807 BTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Properties } from 'csstype';
2export interface Dict<T> {
3 [key: string]: T;
5/** Make all properties in T potentially falsey */
6export declare type Falsey<T> = { [P in keyof T]?: T[P] | false | null };
8 * jsxstyle-compatible CSS properties provided by csstype.
9 *
10 * Use this type instead of `CSSProperties` if you don't use pseudoelement, pseudoclass, or media query props with jsxstyle.
11 */
12export declare type ExactCSSProperties = Falsey<Properties<string | number>>;
14 * jsxstyle-compatible CSS properties provided by csstype with an additional string index signature.
15 *
16 * Use this type instead of `ExactCSSProperties` if you use pseudoelement, pseudoclass, or media query props with jsxstyle.
17 */
18export declare type CSSProperties = ExactCSSProperties & Dict<any>;