1 | # karma-typescript
2 |
3 | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/karma-typescript"><img alt="Npm Version" src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/karma-typescript.svg"></a>
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6 | <a href="https://travis-ci.org/monounity/karma-typescript"><img alt="Travis Status" src="https://img.shields.io/travis/monounity/karma-typescript/master.svg?label=travis"></a>
7 | <a href="https://ci.appveyor.com/project/monounity/karma-typescript"><img alt="Appveyor Status" src="https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/monounity/karma-typescript/master.svg?label=appveyor"></a>
8 |
9 | > Karma :heart: Typescript
10 |
11 | * Run unit tests written in Typescript with full type checking, seamlessly without extra build steps or scripts.
12 | * Get remapped test coverage with [Istanbul](https://istanbul.js.org).
13 | * Use plain Typescript or a framework: Angular, AngularJS, React, Sinon, any framework of choice.
14 |
15 | ## Installation
16 |
17 | The easiest way is to keep `karma-typescript` as a devDependency in `package.json`:
18 |
19 | ```json
20 | {
21 | "devDependencies": {
22 | "karma": "^6.1.0",
23 | "karma-typescript": "5.5.4"
24 | }
25 | }
26 | ```
27 |
28 | Do this by installing the plugin via npm:
29 |
30 | ```
31 | npm install --save-dev karma-typescript
32 | ```
33 |
34 | ## Configuration
35 |
36 | Bare minimum configuration can be achieved with the following `karma.conf.js` file:
37 |
38 | ```javascript
39 | module.exports = function(config) {
40 | config.set({
41 | frameworks: ["jasmine", "karma-typescript"],
42 | files: [
43 | "src/**/*.ts" // *.tsx for React Jsx
44 | ],
45 | preprocessors: {
46 | "**/*.ts": "karma-typescript" // *.tsx for React Jsx
47 | },
48 | reporters: ["progress", "karma-typescript"],
49 | browsers: ["Chrome"]
50 | });
51 | };
52 | ```
53 |
54 | The above example will compile all Typescript files and run the unit tests, producing remapped coverage in `./coverage`.
55 |
56 | ## Examples
57 |
58 | [Cookbook](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/blob/master/packages/karma-typescript/cookbook.md)
59 |
60 | ### Frameworks and Integrations
61 |
62 | - [Angular](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/tree/master/examples/angular2)
63 | - [AngularJS](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/tree/master/examples/angularjs)
64 | - [Docker](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/tree/master/examples/docker)
65 | - [Gulp](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/tree/master/examples/gulp)
66 | - [Mocha](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/tree/master/examples/mocha)
67 |
68 | ### Other examples
69 |
70 | - Typescript [@latest](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/tree/master/examples/typescript-latest)
71 | - Typescript [1.8.10](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/tree/master/examples/typescript-1.8.10)
72 | - Typescript [1.6.2](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/tree/master/examples/typescript-1.6.2)
73 |
74 | ### Sample applications by users
75 | - [Hybrid app, code in JavaScript and tests in Typescript](https://github.com/adrianmarinica/karma-typescript-angularjs-sample)
76 |
77 | ## Transforms:
78 | - [karma-typescript-angular2-transform](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/tree/master/packages/karma-typescript-angular2-transform)
79 | - [karma-typescript-cssmodules-transform](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/tree/master/packages/karma-typescript-cssmodules-transform)
80 | - [karma-typescript-es6-transform](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/tree/master/packages/karma-typescript-es6-transform)
81 | - [karma-typescript-postcss-transform](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/tree/master/packages/karma-typescript-postcss-transform)
82 |
83 | ### Example output
84 |
85 | <img src="http://i.imgur.com/sc4Mswh.png" width="580" height="280" />
86 |
87 | - [Angular2 screenshot](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/blob/master/assets/angular2.png)
88 | - [React screenshot](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/blob/master/assets/react.png)
89 |
90 | ## Advanced configuration
91 |
92 | The plugin has default settings for the compiler, instrumenting files and creating reports etc, which should suit most needs.
