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1const assert = require('assert');
2const { setPrecision, parseOr, jsonOr, intOr, floatOr } = require('../conversions');
3const { identity } = require('../logic');
5describe('Conversions', function() {
6 describe('#jsonOr()', function() {
7 it('should return default value if empty', function() {
8 assert.equal(jsonOr(0)(null), 0);
9 assert.equal(jsonOr(0)(''), 0);
10 assert.equal(jsonOr(0)(), 0);
11 assert.equal(jsonOr(1)(0), 0);
12 assert.equal(jsonOr(0)('asdffsda'), 0);
13 assert.deepEqual(jsonOr(0)('{a:b}'), 0);
14 });
15 it('should return empty object if empty object passed', function() {
16 assert.deepEqual(jsonOr(0)('{}'), {});
17 assert.deepEqual(jsonOr(0)('{"a":{"b":1}}'), { a: { b: 1 } });
18 });
19 it('should return function returned value if passed a function', function() {
20 assert.equal(jsonOr(x => 3)(null), 3);
21 });
22 it('should return same value if identity is passed as default value', function() {
23 assert.equal(jsonOr(identity)(null), null);
24 });
25 });
26 describe('#floatOr()', function() {
27 it('should return default value if empty', function() {
28 assert.equal(floatOr(0)(null), 0);
29 assert.equal(floatOr(0)(), 0);
30 assert.equal(floatOr(0)('xxxx'), 0);
31 assert.equal(floatOr(0)('x3x'), 0);
32 assert.equal(floatOr(1)(0), 0);
33 });
34 it('should return value if is a float', function() {
35 assert.equal(floatOr(0)(1.1), 1.1);
36 assert.equal(floatOr(0)('1.1'), 1.1);
37 assert.equal(floatOr(0)('1.123456789'), 1.123456789);
38 });
39 it('should return function returned value if passed a function', function() {
40 assert.equal(floatOr(x => 3)(null), 3);
41 });
42 it('should return same value if identity is passed as default value', function() {
43 assert.equal(floatOr(identity)(null), null);
44 });
45 });
46 describe('#intOr()', function() {
47 it('should return default value if empty', function() {
48 assert.equal(intOr(0)(null), 0);
49 assert.equal(intOr(0)(), 0);
50 assert.equal(intOr(0)('xxxx'), 0);
51 assert.equal(intOr(0)('x3x'), 0);
52 assert.equal(intOr(1)(0), 0);
53 });
54 it('should return value if is a int', function() {
55 assert.equal(intOr(0)(1), 1);
56 assert.equal(intOr(0)('1'), 1);
57 });
58 it('should return an int if passed a float', function() {
59 assert.equal(intOr(0)(1.1), 1);
60 assert.equal(intOr(0)('1.9'), 1);
61 });
62 it('should return function returned value if passed a function', function() {
63 assert.equal(intOr(x => 3)(null), 3);
64 });
65 it('should return same value if identity is passed as default value', function() {
66 assert.equal(intOr(identity)(null), null);
67 });
68 });
69 describe('#setPrecision()', function() {
70 it('should return with no decimals if 0 passed', function() {
71 assert.equal(setPrecision(0, 1.3), 1);
72 });
73 it('should return with no decimals if wrong precision passed', function() {
74 assert.equal(setPrecision(null, 1.3), 1);
75 assert.equal(setPrecision(undefined, 1.3), 1);
76 });
77 it('should return the exact decimals passed', function() {
78 assert.equal(setPrecision(2, 1.12345), 1.12);
79 });
80 it('should return decimals rounded', function() {
81 assert.equal(setPrecision(3, 1.12345), 1.123);
82 assert.equal(setPrecision(4, 1.12345), 1.1235);
83 });
84 });
85 describe('#parseOr()', function() {
86 it('should return default value if parser throws an exception', function() {
87 assert.equal(
88 parseOr(x => {
89 throw Error('whatever');
90 })(33)(1),
91 33
92 );
93 });
94 it('should return value if identity passes as a parser', function() {
95 assert.equal(parseOr(identity)(33)(1), 1);
96 assert.equal(parseOr(identity)(33)(0), 0);
97 });
98 });