599 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * KLineChart v9.8.8
4 * Copyright (c) 2019 lihu.
5 * Licensed under Apache License 2.0 https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6 */
7(function (global, factory) {
8typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
9typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
10(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.klinecharts = {}));
11})(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
14Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
16Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
17purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
26***************************************************************************** */
27/* global Reflect, Promise, SuppressedError, Symbol */
29var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
30 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
31 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
32 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
33 return extendStatics(d, b);
36function __extends(d, b) {
37 if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
38 throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
39 extendStatics(d, b);
40 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
41 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
44var __assign = function() {
45 __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
46 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
47 s = arguments[i];
48 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
49 }
50 return t;
51 };
52 return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
55function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
56 function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
57 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
58 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
59 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
60 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
61 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
62 });
65function __generator(thisArg, body) {
66 var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
67 return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
68 function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
69 function step(op) {
70 if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
71 while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try {
72 if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;
73 if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
74 switch (op[0]) {
75 case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
76 case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
77 case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
78 case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
79 default:
80 if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
81 if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
82 if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
83 if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
84 if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
85 _.trys.pop(); continue;
86 }
87 op = body.call(thisArg, _);
88 } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
89 if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };
90 }
93function __values(o) {
94 var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
95 if (m) return m.call(o);
96 if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
97 next: function () {
98 if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
99 return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
100 }
101 };
102 throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");
105function __read(o, n) {
106 var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
107 if (!m) return o;
108 var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;
109 try {
110 while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value);
111 }
112 catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
113 finally {
114 try {
115 if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
116 }
117 finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
118 }
119 return ar;
122function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {
123 if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
124 if (ar || !(i in from)) {
125 if (!ar) ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);
126 ar[i] = from[i];
127 }
128 }
129 return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));
132typeof SuppressedError === "function" ? SuppressedError : function (error, suppressed, message) {
133 var e = new Error(message);
134 return e.name = "SuppressedError", e.error = error, e.suppressed = suppressed, e;
138 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
139 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
140 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
142 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
144 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
145 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
146 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
147 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
148 * limitations under the License.
149 */
151 * line type
152 */
153exports.LineType = void 0;
154(function (LineType) {
155 LineType["Dashed"] = "dashed";
156 LineType["Solid"] = "solid";
157})(exports.LineType || (exports.LineType = {}));
158exports.PolygonType = void 0;
159(function (PolygonType) {
160 PolygonType["Stroke"] = "stroke";
161 PolygonType["Fill"] = "fill";
162 PolygonType["StrokeFill"] = "stroke_fill";
163})(exports.PolygonType || (exports.PolygonType = {}));
164exports.TooltipShowRule = void 0;
165(function (TooltipShowRule) {
166 TooltipShowRule["Always"] = "always";
167 TooltipShowRule["FollowCross"] = "follow_cross";
168 TooltipShowRule["None"] = "none";
169})(exports.TooltipShowRule || (exports.TooltipShowRule = {}));
170exports.TooltipShowType = void 0;
171(function (TooltipShowType) {
172 TooltipShowType["Standard"] = "standard";
173 TooltipShowType["Rect"] = "rect";
174})(exports.TooltipShowType || (exports.TooltipShowType = {}));
175exports.TooltipIconPosition = void 0;
176(function (TooltipIconPosition) {
177 TooltipIconPosition["Left"] = "left";
178 TooltipIconPosition["Middle"] = "middle";
179 TooltipIconPosition["Right"] = "right";
180})(exports.TooltipIconPosition || (exports.TooltipIconPosition = {}));
181var CandleTooltipRectPosition;
182(function (CandleTooltipRectPosition) {
183 CandleTooltipRectPosition["Fixed"] = "fixed";
184 CandleTooltipRectPosition["Pointer"] = "pointer";
185})(CandleTooltipRectPosition || (CandleTooltipRectPosition = {}));
186exports.CandleType = void 0;
187(function (CandleType) {
188 CandleType["CandleSolid"] = "candle_solid";
189 CandleType["CandleStroke"] = "candle_stroke";
190 CandleType["CandleUpStroke"] = "candle_up_stroke";
191 CandleType["CandleDownStroke"] = "candle_down_stroke";
192 CandleType["Ohlc"] = "ohlc";
193 CandleType["Area"] = "area";
194})(exports.CandleType || (exports.CandleType = {}));
195exports.YAxisPosition = void 0;
196(function (YAxisPosition) {
197 YAxisPosition["Left"] = "left";
198 YAxisPosition["Right"] = "right";
199})(exports.YAxisPosition || (exports.YAxisPosition = {}));
200exports.YAxisType = void 0;
201(function (YAxisType) {
202 YAxisType["Normal"] = "normal";
203 YAxisType["Percentage"] = "percentage";
204 YAxisType["Log"] = "log";
205})(exports.YAxisType || (exports.YAxisType = {}));
206var red = '#F92855';
207var alphaRed = 'rgba(249, 40, 85, .7)';
208var green = '#2DC08E';
209var alphaGreen = 'rgba(45, 192, 142, .7)';
210var grey = '#888888';
211var white = '#FFFFFF';
212var blue = '#1677FF';
213var textColor = '#76808F';
214var axisLineColor = '#DDDDDD';
215function getAlphaBlue(alpha) {
216 return "rgba(22, 119, 255, ".concat(alpha, ")");
218function getDefaultGridStyle() {
219 function item() {
220 return {
221 show: true,
222 size: 1,
223 color: '#EDEDED',
224 style: exports.LineType.Dashed,
225 dashedValue: [2, 2]
226 };
227 }
228 return {
229 show: true,
230 horizontal: item(),
231 vertical: item()
232 };
235 * Get default candle style
236 * @type {{area: {backgroundColor: [{offset: number, color: string}, {offset: number, color: string}], lineColor: string, lineSize: number, value: string}, bar: {noChangeColor: string, upColor: string, downColor: string}, tooltip: {rect: {offsetTop: number, fillColor: string, borderColor: string, paddingBottom: number, borderRadius: number, paddingRight: number, borderSize: number, offsetLeft: number, paddingTop: number, paddingLeft: number, offsetRight: number}, showRule: string, values: null, showType: string, text: {marginRight: number, size: number, color: string, weight: string, marginBottom: number, family: string, marginTop: number, marginLeft: number}, labels: string[]}, type: string, priceMark: {high: {textMargin: number, textSize: number, color: string, textFamily: string, show: boolean, textWeight: string}, last: {noChangeColor: string, upColor: string, line: {dashValue: number[], size: number, show: boolean, style: string}, show: boolean, text: {paddingBottom: number, size: number, color: string, paddingRight: number, show: boolean, weight: string, paddingTop: number, family: string, paddingLeft: number}, downColor: string}, low: {textMargin: number, textSize: number, color: string, textFamily: string, show: boolean, textWeight: string}, show: boolean}}}
237 */
238function getDefaultCandleStyle() {
239 var highLow = {
240 show: true,
241 color: textColor,
242 textOffset: 5,
243 textSize: 10,
244 textFamily: 'Helvetica Neue',
245 textWeight: 'normal'
246 };
247 return {
248 type: exports.CandleType.CandleSolid,
249 bar: {
250 upColor: green,
251 downColor: red,
252 noChangeColor: grey,
253 upBorderColor: green,
254 downBorderColor: red,
255 noChangeBorderColor: grey,
256 upWickColor: green,
257 downWickColor: red,
258 noChangeWickColor: grey
259 },
260 area: {
261 lineSize: 2,
262 lineColor: blue,
263 smooth: false,
264 value: 'close',
265 backgroundColor: [{
266 offset: 0,
267 color: getAlphaBlue(0.01)
268 }, {
269 offset: 1,
270 color: getAlphaBlue(0.2)
271 }],
272 point: {
273 show: true,
274 color: blue,
275 radius: 4,
276 rippleColor: getAlphaBlue(0.3),
277 rippleRadius: 8,
278 animation: true,
279 animationDuration: 1000
280 }
281 },
282 priceMark: {
283 show: true,
284 high: __assign({}, highLow),
285 low: __assign({}, highLow),
286 last: {
287 show: true,
288 upColor: green,
289 downColor: red,
290 noChangeColor: grey,
291 line: {
292 show: true,
293 style: exports.LineType.Dashed,
294 dashedValue: [4, 4],
295 size: 1
296 },
297 text: {
298 show: true,
299 style: exports.PolygonType.Fill,
300 size: 12,
301 paddingLeft: 4,
302 paddingTop: 4,
303 paddingRight: 4,
304 paddingBottom: 4,
305 borderColor: 'transparent',
306 borderStyle: exports.LineType.Solid,
307 borderSize: 0,
308 borderDashedValue: [2, 2],
309 color: white,
310 family: 'Helvetica Neue',
311 weight: 'normal',
312 borderRadius: 2
313 }
314 }
315 },
316 tooltip: {
317 offsetLeft: 4,
318 offsetTop: 6,
319 offsetRight: 4,
320 offsetBottom: 6,
321 showRule: exports.TooltipShowRule.Always,
322 showType: exports.TooltipShowType.Standard,
323 custom: [
324 { title: 'time', value: '{time}' },
325 { title: 'open', value: '{open}' },
326 { title: 'high', value: '{high}' },
327 { title: 'low', value: '{low}' },
328 { title: 'close', value: '{close}' },
329 { title: 'volume', value: '{volume}' }
330 ],
331 defaultValue: 'n/a',
332 rect: {
333 position: CandleTooltipRectPosition.Fixed,
334 paddingLeft: 4,
335 paddingRight: 4,
336 paddingTop: 4,
337 paddingBottom: 4,
338 offsetLeft: 4,
339 offsetTop: 4,
340 offsetRight: 4,
341 offsetBottom: 4,
342 borderRadius: 4,
343 borderSize: 1,
344 borderColor: '#F2F3F5',
345 color: '#FEFEFE'
346 },
347 text: {
348 size: 12,
349 family: 'Helvetica Neue',
350 weight: 'normal',
351 color: textColor,
352 marginLeft: 8,
353 marginTop: 4,
354 marginRight: 8,
355 marginBottom: 4
356 },
357 icons: []
358 }
359 };
362 * Get default indicator style
363 */
364function getDefaultIndicatorStyle() {
365 var lines = ['#FF9600', '#935EBD', blue, '#E11D74', '#01C5C4'].map(function (color) { return ({
366 style: exports.LineType.Solid,
367 smooth: false,
368 size: 1,
369 dashedValue: [2, 2],
370 color: color
371 }); });
372 return {
373 ohlc: {
374 upColor: alphaGreen,
375 downColor: alphaRed,
376 noChangeColor: grey
377 },
378 bars: [{
379 style: exports.PolygonType.Fill,
380 borderStyle: exports.LineType.Solid,
381 borderSize: 1,
382 borderDashedValue: [2, 2],
383 upColor: alphaGreen,
384 downColor: alphaRed,
385 noChangeColor: grey
386 }],
387 lines: lines,
388 circles: [{
389 style: exports.PolygonType.Fill,
390 borderStyle: exports.LineType.Solid,
391 borderSize: 1,
392 borderDashedValue: [2, 2],
393 upColor: alphaGreen,
394 downColor: alphaRed,
395 noChangeColor: grey
396 }],
397 lastValueMark: {
398 show: false,
399 text: {
400 show: false,
401 style: exports.PolygonType.Fill,
402 color: white,
403 size: 12,
404 family: 'Helvetica Neue',
405 weight: 'normal',
406 borderStyle: exports.LineType.Solid,
407 borderColor: 'transparent',
408 borderSize: 0,
409 borderDashedValue: [2, 2],
410 paddingLeft: 4,
411 paddingTop: 4,
412 paddingRight: 4,
413 paddingBottom: 4,
414 borderRadius: 2
415 }
416 },
417 tooltip: {
418 offsetLeft: 4,
419 offsetTop: 6,
420 offsetRight: 4,
421 offsetBottom: 6,
422 showRule: exports.TooltipShowRule.Always,
423 showType: exports.TooltipShowType.Standard,
424 showName: true,
425 showParams: true,
426 defaultValue: 'n/a',
427 text: {
428 size: 12,
429 family: 'Helvetica Neue',
430 weight: 'normal',
431 color: textColor,
432 marginLeft: 8,
433 marginTop: 4,
434 marginRight: 8,
435 marginBottom: 4
436 },
437 icons: []
438 }
439 };
441function getDefaultXAxisStyle() {
442 return {
443 show: true,
444 size: 'auto',
445 axisLine: {
446 show: true,
447 color: axisLineColor,
448 size: 1
449 },
450 tickText: {
451 show: true,
452 color: textColor,
453 size: 12,
454 family: 'Helvetica Neue',
455 weight: 'normal',
456 marginStart: 4,
457 marginEnd: 4
458 },
459 tickLine: {
460 show: true,
461 size: 1,
462 length: 3,
463 color: axisLineColor
464 }
465 };
467function getDefaultYAxisStyle() {
468 var style = getDefaultXAxisStyle();
469 style.type = exports.YAxisType.Normal;
470 style.position = exports.YAxisPosition.Right;
471 style.inside = false;
472 style.reverse = false;
473 return style;
475function getDefaultCrosshairStyle() {
476 function item() {
477 return {
478 show: true,
479 line: {
480 show: true,
481 style: exports.LineType.Dashed,
482 dashedValue: [4, 2],
483 size: 1,
484 color: textColor
485 },
486 text: {
487 show: true,
488 style: exports.PolygonType.Fill,
489 color: white,
490 size: 12,
491 family: 'Helvetica Neue',
492 weight: 'normal',
493 borderStyle: exports.LineType.Solid,
494 borderDashedValue: [2, 2],
495 borderSize: 1,
496 borderColor: textColor,
497 borderRadius: 2,
498 paddingLeft: 4,
499 paddingRight: 4,
500 paddingTop: 4,
501 paddingBottom: 4,
502 backgroundColor: textColor
503 }
504 };
505 }
506 return {
507 show: true,
508 horizontal: item(),
509 vertical: item()
510 };
512function getDefaultOverlayStyle() {
513 var pointBorderColor = getAlphaBlue(0.35);
514 var alphaBg = getAlphaBlue(0.25);
515 function text() {
516 return {
517 style: exports.PolygonType.Fill,
518 color: white,
519 size: 12,
520 family: 'Helvetica Neue',
521 weight: 'normal',
522 borderStyle: exports.LineType.Solid,
523 borderDashedValue: [2, 2],
524 borderSize: 1,
525 borderRadius: 2,
526 borderColor: blue,
527 paddingLeft: 4,
528 paddingRight: 4,
529 paddingTop: 4,
530 paddingBottom: 4,
531 backgroundColor: blue
532 };
533 }
534 return {
535 point: {
536 color: blue,
537 borderColor: pointBorderColor,
538 borderSize: 1,
539 radius: 5,
540 activeColor: blue,
541 activeBorderColor: pointBorderColor,
542 activeBorderSize: 3,
543 activeRadius: 5
544 },
545 line: {
546 style: exports.LineType.Solid,
547 smooth: false,
548 color: blue,
549 size: 1,
550 dashedValue: [2, 2]
551 },
552 rect: {
553 style: exports.PolygonType.Fill,
554 color: alphaBg,
555 borderColor: blue,
556 borderSize: 1,
557 borderRadius: 0,
558 borderStyle: exports.LineType.Solid,
559 borderDashedValue: [2, 2]
560 },
561 polygon: {
562 style: exports.PolygonType.Fill,
563 color: blue,
564 borderColor: blue,
565 borderSize: 1,
566 borderStyle: exports.LineType.Solid,
567 borderDashedValue: [2, 2]
568 },
569 circle: {
570 style: exports.PolygonType.Fill,
571 color: alphaBg,
572 borderColor: blue,
573 borderSize: 1,
574 borderStyle: exports.LineType.Solid,
575 borderDashedValue: [2, 2]
576 },
577 arc: {
578 style: exports.LineType.Solid,
579 color: blue,
580 size: 1,
581 dashedValue: [2, 2]
582 },
583 text: text(),
584 rectText: text()
585 };
587function getDefaultSeparatorStyle() {
588 return {
589 size: 1,
590 color: axisLineColor,
591 fill: true,
592 activeBackgroundColor: getAlphaBlue(0.08)
593 };
595function getDefaultStyles() {
596 return {
597 grid: getDefaultGridStyle(),
598 candle: getDefaultCandleStyle(),
599 indicator: getDefaultIndicatorStyle(),
600 xAxis: getDefaultXAxisStyle(),
601 yAxis: getDefaultYAxisStyle(),
602 separator: getDefaultSeparatorStyle(),
603 crosshair: getDefaultCrosshairStyle(),
604 overlay: getDefaultOverlayStyle()
605 };
609 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
610 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
611 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
613 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
615 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
616 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
617 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
618 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
619 * limitations under the License.
620 */
621function log(templateText, tagStyle, messageStyle, api, invalidParam, append) {
622 {
623 var apiStr = api !== '' ? "Call api `".concat(api, "`").concat(invalidParam !== '' || append !== '' ? ', ' : '.') : '';
624 var invalidParamStr = invalidParam !== '' ? "invalid parameter `".concat(invalidParam, "`").concat(append !== '' ? ', ' : '.') : '';
625 var appendStr = append !== '' ? append : '';
626 console.log(templateText, tagStyle, messageStyle, apiStr, invalidParamStr, appendStr);
627 }
629function logWarn(api, invalidParam, append) {
630 log('%c😑 klinecharts warning%c %s%s%s', 'padding:3px 4px;border-radius:2px;color:#ffffff;background-color:#FF9600', 'color:#FF9600', api, invalidParam, append !== null && append !== void 0 ? append : '');
632function logError(api, invalidParam, append) {
633 log('%c😟 klinecharts error%c %s%s%s', 'padding:3px 4px;border-radius:2px;color:#ffffff;background-color:#F92855;', 'color:#F92855;', api, invalidParam, append );
635function logTag() {
636 log('%c❤️ Welcome to klinecharts. Version is 9.8.8', 'border-radius:4px;border:dashed 1px #1677FF;line-height:70px;padding:0 20px;margin:16px 0;font-size:14px;color:#1677FF;', '', '', '', '');
640 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
641 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
642 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
644 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
646 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
647 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
648 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
649 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
650 * limitations under the License.
651 */
652function merge(target, source) {
653 if ((!isObject(target) && !isObject(source))) {
654 return;
655 }
656 for (var key in source) {
657 if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
658 var targetProp = target[key];
659 var sourceProp = source[key];
660 if (isObject(sourceProp) &&
661 isObject(targetProp)) {
662 merge(targetProp, sourceProp);
663 }
664 else {
665 if (isValid(source[key])) {
666 target[key] = clone(source[key]);
667 }
668 }
669 }
670 }
672function clone(target) {
673 if (!isObject(target)) {
674 return target;
675 }
676 var copy;
677 if (isArray(target)) {
678 copy = [];
679 }
680 else {
681 copy = {};
682 }
683 for (var key in target) {
684 if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(target, key)) {
685 var v = target[key];
686 if (isObject(v)) {
687 copy[key] = clone(v);
688 }
689 else {
690 copy[key] = v;
691 }
692 }
693 }
694 return copy;
696function isArray(value) {
697 return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]';
699function isFunction(value) {
700 return typeof value === 'function';
702function isObject(value) {
703 return (typeof value === 'object') && isValid(value);
705function isNumber(value) {
706 return typeof value === 'number' && !isNaN(value);
708function isValid(value) {
709 return value !== null && value !== undefined;
711function isBoolean(value) {
712 return typeof value === 'boolean';
714function isString(value) {
715 return typeof value === 'string';
719 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
720 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
721 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
723 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
725 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
726 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
727 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
728 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
729 * limitations under the License.
730 */
731var reEscapeChar = /\\(\\)?/g;
732var rePropName = RegExp('[^.[\\]]+' + '|' +
733 '\\[(?:' +
734 '([^"\'][^[]*)' + '|' +
735 '(["\'])((?:(?!\\2)[^\\\\]|\\\\.)*?)\\2' +
736 ')\\]' + '|' +
737 '(?=(?:\\.|\\[\\])(?:\\.|\\[\\]|$))', 'g');
738function formatValue(data, key, defaultValue) {
739 if (isValid(data)) {
740 var path_1 = [];
741 key.replace(rePropName, function (subString) {
742 var args = [];
743 for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
744 args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
745 }
746 var k = subString;
747 if (isValid(args[1])) {
748 k = args[2].replace(reEscapeChar, '$1');
749 }
750 else if (isValid(args[0])) {
751 k = args[0].trim();
752 }
753 path_1.push(k);
754 return '';
755 });
756 var value = data;
757 var index = 0;
758 var length_1 = path_1.length;
759 while (isValid(value) && index < length_1) {
760 value = value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value[path_1[index++]];
761 }
762 return isValid(value) ? value : (defaultValue !== null && defaultValue !== void 0 ? defaultValue : '--');
763 }
764 return defaultValue !== null && defaultValue !== void 0 ? defaultValue : '--';
766function formatDate(dateTimeFormat, timestamp, format) {
767 var date = {};
768 dateTimeFormat.formatToParts(new Date(timestamp)).forEach(function (_a) {
769 var type = _a.type, value = _a.value;
770 switch (type) {
771 case 'year': {
772 date.YYYY = value;
773 break;
774 }
775 case 'month': {
776 date.MM = value;
777 break;
778 }
779 case 'day': {
780 date.DD = value;
781 break;
782 }
783 case 'hour': {
784 date.HH = value === '24' ? '00' : value;
785 break;
786 }
787 case 'minute': {
788 date.mm = value;
789 break;
790 }
791 case 'second': {
792 date.ss = value;
793 break;
794 }
795 }
796 });
797 return format.replace(/YYYY|MM|DD|HH|mm|ss/g, function (key) { return date[key]; });
799function formatPrecision(value, precision) {
800 var v = +value;
801 if (isNumber(v)) {
802 return v.toFixed(precision !== null && precision !== void 0 ? precision : 2);
803 }
804 return "".concat(value);
806function formatBigNumber(value) {
807 var v = +value;
808 if (isNumber(v)) {
809 if (v > 1000000000) {
810 return "".concat(+((v / 1000000000).toFixed(3)), "B");
811 }
812 if (v > 1000000) {
813 return "".concat(+((v / 1000000).toFixed(3)), "M");
814 }
815 if (v > 1000) {
816 return "".concat(+((v / 1000).toFixed(3)), "K");
817 }
818 }
819 return "".concat(value);
821function formatThousands(value, sign) {
822 var vl = "".concat(value);
823 if (sign.length === 0) {
824 return vl;
825 }
826 if (vl.includes('.')) {
827 var arr = vl.split('.');
828 return "".concat(arr[0].replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, function ($1) { return "".concat($1).concat(sign); }), ".").concat(arr[1]);
829 }
830 return vl.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, function ($1) { return "".concat($1).concat(sign); });
832function formatFoldDecimal(value, threshold) {
833 var vl = "".concat(value);
834 var reg = new RegExp('\\.0{' + threshold + ',}[1-9][0-9]*$');
835 if (reg.test(vl)) {
836 var result = vl.split('.');
837 var v = result[result.length - 1];
838 var match = v.match(/0*/);
839 if (isValid(match)) {
840 var count = match[0].length;
841 result[result.length - 1] = v.replace(/0*/, "0{".concat(count, "}"));
842 return result.join('.');
843 }
844 }
845 return vl;
849 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
850 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
851 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
853 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
855 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
856 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
857 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
858 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
859 * limitations under the License.
860 */
861var measureCtx;
863 * Get pixel ratio
864 * @param canvas
865 * @returns {number}
866 */
867function getPixelRatio(canvas) {
868 var _a, _b, _c;
869 return (_c = (_b = (_a = canvas.ownerDocument) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.defaultView) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.devicePixelRatio) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 1;
871function createFont(size, weight, family) {
872 return "".concat(weight !== null && weight !== void 0 ? weight : 'normal', " ").concat(size !== null && size !== void 0 ? size : 12, "px ").concat(family !== null && family !== void 0 ? family : 'Helvetica Neue');
875 * Measure the width of text
876 * @param text
877 * @returns {number}
878 */
879function calcTextWidth(text, size, weight, family) {
880 if (!isValid(measureCtx)) {
881 var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
882 var pixelRatio = getPixelRatio(canvas);
883 measureCtx = canvas.getContext('2d');
884 measureCtx.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);
885 }
886 measureCtx.font = createFont(size, weight, family);
887 return Math.round(measureCtx.measureText(text).width);
891 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
892 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
893 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
895 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
897 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
898 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
899 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
900 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
901 * limitations under the License.
902 */
903exports.ActionType = void 0;
904(function (ActionType) {
905 ActionType["OnDataReady"] = "onDataReady";
906 ActionType["OnZoom"] = "onZoom";
907 ActionType["OnScroll"] = "onScroll";
908 ActionType["OnVisibleRangeChange"] = "onVisibleRangeChange";
909 ActionType["OnTooltipIconClick"] = "onTooltipIconClick";
910 ActionType["OnCrosshairChange"] = "onCrosshairChange";
911 ActionType["OnCandleBarClick"] = "onCandleBarClick";
912 ActionType["OnPaneDrag"] = "onPaneDrag";
913})(exports.ActionType || (exports.ActionType = {}));
914var Delegate = /** @class */ (function () {
915 function Delegate() {
916 this._callbacks = [];
917 }
918 Delegate.prototype.subscribe = function (callback) {
919 var _a;
920 var index = (_a = this._callbacks.indexOf(callback)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : -1;
921 if (index < 0) {
922 this._callbacks.push(callback);
923 }
924 };
925 Delegate.prototype.unsubscribe = function (callback) {
926 var _a;
927 if (isFunction(callback)) {
928 var index = (_a = this._callbacks.indexOf(callback)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : -1;
929 if (index > -1) {
930 this._callbacks.splice(index, 1);
931 }
932 }
933 else {
934 this._callbacks = [];
935 }
936 };
937 Delegate.prototype.execute = function (data) {
938 this._callbacks.forEach(function (callback) {
939 callback(data);
940 });
941 };
942 Delegate.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
943 return this._callbacks.length === 0;
944 };
945 return Delegate;
949 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
950 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
951 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
953 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
955 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
956 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
957 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
958 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
959 * limitations under the License.
960 */
961exports.IndicatorSeries = void 0;
962(function (IndicatorSeries) {
963 IndicatorSeries["Normal"] = "normal";
964 IndicatorSeries["Price"] = "price";
965 IndicatorSeries["Volume"] = "volume";
966})(exports.IndicatorSeries || (exports.IndicatorSeries = {}));
967function eachFigures(kLineDataList, indicator, dataIndex, defaultStyles, eachFigureCallback) {
968 var result = indicator.result;
969 var figures = indicator.figures;
970 var styles = indicator.styles;
971 var circleStyles = formatValue(styles, 'circles', defaultStyles.circles);
972 var circleStyleCount = circleStyles.length;
973 var barStyles = formatValue(styles, 'bars', defaultStyles.bars);
974 var barStyleCount = barStyles.length;
975 var lineStyles = formatValue(styles, 'lines', defaultStyles.lines);
976 var lineStyleCount = lineStyles.length;
977 var circleCount = 0;
978 var barCount = 0;
979 var lineCount = 0;
980 var defaultFigureStyles;
981 var figureIndex = 0;
982 figures.forEach(function (figure) {
983 var _a;
984 switch (figure.type) {
985 case 'circle': {
986 figureIndex = circleCount;
987 var styles_1 = circleStyles[circleCount % circleStyleCount];
988 defaultFigureStyles = __assign(__assign({}, styles_1), { color: styles_1.noChangeColor });
989 circleCount++;
990 break;
991 }
992 case 'bar': {
993 figureIndex = barCount;
994 var styles_2 = barStyles[barCount % barStyleCount];
995 defaultFigureStyles = __assign(__assign({}, styles_2), { color: styles_2.noChangeColor });
996 barCount++;
997 break;
998 }
999 case 'line': {
1000 figureIndex = lineCount;
1001 defaultFigureStyles = lineStyles[lineCount % lineStyleCount];
1002 lineCount++;
1003 break;
1004 }
1005 }
1006 if (isValid(defaultFigureStyles)) {
1007 var cbData = {
1008 prev: { kLineData: kLineDataList[dataIndex - 1], indicatorData: result[dataIndex - 1] },
1009 current: { kLineData: kLineDataList[dataIndex], indicatorData: result[dataIndex] },
1010 next: { kLineData: kLineDataList[dataIndex + 1], indicatorData: result[dataIndex + 1] }
1011 };
1012 var ss = (_a = figure.styles) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(figure, cbData, indicator, defaultStyles);
1013 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
1014 eachFigureCallback(figure, __assign(__assign({}, defaultFigureStyles), ss), figureIndex);
1015 }
1016 });
1018var IndicatorImp = /** @class */ (function () {
1019 function IndicatorImp(indicator) {
1020 this.result = [];
1021 this._precisionFlag = false;
1022 var name = indicator.name, shortName = indicator.shortName, series = indicator.series, calcParams = indicator.calcParams, figures = indicator.figures, precision = indicator.precision, shouldOhlc = indicator.shouldOhlc, shouldFormatBigNumber = indicator.shouldFormatBigNumber, visible = indicator.visible, zLevel = indicator.zLevel, minValue = indicator.minValue, maxValue = indicator.maxValue, styles = indicator.styles, extendData = indicator.extendData, regenerateFigures = indicator.regenerateFigures, createTooltipDataSource = indicator.createTooltipDataSource, draw = indicator.draw;
1023 this.name = name;
1024 this.shortName = shortName !== null && shortName !== void 0 ? shortName : name;
1025 this.series = series !== null && series !== void 0 ? series : exports.IndicatorSeries.Normal;
1026 this.precision = precision !== null && precision !== void 0 ? precision : 4;
1027 this.calcParams = calcParams !== null && calcParams !== void 0 ? calcParams : [];
1028 this.figures = figures !== null && figures !== void 0 ? figures : [];
1029 this.shouldOhlc = shouldOhlc !== null && shouldOhlc !== void 0 ? shouldOhlc : false;
1030 this.shouldFormatBigNumber = shouldFormatBigNumber !== null && shouldFormatBigNumber !== void 0 ? shouldFormatBigNumber : false;
1031 this.visible = visible !== null && visible !== void 0 ? visible : true;
1032 this.zLevel = zLevel !== null && zLevel !== void 0 ? zLevel : 0;
1033 this.minValue = minValue !== null && minValue !== void 0 ? minValue : null;
1034 this.maxValue = maxValue !== null && maxValue !== void 0 ? maxValue : null;
1035 this.styles = clone(styles !== null && styles !== void 0 ? styles : {});
1036 this.extendData = extendData;
1037 this.regenerateFigures = regenerateFigures !== null && regenerateFigures !== void 0 ? regenerateFigures : null;
1038 this.createTooltipDataSource = createTooltipDataSource !== null && createTooltipDataSource !== void 0 ? createTooltipDataSource : null;
1039 this.draw = draw !== null && draw !== void 0 ? draw : null;
1040 }
1041 IndicatorImp.prototype.setShortName = function (shortName) {
1042 if (this.shortName !== shortName) {
1043 this.shortName = shortName;
1044 return true;
1045 }
1046 return false;
1047 };
1048 IndicatorImp.prototype.setSeries = function (series) {
1049 if (this.series !== series) {
1050 this.series = series;
1051 return true;
1052 }
1053 return false;
1054 };
1055 IndicatorImp.prototype.setPrecision = function (precision, flag) {
1056 var f = flag !== null && flag !== void 0 ? flag : false;
1057 var optimalPrecision = Math.floor(precision);
1058 if (optimalPrecision !== this.precision && precision >= 0 && (!f || (f && !this._precisionFlag))) {
1059 this.precision = optimalPrecision;
1060 if (!f) {
1061 this._precisionFlag = true;
1062 }
1063 return true;
1064 }
1065 return false;
1066 };
1067 IndicatorImp.prototype.setCalcParams = function (params) {
1068 var _a, _b;
1069 this.calcParams = params;
1070 this.figures = (_b = (_a = this.regenerateFigures) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this, params)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : this.figures;
1071 return true;
1072 };
1073 IndicatorImp.prototype.setShouldOhlc = function (shouldOhlc) {
1074 if (this.shouldOhlc !== shouldOhlc) {
1075 this.shouldOhlc = shouldOhlc;
1076 return true;
1077 }
1078 return false;
1079 };
1080 IndicatorImp.prototype.setShouldFormatBigNumber = function (shouldFormatBigNumber) {
1081 if (this.shouldFormatBigNumber !== shouldFormatBigNumber) {
1082 this.shouldFormatBigNumber = shouldFormatBigNumber;
1083 return true;
1084 }
1085 return false;
1086 };
1087 IndicatorImp.prototype.setVisible = function (visible) {
1088 if (this.visible !== visible) {
1089 this.visible = visible;
1090 return true;
1091 }
1092 return false;
1093 };
1094 IndicatorImp.prototype.setZLevel = function (zLevel) {
1095 if (this.zLevel !== zLevel) {
1096 this.zLevel = zLevel;
1097 return true;
1098 }
1099 return false;
1100 };
1101 IndicatorImp.prototype.setStyles = function (styles) {
1102 merge(this.styles, styles);
1103 return true;
1104 };
1105 IndicatorImp.prototype.setExtendData = function (extendData) {
1106 if (this.extendData !== extendData) {
1107 this.extendData = extendData;
1108 return true;
1109 }
1110 return false;
1111 };
1112 IndicatorImp.prototype.setFigures = function (figures) {
1113 if (this.figures !== figures) {
1114 this.figures = figures;
1115 return true;
1116 }
1117 return false;
1118 };
1119 IndicatorImp.prototype.setMinValue = function (value) {
1120 if (this.minValue !== value) {
1121 this.minValue = value;
1122 return true;
1123 }
1124 return false;
1125 };
1126 IndicatorImp.prototype.setMaxValue = function (value) {
1127 if (this.maxValue !== value) {
1128 this.maxValue = value;
1129 return true;
1130 }
1131 return false;
1132 };
1133 IndicatorImp.prototype.setRegenerateFigures = function (callback) {
1134 if (this.regenerateFigures !== callback) {
1135 this.regenerateFigures = callback;
1136 return true;
1137 }
1138 return false;
1139 };
1140 IndicatorImp.prototype.setCreateTooltipDataSource = function (callback) {
1141 if (this.createTooltipDataSource !== callback) {
1142 this.createTooltipDataSource = callback;
1143 return true;
1144 }
1145 return false;
1146 };
1147 IndicatorImp.prototype.setDraw = function (callback) {
1148 if (this.draw !== callback) {
1149 this.draw = callback;
1150 return true;
1151 }
1152 return false;
1153 };
1154 IndicatorImp.prototype.calcIndicator = function (dataList) {
1155 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1156 var result;
1157 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1158 switch (_a.label) {
1159 case 0:
1160 _a.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]);
1161 return [4 /*yield*/, this.calc(dataList, this)];
1162 case 1:
1163 result = _a.sent();
1164 this.result = result;
1165 return [2 /*return*/, true];
1166 case 2:
1167 _a.sent();
1168 return [2 /*return*/, false];
1169 case 3: return [2 /*return*/];
1170 }
1171 });
1172 });
1173 };
1174 IndicatorImp.extend = function (template) {
1175 var Custom = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1176 __extends(Custom, _super);
1177 function Custom() {
1178 return _super.call(this, template) || this;
1179 }
1180 Custom.prototype.calc = function (dataList, indicator) {
1181 return template.calc(dataList, indicator);
1182 };
1183 return Custom;
1184 }(IndicatorImp));
1185 return Custom;
1186 };
1187 return IndicatorImp;
1191 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
1192 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
1193 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
1195 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
1197 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
1198 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
1199 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
1200 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
1201 * limitations under the License.