93 |
94 | These are the default compiler settings:
95 |
96 | ```javascript
97 | karmaTypescriptConfig: {
98 | compilerOptions: {
99 | emitDecoratorMetadata: true,
100 | experimentalDecorators: true,
101 | jsx: "react",
102 | module: "commonjs",
103 | sourceMap: true,
104 | target: "ES5"
105 | },
106 | exclude: ["node_modules"]
107 | }
108 | ```
109 |
110 | If the defaults aren't enough, the settings can be configured from `karma.conf.js`:
111 |
112 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.bundlerOptions.addNodeGlobals** - Boolean indicating whether the global variables
113 | `process` and `Buffer` should be added to the bundle.<br/>
114 | Defaults to `true`.
115 |
116 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.bundlerOptions.acornOptions** - An object literal with keys/values which are passed as configuration
117 | options to the [Acorn](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn) parser used by the bundler. The most notable of these keys is
118 | `ecmaScript` which sets the ECMAScript target used by the parser. If code has dependencies that use a newer version of
119 | ECMAScript than the bundler defaults to (ES5), parsing errors will result when the source-reader tries to bundle dependencies
120 | (e.g. dependencies that use `bigint` literals like `1n` will cause an error during code compilation unless this option is
121 | explicitly set to 11(ES2020). A complete list of options can be found in the [Acorn documentation](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn/tree/master/acorn#interface).
122 |
123 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.bundlerOptions.constants** - An object literal with keys/values which will be available as global
124 | variables in the bundle. The keys are expected to be strings and any non-string value will be stringified with `JSON.stringify`.
125 |
126 | Configuration example:
127 | ```javascript
128 | constants: {
129 | __STRING__: JSON.stringify("abc" + 123),
130 | __BOOLEAN__: true,
131 | "process.env": {
132 | "VARIABLE": "value"
133 | }
134 | }
135 | ```
136 | Code example:
137 | ```javascript
138 | declare var __STRING__: string;
139 | declare var __BOOLEAN__: boolean;
140 |
141 | console.log(__STRING__, __BOOLEAN__, process.env.VARIABLE);
142 | ```
143 |
144 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.bundlerOptions.entrypoints** - A `RegExp` filtering which files loaded by Karma should be executed in
145 | a test run, for example only filenames ending with ".spec.ts": `/\.spec\.ts$/`.<br/>
146 | This setting can be used to make sure the specs have finished setting up the test environment before other code starts
147 | requiring modules, which otherwise could lead to subtle bugs caused by race conditions.<br/>
148 | When filtering file paths, beware that Windows uses `\` while UNIX-like systems use `/` as path separator.<br/>
149 | Defaults to all files, `/.*/`.
150 |
151 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.bundlerOptions.exclude** - An array of npm module names that will be excluded from the bundle.
152 |
153 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.bundlerOptions.ignore** - An array of npm module names that will be bundled as stubs, ie `module.exports = {};`.
154 |
155 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.bundlerOptions.noParse** - An array of module names that will be bundled without being parsed for dependencies.
156 |
157 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.bundlerOptions.resolve.alias** - An object literal where the key is a module name
158 | and the value is a path that will be used when resolving the module.<br/>
159 | The key is a string.
160 |
161 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.bundlerOptions.resolve.extensions** - An array of file extensions to use, in order, when resolving modules.<br/>
162 | Defaults to `[".js", ".json", ".mjs", ".ts", ".tsx"]`.
163 |
164 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.bundlerOptions.resolve.directories** - An array of directories where modules will be recursively looked up.<br/>
165 | Defaults to `["node_modules"]`.
166 |
167 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.bundlerOptions.sourceMap** - A boolean indicating whether source maps should be generated for imported modules in the bundle, useful for debugging in a browser.
