11.6 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { NativeModules } from 'react-native'
2import JudoPBBAButton from './components/JudoPBBAButton'
3import { version as packageVersion } from './package.json'
5import {
6 JudoConfiguration,
7 JudoResponse,
8 JudoTransactionMode,
9 JudoTransactionType,
10 JudoAuthorization
11} from './types/JudoTypes'
13export {
14 JudoTransactionType,
15 JudoTransactionMode,
16 JudoPaymentMethod,
17 JudoCardNetwork,
18 ChallengeRequestIndicator,
19 JudoThreeDSButtonType,
20 ScaExemption
21} from './types/JudoTypes'
23export type {
24 JudoAmount,
25 JudoReference,
26 JudoAddress,
27 JudoUIConfiguration,
28 JudoAccountDetails,
29 JudoTheme,
30 JudoResponse,
31 JudoConfiguration,
32 JudoAuthorization,
33 NetworkTimeout,
34 JudoThreeDSButtonCustomization,
35 JudoThreeDSLabelCustomization,
36 JudoThreeDSTextBoxCustomization,
37 JudoThreeDSToolbarCustomization,
38 JudoThreeDSUIConfiguration
39} from './types/JudoTypes'
41export {
42 JudoPaymentSummaryItemType,
43 JudoMerchantCapability,
44 JudoContactField,
45 JudoShippingType,
46 JudoReturnedInfo
47} from './types/JudoApplePayTypes'
49export type {
50 JudoApplePayConfiguration,
51 JudoPaymentSummaryItem,
52 JudoShippingMethod
53} from './types/JudoApplePayTypes'
55export {
56 JudoAddressFormat,
57 JudoGooglePayEnvironment
58} from './types/JudoGooglePayTypes'
60export type {
61 JudoGooglePayConfiguration,
62 JudoBillingAddressParameters,
63 JudoShippingAddressParameters
64} from './types/JudoGooglePayTypes'
66export type { JudoPBBAConfiguration } from './types/JudoPBBATypes'
68export { JudoPBBAButton }
70class JudoPay {
71 //------------------------------------------------------------------
72 // Private properties
73 //------------------------------------------------------------------
75 private readonly authorization: JudoAuthorization
77 //------------------------------------------------------------------
78 // Public properties
79 //------------------------------------------------------------------
81 /**
82 * This property is used to toggle the sandbox environment on and off.
83 * You can use the sandbox environment to test our SDK features.
84 */
85 public isSandboxed = true
87 //------------------------------------------------------------------
88 // Initializers
89 //------------------------------------------------------------------
91 /**
92 * The designated initializer that is used to configure the JudoPay session, based
93 * on a provided object that implements the JudoAuthorization interface.
94 *
95 * @param authorization - can be either a JudoBasicAuthorization (token & secret) or
96 * a JudoSessionAuthorization (token & payment session) instance.
97 */
98 constructor(authorization: JudoAuthorization) {
99 this.authorization = authorization
100 }
102 //------------------------------------------------------------------
103 // SDK Features
104 //------------------------------------------------------------------
106 /**
107 * A method used to verify if any Pay By Bank App supported banking apps are installed
108 * on the device.
109 *
110 * This can be useful for conditionally rendering the PBBA button only if the bank app
111 * is available (PBBA won't work otherwise).
112 *
113 * @returns an asynchronous boolean value that indicates if any PBBA apps are installed.
114 */
115 public isBankingAppAvailable(): Promise<boolean> {
116 return NativeModules.RNJudo.isBankingAppAvailable()
117 }
119 /**
120 * A method used to verify if ApplePay is supported for given configuration object
121 *
122 * This needs to be invoked before invoking ApplePay transactions.
123 *
124 * @returns an asynchronous boolean value that indicates if ApplePay is available.
125 */
126 public isApplePayAvailableWithConfiguration(
127 configuration: JudoConfiguration
128 ): Promise<boolean> {
129 const params = this.generateJudoParameters(configuration)
130 return NativeModules.RNJudo.isApplePayAvailableWithConfiguration(params)
131 }
133 /**
134 * A method for invoking the Judo UI for card transactions.
135 * Supported operations - payments, pre-auths, register card, save card, check card.
136 *
137 * @param type - a JudoTransactionType value that defines the transaction type.
138 * @param configuration - a JudoConfiguration object that is used to configure/customize the payment flow.
139 *
140 * @returns an asynchronous JudoResponse object, containing the transaction results.
141 */
142 public async invokeTransaction(
143 type: JudoTransactionType,
144 configuration: JudoConfiguration
145 ): Promise<JudoResponse> {
146 const params = {
147 ...this.generateTransactionTypeParameters(type, configuration),
148 packageVersion
149 }
150 return NativeModules.RNJudo.invokeTransaction(params)
151 }
153 public async fetchTransactionDetails(
154 receiptId: string
155 ): Promise<JudoResponse> {
156 const params = {
157 authorization: this.generateAuthorizationParameters(),
158 sandboxed: this.isSandboxed,
159 receiptId,
160 packageVersion
161 }
163 return NativeModules.RNJudo.fetchTransactionDetails(params)
164 }
166 /**
167 * A method for completing a payment/pre-auth transaction using a saved card token.
168 *
169 * @param mode - a JudoTransactionMode value that defines if the transaction is either a payment or pre-auth.
170 * @param configuration - a JudoConfiguration object that is used to configure/customize the payment flow.
