10.1 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1juggling = require('jugglingdb')
2Schema = juggling.Schema
3Text = Schema.Text
5DBNAME = 'myapp_test'
6DBUSER = 'root'
7DBPASS = ''
8DBENGINE = 'mysql'
10schema = new Schema __dirname + '/..', database: '', username: DBUSER, password: DBPASS
11schema.log = (q) -> console.log q
13query = (sql, cb) ->
14 schema.adapter.query sql, cb
16User = schema.define 'User',
17 email: { type: String, null: false, index: true }
18 name: String
19 bio: Text
20 password: String
21 birthDate: Date
22 pendingPeriod: Number
23 createdByAdmin: Boolean
24, indexes:
25 index1:
26 columns: 'email, createdByAdmin'
28withBlankDatabase = (cb) ->
29 db = schema.settings.database = DBNAME
30 query 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ' + db, (err) ->
31 query 'CREATE DATABASE ' + db, (err) ->
32 query 'USE '+ db, cb
34getFields = (model, cb) ->
35 query 'SHOW FIELDS FROM ' + model, (err, res) ->
36 if err
37 cb err
38 else
39 fields = {}
40 res.forEach (field) -> fields[field.Field] = field
41 cb err, fields
43getIndexes = (model, cb) ->
44 query 'SHOW INDEXES FROM ' + model, (err, res) ->
45 if err
46 console.log err
47 cb err
48 else
49 indexes = {}
50 # Note: this will only show the first key of compound keys
51 res.forEach (index) ->
52 indexes[index.Key_name] = index if parseInt(index.Seq_in_index, 10) == 1
53 cb err, indexes
55it = (name, testCases) ->
56 module.exports[name] = testCases
58it 'should run migration', (test) ->
59 withBlankDatabase (err) ->
60 schema.automigrate ->
61 getFields 'User', (err, fields) ->
62 test.deepEqual fields,
63 id:
64 Field: 'id'
65 Type: 'int(11)'
66 Null: 'NO'
67 Key: 'PRI'
68 Default: null
69 Extra: 'auto_increment'
70 email:
71 Field: 'email'
72 Type: 'varchar(255)'
73 Null: 'NO'
74 Key: 'MUL'
75 Default: null
76 Extra: ''
77 name:
78 Field: 'name'
79 Type: 'varchar(255)'
80 Null: 'YES'
81 Key: ''
82 Default: null
83 Extra: ''
84 bio:
85 Field: 'bio'
86 Type: 'text'
87 Null: 'YES'
88 Key: ''
89 Default: null
90 Extra: ''
91 password:
92 Field: 'password'
93 Type: 'varchar(255)'
94 Null: 'YES'
95 Key: ''
96 Default: null
97 Extra: ''
98 birthDate:
99 Field: 'birthDate'
100 Type: 'datetime'
101 Null: 'YES'
102 Key: ''
103 Default: null
104 Extra: ''
105 pendingPeriod:
106 Field: 'pendingPeriod'
107 Type: 'int(11)'
108 Null: 'YES'
109 Key: ''
110 Default: null
111 Extra: ''
112 createdByAdmin:
113 Field: 'createdByAdmin'
114 Type: 'tinyint(1)'
115 Null: 'YES'
116 Key: ''
117 Default: null
118 Extra: ''
119 # Once gain, getIdexes truncates multi-key indexes to the first member. Hence index1 is correct.
