6.53 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2Routing Primitives for Kettle Servers
4Copyright 2015 Raising the Floor (International)
6Licensed under the New BSD license. You may not use this file except in
7compliance with this License.
9You may obtain a copy of the License at
13/* Contains code adapted from express 4.x "layer.js":
14 * Copyright(c) 2009-2013 TJ Holowaychuk
15 * Copyright(c) 2013 Roman Shtylman
16 * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
17 * MIT Licensed
18 */
20"use strict";
22var fluid = require("infusion"),
23 urlModule = require("url"),
24 kettle = fluid.registerNamespace("kettle");
26// Upstream dependency stolen from express 4.x
27// Note that path-to-regexp 2.0.0 breaks compatibility with our use of /* to encode middleware matches - seems unlikely we will upgrade
28kettle.pathToRegexp = require("path-to-regexp");
30fluid.defaults("kettle.router.http", {
31 gradeNames: "fluid.component",
32 members: {
33 handlers: []
34 },
35 invokers: {
36 register: {
37 funcName: "kettle.router.http.register",
38 args: ["{that}", "{arguments}.0"]
39 },
40 match: {
41 funcName: "kettle.router.http.match",
42 args: ["{that}.handlers", "{arguments}.0"]
43 }
44 }
47/** A structure specifying a route and the request grades which will handle it.
48 * See docs in "%kettle/docs/RequestHandlersAndApps.md" for more information.
49 * @typedef {Object} handlerRecord
50 * @member {String} type - The name of a request handling grade, which must be descended from `kettle.request`. If the
51 * `method` field is filled in, the grade must be descended from `kettle.request.http`.
52 * @member {String} [route] - A routing specification in the traditional format for express routes, e.g. of the form
53 * "/preferences/:gpiiKey". A special form "/*" is supported indicating that the router handles all routes
54 * @member {String} [method] - An HTTP method specification, possibly including multiple comma-separated values
55 * @member {String} prefix - A routing prefix to be prepended to this handler's `route`. The prefix plus the route
56 * expression must match the incoming request in order for this handler to be activated
57 * @member {String[]} gradeNames - One or more grade names which will be mixed in to the constructed handler when it is constructed.
58 */
60/** A "partially cooked" version of a `handlerRecord` as stored in various routing structures
61 * @typedef {handlerRecord} internalHandlerRecord
62 * @member {String} [method] - A single HTTP method specification
63 * @member {kettle.app} app - The Kettle app for which this handler record is registered
64 */
66/** A structure holding details of a matched route
67 * @typedef routeMatch
68 * @member {internalHandlerRecord} handler - The (elaborated version of the) original handler structure which led to the match
69 * @member {Object} output - A free-form structure which will be merged into the resulting request. This will
70 * contain at least:
71 * @member {Object} output.params - A decoded hash of keys to values extracted from the incoming request by route variables
72 * such as ":gpiiKey"
73 */
75/** Registers a new route handler with this router. Note that the router is not dynamic and routes can currently not be removed.
76 * Note that this is an internal method which corrupts its 2nd argument which must have been copied beforehand.
77 * @param {kettle.router.http} that - The router in which the handler should be registered
78 * @param {interalHandlerRecord} handler - A route handler structure
79 */
80kettle.router.http.register = function (that, handler) {
81 var prefix = handler.prefix || "";
82 handler.regexp = kettle.pathToRegexp(prefix + handler.route, handler.keys = []);
83 that.handlers.push(handler);
86kettle.router.registerOneHandlerImpl = function (that, handler, extend) {
87 var handlerCopy = fluid.extend({
88 method: "get"
89 }, handler, extend);
90 kettle.router.http.register(that, handlerCopy);
93/** Decodes a routing parameter which has been found to be a URL component matching the routing specification. If it is
94 * a string, it will be URI decoded - if this decoding fails, an exception will be thrown.
95 * @param {Any} val - The URL component to be decoded
96 * @return {Any} Either the original argument if it was not a String or was an empty string, or the argument after
97 * successful URI decoding.
98 */
99kettle.router.http.decodeParam = function (val) {
100 if (typeof val !== "string" || val.length === 0) {
101 return val;
102 }
103 try {
104 return decodeURIComponent(val);
105 } catch (err) {
106 err.message = "Failed to decode request routing parameter \"" + val + "\"";
107 err.status = err.statusCode = 400;
108 throw err;
109 }
112/** Extract the matched routing variables into a hash of names to values
113 * @param {routeHandler} handler - The routeHandler which has been determined to match this request
114 * @param {String[]} match - The output of regexp.exec as applied to the incoming request URL
115 * @return {Object} A map of strings to strings of matched and decoded parameters
116 */
117kettle.router.http.matchToParams = function (handler, match) {
118 var params = {};
119 for (var i = 1; i < match.length; i++) {
120 var key = handler.keys[i - 1];
121 var prop = key.name;
122 var val = kettle.router.http.decodeParam(match[i]);
124 if (val !== undefined) {
125 params[prop] = val;
126 }
127 }
128 return params;
131// cf. Router.prototype.matchRequest
132/** Evaluates the URL and method of an incoming HTTP for a match in the table of route handlers.
133 * @param {handlerRecord[]} handlers - An array of handlers in which a matching route is to be looked up
134 * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req - Node's native HTTP request object
135 * @return {routeMatch|Undefined} A matched route structure, or undefined if no route matched the incoming request
136 */
137kettle.router.http.match = function (handlers, req) {
138 var method = req.method.toLowerCase(),
139 parsedUrl = urlModule.parse(req.url),
140 path = parsedUrl.pathname;
141 for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; ++i) {
142 var handler = handlers[i];
143 if (method === handler.method) {
144 var match = handler.regexp.exec(path);
145 if (match) {
146 return {
147 handler: handler,
148 output: {
149 params: kettle.router.http.matchToParams(handler, match)
150 }
151 };
152 }
153 }
154 }