168 | For more debugging options, please see `karmaTypescriptConfig.coverageOptions.instrumentation`.</br>
169 | Defaults to `false`.
170 |
171 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.bundlerOptions.transforms** - An array of functions altering or replacing compiled Typescript code/Javascript
172 | code loaded from `node_modules` before bundling it.
173 | For more detailed documentation on transforms, please refer to the [Transforms API section](#transforms-api) in this document.<br/>
174 |
175 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.bundlerOptions.validateSyntax** - A boolean indicating whether the syntax of the bundled code should be validated.
176 | Setting this to `false` may speed up bundling for large projects with lots of imports from `node_modules`.<br/>
177 | Defaults to `true`.
178 |
179 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.compilerDelay** - The number of milliseconds the compiler waits before compiling the project on each run.</br>
180 | For projects with a large number of files it might be necessary to increase this value to make sure the compiler has collected all files before firing.</br>
181 | Defaults to 250 ms.
182 |
183 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.compilerOptions** - This setting will override or add to existing compiler options.<br/>
184 | Valid options are the same as for the `compilerOptions` section in `tsconfig.json`, with the
185 | exception of `outDir`and `outFile` which are ignored since the code is compiled in-memory.
186 |
187 | If `noEmitOnError` is set to a truthy value, in either `tsconfig.json` or in `karmaTypescriptConfig.compilerOptions`,
188 | the karma process will exit with `ts.ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped` if any compilation errors occur.
189 |
190 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.coverageOptions.instrumentation** - A boolean indicating whether the code should be instrumented,
191 | set this property to `false` to see the original Typescript code when debugging.
192 | Please note that setting this property to `true` requires the Typescript compiler option `sourceMap` to also be set to `true`.
193 | For more debugging options, please see `karmaTypescriptConfig.coverageOptions.sourceMap`.<br/>
194 | Defaults to `true`.
195 |
196 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.coverageOptions.instrumenterOptions** - Pass options to the `istanbul` instrumenter, ie options supported by [istanbul-lib-instrument](https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbuljs/blob/master/packages/istanbul-lib-instrument/src/instrumenter.js):
197 |
198 | ```js
199 | {
200 | // Name of global coverage variable.
201 | coverageVariable: '__coverage__',
202 |
203 | // Preserve comments in output.
204 | preserveComments: false,
205 |
206 | // Generate compact code.
207 | compact: true,
208 |
209 | // Set to true to instrument ES6 modules.
210 | esModules: false,
211 |
212 | // Set to true to allow `return` statements outside of functions.
213 | autoWrap: false,
214 |
215 | // Set to true to produce a source map for the instrumented code.
216 | produceSourceMap: false,
217 |
218 | // Set to array of class method names to ignore for coverage.
219 | ignoreClassMethods: [],
220 |
221 | // A callback function that is called when a source map URL is found in the original code.
222 | // This function is called with the source file name and the source map URL.
223 | sourceMapUrlCallback: null,
224 |
225 | // Turn debugging on.
226 | debug: false,
227 |
228 | // Set plugins.
229 | plugins: [
230 | 'asyncGenerators',
231 | 'bigInt',
232 | 'classProperties',
233 | 'classPrivateProperties',
234 | 'dynamicImport',
235 | 'importMeta',
236 | 'objectRestSpread',
237 | 'optionalCatchBinding',
238 | 'flow',
239 | 'jsx'
240 | ]
241 | };
242 | ```
243 |
244 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.coverageOptions.exclude** - A `RegExp` object or an array of `RegExp` objects for filtering which files should be excluded from coverage instrumentation.<br/>
245 | When filtering file paths, beware that Windows uses `\` while UNIX-like systems use `/` as path separator.<br/>
246 | Defaults to `/\.(d|spec|test)\.ts$/i` which excludes *.d.ts, *.spec.ts and *.test.ts (case insensitive).
