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29 <h1>Source: concurrency/index.js</h1>
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32 <pre class="prettyprint linenums"><code>/** @module concurrency */
34/**A **Promise.all** that does not fails-fast.
35 * Given N promises will return all of them &amp;lt;u&gt;independenly if they failed or not&amp;lt;/u&gt;.
36 * @see [Fail-fast](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fail-fast)
37 * @see [Rob-Pike](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v&#x3D;f6kdp27TYZs)
38 * @see [concurrencyTest.js](https://github.com/nerac/keyu/blob/master/test/concurrencyTest.js)
39 * @argument {Array(Promise)} promises An array of all promises to be executed
40 * @returns {Array(Object)}
41 * @example
42 * await full([Promise.resolve(1), Promise.reject(2), Promise.resolve(3)])
43 * // [ { value: 1 }, { error: 2 }, { value: 3 } ]
44 * @see [concurrencyTest.js](https://github.com/nerac/keyu/blob/master/test/concurrencyTest.js)
45 * @method
46 */
47const full &#x3D; promises &#x3D;&gt; Promise.all(promises.map(promise &#x3D;&gt; promise.then(value &#x3D;&gt; ({ value })).catch(error &#x3D;&gt; ({ error }))));
49/** Given **N promises** will return &amp;lt;u&gt;the fastest non-failed one&amp;lt;/u&gt;.
50 * This pattern can be useful some times to reduce latency.
51 * @see [When Do Redundant Requests Reduce Latency?](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7348681)
52 * @see [Rob-Pike](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v&#x3D;f6kdp27TYZs)
53 * @argument {Array(Promise)} promises An array of all promises to be executed
54 * @returns {Promise}
55 * @example
56 * await best([Promise.resolve(1),Promise.resolve(2)]) // -&gt; 1 (assuming 1 is the first to resolve)
57 * await best([Promise.reject(1),Promise.resolve(2)]) // -&gt; 2
58 * @see [concurrencyTest.js](https://github.com/nerac/keyu/blob/master/test/concurrencyTest.js)
59 * @method
60 */
61const best &#x3D; promises &#x3D;&gt;
62 new Promise((resolve, reject, errors &#x3D; []) &#x3D;&gt; {
63 promises.map(promise &#x3D;&gt;
64 promise.then(resolve).catch(err &#x3D;&gt; {
65 errors.push(err);
66 if (errors.length &#x3D;&#x3D;&#x3D; promises.length) {
67 reject(errors);
68 }
69 })
70 );
71 });
73module.exports &#x3D; { best, full };
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