171 * @param cardToken - the saved card token string.
172 * @param securityCode - the saved card token security code.
173 * @param cardholderName - the saved card token cardholder name.
174 * @param cardScheme - the saved card token scheme name.
175 *
176 * @returns an asynchronous JudoResponse object, containing the transaction results.
177 */
178 public async performTokenTransaction(
179 mode: JudoTransactionMode,
180 configuration: JudoConfiguration,
181 cardToken: string,
182 securityCode: string | undefined | null,
183 cardholderName: string | undefined | null,
184 cardScheme: string
185 ): Promise<JudoResponse> {
186 const params = {
187 ...this.generateTransactionModeParameters(mode, configuration),
188 ...{
189 cardToken,
190 securityCode,
191 cardholderName,
192 cardScheme
193 },
194 packageVersion
195 }
196 return NativeModules.RNJudo.performTokenTransaction(params)
197 }
199 /**
200 * A method for invoking Apple Pay transactions.
201 * For this transaction to work, the required JudoApplePayConfiguration parameters must be present as part of
202 * the JudoConfiguration object passed to the method.
203 *
204 * @param mode - a JudoTransactionMode value that defines if the transaction is either a payment or pre-auth.
205 * @param configuration - a JudoConfiguration object that is used to configure/customize the payment flow.
206 *
207 * @returns an asynchronous JudoResponse object, containing the transaction results.
208 */
209 public async invokeApplePay(
210 mode: JudoTransactionMode,
211 configuration: JudoConfiguration
212 ): Promise<JudoResponse> {
213 const params = {
214 ...this.generateTransactionModeParameters(mode, configuration),
215 packageVersion
216 }
217 return NativeModules.RNJudo.invokeApplePay(params)
218 }
220 /**
221 * A method for invoking Google Pay transactions.
222 * For this transaction to work, the required JudoGooglePayConfiguration parameters must be present as part of
223 * the JudoConfiguration object passed to the method.
224 *
225 * @param mode - a JudoTransactionMode value that defines if the transaction is either a payment or pre-auth.
226 * @param configuration - a JudoConfiguration object that is used to configure/customize the payment flow.
227 *
228 * @returns an asynchronous JudoResponse object, containing the transaction results.
229 */
230 public async invokeGooglePay(
231 mode: JudoTransactionMode,
232 configuration: JudoConfiguration
233 ): Promise<JudoResponse> {
234 const params = {
235 ...this.generateTransactionModeParameters(mode, configuration),
236 packageVersion
237 }
238 return NativeModules.RNJudo.invokeGooglePay(params)
239 }
241 /**
242 * A method for invoking Pay By Bank App transactions.
243 *
244 * @param configuration - a JudoConfiguration object that is used to configure/customize the payment flow.
245 *
246 * @returns an asynchronous JudoResponse object, containing the transaction results.
247 */
248 public async invokePayByBankApp(
249 configuration: JudoConfiguration
250 ): Promise<JudoResponse> {
251 const params = {
252 ...this.generateJudoParameters(configuration),
253 packageVersion
254 }
255 return NativeModules.RNJudo.invokePayByBankApp(params)
256 }
258 /**
259 * A method for invoking the Judo wallet, allowing users to pay with their preferred payment method.
260 * (Cards, Apple Pay/Google Pay, iDEAL, Pay By Bank App)
261 *
262 * @param mode - a JudoTransactionMode value that defines if the transaction is either a payment or pre-auth.
263 * @param configuration - a JudoConfiguration object that is used to configure/customize the payment flow.
264 *
265 * @returns an asynchronous JudoResponse object, containing the transaction results.
266 */
267 public async invokePaymentMethodScreen(
268 mode: JudoTransactionMode,
269 configuration: JudoConfiguration
270 ): Promise<JudoResponse> {
271 const params = {
272 ...this.generateTransactionModeParameters(mode, configuration),
273 packageVersion
274 }
275 return NativeModules.RNJudo.invokePaymentMethodScreen(params)
276 }
278 //------------------------------------------------------------------
279 // Private helper methods
280 //------------------------------------------------------------------
282 private readonly generateJudoParameters = (
283 configuration: JudoConfiguration
284 ): Record<string, any> => {
285 return {
286 authorization: this.generateAuthorizationParameters(),
287 sandboxed: this.isSandboxed,
288 configuration: configuration
289 }
290 }
292 private readonly generateTransactionTypeParameters = (
293 type: JudoTransactionType,
294 configuration: JudoConfiguration
295 ): Record<string, any> => {
296 return {
297 authorization: this.generateAuthorizationParameters(),
298 sandboxed: this.isSandboxed,
299 transactionType: type,
300 configuration: configuration
301 }
302 }
304 private readonly generateTransactionModeParameters = (
305 mode: JudoTransactionMode,
306 configuration: JudoConfiguration
307 ): Record<string, any> => {
308 return {
309 authorization: this.generateAuthorizationParameters(),
310 sandboxed: this.isSandboxed,
311 transactionMode: mode,
312 configuration: configuration
313 }
314 }
316 private readonly generateAuthorizationParameters = (): Record<
317 string,
318 any
319 > => {
320 if (this.authorization.secret) {
321 return {
322 token: this.authorization.token,
323 secret: this.authorization.secret
324 }
325 }
327 return {
328 token: this.authorization.token,
329 paymentSession: this.authorization.paymentSession
330 }
331 }
334export default JudoPay