1202 */
1203exports.OverlayMode = void 0;
1204(function (OverlayMode) {
1205 OverlayMode["Normal"] = "normal";
1206 OverlayMode["WeakMagnet"] = "weak_magnet";
1207 OverlayMode["StrongMagnet"] = "strong_magnet";
1208})(exports.OverlayMode || (exports.OverlayMode = {}));
1209function getAllOverlayFigureIgnoreEventTypes() {
1210 return [
1211 'mouseClickEvent',
1212 'mouseDoubleClickEvent',
1213 'mouseRightClickEvent',
1214 'tapEvent',
1215 'doubleTapEvent',
1216 'mouseDownEvent',
1217 'touchStartEvent',
1218 'mouseMoveEvent',
1219 'touchMoveEvent'
1220 ];
1224var OVERLAY_ID_PREFIX = 'overlay_';
1225var OVERLAY_FIGURE_KEY_PREFIX = 'overlay_figure_';
1227var OverlayImp = /** @class */ (function () {
1228 function OverlayImp(overlay) {
1229 this.currentStep = OVERLAY_DRAW_STEP_START;
1230 this.points = [];
1231 this._prevPressedPoint = null;
1232 this._prevPressedPoints = [];
1233 var mode = overlay.mode, modeSensitivity = overlay.modeSensitivity, extendData = overlay.extendData, styles = overlay.styles, name = overlay.name, totalStep = overlay.totalStep, lock = overlay.lock, visible = overlay.visible, zLevel = overlay.zLevel, needDefaultPointFigure = overlay.needDefaultPointFigure, needDefaultXAxisFigure = overlay.needDefaultXAxisFigure, needDefaultYAxisFigure = overlay.needDefaultYAxisFigure, createPointFigures = overlay.createPointFigures, createXAxisFigures = overlay.createXAxisFigures, createYAxisFigures = overlay.createYAxisFigures, performEventPressedMove = overlay.performEventPressedMove, performEventMoveForDrawing = overlay.performEventMoveForDrawing, onDrawStart = overlay.onDrawStart, onDrawing = overlay.onDrawing, onDrawEnd = overlay.onDrawEnd, onClick = overlay.onClick, onDoubleClick = overlay.onDoubleClick, onRightClick = overlay.onRightClick, onPressedMoveStart = overlay.onPressedMoveStart, onPressedMoving = overlay.onPressedMoving, onPressedMoveEnd = overlay.onPressedMoveEnd, onMouseEnter = overlay.onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave = overlay.onMouseLeave, onRemoved = overlay.onRemoved, onSelected = overlay.onSelected, onDeselected = overlay.onDeselected;
1234 this.name = name;
1235 this.totalStep = (!isNumber(totalStep) || totalStep < 2) ? 1 : totalStep;
1236 this.lock = lock !== null && lock !== void 0 ? lock : false;
1237 this.visible = visible !== null && visible !== void 0 ? visible : true;
1238 this.zLevel = zLevel !== null && zLevel !== void 0 ? zLevel : 0;
1239 this.needDefaultPointFigure = needDefaultPointFigure !== null && needDefaultPointFigure !== void 0 ? needDefaultPointFigure : false;
1240 this.needDefaultXAxisFigure = needDefaultXAxisFigure !== null && needDefaultXAxisFigure !== void 0 ? needDefaultXAxisFigure : false;
1241 this.needDefaultYAxisFigure = needDefaultYAxisFigure !== null && needDefaultYAxisFigure !== void 0 ? needDefaultYAxisFigure : false;
1242 this.mode = mode !== null && mode !== void 0 ? mode : exports.OverlayMode.Normal;
1243 this.modeSensitivity = modeSensitivity !== null && modeSensitivity !== void 0 ? modeSensitivity : 8;
1244 this.extendData = extendData;
1245 this.styles = clone(styles !== null && styles !== void 0 ? styles : {});
1246 this.createPointFigures = createPointFigures !== null && createPointFigures !== void 0 ? createPointFigures : null;
1247 this.createXAxisFigures = createXAxisFigures !== null && createXAxisFigures !== void 0 ? createXAxisFigures : null;
1248 this.createYAxisFigures = createYAxisFigures !== null && createYAxisFigures !== void 0 ? createYAxisFigures : null;
1249 this.performEventPressedMove = performEventPressedMove !== null && performEventPressedMove !== void 0 ? performEventPressedMove : null;
1250 this.performEventMoveForDrawing = performEventMoveForDrawing !== null && performEventMoveForDrawing !== void 0 ? performEventMoveForDrawing : null;
1251 this.onDrawStart = onDrawStart !== null && onDrawStart !== void 0 ? onDrawStart : null;
1252 this.onDrawing = onDrawing !== null && onDrawing !== void 0 ? onDrawing : null;
1253 this.onDrawEnd = onDrawEnd !== null && onDrawEnd !== void 0 ? onDrawEnd : null;
1254 this.onClick = onClick !== null && onClick !== void 0 ? onClick : null;
1255 this.onDoubleClick = onDoubleClick !== null && onDoubleClick !== void 0 ? onDoubleClick : null;
1256 this.onRightClick = onRightClick !== null && onRightClick !== void 0 ? onRightClick : null;
1257 this.onPressedMoveStart = onPressedMoveStart !== null && onPressedMoveStart !== void 0 ? onPressedMoveStart : null;
1258 this.onPressedMoving = onPressedMoving !== null && onPressedMoving !== void 0 ? onPressedMoving : null;
1259 this.onPressedMoveEnd = onPressedMoveEnd !== null && onPressedMoveEnd !== void 0 ? onPressedMoveEnd : null;
1260 this.onMouseEnter = onMouseEnter !== null && onMouseEnter !== void 0 ? onMouseEnter : null;
1261 this.onMouseLeave = onMouseLeave !== null && onMouseLeave !== void 0 ? onMouseLeave : null;
1262 this.onRemoved = onRemoved !== null && onRemoved !== void 0 ? onRemoved : null;
1263 this.onSelected = onSelected !== null && onSelected !== void 0 ? onSelected : null;
1264 this.onDeselected = onDeselected !== null && onDeselected !== void 0 ? onDeselected : null;
1265 }
1266 OverlayImp.prototype.setId = function (id) {
1267 if (!isString(this.id)) {
1268 this.id = id;
1269 return true;
1270 }
1271 return false;
1272 };
1273 OverlayImp.prototype.setGroupId = function (groupId) {
1274 if (!isString(this.groupId)) {
1275 this.groupId = groupId;
1276 return true;
1277 }
1278 return false;
1279 };
1280 OverlayImp.prototype.setPaneId = function (paneId) {
1281 this.paneId = paneId;
1282 };
1283 OverlayImp.prototype.setExtendData = function (extendData) {
1284 if (extendData !== this.extendData) {
1285 this.extendData = extendData;
1286 return true;
1287 }
1288 return false;
1289 };
1290 OverlayImp.prototype.setStyles = function (styles) {
1291 merge(this.styles, styles);
1292 return true;
1293 };
1294 OverlayImp.prototype.setPoints = function (points) {
1295 if (points.length > 0) {
1296 var repeatTotalStep = void 0;
1297 this.points = __spreadArray([], __read(points), false);
1298 if (points.length >= this.totalStep - 1) {
1299 this.currentStep = OVERLAY_DRAW_STEP_FINISHED;
1300 repeatTotalStep = this.totalStep - 1;
1301 }
1302 else {
1303 this.currentStep = points.length + 1;
1304 repeatTotalStep = points.length;
1305 }
1306 // Prevent wrong drawing due to wrong points
1307 if (this.performEventMoveForDrawing !== null) {
1308 for (var i = 0; i < repeatTotalStep; i++) {
1309 this.performEventMoveForDrawing({
1310 currentStep: i + 2,
1311 mode: this.mode,
1312 points: this.points,
1313 performPointIndex: i,
1314 performPoint: this.points[i]
1315 });
1316 }
1317 }
1318 if (this.currentStep === OVERLAY_DRAW_STEP_FINISHED && this.performEventPressedMove !== null) {
1319 this.performEventPressedMove({
1320 currentStep: this.currentStep,
1321 mode: this.mode,
1322 points: this.points,
1323 performPointIndex: this.points.length - 1,
1324 performPoint: this.points[this.points.length - 1]
1325 });
1326 }
1327 return true;
1328 }
1329 return false;
1330 };
1331 OverlayImp.prototype.setLock = function (lock) {
1332 if (this.lock !== lock) {
1333 this.lock = lock;
1334 return true;
1335 }
1336 return false;
1337 };
1338 OverlayImp.prototype.setVisible = function (visible) {
1339 if (this.visible !== visible) {
1340 this.visible = visible;
1341 return true;
1342 }
1343 return false;
1344 };
1345 OverlayImp.prototype.setZLevel = function (zLevel) {
1346 if (this.zLevel !== zLevel) {
1347 this.zLevel = zLevel;
1348 return true;
1349 }
1350 return false;
1351 };
1352 OverlayImp.prototype.setMode = function (mode) {
1353 if (this.mode !== mode) {
1354 this.mode = mode;
1355 return true;
1356 }
1357 return false;
1358 };
1359 OverlayImp.prototype.setModeSensitivity = function (modeSensitivity) {
1360 if (this.modeSensitivity !== modeSensitivity) {
1361 this.modeSensitivity = modeSensitivity;
1362 return true;
1363 }
1364 return false;
1365 };
1366 OverlayImp.prototype.setOnDrawStartCallback = function (callback) {
1367 if (this.onDrawStart !== callback) {
1368 this.onDrawStart = callback;
1369 return true;
1370 }
1371 return false;
1372 };
1373 OverlayImp.prototype.setOnDrawingCallback = function (callback) {
1374 if (this.onDrawing !== callback) {
1375 this.onDrawing = callback;
1376 return true;
1377 }
1378 return false;
1379 };
1380 OverlayImp.prototype.setOnDrawEndCallback = function (callback) {
1381 if (this.onDrawEnd !== callback) {
1382 this.onDrawEnd = callback;
1383 return true;
1384 }
1385 return false;
1386 };
1387 OverlayImp.prototype.setOnClickCallback = function (callback) {
1388 if (this.onClick !== callback) {
1389 this.onClick = callback;
1390 return true;
1391 }
1392 return false;
1393 };
1394 OverlayImp.prototype.setOnDoubleClickCallback = function (callback) {
1395 if (this.onDoubleClick !== callback) {
1396 this.onDoubleClick = callback;
1397 return true;
1398 }
1399 return false;
1400 };
1401 OverlayImp.prototype.setOnRightClickCallback = function (callback) {
1402 if (this.onRightClick !== callback) {
1403 this.onRightClick = callback;
1404 return true;
1405 }
1406 return false;
1407 };
1408 OverlayImp.prototype.setOnPressedMoveStartCallback = function (callback) {
1409 if (this.onPressedMoveStart !== callback) {
1410 this.onPressedMoveStart = callback;
1411 return true;
1412 }
1413 return false;
1414 };
1415 OverlayImp.prototype.setOnPressedMovingCallback = function (callback) {
1416 if (this.onPressedMoving !== callback) {
1417 this.onPressedMoving = callback;
1418 return true;
1419 }
1420 return false;
1421 };
1422 OverlayImp.prototype.setOnPressedMoveEndCallback = function (callback) {
1423 if (this.onPressedMoveEnd !== callback) {
1424 this.onPressedMoveEnd = callback;
1425 return true;
1426 }
1427 return false;
1428 };
1429 OverlayImp.prototype.setOnMouseEnterCallback = function (callback) {
1430 if (this.onMouseEnter !== callback) {
1431 this.onMouseEnter = callback;
1432 return true;
1433 }
1434 return false;
1435 };
1436 OverlayImp.prototype.setOnMouseLeaveCallback = function (callback) {
1437 if (this.onMouseLeave !== callback) {
1438 this.onMouseLeave = callback;
1439 return true;
1440 }
1441 return false;
1442 };
1443 OverlayImp.prototype.setOnRemovedCallback = function (callback) {
1444 if (this.onRemoved !== callback) {
1445 this.onRemoved = callback;
1446 return true;
1447 }
1448 return false;
1449 };
1450 OverlayImp.prototype.setOnSelectedCallback = function (callback) {
1451 if (this.onSelected !== callback) {
1452 this.onSelected = callback;
1453 return true;
1454 }
1455 return false;
1456 };
1457 OverlayImp.prototype.setOnDeselectedCallback = function (callback) {
1458 if (this.onDeselected !== callback) {
1459 this.onDeselected = callback;
1460 return true;
1461 }
1462 return false;
1463 };
1464 OverlayImp.prototype.nextStep = function () {
1465 if (this.currentStep === this.totalStep - 1) {
1466 this.currentStep = OVERLAY_DRAW_STEP_FINISHED;
1467 }
1468 else {
1469 this.currentStep++;
1470 }
1471 };
1472 OverlayImp.prototype.forceComplete = function () {
1473 this.currentStep = OVERLAY_DRAW_STEP_FINISHED;
1474 };
1475 OverlayImp.prototype.isDrawing = function () {
1476 return this.currentStep !== OVERLAY_DRAW_STEP_FINISHED;
1477 };
1478 OverlayImp.prototype.isStart = function () {
1479 return this.currentStep === OVERLAY_DRAW_STEP_START;
1480 };
1481 OverlayImp.prototype.eventMoveForDrawing = function (point) {
1482 var _a;
1483 var pointIndex = this.currentStep - 1;
1484 var newPoint = {};
1485 if (isNumber(point.timestamp)) {
1486 newPoint.timestamp = point.timestamp;
1487 }
1488 if (isNumber(point.dataIndex)) {
1489 newPoint.dataIndex = point.dataIndex;
1490 }
1491 if (isNumber(point.value)) {
1492 newPoint.value = point.value;
1493 }
1494 this.points[pointIndex] = newPoint;
1495 (_a = this.performEventMoveForDrawing) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this, {
1496 currentStep: this.currentStep,
1497 mode: this.mode,
1498 points: this.points,
1499 performPointIndex: pointIndex,
1500 performPoint: newPoint
1501 });
1502 };
1503 OverlayImp.prototype.eventPressedPointMove = function (point, pointIndex) {
1504 var _a;
1505 if (isNumber(point.dataIndex)) {
1506 this.points[pointIndex].dataIndex = point.dataIndex;
1507 this.points[pointIndex].timestamp = point.timestamp;
1508 }
1509 if (isNumber(point.value)) {
1510 this.points[pointIndex].value = point.value;
1511 }
1512 (_a = this.performEventPressedMove) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this, {
1513 currentStep: this.currentStep,
1514 points: this.points,
1515 mode: this.mode,
1516 performPointIndex: pointIndex,
1517 performPoint: this.points[pointIndex]
1518 });
1519 };
1520 OverlayImp.prototype.startPressedMove = function (point) {
1521 this._prevPressedPoint = __assign({}, point);
1522 this._prevPressedPoints = clone(this.points);
1523 };
1524 OverlayImp.prototype.eventPressedOtherMove = function (point, timeScaleStore) {
1525 if (this._prevPressedPoint !== null) {
1526 var difDataIndex_1;
1527 if (isNumber(point.dataIndex) && isNumber(this._prevPressedPoint.dataIndex)) {
1528 difDataIndex_1 = point.dataIndex - this._prevPressedPoint.dataIndex;
1529 }
1530 var difValue_1;
1531 if (isNumber(point.value) && isNumber(this._prevPressedPoint.value)) {
1532 difValue_1 = point.value - this._prevPressedPoint.value;
1533 }
1534 this.points = this._prevPressedPoints.map(function (p) {
1535 var _a;
1536 if (isNumber(p.timestamp)) {
1537 p.dataIndex = timeScaleStore.timestampToDataIndex(p.timestamp);
1538 }
1539 var newPoint = __assign({}, p);
1540 if (isNumber(difDataIndex_1) && isNumber(p.dataIndex)) {
1541 newPoint.dataIndex = p.dataIndex + difDataIndex_1;
1542 newPoint.timestamp = (_a = timeScaleStore.dataIndexToTimestamp(newPoint.dataIndex)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : undefined;
1543 }
1544 if (isNumber(difValue_1) && isNumber(p.value)) {
1545 newPoint.value = p.value + difValue_1;
1546 }
1547 return newPoint;
1548 });
1549 }
1550 };
1551 OverlayImp.extend = function (template) {
1552 var Custom = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1553 __extends(Custom, _super);
1554 function Custom() {
1555 return _super.call(this, template) || this;
1556 }
1557 return Custom;
1558 }(OverlayImp));
1559 return Custom;
1560 };
1561 return OverlayImp;
1565 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
1566 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
1567 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
1569 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
1571 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
1572 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
1573 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
1574 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
1575 * limitations under the License.
1576 */
1577exports.FormatDateType = void 0;
1578(function (FormatDateType) {
1579 FormatDateType[FormatDateType["Tooltip"] = 0] = "Tooltip";
1580 FormatDateType[FormatDateType["Crosshair"] = 1] = "Crosshair";
1581 FormatDateType[FormatDateType["XAxis"] = 2] = "XAxis";
1582})(exports.FormatDateType || (exports.FormatDateType = {}));
1583function getDefaultCustomApi() {
1584 return {
1585 formatDate: formatDate,
1586 formatBigNumber: formatBigNumber
1587 };
1589var defaultLocale = 'en-US';
1592 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
1593 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
1594 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
1596 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
1598 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
1599 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
1600 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
1601 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
1602 * limitations under the License.
1603 */
1604var baseId = 1;
1605var prevIdTimestamp = new Date().getTime();
1606function createId(prefix) {
1607 var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
1608 if (timestamp === prevIdTimestamp) {
1609 ++baseId;
1610 }
1611 else {
1612 baseId = 1;
1613 }
1614 prevIdTimestamp = timestamp;
1615 return "".concat(prefix !== null && prefix !== void 0 ? prefix : '').concat(timestamp, "_").concat(baseId);
1619 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
1620 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
1621 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
1623 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
1625 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
1626 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
1627 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
1628 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
1629 * limitations under the License.
1630 */
1632 * Create dom
1633 * @param tagName
1634 * @param styles
1635 * @return {*}
1636 */
1637function createDom(tagName, styles) {
1638 var _a;
1639 var dom = document.createElement(tagName);
1640 var s = styles !== null && styles !== void 0 ? styles : {};
1641 for (var key in s) {
1642 (dom.style)[key] = (_a = s[key]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';
1643 }
1644 return dom;
1648 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
1649 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
1650 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
1652 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
1654 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
1655 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
1656 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
1657 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
1658 * limitations under the License.
1659 */
1661 * Binary search for the nearest result
1662 * @param dataList
1663 * @param valueKey
1664 * @param targetValue
1665 * @return {number}
1666 */
1667function binarySearchNearest(dataList, valueKey, targetValue) {
1668 var left = 0;
1669 var right = 0;
1670 for (right = dataList.length - 1; left !== right;) {
1671 var midIndex = Math.floor((right + left) / 2);
1672 var mid = right - left;
1673 var midValue = dataList[midIndex][valueKey];
1674 if (targetValue === dataList[left][valueKey]) {
1675 return left;
1676 }
1677 if (targetValue === dataList[right][valueKey]) {
1678 return right;
1679 }
1680 if (targetValue === midValue) {
1681 return midIndex;
1682 }
1683 if (targetValue > midValue) {
1684 left = midIndex;
1685 }
1686 else {
1687 right = midIndex;
1688 }
1689 if (mid <= 2) {
1690 break;
1691 }
1692 }
1693 return left;
1696 * 优化数字
1697 * @param value
1698 * @return {number|number}
1699 */
1700function nice(value) {
1701 var exponent = Math.floor(log10(value));
1702 var exp10 = index10(exponent);
1703 var f = value / exp10; // 1 <= f < 10
1704 var nf = 0;
1705 if (f < 1.5) {
1706 nf = 1;
1707 }
1708 else if (f < 2.5) {
1709 nf = 2;
1710 }
1711 else if (f < 3.5) {
1712 nf = 3;
1713 }
1714 else if (f < 4.5) {
1715 nf = 4;
1716 }
1717 else if (f < 5.5) {
1718 nf = 5;
1719 }
1720 else if (f < 6.5) {
1721 nf = 6;
1722 }
1723 else {
1724 nf = 8;
1725 }
1726 value = nf * exp10;
1727 return exponent >= -20 ? +value.toFixed(exponent < 0 ? -exponent : 0) : value;
1730 * 四舍五入
1731 * @param value
1732 * @param precision
1733 * @return {number}
1734 */
1735function round(value, precision) {
1736 if (precision == null) {
1737 precision = 10;
1738 }
1739 precision = Math.min(Math.max(0, precision), 20);
1740 var v = (+value).toFixed(precision);
1741 return +v;
1744 * 获取小数位数
1745 * @param value
1746 * @return {number|number}
1747 */
1748function getPrecision(value) {
1749 var str = value.toString();
1750 var eIndex = str.indexOf('e');
1751 if (eIndex > 0) {
1752 var precision = +str.slice(eIndex + 1);
1753 return precision < 0 ? -precision : 0;
1754 }
1755 else {
1756 var dotIndex = str.indexOf('.');
1757 return dotIndex < 0 ? 0 : str.length - 1 - dotIndex;
1758 }
1760function getMaxMin(dataList, maxKey, minKey) {
1761 var maxMin = [Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER];
1762 dataList.forEach(function (data) {
1763 var _a, _b;
1764 maxMin[0] = Math.max(((_a = data[maxKey]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data), maxMin[0]);
1765 maxMin[1] = Math.min(((_b = data[minKey]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : data), maxMin[1]);
1766 });
1767 return maxMin;
1770 * 10为底的对数函数
1771 * @param value
1772 * @return {number}
1773 */
1774function log10(value) {
1775 return Math.log(value) / Math.log(10);
1778 * 10的指数函数
1779 * @param value
1780 * @return {number}
1781 */
1782function index10(value) {
1783 return Math.pow(10, value);
1787 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
1788 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
1789 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
1791 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
1793 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
1794 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
1795 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
1796 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
1797 * limitations under the License.
1798 */
1799var LoadDataType;
1800(function (LoadDataType) {
1801 LoadDataType["Init"] = "init";
1802 LoadDataType["Forward"] = "forward";
1803 LoadDataType["Backward"] = "backward";
1804})(LoadDataType || (LoadDataType = {}));
1807 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
1808 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
1809 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
1811 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
1813 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
1814 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
1815 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
1816 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
1817 * limitations under the License.
1818 */
1819function getDefaultVisibleRange() {
1820 return { from: 0, to: 0, realFrom: 0, realTo: 0 };
1824 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
1825 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
1826 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
1828 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
1830 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
1831 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
1832 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
1833 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
1834 * limitations under the License.
1835 */
1836var BarSpaceLimitConstants = {
1837 MIN: 1,
1838 MAX: 50
1840var DEFAULT_BAR_SPACE = 8;
1842var TimeScaleStore = /** @class */ (function () {
1843 function TimeScaleStore(chartStore) {
1844 /**
1845 * Time format
1846 */
1847 this._dateTimeFormat = this._buildDateTimeFormat();
1848 /**
1849 * Scale enabled flag
1850 */
1851 this._zoomEnabled = true;
1852 /**
1853 * Scroll enabled flag
1854 */
1855 this._scrollEnabled = true;
1856 /**
1857 * Total space of drawing area
1858 */
1859 this._totalBarSpace = 0;
1860 /**
1861 * Space occupied by a single piece of data
1862 */
1863 this._barSpace = DEFAULT_BAR_SPACE;
1864 /**
1865 * Distance from the last data to the right of the drawing area
1866 */
1867 this._offsetRightDistance = DEFAULT_OFFSET_RIGHT_DISTANCE;
1868 /**
1869 * The number of bar to the right of the drawing area from the last data when scrolling starts
1870 */
1871 this._startLastBarRightSideDiffBarCount = 0;
1872 /**
1873 * Scroll limit role
1874 */
1875 this._scrollLimitRole = 0 /* ScrollLimitRole.BarCount */;
1876 /**
1877 * Scroll to the leftmost and rightmost visible bar
1878 */
1879 this._minVisibleBarCount = { left: 2, right: 2 };
1880 /**
1881 * Scroll to the leftmost and rightmost distance
1882 */
1883 this._maxOffsetDistance = { left: 50, right: 50 };
1884 /**
1885 * Start and end points of visible area data index
1886 */
1887 this._visibleRange = getDefaultVisibleRange();
1888 this._chartStore = chartStore;
1889 this._gapBarSpace = this._calcGapBarSpace();
1890 this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount = this._offsetRightDistance / this._barSpace;
1891 }
1892 TimeScaleStore.prototype._calcGapBarSpace = function () {
1893 var rateSpace = Math.floor(this._barSpace * 0.82);
1894 var floorSpace = Math.floor(this._barSpace);
1895 var optimalSpace = Math.min(rateSpace, floorSpace - 1);
1896 return Math.max(1, optimalSpace);
1897 };
1898 /**
1899 * adjust visible range
1900 */
1901 TimeScaleStore.prototype.adjustVisibleRange = function () {
1902 var _a, _b;
1903 var dataList = this._chartStore.getDataList();
1904 var totalBarCount = dataList.length;
1905 var visibleBarCount = this._totalBarSpace / this._barSpace;
1906 var leftMinVisibleBarCount;
1907 var rightMinVisibleBarCount;
1908 if (this._scrollLimitRole === 1 /* ScrollLimitRole.Distance */) {
1909 leftMinVisibleBarCount = (this._totalBarSpace - this._maxOffsetDistance.right) / this._barSpace;
1910 rightMinVisibleBarCount = (this._totalBarSpace - this._maxOffsetDistance.left) / this._barSpace;
1911 }
1912 else {
1913 leftMinVisibleBarCount = this._minVisibleBarCount.left;
1914 rightMinVisibleBarCount = this._minVisibleBarCount.right;
1915 }
1916 leftMinVisibleBarCount = Math.max(0, leftMinVisibleBarCount);
1917 rightMinVisibleBarCount = Math.max(0, rightMinVisibleBarCount);
1918 var maxRightOffsetBarCount = visibleBarCount - Math.min(leftMinVisibleBarCount, totalBarCount);
1919 if (this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount > maxRightOffsetBarCount) {
1920 this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount = maxRightOffsetBarCount;
1921 }
1922 var minRightOffsetBarCount = -totalBarCount + Math.min(rightMinVisibleBarCount, totalBarCount);
1923 if (this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount < minRightOffsetBarCount) {
1924 this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount = minRightOffsetBarCount;
1925 }
1926 var to = Math.round(this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount + totalBarCount + 0.5);
1927 var realTo = to;
1928 if (to > totalBarCount) {
1929 to = totalBarCount;
1930 }
1931 var from = Math.round(to - visibleBarCount) - 1;
1932 if (from < 0) {
1933 from = 0;
1934 }
1935 var realFrom = this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount > 0 ? Math.round(totalBarCount + this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount - visibleBarCount) - 1 : from;
1936 this._visibleRange = { from: from, to: to, realFrom: realFrom, realTo: realTo };
1937 this._chartStore.getActionStore().execute(exports.ActionType.OnVisibleRangeChange, this._visibleRange);
1938 this._chartStore.adjustVisibleDataList();
1939 // More processing and loading, more loading if there are callback methods and no data is being loaded
1940 if (from === 0) {
1941 var firstData = dataList[0];
1942 this._chartStore.executeLoadMoreCallback((_a = firstData === null || firstData === void 0 ? void 0 : firstData.timestamp) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null);
1943 this._chartStore.executeLoadDataCallback({
1944 type: LoadDataType.Forward,
1945 data: firstData !== null && firstData !== void 0 ? firstData : null
1946 });
1947 }
1948 if (to === totalBarCount) {
1949 this._chartStore.executeLoadDataCallback({
1950 type: LoadDataType.Backward,
1951 data: (_b = dataList[totalBarCount - 1]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null
1952 });
1953 }
1954 };
1955 TimeScaleStore.prototype.getDateTimeFormat = function () {
1956 return this._dateTimeFormat;
1957 };
1958 TimeScaleStore.prototype._buildDateTimeFormat = function (timezone) {
1959 var options = {
1960 hour12: false,
1961 year: 'numeric',
1962 month: '2-digit',
1963 day: '2-digit',
1964 hour: '2-digit',
1965 minute: '2-digit',
1966 second: '2-digit'
1967 };
1968 if (isString(timezone)) {
1969 options.timeZone = timezone;
1970 }
1971 var dateTimeFormat = null;
1972 try {
1973 dateTimeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', options);
1974 }
1975 catch (e) {
1976 logWarn('', '', 'Timezone is error!!!');
1977 }
1978 return dateTimeFormat;
1979 };
1980 TimeScaleStore.prototype.setTimezone = function (timezone) {
1981 var dateTimeFormat = this._buildDateTimeFormat(timezone);
1982 if (dateTimeFormat !== null) {
1983 this._dateTimeFormat = dateTimeFormat;
1984 }
1985 };
1986 TimeScaleStore.prototype.getTimezone = function () {
1987 return this._dateTimeFormat.resolvedOptions().timeZone;
1988 };
1989 TimeScaleStore.prototype.getBarSpace = function () {
1990 return {
1991 bar: this._barSpace,
1992 halfBar: this._barSpace / 2,
1993 gapBar: this._gapBarSpace,
1994 halfGapBar: this._gapBarSpace / 2
1995 };
1996 };
1997 TimeScaleStore.prototype.setBarSpace = function (barSpace, adjustBeforeFunc) {
1998 if (barSpace < BarSpaceLimitConstants.MIN || barSpace > BarSpaceLimitConstants.MAX || this._barSpace === barSpace) {
1999 return;
2000 }
2001 this._barSpace = barSpace;
2002 this._gapBarSpace = this._calcGapBarSpace();
2003 adjustBeforeFunc === null || adjustBeforeFunc === void 0 ? void 0 : adjustBeforeFunc();
2004 this.adjustVisibleRange();
2005 this._chartStore.getTooltipStore().recalculateCrosshair(true);
2006 this._chartStore.getChart().adjustPaneViewport(false, true, true, true);
2007 };
2008 TimeScaleStore.prototype.setTotalBarSpace = function (totalSpace) {
2009 if (this._totalBarSpace !== totalSpace) {
2010 this._totalBarSpace = totalSpace;
2011 this.adjustVisibleRange();
2012 this._chartStore.getTooltipStore().recalculateCrosshair(true);
2013 }
2014 return this;
2015 };
2016 TimeScaleStore.prototype.setOffsetRightDistance = function (distance, isUpdate) {
2017 this._offsetRightDistance = this._scrollLimitRole === 1 /* ScrollLimitRole.Distance */ ? Math.min(this._maxOffsetDistance.right, distance) : distance;
2018 this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount = this._offsetRightDistance / this._barSpace;
2019 if (isUpdate !== null && isUpdate !== void 0 ? isUpdate : false) {
2020 this.adjustVisibleRange();
2021 this._chartStore.getTooltipStore().recalculateCrosshair(true);
2022 this._chartStore.getChart().adjustPaneViewport(false, true, true, true);
2023 }
2024 return this;
2025 };
2026 TimeScaleStore.prototype.resetOffsetRightDistance = function () {
2027 this.setOffsetRightDistance(this._offsetRightDistance);
2028 };
2029 TimeScaleStore.prototype.getInitialOffsetRightDistance = function () {
2030 return this._offsetRightDistance;
2031 };
2032 TimeScaleStore.prototype.getOffsetRightDistance = function () {
2033 return Math.max(0, this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount * this._barSpace);
2034 };
2035 TimeScaleStore.prototype.getLastBarRightSideDiffBarCount = function () {
2036 return this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount;
2037 };
2038 TimeScaleStore.prototype.setLastBarRightSideDiffBarCount = function (barCount) {
2039 this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount = barCount;
2040 return this;
2041 };
2042 TimeScaleStore.prototype.setMaxOffsetLeftDistance = function (distance) {
2043 this._scrollLimitRole = 1 /* ScrollLimitRole.Distance */;
2044 this._maxOffsetDistance.left = distance;
2045 return this;
2046 };
2047 TimeScaleStore.prototype.setMaxOffsetRightDistance = function (distance) {
2048 this._scrollLimitRole = 1 /* ScrollLimitRole.Distance */;
2049 this._maxOffsetDistance.right = distance;
2050 return this;
2051 };
2052 TimeScaleStore.prototype.setLeftMinVisibleBarCount = function (barCount) {
2053 this._scrollLimitRole = 0 /* ScrollLimitRole.BarCount */;
2054 this._minVisibleBarCount.left = barCount;
2055 return this;
2056 };
2057 TimeScaleStore.prototype.setRightMinVisibleBarCount = function (barCount) {
2058 this._scrollLimitRole = 0 /* ScrollLimitRole.BarCount */;
2059 this._minVisibleBarCount.right = barCount;
2060 return this;
2061 };
2062 TimeScaleStore.prototype.getVisibleRange = function () {
2063 return this._visibleRange;
2064 };
2065 TimeScaleStore.prototype.startScroll = function () {
2066 this._startLastBarRightSideDiffBarCount = this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount;
2067 };
2068 TimeScaleStore.prototype.scroll = function (distance) {
2069 if (!this._scrollEnabled) {
2070 return;
2071 }
2072 var distanceBarCount = distance / this._barSpace;
2073 this._chartStore.getActionStore().execute(exports.ActionType.OnScroll);
2074 this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount = this._startLastBarRightSideDiffBarCount - distanceBarCount;
2075 this.adjustVisibleRange();
2076 this._chartStore.getTooltipStore().recalculateCrosshair(true);
2077 this._chartStore.getChart().adjustPaneViewport(false, true, true, true);
2078 };
2079 TimeScaleStore.prototype.getDataByDataIndex = function (dataIndex) {
2080 var _a;
2081 return (_a = this._chartStore.getDataList()[dataIndex]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
2082 };
2083 TimeScaleStore.prototype.coordinateToFloatIndex = function (x) {
2084 var dataCount = this._chartStore.getDataList().length;
2085 var deltaFromRight = (this._totalBarSpace - x) / this._barSpace;
2086 var index = dataCount + this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount - deltaFromRight;
2087 return Math.round(index * 1000000) / 1000000;
2088 };
2089 TimeScaleStore.prototype.dataIndexToTimestamp = function (dataIndex) {
2090 var _a;
2091 var data = this.getDataByDataIndex(dataIndex);
2092 return (_a = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.timestamp) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
2093 };
2094 TimeScaleStore.prototype.timestampToDataIndex = function (timestamp) {
2095 var dataList = this._chartStore.getDataList();
2096 if (dataList.length === 0) {
2097 return 0;
2098 }
2099 return binarySearchNearest(dataList, 'timestamp', timestamp);
2100 };
2101 TimeScaleStore.prototype.dataIndexToCoordinate = function (dataIndex) {
2102 var dataCount = this._chartStore.getDataList().length;
2103 var deltaFromRight = dataCount + this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount - dataIndex;
2104 return Math.floor(this._totalBarSpace - (deltaFromRight - 0.5) * this._barSpace) - 0.5;
2105 // return this._totalBarSpace - (deltaFromRight - 0.5) * this._barSpace
2106 };
2107 TimeScaleStore.prototype.coordinateToDataIndex = function (x) {
2108 return Math.ceil(this.coordinateToFloatIndex(x)) - 1;
2109 };
2110 TimeScaleStore.prototype.zoom = function (scale, coordinate) {
2111 var _this = this;
2112 var _a;
2113 if (!this._zoomEnabled) {
2114 return;
2115 }
2116 var zoomCoordinate = coordinate !== null && coordinate !== void 0 ? coordinate : null;
2117 if (!isNumber(zoomCoordinate === null || zoomCoordinate === void 0 ? void 0 : zoomCoordinate.x)) {
2118 var crosshair = this._chartStore.getTooltipStore().getCrosshair();
2119 zoomCoordinate = { x: (_a = crosshair === null || crosshair === void 0 ? void 0 : crosshair.x) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this._totalBarSpace / 2 };
2120 }
2121 this._chartStore.getActionStore().execute(exports.ActionType.OnZoom);
2122 var x = zoomCoordinate.x;
2123 var floatIndex = this.coordinateToFloatIndex(x);
2124 var barSpace = this._barSpace + scale * (this._barSpace / 10);
2125 this.setBarSpace(barSpace, function () {
2126 _this._lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount += (floatIndex - _this.coordinateToFloatIndex(x));
2127 });
2128 };
2129 TimeScaleStore.prototype.setZoomEnabled = function (enabled) {
2130 this._zoomEnabled = enabled;
2131 return this;
2132 };
2133 TimeScaleStore.prototype.getZoomEnabled = function () {
2134 return this._zoomEnabled;
2135 };
2136 TimeScaleStore.prototype.setScrollEnabled = function (enabled) {
2137 this._scrollEnabled = enabled;
2138 return this;
2139 };
2140 TimeScaleStore.prototype.getScrollEnabled = function () {
2141 return this._scrollEnabled;
2142 };
2143 TimeScaleStore.prototype.clear = function () {
2144 this._visibleRange = getDefaultVisibleRange();
2145 };
2146 return TimeScaleStore;
2150 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2151 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
2152 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
2154 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2156 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
2157 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
2158 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
2159 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
2160 * limitations under the License.