247 |
248 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.coverageOptions.threshold** - An object with minimum coverage thresholds. The threshold values can be set on
249 | a global level and on a per-file level, with options to exclude files and directories, and override settings on a per-file basis using globbing patterns.<br/>
250 | A positive value will be used as a minimum percentage, for example `statements: 50` means that at least 50% of the statements should be covered by a test.<br/>
251 | A negative value will be used as a maximum number of uncovered items, for example `lines: 10` means that no more than 10 uncovered lines are allowed.
252 | ```javascript
253 | threshold: {
254 | global: {
255 | statements: 100,
256 | branches: 100,
257 | functions: -10,
258 | lines: 100,
259 | excludes: [
260 | "src/foo/**/*.js"
261 | ]
262 | },
263 | file: {
264 | statements: -10,
265 | branches: 100,
266 | functions: 100,
267 | lines: 100,
268 | excludes: [
269 | "src/bar/**/*.js"
270 | ],
271 | overrides: {
272 | "src/file.js": {
273 | statements: 90
274 | }
275 | }
276 | }
277 | }
278 | ```
279 |
280 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.coverageOptions.watermarks** - An object with custom istanbul watermarks. Each value is an array consisting of
281 | a lower and upper bound. If code coverage is above the upper bound, this is considered "healthy", and many reports will print output in green.
282 | If code coverage is below the lower bound, this is considered "unhealthy", and many reports will print output in red. Yellow output is reserved
283 | for coverage in between the lower and upper bound.
284 | ```javascript
285 | watermarks: {
286 | lines: [75, 90],
287 | functions: [75, 90],
288 | branches: [75, 90],
289 | statements: [75, 90]
290 | }
291 | ```
292 |
293 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.exclude** - File string patterns to be excluded by the compiler. This property may be an `array` or an `object` for more fine-grained control.
294 | * Array: The string values will be merged with existing options.
295 | * Object: The string values will be merged with or replace existing options:
296 | ```javascript
297 | {
298 | mode: "merge|replace",
299 | values: ["foo", "bar"]
300 | }
301 | ```
302 | Defaults to `["node_modules"]`.
303 |
304 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.include** - File string patterns to be included by the compiler. This property may be an `array` or an `object` for more fine-grained control.
305 | * Array: The string values will be merged with existing options.
306 | * Object: The string values will be merged with or replace existing options:
307 | ```javascript
308 | {
309 | mode: "merge|replace",
310 | values: ["foo", "bar"]
311 | }
312 | ```
313 | This option is available in Typescript ^2.0.0.
314 |
315 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.reports** - The types of coverage reports that should be created when running the tests,
316 | defaults to an html report in the directory `./coverage`.
317 | Reporters are configured as `"reporttype": destination` where the destination can be specified in three ways:
318 |
319 | * A `string` with a directory path, for example `"html": "coverage"`.
320 | * An empty string or `null`. Writes the output to the console, for example `"text-summary": ""`. This is only possible for a subset of the reports available.
321 | * An `object` with more fine-grained control over path and filename:
322 | ```javascript
323 | "cobertura": {
324 | "directory": "coverage", // optional, defaults to 'coverage'
325 | "subdirectory": "cobertura" // optional, defaults to the name of the browser running the tests
326 | "filename": "coverage.xml", // optional, defaults to the report name
327 | }
328 |
329 | // "subdirectory" may also be a function that returns a directory from a given browser
330 | "cobertura": {
331 | "directory": "coverage",
332 | "subdirectory": function(browser) {
333 | // normalizes browser name directories to lowercase without version
334 | // ex: coverage/chrome/coverage.xml
335 | return browser.name.toLowerCase().split(' ')[0];
336 | },
337 | "filename": "coverage.xml"
338 | }
339 | ```
340 |
341 | * Available report types:
342 | * `"clover": destination`
343 | * `"cobertura": destination`
344 | * `"html": destination`
345 | * `"html-spa": destination`
346 | * `"json-summary": destination`
347 | * `"json": destination`
348 | * `"lcovonly": destination`
349 | * `"teamcity": destination` (redirects to the console with destination "" or `null`)
350 | * `"text-lcov": destination` (redirects to the console with destination "" or `null`)
351 | * `"text-summary": destination` (redirects to the console with destination "" or `null`)
352 | * `"text": destination` (redirects to the console with destination "" or `null`)
353 |
354 | * Example of the three destination types:
355 | ```javascript
356 | karmaTypescriptConfig: {
357 | reports:
358 | {
359 | "cobertura": {
360 | "directory": "coverage",
361 | "filename": "coverage.xml",
362 | "subdirectory": "cobertura"
363 | },
364 | "html": "coverage",
365 | "text-summary": ""
366 | }
367 | }
368 | ```
369 |
370 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.transformPath** - A function for renaming compiled file extensions to `.js`.<br/>
371 | Defaults to renaming `.ts` and `.tsx` to `.js`.
