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1# :kiss:fs
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5Extensible and reactive file-system library that keeps it simple
7## User documentation
8:kiss:fs supplies a standard API for the most basic file-system operations: CRUD of modest sized text files and directories, as well as listening for changes to files and directories. If you're looking to build a folder tree visualizer or manager, or a tool for viewing and editing any text file in a directory tree, :kiss:fs is what you're looking for. For simplicity and supportability, we are keeping the focus narrow so that it can be widely implemented and extended over a wide range of data sources, such as local file systems, remote git APIs, cloud-based file systems, etc. For example, you can use it to run a rename script on an in memory directory for testing purposes and then run the same script on the directories requiring the change.
10There is currently no support for meta-data (timestamps, permissions, etc.), binary content or data streams. So if you're writing a log viewer or an all-in-one file system manager, this may not be the right tool for you and we suggest you try [vinyl](https://github.com/gulpjs/vinyl).
12Feedback, questions and contributions always welcome via issues.
15### usage code examples
16coming soon...
18## developer documentation
19how to build and test:
20 - clone the repository
21 - in the cloned folder, run `npm install`
22 - run `npm test` to build and test the code in both nodejs and browser
24how to debug (browser):
25 - run `npm build:watch` to start transpiling all source files to es5 whenever they change (CTR+c to exit)
26 - in a different window, run `npm start` to run a development server that watches the es5 files and serves them to the browser
27 - open `http://localhost:8080/webtest.bundle` to run live tests that will update while you change the source code