2161 */
2163 * average price
2164 */
2165var averagePrice = {
2166 name: 'AVP',
2167 shortName: 'AVP',
2168 series: exports.IndicatorSeries.Price,
2169 precision: 2,
2170 figures: [
2171 { key: 'avp', title: 'AVP: ', type: 'line' }
2172 ],
2173 calc: function (dataList) {
2174 var totalTurnover = 0;
2175 var totalVolume = 0;
2176 return dataList.map(function (kLineData) {
2177 var _a, _b;
2178 var avp = {};
2179 var turnover = (_a = kLineData === null || kLineData === void 0 ? void 0 : kLineData.turnover) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;
2180 var volume = (_b = kLineData === null || kLineData === void 0 ? void 0 : kLineData.volume) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0;
2181 totalTurnover += turnover;
2182 totalVolume += volume;
2183 if (totalVolume !== 0) {
2184 avp.avp = totalTurnover / totalVolume;
2185 }
2186 return avp;
2187 });
2188 }
2192 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2193 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
2194 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
2196 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2198 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
2199 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
2200 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
2201 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
2202 * limitations under the License.
2203 */
2204var awesomeOscillator = {
2205 name: 'AO',
2206 shortName: 'AO',
2207 calcParams: [5, 34],
2208 figures: [{
2209 key: 'ao',
2210 title: 'AO: ',
2211 type: 'bar',
2212 baseValue: 0,
2213 styles: function (data, indicator, defaultStyles) {
2214 var _a, _b, _c, _d;
2215 var prev = data.prev, current = data.current;
2216 var prevAo = (_b = (_a = prev.indicatorData) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ao) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
2217 var currentAo = (_d = (_c = current.indicatorData) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.ao) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
2218 var color;
2219 if (currentAo > prevAo) {
2220 color = formatValue(indicator.styles, 'bars[0].upColor', (defaultStyles.bars)[0].upColor);
2221 }
2222 else {
2223 color = formatValue(indicator.styles, 'bars[0].downColor', (defaultStyles.bars)[0].downColor);
2224 }
2225 var style = currentAo > prevAo ? exports.PolygonType.Stroke : exports.PolygonType.Fill;
2226 return { color: color, style: style, borderColor: color };
2227 }
2228 }],
2229 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
2230 var params = indicator.calcParams;
2231 var maxPeriod = Math.max(params[0], params[1]);
2232 var shortSum = 0;
2233 var longSum = 0;
2234 var short = 0;
2235 var long = 0;
2236 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
2237 var ao = {};
2238 var middle = (kLineData.low + kLineData.high) / 2;
2239 shortSum += middle;
2240 longSum += middle;
2241 if (i >= params[0] - 1) {
2242 short = shortSum / params[0];
2243 var agoKLineData = dataList[i - (params[0] - 1)];
2244 shortSum -= ((agoKLineData.low + agoKLineData.high) / 2);
2245 }
2246 if (i >= params[1] - 1) {
2247 long = longSum / params[1];
2248 var agoKLineData = dataList[i - (params[1] - 1)];
2249 longSum -= ((agoKLineData.low + agoKLineData.high) / 2);
2250 }
2251 if (i >= maxPeriod - 1) {
2252 ao.ao = short - long;
2253 }
2254 return ao;
2255 });
2256 }
2260 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2261 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
2262 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
2264 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2266 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
2267 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
2268 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
2269 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
2270 * limitations under the License.
2271 */
2273 * BIAS
2274 * 乖离率=[(当日收盘价-N日平均价)/N日平均价]*100%
2275 */
2276var bias = {
2277 name: 'BIAS',
2278 shortName: 'BIAS',
2279 calcParams: [6, 12, 24],
2280 figures: [
2281 { key: 'bias1', title: 'BIAS6: ', type: 'line' },
2282 { key: 'bias2', title: 'BIAS12: ', type: 'line' },
2283 { key: 'bias3', title: 'BIAS24: ', type: 'line' }
2284 ],
2285 regenerateFigures: function (params) {
2286 return params.map(function (p, i) {
2287 return { key: "bias".concat(i + 1), title: "BIAS".concat(p, ": "), type: 'line' };
2288 });
2289 },
2290 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
2291 var params = indicator.calcParams, figures = indicator.figures;
2292 var closeSums = [];
2293 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
2294 var bias = {};
2295 var close = kLineData.close;
2296 params.forEach(function (p, index) {
2297 var _a;
2298 closeSums[index] = ((_a = closeSums[index]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0) + close;
2299 if (i >= p - 1) {
2300 var mean = closeSums[index] / params[index];
2301 bias[figures[index].key] = (close - mean) / mean * 100;
2302 closeSums[index] -= dataList[i - (p - 1)].close;
2303 }
2304 });
2305 return bias;
2306 });
2307 }
2311 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2312 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
2313 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
2315 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2317 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
2318 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
2319 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
2320 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
2321 * limitations under the License.
2322 */
2324 * 计算布林指标中的标准差
2325 * @param dataList
2326 * @param ma
2327 * @return {number}
2328 */
2329function getBollMd(dataList, ma) {
2330 var dataSize = dataList.length;
2331 var sum = 0;
2332 dataList.forEach(function (data) {
2333 var closeMa = data.close - ma;
2334 sum += closeMa * closeMa;
2335 });
2336 sum = Math.abs(sum);
2337 return Math.sqrt(sum / dataSize);
2340 * BOLL
2341 */
2342var bollingerBands = {
2343 name: 'BOLL',
2344 shortName: 'BOLL',
2345 series: exports.IndicatorSeries.Price,
2346 calcParams: [20, 2],
2347 precision: 2,
2348 shouldOhlc: true,
2349 figures: [
2350 { key: 'up', title: 'UP: ', type: 'line' },
2351 { key: 'mid', title: 'MID: ', type: 'line' },
2352 { key: 'dn', title: 'DN: ', type: 'line' }
2353 ],
2354 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
2355 var params = indicator.calcParams;
2356 var p = params[0] - 1;
2357 var closeSum = 0;
2358 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
2359 var close = kLineData.close;
2360 var boll = {};
2361 closeSum += close;
2362 if (i >= p) {
2363 boll.mid = closeSum / params[0];
2364 var md = getBollMd(dataList.slice(i - p, i + 1), boll.mid);
2365 boll.up = boll.mid + params[1] * md;
2366 boll.dn = boll.mid - params[1] * md;
2367 closeSum -= dataList[i - p].close;
2368 }
2369 return boll;
2370 });
2371 }
2375 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2376 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
2377 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
2379 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2381 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
2382 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
2383 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
2384 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
2385 * limitations under the License.
2386 */
2388 * BRAR
2389 * 默认参数是26。
2390 * 公式N日BR=N日内(H-CY)之和除以N日内(CY-L)之和*100,
2391 * 其中,H为当日最高价,L为当日最低价,CY为前一交易日的收盘价,N为设定的时间参数。
2392 * N日AR=(N日内(H-O)之和除以N日内(O-L)之和)*100,
2393 * 其中,H为当日最高价,L为当日最低价,O为当日开盘价,N为设定的时间参数
2394 *
2395 */
2396var brar = {
2397 name: 'BRAR',
2398 shortName: 'BRAR',
2399 calcParams: [26],
2400 figures: [
2401 { key: 'br', title: 'BR: ', type: 'line' },
2402 { key: 'ar', title: 'AR: ', type: 'line' }
2403 ],
2404 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
2405 var params = indicator.calcParams;
2406 var hcy = 0;
2407 var cyl = 0;
2408 var ho = 0;
2409 var ol = 0;
2410 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
2411 var _a, _b;
2412 var brar = {};
2413 var high = kLineData.high;
2414 var low = kLineData.low;
2415 var open = kLineData.open;
2416 var prevClose = ((_a = dataList[i - 1]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : kLineData).close;
2417 ho += (high - open);
2418 ol += (open - low);
2419 hcy += (high - prevClose);
2420 cyl += (prevClose - low);
2421 if (i >= params[0] - 1) {
2422 if (ol !== 0) {
2423 brar.ar = ho / ol * 100;
2424 }
2425 else {
2426 brar.ar = 0;
2427 }
2428 if (cyl !== 0) {
2429 brar.br = hcy / cyl * 100;
2430 }
2431 else {
2432 brar.br = 0;
2433 }
2434 var agoKLineData = dataList[i - (params[0] - 1)];
2435 var agoHigh = agoKLineData.high;
2436 var agoLow = agoKLineData.low;
2437 var agoOpen = agoKLineData.open;
2438 var agoPreClose = ((_b = dataList[i - params[0]]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : dataList[i - (params[0] - 1)]).close;
2439 hcy -= (agoHigh - agoPreClose);
2440 cyl -= (agoPreClose - agoLow);
2441 ho -= (agoHigh - agoOpen);
2442 ol -= (agoOpen - agoLow);
2443 }
2444 return brar;
2445 });
2446 }
2450 * 多空指标
2451 * 公式: BBI = (MA(CLOSE, M) + MA(CLOSE, N) + MA(CLOSE, O) + MA(CLOSE, P)) / 4
2452 *
2453 */
2454var bullAndBearIndex = {
2455 name: 'BBI',
2456 shortName: 'BBI',
2457 series: exports.IndicatorSeries.Price,
2458 precision: 2,
2459 calcParams: [3, 6, 12, 24],
2460 shouldOhlc: true,
2461 figures: [
2462 { key: 'bbi', title: 'BBI: ', type: 'line' }
2463 ],
2464 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
2465 var params = indicator.calcParams;
2466 var maxPeriod = Math.max.apply(Math, __spreadArray([], __read(params), false));
2467 var closeSums = [];
2468 var mas = [];
2469 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
2470 var bbi = {};
2471 var close = kLineData.close;
2472 params.forEach(function (p, index) {
2473 var _a;
2474 closeSums[index] = ((_a = closeSums[index]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0) + close;
2475 if (i >= p - 1) {
2476 mas[index] = closeSums[index] / p;
2477 closeSums[index] -= dataList[i - (p - 1)].close;
2478 }
2479 });
2480 if (i >= maxPeriod - 1) {
2481 var maSum_1 = 0;
2482 mas.forEach(function (ma) {
2483 maSum_1 += ma;
2484 });
2485 bbi.bbi = maSum_1 / 4;
2486 }
2487 return bbi;
2488 });
2489 }
2493 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2494 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
2495 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
2497 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2499 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
2500 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
2501 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
2502 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
2503 * limitations under the License.
2504 */
2506 * CCI
2507 * CCI(N日)=(TP-MA)÷MD÷0.015
2508 * 其中,TP=(最高价+最低价+收盘价)÷3
2509 * MA=近N日TP价的累计之和÷N
2510 * MD=近N日TP - 当前MA绝对值的累计之和÷N
2511 *
2512 */
2513var commodityChannelIndex = {
2514 name: 'CCI',
2515 shortName: 'CCI',
2516 calcParams: [20],
2517 figures: [
2518 { key: 'cci', title: 'CCI: ', type: 'line' }
2519 ],
2520 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
2521 var params = indicator.calcParams;
2522 var p = params[0] - 1;
2523 var tpSum = 0;
2524 var tpList = [];
2525 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
2526 var cci = {};
2527 var tp = (kLineData.high + kLineData.low + kLineData.close) / 3;
2528 tpSum += tp;
2529 tpList.push(tp);
2530 if (i >= p) {
2531 var maTp_1 = tpSum / params[0];
2532 var sliceTpList = tpList.slice(i - p, i + 1);
2533 var sum_1 = 0;
2534 sliceTpList.forEach(function (tp) {
2535 sum_1 += Math.abs(tp - maTp_1);
2536 });
2537 var md = sum_1 / params[0];
2538 cci.cci = md !== 0 ? (tp - maTp_1) / md / 0.015 : 0;
2539 var agoTp = (dataList[i - p].high + dataList[i - p].low + dataList[i - p].close) / 3;
2540 tpSum -= agoTp;
2541 }
2542 return cci;
2543 });
2544 }
2548 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2549 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
2550 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
2552 * http:*www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2554 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
2555 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
2556 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
2557 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
2558 * limitations under the License.
2559 */
2561 * MID:=REF(HIGH+LOW,1)/2;
2562 * CR:SUM(MAX(0,HIGH-MID),N)/SUM(MAX(0,MID-LOW),N)*100;
2563 * MA1:REF(MA(CR,M1),M1/2.5+1);
2564 * MA2:REF(MA(CR,M2),M2/2.5+1);
2565 * MA3:REF(MA(CR,M3),M3/2.5+1);
2566 * MA4:REF(MA(CR,M4),M4/2.5+1);
2567 * MID赋值:(昨日最高价+昨日最低价)/2
2568 * 输出带状能量线:0和最高价-MID的较大值的N日累和/0和MID-最低价的较大值的N日累和*100
2569 * 输出MA1:M1(5)/2.5+1日前的CR的M1(5)日简单移动平均
2570 * 输出MA2:M2(10)/2.5+1日前的CR的M2(10)日简单移动平均
2571 * 输出MA3:M3(20)/2.5+1日前的CR的M3(20)日简单移动平均
2572 * 输出MA4:M4/2.5+1日前的CR的M4日简单移动平均
2573 *
2574 */
2575var currentRatio = {
2576 name: 'CR',
2577 shortName: 'CR',
2578 calcParams: [26, 10, 20, 40, 60],
2579 figures: [
2580 { key: 'cr', title: 'CR: ', type: 'line' },
2581 { key: 'ma1', title: 'MA1: ', type: 'line' },
2582 { key: 'ma2', title: 'MA2: ', type: 'line' },
2583 { key: 'ma3', title: 'MA3: ', type: 'line' },
2584 { key: 'ma4', title: 'MA4: ', type: 'line' }
2585 ],
2586 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
2587 var params = indicator.calcParams;
2588 var ma1ForwardPeriod = Math.ceil(params[1] / 2.5 + 1);
2589 var ma2ForwardPeriod = Math.ceil(params[2] / 2.5 + 1);
2590 var ma3ForwardPeriod = Math.ceil(params[3] / 2.5 + 1);
2591 var ma4ForwardPeriod = Math.ceil(params[4] / 2.5 + 1);
2592 var ma1Sum = 0;
2593 var ma1List = [];
2594 var ma2Sum = 0;
2595 var ma2List = [];
2596 var ma3Sum = 0;
2597 var ma3List = [];
2598 var ma4Sum = 0;
2599 var ma4List = [];
2600 var result = [];
2601 dataList.forEach(function (kLineData, i) {
2602 var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
2603 var cr = {};
2604 var prevData = (_a = dataList[i - 1]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : kLineData;
2605 var prevMid = (prevData.high + prevData.close + prevData.low + prevData.open) / 4;
2606 var highSubPreMid = Math.max(0, kLineData.high - prevMid);
2607 var preMidSubLow = Math.max(0, prevMid - kLineData.low);
2608 if (i >= params[0] - 1) {
2609 if (preMidSubLow !== 0) {
2610 cr.cr = highSubPreMid / preMidSubLow * 100;
2611 }
2612 else {
2613 cr.cr = 0;
2614 }
2615 ma1Sum += cr.cr;
2616 ma2Sum += cr.cr;
2617 ma3Sum += cr.cr;
2618 ma4Sum += cr.cr;
2619 if (i >= params[0] + params[1] - 2) {
2620 ma1List.push(ma1Sum / params[1]);
2621 if (i >= params[0] + params[1] + ma1ForwardPeriod - 3) {
2622 cr.ma1 = ma1List[ma1List.length - 1 - ma1ForwardPeriod];
2623 }
2624 ma1Sum -= ((_b = result[i - (params[1] - 1)].cr) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0);
2625 }
2626 if (i >= params[0] + params[2] - 2) {
2627 ma2List.push(ma2Sum / params[2]);
2628 if (i >= params[0] + params[2] + ma2ForwardPeriod - 3) {
2629 cr.ma2 = ma2List[ma2List.length - 1 - ma2ForwardPeriod];
2630 }
2631 ma2Sum -= ((_c = result[i - (params[2] - 1)].cr) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 0);
2632 }
2633 if (i >= params[0] + params[3] - 2) {
2634 ma3List.push(ma3Sum / params[3]);
2635 if (i >= params[0] + params[3] + ma3ForwardPeriod - 3) {
2636 cr.ma3 = ma3List[ma3List.length - 1 - ma3ForwardPeriod];
2637 }
2638 ma3Sum -= ((_d = result[i - (params[3] - 1)].cr) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : 0);
2639 }
2640 if (i >= params[0] + params[4] - 2) {
2641 ma4List.push(ma4Sum / params[4]);
2642 if (i >= params[0] + params[4] + ma4ForwardPeriod - 3) {
2643 cr.ma4 = ma4List[ma4List.length - 1 - ma4ForwardPeriod];
2644 }
2645 ma4Sum -= ((_e = result[i - (params[4] - 1)].cr) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : 0);
2646 }
2647 }
2648 result.push(cr);
2649 });
2650 return result;
2651 }
2655 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2656 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
2657 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
2659 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2661 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
2662 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
2663 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
2664 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
2665 * limitations under the License.
2666 */
2668 * DMA
2670 */
2671var differentOfMovingAverage = {
2672 name: 'DMA',
2673 shortName: 'DMA',
2674 calcParams: [10, 50, 10],
2675 figures: [
2676 { key: 'dma', title: 'DMA: ', type: 'line' },
2677 { key: 'ama', title: 'AMA: ', type: 'line' }
2678 ],
2679 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
2680 var params = indicator.calcParams;
2681 var maxPeriod = Math.max(params[0], params[1]);
2682 var closeSum1 = 0;
2683 var closeSum2 = 0;
2684 var dmaSum = 0;
2685 var result = [];
2686 dataList.forEach(function (kLineData, i) {
2687 var _a;
2688 var dma = {};
2689 var close = kLineData.close;
2690 closeSum1 += close;
2691 closeSum2 += close;
2692 var ma1 = 0;
2693 var ma2 = 0;
2694 if (i >= params[0] - 1) {
2695 ma1 = closeSum1 / params[0];
2696 closeSum1 -= dataList[i - (params[0] - 1)].close;
2697 }
2698 if (i >= params[1] - 1) {
2699 ma2 = closeSum2 / params[1];
2700 closeSum2 -= dataList[i - (params[1] - 1)].close;
2701 }
2702 if (i >= maxPeriod - 1) {
2703 var dif = ma1 - ma2;
2704 dma.dma = dif;
2705 dmaSum += dif;
2706 if (i >= maxPeriod + params[2] - 2) {
2707 dma.ama = dmaSum / params[2];
2708 dmaSum -= ((_a = result[i - (params[2] - 1)].dma) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0);
2709 }
2710 }
2711 result.push(dma);
2712 });
2713 return result;
2714 }
2718 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2719 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
2720 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
2722 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2724 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
2725 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
2726 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
2727 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
2728 * limitations under the License.
2729 */
2731 * DMI
2732 *
2734 * HD :=HIGH-REF(HIGH,1);
2735 * LD :=REF(LOW,1)-LOW;
2736 * DMP:=EXPMEMA(IF(HD>0&&HD>LD,HD,0),N);
2737 * DMM:=EXPMEMA(IF(LD>0&&LD>HD,LD,0),N);
2738 *
2739 * PDI: DMP*100/MTR;
2740 * MDI: DMM*100/MTR;
2743 * 公式含义:
2744 * MTR赋值:最高价-最低价和最高价-昨收的绝对值的较大值和昨收-最低价的绝对值的较大值的N日指数平滑移动平均
2745 * HD赋值:最高价-昨日最高价
2746 * LD赋值:昨日最低价-最低价
2747 * DMP赋值:如果HD>0并且HD>LD,返回HD,否则返回0的N日指数平滑移动平均
2748 * DMM赋值:如果LD>0并且LD>HD,返回LD,否则返回0的N日指数平滑移动平均
2749 * 输出PDI:DMP*100/MTR
2750 * 输出MDI:DMM*100/MTR
2751 * 输出ADX:MDI-PDI的绝对值/(MDI+PDI)*100的MM日指数平滑移动平均
2752 * 输出ADXR:ADX的MM日指数平滑移动平均
2753 *
2754 */
2755var directionalMovementIndex = {
2756 name: 'DMI',
2757 shortName: 'DMI',
2758 calcParams: [14, 6],
2759 figures: [
2760 { key: 'pdi', title: 'PDI: ', type: 'line' },
2761 { key: 'mdi', title: 'MDI: ', type: 'line' },
2762 { key: 'adx', title: 'ADX: ', type: 'line' },
2763 { key: 'adxr', title: 'ADXR: ', type: 'line' }
2764 ],
2765 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
2766 var params = indicator.calcParams;
2767 var trSum = 0;
2768 var hSum = 0;
2769 var lSum = 0;
2770 var mtr = 0;
2771 var dmp = 0;
2772 var dmm = 0;
2773 var dxSum = 0;
2774 var adx = 0;
2775 var result = [];
2776 dataList.forEach(function (kLineData, i) {
2777 var _a, _b;
2778 var dmi = {};
2779 var prevKLineData = (_a = dataList[i - 1]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : kLineData;
2780 var preClose = prevKLineData.close;
2781 var high = kLineData.high;
2782 var low = kLineData.low;
2783 var hl = high - low;
2784 var hcy = Math.abs(high - preClose);
2785 var lcy = Math.abs(preClose - low);
2786 var hhy = high - prevKLineData.high;
2787 var lyl = prevKLineData.low - low;
2788 var tr = Math.max(Math.max(hl, hcy), lcy);
2789 var h = (hhy > 0 && hhy > lyl) ? hhy : 0;
2790 var l = (lyl > 0 && lyl > hhy) ? lyl : 0;
2791 trSum += tr;
2792 hSum += h;
2793 lSum += l;
2794 if (i >= params[0] - 1) {
2795 if (i > params[0] - 1) {
2796 mtr = mtr - mtr / params[0] + tr;
2797 dmp = dmp - dmp / params[0] + h;
2798 dmm = dmm - dmm / params[0] + l;
2799 }
2800 else {
2801 mtr = trSum;
2802 dmp = hSum;
2803 dmm = lSum;
2804 }
2805 var pdi = 0;
2806 var mdi = 0;
2807 if (mtr !== 0) {
2808 pdi = dmp * 100 / mtr;
2809 mdi = dmm * 100 / mtr;
2810 }
2811 dmi.pdi = pdi;
2812 dmi.mdi = mdi;
2813 var dx = 0;
2814 if (mdi + pdi !== 0) {
2815 dx = Math.abs((mdi - pdi)) / (mdi + pdi) * 100;
2816 }
2817 dxSum += dx;
2818 if (i >= params[0] * 2 - 2) {
2819 if (i > params[0] * 2 - 2) {
2820 adx = (adx * (params[0] - 1) + dx) / params[0];
2821 }
2822 else {
2823 adx = dxSum / params[0];
2824 }
2825 dmi.adx = adx;
2826 if (i >= params[0] * 2 + params[1] - 3) {
2827 dmi.adxr = (((_b = result[i - (params[1] - 1)].adx) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0) + adx) / 2;
2828 }
2829 }
2830 }
2831 result.push(dmi);
2832 });
2833 return result;
2834 }
2838 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2839 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
2840 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
2842 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2844 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
2845 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
2846 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
2847 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
2848 * limitations under the License.
2849 */
2851 *
2852 * EMV 简易波动指标
2853 * 公式:
2854 * A=(今日最高+今日最低)/2
2855 * B=(前日最高+前日最低)/2
2856 * C=今日最高-今日最低
2857 * EM=(A-B)*C/今日成交额
2858 * EMV=N日内EM的累和
2859 * MAEMV=EMV的M日的简单移动平均
2860 *
2861 */
2862var easeOfMovementValue = {
2863 name: 'EMV',
2864 shortName: 'EMV',
2865 calcParams: [14, 9],
2866 figures: [
2867 { key: 'emv', title: 'EMV: ', type: 'line' },
2868 { key: 'maEmv', title: 'MAEMV: ', type: 'line' }
2869 ],
2870 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
2871 var params = indicator.calcParams;
2872 var emvValueSum = 0;
2873 var emvValueList = [];
2874 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
2875 var _a;
2876 var emv = {};
2877 if (i > 0) {
2878 var prevKLineData = dataList[i - 1];
2879 var high = kLineData.high;
2880 var low = kLineData.low;
2881 var volume = (_a = kLineData.volume) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;
2882 var distanceMoved = (high + low) / 2 - (prevKLineData.high + prevKLineData.low) / 2;
2883 if (volume === 0 || high - low === 0) {
2884 emv.emv = 0;
2885 }
2886 else {
2887 var ratio = volume / 100000000 / (high - low);
2888 emv.emv = distanceMoved / ratio;
2889 }
2890 emvValueSum += emv.emv;
2891 emvValueList.push(emv.emv);
2892 if (i >= params[0]) {
2893 emv.maEmv = emvValueSum / params[0];
2894 emvValueSum -= emvValueList[i - params[0]];
2895 }
2896 }
2897 return emv;
2898 });
2899 }
2903 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2904 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
2905 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
2907 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2909 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
2910 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
2911 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
2912 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
2913 * limitations under the License.
2914 */
2916 * EMA 指数移动平均
2917 */
2918var exponentialMovingAverage = {
2919 name: 'EMA',
2920 shortName: 'EMA',
2921 series: exports.IndicatorSeries.Price,
2922 calcParams: [6, 12, 20],
2923 precision: 2,
2924 shouldOhlc: true,
2925 figures: [
2926 { key: 'ema1', title: 'EMA6: ', type: 'line' },
2927 { key: 'ema2', title: 'EMA12: ', type: 'line' },
2928 { key: 'ema3', title: 'EMA20: ', type: 'line' }
2929 ],
2930 regenerateFigures: function (params) {
2931 return params.map(function (p, i) {
2932 return { key: "ema".concat(i + 1), title: "EMA".concat(p, ": "), type: 'line' };
2933 });
2934 },
2935 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
2936 var params = indicator.calcParams, figures = indicator.figures;
2937 var closeSum = 0;
2938 var emaValues = [];
2939 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
2940 var ema = {};
2941 var close = kLineData.close;
2942 closeSum += close;
2943 params.forEach(function (p, index) {
2944 if (i >= p - 1) {
2945 if (i > p - 1) {
2946 emaValues[index] = (2 * close + (p - 1) * emaValues[index]) / (p + 1);
2947 }
2948 else {
2949 emaValues[index] = closeSum / p;
2950 }
2951 ema[figures[index].key] = emaValues[index];
2952 }
2953 });
2954 return ema;
2955 });
2956 }
2960 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2961 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
2962 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
2964 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2966 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
2967 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
2968 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
2969 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
2970 * limitations under the License.
2971 */
2973 * mtm
2974 * 公式 MTM(N日)=C-CN
2975 */
2976var momentum = {
2977 name: 'MTM',
2978 shortName: 'MTM',
2979 calcParams: [12, 6],
2980 figures: [
2981 { key: 'mtm', title: 'MTM: ', type: 'line' },
2982 { key: 'maMtm', title: 'MAMTM: ', type: 'line' }
2983 ],
2984 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
2985 var params = indicator.calcParams;
2986 var mtmSum = 0;
2987 var result = [];
2988 dataList.forEach(function (kLineData, i) {
2989 var _a;
2990 var mtm = {};
2991 if (i >= params[0]) {
2992 var close_1 = kLineData.close;
2993 var agoClose = dataList[i - params[0]].close;
2994 mtm.mtm = close_1 - agoClose;
2995 mtmSum += mtm.mtm;
2996 if (i >= params[0] + params[1] - 1) {
2997 mtm.maMtm = mtmSum / params[1];
2998 mtmSum -= ((_a = result[i - (params[1] - 1)].mtm) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0);
2999 }
3000 }
3001 result.push(mtm);
3002 });
3003 return result;
3004 }
3008 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3009 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3010 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3012 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3014 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3015 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3016 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3017 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3018 * limitations under the License.
3019 */
3021 * MA 移动平均
3022 */
3023var movingAverage = {
3024 name: 'MA',
3025 shortName: 'MA',
3026 series: exports.IndicatorSeries.Price,
3027 calcParams: [5, 10, 30, 60],
3028 precision: 2,
3029 shouldOhlc: true,
3030 figures: [
3031 { key: 'ma5', title: 'MA5: ', type: 'line' },
3032 { key: 'ma10', title: 'MA10: ', type: 'line' },
3033 { key: 'ma30', title: 'MA30: ', type: 'line' },
3034 { key: 'ma60', title: 'MA60: ', type: 'line' }
3035 ],
3036 regenerateFigures: function (params) {
3037 return params.map(function (p, i) {
3038 return { key: "ma".concat(i + 1), title: "MA".concat(p, ": "), type: 'line' };
3039 });
3040 },
3041 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
3042 var params = indicator.calcParams, figures = indicator.figures;
3043 var closeSums = [];
3044 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
3045 var ma = {};
3046 var close = kLineData.close;
3047 params.forEach(function (p, index) {
3048 var _a;
3049 closeSums[index] = ((_a = closeSums[index]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0) + close;
3050 if (i >= p - 1) {
3051 ma[figures[index].key] = closeSums[index] / p;
3052 closeSums[index] -= dataList[i - (p - 1)].close;
3053 }
3054 });
3055 return ma;
3056 });
3057 }
3061 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3062 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3063 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3065 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3067 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3068 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3069 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3070 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3071 * limitations under the License.
3072 */
3074 * MACD:参数快线移动平均、慢线移动平均、移动平均,
3075 * 默认参数值12、26、9。
3076 * 公式:⒈首先分别计算出收盘价12日指数平滑移动平均线与26日指数平滑移动平均线,分别记为EMA(12)与EMA(26)。
3077 * ⒉求这两条指数平滑移动平均线的差,即:DIFF = EMA(SHORT) - EMA(LONG)。
3078 * ⒊再计算DIFF的M日的平均的指数平滑移动平均线,记为DEA。
3079 * ⒋最后用DIFF减DEA,得MACD。MACD通常绘制成围绕零轴线波动的柱形图。MACD柱状大于0涨颜色,小于0跌颜色。
3080 */
3081var movingAverageConvergenceDivergence = {
3082 name: 'MACD',
3083 shortName: 'MACD',
3084 calcParams: [12, 26, 9],
3085 figures: [
3086 { key: 'dif', title: 'DIF: ', type: 'line' },
3087 { key: 'dea', title: 'DEA: ', type: 'line' },
3088 {
3089 key: 'macd',
3090 title: 'MACD: ',
3091 type: 'bar',
3092 baseValue: 0,
3093 styles: function (data, indicator, defaultStyles) {
3094 var _a, _b, _c, _d;
3095 var prev = data.prev, current = data.current;
3096 var prevMacd = (_b = (_a = prev.indicatorData) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.macd) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
3097 var currentMacd = (_d = (_c = current.indicatorData) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.macd) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
3098 var color;
3099 if (currentMacd > 0) {
3100 color = formatValue(indicator.styles, 'bars[0].upColor', (defaultStyles.bars)[0].upColor);
3101 }
3102 else if (currentMacd < 0) {
3103 color = formatValue(indicator.styles, 'bars[0].downColor', (defaultStyles.bars)[0].downColor);
3104 }
3105 else {
3106 color = formatValue(indicator.styles, 'bars[0].noChangeColor', (defaultStyles.bars)[0].noChangeColor);
3107 }
3108 var style = prevMacd < currentMacd ? exports.PolygonType.Stroke : exports.PolygonType.Fill;
3109 return { style: style, color: color, borderColor: color };
3110 }
3111 }
3112 ],
3113 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
3114 var params = indicator.calcParams;
3115 var closeSum = 0;
3116 var emaShort;
3117 var emaLong;
3118 var dif = 0;
3119 var difSum = 0;
3120 var dea = 0;
3121 var maxPeriod = Math.max(params[0], params[1]);
3122 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
3123 var macd = {};
3124 var close = kLineData.close;
3125 closeSum += close;
3126 if (i >= params[0] - 1) {
3127 if (i > params[0] - 1) {
3128 emaShort = (2 * close + (params[0] - 1) * emaShort) / (params[0] + 1);
3129 }
3130 else {
3131 emaShort = closeSum / params[0];
3132 }
3133 }
3134 if (i >= params[1] - 1) {
3135 if (i > params[1] - 1) {
3136 emaLong = (2 * close + (params[1] - 1) * emaLong) / (params[1] + 1);
3137 }
3138 else {
3139 emaLong = closeSum / params[1];
3140 }
3141 }
3142 if (i >= maxPeriod - 1) {
3143 dif = emaShort - emaLong;
3144 macd.dif = dif;
3145 difSum += dif;
3146 if (i >= maxPeriod + params[2] - 2) {
3147 if (i > maxPeriod + params[2] - 2) {
3148 dea = (dif * 2 + dea * (params[2] - 1)) / (params[2] + 1);
3149 }
3150 else {
3151 dea = difSum / params[2];
3152 }
3153 macd.macd = (dif - dea) * 2;
3154 macd.dea = dea;
3155 }
3156 }
3157 return macd;
3158 });
3159 }
3163 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3164 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3165 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3167 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3169 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3170 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3171 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3172 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3173 * limitations under the License.
3174 */
3176 * OBV
3177 * OBV = REF(OBV) + sign * V
3178 */
3179var onBalanceVolume = {
3180 name: 'OBV',
3181 shortName: 'OBV',
3182 calcParams: [30],
3183 figures: [
3184 { key: 'obv', title: 'OBV: ', type: 'line' },
3185 { key: 'maObv', title: 'MAOBV: ', type: 'line' }
3186 ],
3187 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
3188 var params = indicator.calcParams;
3189 var obvSum = 0;
3190 var oldObv = 0;
3191 var result = [];
3192 dataList.forEach(function (kLineData, i) {
3193 var _a, _b, _c, _d;
3194 var prevKLineData = (_a = dataList[i - 1]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : kLineData;
3195 if (kLineData.close < prevKLineData.close) {
3196 oldObv -= ((_b = kLineData.volume) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0);
3197 }
3198 else if (kLineData.close > prevKLineData.close) {
3199 oldObv += ((_c = kLineData.volume) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 0);
3200 }
3201 var obv = { obv: oldObv };
3202 obvSum += oldObv;
3203 if (i >= params[0] - 1) {
3204 obv.maObv = obvSum / params[0];
3205 obvSum -= ((_d = result[i - (params[0] - 1)].obv) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : 0);
3206 }
3207 result.push(obv);
3208 });
3209 return result;
3210 }
3214 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3215 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3216 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3218 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3220 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3221 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3222 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3223 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3224 * limitations under the License.
3225 */
3227 * 价量趋势指标
3228 * 公式:
3229 * X = (CLOSE - REF(CLOSE, 1)) / REF(CLOSE, 1) * VOLUME
3230 * PVT = SUM(X)
3231 *
3232 */
3233var priceAndVolumeTrend = {
3234 name: 'PVT',
3235 shortName: 'PVT',
3236 figures: [
3237 { key: 'pvt', title: 'PVT: ', type: 'line' }
3238 ],
3239 calc: function (dataList) {
3240 var sum = 0;
3241 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
3242 var _a, _b;
3243 var pvt = {};
3244 var close = kLineData.close;
3245 var volume = (_a = kLineData.volume) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 1;
3246 var prevClose = ((_b = dataList[i - 1]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : kLineData).close;
3247 var x = 0;
3248 var total = prevClose * volume;
3249 if (total !== 0) {
3250 x = (close - prevClose) / total;
3251 }
3252 sum += x;
3253 pvt.pvt = sum;
3254 return pvt;
3255 });
3256 }
3260 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3261 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3262 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3264 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3266 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3267 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3268 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3269 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3270 * limitations under the License.
3271 */
3273 * PSY
3274 * 公式:PSY=N日内的上涨天数/N×100%。
3275 */
3276var psychologicalLine = {
3277 name: 'PSY',
3278 shortName: 'PSY',
3279 calcParams: [12, 6],
3280 figures: [
3281 { key: 'psy', title: 'PSY: ', type: 'line' },
3282 { key: 'maPsy', title: 'MAPSY: ', type: 'line' }
3283 ],
3284 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
3285 var params = indicator.calcParams;
3286 var upCount = 0;
3287 var psySum = 0;
3288 var upList = [];
3289 var result = [];
3290 dataList.forEach(function (kLineData, i) {
3291 var _a, _b;
3292 var psy = {};
3293 var prevClose = ((_a = dataList[i - 1]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : kLineData).close;
3294 var upFlag = kLineData.close - prevClose > 0 ? 1 : 0;
3295 upList.push(upFlag);
3296 upCount += upFlag;
3297 if (i >= params[0] - 1) {
3298 psy.psy = upCount / params[0] * 100;
3299 psySum += psy.psy;
3300 if (i >= params[0] + params[1] - 2) {
3301 psy.maPsy = psySum / params[1];
3302 psySum -= ((_b = result[i - (params[1] - 1)].psy) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0);
3303 }
3304 upCount -= upList[i - (params[0] - 1)];
3305 }
3306 result.push(psy);
3307 });
3308 return result;
3309 }
3313 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3314 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3315 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3317 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3319 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3320 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3321 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3322 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3323 * limitations under the License.
