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2 * # Kes: Making deployment with CloudFormation Fun
3 *
4 * Kes helps with managing and deploying AWS resources using CloudFormation.
5 *
6 * It makes it much easier to deploy lambda functions and create API gateway resources.
7 *
8 * ## Installation
9 *
10 * ```bash
11 * $ npm install -g kes
12 * $ kes -h
13 *
14 * Usage: kes TYPE COMMAND [options]
15 *
16 * Start a Kes project
17 *
18 * Options:
19 *
20 * -V, --version output the version number
21 * -p, --profile <profile> AWS profile name to use for authentication
22 * --role <role> AWS role arn to be assumed for the deployment
23 * -c, --config <config> Path to config file
24 * --env-file <envFile> Path to env file
25 * --cf-file <cfFile> Path to CloudFormation templateUrl
26 * -t, --template <template> A kes application template used as the base for the configuration
27 * --kes-class <kesClass> Kes Class override
28 * -k, --kes-folder <kesFolder> Path to config folder
29 * -r, --region <region> AWS region
30 * --stack <stack> stack name, defaults to the config value
31 * -d, --deployment <deployment> Deployment name, default to default
32 * -h, --help output usage information
33 *
34 * Commands:
35 * cf [deploy|validate|compile] CloudFormation Operations:
36 * create Creates the CF stack (deprecated, start using deploy)
37 * update Updates the CF stack (deprecated, start using deploy)
38 * upsert Creates the CF stack and Update if already exists (deprected, start using deploy)
39 * deploy Creates the CF stack and Update if already exists
40 * validate Validates the CF stack
41 * compile Compiles the CF stack
42 * lambda <lambdaName> uploads a given lambda function to Lambda service
43 *
44 * ```
45 *
46 * ## Setting Up the First Project
47 *
48 * Go to your project directory and run the following command.
49 *
50 * ```bash
51 * $ npm init
52 * ```
53 *
54 * This will create a `.kes` folder on your project folder. It will include the following files:
55 *
56 * | file | description
57 * | ---- | -------------
58 * |`.env`| This optional file can hold your project secrets and should not be committed
59 * |`cloudformation.template.yml`| A base CF template written with Mustache/Handlebar templating language
60 * |`config.yml`| The main required configuration file for a kes deployment
61 * |`kes.js`| An optional Kes class override that can change how Kes class is used
62 *
63 * The `cloudformation.template.yml` and `config.yml` are required files.
64 * The variables in `config.yml` are parsed and used to generate the `cloudformation.yml`. By default,
65 * the `default` section of the `config.yml` is parsed and used in `cloudformation.template.yml`. If
66 * another deployment is specified in the `config.yml` the values of that deployment overrides the
67 * values of `default`
68 * file which is sent to AWS CloudFormation to create and udpate the stack.
69 *
70 * ### CF Stack Name
71 * The Cloudformation stack name is the same as `stackName` in `config.yml`.
72 *
73 * ### Parameters
74 *
75 * To pass parameters to the CloudFormation template, use the `parameters` key in config.yml. Example:
76 *
77 * ```yaml
78 * # config.yml
79 * default:
80 * stackName: myStack
81 * parameters:
82 * - name: MyParameter
83 * value: someValue
84 * ```
85 *
86 * ```yaml
87 * # cloudformation.template.yml
88 * AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
89 * Description: 'stack: {{stackName}} | deployed by Kes'
90 * Parameters:
91 * MyParameter:
92 * Type: String
93 * Description: 'My parameter'
94 * ```
95 *
96 * ### CF Capabailities
97 *
98 * To pass capabilities such as `CAPABILITY_IAM` use `capabilities` key:
99 *
100 * ```yaml
101 * # config.yml
102 * default:
103 * stackName: myStack
104 * parameters:
105 * - name: MyParameter
106 * value: someValue
107 * capabilities:
109 * ```
110 *
111 * ### CloudFormation Tagging
112 *
113 * To manage tags associated with your CloudFormation stack, use the `tags` key:
114 *
115 * ```yaml
116 * # config.yml
117 * default:
118 * tags:
119 * color: orange
120 * tree: oak
121 * ```
122 *
123 * ### Lambda Functions
124 * To add lambda functions, use `lambdas` key and add them as array object.
125 * The lambda function code can be either a folder or file on your computer
126 * or a zip file on aws.
127 *
128 * **Note:** In version 2.0.0 of kes, the lambda packaging is handled natively in nodejs.
129 * If you point the `source` to a directory, the directory is saved at the root of the zip
130 * package. This changes how handler path should be setup.
131 *
132 * For example, if the `index.js` is located at `/path/to/package/index.js` and
133 * `source: /path/to/package/index.js`, the handler should be `handler: index.handler`.
