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1# Kettle
3Kettle is an integration technology which promotes the expression of servers handling HTTP and WebSockets endpoints.
4With a few exceptions, Kettle implements no primary functionality of its own, but aggregates the facilities of
5[express](http://expressjs.com/) and [ws](https://github.com/websockets/ws), as well as middleware held in the wider [pillarjs](https://github.com/pillarjs)
6"Bring your own HTTP Framework Framework" ecosystem. Kettle applications can easily incorporate any express-standard middleware, as well as coexisting with standard express apps targeted at the same
7node.js <a href="https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_server"><code>http.Server</code></a>. Since Kettle applications are expressed declaratively, in the JSON format encoding [Infusion](https://github.com/fluid-project/infusion)'s component trees, it is possible to adapt existing
8applications easily, as well as inserting middleware and new handlers anywhere in the pipeline without modifying the original application's code. This makes
9Kettle suitable for uses where application functionality needs to be deployed flexibly in a variety of different configurations.
11In fact, Kettle's dependency on express itself is minimal, since the entirety of the Kettle request handling pipeline is packaged
12as a single piece of express-compatible middleware – Kettle could be deployed against any other consumer of middleware or even a raw node.js HTTP server.
14# Contents of this repository
16## Core Kettle implementation
18This is packaged as Infusion [grades](http://docs.fluidproject.org/infusion/development/ComponentGrades.html) derived from [`kettle.server`](./docs/Servers.md#kettle.server),
19[`kettle.request`](./docs/RequestHandlersAndApps.md#kettle.request) and [`kettle.app`](./docs/RequestHandlersAndApps.md#kettle.app). The first two of these exist in variants specialized both for plain
20HTTP (with the `.http` suffix) and for WebSockets (with the `.ws` suffix) – `kettle.app` does not specialize.
22## Contents - Testing
24As well as the integration technology implementing Kettle itself, this repository also contains functionality helpful for testing HTTP and WebSockets
25servers written in arbitrary technologies. This is accessed by running `kettle.loadTestingSupport()` after having called `require("kettle")`. Kettle testing
26support allows HTTP and WebSockets client requests to be packaged as [Infusion](https://github.com/fluid-project/infusion) components, suitable for use with Infusion's
27[IoC Testing Framework](http://docs.fluidproject.org/infusion/development/IoCTestingFramework.html). Any user of Kettle's testing support needs to have [node-jqunit](https://github.com/fluid-project/node-jqunit)
28registered as a member of their own project's `devDependencies` in their own package.json.
30Kettle runs on [node.js](https://nodejs.org) version 4.x (see [package.json](package.json) for current dependency profile).
32## Contents - DataSources
34The Kettle repository also contains a few implementations of the simple `DataSource` contract for read/write access to data with a simple semantic (broadly the same as that
35encoded in [CRUD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete) although the current DataSource semantic does not provide explicitly for deletion). See the documentation section
36on [DataSources](./docs/DataSources.md) for details of this contract, the available implementations and how to use them.
38This repository contains DataSource implementations suitable for HTTP endpoints (with a particular variety specialised for accessing CouchDB databases with CRUDlike semantics) as well as the filesystem, with
39an emphasis on JSON payloads.
41# Getting Started and Community
43## Installation instructions
45Firstly, install node and npm by running a standard installer from [node.js](https://nodejs.org). Clone this repository and then run `npm install`.
47## Issue Tracking
49Issue tracking is at http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/KETTLE .
51## IRC
53Visit `#fluid-work` on Freenode – community resources are linked at [Fluid's IRC Channels](https://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/IRC+Channel).
55## Mailing list
57Contact us on the [fluid-work](https://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Mailing+Lists) mailing list with any problems or comments.
59## Uses of Kettle and related projects
61The primary user of Kettle is the [GPII](http://gpii.net/)'s autopersonalisation infrastructure, held at [GPII/universal](https://github.com/GPII/universal). Kettle is used
62to provide a flexible means of deploying the GPII's "Flow Manager" and related components distributed across multiple local and remote installations.
64A closely related project to Kettle is [gpii-express](https://github.com/GPII/gpii-express) which is used in other GPII projects such as the [terms registry](https://github.com/GPII/common-terms-registry) and
65[unified listing](https://github.com/GPII/ul-api). This is similar in architecture to Kettle (wrapping express primitives such as servers and requests into dynamically constructed Infusion components)
66but slightly different in emphasis –
68* gpii-express allows independently mounted application units with nested routing, in the Express 4.x style – whereas Kettle is currently limited to flat Express 3.x-style routing
69* Kettle incorporates support for WebSockets endpoints, whereas gpii-express does not
70* Kettle incorporates support for DataSources (see [DataSources](./docs/DataSources.md) )
72The request handling architecture for gpii-express and Kettle is quite similar and the projects will probably converge over time. gpii-express currently already depends on Kettle to get access to its
73HTTP [testing](./docs/KettleTestingFramework.md) support.
75# Documentation
77Documentation and sample code for working with Kettle is contained in the [docs](./docs) directory. Kettle is based on Fluid [Infusion](http://fluidproject.org/infusion.html)'s
78[component model](http://docs.fluidproject.org/infusion/development/HowToUseInfusionIoC.html). If you aren't familiar
79with the syntax and meaning of Infusion component trees, it is a good idea to browse the documentation, tutorials and examples at the
80Infusion [documentation site](http://docs.fluidproject.org/infusion/development/).
82It contains the following topics:
841. Defining top-level [Kettle applications using "config" files](docs/ConfigsAndApplications.md).
852. Defining HTTP and Websockets servers using the grades [`kettle.server`](./docs/Servers.md#kettle.server) and [`kettle.server.ws`](./docs/Servers.md#kettle.server.ws).
863. Defining Kettle request handlers derived from grades [`kettle.request`](./docs/RequestHandlersAndApps.md#kettle.request) grouped into app units derived from [`kettle.app`](./docs/RequestHandlersAndApps.md#kettle.app)
874. Working with standard express [middleware](./docs/Middleware.md) – incorporating any standard middleware from the express community and registering it into a Kettle application
885. Working with [DataSources](./docs/DataSources.md) to abstract over asynchronous access to (primarily JSON-formatted) data stored locally or remotely
896. Defining conversational, asynchronous test fixtures against HTTP and WebSockets servers using the [Kettle testing framework](./docs/KettleTestingFramework.md)
91Of these elements of this module, those described in topics 1, 5 and 6 (configs, DataSources and the testing framework) are portable and do not depend specifically on the
92Kettle server and request handling infrastructure – they can be used together with any technologies defining node.js HTTP and WebSockets servers (or in the case of configs,
93any node.js enabled [Infusion](http://fluidproject.org/infusion.html) application).