 |
142 | * Formats added to `Validator.prototype.customFormats` do not affect previously instantiated
143 | Validators. This is to prevent validator instances from being altered once created.
144 | It is conceivable that multiple validators may be created to handle multiple schemas
145 | with different formats in a program.
146 | * Formats added to `validator.customFormats` affect only that Validator instance.
147 |
148 | Here is an example that uses custom formats:
149 |
150 | ```javascript
151 | Validator.prototype.customFormats.myFormat = function(input) {
152 | return input === 'myFormat';
153 | };
154 |
155 | var validator = new Validator();
156 | validator.validate('myFormat', {type: 'string', format: 'myFormat'}).valid; // true
157 | validator.validate('foo', {type: 'string', format: 'myFormat'}).valid; // false
158 | ```
159 |
160 | ### Results
161 |
162 | By default, results will be returned in a `ValidatorResult` object with the following properties:
163 |
164 | * `instance`: any.
165 | * `schema`: Schema.
166 | * `errors`: ValidationError[].
167 | * `valid`: boolean.
168 |
169 | Each item in `errors` is a `ValidationError` with the following properties:
170 |
171 | * path: array. An array of property keys or array offsets, indicating where inside objects or arrays the instance was found.
172 | * property: string. Describes the property path. Starts with `instance`, and is delimited with a dot (`.`).
173 | * message: string. A human-readable message for debugging use. Provided in English and subject to change.
174 | * schema: object. The schema containing the keyword that failed
175 | * instance: any. The instance that failed
176 | * name: string. The keyword within the schema that failed.
177 | * argument: any. Provides information about the keyword that failed.
178 |
179 | The validator can be configured to throw in the event of a validation error:
180 |
181 | * If the `throwFirst` option is set, the validator will terminate validation at the first encountered error and throw a `ValidatorResultError` object.
182 |
183 | * If the `throwAll` option is set, the validator will throw a `ValidatorResultError` object after the entire instance has been validated.
184 |
185 | * If the `throwError` option is set, it will throw at the first encountered validation error (like `throwFirst`), but the `ValidationError` object itself will be thrown. Note that, despite the name, this does not inherit from Error like `ValidatorResultError` does.
186 |
187 | The `ValidatorResultError` object has the same properties as `ValidatorResult` and additionally inherits from Error.
188 |
189 | #### "nestedErrors" option
190 |
191 | When `oneOf` or `anyOf` validations fail, errors that caused any of the sub-schemas referenced therein to fail are normally suppressed, because it is not necessary to fix all of them. And in the case of `oneOf`, it would itself be an error to fix all of the listed errors.
192 |
193 | This behavior may be configured with `options.nestedErrors`. If truthy, it will emit all the errors from the subschemas. This option may be useful when troubleshooting validation errors in complex schemas:
194 |
195 | ```javascript
196 | var schema = {
197 | oneOf: [
198 | { type: 'string', minLength: 32, maxLength: 32 },
199 | { type: 'string', maxLength: 16 },
200 | { type: 'number' },
201 | ]
202 | };
203 | var validator = new Validator();
204 | var result = validator.validate('This string is 28 chars long', schema, {nestedErrors: true});
205 |
206 | // result.toString() reads out:
207 | // 0: instance does not meet minimum length of 32
208 | // 1: instance does not meet maximum length of 16
209 | // 2: instance is not of a type(s) number
210 | // 3: instance is not exactly one from [subschema 0],[subschema 1],[subschema 2]
211 | ```
212 |
213 | #### Localizing Error Messages
214 |
215 | To provide localized, human-readable errors, use the `name` string as a translation key. Feel free to open an issue for support relating to localizing error messages. For example:
216 |
217 | ```
218 | var localized = result.errors.map(function(err){
219 | return localeService.translate(err.name);
220 | });
221 | ```
222 |
223 | ### Custom keywords
224 |
225 | Specify your own JSON Schema keywords with the validator.attributes property:
226 |
227 | ```javascript
228 | validator.attributes.contains = function validateContains(instance, schema, options, ctx) {
229 | if(typeof instance !== 'string') return;
230 | if(typeof schema.contains !== 'string') throw new jsonschema.SchemaError('"contains" expects a string', schema);
231 | if(instance.indexOf(schema.contains)<0){
232 | return 'does not contain the string ' + JSON.stringify(schema.contains);
233 | }
234 | }
235 | var result = validator.validate("I am an instance", { type:"string", contains: "I am" });
236 | // result.valid === true;
237 | ```
238 |
239 | The instance passes validation if the function returns nothing. A single validation error is produced
240 | if the function returns a string. Any number of errors (maybe none at all) may be returned by passing a
241 | `ValidatorResult` object, which may be used like so:
242 |
243 | ```javascript
244 | var result = new ValidatorResult(instance, schema, options, ctx);
245 | while(someErrorCondition()){
246 | result.addError('fails some validation test');
247 | }
248 | return result;
249 | ```
250 |
251 | ### Dereferencing schemas
252 |
253 | Sometimes you may want to download schemas from remote sources, like a database, or over HTTP. When importing a schema,
254 | unknown references are inserted into the `validator.unresolvedRefs` Array. Asynchronously shift elements off this array and import
255 | them:
256 |
257 | ```javascript
258 | var Validator = require('jsonschema').Validator;
259 | var v = new Validator();
260 | v.addSchema(initialSchema);
261 | function importNextSchema(){
262 | var nextSchema = v.unresolvedRefs.shift();
263 | if(!nextSchema){ done(); return; }
264 | databaseGet(nextSchema, function(schema){
265 | v.addSchema(schema);
266 | importNextSchema();
267 | });
268 | }
269 | importNextSchema();
270 | ```
271 |
272 | ### Default base URI
273 |
274 | Schemas should typically have an `id` with an absolute, full URI. However if the schema you are using contains only relative URI references, the `base` option will be used to resolve these.
