11 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for JSZip 3.1
2// Project: http://stuk.github.com/jszip/, https://github.com/stuk/jszip
3// Definitions by: mzeiher <https://github.com/mzeiher>, forabi <https://github.com/forabi>
4// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
5// TypeScript Version: 2.3
7/// <reference types="node" />
9interface JSZipSupport {
10 arraybuffer: boolean;
11 uint8array: boolean;
12 blob: boolean;
13 nodebuffer: boolean;
16type Compression = 'STORE' | 'DEFLATE';
19 * Depends on the compression type. With `STORE` (no compression), these options are ignored. With
20 * `DEFLATE`, you can give the compression level between 1 (best speed) and 9 (best compression).
21 */
22interface CompressionOptions {
23 level: number;
26interface InputByType {
27 base64: string;
28 string: string;
29 text: string;
30 binarystring: string;
31 array: number[];
32 uint8array: Uint8Array;
33 arraybuffer: ArrayBuffer;
34 blob: Blob;
35 stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream;
38interface OutputByType {
39 base64: string;
40 string: string;
41 text: string;
42 binarystring: string;
43 array: number[];
44 uint8array: Uint8Array;
45 arraybuffer: ArrayBuffer;
46 blob: Blob;
47 nodebuffer: Buffer;
50// This private `_data` property on a JSZipObject uses this interface.
51// If/when it is made public this should be uncommented.
52// interface CompressedObject {
53// compressedSize: number;
54// uncompressedSize: number;
55// crc32: number;
56// compression: object;
57// compressedContent: string|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer;
58// }
60type InputFileFormat = InputByType[keyof InputByType] | Promise<InputByType[keyof InputByType]>;
62declare namespace JSZip {
63 type InputType = keyof InputByType;
65 type OutputType = keyof OutputByType;
67 interface JSZipMetadata {
68 percent: number;
69 currentFile: string | null;
70 }
72 type OnUpdateCallback = (metadata: JSZipMetadata) => void;
74 interface JSZipObject {
75 name: string;
76 /**
77 * Present for files loadded with `loadAsync`. May contain ".." path components that could
78 * result in a zip-slip attack. See https://snyk.io/research/zip-slip-vulnerability
79 */
80 unsafeOriginalName?: string;
81 dir: boolean;
82 date: Date;
83 comment: string;
84 /** The UNIX permissions of the file, if any. */
85 unixPermissions: number | string | null;
86 /** The UNIX permissions of the file, if any. */
87 dosPermissions: number | null;
88 options: JSZipObjectOptions;
90 /**
91 * Prepare the content in the asked type.
92 * @param type the type of the result.
93 * @param onUpdate a function to call on each internal update.
94 * @return Promise the promise of the result.
95 */
96 async<T extends OutputType>(type: T, onUpdate?: OnUpdateCallback): Promise<OutputByType[T]>;
97 nodeStream(type?: 'nodebuffer', onUpdate?: OnUpdateCallback): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
98 }
100 interface JSZipFileOptions {
101 /** Set to `true` if the data is `base64` encoded. For example image data from a `<canvas>` element. Plain text and HTML do not need this option. */
102 base64?: boolean;
103 /**
104 * Set to `true` if the data should be treated as raw content, `false` if this is a text. If `base64` is used,
105 * this defaults to `true`, if the data is not a `string`, this will be set to `true`.
106 */
107 binary?: boolean;
108 /**
109 * The last modification date, defaults to the current date.
110 */
111 date?: Date;
112 /**
113 * Sets per file compression. The `compressionOptions` parameter depends on the compression type.
114 */
115 compression?: Compression;
116 /**
117 * Sets per file compression level for `DEFLATE` compression.
118 */
119 compressionOptions?: null | CompressionOptions;
120 comment?: string;
121 /** Set to `true` if (and only if) the input is a "binary string" and has already been prepared with a `0xFF` mask. */
122 optimizedBinaryString?: boolean;
123 /** Set to `true` if folders in the file path should be automatically created, otherwise there will only be virtual folders that represent the path to the file. */
124 createFolders?: boolean;
125 /** Set to `true` if this is a directory and content should be ignored. */
126 dir?: boolean;
128 /** 6 bits number. The DOS permissions of the file, if any. */
129 dosPermissions?: number | null;
130 /**
131 * 16 bits number. The UNIX permissions of the file, if any.
132 * Also accepts a `string` representing the octal value: `"644"`, `"755"`, etc.
133 */
134 unixPermissions?: number | string | null;
135 }
137 interface JSZipObjectOptions {
138 compression: Compression;
139 }
141 interface JSZipGeneratorOptions<T extends OutputType = OutputType> {
142 /**
143 * Sets compression option for all entries that have not specified their own `compression` option
144 */
145 compression?: Compression;
146 /**
147 * Sets compression level for `DEFLATE` compression.
148 */
149 compressionOptions?: null | CompressionOptions;
150 type?: T;
151 comment?: string;
152 /**
153 * mime-type for the generated file.
154 * Useful when you need to generate a file with a different extension, ie: “.ods”.