3324 */
3326 * 变动率指标
3327 * 公式:ROC = (CLOSE - REF(CLOSE, N)) / REF(CLOSE, N)
3328 */
3329var rateOfChange = {
3330 name: 'ROC',
3331 shortName: 'ROC',
3332 calcParams: [12, 6],
3333 figures: [
3334 { key: 'roc', title: 'ROC: ', type: 'line' },
3335 { key: 'maRoc', title: 'MAROC: ', type: 'line' }
3336 ],
3337 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
3338 var params = indicator.calcParams;
3339 var result = [];
3340 var rocSum = 0;
3341 dataList.forEach(function (kLineData, i) {
3342 var _a, _b;
3343 var roc = {};
3344 if (i >= params[0] - 1) {
3345 var close_1 = kLineData.close;
3346 var agoClose = ((_a = dataList[i - params[0]]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : dataList[i - (params[0] - 1)]).close;
3347 if (agoClose !== 0) {
3348 roc.roc = (close_1 - agoClose) / agoClose * 100;
3349 }
3350 else {
3351 roc.roc = 0;
3352 }
3353 rocSum += roc.roc;
3354 if (i >= params[0] - 1 + params[1] - 1) {
3355 roc.maRoc = rocSum / params[1];
3356 rocSum -= ((_b = result[i - (params[1] - 1)].roc) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0);
3357 }
3358 }
3359 result.push(roc);
3360 });
3361 return result;
3362 }
3366 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3367 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3368 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3370 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3372 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3373 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3374 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3375 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3376 * limitations under the License.
3377 */
3379 * RSI
3380 * RSI = SUM(MAX(CLOSE - REF(CLOSE,1),0),N) / SUM(ABS(CLOSE - REF(CLOSE,1)),N) × 100
3381 */
3382var relativeStrengthIndex = {
3383 name: 'RSI',
3384 shortName: 'RSI',
3385 calcParams: [6, 12, 24],
3386 figures: [
3387 { key: 'rsi1', title: 'RSI1: ', type: 'line' },
3388 { key: 'rsi2', title: 'RSI2: ', type: 'line' },
3389 { key: 'rsi3', title: 'RSI3: ', type: 'line' }
3390 ],
3391 regenerateFigures: function (params) {
3392 return params.map(function (_, index) {
3393 var num = index + 1;
3394 return { key: "rsi".concat(num), title: "RSI".concat(num, ": "), type: 'line' };
3395 });
3396 },
3397 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
3398 var params = indicator.calcParams, figures = indicator.figures;
3399 var sumCloseAs = [];
3400 var sumCloseBs = [];
3401 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
3402 var _a;
3403 var rsi = {};
3404 var prevClose = ((_a = dataList[i - 1]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : kLineData).close;
3405 var tmp = kLineData.close - prevClose;
3406 params.forEach(function (p, index) {
3407 var _a, _b, _c;
3408 if (tmp > 0) {
3409 sumCloseAs[index] = ((_a = sumCloseAs[index]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0) + tmp;
3410 }
3411 else {
3412 sumCloseBs[index] = ((_b = sumCloseBs[index]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0) + Math.abs(tmp);
3413 }
3414 if (i >= p - 1) {
3415 if (sumCloseBs[index] !== 0) {
3416 rsi[figures[index].key] = 100 - (100.0 / (1 + sumCloseAs[index] / sumCloseBs[index]));
3417 }
3418 else {
3419 rsi[figures[index].key] = 0;
3420 }
3421 var agoData = dataList[i - (p - 1)];
3422 var agoPreData = (_c = dataList[i - p]) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : agoData;
3423 var agoTmp = agoData.close - agoPreData.close;
3424 if (agoTmp > 0) {
3425 sumCloseAs[index] -= agoTmp;
3426 }
3427 else {
3428 sumCloseBs[index] -= Math.abs(agoTmp);
3429 }
3430 }
3431 });
3432 return rsi;
3433 });
3434 }
3438 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3439 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3440 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3442 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3444 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3445 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3446 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3447 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3448 * limitations under the License.
3449 */
3451 * sma
3452 */
3453var simpleMovingAverage = {
3454 name: 'SMA',
3455 shortName: 'SMA',
3456 series: exports.IndicatorSeries.Price,
3457 calcParams: [12, 2],
3458 precision: 2,
3459 figures: [
3460 { key: 'sma', title: 'SMA: ', type: 'line' }
3461 ],
3462 shouldOhlc: true,
3463 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
3464 var params = indicator.calcParams;
3465 var closeSum = 0;
3466 var smaValue = 0;
3467 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
3468 var sma = {};
3469 var close = kLineData.close;
3470 closeSum += close;
3471 if (i >= params[0] - 1) {
3472 if (i > params[0] - 1) {
3473 smaValue = (close * params[1] + smaValue * (params[0] - params[1] + 1)) / (params[0] + 1);
3474 }
3475 else {
3476 smaValue = closeSum / params[0];
3477 }
3478 sma.sma = smaValue;
3479 }
3480 return sma;
3481 });
3482 }
3486 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3487 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3488 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3490 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3492 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3493 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3494 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3495 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3496 * limitations under the License.
3497 */
3499 * KDJ
3500 *
3501 * 当日K值=2/3×前一日K值+1/3×当日RSV
3502 * 当日D值=2/3×前一日D值+1/3×当日K值
3503 * 若无前一日K 值与D值,则可分别用50来代替。
3504 * J值=3*当日K值-2*当日D值
3505 */
3506var stoch = {
3507 name: 'KDJ',
3508 shortName: 'KDJ',
3509 calcParams: [9, 3, 3],
3510 figures: [
3511 { key: 'k', title: 'K: ', type: 'line' },
3512 { key: 'd', title: 'D: ', type: 'line' },
3513 { key: 'j', title: 'J: ', type: 'line' }
3514 ],
3515 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
3516 var params = indicator.calcParams;
3517 var result = [];
3518 dataList.forEach(function (kLineData, i) {
3519 var _a, _b, _c, _d;
3520 var kdj = {};
3521 var close = kLineData.close;
3522 if (i >= params[0] - 1) {
3523 var lhn = getMaxMin(dataList.slice(i - (params[0] - 1), i + 1), 'high', 'low');
3524 var hn = lhn[0];
3525 var ln = lhn[1];
3526 var hnSubLn = hn - ln;
3527 var rsv = (close - ln) / (hnSubLn === 0 ? 1 : hnSubLn) * 100;
3528 kdj.k = ((params[1] - 1) * ((_b = (_a = result[i - 1]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.k) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 50) + rsv) / params[1];
3529 kdj.d = ((params[2] - 1) * ((_d = (_c = result[i - 1]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.d) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : 50) + kdj.k) / params[2];
3530 kdj.j = 3.0 * kdj.k - 2.0 * kdj.d;
3531 }
3532 result.push(kdj);
3533 });
3534 return result;
3535 }
3539 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3540 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3541 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3543 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3545 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3546 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3547 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3548 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3549 * limitations under the License.
3550 */
3551var stopAndReverse = {
3552 name: 'SAR',
3553 shortName: 'SAR',
3554 series: exports.IndicatorSeries.Price,
3555 calcParams: [2, 2, 20],
3556 precision: 2,
3557 shouldOhlc: true,
3558 figures: [
3559 {
3560 key: 'sar',
3561 title: 'SAR: ',
3562 type: 'circle',
3563 styles: function (data, indicator, defaultStyles) {
3564 var _a, _b;
3565 var current = data.current;
3566 var sar = (_b = (_a = current.indicatorData) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.sar) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
3567 var kLineData = current.kLineData;
3568 var halfHL = ((kLineData === null || kLineData === void 0 ? void 0 : kLineData.high) + (kLineData === null || kLineData === void 0 ? void 0 : kLineData.low)) / 2;
3569 var color = sar < halfHL
3570 ? formatValue(indicator.styles, 'circles[0].upColor', (defaultStyles.circles)[0].upColor)
3571 : formatValue(indicator.styles, 'circles[0].downColor', (defaultStyles.circles)[0].downColor);
3572 return { color: color };
3573 }
3574 }
3575 ],
3576 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
3577 var params = indicator.calcParams;
3578 var startAf = params[0] / 100;
3579 var step = params[1] / 100;
3580 var maxAf = params[2] / 100;
3581 // 加速因子
3582 var af = startAf;
3583 // 极值
3584 var ep = -100;
3585 // 判断是上涨还是下跌 false:下跌
3586 var isIncreasing = false;
3587 var sar = 0;
3588 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
3589 // 上一个周期的sar
3590 var preSar = sar;
3591 var high = kLineData.high;
3592 var low = kLineData.low;
3593 if (isIncreasing) {
3594 // 上涨
3595 if (ep === -100 || ep < high) {
3596 // 重新初始化值
3597 ep = high;
3598 af = Math.min(af + step, maxAf);
3599 }
3600 sar = preSar + af * (ep - preSar);
3601 var lowMin = Math.min(dataList[Math.max(1, i) - 1].low, low);
3602 if (sar > kLineData.low) {
3603 sar = ep;
3604 // 重新初始化值
3605 af = startAf;
3606 ep = -100;
3607 isIncreasing = !isIncreasing;
3608 }
3609 else if (sar > lowMin) {
3610 sar = lowMin;
3611 }
3612 }
3613 else {
3614 if (ep === -100 || ep > low) {
3615 // 重新初始化值
3616 ep = low;
3617 af = Math.min(af + step, maxAf);
3618 }
3619 sar = preSar + af * (ep - preSar);
3620 var highMax = Math.max(dataList[Math.max(1, i) - 1].high, high);
3621 if (sar < kLineData.high) {
3622 sar = ep;
3623 // 重新初始化值
3624 af = 0;
3625 ep = -100;
3626 isIncreasing = !isIncreasing;
3627 }
3628 else if (sar < highMax) {
3629 sar = highMax;
3630 }
3631 }
3632 return { sar: sar };
3633 });
3634 }
3638 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3639 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3640 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3642 * http:*www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3644 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3645 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3646 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3647 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3648 * limitations under the License.
3649 */
3651 * trix
3652 *
3653 * TR=收盘价的N日指数移动平均的N日指数移动平均的N日指数移动平均;
3654 * TRIX=(TR-昨日TR)/昨日TR*100;
3655 * MATRIX=TRIX的M日简单移动平均;
3656 * 默认参数N设为12,默认参数M设为9;
3657 * 默认参数12、9
3658 * 公式:MTR:=EMA(EMA(EMA(CLOSE,N),N),N)
3659 * TRIX:(MTR-REF(MTR,1))/REF(MTR,1)*100;
3660 * TRMA:MA(TRIX,M)
3661 *
3662 */
3663var tripleExponentiallySmoothedAverage = {
3664 name: 'TRIX',
3665 shortName: 'TRIX',
3666 calcParams: [12, 9],
3667 figures: [
3668 { key: 'trix', title: 'TRIX: ', type: 'line' },
3669 { key: 'maTrix', title: 'MATRIX: ', type: 'line' }
3670 ],
3671 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
3672 var params = indicator.calcParams;
3673 var closeSum = 0;
3674 var ema1;
3675 var ema2;
3676 var oldTr;
3677 var ema1Sum = 0;
3678 var ema2Sum = 0;
3679 var trixSum = 0;
3680 var result = [];
3681 dataList.forEach(function (kLineData, i) {
3682 var _a;
3683 var trix = {};
3684 var close = kLineData.close;
3685 closeSum += close;
3686 if (i >= params[0] - 1) {
3687 if (i > params[0] - 1) {
3688 ema1 = (2 * close + (params[0] - 1) * ema1) / (params[0] + 1);
3689 }
3690 else {
3691 ema1 = closeSum / params[0];
3692 }
3693 ema1Sum += ema1;
3694 if (i >= params[0] * 2 - 2) {
3695 if (i > params[0] * 2 - 2) {
3696 ema2 = (2 * ema1 + (params[0] - 1) * ema2) / (params[0] + 1);
3697 }
3698 else {
3699 ema2 = ema1Sum / params[0];
3700 }
3701 ema2Sum += ema2;
3702 if (i >= params[0] * 3 - 3) {
3703 var tr = void 0;
3704 var trixValue = 0;
3705 if (i > params[0] * 3 - 3) {
3706 tr = (2 * ema2 + (params[0] - 1) * oldTr) / (params[0] + 1);
3707 trixValue = (tr - oldTr) / oldTr * 100;
3708 }
3709 else {
3710 tr = ema2Sum / params[0];
3711 }
3712 oldTr = tr;
3713 trix.trix = trixValue;
3714 trixSum += trixValue;
3715 if (i >= params[0] * 3 + params[1] - 4) {
3716 trix.maTrix = trixSum / params[1];
3717 trixSum -= ((_a = result[i - (params[1] - 1)].trix) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0);
3718 }
3719 }
3720 }
3721 }
3722 result.push(trix);
3723 });
3724 return result;
3725 }
3729 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3730 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3731 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3733 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3735 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3736 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3737 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3738 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3739 * limitations under the License.
3740 */
3741function getVolumeFigure() {
3742 return {
3743 key: 'volume',
3744 title: 'VOLUME: ',
3745 type: 'bar',
3746 baseValue: 0,
3747 styles: function (data, indicator, defaultStyles) {
3748 var kLineData = data.current.kLineData;
3749 var color = formatValue(indicator.styles, 'bars[0].noChangeColor', (defaultStyles.bars)[0].noChangeColor);
3750 if (isValid(kLineData)) {
3751 if (kLineData.close > kLineData.open) {
3752 color = formatValue(indicator.styles, 'bars[0].upColor', (defaultStyles.bars)[0].upColor);
3753 }
3754 else if (kLineData.close < kLineData.open) {
3755 color = formatValue(indicator.styles, 'bars[0].downColor', (defaultStyles.bars)[0].downColor);
3756 }
3757 }
3758 return { color: color };
3759 }
3760 };
3762var volume = {
3763 name: 'VOL',
3764 shortName: 'VOL',
3765 series: exports.IndicatorSeries.Volume,
3766 calcParams: [5, 10, 20],
3767 shouldFormatBigNumber: true,
3768 precision: 0,
3769 minValue: 0,
3770 figures: [
3771 { key: 'ma1', title: 'MA5: ', type: 'line' },
3772 { key: 'ma2', title: 'MA10: ', type: 'line' },
3773 { key: 'ma3', title: 'MA20: ', type: 'line' },
3774 getVolumeFigure()
3775 ],
3776 regenerateFigures: function (params) {
3777 var figures = params.map(function (p, i) {
3778 return { key: "ma".concat(i + 1), title: "MA".concat(p, ": "), type: 'line' };
3779 });
3780 figures.push(getVolumeFigure());
3781 return figures;
3782 },
3783 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
3784 var params = indicator.calcParams, figures = indicator.figures;
3785 var volSums = [];
3786 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
3787 var _a;
3788 var volume = (_a = kLineData.volume) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;
3789 var vol = { volume: volume };
3790 params.forEach(function (p, index) {
3791 var _a, _b;
3792 volSums[index] = ((_a = volSums[index]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0) + volume;
3793 if (i >= p - 1) {
3794 vol[figures[index].key] = volSums[index] / p;
3795 volSums[index] -= ((_b = dataList[i - (p - 1)].volume) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0);
3796 }
3797 });
3798 return vol;
3799 });
3800 }
3804 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3805 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3806 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3808 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3810 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3811 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3812 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3813 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3814 * limitations under the License.
3815 */
3817 * VR
3818 * VR=(UVS+1/2PVS)/(DVS+1/2PVS)
3819 * 24天以来凡是股价上涨那一天的成交量都称为AV,将24天内的AV总和相加后称为UVS
3820 * 24天以来凡是股价下跌那一天的成交量都称为BV,将24天内的BV总和相加后称为DVS
3821 * 24天以来凡是股价不涨不跌,则那一天的成交量都称为CV,将24天内的CV总和相加后称为PVS
3822 *
3823 */
3824var volumeRatio = {
3825 name: 'VR',
3826 shortName: 'VR',
3827 calcParams: [26, 6],
3828 figures: [
3829 { key: 'vr', title: 'VR: ', type: 'line' },
3830 { key: 'maVr', title: 'MAVR: ', type: 'line' }
3831 ],
3832 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
3833 var params = indicator.calcParams;
3834 var uvs = 0;
3835 var dvs = 0;
3836 var pvs = 0;
3837 var vrSum = 0;
3838 var result = [];
3839 dataList.forEach(function (kLineData, i) {
3840 var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
3841 var vr = {};
3842 var close = kLineData.close;
3843 var preClose = ((_a = dataList[i - 1]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : kLineData).close;
3844 var volume = (_b = kLineData.volume) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0;
3845 if (close > preClose) {
3846 uvs += volume;
3847 }
3848 else if (close < preClose) {
3849 dvs += volume;
3850 }
3851 else {
3852 pvs += volume;
3853 }
3854 if (i >= params[0] - 1) {
3855 var halfPvs = pvs / 2;
3856 if (dvs + halfPvs === 0) {
3857 vr.vr = 0;
3858 }
3859 else {
3860 vr.vr = (uvs + halfPvs) / (dvs + halfPvs) * 100;
3861 }
3862 vrSum += vr.vr;
3863 if (i >= params[0] + params[1] - 2) {
3864 vr.maVr = vrSum / params[1];
3865 vrSum -= ((_c = result[i - (params[1] - 1)].vr) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 0);
3866 }
3867 var agoData = dataList[i - (params[0] - 1)];
3868 var agoPreData = (_d = dataList[i - params[0]]) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : agoData;
3869 var agoClose = agoData.close;
3870 var agoVolume = (_e = agoData.volume) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : 0;
3871 if (agoClose > agoPreData.close) {
3872 uvs -= agoVolume;
3873 }
3874 else if (agoClose < agoPreData.close) {
3875 dvs -= agoVolume;
3876 }
3877 else {
3878 pvs -= agoVolume;
3879 }
3880 }
3881 result.push(vr);
3882 });
3883 return result;
3884 }
3888 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3889 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3890 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3892 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3894 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3895 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3896 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3897 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3898 * limitations under the License.
3899 */
3901 * WR
3902 * 公式 WR(N) = 100 * [ C - HIGH(N) ] / [ HIGH(N)-LOW(N) ]
3903 */
3904var williamsR = {
3905 name: 'WR',
3906 shortName: 'WR',
3907 calcParams: [6, 10, 14],
3908 figures: [
3909 { key: 'wr1', title: 'WR1: ', type: 'line' },
3910 { key: 'wr2', title: 'WR2: ', type: 'line' },
3911 { key: 'wr3', title: 'WR3: ', type: 'line' }
3912 ],
3913 regenerateFigures: function (params) {
3914 return params.map(function (_, i) {
3915 return { key: "wr".concat(i + 1), title: "WR".concat(i + 1, ": "), type: 'line' };
3916 });
3917 },
3918 calc: function (dataList, indicator) {
3919 var params = indicator.calcParams, figures = indicator.figures;
3920 return dataList.map(function (kLineData, i) {
3921 var wr = {};
3922 var close = kLineData.close;
3923 params.forEach(function (param, index) {
3924 var p = param - 1;
3925 if (i >= p) {
3926 var hln = getMaxMin(dataList.slice(i - p, i + 1), 'high', 'low');
3927 var hn = hln[0];
3928 var ln = hln[1];
3929 var hnSubLn = hn - ln;
3930 wr[figures[index].key] = hnSubLn === 0 ? 0 : (close - hn) / hnSubLn * 100;
3931 }
3932 });
3933 return wr;
3934 });
3935 }
3939 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3940 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3941 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3943 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3945 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3946 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3947 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3948 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3949 * limitations under the License.
3950 */
3951var indicators = {};
3952var extensions$2 = [
3953 averagePrice, awesomeOscillator, bias, bollingerBands, brar,
3954 bullAndBearIndex, commodityChannelIndex, currentRatio, differentOfMovingAverage,
3955 directionalMovementIndex, easeOfMovementValue, exponentialMovingAverage, momentum,
3956 movingAverage, movingAverageConvergenceDivergence, onBalanceVolume, priceAndVolumeTrend,
3957 psychologicalLine, rateOfChange, relativeStrengthIndex, simpleMovingAverage,
3958 stoch, stopAndReverse, tripleExponentiallySmoothedAverage, volume, volumeRatio, williamsR
3960extensions$2.forEach(function (indicator) {
3961 indicators[indicator.name] = IndicatorImp.extend(indicator);
3963function registerIndicator(indicator) {
3964 indicators[indicator.name] = IndicatorImp.extend(indicator);
3966function getIndicatorClass(name) {
3967 var _a;
3968 return (_a = indicators[name]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
3970function getSupportedIndicators() {
3971 return Object.keys(indicators);
3975 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3976 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3977 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
3979 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
3981 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
3982 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
3983 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
3984 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
3985 * limitations under the License.
3986 */
3987var IndicatorStore = /** @class */ (function () {
3988 function IndicatorStore(chartStore) {
3989 this._instances = new Map();
3990 this._chartStore = chartStore;
3991 }
3992 IndicatorStore.prototype._overrideInstance = function (instance, indicator) {
3993 var shortName = indicator.shortName, series = indicator.series, calcParams = indicator.calcParams, precision = indicator.precision, figures = indicator.figures, minValue = indicator.minValue, maxValue = indicator.maxValue, shouldOhlc = indicator.shouldOhlc, shouldFormatBigNumber = indicator.shouldFormatBigNumber, visible = indicator.visible, zLevel = indicator.zLevel, styles = indicator.styles, extendData = indicator.extendData, regenerateFigures = indicator.regenerateFigures, createTooltipDataSource = indicator.createTooltipDataSource, draw = indicator.draw, calc = indicator.calc;
3994 var updateFlag = false;
3995 if (isString(shortName) && instance.setShortName(shortName)) {
3996 updateFlag = true;
3997 }
3998 if (isValid(series) && instance.setSeries(series)) {
3999 updateFlag = true;
4000 }
4001 var calcFlag = false;
4002 if (isArray(calcParams) && instance.setCalcParams(calcParams)) {
4003 updateFlag = true;
4004 calcFlag = true;
4005 }
4006 if (isArray(figures) && instance.setFigures(figures)) {
4007 updateFlag = true;
4008 calcFlag = true;
4009 }
4010 if (minValue !== undefined && instance.setMinValue(minValue)) {
4011 updateFlag = true;
4012 }
4013 if (maxValue !== undefined && instance.setMinValue(maxValue)) {
4014 updateFlag = true;
4015 }
4016 if (isNumber(precision) && instance.setPrecision(precision)) {
4017 updateFlag = true;
4018 }
4019 if (isBoolean(shouldOhlc) && instance.setShouldOhlc(shouldOhlc)) {
4020 updateFlag = true;
4021 }
4022 if (isBoolean(shouldFormatBigNumber) && instance.setShouldFormatBigNumber(shouldFormatBigNumber)) {
4023 updateFlag = true;
4024 }
4025 if (isBoolean(visible) && instance.setVisible(visible)) {
4026 updateFlag = true;
4027 }
4028 var sortFlag = false;
4029 if (isNumber(zLevel) && instance.setZLevel(zLevel)) {
4030 updateFlag = true;
4031 sortFlag = true;
4032 }
4033 if (isValid(styles) && instance.setStyles(styles)) {
4034 updateFlag = true;
4035 }
4036 if (extendData !== undefined && instance.setExtendData(extendData)) {
4037 updateFlag = true;
4038 calcFlag = true;
4039 }
4040 if (regenerateFigures !== undefined && instance.setRegenerateFigures(regenerateFigures)) {
4041 updateFlag = true;
4042 }
4043 if (createTooltipDataSource !== undefined && instance.setCreateTooltipDataSource(createTooltipDataSource)) {
4044 updateFlag = true;
4045 }
4046 if (draw !== undefined && instance.setDraw(draw)) {
4047 updateFlag = true;
4048 }
4049 if (isFunction(calc)) {
4050 instance.calc = calc;
4051 calcFlag = true;
4052 }
4053 return [updateFlag, calcFlag, sortFlag];
4054 };
4055 IndicatorStore.prototype._sort = function (paneId) {
4056 var _a;
4057 if (isString(paneId)) {
4058 (_a = this._instances.get(paneId)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.sort(function (i1, i2) { return i1.zLevel - i2.zLevel; });
4059 }
4060 else {
4061 this._instances.forEach(function (paneInstances) {
4062 paneInstances.sort(function (i1, i2) { return i1.zLevel - i2.zLevel; });
4063 });
4064 }
4065 };
4066 IndicatorStore.prototype.addInstance = function (indicator, paneId, isStack) {
4067 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
4068 var name, paneInstances, instance_1, IndicatorClazz, instance;
4069 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
4070 switch (_a.label) {
4071 case 0:
4072 name = indicator.name;
4073 paneInstances = this._instances.get(paneId);
4074 if (!isValid(paneInstances)) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
4075 instance_1 = paneInstances.find(function (ins) { return ins.name === name; });
4076 if (!isValid(instance_1)) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
4077 return [4 /*yield*/, Promise.reject(new Error('Duplicate indicators.'))];
4078 case 1: return [2 /*return*/, _a.sent()];
4079 case 2:
4080 if (!isValid(paneInstances)) {
4081 paneInstances = [];
4082 }
4083 IndicatorClazz = getIndicatorClass(name);
4084 instance = new IndicatorClazz();
4085 this.synchronizeSeriesPrecision(instance);
4086 this._overrideInstance(instance, indicator);
4087 if (!isStack) {
4088 paneInstances = [];
4089 }
4090 paneInstances.push(instance);
4091 this._instances.set(paneId, paneInstances);
4092 this._sort(paneId);
4093 return [4 /*yield*/, instance.calcIndicator(this._chartStore.getDataList())];
4094 case 3: return [2 /*return*/, _a.sent()];
4095 }
4096 });
4097 });
4098 };
4099 IndicatorStore.prototype.getInstances = function (paneId) {
4100 var _a;
4101 return (_a = this._instances.get(paneId)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [];
4102 };
4103 IndicatorStore.prototype.removeInstance = function (paneId, name) {
4104 var _a;
4105 var removed = false;
4106 var paneInstances = this._instances.get(paneId);
4107 if (isValid(paneInstances)) {
4108 if (isString(name)) {
4109 var index = paneInstances.findIndex(function (ins) { return ins.name === name; });
4110 if (index > -1) {
4111 paneInstances.splice(index, 1);
4112 removed = true;
4113 }
4114 }
4115 else {
4116 this._instances.set(paneId, []);
4117 removed = true;
4118 }
4119 if (((_a = this._instances.get(paneId)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) === 0) {
4120 this._instances.delete(paneId);
4121 }
4122 }
4123 return removed;
4124 };
4125 IndicatorStore.prototype.hasInstances = function (paneId) {
4126 return this._instances.has(paneId);
4127 };
4128 IndicatorStore.prototype.calcInstance = function (name, paneId) {
4129 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
4130 var tasks, paneInstances, instance, result;
4131 var _this = this;
4132 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
4133 switch (_a.label) {
4134 case 0:
4135 tasks = [];
4136 if (isString(name)) {
4137 if (isString(paneId)) {
4138 paneInstances = this._instances.get(paneId);
4139 if (isValid(paneInstances)) {
4140 instance = paneInstances.find(function (ins) { return ins.name === name; });
4141 if (isValid(instance)) {
4142 tasks.push(instance.calcIndicator(this._chartStore.getDataList()));
4143 }
4144 }
4145 }
4146 else {
4147 this._instances.forEach(function (paneInstances) {
4148 var instance = paneInstances.find(function (ins) { return ins.name === name; });
4149 if (isValid(instance)) {
4150 tasks.push(instance.calcIndicator(_this._chartStore.getDataList()));
4151 }
4152 });
4153 }
4154 }
4155 else {
4156 this._instances.forEach(function (paneInstances) {
4157 paneInstances.forEach(function (instance) {
4158 tasks.push(instance.calcIndicator(_this._chartStore.getDataList()));
4159 });
4160 });
4161 }
4162 return [4 /*yield*/, Promise.all(tasks)];
4163 case 1:
4164 result = _a.sent();
4165 return [2 /*return*/, result.includes(true)];
4166 }
4167 });
4168 });
4169 };
4170 IndicatorStore.prototype.getInstanceByPaneId = function (paneId, name) {
4171 var _a, _b;
4172 var createMapping = function (instances) {
4173 var mapping = new Map();
4174 instances.forEach(function (ins) {
4175 mapping.set(ins.name, ins);
4176 });
4177 return mapping;
4178 };
4179 if (isString(paneId)) {
4180 var paneInstances = (_a = this._instances.get(paneId)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [];
4181 if (isString(name)) {
4182 return (_b = paneInstances === null || paneInstances === void 0 ? void 0 : paneInstances.find(function (ins) { return ins.name === name; })) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null;
4183 }
4184 return createMapping(paneInstances);
4185 }
4186 var mapping = new Map();
4187 this._instances.forEach(function (instances, paneId) {
4188 mapping.set(paneId, createMapping(instances));
4189 });
4190 return mapping;
4191 };
4192 IndicatorStore.prototype.synchronizeSeriesPrecision = function (indicator) {
4193 var _a = this._chartStore.getPrecision(), pricePrecision = _a.price, volumePrecision = _a.volume;
4194 var synchronize = function (instance) {
4195 switch (instance.series) {
4196 case exports.IndicatorSeries.Price: {
4197 instance.setPrecision(pricePrecision, true);
4198 break;
4199 }
4200 case exports.IndicatorSeries.Volume: {
4201 instance.setPrecision(volumePrecision, true);
4202 break;
4203 }
4204 }
4205 };
4206 if (isValid(indicator)) {
4207 synchronize(indicator);
4208 }
4209 else {
4210 this._instances.forEach(function (paneInstances) {
4211 paneInstances.forEach(function (instance) {
4212 synchronize(instance);
4213 });
4214 });
4215 }
4216 };
4217 IndicatorStore.prototype.override = function (indicator, paneId) {
4218 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
4219 var name, instances, paneInstances, onlyUpdateFlag, tasks, sortFlag, result;
4220 var _this = this;
4221 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
4222 switch (_a.label) {
4223 case 0:
4224 name = indicator.name;
4225 instances = new Map();
4226 if (paneId !== null) {
4227 paneInstances = this._instances.get(paneId);
4228 if (isValid(paneInstances)) {
4229 instances.set(paneId, paneInstances);
4230 }
4231 }
4232 else {
4233 instances = this._instances;
4234 }
4235 onlyUpdateFlag = false;
4236 tasks = [];
4237 sortFlag = false;
4238 instances.forEach(function (paneInstances) {
4239 var instance = paneInstances.find(function (ins) { return ins.name === name; });
4240 if (isValid(instance)) {
4241 var overrideResult = _this._overrideInstance(instance, indicator);
4242 if (overrideResult[2]) {
4243 sortFlag = true;
4244 }
4245 if (overrideResult[1]) {
4246 tasks.push(instance.calcIndicator(_this._chartStore.getDataList()));
4247 }
4248 else {
4249 if (overrideResult[0]) {
4250 onlyUpdateFlag = true;
4251 }
4252 }
4253 }
4254 });
4255 if (sortFlag) {
4256 this._sort();
4257 }
4258 return [4 /*yield*/, Promise.all(tasks)];
4259 case 1:
4260 result = _a.sent();
4261 return [2 /*return*/, [onlyUpdateFlag, result.includes(true)]];
4262 }
4263 });
4264 });
4265 };
4266 return IndicatorStore;
4270 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4271 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4272 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
4274 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
4276 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
4277 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
4278 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
4279 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
4280 * limitations under the License.
4281 */
4282var TooltipStore = /** @class */ (function () {
4283 function TooltipStore(chartStore) {
4284 this._crosshair = {};
4285 this._activeIcon = null;
4286 this._chartStore = chartStore;
4287 }
4288 /**
4289 * 设置十字光标点信息
4290 * @param crosshair
4291 * @param notInvalidate
4292 */
4293 TooltipStore.prototype.setCrosshair = function (crosshair, notInvalidate) {
4294 var dataList = this._chartStore.getDataList();
4295 var cr = crosshair !== null && crosshair !== void 0 ? crosshair : {};
4296 var realDataIndex;
4297 var dataIndex;
4298 if (isNumber(cr.x)) {
4299 realDataIndex = this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().coordinateToDataIndex(cr.x);
4300 if (realDataIndex < 0) {
4301 dataIndex = 0;
4302 }
4303 else if (realDataIndex > dataList.length - 1) {
4304 dataIndex = dataList.length - 1;
4305 }
4306 else {
4307 dataIndex = realDataIndex;
4308 }
4309 }
4310 else {
4311 realDataIndex = dataList.length - 1;
4312 dataIndex = realDataIndex;
4313 }
4314 var kLineData = dataList[dataIndex];
4315 var realX = this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().dataIndexToCoordinate(realDataIndex);
4316 var prevCrosshair = { x: this._crosshair.x, y: this._crosshair.y, paneId: this._crosshair.paneId };
4317 this._crosshair = __assign(__assign({}, cr), { realX: realX, kLineData: kLineData, realDataIndex: realDataIndex, dataIndex: dataIndex });
4318 if (prevCrosshair.x !== cr.x || prevCrosshair.y !== cr.y || prevCrosshair.paneId !== cr.paneId) {
4319 if (kLineData !== null) {
4320 this._chartStore.getChart().crosshairChange(this._crosshair);
4321 }
4322 if (!(notInvalidate !== null && notInvalidate !== void 0 ? notInvalidate : false)) {
4323 this._chartStore.getChart().updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */);
4324 }
4325 }
4326 };
4327 /**
4328 * 重新计算十字光标
4329 * @param notInvalidate
4330 */
4331 TooltipStore.prototype.recalculateCrosshair = function (notInvalidate) {
4332 this.setCrosshair(this._crosshair, notInvalidate);
4333 };
4334 /**
4335 * 获取crosshair信息
4336 * @returns
4337 */
4338 TooltipStore.prototype.getCrosshair = function () {
4339 return this._crosshair;
4340 };
4341 TooltipStore.prototype.setActiveIcon = function (icon) {
4342 this._activeIcon = icon !== null && icon !== void 0 ? icon : null;
4343 };
4344 TooltipStore.prototype.getActiveIcon = function () {
4345 return this._activeIcon;
4346 };
4347 TooltipStore.prototype.clear = function () {
4348 this.setCrosshair({}, true);
4349 this.setActiveIcon();
4350 };
4351 return TooltipStore;
4355 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4356 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4357 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
4359 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
4361 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
4362 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
4363 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
4364 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
4365 * limitations under the License.
4366 */
4367var fibonacciLine = {
4368 name: 'fibonacciLine',
4369 totalStep: 3,
4370 needDefaultPointFigure: true,
4371 needDefaultXAxisFigure: true,
4372 needDefaultYAxisFigure: true,
4373 createPointFigures: function (_a) {
4374 var _b;
4375 var coordinates = _a.coordinates, bounding = _a.bounding, overlay = _a.overlay, precision = _a.precision, thousandsSeparator = _a.thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold = _a.decimalFoldThreshold, yAxis = _a.yAxis;
4376 var points = overlay.points;
4377 if (coordinates.length > 0) {
4378 var currentPrecision_1 = ((_b = yAxis === null || yAxis === void 0 ? void 0 : yAxis.isInCandle()) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : true) ? precision.price : precision.excludePriceVolumeMax;
4379 var lines_1 = [];
4380 var texts_1 = [];
4381 var startX_1 = 0;
4382 var endX_1 = bounding.width;
4383 if (coordinates.length > 1 && isNumber(points[0].value) && isNumber(points[1].value)) {
4384 var percents = [1, 0.786, 0.618, 0.5, 0.382, 0.236, 0];
4385 var yDif_1 = coordinates[0].y - coordinates[1].y;
4386 var valueDif_1 = points[0].value - points[1].value;
4387 percents.forEach(function (percent) {
4388 var _a;
4389 var y = coordinates[1].y + yDif_1 * percent;
4390 var value = formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands((((_a = points[1].value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0) + valueDif_1 * percent).toFixed(currentPrecision_1), thousandsSeparator), decimalFoldThreshold);
4391 lines_1.push({ coordinates: [{ x: startX_1, y: y }, { x: endX_1, y: y }] });
4392 texts_1.push({
4393 x: startX_1,
4394 y: y,
4395 text: "".concat(value, " (").concat((percent * 100).toFixed(1), "%)"),
4396 baseline: 'bottom'
4397 });
4398 });
4399 }
4400 return [
4401 {
4402 type: 'line',
4403 attrs: lines_1
4404 }, {
4405 type: 'text',
4406 isCheckEvent: false,
4407 attrs: texts_1
4408 }
4409 ];
4410 }
4411 return [];
4412 }
4416 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4417 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4418 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
4420 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
4422 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
4423 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
4424 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
4425 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
4426 * limitations under the License.