372 |
373 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.tsconfig** - A path to a `tsconfig.json` file.<br/>
374 | The default compiler options will be replaced by the options in this file.<br/>
375 | The directory of the `tsconfig.json` file will be used as the base path for the Typescript compiler, and if `karmaTypescriptConfig.tsconfig` isn't set, the `basePath` property of the Karma config will be used as the
376 | compiler base path instead.
377 |
378 | * **karmaTypescriptConfig.stopOnFailure** - Stop on any compiler error.<br/>
379 | By default karma will stop when any typescript compile errors are encountered.<br/>
380 | Setting this to false will allow tests to be run when typescript compile errors are present.
381 |
382 | Example of a full `karmaTypescriptConfig` configuration:
383 |
384 | ```javascript
385 | karmaTypescriptConfig: {
386 | bundlerOptions: {
387 | addNodeGlobals: true,
388 | constants: {
389 | __PRODUCTION__: false
390 | },
391 | entrypoints: /\.spec\.(ts|tsx)$/,
392 | exclude: ["react/addons"],
393 | ignore: ["ws"],
394 | noParse: "jquery",
395 | resolve: {
396 | alias: {
397 | "@angular/upgrade/static$": "../bundles/upgrade-static.umd.js"
398 | },
399 | extensions: [".js", ".json"],
400 | directories: ["node_modules"]
401 | },
402 | sourceMap: false,
403 | transforms: [require("karma-typescript-es6-transform")()],
404 | validateSyntax: true
405 | },
406 | compilerDelay: 500,
407 | compilerOptions: {
408 | noImplicitAny: true,
409 | },
410 | coverageOptions: {
411 | instrumentation: true,
412 | instrumenterOptions: {
413 | preserveComments: true
414 | },
415 | exclude: /\.(d|spec|test)\.ts/i,
416 | threshold: {
417 | global: {
418 | statements: 100,
419 | branches: 100,
420 | functions: -10,
421 | lines: 100,
422 | excludes: [
423 | "src/foo/**/*.js"
424 | ]
425 | },
426 | file: {
427 | statements: -10,
428 | branches: 100,
429 | functions: 100,
430 | lines: 100,
431 | excludes: [
432 | "src/bar/**/*.js"
433 | ],
434 | overrides: {
435 | "src/file.js": {
436 | statements: 90
437 | }
438 | }
439 | }
440 | },
441 | },
442 | exclude: ["broken"],
443 | include: {
444 | mode: "replace",
445 | values: ["**/*.ts"]
446 | },
447 | reports: {
448 | "cobertura": {
449 | "directory": "coverage",
450 | "filename": "cobertura/coverage.xml"
451 | },
452 | "html": "coverage",
453 | "text-summary": ""
454 | },
455 | transformPath: function(filepath) {
456 | return filepath.replace(/\.(ts|tsx)$/, ".js");
457 | },
458 | tsconfig: "./tsconfig.json",
459 | stopOnFailure: false
460 | }
461 | ```
462 |
463 | ## Automatic bundling
464 |
465 | Files executed in the test run are bundled into a main bundle, containing dependencies required from node_modules,
466 | and several smaller standalone bundles containing the Typescript files. All these bundles are tied together by `commonjs.js`,
467 | which acts as a hub, loading modules when they are required by other modules.
