1 | module.exports = function (grunt) {
2 | grunt.initConfig({
3 | pkgFile: 'package.json',
4 | 'npm-contributors': {
5 | options: {
6 | commitMessage: 'chore: update contributors'
7 | }
8 | },
9 | bump: {
10 | options: {
11 | commitMessage: 'chore: release v%VERSION%',
12 | pushTo: 'upstream',
13 | commitFiles: [
14 | 'package.json',
15 | 'CHANGELOG.md'
16 | ]
17 | }
18 | },
19 | conventionalChangelog: {
20 | options: {
21 | changelogOpts: {
22 | preset: 'angular'
23 | }
24 | },
25 | release: {
26 | src: 'CHANGELOG.md'
27 | }
28 | }
29 | })
30 |
31 | require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt)
32 |
33 | grunt.registerTask('default', [])
34 |
35 | grunt.registerTask('release', 'Bump the version and publish to NPM.', function (type) {
36 | grunt.task.run([
37 | 'npm-contributors',
38 | 'bump-only:' + (type || 'patch'),
39 | 'conventionalChangelog',
40 | 'bump-commit',
41 | 'npm-publish'
42 | ])
43 | })
44 | }