4427 */
4428var horizontalRayLine = {
4429 name: 'horizontalRayLine',
4430 totalStep: 3,
4431 needDefaultPointFigure: true,
4432 needDefaultXAxisFigure: true,
4433 needDefaultYAxisFigure: true,
4434 createPointFigures: function (_a) {
4435 var coordinates = _a.coordinates, bounding = _a.bounding;
4436 var coordinate = { x: 0, y: coordinates[0].y };
4437 if (isValid(coordinates[1]) && coordinates[0].x < coordinates[1].x) {
4438 coordinate.x = bounding.width;
4439 }
4440 return [
4441 {
4442 type: 'line',
4443 attrs: { coordinates: [coordinates[0], coordinate] }
4444 }
4445 ];
4446 },
4447 performEventPressedMove: function (_a) {
4448 var points = _a.points, performPoint = _a.performPoint;
4449 points[0].value = performPoint.value;
4450 points[1].value = performPoint.value;
4451 },
4452 performEventMoveForDrawing: function (_a) {
4453 var currentStep = _a.currentStep, points = _a.points, performPoint = _a.performPoint;
4454 if (currentStep === 2) {
4455 points[0].value = performPoint.value;
4456 }
4457 }
4461 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4462 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4463 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
4465 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
4467 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
4468 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
4469 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
4470 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
4471 * limitations under the License.
4472 */
4473var horizontalSegment = {
4474 name: 'horizontalSegment',
4475 totalStep: 3,
4476 needDefaultPointFigure: true,
4477 needDefaultXAxisFigure: true,
4478 needDefaultYAxisFigure: true,
4479 createPointFigures: function (_a) {
4480 var coordinates = _a.coordinates;
4481 var lines = [];
4482 if (coordinates.length === 2) {
4483 lines.push({ coordinates: coordinates });
4484 }
4485 return [
4486 {
4487 type: 'line',
4488 attrs: lines
4489 }
4490 ];
4491 },
4492 performEventPressedMove: function (_a) {
4493 var points = _a.points, performPoint = _a.performPoint;
4494 points[0].value = performPoint.value;
4495 points[1].value = performPoint.value;
4496 },
4497 performEventMoveForDrawing: function (_a) {
4498 var currentStep = _a.currentStep, points = _a.points, performPoint = _a.performPoint;
4499 if (currentStep === 2) {
4500 points[0].value = performPoint.value;
4501 }
4502 }
4506 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4507 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4508 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
4510 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
4512 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
4513 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
4514 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
4515 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
4516 * limitations under the License.
4517 */
4518var horizontalStraightLine = {
4519 name: 'horizontalStraightLine',
4520 totalStep: 2,
4521 needDefaultPointFigure: true,
4522 needDefaultXAxisFigure: true,
4523 needDefaultYAxisFigure: true,
4524 createPointFigures: function (_a) {
4525 var coordinates = _a.coordinates, bounding = _a.bounding;
4526 return [{
4527 type: 'line',
4528 attrs: {
4529 coordinates: [
4530 {
4531 x: 0,
4532 y: coordinates[0].y
4533 }, {
4534 x: bounding.width,
4535 y: coordinates[0].y
4536 }
4537 ]
4538 }
4539 }];
4540 }
4544 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4545 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4546 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
4548 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
4550 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
4551 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
4552 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
4553 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
4554 * limitations under the License.
4555 */
4556var Eventful = /** @class */ (function () {
4557 function Eventful() {
4558 this._children = [];
4559 this._callbacks = new Map();
4560 }
4561 Eventful.prototype.registerEvent = function (name, callback) {
4562 this._callbacks.set(name, callback);
4563 return this;
4564 };
4565 Eventful.prototype.onEvent = function (name, event, other) {
4566 var callback = this._callbacks.get(name);
4567 if (isValid(callback) && this.checkEventOn(event)) {
4568 return callback(event, other);
4569 }
4570 return false;
4571 };
4572 Eventful.prototype.checkEventOn = function (event) {
4573 var e_1, _a;
4574 try {
4575 for (var _b = __values(this._children), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
4576 var eventful = _c.value;
4577 if (eventful.checkEventOn(event)) {
4578 return true;
4579 }
4580 }
4581 }
4582 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
4583 finally {
4584 try {
4585 if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
4586 }
4587 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
4588 }
4589 return false;
4590 };
4591 Eventful.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (name, event, other) {
4592 var start = this._children.length - 1;
4593 if (start > -1) {
4594 for (var i = start; i > -1; i--) {
4595 if (this._children[i].dispatchEvent(name, event, other)) {
4596 return true;
4597 }
4598 }
4599 }
4600 return this.onEvent(name, event, other);
4601 };
4602 Eventful.prototype.addChild = function (eventful) {
4603 this._children.push(eventful);
4604 return this;
4605 };
4606 Eventful.prototype.clear = function () {
4607 this._children = [];
4608 };
4609 return Eventful;
4613 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4614 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4615 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
4617 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
4619 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
4620 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
4621 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
4622 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
4623 * limitations under the License.
4624 */
4625var DEVIATION = 2;
4626var FigureImp = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4627 __extends(FigureImp, _super);
4628 function FigureImp(figure) {
4629 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
4630 _this.attrs = figure.attrs;
4631 _this.styles = figure.styles;
4632 return _this;
4633 }
4634 FigureImp.prototype.checkEventOn = function (event) {
4635 return this.checkEventOnImp(event, this.attrs, this.styles);
4636 };
4637 FigureImp.prototype.setAttrs = function (attrs) {
4638 this.attrs = attrs;
4639 return this;
4640 };
4641 FigureImp.prototype.setStyles = function (styles) {
4642 this.styles = styles;
4643 return this;
4644 };
4645 FigureImp.prototype.draw = function (ctx) {
4646 this.drawImp(ctx, this.attrs, this.styles);
4647 };
4648 FigureImp.extend = function (figure) {
4649 var Custom = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4650 __extends(Custom, _super);
4651 function Custom() {
4652 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
4653 }
4654 Custom.prototype.checkEventOnImp = function (coordinate, attrs, styles) {
4655 return figure.checkEventOn(coordinate, attrs, styles);
4656 };
4657 Custom.prototype.drawImp = function (ctx, attrs, styles) {
4658 figure.draw(ctx, attrs, styles);
4659 };
4660 return Custom;
4661 }(FigureImp));
4662 return Custom;
4663 };
4664 return FigureImp;
4668 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4669 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4670 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
4672 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
4674 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
4675 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
4676 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
4677 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
4678 * limitations under the License.
4679 */
4680function checkCoordinateOnLine(coordinate, attrs) {
4681 var lines = [];
4682 lines = lines.concat(attrs);
4683 for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
4684 var coordinates = lines[i].coordinates;
4685 if (coordinates.length > 1) {
4686 for (var i_1 = 1; i_1 < coordinates.length; i_1++) {
4687 var prevCoordinate = coordinates[i_1 - 1];
4688 var currentCoordinate = coordinates[i_1];
4689 if (prevCoordinate.x === currentCoordinate.x) {
4690 if (Math.abs(prevCoordinate.y - coordinate.y) + Math.abs(currentCoordinate.y - coordinate.y) - Math.abs(prevCoordinate.y - currentCoordinate.y) < DEVIATION + DEVIATION &&
4691 Math.abs(coordinate.x - prevCoordinate.x) < DEVIATION) {
4692 return true;
4693 }
4694 }
4695 else {
4696 var kb = getLinearSlopeIntercept(prevCoordinate, currentCoordinate);
4697 var y = getLinearYFromSlopeIntercept(kb, coordinate);
4698 var yDif = Math.abs(y - coordinate.y);
4699 if (Math.abs(prevCoordinate.x - coordinate.x) + Math.abs(currentCoordinate.x - coordinate.x) - Math.abs(prevCoordinate.x - currentCoordinate.x) < DEVIATION + DEVIATION &&
4700 yDif * yDif / (kb[0] * kb[0] + 1) < DEVIATION * DEVIATION) {
4701 return true;
4702 }
4703 }
4704 }
4705 }
4706 }
4707 return false;
4709function getLinearYFromSlopeIntercept(kb, coordinate) {
4710 if (kb !== null) {
4711 return coordinate.x * kb[0] + kb[1];
4712 }
4713 return coordinate.y;
4716 * 获取点在两点决定的一次函数上的y值
4717 * @param coordinate1
4718 * @param coordinate2
4719 * @param targetCoordinate
4720 */
4721function getLinearYFromCoordinates(coordinate1, coordinate2, targetCoordinate) {
4722 var kb = getLinearSlopeIntercept(coordinate1, coordinate2);
4723 return getLinearYFromSlopeIntercept(kb, targetCoordinate);
4725function getLinearSlopeIntercept(coordinate1, coordinate2) {
4726 var difX = coordinate1.x - coordinate2.x;
4727 if (difX !== 0) {
4728 var k = (coordinate1.y - coordinate2.y) / difX;
4729 var b = coordinate1.y - k * coordinate1.x;
4730 return [k, b];
4731 }
4732 return null;
4734function lineTo(ctx, coordinates, smooth) {
4735 var length = coordinates.length;
4736 var smoothParam = isNumber(smooth) ? (smooth > 0 && smooth < 1 ? smooth : 0) : (smooth ? 0.5 : 0);
4737 if ((smoothParam > 0) && length > 2) {
4738 var cpx0 = coordinates[0].x;
4739 var cpy0 = coordinates[0].y;
4740 for (var i = 1; i < length - 1; i++) {
4741 var prevCoordinate = coordinates[i - 1];
4742 var coordinate = coordinates[i];
4743 var nextCoordinate = coordinates[i + 1];
4744 var dx01 = coordinate.x - prevCoordinate.x;
4745 var dy01 = coordinate.y - prevCoordinate.y;
4746 var dx12 = nextCoordinate.x - coordinate.x;
4747 var dy12 = nextCoordinate.y - coordinate.y;
4748 var dx02 = nextCoordinate.x - prevCoordinate.x;
4749 var dy02 = nextCoordinate.y - prevCoordinate.y;
4750 var prevSegmentLength = Math.sqrt(dx01 * dx01 + dy01 * dy01);
4751 var nextSegmentLength = Math.sqrt(dx12 * dx12 + dy12 * dy12);
4752 var segmentLengthRatio = nextSegmentLength / (nextSegmentLength + prevSegmentLength);
4753 var nextCpx = coordinate.x + dx02 * smoothParam * segmentLengthRatio;
4754 var nextCpy = coordinate.y + dy02 * smoothParam * segmentLengthRatio;
4755 nextCpx = Math.min(nextCpx, Math.max(nextCoordinate.x, coordinate.x));
4756 nextCpy = Math.min(nextCpy, Math.max(nextCoordinate.y, coordinate.y));
4757 nextCpx = Math.max(nextCpx, Math.min(nextCoordinate.x, coordinate.x));
4758 nextCpy = Math.max(nextCpy, Math.min(nextCoordinate.y, coordinate.y));
4759 dx02 = nextCpx - coordinate.x;
4760 dy02 = nextCpy - coordinate.y;
4761 var cpx1 = coordinate.x - dx02 * prevSegmentLength / nextSegmentLength;
4762 var cpy1 = coordinate.y - dy02 * prevSegmentLength / nextSegmentLength;
4763 cpx1 = Math.min(cpx1, Math.max(prevCoordinate.x, coordinate.x));
4764 cpy1 = Math.min(cpy1, Math.max(prevCoordinate.y, coordinate.y));
4765 cpx1 = Math.max(cpx1, Math.min(prevCoordinate.x, coordinate.x));
4766 cpy1 = Math.max(cpy1, Math.min(prevCoordinate.y, coordinate.y));
4767 dx02 = coordinate.x - cpx1;
4768 dy02 = coordinate.y - cpy1;
4769 nextCpx = coordinate.x + dx02 * nextSegmentLength / prevSegmentLength;
4770 nextCpy = coordinate.y + dy02 * nextSegmentLength / prevSegmentLength;
4771 ctx.bezierCurveTo(cpx0, cpy0, cpx1, cpy1, coordinate.x, coordinate.y);
4772 cpx0 = nextCpx;
4773 cpy0 = nextCpy;
4774 }
4775 var lastCoordinate = coordinates[length - 1];
4776 ctx.bezierCurveTo(cpx0, cpy0, lastCoordinate.x, lastCoordinate.y, lastCoordinate.x, lastCoordinate.y);
4777 }
4778 else {
4779 for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) {
4780 ctx.lineTo(coordinates[i].x, coordinates[i].y);
4781 }
4782 }
4784function drawLine(ctx, attrs, styles) {
4785 var lines = [];
4786 lines = lines.concat(attrs);
4787 var _a = styles.style, style = _a === void 0 ? exports.LineType.Solid : _a, _b = styles.smooth, smooth = _b === void 0 ? false : _b, _c = styles.size, size = _c === void 0 ? 1 : _c, _d = styles.color, color = _d === void 0 ? 'currentColor' : _d, _e = styles.dashedValue, dashedValue = _e === void 0 ? [2, 2] : _e;
4788 ctx.lineWidth = size;
4789 ctx.strokeStyle = color;
4790 if (style === exports.LineType.Dashed) {
4791 ctx.setLineDash(dashedValue);
4792 }
4793 else {
4794 ctx.setLineDash([]);
4795 }
4796 lines.forEach(function (_a) {
4797 var coordinates = _a.coordinates;
4798 if (coordinates.length > 1) {
4799 ctx.beginPath();
4800 ctx.moveTo(coordinates[0].x, coordinates[0].y);
4801 lineTo(ctx, coordinates, smooth);
4802 ctx.stroke();
4803 ctx.closePath();
4804 }
4805 });
4807var line = {
4808 name: 'line',
4809 checkEventOn: checkCoordinateOnLine,
4810 draw: function (ctx, attrs, styles) {
4811 drawLine(ctx, attrs, styles);
4812 }
4816 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4817 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4818 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
4820 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
4822 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
4823 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
4824 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
4825 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
4826 * limitations under the License.
4827 */
4829 * 获取平行线
4830 * @param coordinates
4831 * @param bounding
4832 * @param extendParallelLineCount
4833 * @returns {Array}
4834 */
4835function getParallelLines(coordinates, bounding, extendParallelLineCount) {
4836 var count = extendParallelLineCount !== null && extendParallelLineCount !== void 0 ? extendParallelLineCount : 0;
4837 var lines = [];
4838 if (coordinates.length > 1) {
4839 if (coordinates[0].x === coordinates[1].x) {
4840 var startY = 0;
4841 var endY = bounding.height;
4842 lines.push({ coordinates: [{ x: coordinates[0].x, y: startY }, { x: coordinates[0].x, y: endY }] });
4843 if (coordinates.length > 2) {
4844 lines.push({ coordinates: [{ x: coordinates[2].x, y: startY }, { x: coordinates[2].x, y: endY }] });
4845 var distance = coordinates[0].x - coordinates[2].x;
4846 for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
4847 var d = distance * (i + 1);
4848 lines.push({ coordinates: [{ x: coordinates[0].x + d, y: startY }, { x: coordinates[0].x + d, y: endY }] });
4849 }
4850 }
4851 }
4852 else {
4853 var startX = 0;
4854 var endX = bounding.width;
4855 var kb = getLinearSlopeIntercept(coordinates[0], coordinates[1]);
4856 var k = kb[0];
4857 var b = kb[1];
4858 lines.push({ coordinates: [{ x: startX, y: startX * k + b }, { x: endX, y: endX * k + b }] });
4859 if (coordinates.length > 2) {
4860 var b1 = coordinates[2].y - k * coordinates[2].x;
4861 lines.push({ coordinates: [{ x: startX, y: startX * k + b1 }, { x: endX, y: endX * k + b1 }] });
4862 var distance = b - b1;
4863 for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
4864 var b2 = b + distance * (i + 1);
4865 lines.push({ coordinates: [{ x: startX, y: startX * k + b2 }, { x: endX, y: endX * k + b2 }] });
4866 }
4867 }
4868 }
4869 }
4870 return lines;
4872var parallelStraightLine = {
4873 name: 'parallelStraightLine',
4874 totalStep: 4,
4875 needDefaultPointFigure: true,
4876 needDefaultXAxisFigure: true,
4877 needDefaultYAxisFigure: true,
4878 createPointFigures: function (_a) {
4879 var coordinates = _a.coordinates, bounding = _a.bounding;
4880 return [
4881 {
4882 type: 'line',
4883 attrs: getParallelLines(coordinates, bounding)
4884 }
4885 ];
4886 }
4890 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4891 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4892 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
4894 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
4896 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
4897 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
4898 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
4899 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
4900 * limitations under the License.
4901 */
4902var priceChannelLine = {
4903 name: 'priceChannelLine',
4904 totalStep: 4,
4905 needDefaultPointFigure: true,
4906 needDefaultXAxisFigure: true,
4907 needDefaultYAxisFigure: true,
4908 createPointFigures: function (_a) {
4909 var coordinates = _a.coordinates, bounding = _a.bounding;
4910 return [
4911 {
4912 type: 'line',
4913 attrs: getParallelLines(coordinates, bounding, 1)
4914 }
4915 ];
4916 }
4920 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4921 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4922 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
4924 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
4926 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
4927 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
4928 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
4929 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
4930 * limitations under the License.
4931 */
4932var priceLine = {
4933 name: 'priceLine',
4934 totalStep: 2,
4935 needDefaultPointFigure: true,
4936 needDefaultXAxisFigure: true,
4937 needDefaultYAxisFigure: true,
4938 createPointFigures: function (_a) {
4939 var _b;
4940 var coordinates = _a.coordinates, bounding = _a.bounding, precision = _a.precision, overlay = _a.overlay, thousandsSeparator = _a.thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold = _a.decimalFoldThreshold, yAxis = _a.yAxis;
4941 var _c = (overlay.points)[0].value, value = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c;
4942 var currentPrecision = ((_b = yAxis === null || yAxis === void 0 ? void 0 : yAxis.isInCandle()) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : true) ? precision.price : precision.excludePriceVolumeMax;
4943 return [
4944 {
4945 type: 'line',
4946 attrs: { coordinates: [coordinates[0], { x: bounding.width, y: coordinates[0].y }] }
4947 },
4948 {
4949 type: 'text',
4950 ignoreEvent: true,
4951 attrs: {
4952 x: coordinates[0].x,
4953 y: coordinates[0].y,
4954 text: formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands(value.toFixed(currentPrecision), thousandsSeparator), decimalFoldThreshold),
4955 baseline: 'bottom'
4956 }
4957 }
4958 ];
4959 }
4963 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4964 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4965 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
4967 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
4969 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
4970 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
4971 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
4972 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
4973 * limitations under the License.
4974 */
4975function getRayLine(coordinates, bounding) {
4976 if (coordinates.length > 1) {
4977 var coordinate = void 0;
4978 if (coordinates[0].x === coordinates[1].x && coordinates[0].y !== coordinates[1].y) {
4979 if (coordinates[0].y < coordinates[1].y) {
4980 coordinate = {
4981 x: coordinates[0].x,
4982 y: bounding.height
4983 };
4984 }
4985 else {
4986 coordinate = {
4987 x: coordinates[0].x,
4988 y: 0
4989 };
4990 }
4991 }
4992 else if (coordinates[0].x > coordinates[1].x) {
4993 coordinate = {
4994 x: 0,
4995 y: getLinearYFromCoordinates(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], { x: 0, y: coordinates[0].y })
4996 };
4997 }
4998 else {
4999 coordinate = {
5000 x: bounding.width,
5001 y: getLinearYFromCoordinates(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], { x: bounding.width, y: coordinates[0].y })
5002 };
5003 }
5004 return { coordinates: [coordinates[0], coordinate] };
5005 }
5006 return [];
5008var rayLine = {
5009 name: 'rayLine',
5010 totalStep: 3,
5011 needDefaultPointFigure: true,
5012 needDefaultXAxisFigure: true,
5013 needDefaultYAxisFigure: true,
5014 createPointFigures: function (_a) {
5015 var coordinates = _a.coordinates, bounding = _a.bounding;
5016 return [
5017 {
5018 type: 'line',
5019 attrs: getRayLine(coordinates, bounding)
5020 }
5021 ];
5022 }
5026 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5027 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5028 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
5030 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
5032 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
5033 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
5034 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
5035 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
5036 * limitations under the License.
5037 */
5038var segment = {
5039 name: 'segment',
5040 totalStep: 3,
5041 needDefaultPointFigure: true,
5042 needDefaultXAxisFigure: true,
5043 needDefaultYAxisFigure: true,
5044 createPointFigures: function (_a) {
5045 var coordinates = _a.coordinates;
5046 if (coordinates.length === 2) {
5047 return [
5048 {
5049 type: 'line',
5050 attrs: { coordinates: coordinates }
5051 }
5052 ];
5053 }
5054 return [];
5055 }
5059 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5060 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5061 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
5063 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
5065 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
5066 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
5067 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
5068 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
5069 * limitations under the License.
5070 */
5071var straightLine = {
5072 name: 'straightLine',
5073 totalStep: 3,
5074 needDefaultPointFigure: true,
5075 needDefaultXAxisFigure: true,
5076 needDefaultYAxisFigure: true,
5077 createPointFigures: function (_a) {
5078 var coordinates = _a.coordinates, bounding = _a.bounding;
5079 if (coordinates.length === 2) {
5080 if (coordinates[0].x === coordinates[1].x) {
5081 return [
5082 {
5083 type: 'line',
5084 attrs: {
5085 coordinates: [
5086 {
5087 x: coordinates[0].x,
5088 y: 0
5089 }, {
5090 x: coordinates[0].x,
5091 y: bounding.height
5092 }
5093 ]
5094 }
5095 }
5096 ];
5097 }
5098 return [
5099 {
5100 type: 'line',
5101 attrs: {
5102 coordinates: [
5103 {
5104 x: 0,
5105 y: getLinearYFromCoordinates(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], { x: 0, y: coordinates[0].y })
5106 }, {
5107 x: bounding.width,
5108 y: getLinearYFromCoordinates(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], { x: bounding.width, y: coordinates[0].y })
5109 }
5110 ]
5111 }
5112 }
5113 ];
5114 }
5115 return [];
5116 }
5120 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5121 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5122 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
5124 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
5126 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
5127 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
5128 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
5129 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
5130 * limitations under the License.
5131 */
5132var verticalRayLine = {
5133 name: 'verticalRayLine',
5134 totalStep: 3,
5135 needDefaultPointFigure: true,
5136 needDefaultXAxisFigure: true,
5137 needDefaultYAxisFigure: true,
5138 createPointFigures: function (_a) {
5139 var coordinates = _a.coordinates, bounding = _a.bounding;
5140 if (coordinates.length === 2) {
5141 var coordinate = { x: coordinates[0].x, y: 0 };
5142 if (coordinates[0].y < coordinates[1].y) {
5143 coordinate.y = bounding.height;
5144 }
5145 return [
5146 {
5147 type: 'line',
5148 attrs: { coordinates: [coordinates[0], coordinate] }
5149 }
5150 ];
5151 }
5152 return [];
5153 },
5154 performEventPressedMove: function (_a) {
5155 var points = _a.points, performPoint = _a.performPoint;
5156 points[0].timestamp = performPoint.timestamp;
5157 points[0].dataIndex = performPoint.dataIndex;
5158 points[1].timestamp = performPoint.timestamp;
5159 points[1].dataIndex = performPoint.dataIndex;
5160 },
5161 performEventMoveForDrawing: function (_a) {
5162 var currentStep = _a.currentStep, points = _a.points, performPoint = _a.performPoint;
5163 if (currentStep === 2) {
5164 points[0].timestamp = performPoint.timestamp;
5165 points[0].dataIndex = performPoint.dataIndex;
5166 }
5167 }
5171 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5172 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5173 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
5175 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
5177 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
5178 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
5179 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
5180 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
5181 * limitations under the License.
5182 */
5183var verticalSegment = {
5184 name: 'verticalSegment',
5185 totalStep: 3,
5186 needDefaultPointFigure: true,
5187 needDefaultXAxisFigure: true,
5188 needDefaultYAxisFigure: true,
5189 createPointFigures: function (_a) {
5190 var coordinates = _a.coordinates;
5191 if (coordinates.length === 2) {
5192 return [
5193 {
5194 type: 'line',
5195 attrs: { coordinates: coordinates }
5196 }
5197 ];
5198 }
5199 return [];
5200 },
5201 performEventPressedMove: function (_a) {
5202 var points = _a.points, performPoint = _a.performPoint;
5203 points[0].timestamp = performPoint.timestamp;
5204 points[0].dataIndex = performPoint.dataIndex;
5205 points[1].timestamp = performPoint.timestamp;
5206 points[1].dataIndex = performPoint.dataIndex;
5207 },
5208 performEventMoveForDrawing: function (_a) {
5209 var currentStep = _a.currentStep, points = _a.points, performPoint = _a.performPoint;
5210 if (currentStep === 2) {
5211 points[0].timestamp = performPoint.timestamp;
5212 points[0].dataIndex = performPoint.dataIndex;
5213 }
5214 }
5218 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5219 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5220 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
5222 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
5224 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
5225 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
5226 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
5227 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
5228 * limitations under the License.
5229 */
5230var verticalStraightLine = {
5231 name: 'verticalStraightLine',
5232 totalStep: 2,
5233 needDefaultPointFigure: true,
5234 needDefaultXAxisFigure: true,
5235 needDefaultYAxisFigure: true,
5236 createPointFigures: function (_a) {
5237 var coordinates = _a.coordinates, bounding = _a.bounding;
5238 return [
5239 {
5240 type: 'line',
5241 attrs: {
5242 coordinates: [
5243 {
5244 x: coordinates[0].x,
5245 y: 0
5246 }, {
5247 x: coordinates[0].x,
5248 y: bounding.height
5249 }
5250 ]
5251 }
5252 }
5253 ];
5254 }
5258 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5259 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5260 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
5262 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
5264 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
5265 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
5266 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
5267 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
5268 * limitations under the License.
5269 */
5270var simpleAnnotation = {
5271 name: 'simpleAnnotation',
5272 totalStep: 2,
5273 styles: {
5274 line: { style: exports.LineType.Dashed }
5275 },
5276 createPointFigures: function (_a) {
5277 var _b;
5278 var overlay = _a.overlay, coordinates = _a.coordinates;
5279 var text;
5280 if (isValid(overlay.extendData)) {
5281 if (!isFunction(overlay.extendData)) {
5282 text = (_b = overlay.extendData) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : '';
5283 }
5284 else {
5285 text = overlay.extendData(overlay);
5286 }
5287 }
5288 var startX = coordinates[0].x;
5289 var startY = coordinates[0].y - 6;
5290 var lineEndY = startY - 50;
5291 var arrowEndY = lineEndY - 5;
5292 return [
5293 {
5294 type: 'line',
5295 attrs: { coordinates: [{ x: startX, y: startY }, { x: startX, y: lineEndY }] },
5296 ignoreEvent: true
5297 },
5298 {
5299 type: 'polygon',
5300 attrs: { coordinates: [{ x: startX, y: lineEndY }, { x: startX - 4, y: arrowEndY }, { x: startX + 4, y: arrowEndY }] },
5301 ignoreEvent: true
5302 },
5303 {
5304 type: 'text',
5305 attrs: { x: startX, y: arrowEndY, text: text !== null && text !== void 0 ? text : '', align: 'center', baseline: 'bottom' },
5306 ignoreEvent: true
5307 }
5308 ];
5309 }
5313 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5314 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5315 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
5317 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
5319 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
5320 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
5321 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
5322 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
5323 * limitations under the License.
5324 */
5325var simpleTag = {
5326 name: 'simpleTag',
5327 totalStep: 2,
5328 styles: {
5329 line: { style: exports.LineType.Dashed }
5330 },
5331 createPointFigures: function (_a) {
5332 var bounding = _a.bounding, coordinates = _a.coordinates;
5333 return {
5334 type: 'line',
5335 attrs: {
5336 coordinates: [
5337 { x: 0, y: coordinates[0].y },
5338 { x: bounding.width, y: coordinates[0].y }
5339 ]
5340 },
5341 ignoreEvent: true
5342 };
5343 },
5344 createYAxisFigures: function (_a) {
5345 var _b, _c;
5346 var overlay = _a.overlay, coordinates = _a.coordinates, bounding = _a.bounding, yAxis = _a.yAxis, precision = _a.precision;
5347 var isFromZero = (_b = yAxis === null || yAxis === void 0 ? void 0 : yAxis.isFromZero()) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false;
5348 var textAlign;
5349 var x;
5350 if (isFromZero) {
5351 textAlign = 'left';
5352 x = 0;
5353 }
5354 else {
5355 textAlign = 'right';
5356 x = bounding.width;
5357 }
5358 var text;
5359 if (isValid(overlay.extendData)) {
5360 if (!isFunction(overlay.extendData)) {
5361 text = (_c = overlay.extendData) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : '';
5362 }
5363 else {
5364 text = overlay.extendData(overlay);
5365 }
5366 }
5367 if (!isValid(text) && isNumber(overlay.points[0].value)) {
5368 text = formatPrecision(overlay.points[0].value, precision.price);
5369 }
5370 return { type: 'text', attrs: { x: x, y: coordinates[0].y, text: text !== null && text !== void 0 ? text : '', align: textAlign, baseline: 'middle' } };
5371 }
5375 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5376 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5377 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
5379 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
5381 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
5382 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
5383 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
5384 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
5385 * limitations under the License.
5386 */
5387var overlays = {};
5388var extensions$1 = [
5389 fibonacciLine, horizontalRayLine, horizontalSegment, horizontalStraightLine,
5390 parallelStraightLine, priceChannelLine, priceLine, rayLine, segment,
5391 straightLine, verticalRayLine, verticalSegment, verticalStraightLine,
5392 simpleAnnotation, simpleTag
5394extensions$1.forEach(function (template) {
5395 overlays[template.name] = OverlayImp.extend(template);
5397function registerOverlay(template) {
5398 overlays[template.name] = OverlayImp.extend(template);
5400function getOverlayInnerClass(name) {
5401 var _a;
5402 return (_a = overlays[name]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
5404function getOverlayClass(name) {
5405 var _a;
5406 return (_a = overlays[name]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
5408function getSupportedOverlays() {
5409 return Object.keys(overlays);
5413 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5414 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5415 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
5417 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
5419 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
5420 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
5421 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
5422 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
5423 * limitations under the License.
5424 */
5425var PANE_MIN_HEIGHT = 30;
5426var PANE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 100;
5427var PaneIdConstants = {
5428 CANDLE: 'candle_pane',
5429 INDICATOR: 'indicator_pane_',
5430 X_AXIS: 'x_axis_pane'
5434 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5435 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5436 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
5438 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
5440 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
5441 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
5442 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
5443 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
5444 * limitations under the License.
