1 | # Cookbook
2 |
3 | > Recipes for configuring `karma-typescript`
4 |
5 | ## Hybrid application with coverage
6 |
7 | To get code coverage for both plain JavaScript modules and Typescript modules in a hybrid application,
8 | simply use `allowJs` in the Typescript compiler options and then pipe all `.js` and `.ts` files through
9 | `karma-typescript`:
10 |
11 | ```javascript
12 | module.exports = function(config) {
13 | config.set({
14 |
15 | frameworks: ["jasmine", "karma-typescript"],
16 |
17 | files: [
18 | { pattern: "src/**/*.+(js|ts)" },
19 | ],
20 |
21 | preprocessors: {
22 | "src/**/*.+(js|ts)": ["karma-typescript"],
23 | },
24 |
25 | reporters: ["progress", "karma-typescript"],
26 |
27 | karmaTypescriptConfig: {
28 | compilerOptions: {
29 | allowJs: true,
30 | },
31 | },
32 |
33 | browsers: ["Chrome"]
34 | });
35 | };
36 | ```
37 |
38 | ## Code and tests in separate directories
39 |
40 | There are two ways to configure `karma-typescript` when you keep the application code and its unit tests in
41 | separate directories and you don't want the tests to get included in the coverage report.
42 |
43 | 1. The setting `karmaTypescriptConfig.coverageOptions.exclude`, which is a `RegExp` object (or an array of
44 | `RegExp` objects) for filtering which files get excluded from coverage instrumentation.
45 |
46 | 2. You can tell `karma-typescript` not to instrument all code for coverage automatically by adding `karma-coverage`
47 | to the `preprocessors` array; if the presence of `karma-coverage` is detected no code will be instrumented for
48 | coverage automatically by `karma-typescript`, giving you full control over which files should get instrumented:
49 |
50 | ```javascript
51 | module.exports = function(config) {
52 | config.set({
53 |
54 | frameworks: ["jasmine", "karma-typescript"],
55 |
56 | files: [
57 | { pattern: "src/**/*.ts" },
58 | { pattern: "test/**/*.ts" }
59 | ],
60 |
61 | preprocessors: {
62 | "src/**/*.ts": ["karma-typescript", "coverage"],
63 | "test/**/*.ts": ["karma-typescript"]
64 | },
65 |
66 | reporters: ["progress", "coverage", "karma-typescript"],
67 |
68 | browsers: ["Chrome"]
69 | });
70 | };
71 | ```
72 |
73 | ## Importing ES2015 (aka ES6) modules
74 |
75 | Modules written in ES6 syntax can't be run in a web browser directly (yet) and need to be compiled to
76 | ES5 syntax first. To do this automatically on each test run, you can use the bundler plugin
77 | [karma-typescript-es6-transform](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript-es6-transform):
78 |
79 | First, install the ES6 transforms plugin as a dev dependency:
80 |
81 | ```bash
82 | npm install --save-dev karma-typescript-es6-transform
83 | ```
84 |
85 | And then in the Karma configuration, configure the bundler to use the plugin:
86 |
87 | ```javascript
88 | karmaTypescriptConfig: {
89 | bundlerOptions: {
90 | transforms: [require("karma-typescript-es6-transform")()]
91 | }
92 | }
93 | ```
94 |
95 | ## PostCSS runner with a plugin
96 |
97 | In this recipe we set up `karma-typescript` to run the PostCSS `autoprefixer` plugin on all `.css` files
98 | with the PostCSS runner [karma-typescript-postcss-transform](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript-postcss-transform).
99 |
100 | First, install the PostCSS transforms plugin and the `autoprefixer` package as dev dependencies:
101 |
102 | ```bash
103 | npm install --save-dev karma-typescript-postcss-transform autoprefixer
104 | ```
105 |
106 | And then in the Karma configuration, configure the bundler to use the runner with a plugin and custom options:
107 |
108 | ```javascript
109 | karmaTypescriptConfig: {
110 | bundlerOptions: {
111 | transforms: [
112 | require("karma-typescript-postcss-transform")(
113 | [require("autoprefixer")], { map: { inline: true } }, /\.css$/
114 | )
115 | ]
116 | }
117 | }
118 | ```
119 |
120 | ## Css Modules
121 |
122 | When using (for instance) [React CSS Modules](https://github.com/gajus/react-css-modules), style sheets must
123 | be loaded as JSON objects by the bundler. This can be achieved by using the CSS Modules transforms plugin
124 | [karma-typescript-cssmodules-transform](https://github.com/monounity/karma-typescript-cssmodules-transform),
125 | which will transform style sheets to JSON on the fly each test run.
126 |
127 | First, install the CSS Modules transforms plugin as a dev dependency:
128 |
129 | ```bash
130 | npm install --save-dev karma-typescript-cssmodules-transform
131 | ```
132 |
133 | And then in the Karma configuration, configure the bundler to use the transform with custom options:
134 |
135 | ```javascript
136 | karmaTypescriptConfig: {
137 | bundlerOptions: {
138 | transforms: [
139 | require("karma-typescript-cssmodules-transform")({}, {}, /\.css$/),
140 | ]
141 | }
142 | }
143 | ```
144 |
145 | ## Emulating webpack's define plugin with bundler constants:
146 |
147 | ```javascript
148 | karmaTypescriptConfig: {
149 | bundlerOptions: {
150 | constants: {
151 | __PRODUCTION__: false
152 | }
153 | }
154 | }
155 | ```