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1# Contributing to KafkaJS
3Thank you for considering contributing to KafkaJS!
5Reading and following these guidelines will help us make the contribution process easy and effective for everyone involved. It also communicates that you agree to respect the time of the developers managing and developing these open source projects.
7## Getting Started
9Contributions are made to this repo via Issues and Pull Requests (PRs). A few general guidelines that cover both:
11- Search for existing issues and PRs before creating your own.
12- The maintainers of KafkaJS are people that volunteer their time. We try to address issues and PRs in a timely manner, but cannot make any guarantees. Please don't @mention individual maintainers to try to get their attention.
14### Issues
16Issues should be used to report problems with the library, request a new feature, or to discuss potential changes before a PR is created. Please follow the issue template that's provided when you first create an issue in order to collect all the necessary information.
18Issues are not a support channel. Please use [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/kafkajs), [Slack](https://kafkajs-slackin.herokuapp.com/) or other online resources instead. [Limited support from a maintainer](https://github.com/sponsors/Nevon?frequency=one-time&sponsor=Nevon) is available to sponsors.
20If you find an issue that addresses the problem you're having, please add your own reproduction information to the existing issue rather than creating a new one. Adding a [reaction](https://github.blog/2016-03-10-add-reactions-to-pull-requests-issues-and-comments/) can also help be indicating to our maintainers that a particular problem is affecting more than just the reporter.
22### Pull Requests
24PRs are welcome and can be a quick way to get your fix or improvement out. If you've never contributed before, see [the contribution guidelines on our website](https://kafka.js.org/docs/contribution-guide) for practical information on how to get started.
26In general, PRs should:
28- Only fix/add the functionality in question **OR** address wide-spread whitespace/style issues, not both.
29- Add tests for fixed or changed functionality.
30- Address a single concern.
31- Update the [Typescript type definitions](./types) if your change introduces any new or affects existing interfaces.
32- Include documentation if it changes the functionality of the library. Our [documentation](https://kafka.js.org/docs/getting-started) is in the [`/docs`](./docs/) folder of the repo.
34If your PR introduces a change in functionality or adds new functionality, always open an issue first to discuss your proposal before implementing it. This is especially crucial for breaking changes, which will almost always be rejected unless discussed first. For bug fixes this is not required, but still recommended.
36Once a PR is merged and the master build is successful, a pre-release version of KafkaJS will be published to NPM in the [beta channel](https://www.npmjs.com/package/kafkajs/v/beta), which you can use until a there has been a stable release made containing your change.
38## Getting Help
40Join our [Slack community](https://kafkajs-slackin.herokuapp.com/) if you have questions about the contribution process or otherwise want to get in touch.