5445 */
5446var OverlayStore = /** @class */ (function () {
5447 function OverlayStore(chartStore) {
5448 this._instances = new Map();
5449 /**
5450 * Overlay information in painting
5451 */
5452 this._progressInstanceInfo = null;
5453 /**
5454 * Overlay information by the mouse pressed
5455 */
5456 this._pressedInstanceInfo = {
5457 paneId: '',
5458 instance: null,
5459 figureType: 0 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.None */,
5460 figureKey: '',
5461 figureIndex: -1,
5462 attrsIndex: -1
5463 };
5464 /**
5465 * Overlay information by hover
5466 */
5467 this._hoverInstanceInfo = {
5468 paneId: '',
5469 instance: null,
5470 figureType: 0 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.None */,
5471 figureKey: '',
5472 figureIndex: -1,
5473 attrsIndex: -1
5474 };
5475 /**
5476 * Overlay information by the mouse click
5477 */
5478 this._clickInstanceInfo = {
5479 paneId: '',
5480 instance: null,
5481 figureType: 0 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.None */,
5482 figureKey: '',
5483 figureIndex: -1,
5484 attrsIndex: -1
5485 };
5486 this._chartStore = chartStore;
5487 }
5488 OverlayStore.prototype._overrideInstance = function (instance, overlay) {
5489 var id = overlay.id, groupId = overlay.groupId, points = overlay.points, styles = overlay.styles, lock = overlay.lock, visible = overlay.visible, zLevel = overlay.zLevel, mode = overlay.mode, modeSensitivity = overlay.modeSensitivity, extendData = overlay.extendData, onDrawStart = overlay.onDrawStart, onDrawing = overlay.onDrawing, onDrawEnd = overlay.onDrawEnd, onClick = overlay.onClick, onDoubleClick = overlay.onDoubleClick, onRightClick = overlay.onRightClick, onPressedMoveStart = overlay.onPressedMoveStart, onPressedMoving = overlay.onPressedMoving, onPressedMoveEnd = overlay.onPressedMoveEnd, onMouseEnter = overlay.onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave = overlay.onMouseLeave, onRemoved = overlay.onRemoved, onSelected = overlay.onSelected, onDeselected = overlay.onDeselected;
5490 var updateFlag = false;
5491 var sortFlag = false;
5492 if (isString(id)) {
5493 instance.setId(id);
5494 }
5495 if (isString(groupId)) {
5496 instance.setGroupId(groupId);
5497 }
5498 if (isArray(points) && instance.setPoints(points)) {
5499 updateFlag = true;
5500 }
5501 if (isValid(styles) && instance.setStyles(styles)) {
5502 updateFlag = true;
5503 }
5504 if (isBoolean(lock)) {
5505 instance.setLock(lock);
5506 }
5507 if (isBoolean(visible) && instance.setVisible(visible)) {
5508 updateFlag = true;
5509 }
5510 if (isNumber(zLevel) && instance.setZLevel(zLevel)) {
5511 updateFlag = true;
5512 sortFlag = true;
5513 }
5514 if (isValid(mode)) {
5515 instance.setMode(mode);
5516 }
5517 if (isNumber(modeSensitivity)) {
5518 instance.setModeSensitivity(modeSensitivity);
5519 }
5520 if (extendData !== undefined && instance.setExtendData(extendData)) {
5521 updateFlag = true;
5522 }
5523 if (onDrawStart !== undefined) {
5524 instance.setOnDrawStartCallback(onDrawStart);
5525 }
5526 if (onDrawing !== undefined) {
5527 instance.setOnDrawingCallback(onDrawing);
5528 }
5529 if (onDrawEnd !== undefined) {
5530 instance.setOnDrawEndCallback(onDrawEnd);
5531 }
5532 if (onClick !== undefined) {
5533 instance.setOnClickCallback(onClick);
5534 }
5535 if (onDoubleClick !== undefined) {
5536 instance.setOnDoubleClickCallback(onDoubleClick);
5537 }
5538 if (onRightClick !== undefined) {
5539 instance.setOnRightClickCallback(onRightClick);
5540 }
5541 if (onPressedMoveStart !== undefined) {
5542 instance.setOnPressedMoveStartCallback(onPressedMoveStart);
5543 }
5544 if (onPressedMoving !== undefined) {
5545 instance.setOnPressedMovingCallback(onPressedMoving);
5546 }
5547 if (onPressedMoveEnd !== undefined) {
5548 instance.setOnPressedMoveEndCallback(onPressedMoveEnd);
5549 }
5550 if (onMouseEnter !== undefined) {
5551 instance.setOnMouseEnterCallback(onMouseEnter);
5552 }
5553 if (onMouseLeave !== undefined) {
5554 instance.setOnMouseLeaveCallback(onMouseLeave);
5555 }
5556 if (onRemoved !== undefined) {
5557 instance.setOnRemovedCallback(onRemoved);
5558 }
5559 if (onSelected !== undefined) {
5560 instance.setOnSelectedCallback(onSelected);
5561 }
5562 if (onDeselected !== undefined) {
5563 instance.setOnDeselectedCallback(onDeselected);
5564 }
5565 return [updateFlag, sortFlag];
5566 };
5567 OverlayStore.prototype.getInstanceById = function (id) {
5568 var e_1, _a;
5569 try {
5570 for (var _b = __values(this._instances), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
5571 var entry = _c.value;
5572 var paneShapes = entry[1];
5573 var overlay = paneShapes.find(function (s) { return s.id === id; });
5574 if (isValid(overlay)) {
5575 return overlay;
5576 }
5577 }
5578 }
5579 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
5580 finally {
5581 try {
5582 if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
5583 }
5584 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
5585 }
5586 if (this._progressInstanceInfo !== null) {
5587 if (this._progressInstanceInfo.instance.id === id) {
5588 return this._progressInstanceInfo.instance;
5589 }
5590 }
5591 return null;
5592 };
5593 OverlayStore.prototype._sort = function (paneId) {
5594 var _a;
5595 if (isString(paneId)) {
5596 (_a = this._instances.get(paneId)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.sort(function (o1, o2) { return o1.zLevel - o2.zLevel; });
5597 }
5598 else {
5599 this._instances.forEach(function (paneInstances) {
5600 paneInstances.sort(function (o1, o2) { return o1.zLevel - o2.zLevel; });
5601 });
5602 }
5603 };
5604 OverlayStore.prototype.addInstances = function (overlays, paneId, appointPaneFlag) {
5605 var _this = this;
5606 var ids = overlays.map(function (overlay) {
5607 var _a, _b, _c, _d;
5608 var id = (_a = overlay.id) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : createId(OVERLAY_ID_PREFIX);
5609 if (_this.getInstanceById(id) === null) {
5610 var OverlayClazz = getOverlayInnerClass(overlay.name);
5611 if (OverlayClazz !== null) {
5612 var instance = new OverlayClazz();
5613 instance.setPaneId(paneId);
5614 var groupId = (_b = overlay.groupId) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : id;
5615 overlay.id = id;
5616 overlay.groupId = groupId;
5617 _this._overrideInstance(instance, overlay);
5618 if (instance.isDrawing()) {
5619 _this._progressInstanceInfo = { paneId: paneId, instance: instance, appointPaneFlag: appointPaneFlag };
5620 }
5621 else {
5622 if (!_this._instances.has(paneId)) {
5623 _this._instances.set(paneId, []);
5624 }
5625 (_c = _this._instances.get(paneId)) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.push(instance);
5626 }
5627 if (instance.isStart()) {
5628 (_d = instance.onDrawStart) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.call(instance, ({ overlay: instance }));
5629 }
5630 return id;
5631 }
5632 }
5633 return null;
5634 });
5635 if (ids.some(function (id) { return id !== null; })) {
5636 this._sort();
5637 var chart = this._chartStore.getChart();
5638 chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */, paneId);
5639 chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */, PaneIdConstants.X_AXIS);
5640 }
5641 return ids;
5642 };
5643 OverlayStore.prototype.getProgressInstanceInfo = function () {
5644 return this._progressInstanceInfo;
5645 };
5646 OverlayStore.prototype.progressInstanceComplete = function () {
5647 var _a;
5648 if (this._progressInstanceInfo !== null) {
5649 var _b = this._progressInstanceInfo, instance = _b.instance, paneId = _b.paneId;
5650 if (!instance.isDrawing()) {
5651 if (!this._instances.has(paneId)) {
5652 this._instances.set(paneId, []);
5653 }
5654 (_a = this._instances.get(paneId)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.push(instance);
5655 this._sort(paneId);
5656 this._progressInstanceInfo = null;
5657 }
5658 }
5659 };
5660 OverlayStore.prototype.updateProgressInstanceInfo = function (paneId, appointPaneFlag) {
5661 if (this._progressInstanceInfo !== null) {
5662 if (isBoolean(appointPaneFlag) && appointPaneFlag) {
5663 this._progressInstanceInfo.appointPaneFlag = appointPaneFlag;
5664 }
5665 this._progressInstanceInfo.paneId = paneId;
5666 this._progressInstanceInfo.instance.setPaneId(paneId);
5667 }
5668 };
5669 OverlayStore.prototype.getInstances = function (paneId) {
5670 var _a;
5671 if (!isString(paneId)) {
5672 var instances_1 = [];
5673 this._instances.forEach(function (paneInstances) {
5674 instances_1 = instances_1.concat(paneInstances);
5675 });
5676 return instances_1;
5677 }
5678 return (_a = this._instances.get(paneId)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [];
5679 };
5680 OverlayStore.prototype.override = function (overlay) {
5681 var _this = this;
5682 var id = overlay.id, groupId = overlay.groupId, name = overlay.name;
5683 var updateFlag = false;
5684 var sortFlag = false;
5685 var setFlag = function (instance) {
5686 var flags = _this._overrideInstance(instance, overlay);
5687 if (flags[0]) {
5688 updateFlag = true;
5689 }
5690 if (flags[1]) {
5691 sortFlag = true;
5692 }
5693 };
5694 if (isString(id)) {
5695 var instance = this.getInstanceById(id);
5696 if (instance !== null) {
5697 setFlag(instance);
5698 }
5699 }
5700 else {
5701 var nameValid_1 = isString(name);
5702 var groupIdValid_1 = isString(groupId);
5703 this._instances.forEach(function (paneInstances) {
5704 paneInstances.forEach(function (instance) {
5705 if ((nameValid_1 && instance.name === name) ||
5706 (groupIdValid_1 && instance.groupId === groupId) ||
5707 (!nameValid_1 && !groupIdValid_1)) {
5708 setFlag(instance);
5709 }
5710 });
5711 });
5712 if (this._progressInstanceInfo !== null) {
5713 var progressInstance = this._progressInstanceInfo.instance;
5714 if ((nameValid_1 && progressInstance.name === name) ||
5715 (groupIdValid_1 && progressInstance.groupId === groupId) ||
5716 (!nameValid_1 && !groupIdValid_1)) {
5717 setFlag(progressInstance);
5718 }
5719 }
5720 }
5721 if (sortFlag) {
5722 this._sort();
5723 }
5724 if (updateFlag) {
5725 this._chartStore.getChart().updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */);
5726 }
5727 };
5728 OverlayStore.prototype.removeInstance = function (overlayRemove) {
5729 var e_2, _a;
5730 var _b;
5731 var match = function (remove, overlay) {
5732 if (isString(remove.id)) {
5733 if (overlay.id !== remove.id) {
5734 return false;
5735 }
5736 }
5737 else {
5738 if (isString(remove.groupId)) {
5739 if (overlay.groupId !== remove.groupId) {
5740 return false;
5741 }
5742 }
5743 else {
5744 if (isString(remove.name)) {
5745 if (overlay.name !== remove.name) {
5746 return false;
5747 }
5748 }
5749 }
5750 }
5751 return true;
5752 };
5753 var updatePaneIds = [];
5754 var overlayRemoveValid = isValid(overlayRemove);
5755 if (this._progressInstanceInfo !== null) {
5756 var instance = this._progressInstanceInfo.instance;
5757 if (!overlayRemoveValid ||
5758 (overlayRemoveValid && match(overlayRemove, instance))) {
5759 updatePaneIds.push(this._progressInstanceInfo.paneId);
5760 (_b = instance.onRemoved) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(instance, { overlay: instance });
5761 this._progressInstanceInfo = null;
5762 }
5763 }
5764 if (overlayRemoveValid) {
5765 var instances = new Map();
5766 var _loop_1 = function (entry) {
5767 var paneInstances = entry[1];
5768 var newPaneInstances = paneInstances.filter(function (instance) {
5769 var _a;
5770 if (match(overlayRemove, instance)) {
5771 if (!updatePaneIds.includes(entry[0])) {
5772 updatePaneIds.push(entry[0]);
5773 }
5774 (_a = instance.onRemoved) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(instance, { overlay: instance });
5775 return false;
5776 }
5777 return true;
5778 });
5779 if (newPaneInstances.length > 0) {
5780 instances.set(entry[0], newPaneInstances);
5781 }
5782 };
5783 try {
5784 for (var _c = __values(this._instances), _d = _c.next(); !_d.done; _d = _c.next()) {
5785 var entry = _d.value;
5786 _loop_1(entry);
5787 }
5788 }
5789 catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; }
5790 finally {
5791 try {
5792 if (_d && !_d.done && (_a = _c.return)) _a.call(_c);
5793 }
5794 finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
5795 }
5796 this._instances = instances;
5797 }
5798 else {
5799 this._instances.forEach(function (paneInstances, paneId) {
5800 updatePaneIds.push(paneId);
5801 paneInstances.forEach(function (instance) {
5802 var _a;
5803 (_a = instance.onRemoved) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(instance, { overlay: instance });
5804 });
5805 });
5806 this._instances.clear();
5807 }
5808 if (updatePaneIds.length > 0) {
5809 var chart_1 = this._chartStore.getChart();
5810 updatePaneIds.forEach(function (paneId) {
5811 chart_1.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */, paneId);
5812 });
5813 chart_1.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */, PaneIdConstants.X_AXIS);
5814 }
5815 };
5816 OverlayStore.prototype.setPressedInstanceInfo = function (info) {
5817 this._pressedInstanceInfo = info;
5818 };
5819 OverlayStore.prototype.getPressedInstanceInfo = function () {
5820 return this._pressedInstanceInfo;
5821 };
5822 OverlayStore.prototype.updatePointPosition = function (dataChangeLength, type) {
5823 if (dataChangeLength > 0) {
5824 var dataList_1 = this._chartStore.getDataList();
5825 this._instances.forEach(function (overlays) {
5826 overlays.forEach(function (o) {
5827 var points = o.points;
5828 points.forEach(function (point) {
5829 if (!isValid(point.timestamp) && isValid(point.dataIndex)) {
5830 if (type === LoadDataType.Forward) {
5831 point.dataIndex = point.dataIndex + dataChangeLength;
5832 }
5833 var data = dataList_1[point.dataIndex];
5834 point.timestamp = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.timestamp;
5835 }
5836 });
5837 });
5838 });
5839 }
5840 };
5841 OverlayStore.prototype.setHoverInstanceInfo = function (info, event) {
5842 var _a, _b;
5843 var _c = this._hoverInstanceInfo, instance = _c.instance, figureType = _c.figureType, figureKey = _c.figureKey, figureIndex = _c.figureIndex;
5844 if ((instance === null || instance === void 0 ? void 0 : instance.id) !== ((_a = info.instance) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.id) ||
5845 figureType !== info.figureType ||
5846 figureIndex !== info.figureIndex) {
5847 this._hoverInstanceInfo = info;
5848 if ((instance === null || instance === void 0 ? void 0 : instance.id) !== ((_b = info.instance) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.id)) {
5849 var ignoreUpdateFlag = false;
5850 var sortFlag = false;
5851 if (instance !== null) {
5852 sortFlag = true;
5853 if (isFunction(instance.onMouseLeave)) {
5854 instance.onMouseLeave(__assign({ overlay: instance, figureKey: figureKey, figureIndex: figureIndex }, event));
5855 ignoreUpdateFlag = true;
5856 }
5857 }
5858 if (info.instance !== null) {
5859 sortFlag = true;
5860 info.instance.setZLevel(OVERLAY_ACTIVE_Z_LEVEL);
5861 if (isFunction(info.instance.onMouseEnter)) {
5862 info.instance.onMouseEnter(__assign({ overlay: info.instance, figureKey: info.figureKey, figureIndex: info.figureIndex }, event));
5863 ignoreUpdateFlag = true;
5864 }
5865 }
5866 if (sortFlag) {
5867 this._sort();
5868 }
5869 if (!ignoreUpdateFlag) {
5870 this._chartStore.getChart().updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */);
5871 }
5872 }
5873 }
5874 };
5875 OverlayStore.prototype.getHoverInstanceInfo = function () {
5876 return this._hoverInstanceInfo;
5877 };
5878 OverlayStore.prototype.setClickInstanceInfo = function (info, event) {
5879 var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j;
5880 var _k = this._clickInstanceInfo, paneId = _k.paneId, instance = _k.instance, figureType = _k.figureType, figureKey = _k.figureKey, figureIndex = _k.figureIndex;
5881 if (!((_b = (_a = info.instance) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isDrawing()) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false)) {
5882 (_d = (_c = info.instance) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.onClick) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.call(_c, __assign({ overlay: info.instance, figureKey: info.figureKey, figureIndex: info.figureIndex }, event));
5883 }
5884 if ((instance === null || instance === void 0 ? void 0 : instance.id) !== ((_e = info.instance) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.id) || figureType !== info.figureType || figureIndex !== info.figureIndex) {
5885 this._clickInstanceInfo = info;
5886 if ((instance === null || instance === void 0 ? void 0 : instance.id) !== ((_f = info.instance) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.id)) {
5887 (_g = instance === null || instance === void 0 ? void 0 : instance.onDeselected) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.call(instance, __assign({ overlay: instance, figureKey: figureKey, figureIndex: figureIndex }, event));
5888 (_j = (_h = info.instance) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.onSelected) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.call(_h, __assign({ overlay: info.instance, figureKey: info.figureKey, figureIndex: info.figureIndex }, event));
5889 var chart = this._chartStore.getChart();
5890 chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */, info.paneId);
5891 if (paneId !== info.paneId) {
5892 chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */, paneId);
5893 }
5894 chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */, PaneIdConstants.X_AXIS);
5895 }
5896 }
5897 };
5898 OverlayStore.prototype.getClickInstanceInfo = function () {
5899 return this._clickInstanceInfo;
5900 };
5901 OverlayStore.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
5902 return this._instances.size === 0 && this._progressInstanceInfo === null;
5903 };
5904 OverlayStore.prototype.isDrawing = function () {
5905 var _a, _b;
5906 return this._progressInstanceInfo !== null && ((_b = (_a = this._progressInstanceInfo) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.instance.isDrawing()) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false);
5907 };
5908 return OverlayStore;
5912 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5913 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5914 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
5916 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
5918 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
5919 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
5920 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
5921 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
5922 * limitations under the License.
5923 */
5924var ActionStore = /** @class */ (function () {
5925 function ActionStore() {
5926 /**
5927 * Chart action map
5928 */
5929 this._actions = new Map();
5930 }
5931 ActionStore.prototype.execute = function (type, data) {
5932 var _a;
5933 (_a = this._actions.get(type)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.execute(data);
5934 };
5935 ActionStore.prototype.subscribe = function (type, callback) {
5936 var _a;
5937 if (!this._actions.has(type)) {
5938 this._actions.set(type, new Delegate());
5939 }
5940 (_a = this._actions.get(type)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.subscribe(callback);
5941 };
5942 /**
5943 * 取消事件订阅
5944 * @param type
5945 * @param callback
5946 * @return {boolean}
5947 */
5948 ActionStore.prototype.unsubscribe = function (type, callback) {
5949 var action = this._actions.get(type);
5950 if (isValid(action)) {
5951 action.unsubscribe(callback);
5952 if (action.isEmpty()) {
5953 this._actions.delete(type);
5954 }
5955 }
5956 };
5957 ActionStore.prototype.has = function (type) {
5958 var action = this._actions.get(type);
5959 return isValid(action) && !action.isEmpty();
5960 };
5961 return ActionStore;
5965 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5966 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5967 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
5969 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
5971 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
5972 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
5973 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
5974 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
5975 * limitations under the License.
5976 */
5977var light = {
5978 grid: {
5979 horizontal: {
5980 color: '#EDEDED'
5981 },
5982 vertical: {
5983 color: '#EDEDED'
5984 }
5985 },
5986 candle: {
5987 priceMark: {
5988 high: {
5989 color: '#76808F'
5990 },
5991 low: {
5992 color: '#76808F'
5993 }
5994 },
5995 tooltip: {
5996 rect: {
5997 color: '#FEFEFE',
5998 borderColor: '#F2F3F5'
5999 },
6000 text: {
6001 color: '#76808F'
6002 }
6003 }
6004 },
6005 indicator: {
6006 tooltip: {
6007 text: {
6008 color: '#76808F'
6009 }
6010 }
6011 },
6012 xAxis: {
6013 axisLine: {
6014 color: '#DDDDDD'
6015 },
6016 tickText: {
6017 color: '#76808F'
6018 },
6019 tickLine: {
6020 color: '#DDDDDD'
6021 }
6022 },
6023 yAxis: {
6024 axisLine: {
6025 color: '#DDDDDD'
6026 },
6027 tickText: {
6028 color: '#76808F'
6029 },
6030 tickLine: {
6031 color: '#DDDDDD'
6032 }
6033 },
6034 separator: {
6035 color: '#DDDDDD'
6036 },
6037 crosshair: {
6038 horizontal: {
6039 line: {
6040 color: '#76808F'
6041 },
6042 text: {
6043 borderColor: '#686D76',
6044 backgroundColor: '#686D76'
6045 }
6046 },
6047 vertical: {
6048 line: {
6049 color: '#76808F'
6050 },
6051 text: {
6052 borderColor: '#686D76',
6053 backgroundColor: '#686D76'
6054 }
6055 }
6056 }
6060 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6061 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6062 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6064 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6066 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
6067 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
6068 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
6069 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
6070 * limitations under the License.
6071 */
6072var dark = {
6073 grid: {
6074 horizontal: {
6075 color: '#292929'
6076 },
6077 vertical: {
6078 color: '#292929'
6079 }
6080 },
6081 candle: {
6082 priceMark: {
6083 high: {
6084 color: '#929AA5'
6085 },
6086 low: {
6087 color: '#929AA5'
6088 }
6089 },
6090 tooltip: {
6091 rect: {
6092 color: 'rgba(10, 10, 10, .6)',
6093 borderColor: 'rgba(10, 10, 10, .6)'
6094 },
6095 text: {
6096 color: '#929AA5'
6097 }
6098 }
6099 },
6100 indicator: {
6101 tooltip: {
6102 text: {
6103 color: '#929AA5'
6104 }
6105 }
6106 },
6107 xAxis: {
6108 axisLine: {
6109 color: '#333333'
6110 },
6111 tickText: {
6112 color: '#929AA5'
6113 },
6114 tickLine: {
6115 color: '#333333'
6116 }
6117 },
6118 yAxis: {
6119 axisLine: {
6120 color: '#333333'
6121 },
6122 tickText: {
6123 color: '#929AA5'
6124 },
6125 tickLine: {
6126 color: '#333333'
6127 }
6128 },
6129 separator: {
6130 color: '#333333'
6131 },
6132 crosshair: {
6133 horizontal: {
6134 line: {
6135 color: '#929AA5'
6136 },
6137 text: {
6138 borderColor: '#373a40',
6139 backgroundColor: '#373a40'
6140 }
6141 },
6142 vertical: {
6143 line: {
6144 color: '#929AA5'
6145 },
6146 text: {
6147 borderColor: '#373a40',
6148 backgroundColor: '#373a40'
6149 }
6150 }
6151 }
6155 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6156 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6157 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6159 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6161 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
6162 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
6163 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
6164 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
6165 * limitations under the License.
6166 */
6167var styles = {
6168 light: light,
6169 dark: dark
6171function registerStyles(name, ss) {
6172 styles[name] = ss;
6174function getStyles(name) {
6175 var _a;
6176 return (_a = styles[name]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
6180 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6181 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6182 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6184 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6186 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
6187 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
6188 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
6189 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
6190 * limitations under the License.
6191 */
6192var ChartStore = /** @class */ (function () {
6193 function ChartStore(chart, options) {
6194 /**
6195 * Style config
6196 */
6197 this._styles = getDefaultStyles();
6198 /**
6199 * Custom api
6200 */
6201 this._customApi = getDefaultCustomApi();
6202 /**
6203 * language
6204 */
6205 this._locale = defaultLocale;
6206 /**
6207 * Price and volume precision
6208 */
6209 this._precision = { price: 2, volume: 0 };
6210 /**
6211 * Thousands separator
6212 */
6213 this._thousandsSeparator = ',';
6214 // Decimal fold threshold
6215 this._decimalFoldThreshold = 3;
6216 /**
6217 * Data source
6218 */
6219 this._dataList = [];
6220 /**
6221 * Load more data callback
6222 * Since v9.8.0 deprecated, since v10 removed
6223 * @deprecated
6224 */
6225 this._loadMoreCallback = null;
6226 /**
6227 * Load data callback
6228 */
6229 this._loadDataCallback = null;
6230 /**
6231 * Is loading data flag
6232 */
6233 this._loading = true;
6234 /**
6235 * Whether there are forward more flag
6236 */
6237 this._forwardMore = true;
6238 /**
6239 * Whether there are forward more flag
6240 */
6241 this._backwardMore = true;
6242 /**
6243 * Time scale store
6244 */
6245 this._timeScaleStore = new TimeScaleStore(this);
6246 /**
6247 * Indicator store
6248 */
6249 this._indicatorStore = new IndicatorStore(this);
6250 /**
6251 * Overlay store
6252 */
6253 this._overlayStore = new OverlayStore(this);
6254 /**
6255 * Tooltip store
6256 */
6257 this._tooltipStore = new TooltipStore(this);
6258 /**
6259 * Chart action store
6260 */
6261 this._actionStore = new ActionStore();
6262 /**
6263 * Visible data array
6264 */
6265 this._visibleDataList = [];
6266 this._chart = chart;
6267 this.setOptions(options);
6268 }
6269 /**
6270 * @description Adjust visible data
6271 * @return {*}
6272 */
6273 ChartStore.prototype.adjustVisibleDataList = function () {
6274 this._visibleDataList = [];
6275 var _a = this._timeScaleStore.getVisibleRange(), realFrom = _a.realFrom, realTo = _a.realTo;
6276 for (var i = realFrom; i < realTo; i++) {
6277 var kLineData = this._dataList[i];
6278 var x = this._timeScaleStore.dataIndexToCoordinate(i);
6279 this._visibleDataList.push({
6280 dataIndex: i,
6281 x: x,
6282 data: kLineData
6283 });
6284 }
6285 };
6286 ChartStore.prototype.setOptions = function (options) {
6287 var _a, _b, _c, _d;
6288 if (isValid(options)) {
6289 var locale = options.locale, timezone = options.timezone, styles = options.styles, customApi = options.customApi, thousandsSeparator = options.thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold = options.decimalFoldThreshold;
6290 if (isString(locale)) {
6291 this._locale = locale;
6292 }
6293 if (isString(timezone)) {
6294 this._timeScaleStore.setTimezone(timezone);
6295 }
6296 if (isValid(styles)) {
6297 var ss = null;
6298 if (isString(styles)) {
6299 ss = getStyles(styles);
6300 }
6301 else {
6302 ss = styles;
6303 }
6304 merge(this._styles, ss);
6305 // `candle.tooltip.custom` should override
6306 if (isArray((_b = (_a = ss === null || ss === void 0 ? void 0 : ss.candle) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tooltip) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.custom)) {
6307 this._styles.candle.tooltip.custom = (_d = (_c = ss === null || ss === void 0 ? void 0 : ss.candle) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.tooltip) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.custom;
6308 }
6309 }
6310 if (isValid(customApi)) {
6311 merge(this._customApi, customApi);
6312 }
6313 if (isString(thousandsSeparator)) {
6314 this._thousandsSeparator = thousandsSeparator;
6315 }
6316 if (isNumber(decimalFoldThreshold) && decimalFoldThreshold > 0) {
6317 this._decimalFoldThreshold = decimalFoldThreshold;
6318 }
6319 }
6320 return this;
6321 };
6322 ChartStore.prototype.getStyles = function () {
6323 return this._styles;
6324 };
6325 ChartStore.prototype.getLocale = function () {
6326 return this._locale;
6327 };
6328 ChartStore.prototype.getCustomApi = function () {
6329 return this._customApi;
6330 };
6331 ChartStore.prototype.getThousandsSeparator = function () {
6332 return this._thousandsSeparator;
6333 };
6334 ChartStore.prototype.getDecimalFoldThreshold = function () {
6335 return this._decimalFoldThreshold;
6336 };
6337 ChartStore.prototype.getPrecision = function () {
6338 return this._precision;
6339 };
6340 ChartStore.prototype.setPrecision = function (precision) {
6341 this._precision = precision;
6342 this._indicatorStore.synchronizeSeriesPrecision();
6343 return this;
6344 };
6345 ChartStore.prototype.getDataList = function () {
6346 return this._dataList;
6347 };
6348 ChartStore.prototype.getVisibleDataList = function () {
6349 return this._visibleDataList;
6350 };
6351 ChartStore.prototype.addData = function (data, type, more) {
6352 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6353 var success, adjustFlag, dataLengthChange, dataCount, timestamp, lastDataTimestamp, lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount;
6354 return __generator(this, function (_b) {
6355 switch (_b.label) {
6356 case 0:
6357 success = false;
6358 adjustFlag = false;
6359 dataLengthChange = 0;
6360 if (isArray(data)) {
6361 dataLengthChange = data.length;
6362 switch (type) {
6363 case LoadDataType.Init: {
6364 this.clear();
6365 this._dataList = data;
6366 this._forwardMore = more !== null && more !== void 0 ? more : true;
6367 this._timeScaleStore.resetOffsetRightDistance();
6368 adjustFlag = true;
6369 break;
6370 }
6371 case LoadDataType.Backward: {
6372 this._dataList = this._dataList.concat(data);
6373 this._backwardMore = more !== null && more !== void 0 ? more : false;
6374 adjustFlag = dataLengthChange > 0;
6375 break;
6376 }
6377 case LoadDataType.Forward: {
6378 this._dataList = data.concat(this._dataList);
6379 this._forwardMore = more !== null && more !== void 0 ? more : false;
6380 adjustFlag = dataLengthChange > 0;
6381 }
6382 }
6383 this._loading = false;
6384 success = true;
6385 }
6386 else {
6387 dataCount = this._dataList.length;
6388 timestamp = data.timestamp;
6389 lastDataTimestamp = formatValue(this._dataList[dataCount - 1], 'timestamp', 0);
6390 if (timestamp > lastDataTimestamp) {
6391 this._dataList.push(data);
6392 lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount = this._timeScaleStore.getLastBarRightSideDiffBarCount();
6393 if (lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount < 0) {
6394 this._timeScaleStore.setLastBarRightSideDiffBarCount(--lastBarRightSideDiffBarCount);
6395 }
6396 dataLengthChange = 1;
6397 success = true;
6398 adjustFlag = true;
6399 }
6400 else if (timestamp === lastDataTimestamp) {
6401 this._dataList[dataCount - 1] = data;
6402 success = true;
6403 adjustFlag = true;
6404 }
6405 }
6406 if (!success) return [3 /*break*/, 5];
6407 _b.label = 1;
6408 case 1:
6409 _b.trys.push([1, 4, , 5]);
6410 this._overlayStore.updatePointPosition(dataLengthChange, type);
6411 if (!adjustFlag) return [3 /*break*/, 3];
6412 this._timeScaleStore.adjustVisibleRange();
6413 this._tooltipStore.recalculateCrosshair(true);
6414 return [4 /*yield*/, this._indicatorStore.calcInstance()];
6415 case 2:
6416 _b.sent();
6417 this._chart.adjustPaneViewport(false, true, true, true);
6418 _b.label = 3;
6419 case 3:
6420 this._actionStore.execute(exports.ActionType.OnDataReady);
6421 return [3 /*break*/, 5];
6422 case 4:
6423 _b.sent();
6424 return [3 /*break*/, 5];
6425 case 5: return [2 /*return*/];
6426 }
6427 });
6428 });
6429 };
6430 ChartStore.prototype.setLoadMoreCallback = function (callback) {
6431 this._loadMoreCallback = callback;
6432 };
6433 ChartStore.prototype.executeLoadMoreCallback = function (timestamp) {
6434 if (this._forwardMore && !this._loading && isValid(this._loadMoreCallback)) {
6435 this._loading = true;
6436 this._loadMoreCallback(timestamp);
6437 }
6438 };
6439 ChartStore.prototype.setLoadDataCallback = function (callback) {
6440 this._loadDataCallback = callback;
6441 };
6442 ChartStore.prototype.executeLoadDataCallback = function (params) {
6443 var _this = this;
6444 if (!this._loading &&
6445 isValid(this._loadDataCallback) &&
6446 ((this._forwardMore && params.type === LoadDataType.Forward) ||
6447 (this._backwardMore && params.type === LoadDataType.Backward))) {
6448 var cb = function (data, more) {
6449 _this.addData(data, params.type, more).then(function () { }).catch(function () { });
6450 };
6451 this._loading = true;
6452 this._loadDataCallback(__assign(__assign({}, params), { callback: cb }));
6453 }
6454 };
6455 ChartStore.prototype.clear = function () {
6456 this._forwardMore = true;
6457 this._backwardMore = true;
6458 this._loading = true;
6459 this._dataList = [];
6460 this._visibleDataList = [];
6461 this._timeScaleStore.clear();
6462 this._tooltipStore.clear();
6463 };
6464 ChartStore.prototype.getTimeScaleStore = function () {
6465 return this._timeScaleStore;
6466 };
6467 ChartStore.prototype.getIndicatorStore = function () {
6468 return this._indicatorStore;
6469 };
6470 ChartStore.prototype.getOverlayStore = function () {
6471 return this._overlayStore;
6472 };
6473 ChartStore.prototype.getTooltipStore = function () {
6474 return this._tooltipStore;
6475 };
6476 ChartStore.prototype.getActionStore = function () {
6477 return this._actionStore;
6478 };
6479 ChartStore.prototype.getChart = function () {
6480 return this._chart;
6481 };
6482 return ChartStore;
6486 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6487 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6488 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6490 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6492 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
6493 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
6494 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
6495 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
6496 * limitations under the License.
6497 */
6498var WidgetNameConstants = {
6499 MAIN: 'main',
6500 X_AXIS: 'xAxis',
6501 Y_AXIS: 'yAxis',
6502 SEPARATOR: 'separator'
6507 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6508 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6509 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6511 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6513 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
6514 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
6515 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
6516 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
6517 * limitations under the License.
6518 */
6519var DEFAULT_REQUEST_ID = -1;
6520function requestAnimationFrame$1(fn) {
6521 if (isFunction(window.requestAnimationFrame)) {
6522 return window.requestAnimationFrame(fn);
6523 }
6524 return window.setTimeout(fn, 20);
6526function cancelAnimationFrame(id) {
6527 if (isFunction(window.cancelAnimationFrame)) {
6528 window.cancelAnimationFrame(id);
6529 }
6530 else {
6531 window.clearTimeout(id);
6532 }
6536 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6537 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6538 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6540 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6542 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
6543 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
6544 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
6545 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
6546 * limitations under the License.
6547 */
6548function isSupportedDevicePixelContentBox() {
6549 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6550 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
6551 switch (_a.label) {
6552 case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, new Promise(function (resolve) {
6553 var ro = new ResizeObserver(function (entries) {
6554 resolve(entries.every(function (entry) { return 'devicePixelContentBoxSize' in entry; }));
6555 ro.disconnect();
6556 });
6557 ro.observe(document.body, { box: 'device-pixel-content-box' });
6558 }).catch(function () { return false; })];
6559 case 1: return [2 /*return*/, _a.sent()];
6560 }
6561 });
6562 });
6564var Canvas = /** @class */ (function () {
6565 function Canvas(style, listener) {
6566 var _this = this;
6567 this._supportedDevicePixelContentBox = false;
6568 this._width = 0;
6569 this._height = 0;
6570 this._pixelWidth = 0;
6571 this._pixelHeight = 0;
6572 this._nextPixelWidth = 0;
6573 this._nextPixelHeight = 0;
6574 this._requestAnimationId = DEFAULT_REQUEST_ID;
6575 this._mediaQueryListener = function () {
6576 var pixelRatio = getPixelRatio(_this._element);
6577 _this._nextPixelWidth = Math.round(_this._element.clientWidth * pixelRatio);
6578 _this._nextPixelHeight = Math.round(_this._element.clientHeight * pixelRatio);
6579 _this._resetPixelRatio();
6580 };
6581 this._listener = listener;
6582 this._element = createDom('canvas', style);
6583 this._ctx = this._element.getContext('2d', { willReadFrequently: true });
6584 isSupportedDevicePixelContentBox().then(function (result) {
6585 _this._supportedDevicePixelContentBox = result;
6586 if (result) {
6587 _this._resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(function (entries) {
6588 var _a;
6589 var entry = entries.find(function (entry) { return entry.target === _this._element; });
6590 var size = (_a = entry === null || entry === void 0 ? void 0 : entry.devicePixelContentBoxSize) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0];
6591 if (isValid(size)) {
6592 _this._nextPixelWidth = size.inlineSize;
6593 _this._nextPixelHeight = size.blockSize;
6594 if (_this._pixelWidth !== _this._nextPixelWidth || _this._pixelHeight !== _this._nextPixelHeight) {
6595 _this._resetPixelRatio();
6596 }
6597 }
6598 });
6599 _this._resizeObserver.observe(_this._element, { box: 'device-pixel-content-box' });
6600 }
6601 else {
6602 _this._mediaQueryList = window.matchMedia("(resolution: ".concat(getPixelRatio(_this._element), "dppx)"));
6603 _this._mediaQueryList.addListener(_this._mediaQueryListener);
6604 }
6605 }).catch(function (_) { return false; });
6606 }
6607 Canvas.prototype._resetPixelRatio = function () {
6608 var _this = this;
6609 this._executeListener(function () {
6610 var width = _this._element.clientWidth;
6611 var height = _this._element.clientHeight;
6612 var horizontalPixelRatio = _this._nextPixelWidth / width;
6613 var verticalPixelRatio = _this._nextPixelHeight / height;
6614 _this._width = width;
6615 _this._height = height;
6616 _this._pixelWidth = _this._nextPixelWidth;
6617 _this._pixelHeight = _this._nextPixelHeight;
6618 _this._element.width = _this._nextPixelWidth;
6619 _this._element.height = _this._nextPixelHeight;
6620 _this._ctx.scale(horizontalPixelRatio, verticalPixelRatio);
6621 });
6622 };
6623 Canvas.prototype._executeListener = function (fn) {
6624 var _this = this;
6625 if (this._requestAnimationId === DEFAULT_REQUEST_ID) {
6626 this._requestAnimationId = requestAnimationFrame$1(function () {
6627 _this._ctx.clearRect(0, 0, _this._width, _this._height);
6628 fn === null || fn === void 0 ? void 0 : fn();
6629 _this._listener();
6630 _this._requestAnimationId = DEFAULT_REQUEST_ID;
6631 });
6632 }
6633 };
6634 Canvas.prototype.update = function (w, h) {
6635 if (this._width !== w || this._height !== h) {
6636 this._element.style.width = "".concat(w, "px");
6637 this._element.style.height = "".concat(h, "px");
6638 if (!this._supportedDevicePixelContentBox) {
6639 var pixelRatio = getPixelRatio(this._element);
6640 this._nextPixelWidth = Math.round(w * pixelRatio);
6641 this._nextPixelHeight = Math.round(h * pixelRatio);
6642 this._resetPixelRatio();
6643 }
6644 }
6645 else {
6646 this._executeListener();
6647 }
6648 };
6649 Canvas.prototype.getElement = function () {
6650 return this._element;
6651 };
6652 Canvas.prototype.getContext = function () {
6653 return this._ctx;
6654 };
6655 Canvas.prototype.destroy = function () {
6656 var _a, _b;
6657 (_a = this._resizeObserver) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.unobserve(this._element);
6658 (_b = this._mediaQueryList) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.removeListener(this._mediaQueryListener);
6659 };
6660 return Canvas;
6664 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6665 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6666 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6668 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6670 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
6671 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
6672 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
6673 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
6674 * limitations under the License.
6675 */
6676function createDefaultBounding(bounding) {
6677 var defaultBounding = {
6678 width: 0,
6679 height: 0,
6680 left: 0,
6681 right: 0,
6682 top: 0,
6683 bottom: 0
6684 };
6685 if (isValid(bounding)) {
6686 merge(defaultBounding, bounding);
6687 }
6688 return defaultBounding;
6692 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6693 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6694 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6696 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6698 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
6699 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
6700 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
6701 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
6702 * limitations under the License.
6703 */
6704var Widget = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
6705 __extends(Widget, _super);
6706 function Widget(rootContainer, pane) {
6707 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
6708 _this._bounding = createDefaultBounding();
6709 _this._pane = pane;
6710 _this.init(rootContainer);
6711 return _this;
6712 }
6713 Widget.prototype.init = function (rootContainer) {
6714 this._rootContainer = rootContainer;
6715 this._container = this.createContainer();
6716 rootContainer.appendChild(this._container);
6717 };
6718 Widget.prototype.setBounding = function (bounding) {
6719 merge(this._bounding, bounding);
6720 return this;
6721 };
6722 Widget.prototype.getContainer = function () { return this._container; };
6723 Widget.prototype.getBounding = function () {
6724 return this._bounding;
6725 };
6726 Widget.prototype.getPane = function () {
6727 return this._pane;
6728 };
6729 Widget.prototype.update = function (level) {
6730 this.updateImp(this._container, this._bounding, level !== null && level !== void 0 ? level : 3 /* UpdateLevel.Drawer */);
6731 };
6732 Widget.prototype.destroy = function () {
6733 this._rootContainer.removeChild(this._container);
6734 };
6735 return Widget;
6739 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6740 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6741 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6743 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6745 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
6746 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
6747 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
6748 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
6749 * limitations under the License.