134 *
135 * **Required Fields:**
136 * - name
137 * - handler
138 * - source/s3Source
139 *
140 * **Env Variables:**
141 * You can add env variables to each lambda function as shown in the example below.
142 *
143 * **Example:**
144 *
145 * ```yaml
146 * # config.yml
147 * default:
148 * stackName: myStack
149 * parameters:
150 * - name: MyParameter
151 * value: someValue
152 * capabilities:
154 *
155 * lambdas:
156 * - name: myLambda1
157 * handler: index.handler
158 * timeout: 200
159 * source: 'node_modules/someNpmPackage'
160 * - name: myLambda2
161 * handler: package.handler
162 * timeout:100
163 * s3Source:
164 * bucket: mybucket
165 * key: mylambda.zip
166 * envs:
167 * DEBUG: true
168 * ```
169 *
170 * **Note:**
171 *
172 * Adding lambda functions in the config.yml has no effect unless you add
173 * the relevant CF syntax to `cloudformation.template.yml`
174 *
175 * ### Handlebar Helpers
176 * We use [Handlebar](http://handlebarsjs.com/) for templating a CF template.
177 *
178 * **Each**
179 *
180 * ```yaml
181 * # config.yml
182 * default:
183 * myArray:
184 * - name: name1
185 * - name: name2
186 * ```
187 *
188 * ```yaml
189 * # cloudformation.template.yml
190 * Resources:
191 *
192 * {{# each myArray}}
193 * {{name}}:
194 * Type: SomeAWSResource
195 * {{/each}}
196 * ```
197 *
198 * **If/else**
199 *
200 * ```yaml
201 * # config.yml
202 * default:
203 * myArray:
204 * - name: name1
205 * runtime: python2.7
206 * - name: name2
207 * ```
208 *
209 * ```yaml
210 * # cloudformation.template.yml
211 * Resources:
212 *
213 * {{# each myArray}}
214 * {{name}}:
215 * Type: SomeAWSResource
216 * Properties:
217 * Runtime: {{# if runtime}}{{runtime}}{{else}}nodejs6.10{{/if}}
218 * {{/each}}
219 * ```
220 *
221 * **Each for Objects**
222 *
223 * ```yaml
224 * # config.yml
225 * default:
226 * myArray:
227 * - DEBUG: true
228 * ```
229 *
230 * ```yaml
231 * # cloudformation.template.yml
232 * Resources:
233 *
234 * {{# each myArray}}
235 * Lambda:
236 * Type: SomeAWSResource
237 * Properties:
238 * Environments:
239 * - {{@key}}: {{this}}
240 * {{/each}}
241 * ```
242 *
243 * ## Deployment
244 *
245 * To create a CF stack or update and existing one run
246 * ```bash
247 * kes cf deploy
248 * ```
249 *
250 * ### Differenet deployment configurations
251 *
252 * You can configure different values for different deployments. For example you might want to configure your test deployment
253 * differently from your staging and production deployments. Here is how to achieve it:
254 *
255 * ```yaml
256 * # config.yml
257 * default:
258 * stackName: myStack-test
259 * myArray:
260 * - DEBUG: true
261 *
262 * staging:
263 * stackName: myStack-staging
264 * myArray:
265 * - DEBUG: false
266 * ```
267 *
268 * To deploy a stack with the `staging` configuration run:
269 *
270 * ```bash
271 * kes cf deploy --deployment staging
272 * ```
273 *
274 *
275 * ## Deployment Using IAM Role
276 *
277 * You can specify an IAM role for the deployment using `--role` option or by setting `AWS_DEPLOYMENT_ROLE` environment variable.
278 *
279 * **Note:** You still need an aws user with AssumeRole permission for this to work
280 *
281 * ```bash
282 * kes cf deploy --profile myUser --role arn:aws:iam::00000000000:role/myDeplymentRole
283 * ```
284 *
285 * ### Updating One Lambda Function
286 * To update one lambda function outside of CF
287 *
288 * ```bash
289 * kes lambda myLambda
290 * ```
291 *
292 * ## Use Templates
293 * Kes enables you to distribute your AWS applications built with kes using a concept called template. A template is essentially a `.kes` folder with
294 * a `cloudformation.template.yml`, a `config.yml` and a `kes.js` if needed.
295 *
296 * The user of a template can point to your template folder with the `--template` flag and the kes command will use the template to build the cloudformation.yml.
297 *
298 * The user still has the option of creating her own `config.yml` and `cloudformation.template.yml`. Any variables in these files will override existing ones
299 * in the template or append it if it doesn't exist.
300 *
301 * This setup gives users of the templates a great degree of flexibility and ownership.
302 *
303 */