275 |
276 | This following example would throw a `SchemaError` if the `base` option were unset:
277 |
278 | ```javascript
279 | var result = validate(["Name"], {
280 | id: "/schema.json",
281 | type: "array",
282 | items: { $ref: "http://example.com/schema.json#/definitions/item" },
283 | definitions: {
284 | item: { type: "string" },
285 | },
286 | }, { base: 'http://example.com/' });
287 | ```
288 |
289 | ### Rewrite Hook
290 |
291 | The `rewrite` option lets you change the value of an instance after it has successfully been validated. This will mutate the `instance` passed to the validate function. This can be useful for unmarshalling data and parsing it into native instances, such as changing a string to a `Date` instance.
292 |
293 | The `rewrite` option accepts a function with the following arguments:
294 |
295 | * instance: any
296 | * schema: object
297 | * options: object
298 | * ctx: object
299 | * return value: any new value for the instance
300 |
301 | The value may be removed by returning `undefined`.
302 | If you don't want to change the value, call `return instance`.
303 |
304 | Here is an example that can convert a property expecting a date into a Date instance:
305 |
306 | ```javascript
307 | const schema = {
308 | properties: {
309 | date: {id: 'http://example.com/date', type: 'string'},
310 | },
311 | };
312 |
313 | const value = {
314 | date: '2020-09-30T23:39:27.060Z',
315 | };
316 |
317 | function unmarshall(instance, schema){
318 | if(schema.id === 'http://example.com/date'){
319 | return new Date(instance);
320 | }
321 | return instance;
322 | }
323 |
324 | const v = new Validator();
325 | const res = v.validate(value, schema, {rewrite: unmarshall});
326 |
327 | assert(res.instance.date instanceof Date);
328 | ```
329 |
330 |
331 | ### Pre-Property Validation Hook
332 |
333 | If some processing of properties is required prior to validation a function may be passed via the options parameter of the validate function. For example, say you needed to perform type coercion for some properties:
334 |
335 | ```javascript
336 | // See examples/coercion.js
337 | function preValidateProperty(object, key, schema, options, ctx) {
338 | var value = object[key];
339 | if (typeof value === 'undefined') return;
340 |
341 | // Test if the schema declares a type, but the type keyword fails validation
342 | if (schema.type && validator.attributes.type.call(validator, value, schema, options, ctx.makeChild(schema, key))) {
343 | // If the type is "number" but the instance is not a number, cast it
344 | if(schema.type==='number' && typeof value!=='number'){
345 | object[key] = parseFloat(value);
346 | return;
347 | }
348 | // If the type is "string" but the instance is not a string, cast it
349 | if(schema.type==='string' && typeof value!=='string'){
350 | object[key] = String(value).toString();
351 | return;
352 | }
353 | }
354 | };
355 |
356 | // And now, to actually perform validation with the coercion hook!
357 | v.validate(instance, schema, { preValidateProperty });
358 | ```
359 |
360 | ### Skip validation of certain keywords
361 |
362 | Use the "skipAttributes" option to skip validation of certain keywords. Provide an array of keywords to ignore.
363 |
364 | For skipping the "format" keyword, see the disableFormat option.
365 |
366 | ### Fail on unknown keywords
367 |
368 | By default, JSON Schema is supposed to ignore unknown schema keywords.
369 |
370 | You can change this behavior to require that all keywords used in a schema have a defined behavior, by using setting the "allowUnknownAttributes" option to false.
371 |
372 | This example will throw a `SchemaError`:
373 |
374 | ```javascript
375 | var schema = {
376 | type: "string",
377 | format: "email",
378 | example: "foo",
379 | };
380 | var result = validate("Name", schema, { allowUnknownAttributes: false });
381 | ```
382 |
383 | ## Tests
384 |
385 | Uses [JSON Schema Test Suite](https://github.com/json-schema/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite) as well as our own tests.
386 | You'll need to update and init the git submodules:
387 |
388 | git submodule update --init
389 | npm test
390 |
391 | ## Contributions
392 |
393 | This library would not be possible without the valuable contributions by:
394 |
395 | - Austin Wright
396 |
397 | ... and many others!
398 |
399 | ## License
400 |
401 | jsonschema is licensed under MIT license.
402 |
403 | Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Tom de Grunt <tom@degrunt.nl>
404 |
405 | Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
406 | this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
407 | the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
408 | use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
409 | of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
410 | so, subject to the following conditions:
411 |
412 | The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
413 | copies or substantial portions of the Software.
414 |