6750 */
6751var DrawWidget = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
6752 __extends(DrawWidget, _super);
6753 function DrawWidget() {
6754 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
6755 }
6756 DrawWidget.prototype.init = function (rootContainer) {
6757 var _this = this;
6758 _super.prototype.init.call(this, rootContainer);
6759 this._mainCanvas = new Canvas({
6760 position: 'absolute',
6761 top: '0',
6762 left: '0',
6763 zIndex: '2',
6764 boxSizing: 'border-box'
6765 }, function () {
6766 _this.updateMain(_this._mainCanvas.getContext());
6767 });
6768 this._overlayCanvas = new Canvas({
6769 position: 'absolute',
6770 top: '0',
6771 left: '0',
6772 zIndex: '2',
6773 boxSizing: 'border-box'
6774 }, function () {
6775 _this.updateOverlay(_this._overlayCanvas.getContext());
6776 });
6777 var container = this.getContainer();
6778 container.appendChild(this._mainCanvas.getElement());
6779 container.appendChild(this._overlayCanvas.getElement());
6780 };
6781 DrawWidget.prototype.createContainer = function () {
6782 return createDom('div', {
6783 margin: '0',
6784 padding: '0',
6785 position: 'absolute',
6786 top: '0',
6787 overflow: 'hidden',
6788 boxSizing: 'border-box',
6789 zIndex: '1'
6790 });
6791 };
6792 DrawWidget.prototype.updateImp = function (container, bounding, level) {
6793 var width = bounding.width, height = bounding.height, left = bounding.left;
6794 container.style.left = "".concat(left, "px");
6795 var l = level;
6796 var w = container.clientWidth;
6797 var h = container.clientHeight;
6798 if (width !== w || height !== h) {
6799 container.style.width = "".concat(width, "px");
6800 container.style.height = "".concat(height, "px");
6801 l = 3 /* UpdateLevel.Drawer */;
6802 }
6803 switch (l) {
6804 case 0 /* UpdateLevel.Main */: {
6805 this._mainCanvas.update(width, height);
6806 break;
6807 }
6808 case 1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */: {
6809 this._overlayCanvas.update(width, height);
6810 break;
6811 }
6812 case 3 /* UpdateLevel.Drawer */:
6813 case 4 /* UpdateLevel.All */: {
6814 this._mainCanvas.update(width, height);
6815 this._overlayCanvas.update(width, height);
6816 break;
6817 }
6818 }
6819 };
6820 DrawWidget.prototype.destroy = function () {
6821 this._mainCanvas.destroy();
6822 this._overlayCanvas.destroy();
6823 };
6824 DrawWidget.prototype.getImage = function (includeOverlay) {
6825 var _a = this.getBounding(), width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
6826 var canvas = createDom('canvas', {
6827 width: "".concat(width, "px"),
6828 height: "".concat(height, "px"),
6829 boxSizing: 'border-box'
6830 });
6831 var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
6832 var pixelRatio = getPixelRatio(canvas);
6833 canvas.width = width * pixelRatio;
6834 canvas.height = height * pixelRatio;
6835 ctx.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);
6836 ctx.drawImage(this._mainCanvas.getElement(), 0, 0, width, height);
6837 if (includeOverlay) {
6838 ctx.drawImage(this._overlayCanvas.getElement(), 0, 0, width, height);
6839 }
6840 return canvas;
6841 };
6842 return DrawWidget;
6846 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6847 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6848 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6850 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6852 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
6853 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
6854 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
6855 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
6856 * limitations under the License.
6857 */
6858function isTransparent(color) {
6859 return color === 'transparent' ||
6860 color === 'none' ||
6861 /^[rR][gG][Bb][Aa]\(([\s]*(2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)[\s]*,){3}[\s]*0[\s]*\)$/.test(color) ||
6862 /^[hH][Ss][Ll][Aa]\(([\s]*(3603[0-5][0-9]|[012]?[0-9][0-9]?)[\s]*,)([\s]*((100|[0-9][0-9]?)%|0)[\s]*,){2}([\s]*0[\s]*)\)$/.test(color);
6866 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6867 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6868 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6870 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6872 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
6873 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
6874 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
6875 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
6876 * limitations under the License.
6877 */
6878function checkCoordinateOnCircle(coordinate, attrs) {
6879 var circles = [];
6880 circles = circles.concat(attrs);
6881 for (var i = 0; i < circles.length; i++) {
6882 var _a = circles[i], x = _a.x, y = _a.y, r = _a.r;
6883 var difX = coordinate.x - x;
6884 var difY = coordinate.y - y;
6885 if (!(difX * difX + difY * difY > r * r)) {
6886 return true;
6887 }
6888 }
6889 return false;
6891function drawCircle(ctx, attrs, styles) {
6892 var circles = [];
6893 circles = circles.concat(attrs);
6894 var _a = styles.style, style = _a === void 0 ? exports.PolygonType.Fill : _a, _b = styles.color, color = _b === void 0 ? 'currentColor' : _b, _c = styles.borderSize, borderSize = _c === void 0 ? 1 : _c, _d = styles.borderColor, borderColor = _d === void 0 ? 'currentColor' : _d, _e = styles.borderStyle, borderStyle = _e === void 0 ? exports.LineType.Solid : _e, _f = styles.borderDashedValue, borderDashedValue = _f === void 0 ? [2, 2] : _f;
6895 if ((style === exports.PolygonType.Fill || styles.style === exports.PolygonType.StrokeFill) &&
6896 (!isString(color) || !isTransparent(color))) {
6897 ctx.fillStyle = color;
6898 circles.forEach(function (_a) {
6899 var x = _a.x, y = _a.y, r = _a.r;
6900 ctx.beginPath();
6901 ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, Math.PI * 2);
6902 ctx.closePath();
6903 ctx.fill();
6904 });
6905 }
6906 if ((style === exports.PolygonType.Stroke || styles.style === exports.PolygonType.StrokeFill) && borderSize > 0 && !isTransparent(borderColor)) {
6907 ctx.strokeStyle = borderColor;
6908 ctx.lineWidth = borderSize;
6909 if (borderStyle === exports.LineType.Dashed) {
6910 ctx.setLineDash(borderDashedValue);
6911 }
6912 else {
6913 ctx.setLineDash([]);
6914 }
6915 circles.forEach(function (_a) {
6916 var x = _a.x, y = _a.y, r = _a.r;
6917 ctx.beginPath();
6918 ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, Math.PI * 2);
6919 ctx.closePath();
6920 ctx.stroke();
6921 });
6922 }
6924var circle = {
6925 name: 'circle',
6926 checkEventOn: checkCoordinateOnCircle,
6927 draw: function (ctx, attrs, styles) {
6928 drawCircle(ctx, attrs, styles);
6929 }
6933 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6934 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6935 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6937 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6939 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
6940 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
6941 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
6942 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
6943 * limitations under the License.
6944 */
6945function checkCoordinateOnPolygon(coordinate, attrs) {
6946 var polygons = [];
6947 polygons = polygons.concat(attrs);
6948 for (var i = 0; i < polygons.length; i++) {
6949 var on = false;
6950 var coordinates = polygons[i].coordinates;
6951 for (var i_1 = 0, j = coordinates.length - 1; i_1 < coordinates.length; j = i_1++) {
6952 if ((coordinates[i_1].y > coordinate.y) !== (coordinates[j].y > coordinate.y) &&
6953 (coordinate.x < (coordinates[j].x - coordinates[i_1].x) * (coordinate.y - coordinates[i_1].y) / (coordinates[j].y - coordinates[i_1].y) + coordinates[i_1].x)) {
6954 on = !on;
6955 }
6956 }
6957 if (on) {
6958 return true;
6959 }
6960 }
6961 return false;
6963function drawPolygon(ctx, attrs, styles) {
6964 var polygons = [];
6965 polygons = polygons.concat(attrs);
6966 var _a = styles.style, style = _a === void 0 ? exports.PolygonType.Fill : _a, _b = styles.color, color = _b === void 0 ? 'currentColor' : _b, _c = styles.borderSize, borderSize = _c === void 0 ? 1 : _c, _d = styles.borderColor, borderColor = _d === void 0 ? 'currentColor' : _d, _e = styles.borderStyle, borderStyle = _e === void 0 ? exports.LineType.Solid : _e, _f = styles.borderDashedValue, borderDashedValue = _f === void 0 ? [2, 2] : _f;
6967 if ((style === exports.PolygonType.Fill || styles.style === exports.PolygonType.StrokeFill) &&
6968 (!isString(color) || !isTransparent(color))) {
6969 ctx.fillStyle = color;
6970 polygons.forEach(function (_a) {
6971 var coordinates = _a.coordinates;
6972 ctx.beginPath();
6973 ctx.moveTo(coordinates[0].x, coordinates[0].y);
6974 for (var i = 1; i < coordinates.length; i++) {
6975 ctx.lineTo(coordinates[i].x, coordinates[i].y);
6976 }
6977 ctx.closePath();
6978 ctx.fill();
6979 });
6980 }
6981 if ((style === exports.PolygonType.Stroke || styles.style === exports.PolygonType.StrokeFill) && borderSize > 0 && !isTransparent(borderColor)) {
6982 ctx.strokeStyle = borderColor;
6983 ctx.lineWidth = borderSize;
6984 if (borderStyle === exports.LineType.Dashed) {
6985 ctx.setLineDash(borderDashedValue);
6986 }
6987 else {
6988 ctx.setLineDash([]);
6989 }
6990 polygons.forEach(function (_a) {
6991 var coordinates = _a.coordinates;
6992 ctx.beginPath();
6993 ctx.moveTo(coordinates[0].x, coordinates[0].y);
6994 for (var i = 1; i < coordinates.length; i++) {
6995 ctx.lineTo(coordinates[i].x, coordinates[i].y);
6996 }
6997 ctx.closePath();
6998 ctx.stroke();
6999 });
7000 }
7002var polygon = {
7003 name: 'polygon',
7004 checkEventOn: checkCoordinateOnPolygon,
7005 draw: function (ctx, attrs, styles) {
7006 drawPolygon(ctx, attrs, styles);
7007 }
7011 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7012 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7013 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7015 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7017 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7018 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
7019 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7020 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
7021 * limitations under the License.
7022 */
7023function checkCoordinateOnRect(coordinate, attrs) {
7024 var rects = [];
7025 rects = rects.concat(attrs);
7026 for (var i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) {
7027 var rect_1 = rects[i];
7028 var x = rect_1.x;
7029 var width = rect_1.width;
7030 if (width < DEVIATION * 2) {
7031 x -= DEVIATION;
7032 width = DEVIATION * 2;
7033 }
7034 var y = rect_1.y;
7035 var height = rect_1.height;
7036 if (height < DEVIATION * 2) {
7037 y -= DEVIATION;
7038 height = DEVIATION * 2;
7039 }
7040 if (coordinate.x >= x &&
7041 coordinate.x <= x + width &&
7042 coordinate.y >= y &&
7043 coordinate.y <= y + height) {
7044 return true;
7045 }
7046 }
7047 return false;
7049function drawRect(ctx, attrs, styles) {
7050 var rects = [];
7051 rects = rects.concat(attrs);
7052 var _a = styles.style, style = _a === void 0 ? exports.PolygonType.Fill : _a, _b = styles.color, color = _b === void 0 ? 'transparent' : _b, _c = styles.borderSize, borderSize = _c === void 0 ? 1 : _c, _d = styles.borderColor, borderColor = _d === void 0 ? 'transparent' : _d, _e = styles.borderStyle, borderStyle = _e === void 0 ? exports.LineType.Solid : _e, _f = styles.borderRadius, r = _f === void 0 ? 0 : _f, _g = styles.borderDashedValue, borderDashedValue = _g === void 0 ? [2, 2] : _g;
7053 if ((style === exports.PolygonType.Fill || styles.style === exports.PolygonType.StrokeFill) &&
7054 (!isString(color) || !isTransparent(color))) {
7055 ctx.fillStyle = color;
7056 rects.forEach(function (_a) {
7057 var x = _a.x, y = _a.y, w = _a.width, h = _a.height;
7058 ctx.beginPath();
7059 ctx.moveTo(x + r, y);
7060 ctx.arcTo(x + w, y, x + w, y + h, r);
7061 ctx.arcTo(x + w, y + h, x, y + h, r);
7062 ctx.arcTo(x, y + h, x, y, r);
7063 ctx.arcTo(x, y, x + w, y, r);
7064 ctx.closePath();
7065 ctx.fill();
7066 });
7067 }
7068 if ((style === exports.PolygonType.Stroke || styles.style === exports.PolygonType.StrokeFill) && borderSize > 0 && !isTransparent(borderColor)) {
7069 ctx.strokeStyle = borderColor;
7070 ctx.lineWidth = borderSize;
7071 if (borderStyle === exports.LineType.Dashed) {
7072 ctx.setLineDash(borderDashedValue);
7073 }
7074 else {
7075 ctx.setLineDash([]);
7076 }
7077 rects.forEach(function (_a) {
7078 var x = _a.x, y = _a.y, w = _a.width, h = _a.height;
7079 ctx.beginPath();
7080 ctx.moveTo(x + r, y);
7081 ctx.arcTo(x + w, y, x + w, y + h, r);
7082 ctx.arcTo(x + w, y + h, x, y + h, r);
7083 ctx.arcTo(x, y + h, x, y, r);
7084 ctx.arcTo(x, y, x + w, y, r);
7085 ctx.closePath();
7086 ctx.stroke();
7087 });
7088 }
7090var rect = {
7091 name: 'rect',
7092 checkEventOn: checkCoordinateOnRect,
7093 draw: function (ctx, attrs, styles) {
7094 drawRect(ctx, attrs, styles);
7095 }
7099 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7100 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7101 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7103 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7105 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7106 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
7107 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7108 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
7109 * limitations under the License.
7110 */
7111function getTextRect(attrs, styles) {
7112 var _a = styles.size, size = _a === void 0 ? 12 : _a, _b = styles.paddingLeft, paddingLeft = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = styles.paddingTop, paddingTop = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, _d = styles.paddingRight, paddingRight = _d === void 0 ? 0 : _d, _e = styles.paddingBottom, paddingBottom = _e === void 0 ? 0 : _e, _f = styles.weight, weight = _f === void 0 ? 'normal' : _f, family = styles.family;
7113 var x = attrs.x, y = attrs.y, text = attrs.text, _g = attrs.align, align = _g === void 0 ? 'left' : _g, _h = attrs.baseline, baseline = _h === void 0 ? 'top' : _h, w = attrs.width, h = attrs.height;
7114 var width = w !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : (paddingLeft + calcTextWidth(text, size, weight, family) + paddingRight);
7115 var height = h !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : (paddingTop + size + paddingBottom);
7116 var startX;
7117 switch (align) {
7118 case 'left':
7119 case 'start': {
7120 startX = x;
7121 break;
7122 }
7123 case 'right':
7124 case 'end': {
7125 startX = x - width;
7126 break;
7127 }
7128 default: {
7129 startX = x - width / 2;
7130 break;
7131 }
7132 }
7133 var startY;
7134 switch (baseline) {
7135 case 'top':
7136 case 'hanging': {
7137 startY = y;
7138 break;
7139 }
7140 case 'bottom':
7141 case 'ideographic':
7142 case 'alphabetic': {
7143 startY = y - height;
7144 break;
7145 }
7146 default: {
7147 startY = y - height / 2;
7148 break;
7149 }
7150 }
7151 return { x: startX, y: startY, width: width, height: height };
7153function checkCoordinateOnText(coordinate, attrs, styles) {
7154 var texts = [];
7155 texts = texts.concat(attrs);
7156 for (var i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) {
7157 var _a = getTextRect(texts[i], styles), x = _a.x, y = _a.y, width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
7158 if (coordinate.x >= x &&
7159 coordinate.x <= x + width &&
7160 coordinate.y >= y &&
7161 coordinate.y <= y + height) {
7162 return true;
7163 }
7164 }
7165 return false;
7167function drawText(ctx, attrs, styles) {
7168 var texts = [];
7169 texts = texts.concat(attrs);
7170 var _a = styles.color, color = _a === void 0 ? 'currentColor' : _a, _b = styles.size, size = _b === void 0 ? 12 : _b, family = styles.family, weight = styles.weight, _c = styles.paddingLeft, paddingLeft = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, _d = styles.paddingTop, paddingTop = _d === void 0 ? 0 : _d, _e = styles.paddingRight, paddingRight = _e === void 0 ? 0 : _e;
7171 var rects = texts.map(function (text) { return getTextRect(text, styles); });
7172 drawRect(ctx, rects, __assign(__assign({}, styles), { color: styles.backgroundColor }));
7173 ctx.textAlign = 'left';
7174 ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
7175 ctx.font = createFont(size, weight, family);
7176 ctx.fillStyle = color;
7177 texts.forEach(function (text, index) {
7178 var rect = rects[index];
7179 ctx.fillText(text.text, rect.x + paddingLeft, rect.y + paddingTop, rect.width - paddingLeft - paddingRight);
7180 });
7182var text = {
7183 name: 'text',
7184 checkEventOn: checkCoordinateOnText,
7185 draw: function (ctx, attrs, styles) {
7186 drawText(ctx, attrs, styles);
7187 }
7191 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7192 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7193 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7195 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7197 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7198 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
7199 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7200 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
7201 * limitations under the License.
7202 */
7204 * @deprecated
7205 * Starting from v10, it will be deleted
7206 */
7207var rectText = text;
7209 * @deprecated
7210 * Starting from v10, it will be deleted
7211 */
7212var drawRectText = drawText;
7215 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7216 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7217 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7219 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7221 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7222 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
7223 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7224 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
7225 * limitations under the License.
7226 */
7227function getDistance(coordinate1, coordinate2) {
7228 var xDif = coordinate1.x - coordinate2.x;
7229 var yDif = coordinate1.y - coordinate2.y;
7230 return Math.sqrt(xDif * xDif + yDif * yDif);
7234 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7235 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7236 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7238 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7240 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7241 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
7242 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7243 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
7244 * limitations under the License.
7245 */
7246function checkCoordinateOnArc(coordinate, attrs) {
7247 var arcs = [];
7248 arcs = arcs.concat(attrs);
7249 for (var i = 0; i < arcs.length; i++) {
7250 var arc_1 = arcs[i];
7251 if (Math.abs(getDistance(coordinate, arc_1) - arc_1.r) < DEVIATION) {
7252 var r = arc_1.r, startAngle = arc_1.startAngle, endAngle = arc_1.endAngle;
7253 var startCoordinateX = r * Math.cos(startAngle) + arc_1.x;
7254 var startCoordinateY = r * Math.sin(startAngle) + arc_1.y;
7255 var endCoordinateX = r * Math.cos(endAngle) + arc_1.x;
7256 var endCoordinateY = r * Math.sin(endAngle) + arc_1.y;
7257 if (coordinate.x <= Math.max(startCoordinateX, endCoordinateX) + DEVIATION &&
7258 coordinate.x >= Math.min(startCoordinateX, endCoordinateX) - DEVIATION &&
7259 coordinate.y <= Math.max(startCoordinateY, endCoordinateY) + DEVIATION &&
7260 coordinate.y >= Math.min(startCoordinateY, endCoordinateY) - DEVIATION) {
7261 return true;
7262 }
7263 }
7264 }
7265 return false;
7267function drawArc(ctx, attrs, styles) {
7268 var arcs = [];
7269 arcs = arcs.concat(attrs);
7270 var _a = styles.style, style = _a === void 0 ? exports.LineType.Solid : _a, _b = styles.size, size = _b === void 0 ? 1 : _b, _c = styles.color, color = _c === void 0 ? 'currentColor' : _c, _d = styles.dashedValue, dashedValue = _d === void 0 ? [2, 2] : _d;
7271 ctx.lineWidth = size;
7272 ctx.strokeStyle = color;
7273 if (style === exports.LineType.Dashed) {
7274 ctx.setLineDash(dashedValue);
7275 }
7276 else {
7277 ctx.setLineDash([]);
7278 }
7279 arcs.forEach(function (_a) {
7280 var x = _a.x, y = _a.y, r = _a.r, startAngle = _a.startAngle, endAngle = _a.endAngle;
7281 ctx.beginPath();
7282 ctx.arc(x, y, r, startAngle, endAngle);
7283 ctx.stroke();
7284 ctx.closePath();
7285 });
7287var arc = {
7288 name: 'arc',
7289 checkEventOn: checkCoordinateOnArc,
7290 draw: function (ctx, attrs, styles) {
7291 drawArc(ctx, attrs, styles);
7292 }
7296 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7297 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7298 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7300 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7302 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7303 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
7304 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7305 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
7306 * limitations under the License.
7307 */
7308var figures = {};
7309var extensions = [circle, line, polygon, rect, text, rectText, arc];
7310extensions.forEach(function (figure) {
7311 figures[figure.name] = FigureImp.extend(figure);
7313function getSupportedFigures() {
7314 return Object.keys(figures);
7316function registerFigure(figure) {
7317 figures[figure.name] = FigureImp.extend(figure);
7319function getInnerFigureClass(name) {
7320 var _a;
7321 return (_a = figures[name]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
7323function getFigureClass(name) {
7324 var _a;
7325 return (_a = figures[name]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
7329 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7330 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7331 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7333 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7335 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7336 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
7337 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7338 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
7339 * limitations under the License.
7340 */
7341var View = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7342 __extends(View, _super);
7343 function View(widget) {
7344 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
7345 _this._widget = widget;
7346 return _this;
7347 }
7348 View.prototype.getWidget = function () { return this._widget; };
7349 View.prototype.createFigure = function (figure, eventHandler) {
7350 var FigureClazz = getInnerFigureClass(figure.name);
7351 if (FigureClazz !== null) {
7352 var instance = new FigureClazz(figure);
7353 if (isValid(eventHandler)) {
7354 for (var key in eventHandler) {
7355 // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
7356 if (eventHandler.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
7357 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
7358 instance.registerEvent(key, eventHandler[key]);
7359 }
7360 }
7361 this.addChild(instance);
7362 }
7363 return instance;
7364 }
7365 return null;
7366 };
7367 View.prototype.draw = function (ctx) {
7368 this.clear();
7369 this.drawImp(ctx);
7370 };
7371 return View;
7375 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7376 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7377 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7379 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7381 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7382 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
7383 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7384 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
7385 * limitations under the License.
7386 */
7387var GridView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7388 __extends(GridView, _super);
7389 function GridView() {
7390 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
7391 }
7392 GridView.prototype.drawImp = function (ctx) {
7393 var _a, _b;
7394 var widget = this.getWidget();
7395 var pane = this.getWidget().getPane();
7396 var chart = pane.getChart();
7397 var bounding = widget.getBounding();
7398 var gridStyles = chart.getStyles().grid;
7399 var show = gridStyles.show;
7400 if (show) {
7401 ctx.save();
7402 ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-over';
7403 var horizontalStyles = gridStyles.horizontal;
7404 var horizontalShow = horizontalStyles.show;
7405 if (horizontalShow) {
7406 var yAxis = pane.getAxisComponent();
7407 var attrs = yAxis.getTicks().map(function (tick) { return ({
7408 coordinates: [
7409 { x: 0, y: tick.coord },
7410 { x: bounding.width, y: tick.coord }
7411 ]
7412 }); });
7413 (_a = this.createFigure({
7414 name: 'line',
7415 attrs: attrs,
7416 styles: horizontalStyles
7417 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.draw(ctx);
7418 }
7419 var verticalStyles = gridStyles.vertical;
7420 var verticalShow = verticalStyles.show;
7421 if (verticalShow) {
7422 var xAxis = chart.getXAxisPane().getAxisComponent();
7423 var attrs = xAxis.getTicks().map(function (tick) { return ({
7424 coordinates: [
7425 { x: tick.coord, y: 0 },
7426 { x: tick.coord, y: bounding.height }
7427 ]
7428 }); });
7429 (_b = this.createFigure({
7430 name: 'line',
7431 attrs: attrs,
7432 styles: verticalStyles
7433 })) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.draw(ctx);
7434 }
7435 ctx.restore();
7436 }
7437 };
7438 return GridView;
7442 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7443 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7444 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7446 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7448 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7449 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
7450 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7451 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
7452 * limitations under the License.
7453 */
7454var ChildrenView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7455 __extends(ChildrenView, _super);
7456 function ChildrenView() {
7457 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
7458 }
7459 ChildrenView.prototype.eachChildren = function (childCallback) {
7460 var pane = this.getWidget().getPane();
7461 var chartStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore();
7462 var visibleDataList = chartStore.getVisibleDataList();
7463 var barSpace = chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().getBarSpace();
7464 visibleDataList.forEach(function (data, index) {
7465 childCallback(data, barSpace, index);
7466 });
7467 };
7468 return ChildrenView;
7472 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7473 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7474 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7476 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7478 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7479 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
7480 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7481 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
7482 * limitations under the License.
7483 */
7484var CandleBarView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7485 __extends(CandleBarView, _super);
7486 function CandleBarView() {
7487 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
7488 _this._boundCandleBarClickEvent = function (data) { return function () {
7489 _this.getWidget().getPane().getChart().getChartStore().getActionStore().execute(exports.ActionType.OnCandleBarClick, data);
7490 return false;
7491 }; };
7492 return _this;
7493 }
7494 CandleBarView.prototype.drawImp = function (ctx) {
7495 var _this = this;
7496 var pane = this.getWidget().getPane();
7497 var isMain = pane.getId() === PaneIdConstants.CANDLE;
7498 var chartStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore();
7499 var candleBarOptions = this.getCandleBarOptions(chartStore);
7500 if (candleBarOptions !== null) {
7501 var yAxis_1 = pane.getAxisComponent();
7502 this.eachChildren(function (data, barSpace) {
7503 var kLineData = data.data, x = data.x;
7504 if (isValid(kLineData)) {
7505 var open_1 = kLineData.open, high = kLineData.high, low = kLineData.low, close_1 = kLineData.close;
7506 var type = candleBarOptions.type, styles = candleBarOptions.styles;
7507 var colors = [];
7508 if (close_1 > open_1) {
7509 colors[0] = styles.upColor;
7510 colors[1] = styles.upBorderColor;
7511 colors[2] = styles.upWickColor;
7512 }
7513 else if (close_1 < open_1) {
7514 colors[0] = styles.downColor;
7515 colors[1] = styles.downBorderColor;
7516 colors[2] = styles.downWickColor;
7517 }
7518 else {
7519 colors[0] = styles.noChangeColor;
7520 colors[1] = styles.noChangeBorderColor;
7521 colors[2] = styles.noChangeWickColor;
7522 }
7523 var openY = yAxis_1.convertToPixel(open_1);
7524 var closeY = yAxis_1.convertToPixel(close_1);
7525 var priceY = [
7526 openY, closeY,
7527 yAxis_1.convertToPixel(high),
7528 yAxis_1.convertToPixel(low)
7529 ];
7530 priceY.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; });
7531 var rects = [];
7532 switch (type) {
7533 case exports.CandleType.CandleSolid: {
7534 rects = _this._createSolidBar(x, priceY, barSpace, colors);
7535 break;
7536 }
7537 case exports.CandleType.CandleStroke: {
7538 rects = _this._createStrokeBar(x, priceY, barSpace, colors);
7539 break;
7540 }
7541 case exports.CandleType.CandleUpStroke: {
7542 if (close_1 > open_1) {
7543 rects = _this._createStrokeBar(x, priceY, barSpace, colors);
7544 }
7545 else {
7546 rects = _this._createSolidBar(x, priceY, barSpace, colors);
7547 }
7548 break;
7549 }
7550 case exports.CandleType.CandleDownStroke: {
7551 if (open_1 > close_1) {
7552 rects = _this._createStrokeBar(x, priceY, barSpace, colors);
7553 }
7554 else {
7555 rects = _this._createSolidBar(x, priceY, barSpace, colors);
7556 }
7557 break;
7558 }
7559 case exports.CandleType.Ohlc: {
7560 var size = Math.min(Math.max(Math.round(barSpace.gapBar * 0.2), 1), 7);
7561 rects = [
7562 {
7563 name: 'rect',
7564 attrs: [
7565 {
7566 x: x - size / 2,
7567 y: priceY[0],
7568 width: size,
7569 height: priceY[3] - priceY[0]
7570 },
7571 {
7572 x: x - barSpace.halfGapBar,
7573 y: openY + size > priceY[3] ? priceY[3] - size : openY,
7574 width: barSpace.halfGapBar - size / 2,
7575 height: size
7576 },
7577 {
7578 x: x + size / 2,
7579 y: closeY + size > priceY[3] ? priceY[3] - size : closeY,
7580 width: barSpace.halfGapBar - size / 2,
7581 height: size
7582 }
7583 ],
7584 styles: { color: colors[0] }
7585 }
7586 ];
7587 break;
7588 }
7589 }
7590 rects.forEach(function (rect) {
7591 var _a;
7592 var handler;
7593 if (isMain) {
7594 handler = {
7595 mouseClickEvent: _this._boundCandleBarClickEvent(data)
7596 };
7597 }
7598 (_a = _this.createFigure(rect, handler)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.draw(ctx);
7599 });
7600 }
7601 });
7602 }
7603 };
7604 CandleBarView.prototype.getCandleBarOptions = function (chartStore) {
7605 var candleStyles = chartStore.getStyles().candle;
7606 return {
7607 type: candleStyles.type,
7608 styles: candleStyles.bar
7609 };
7610 };
7611 CandleBarView.prototype._createSolidBar = function (x, priceY, barSpace, colors) {
7612 return [
7613 {
7614 name: 'rect',
7615 attrs: {
7616 x: x - 0.5,
7617 y: priceY[0],
7618 width: 1,
7619 height: priceY[3] - priceY[0]
7620 },
7621 styles: { color: colors[2] }
7622 },
7623 {
7624 name: 'rect',
7625 attrs: {
7626 x: x - barSpace.halfGapBar + 0.5,
7627 y: priceY[1],
7628 width: barSpace.gapBar - 1,
7629 height: Math.max(1, priceY[2] - priceY[1])
7630 },
7631 styles: {
7632 style: exports.PolygonType.StrokeFill,
7633 color: colors[0],
7634 borderColor: colors[1]
7635 }
7636 }
7637 ];
7638 };
7639 CandleBarView.prototype._createStrokeBar = function (x, priceY, barSpace, colors) {
7640 return [
7641 {
7642 name: 'rect',
7643 attrs: [
7644 {
7645 x: x - 0.5,
7646 y: priceY[0],
7647 width: 1,
7648 height: priceY[1] - priceY[0]
7649 },
7650 {
7651 x: x - 0.5,
7652 y: priceY[2],
7653 width: 1,
7654 height: priceY[3] - priceY[2]
7655 }
7656 ],
7657 styles: { color: colors[2] }
7658 },
7659 {
7660 name: 'rect',
7661 attrs: {
7662 x: x - barSpace.halfGapBar + 0.5,
7663 y: priceY[1],
7664 width: barSpace.gapBar - 1,
7665 height: Math.max(1, priceY[2] - priceY[1])
7666 },
7667 styles: {
7668 style: exports.PolygonType.Stroke,
7669 borderColor: colors[1]
7670 }
7671 }
7672 ];
7673 };
7674 return CandleBarView;
7678 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7679 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7680 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7682 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7684 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7685 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
7686 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7687 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
7688 * limitations under the License.
7689 */
7690var IndicatorView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7691 __extends(IndicatorView, _super);
7692 function IndicatorView() {
7693 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
7694 }
7695 IndicatorView.prototype.getCandleBarOptions = function (chartStore) {
7696 var e_1, _a;
7697 var pane = this.getWidget().getPane();
7698 var yAxis = pane.getAxisComponent();
7699 if (!yAxis.isInCandle()) {
7700 var indicators = chartStore.getIndicatorStore().getInstances(pane.getId());
7701 try {
7702 for (var indicators_1 = __values(indicators), indicators_1_1 = indicators_1.next(); !indicators_1_1.done; indicators_1_1 = indicators_1.next()) {
7703 var indicator = indicators_1_1.value;
7704 if (indicator.shouldOhlc && indicator.visible) {
7705 var indicatorStyles = indicator.styles;
7706 var defaultStyles = chartStore.getStyles().indicator;
7707 var upColor = formatValue(indicatorStyles, 'ohlc.upColor', defaultStyles.ohlc.upColor);
7708 var downColor = formatValue(indicatorStyles, 'ohlc.downColor', defaultStyles.ohlc.downColor);
7709 var noChangeColor = formatValue(indicatorStyles, 'ohlc.noChangeColor', defaultStyles.ohlc.noChangeColor);
7710 return {
7711 type: exports.CandleType.Ohlc,
7712 styles: {
7713 upColor: upColor,
7714 downColor: downColor,
7715 noChangeColor: noChangeColor,
7716 upBorderColor: upColor,
7717 downBorderColor: downColor,
7718 noChangeBorderColor: noChangeColor,
7719 upWickColor: upColor,
7720 downWickColor: downColor,
7721 noChangeWickColor: noChangeColor
7722 }
7723 };
7724 }
7725 }
7726 }
7727 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
7728 finally {
7729 try {
7730 if (indicators_1_1 && !indicators_1_1.done && (_a = indicators_1.return)) _a.call(indicators_1);
7731 }
7732 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
7733 }
7734 }
7735 return null;
7736 };
7737 IndicatorView.prototype.drawImp = function (ctx) {
7738 var _this = this;
7739 _super.prototype.drawImp.call(this, ctx);
7740 var widget = this.getWidget();
7741 var pane = widget.getPane();
7742 var chart = pane.getChart();
7743 var bounding = widget.getBounding();
7744 var xAxis = chart.getXAxisPane().getAxisComponent();
7745 var yAxis = pane.getAxisComponent();
7746 var chartStore = chart.getChartStore();
7747 var dataList = chartStore.getDataList();
7748 var timeScaleStore = chartStore.getTimeScaleStore();
7749 var visibleRange = timeScaleStore.getVisibleRange();
7750 var indicators = chartStore.getIndicatorStore().getInstances(pane.getId());
7751 var defaultStyles = chartStore.getStyles().indicator;
7752 ctx.save();
7753 indicators.forEach(function (indicator) {
7754 var _a;
7755 if (indicator.visible) {
7756 if (indicator.zLevel < 0) {
7757 ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-over';
7758 }
7759 else {
7760 ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
7761 }
7762 var isCover = false;
7763 if (indicator.draw !== null) {
7764 ctx.save();
7765 isCover = (_a = indicator.draw({
7766 ctx: ctx,
7767 kLineDataList: dataList,
7768 indicator: indicator,
7769 visibleRange: visibleRange,
7770 bounding: bounding,
7771 barSpace: timeScaleStore.getBarSpace(),
7772 defaultStyles: defaultStyles,
7773 xAxis: xAxis,
7774 yAxis: yAxis
7775 })) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false;
7776 ctx.restore();
7777 }
7778 if (!isCover) {
7779 var result_1 = indicator.result;
7780 var lines_1 = [];
7781 _this.eachChildren(function (data, barSpace) {
7782 var _a, _b, _c;
7783 var halfGapBar = barSpace.halfGapBar, gapBar = barSpace.gapBar;
7784 var dataIndex = data.dataIndex, x = data.x;
7785 var prevX = xAxis.convertToPixel(dataIndex - 1);
7786 var nextX = xAxis.convertToPixel(dataIndex + 1);
7787 var prevIndicatorData = (_a = result_1[dataIndex - 1]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {};
7788 var currentIndicatorData = (_b = result_1[dataIndex]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {};
7789 var nextIndicatorData = (_c = result_1[dataIndex + 1]) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : {};
7790 var prevCoordinate = { x: prevX };
7791 var currentCoordinate = { x: x };
7792 var nextCoordinate = { x: nextX };
7793 indicator.figures.forEach(function (_a) {
7794 var key = _a.key;
7795 var prevValue = prevIndicatorData[key];
7796 if (isNumber(prevValue)) {
7797 prevCoordinate[key] = yAxis.convertToPixel(prevValue);
7798 }
7799 var currentValue = currentIndicatorData[key];
7800 if (isNumber(currentValue)) {
7801 currentCoordinate[key] = yAxis.convertToPixel(currentValue);
7802 }
7803 var nextValue = nextIndicatorData[key];
7804 if (isNumber(nextValue)) {
7805 nextCoordinate[key] = yAxis.convertToPixel(nextValue);
7806 }
7807 });
7808 eachFigures(dataList, indicator, dataIndex, defaultStyles, function (figure, figureStyles, figureIndex) {
7809 var _a, _b, _c;
7810 if (isValid(currentIndicatorData[figure.key])) {
7811 var valueY = currentCoordinate[figure.key];
7812 var attrs = (_a = figure.attrs) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(figure, {
7813 coordinate: { prev: prevCoordinate, current: currentCoordinate, next: nextCoordinate },
7814 bounding: bounding,
7815 barSpace: barSpace,
7816 xAxis: xAxis,
7817 yAxis: yAxis
7818 });
7819 if (!isValid(attrs)) {
7820 switch (figure.type) {
7821 case 'circle': {
7822 attrs = { x: x, y: valueY, r: halfGapBar };
7823 break;
7824 }
7825 case 'rect':
7826 case 'bar': {
7827 var baseValue = (_b = figure.baseValue) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : yAxis.getRange().from;
7828 var baseValueY = yAxis.convertToPixel(baseValue);
7829 var height = Math.abs(baseValueY - valueY);
7830 if (baseValue !== currentIndicatorData[figure.key]) {
7831 height = Math.max(1, height);
7832 }
7833 var y = void 0;
7834 if (valueY > baseValueY) {
7835 y = baseValueY;
7836 }
7837 else {
7838 y = valueY;
7839 }
7840 attrs = {
7841 x: x - halfGapBar,
7842 y: y,
7843 width: gapBar,
7844 height: height
7845 };
7846 break;
7847 }
7848 case 'line': {
7849 if (!isValid(lines_1[figureIndex])) {
7850 lines_1[figureIndex] = [];
7851 }
7852 if (isNumber(currentCoordinate[figure.key]) && isNumber(nextCoordinate[figure.key])) {
7853 lines_1[figureIndex].push({
7854 coordinates: [
7855 { x: currentCoordinate.x, y: currentCoordinate[figure.key] },
7856 { x: nextCoordinate.x, y: nextCoordinate[figure.key] }
7857 ],
7858 styles: figureStyles
7859 });
7860 }
7861 break;
7862 }
7863 }
7864 }
7865 var type = figure.type;
7866 if (isValid(attrs) && type !== 'line') {
7867 (_c = _this.createFigure({
7868 name: type === 'bar' ? 'rect' : type,
7869 attrs: attrs,
7870 styles: figureStyles
7871 })) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.draw(ctx);
7872 }
7873 // merge line render
7874 }
7875 });
7876 });
7877 // merge line and render
7878 lines_1.forEach(function (items) {
7879 if (items.length > 1) {
7880 var mergeLines = [
7881 {
7882 coordinates: [items[0].coordinates[0], items[0].coordinates[1]],
7883 styles: items[0].styles
7884 }
7885 ];
7886 for (var i = 1; i < items.length; i++) {
7887 var lastMergeLine = mergeLines[mergeLines.length - 1];
7888 var current = items[i];
7889 var lastMergeLineLastCoordinate = lastMergeLine.coordinates[lastMergeLine.coordinates.length - 1];
7890 if (lastMergeLineLastCoordinate.x === current.coordinates[0].x &&
7891 lastMergeLineLastCoordinate.y === current.coordinates[0].y &&
7892 lastMergeLine.styles.style === current.styles.style &&
7893 lastMergeLine.styles.color === current.styles.color &&
7894 lastMergeLine.styles.size === current.styles.size &&
7895 lastMergeLine.styles.smooth === current.styles.smooth &&
7896 lastMergeLine.styles.dashedValue[0] === current.styles.dashedValue[0] &&
7897 lastMergeLine.styles.dashedValue[1] === current.styles.dashedValue[1]) {
7898 lastMergeLine.coordinates.push(current.coordinates[1]);
7899 }
7900 else {
7901 mergeLines.push({
7902 coordinates: [current.coordinates[0], current.coordinates[1]],
7903 styles: current.styles
7904 });
7905 }
7906 }
7907 mergeLines.forEach(function (_a) {
7908 var _b;
7909 var coordinates = _a.coordinates, styles = _a.styles;
7910 (_b = _this.createFigure({
7911 name: 'line',
7912 attrs: { coordinates: coordinates },
7913 styles: styles
7914 })) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.draw(ctx);
7915 });
7916 }
7917 });
7918 }
7919 }
7920 });
7921 ctx.restore();
7922 };
7923 return IndicatorView;
7927 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7928 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7929 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7931 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7933 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7934 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
7935 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7936 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
7937 * limitations under the License.