468 |
469 | All files are bundled by being wrapped in a custom [CommonJS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CommonJS) wrapper,
470 | which emulates the Node.js module system by injecting the require function, the module object, the exports object,
471 | the __dirname variable and the __filename variable.
472 |
473 | For instance, this Typescript sample:
474 |
475 | ```javascript
476 | export function exportedFunction(): string {
477 | return "";
478 | }
479 | ```
480 |
481 | Would be compiled to the following JavaScript (assuming the compiler option `module` is set to `commonjs`):
482 |
483 | ```javascript
484 | function exportedFunction() {
485 | return "";
486 | }
487 | exports.exportedFunction = exportedFunction;
488 | ```
489 |
490 | It would then be wrapped in a `CommonJS` wrapper by the bundler:
491 |
492 | ```javascript
493 | (function(global){
494 | global.wrappers['/absolutepath/app/src/file.ts']=[function(require,module,exports,__dirname,__filename){
495 | function exportedFunction() {
496 | return "";
497 | }
498 | exports.exportedFunction = exportedFunction;
499 | },'src/file.ts',{}];
500 | })(this);
501 | ```
502 |
503 | *(In this example, the source map and a few other statements have been omitted for brevity and the wrapper has been formatted for readability)*
504 |
505 | After compilation, a simple static analysis is performed to find "import" and "require" statements in the code and if any
506 | dependencies are found, for instance `import { Component } from "@angular/core";`, it is added to the main bundle file along
507 | with its dependencies.
508 |
509 | If no import or require statements are found in any Typescript file included in the test run, or the compiler option `module`
510 | is set to another value than `commonjs`, *automatic bundling will not occur*.
511 |
512 | This means that no Typescript file will be wrapped in the CommonJS wrapper and the reason behind this is the encapsulation that
513 | the Node.js module system provides. If no module requests any other module, the test run would contain only isolated islands of
514 | code unreachable from the global scope, there would be nothing to execute.
515 |
516 | However, this intentional behavior makes it possible to use karma-typescript for projects that use the Typescript module system,
517 | or have the compiler option `module` set to another value than `commonjs`, or simply put everything on the global scope.
518 |
519 | ### Importing stylesheets and bundling for production
520 |
521 | Style files (.css|.less|.sass|.scss) are served as JSON strings to the browser running the tests,
522 | allowing styles to be loaded using the Typescript import statement, ie `import "./style/app.scss";`.
523 |
524 | This means styles can be imported in order to let, for instance, webpack load the styles with
525 | less-loader or scss-loader etc for bundling later on, without breaking the unit test runner.
526 |
527 | Note: JSON required by modules in node_modules will be loaded automatically by the bundler.
528 |
529 | ### The module object
530 |
531 | ```javascript
532 | module: {
533 | exports: {},
534 | id: "project-relative-path/bar.ts",
535 | uri: "/absolute-path/project-relative-path/bar.ts"
536 | }
537 | ```
538 |
539 | The `module.id` will be calculated from the value of `module.uri`, relative to the Karma config `basePath` value.
540 |
541 | Modules exporting an extensible object such as a *function* or an *object literal* will also be decorated with
542 | a non-enumerable `default` property if `module.exports.default` is undefined.