155 * @default 'application/zip'
156 */
157 mimeType?: string;
158 encodeFileName?(filename: string): string;
159 /** Stream the files and create file descriptors */
160 streamFiles?: boolean;
161 /** DOS (default) or UNIX */
162 platform?: 'DOS' | 'UNIX';
163 }
165 interface JSZipLoadOptions {
166 base64?: boolean;
167 checkCRC32?: boolean;
168 optimizedBinaryString?: boolean;
169 createFolders?: boolean;
170 decodeFileName?: (bytes: string[] | Uint8Array | Buffer) => string;
171 }
173 type DataEventCallback<T> = (dataChunk: T, metadata: JSZipMetadata) => void
174 type EndEventCallback = () => void
175 type ErrorEventCallback = (error: Error) => void
177 interface JSZipStreamHelper<T> {
178 /**
179 * Register a listener on an event
180 */
181 on(event: 'data', callback: DataEventCallback<T>): this;
182 on(event: 'end', callback: EndEventCallback): this;
183 on(event: 'error', callback: ErrorEventCallback): this;
185 /**
186 * Read the whole stream and call a callback with the complete content
187 *
188 * @param updateCallback The function called every time the stream updates
189 * @return A Promise of the full content
190 */
191 accumulate(updateCallback?: (metadata: JSZipMetadata) => void): Promise<T>;
193 /**
194 * Resume the stream if the stream is paused. Once resumed, the stream starts sending data events again
195 *
196 * @return The current StreamHelper object, for chaining
197 */
198 resume(): this;
200 /**
201 * Pause the stream if the stream is running. Once paused, the stream stops sending data events
202 *
203 * @return The current StreamHelper object, for chaining
204 */
205 pause(): this;
206 }
209interface JSZip {
210 files: {[key: string]: JSZip.JSZipObject};
212 /**
213 * Get a file from the archive
214 *
215 * @param Path relative path to file
216 * @return File matching path, null if no file found
217 */
218 file(path: string): JSZip.JSZipObject | null;
220 /**
221 * Get files matching a RegExp from archive
222 *
223 * @param path RegExp to match
224 * @return Return all matching files or an empty array
225 */
226 file(path: RegExp): JSZip.JSZipObject[];
228 /**
229 * Add a file to the archive
230 *
231 * @param path Relative path to file
232 * @param data Content of the file
233 * @param options Optional information about the file
234 * @return JSZip object
235 */
236 file<T extends JSZip.InputType>(path: string, data: InputByType[T] | Promise<InputByType[T]>, options?: JSZip.JSZipFileOptions): this;
237 file<T extends JSZip.InputType>(path: string, data: null, options?: JSZip.JSZipFileOptions & { dir: true }): this;
239 /**
240 * Returns an new JSZip instance with the given folder as root
241 *
242 * @param name Name of the folder
243 * @return New JSZip object with the given folder as root or null
244 */
245 folder(name: string): JSZip | null;
247 /**
248 * Returns new JSZip instances with the matching folders as root
249 *
250 * @param name RegExp to match
251 * @return New array of JSZipFile objects which match the RegExp
252 */
253 folder(name: RegExp): JSZip.JSZipObject[];
255 /**
256 * Call a callback function for each entry at this folder level.
257 *
258 * @param callback function
259 */
260 forEach(callback: (relativePath: string, file: JSZip.JSZipObject) => void): void;
262 /**
263 * Get all files which match the given filter function
264 *
265 * @param predicate Filter function
266 * @return Array of matched elements
267 */
268 filter(predicate: (relativePath: string, file: JSZip.JSZipObject) => boolean): JSZip.JSZipObject[];
270 /**
271 * Removes the file or folder from the archive
272 *
273 * @param path Relative path of file or folder
274 * @return Returns the JSZip instance
275 */
276 remove(path: string): JSZip;
278 /**
279 * Generates a new archive asynchronously
280 *
281 * @param options Optional options for the generator
282 * @param onUpdate The optional function called on each internal update with the metadata.
283 * @return The serialized archive
284 */
285 generateAsync<T extends JSZip.OutputType>(options?: JSZip.JSZipGeneratorOptions<T>, onUpdate?: JSZip.OnUpdateCallback): Promise<OutputByType[T]>;
287 /**
288 * Generates a new archive asynchronously
289 *
290 * @param options Optional options for the generator
291 * @param onUpdate The optional function called on each internal update with the metadata.
292 * @return A Node.js `ReadableStream`
293 */
294 generateNodeStream(options?: JSZip.JSZipGeneratorOptions<'nodebuffer'>, onUpdate?: JSZip.OnUpdateCallback): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
296 /**
297 * Generates the complete zip file with the internal stream implementation
298 *
299 * @param options Optional options for the generator
300 * @return a StreamHelper
301 */
302 generateInternalStream<T extends JSZip.OutputType>(options?: JSZip.JSZipGeneratorOptions<T>): JSZip.JSZipStreamHelper<OutputByType[T]>;
304 /**
305 * Deserialize zip file asynchronously
306 *
307 * @param data Serialized zip file
308 * @param options Options for deserializing
309 * @return Returns promise
310 */
311 loadAsync(data: InputFileFormat, options?: JSZip.JSZipLoadOptions): Promise<JSZip>;
313 /**
314 * Create JSZip instance
315 */
316 new(): this;
318 (): JSZip;
320 prototype: JSZip;
321 support: JSZipSupport;
322 external: {
323 Promise: PromiseConstructorLike;
324 };
325 version: string;
328declare var JSZip: JSZip;
330export = JSZip;