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29 <h1>Source: fp/index.js</h1>
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32 <pre class="prettyprint linenums"><code>/** @module fp **/
34/** Reducer function used by &#x60;pipe&#x60; and &#x60;compose&#x60; functions to compose sync and async functions
35 * @argument {function|Promise} chain a chain of functions or promises
36 * @argument {function|Promise} func a new function or promise to add to the chain
37 * @method
38 */
39const mixCompose &#x3D; (chain, func) &#x3D;&gt; (chain instanceof Promise || typeof chain.then &#x3D;&#x3D;&#x3D; &#x27;function&#x27; ? chain.then(func) : func(chain));
41/** Compose regular functions or promises generating a final function.
42 * - Compose works from left to right.
43 * - If you compose one single promise the final result will be a promise too.
44 * - You can only compose functions with the same arity.
45 * @argument {function|Promise} arguments N number of functions or promises.
46 * @returns {function|Promise} function or Promise that execute the all composed ones.
47 * @example
48 * const sum3 &#x3D; a &#x3D;&gt; a+3
49 * const mult2 &#x3D; a &#x3D;&gt; a*2
50 * const sum2Async &#x3D; a &#x3D;&gt; Promise.resolve(a+2) // Simulate async response
51 *
52 * const sumAndMult &#x3D; pipe(sum3,mult2);
53 * sumAndMult(1) // -&gt; (1+3)*2 &#x3D; 8
54 *
55 * const sumAndMultAsync &#x3D; pipe(sum3,mult2,sum2Async);
56 * await sumAndMultAsync(1) // -&gt; ((1+3)*2)+2 &#x3D; 10
57 * @method
58 */
59const pipe &#x3D; (...fn) &#x3D;&gt; input &#x3D;&gt; fn.reduce(mixCompose, input);
61/** Compose regular functions or promises generating a final function.
62 * - Compose works from right to left.
63 * - If you compose one single promise the final result will be a promise too.
64 * - You can only compose functions with the same arity.
65 * @argument {function|Promise} arguments N number of functions or promises.
66 * @returns {function|Promise} function or Promise that execute the all composed ones.
67 * @example
68 * const sum3 &#x3D; a &#x3D;&gt; a+3
69 * const mult2 &#x3D; a &#x3D;&gt; a*2
70 * const sum2Async &#x3D; a &#x3D;&gt; Promise.resolve(a+2) // Simulate async response
71 *
72 * const sumAndMult &#x3D; compose(sum3,mult2);
73 * sumAndMult(1) // -&gt; (1*2)+3 &#x3D; 5
74 *
75 * const sumAndMultAsync &#x3D; compose(sum3,mult2,sum2Async);
76 * await sumAndMultAsync(1) // -&gt; ((1+2)*2)+3 &#x3D; 9
77 * @method
78 */
79const compose &#x3D; (...fn) &#x3D;&gt; input &#x3D;&gt; fn.reduceRight(mixCompose, input);
81/** Currify any function allowing the partial application of its arguments
82 * @argument {function} function function with at least two arguments
83 * @returns {function} curried function.
84 * @example
85 * const sum &#x3D; curry((a,b) &#x3D; a+b);
86 * const sum3 &#x3D; sum(3);
87 * sum3(3) // -&gt; 6
88 * sum(3,3) // -&gt; 6
89 * sum(3)(3) // -&gt; 6
90 * @method
91 */
92const curry &#x3D; f &#x3D;&gt; {
93 if (typeof f !&#x3D;&#x3D; &#x27;function&#x27;) {
94 throw new Error(&#x60;curry requires a function, [${typeof f}] passed&#x60;);
95 }
96 return function currify(...arg) {
97 const args &#x3D; Array.prototype.slice.call(arg);
98 return args.length &gt;&#x3D; f.length ? f(...args) : currify.bind(null, ...args);
99 };
101module.exports &#x3D; { pipe, compose, curry };
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