543 |
544 | ### Globals
545 |
546 | A full Node.js environment will be provided with global variables and browser shims for builtin core modules:
547 |
548 | * __dirname
549 | * __filename
550 | * Buffer
551 | * global
552 | * process
553 |
554 | ### Browser shims
555 | * [assert](https://www.npmjs.com/package/assert)
556 | * [buffer](https://www.npmjs.com/package/buffer)
557 | * [console](https://www.npmjs.com/package/console-browserify)
558 | * [constants](https://www.npmjs.com/package/constants-browserify)
559 | * [crypto](https://www.npmjs.com/package/crypto-browserify)
560 | * [domain](https://www.npmjs.com/package/domain-browser)
561 | * [events](https://www.npmjs.com/package/events)
562 | * [http](https://www.npmjs.com/package/stream-http)
563 | * [https](https://www.npmjs.com/package/https-browserify)
564 | * [os](https://www.npmjs.com/package/os-browserify)
565 | * [path](https://www.npmjs.com/package/path-browserify)
566 | * [punycode](https://www.npmjs.com/package/punycode)
567 | * [querystring](https://www.npmjs.com/package/querystring-es3)
568 | * [stream](https://www.npmjs.com/package/stream-browserify)
569 | * [string_decoder](https://www.npmjs.com/package/string_decoder)
570 | * [timers](https://www.npmjs.com/package/timers-browserify)
571 | * [tty](https://www.npmjs.com/package/tty-browserify)
572 | * [url](https://www.npmjs.com/package/url)
573 | * [util](https://www.npmjs.com/package/util)
574 | * [vm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vm-browserify)
575 | * [zlib](https://www.npmjs.com/package/browserify-zlib)
576 |
577 | The plugin uses [browser-resolve](https://github.com/defunctzombie/node-browser-resolve) from the [browserify](https://github.com/substack/node-browserify) tool chain to load the source code from node_modules.
578 |
579 | ### Mocking
580 | Imported modules, local or npm packages, can be mocked using [karma-typescript-mock](https://www.npmjs.com/package/karma-typescript-mock). This feature is available in `karma-typescript@^3.0.5`.
581 |
582 | ## Transforms API
583 |
584 | The bundler has a public API which lets plugins alter or completely replace code before adding it to the bundle.
585 | For example, a plugin could compile ES2015 JavaScript code to to ES5 syntax, making it possible to import an `npm` module
586 | written in ES2015 syntax from a Typescript module directly.
587 |
588 | The interface between the bundler and the plugins is a plain array of functions, specified in the configuration property `karmaTypescriptConfig.bundlerOptions.transforms`, where each function is considered a transforming plugin.
589 |
590 | The plugin functions in the transforms array are asynchronous and adhere to the Node.js callback convention where the first
591 | argument of the callback function is an `Error` object or `undefined` and the following parameters contains the result.
592 | However, although each function is asynchronous, all functions will be called *synchronously* one by one in the order they were added to the array, and each function will be called with the result of the previous function, enabling transforms plugin chaining.
593 |
594 | Transforms will be executed at two points in the bundling process: right after compilation of the project Typescript files
595 | and when resolving `import` and `require` statements. This means each transforming function will be called for both
596 | Typescript files and JavaScript files from `node_modules`, making each plugin implementation responsible for validating the
597 | context before performing any logic, for example by checking the file name, module name or the existence of an ast object etc.
598 |
599 | Each transforming function will be executed before resolving dependencies, which means paths in `import` or `require` statements
600 | or anywhere in the code can be rewritten before bundling, to fit the Karma execution environment.
601 |
602 | Example of a simple inline transforming function replacing the contents of a `.css` file, mimicking the behavior of Css Modules:
603 |
604 | ```javascript
605 | karmaTypescriptConfig: {
606 | bundlerOptions: {
607 | transforms: [
608 | function(context, callback) {
609 | if(context.module === "./main.css") {
610 | context.source = "module.exports = { color: red };";
611 | return callback(undefined, true);
612 | }
613 | return callback(undefined, false);
614 | }
615 | ]
616 | }
617 | }
618 | ```
619 |
620 | It is also possible to change the transpiled Typescript (ie the plain JavaScript code) code by using the third callback parameter to tell the Transforms API not to recompile the transpiled code:
621 |
622 | ```javascript
623 | karmaTypescriptConfig: {
624 | bundlerOptions: {
625 | transforms: [
626 | function(context, callback) {
627 | if(context.ts) {
628 | context.ts.transpiled = "\n/* istanbul ignore next */\n" + context.ts.transpiled;
629 | return callback(undefined, true, false);
630 | }
631 | return callback(undefined, false);
632 | }
633 | ]
634 | }
635 | }
636 | ```
637 |
638 | ### Context
639 | The context object, `TransformContext`, is defined [here](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript/blob/master/src/api/transforms.ts).