120 getIndexes 'User', (err, fields) ->
121 test.deepEqual fields,
123 Table: 'User'
124 Non_unique: 0
125 Key_name: 'PRIMARY'
126 Seq_in_index: 1
127 Column_name: 'id'
128 Collation: 'A'
129 Cardinality: 0
130 Sub_part: null
131 Packed: null
132 Null: ''
133 Index_type: 'BTREE'
134 Comment: ''
135 Index_comment: ''
136 email:
137 Table: 'User'
138 Non_unique: 1
139 Key_name: 'email'
140 Seq_in_index: 1
141 Column_name: 'email'
142 Collation: 'A'
143 Cardinality: 0
144 Sub_part: null
145 Packed: null
146 Null: ''
147 Index_type: 'BTREE'
148 Comment: ''
149 Index_comment: ''
150 index1:
151 Table: 'User'
152 Non_unique: 1
153 Key_name: 'index1'
154 Seq_in_index: 1
155 Column_name: 'email'
156 Collation: 'A'
157 Cardinality: 0
158 Sub_part: null
159 Packed: null
160 Null: ''
161 Index_type: 'BTREE'
162 Comment: ''
163 Index_comment: ''
164 test.done()
166it 'should autoupgrade', (test) ->
167 userExists = (cb) ->
168 query 'SELECT * FROM User', (err, res) ->
169 cb(not err and res[0].email == 'test@example.com')
171 User.create email: 'test@example.com', (err, user) ->
172 test.ok not err
173 userExists (yep) ->
174 test.ok yep
175 User.defineProperty 'email', type: String
176 User.defineProperty 'name', type: String, limit: 50
177 User.defineProperty 'newProperty', type: Number
178 User.defineProperty 'pendingPeriod', false
179 schema.autoupdate (err) ->
180 getFields 'User', (err, fields) ->
181 # change nullable for email
182 test.equal fields.email.Null, 'YES', 'Email is not null'
183 # change type of name
184 test.equal fields.name.Type, 'varchar(50)', 'Name is not varchar(50)'
185 # add new column
186 test.ok fields.newProperty, 'New column was not added'
187 if fields.newProperty
188 test.equal fields.newProperty.Type, 'int(11)', 'New column type is not int(11)'
189 # drop column
190 test.ok not fields.pendingPeriod, 'drop column'
192 # user still exists
193 userExists (yep) ->
194 test.ok yep
195 test.done()
197it "record should be updated", (done) ->
198 userExists = (cb) ->
199 query "SELECT * FROM UserData", (err, res) ->
200 cb not err and res[0].email is "yourname@newname.com"
202 UserData.update
203 where:
204 id: "1"
206 update:
207 email: "yourname@newname.com"
208 , (err, o) ->
209 userExists (yep) ->
210 assert.ok yep, "Email has changed"
212 # err when where missing
213 UserData.update
214 update:
215 email: "yourname@newname.com"
216 , (err, o) ->
217 assert.equal err, "Where or Update fields are missing", " no error when where field is missing "
219 # err when where update
220 UserData.update
221 where:
222 id: "1"
223 , (err, o) ->
224 assert.equal err, "Where or Update fields are missing", " no error when update field is missing "
225 done()
227it 'should check actuality of schema', (test) ->
228 # drop column
229 User.schema.isActual (err, ok) ->
230 test.ok ok, 'schema is actual'
231 User.defineProperty 'email', false
232 User.schema.isActual (err, ok) ->
233 test.ok not ok, 'schema is not actual'
234 test.done()
236it 'should add single-column index', (test) ->
237 User.defineProperty 'email', type: String, index: { kind: 'FULLTEXT', type: 'HASH'}
238 User.schema.autoupdate (err) ->
239 return console.log(err) if err
240 getIndexes 'User', (err, ixs) ->
241 test.ok ixs.email && ixs.email.Column_name == 'email'
242 console.log(ixs)
243 test.equal ixs.email.Index_type, 'BTREE', 'default index type'
244 test.done()
246it 'should change type of single-column index', (test) ->
247 User.defineProperty 'email', type: String, index: { type: 'BTREE' }
248 User.schema.isActual (err, ok) ->
249 test.ok ok, 'schema is actual'
250 User.schema.autoupdate (err) ->
251 return console.log(err) if err
252 getIndexes 'User', (err, ixs) ->
253 test.ok ixs.email && ixs.email.Column_name == 'email'
254 test.equal ixs.email.Index_type, 'BTREE'
255 test.done()
257it 'should remove single-column index', (test) ->
258 User.defineProperty 'email', type: String, index: false
259 User.schema.autoupdate (err) ->
260 return console.log(err) if err
261 getIndexes 'User', (err, ixs) ->
262 test.ok !ixs.email
263 test.done()
265it 'should update multi-column index when order of columns changed', (test) ->
266 User.schema.adapter._models.User.settings.indexes.index1.columns = 'createdByAdmin, email'
267 User.schema.isActual (err, ok) ->
268 test.ok not ok, 'schema is not actual'
269 User.schema.autoupdate (err) ->
270 return console.log(err) if err
271 getIndexes 'User', (err, ixs) ->
272 test.equals ixs.index1.Column_name, 'createdByAdmin'
273 test.done()
276it 'test', (test) ->
277 User.defineProperty 'email', type: String, index: true
278 User.schema.autoupdate (err) ->
279 User.schema.autoupdate (err) ->
280 User.schema.autoupdate (err) ->
281 test.done()
283it 'should disconnect when done', (test) ->
284 schema.disconnect()
285 test.done()