640 |
641 | ### Callback
642 |
643 | The callback has two signatures, the "boolean" and the "object".
644 |
645 | The boolean callback function has three arguments:
646 | 1. An `Error` object or `undefined`
647 | 2. A boolean indicating whether the value of `context.source` has changed or not.
648 | 3. A boolean indicating whether the transformed source should be recompiled. Defaults to true and can be omitted.
649 |
650 | The object callback function has two arguments:
651 |
652 | 1. An `Error` object or `undefined`
653 | 2. An object literal, which has the following properties:
654 | 1. A boolean indicating whether the value of `context.source` has changed or not.
655 | 2. A boolean indicating whether the transformed source should be recompiled (Typescript only!).
656 | 3. A boolean indicating whether a new AST should be created for the transformed source (JavaScript only!).
657 |
658 | ## Requirements
659 |
660 | Typescript ^1.6.2 is required.
661 |
662 | Versions 1.6.2 - 1.7.5 work but aren't as heavily tested as versions 1.8.10 and up.
663 |
664 | ## Troubleshooting
665 |
666 | ### Error: Can not load "karma-typescript", it is not registered!
667 |
668 | Users have reported success by simply deleting the `node_modules` folder and then running `npm install` again.
669 |
670 | ### Error: Cannot find module 'buffer/' from '.'
671 |
672 | *Note: this error has been fixed in karma-typescript@^3.0.0`.*
673 |
674 | This error seems to hit mostly users of with older versions of `npm`, where all dependencies don't get pulled in automatically by `npm`.
675 |
676 | There's a workaround reported by users, which is simply adding the missing dependencies explicitly to `package.json`:
677 |
678 | * `npm install --save-dev browser-resolve`
679 | * `npm install --save-dev buffer`
680 | * `npm install --save-dev process`
681 |
682 | Other workarounds are running `npm install` twice or, if possible, upgrading to a newer version of `npm`.
683 |
684 | These are the environments reported failing/working:
685 |
686 | |Npm|Node.js|OS|Works|
687 | |---|---|---|---|
688 | |2.5.18|4.4.7|Unknown|No|
689 | |2.14.7|4.2.1|Ubuntu 14.04|No|
690 | |2.14.12|4.2.6|OSX 10.11.3|No|
691 | |2.15.9|4.5.0|OSX 10.11.6|No|
692 | |2.15.9|4.6.0|OSX 10.12.3|No|
693 | |2.15.11|4.6.2|Ubuntu 14.04|No|
694 | |2.15.11|4.7.0|Ubuntu 14.04|Yes|
695 | |3.5.3|4.2.1|Windows 10|Yes|
696 | |3.8.6|6.10.0|Windows Server 2012 R2|Yes|
697 | |3.10.3|6.4.0|OSX 10.11.6|Yes|
698 | |3.10.9|6.9.2|Ubuntu 14.04|Yes|
699 | |4.0.5|6.4.0|OSX 10.11.6|Yes|
700 | |4.1.2|7.5.0|OSX 10.12.2|No|
701 | |4.1.2|7.7.3|Ubuntu 14.04|Yes|
702 |
703 | ## Licensing
704 |
705 | This software is licensed with the MIT license.
706 |
707 | © 2016-2021 Erik Barke, Monounity