7938 */
7939var CrosshairLineView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7940 __extends(CrosshairLineView, _super);
7941 function CrosshairLineView() {
7942 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
7943 }
7944 CrosshairLineView.prototype.drawImp = function (ctx) {
7945 var widget = this.getWidget();
7946 var pane = widget.getPane();
7947 var bounding = widget.getBounding();
7948 var chartStore = widget.getPane().getChart().getChartStore();
7949 var crosshair = chartStore.getTooltipStore().getCrosshair();
7950 var styles = chartStore.getStyles().crosshair;
7951 if (isString(crosshair.paneId) && styles.show) {
7952 if (crosshair.paneId === pane.getId()) {
7953 var y = crosshair.y;
7954 this._drawLine(ctx, [
7955 { x: 0, y: y },
7956 { x: bounding.width, y: y }
7957 ], styles.horizontal);
7958 }
7959 var x = crosshair.realX;
7960 this._drawLine(ctx, [
7961 { x: x, y: 0 },
7962 { x: x, y: bounding.height }
7963 ], styles.vertical);
7964 }
7965 };
7966 CrosshairLineView.prototype._drawLine = function (ctx, coordinates, styles) {
7967 var _a;
7968 if (styles.show) {
7969 var lineStyles = styles.line;
7970 if (lineStyles.show) {
7971 (_a = this.createFigure({
7972 name: 'line',
7973 attrs: { coordinates: coordinates },
7974 styles: lineStyles
7975 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.draw(ctx);
7976 }
7977 }
7978 };
7979 return CrosshairLineView;
7983 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7984 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7985 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7987 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7989 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7990 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
7991 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7992 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
7993 * limitations under the License.
7994 */
7995var IndicatorTooltipView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7996 __extends(IndicatorTooltipView, _super);
7997 function IndicatorTooltipView() {
7998 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
7999 _this._boundIconClickEvent = function (currentIcon) { return function () {
8000 var pane = _this.getWidget().getPane();
8001 pane.getChart().getChartStore().getActionStore().execute(exports.ActionType.OnTooltipIconClick, __assign({}, currentIcon));
8002 return true;
8003 }; };
8004 _this._boundIconMouseMoveEvent = function (currentIconInfo) { return function () {
8005 var pane = _this.getWidget().getPane();
8006 var tooltipStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore().getTooltipStore();
8007 tooltipStore.setActiveIcon(__assign({}, currentIconInfo));
8008 return true;
8009 }; };
8010 return _this;
8011 }
8012 IndicatorTooltipView.prototype.drawImp = function (ctx) {
8013 var widget = this.getWidget();
8014 var pane = widget.getPane();
8015 var chartStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore();
8016 var crosshair = chartStore.getTooltipStore().getCrosshair();
8017 if (isValid(crosshair.kLineData)) {
8018 var bounding = widget.getBounding();
8019 var customApi = chartStore.getCustomApi();
8020 var thousandsSeparator = chartStore.getThousandsSeparator();
8021 var decimalFoldThreshold = chartStore.getDecimalFoldThreshold();
8022 var indicators = chartStore.getIndicatorStore().getInstances(pane.getId());
8023 var activeIcon = chartStore.getTooltipStore().getActiveIcon();
8024 var defaultStyles = chartStore.getStyles().indicator;
8025 var _a = defaultStyles.tooltip, offsetLeft = _a.offsetLeft, offsetTop = _a.offsetTop, offsetRight = _a.offsetRight;
8026 this.drawIndicatorTooltip(ctx, pane.getId(), chartStore.getDataList(), crosshair, activeIcon, indicators, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, offsetLeft, offsetTop, bounding.width - offsetRight, defaultStyles);
8027 }
8028 };
8029 IndicatorTooltipView.prototype.drawIndicatorTooltip = function (ctx, paneId, dataList, crosshair, activeTooltipIcon, indicators, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, left, top, maxWidth, styles) {
8030 var _this = this;
8031 var tooltipStyles = styles.tooltip;
8032 if (this.isDrawTooltip(crosshair, tooltipStyles)) {
8033 var tooltipTextStyles_1 = tooltipStyles.text;
8034 indicators.forEach(function (indicator) {
8035 var prevRowHeight = 0;
8036 var coordinate = { x: left, y: top };
8037 var _a = _this.getIndicatorTooltipData(dataList, crosshair, indicator, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, styles), name = _a.name, calcParamsText = _a.calcParamsText, legends = _a.values, icons = _a.icons;
8038 var nameValid = name.length > 0;
8039 var legendValid = legends.length > 0;
8040 if (nameValid || legendValid) {
8041 var _b = __read(_this.classifyTooltipIcons(icons), 3), leftIcons = _b[0], middleIcons = _b[1], rightIcons = _b[2];
8042 prevRowHeight = _this.drawStandardTooltipIcons(ctx, activeTooltipIcon, leftIcons, coordinate, paneId, indicator.name, left, prevRowHeight, maxWidth);
8043 if (nameValid) {
8044 var text = name;
8045 if (calcParamsText.length > 0) {
8046 text = "".concat(text).concat(calcParamsText);
8047 }
8048 prevRowHeight = _this.drawStandardTooltipLegends(ctx, [
8049 {
8050 title: { text: '', color: tooltipTextStyles_1.color },
8051 value: { text: text, color: tooltipTextStyles_1.color }
8052 }
8053 ], coordinate, left, prevRowHeight, maxWidth, tooltipTextStyles_1);
8054 }
8055 prevRowHeight = _this.drawStandardTooltipIcons(ctx, activeTooltipIcon, middleIcons, coordinate, paneId, indicator.name, left, prevRowHeight, maxWidth);
8056 if (legendValid) {
8057 prevRowHeight = _this.drawStandardTooltipLegends(ctx, legends, coordinate, left, prevRowHeight, maxWidth, tooltipStyles.text);
8058 }
8059 // draw right icons
8060 prevRowHeight = _this.drawStandardTooltipIcons(ctx, activeTooltipIcon, rightIcons, coordinate, paneId, indicator.name, left, prevRowHeight, maxWidth);
8061 top = coordinate.y + prevRowHeight;
8062 }
8063 });
8064 }
8065 return top;
8066 };
8067 IndicatorTooltipView.prototype.drawStandardTooltipIcons = function (ctx, activeIcon, icons, coordinate, paneId, indicatorName, left, prevRowHeight, maxWidth) {
8068 var _this = this;
8069 if (icons.length > 0) {
8070 var width_1 = 0;
8071 var height_1 = 0;
8072 icons.forEach(function (icon) {
8073 var _a = icon.marginLeft, marginLeft = _a === void 0 ? 0 : _a, _b = icon.marginTop, marginTop = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = icon.marginRight, marginRight = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, _d = icon.marginBottom, marginBottom = _d === void 0 ? 0 : _d, _e = icon.paddingLeft, paddingLeft = _e === void 0 ? 0 : _e, _f = icon.paddingTop, paddingTop = _f === void 0 ? 0 : _f, _g = icon.paddingRight, paddingRight = _g === void 0 ? 0 : _g, _h = icon.paddingBottom, paddingBottom = _h === void 0 ? 0 : _h, size = icon.size, fontFamily = icon.fontFamily, text = icon.icon;
8074 ctx.font = createFont(size, 'normal', fontFamily);
8075 width_1 += (marginLeft + paddingLeft + ctx.measureText(text).width + paddingRight + marginRight);
8076 height_1 = Math.max(height_1, marginTop + paddingTop + size + paddingBottom + marginBottom);
8077 });
8078 if (coordinate.x + width_1 > maxWidth) {
8079 coordinate.x = left;
8080 coordinate.y += prevRowHeight;
8081 prevRowHeight = height_1;
8082 }
8083 else {
8084 prevRowHeight = Math.max(prevRowHeight, height_1);
8085 }
8086 icons.forEach(function (icon) {
8087 var _a;
8088 var _b = icon.marginLeft, marginLeft = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = icon.marginTop, marginTop = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, _d = icon.marginRight, marginRight = _d === void 0 ? 0 : _d, _e = icon.paddingLeft, paddingLeft = _e === void 0 ? 0 : _e, _f = icon.paddingTop, paddingTop = _f === void 0 ? 0 : _f, _g = icon.paddingRight, paddingRight = _g === void 0 ? 0 : _g, _h = icon.paddingBottom, paddingBottom = _h === void 0 ? 0 : _h, color = icon.color, activeColor = icon.activeColor, size = icon.size, fontFamily = icon.fontFamily, text = icon.icon, backgroundColor = icon.backgroundColor, activeBackgroundColor = icon.activeBackgroundColor;
8089 var active = (activeIcon === null || activeIcon === void 0 ? void 0 : activeIcon.paneId) === paneId && (activeIcon === null || activeIcon === void 0 ? void 0 : activeIcon.indicatorName) === indicatorName && (activeIcon === null || activeIcon === void 0 ? void 0 : activeIcon.iconId) === icon.id;
8090 (_a = _this.createFigure({
8091 name: 'text',
8092 attrs: { text: text, x: coordinate.x + marginLeft, y: coordinate.y + marginTop },
8093 styles: {
8094 paddingLeft: paddingLeft,
8095 paddingTop: paddingTop,
8096 paddingRight: paddingRight,
8097 paddingBottom: paddingBottom,
8098 color: active ? activeColor : color,
8099 size: size,
8100 family: fontFamily,
8101 backgroundColor: active ? activeBackgroundColor : backgroundColor
8102 }
8103 }, {
8104 mouseClickEvent: _this._boundIconClickEvent({ paneId: paneId, indicatorName: indicatorName, iconId: icon.id }),
8105 mouseMoveEvent: _this._boundIconMouseMoveEvent({ paneId: paneId, indicatorName: indicatorName, iconId: icon.id })
8106 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.draw(ctx);
8107 coordinate.x += (marginLeft + paddingLeft + ctx.measureText(text).width + paddingRight + marginRight);
8108 });
8109 }
8110 return prevRowHeight;
8111 };
8112 IndicatorTooltipView.prototype.drawStandardTooltipLegends = function (ctx, legends, coordinate, left, prevRowHeight, maxWidth, styles) {
8113 var _this = this;
8114 if (legends.length > 0) {
8115 var marginLeft_1 = styles.marginLeft, marginTop_1 = styles.marginTop, marginRight_1 = styles.marginRight, marginBottom_1 = styles.marginBottom, size_1 = styles.size, family_1 = styles.family, weight_1 = styles.weight;
8116 ctx.font = createFont(size_1, weight_1, family_1);
8117 legends.forEach(function (data) {
8118 var _a, _b;
8119 var title = data.title;
8120 var value = data.value;
8121 var titleTextWidth = ctx.measureText(title.text).width;
8122 var valueTextWidth = ctx.measureText(value.text).width;
8123 var totalTextWidth = titleTextWidth + valueTextWidth;
8124 var h = marginTop_1 + size_1 + marginBottom_1;
8125 if (coordinate.x + marginLeft_1 + totalTextWidth + marginRight_1 > maxWidth) {
8126 coordinate.x = left;
8127 coordinate.y += prevRowHeight;
8128 prevRowHeight = h;
8129 }
8130 else {
8131 prevRowHeight = Math.max(prevRowHeight, h);
8132 }
8133 if (title.text.length > 0) {
8134 (_a = _this.createFigure({
8135 name: 'text',
8136 attrs: { x: coordinate.x + marginLeft_1, y: coordinate.y + marginTop_1, text: title.text },
8137 styles: { color: title.color, size: size_1, family: family_1, weight: weight_1 }
8138 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.draw(ctx);
8139 }
8140 (_b = _this.createFigure({
8141 name: 'text',
8142 attrs: { x: coordinate.x + marginLeft_1 + titleTextWidth, y: coordinate.y + marginTop_1, text: value.text },
8143 styles: { color: value.color, size: size_1, family: family_1, weight: weight_1 }
8144 })) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.draw(ctx);
8145 coordinate.x += (marginLeft_1 + totalTextWidth + marginRight_1);
8146 });
8147 }
8148 return prevRowHeight;
8149 };
8150 IndicatorTooltipView.prototype.isDrawTooltip = function (crosshair, styles) {
8151 var showRule = styles.showRule;
8152 return showRule === exports.TooltipShowRule.Always ||
8153 (showRule === exports.TooltipShowRule.FollowCross && isString(crosshair.paneId));
8154 };
8155 IndicatorTooltipView.prototype.getIndicatorTooltipData = function (dataList, crosshair, indicator, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, styles) {
8156 var _a, _b;
8157 var tooltipStyles = styles.tooltip;
8158 var name = tooltipStyles.showName ? indicator.shortName : '';
8159 var calcParamsText = '';
8160 var calcParams = indicator.calcParams;
8161 if (calcParams.length > 0 && tooltipStyles.showParams) {
8162 calcParamsText = "(".concat(calcParams.join(','), ")");
8163 }
8164 var tooltipData = { name: name, calcParamsText: calcParamsText, values: [], icons: tooltipStyles.icons };
8165 var dataIndex = crosshair.dataIndex;
8166 var result = (_a = indicator.result) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [];
8167 var legends = [];
8168 if (indicator.visible) {
8169 var indicatorData_1 = (_b = result[dataIndex]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {};
8170 eachFigures(dataList, indicator, dataIndex, styles, function (figure, figureStyles) {
8171 if (isString(figure.title)) {
8172 var color = figureStyles.color;
8173 var value = indicatorData_1[figure.key];
8174 if (isNumber(value)) {
8175 value = formatPrecision(value, indicator.precision);
8176 if (indicator.shouldFormatBigNumber) {
8177 value = customApi.formatBigNumber(value);
8178 }
8179 }
8180 legends.push({ title: { text: figure.title, color: color }, value: { text: formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands((value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : tooltipStyles.defaultValue), thousandsSeparator), decimalFoldThreshold), color: color } });
8181 }
8182 });
8183 tooltipData.values = legends;
8184 }
8185 if (indicator.createTooltipDataSource !== null) {
8186 var widget = this.getWidget();
8187 var pane = widget.getPane();
8188 var chartStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore();
8189 var _c = indicator.createTooltipDataSource({
8190 kLineDataList: dataList,
8191 indicator: indicator,
8192 visibleRange: chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().getVisibleRange(),
8193 bounding: widget.getBounding(),
8194 crosshair: crosshair,
8195 defaultStyles: styles,
8196 xAxis: pane.getChart().getXAxisPane().getAxisComponent(),
8197 yAxis: pane.getAxisComponent()
8198 }), customName = _c.name, customCalcParamsText = _c.calcParamsText, customLegends = _c.values, customIcons = _c.icons;
8199 if (isString(customName) && tooltipStyles.showName) {
8200 tooltipData.name = customName;
8201 }
8202 if (isString(customCalcParamsText) && tooltipStyles.showParams) {
8203 tooltipData.calcParamsText = customCalcParamsText;
8204 }
8205 if (isValid(customIcons)) {
8206 tooltipData.icons = customIcons;
8207 }
8208 if (isValid(customLegends) && indicator.visible) {
8209 var optimizedLegends_1 = [];
8210 var color_1 = styles.tooltip.text.color;
8211 customLegends.forEach(function (data) {
8212 var title = { text: '', color: color_1 };
8213 if (isObject(data.title)) {
8214 title = data.title;
8215 }
8216 else {
8217 title.text = data.title;
8218 }
8219 var value = { text: '', color: color_1 };
8220 if (isObject(data.value)) {
8221 value = data.value;
8222 }
8223 else {
8224 value.text = data.value;
8225 }
8226 value.text = formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands(value.text, thousandsSeparator), decimalFoldThreshold);
8227 optimizedLegends_1.push({ title: title, value: value });
8228 });
8229 tooltipData.values = optimizedLegends_1;
8230 }
8231 }
8232 return tooltipData;
8233 };
8234 IndicatorTooltipView.prototype.classifyTooltipIcons = function (icons) {
8235 var leftIcons = [];
8236 var middleIcons = [];
8237 var rightIcons = [];
8238 icons.forEach(function (icon) {
8239 switch (icon.position) {
8240 case exports.TooltipIconPosition.Left: {
8241 leftIcons.push(icon);
8242 break;
8243 }
8244 case exports.TooltipIconPosition.Middle: {
8245 middleIcons.push(icon);
8246 break;
8247 }
8248 case exports.TooltipIconPosition.Right: {
8249 rightIcons.push(icon);
8250 break;
8251 }
8252 }
8253 });
8254 return [leftIcons, middleIcons, rightIcons];
8255 };
8256 return IndicatorTooltipView;
8260 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8261 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8262 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8264 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8266 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8267 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
8268 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
8269 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
8270 * limitations under the License.
8271 */
8272var OverlayView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
8273 __extends(OverlayView, _super);
8274 function OverlayView(widget) {
8275 var _this = _super.call(this, widget) || this;
8276 _this._initEvent();
8277 return _this;
8278 }
8279 OverlayView.prototype._initEvent = function () {
8280 var _this = this;
8281 var pane = this.getWidget().getPane();
8282 var paneId = pane.getId();
8283 var overlayStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore().getOverlayStore();
8284 this.registerEvent('mouseMoveEvent', function (event) {
8285 var _a;
8286 var progressInstanceInfo = overlayStore.getProgressInstanceInfo();
8287 if (progressInstanceInfo !== null) {
8288 var overlay = progressInstanceInfo.instance;
8289 var progressInstancePaneId = progressInstanceInfo.paneId;
8290 if (overlay.isStart()) {
8291 overlayStore.updateProgressInstanceInfo(paneId);
8292 progressInstancePaneId = paneId;
8293 }
8294 var index = overlay.points.length - 1;
8295 var key = "".concat(OVERLAY_FIGURE_KEY_PREFIX, "point_").concat(index);
8296 if (overlay.isDrawing() && progressInstancePaneId === paneId) {
8297 overlay.eventMoveForDrawing(_this._coordinateToPoint(progressInstanceInfo.instance, event));
8298 (_a = overlay.onDrawing) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(overlay, __assign({ overlay: overlay, figureKey: key, figureIndex: index }, event));
8299 }
8300 return _this._figureMouseMoveEvent(overlay, 1 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.Point */, key, index, 0)(event);
8301 }
8302 overlayStore.setHoverInstanceInfo({
8303 paneId: paneId,
8304 instance: null, figureType: 0 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.None */, figureKey: '', figureIndex: -1, attrsIndex: -1
8305 }, event);
8306 return false;
8307 }).registerEvent('mouseClickEvent', function (event) {
8308 var _a, _b;
8309 var progressInstanceInfo = overlayStore.getProgressInstanceInfo();
8310 if (progressInstanceInfo !== null) {
8311 var overlay = progressInstanceInfo.instance;
8312 var progressInstancePaneId = progressInstanceInfo.paneId;
8313 if (overlay.isStart()) {
8314 overlayStore.updateProgressInstanceInfo(paneId, true);
8315 progressInstancePaneId = paneId;
8316 }
8317 var index = overlay.points.length - 1;
8318 var key = "".concat(OVERLAY_FIGURE_KEY_PREFIX, "point_").concat(index);
8319 if (overlay.isDrawing() && progressInstancePaneId === paneId) {
8320 overlay.eventMoveForDrawing(_this._coordinateToPoint(overlay, event));
8321 (_a = overlay.onDrawing) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(overlay, __assign({ overlay: overlay, figureKey: key, figureIndex: index }, event));
8322 overlay.nextStep();
8323 if (!overlay.isDrawing()) {
8324 overlayStore.progressInstanceComplete();
8325 (_b = overlay.onDrawEnd) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(overlay, __assign({ overlay: overlay, figureKey: key, figureIndex: index }, event));
8326 }
8327 }
8328 return _this._figureMouseClickEvent(overlay, 1 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.Point */, key, index, 0)(event);
8329 }
8330 overlayStore.setClickInstanceInfo({
8331 paneId: paneId,
8332 instance: null, figureType: 0 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.None */, figureKey: '', figureIndex: -1, attrsIndex: -1
8333 }, event);
8334 return false;
8335 }).registerEvent('mouseDoubleClickEvent', function (event) {
8336 var _a;
8337 var progressInstanceInfo = overlayStore.getProgressInstanceInfo();
8338 if (progressInstanceInfo !== null) {
8339 var overlay = progressInstanceInfo.instance;
8340 var progressInstancePaneId = progressInstanceInfo.paneId;
8341 if (overlay.isDrawing() && progressInstancePaneId === paneId) {
8342 overlay.forceComplete();
8343 if (!overlay.isDrawing()) {
8344 overlayStore.progressInstanceComplete();
8345 var index_1 = overlay.points.length - 1;
8346 var key = "".concat(OVERLAY_FIGURE_KEY_PREFIX, "point_").concat(index_1);
8347 (_a = overlay.onDrawEnd) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(overlay, __assign({ overlay: overlay, figureKey: key, figureIndex: index_1 }, event));
8348 }
8349 }
8350 var index = overlay.points.length - 1;
8351 return _this._figureMouseClickEvent(overlay, 1 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.Point */, "".concat(OVERLAY_FIGURE_KEY_PREFIX, "point_").concat(index), index, 0)(event);
8352 }
8353 return false;
8354 }).registerEvent('mouseRightClickEvent', function (event) {
8355 var progressInstanceInfo = overlayStore.getProgressInstanceInfo();
8356 if (progressInstanceInfo !== null) {
8357 var overlay = progressInstanceInfo.instance;
8358 if (overlay.isDrawing()) {
8359 var index = overlay.points.length - 1;
8360 return _this._figureMouseRightClickEvent(overlay, 1 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.Point */, "".concat(OVERLAY_FIGURE_KEY_PREFIX, "point_").concat(index), index, 0)(event);
8361 }
8362 }
8363 return false;
8364 }).registerEvent('mouseUpEvent', function (event) {
8365 var _a;
8366 var _b = overlayStore.getPressedInstanceInfo(), instance = _b.instance, figureIndex = _b.figureIndex, figureKey = _b.figureKey;
8367 if (instance !== null) {
8368 (_a = instance.onPressedMoveEnd) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(instance, __assign({ overlay: instance, figureKey: figureKey, figureIndex: figureIndex }, event));
8369 }
8370 overlayStore.setPressedInstanceInfo({
8371 paneId: paneId,
8372 instance: null, figureType: 0 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.None */, figureKey: '', figureIndex: -1, attrsIndex: -1
8373 });
8374 return false;
8375 }).registerEvent('pressedMouseMoveEvent', function (event) {
8376 var _a, _b;
8377 var _c = overlayStore.getPressedInstanceInfo(), instance = _c.instance, figureType = _c.figureType, figureIndex = _c.figureIndex, figureKey = _c.figureKey;
8378 if (instance !== null) {
8379 if (!instance.lock) {
8380 if (!((_b = (_a = instance.onPressedMoving) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(instance, __assign({ overlay: instance, figureIndex: figureIndex, figureKey: figureKey }, event))) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false)) {
8381 var point = _this._coordinateToPoint(instance, event);
8382 if (figureType === 1 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.Point */) {
8383 instance.eventPressedPointMove(point, figureIndex);
8384 }
8385 else {
8386 instance.eventPressedOtherMove(point, _this.getWidget().getPane().getChart().getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore());
8387 }
8388 }
8389 }
8390 return true;
8391 }
8392 return false;
8393 });
8394 };
8395 OverlayView.prototype._createFigureEvents = function (overlay, figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, attrsIndex, ignoreEvent) {
8396 var eventHandler;
8397 if (!overlay.isDrawing()) {
8398 var eventTypes = [];
8399 if (isValid(ignoreEvent)) {
8400 if (isBoolean(ignoreEvent)) {
8401 if (ignoreEvent) {
8402 eventTypes = getAllOverlayFigureIgnoreEventTypes();
8403 }
8404 }
8405 else {
8406 eventTypes = ignoreEvent;
8407 }
8408 }
8409 if (eventTypes.length === 0) {
8410 return {
8411 mouseMoveEvent: this._figureMouseMoveEvent(overlay, figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, attrsIndex),
8412 mouseDownEvent: this._figureMouseDownEvent(overlay, figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, attrsIndex),
8413 mouseClickEvent: this._figureMouseClickEvent(overlay, figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, attrsIndex),
8414 mouseRightClickEvent: this._figureMouseRightClickEvent(overlay, figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, attrsIndex),
8415 mouseDoubleClickEvent: this._figureMouseDoubleClickEvent(overlay, figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, attrsIndex)
8416 };
8417 }
8418 eventHandler = {};
8419 // [
8420 // 'mouseClickEvent', mouseDoubleClickEvent, 'mouseRightClickEvent',
8421 // 'tapEvent', 'doubleTapEvent', 'mouseDownEvent',
8422 // 'touchStartEvent', 'mouseMoveEvent', 'touchMoveEvent'
8423 // ]
8424 if (!eventTypes.includes('mouseMoveEvent') && !eventTypes.includes('touchMoveEvent')) {
8425 eventHandler.mouseMoveEvent = this._figureMouseMoveEvent(overlay, figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, attrsIndex);
8426 }
8427 if (!eventTypes.includes('mouseDownEvent') && !eventTypes.includes('touchStartEvent')) {
8428 eventHandler.mouseDownEvent = this._figureMouseDownEvent(overlay, figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, attrsIndex);
8429 }
8430 if (!eventTypes.includes('mouseClickEvent') && !eventTypes.includes('tapEvent')) {
8431 eventHandler.mouseClickEvent = this._figureMouseClickEvent(overlay, figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, attrsIndex);
8432 }
8433 if (!eventTypes.includes('mouseDoubleClickEvent') && !eventTypes.includes('doubleTapEvent')) {
8434 eventHandler.mouseDoubleClickEvent = this._figureMouseDoubleClickEvent(overlay, figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, attrsIndex);
8435 }
8436 if (!eventTypes.includes('mouseRightClickEvent')) {
8437 eventHandler.mouseRightClickEvent = this._figureMouseRightClickEvent(overlay, figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, attrsIndex);
8438 }
8439 }
8440 return eventHandler;
8441 };
8442 OverlayView.prototype._figureMouseMoveEvent = function (overlay, figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, attrsIndex) {
8443 var _this = this;
8444 return function (event) {
8445 var pane = _this.getWidget().getPane();
8446 var overlayStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore().getOverlayStore();
8447 overlayStore.setHoverInstanceInfo({ paneId: pane.getId(), instance: overlay, figureType: figureType, figureKey: figureKey, figureIndex: figureIndex, attrsIndex: attrsIndex }, event);
8448 return true;
8449 };
8450 };
8451 OverlayView.prototype._figureMouseDownEvent = function (overlay, figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, attrsIndex) {
8452 var _this = this;
8453 return function (event) {
8454 var _a;
8455 var pane = _this.getWidget().getPane();
8456 var paneId = pane.getId();
8457 var overlayStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore().getOverlayStore();
8458 overlay.startPressedMove(_this._coordinateToPoint(overlay, event));
8459 (_a = overlay.onPressedMoveStart) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(overlay, __assign({ overlay: overlay, figureIndex: figureIndex, figureKey: figureKey }, event));
8460 overlayStore.setPressedInstanceInfo({ paneId: paneId, instance: overlay, figureType: figureType, figureKey: figureKey, figureIndex: figureIndex, attrsIndex: attrsIndex });
8461 return true;
8462 };
8463 };
8464 OverlayView.prototype._figureMouseClickEvent = function (overlay, figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, attrsIndex) {
8465 var _this = this;
8466 return function (event) {
8467 var pane = _this.getWidget().getPane();
8468 var paneId = pane.getId();
8469 var overlayStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore().getOverlayStore();
8470 overlayStore.setClickInstanceInfo({ paneId: paneId, instance: overlay, figureType: figureType, figureKey: figureKey, figureIndex: figureIndex, attrsIndex: attrsIndex }, event);
8471 return true;
8472 };
8473 };
8474 OverlayView.prototype._figureMouseDoubleClickEvent = function (overlay, _figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, _attrsIndex) {
8475 return function (event) {
8476 var _a;
8477 (_a = overlay.onDoubleClick) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(overlay, __assign(__assign({}, event), { figureIndex: figureIndex, figureKey: figureKey, overlay: overlay }));
8478 return true;
8479 };
8480 };
8481 OverlayView.prototype._figureMouseRightClickEvent = function (overlay, _figureType, figureKey, figureIndex, _attrsIndex) {
8482 var _this = this;
8483 return function (event) {
8484 var _a, _b;
8485 if (!((_b = (_a = overlay.onRightClick) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(overlay, __assign({ overlay: overlay, figureIndex: figureIndex, figureKey: figureKey }, event))) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false)) {
8486 var pane = _this.getWidget().getPane();
8487 var overlayStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore().getOverlayStore();
8488 overlayStore.removeInstance(overlay);
8489 }
8490 return true;
8491 };
8492 };
8493 OverlayView.prototype._coordinateToPoint = function (overlay, coordinate) {
8494 var _a;
8495 var point = {};
8496 var pane = this.getWidget().getPane();
8497 var chart = pane.getChart();
8498 var paneId = pane.getId();
8499 var timeScaleStore = chart.getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore();
8500 if (this.coordinateToPointTimestampDataIndexFlag()) {
8501 var xAxis = chart.getXAxisPane().getAxisComponent();
8502 var dataIndex = xAxis.convertFromPixel(coordinate.x);
8503 var timestamp = (_a = timeScaleStore.dataIndexToTimestamp(dataIndex)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : undefined;
8504 point.dataIndex = dataIndex;
8505 point.timestamp = timestamp;
8506 }
8507 if (this.coordinateToPointValueFlag()) {
8508 var yAxis = pane.getAxisComponent();
8509 var value = yAxis.convertFromPixel(coordinate.y);
8510 if (overlay.mode !== exports.OverlayMode.Normal && paneId === PaneIdConstants.CANDLE && isNumber(point.dataIndex)) {
8511 var kLineData = timeScaleStore.getDataByDataIndex(point.dataIndex);
8512 if (kLineData !== null) {
8513 var modeSensitivity = overlay.modeSensitivity;
8514 if (value > kLineData.high) {
8515 if (overlay.mode === exports.OverlayMode.WeakMagnet) {
8516 var highY = yAxis.convertToPixel(kLineData.high);
8517 var buffValue = yAxis.convertFromPixel(highY - modeSensitivity);
8518 if (value < buffValue) {
8519 value = kLineData.high;
8520 }
8521 }
8522 else {
8523 value = kLineData.high;
8524 }
8525 }
8526 else if (value < kLineData.low) {
8527 if (overlay.mode === exports.OverlayMode.WeakMagnet) {
8528 var lowY = yAxis.convertToPixel(kLineData.low);
8529 var buffValue = yAxis.convertFromPixel(lowY - modeSensitivity);
8530 if (value > buffValue) {
8531 value = kLineData.low;
8532 }
8533 }
8534 else {
8535 value = kLineData.low;
8536 }
8537 }
8538 else {
8539 var max = Math.max(kLineData.open, kLineData.close);
8540 var min = Math.min(kLineData.open, kLineData.close);
8541 if (value > max) {
8542 if (value - max < kLineData.high - value) {
8543 value = max;
8544 }
8545 else {
8546 value = kLineData.high;
8547 }
8548 }
8549 else if (value < min) {
8550 if (value - kLineData.low < min - value) {
8551 value = kLineData.low;
8552 }
8553 else {
8554 value = min;
8555 }
8556 }
8557 else if (max - value < value - min) {
8558 value = max;
8559 }
8560 else {
8561 value = min;
8562 }
8563 }
8564 }
8565 }
8566 point.value = value;
8567 }
8568 return point;
8569 };
8570 OverlayView.prototype.coordinateToPointValueFlag = function () {
8571 return true;
8572 };
8573 OverlayView.prototype.coordinateToPointTimestampDataIndexFlag = function () {
8574 return true;
8575 };
8576 OverlayView.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (name, event, other) {
8577 if (this.getWidget().getPane().getChart().getChartStore().getOverlayStore().isDrawing()) {
8578 return this.onEvent(name, event, other);
8579 }
8580 return _super.prototype.dispatchEvent.call(this, name, event, other);
8581 };
8582 OverlayView.prototype.checkEventOn = function () {
8583 return true;
8584 };
8585 OverlayView.prototype.drawImp = function (ctx) {
8586 var _this = this;
8587 var widget = this.getWidget();
8588 var pane = widget.getPane();
8589 var paneId = pane.getId();
8590 var chart = pane.getChart();
8591 var yAxis = pane.getAxisComponent();
8592 var xAxis = chart.getXAxisPane().getAxisComponent();
8593 var bounding = widget.getBounding();
8594 var chartStore = chart.getChartStore();
8595 var customApi = chartStore.getCustomApi();
8596 var thousandsSeparator = chartStore.getThousandsSeparator();
8597 var decimalFoldThreshold = chartStore.getDecimalFoldThreshold();
8598 var timeScaleStore = chartStore.getTimeScaleStore();
8599 var dateTimeFormat = timeScaleStore.getDateTimeFormat();
8600 var barSpace = timeScaleStore.getBarSpace();
8601 var precision = chartStore.getPrecision();
8602 var defaultStyles = chartStore.getStyles().overlay;
8603 var overlayStore = chartStore.getOverlayStore();
8604 var hoverInstanceInfo = overlayStore.getHoverInstanceInfo();
8605 var clickInstanceInfo = overlayStore.getClickInstanceInfo();
8606 var overlays = this.getCompleteOverlays(overlayStore, paneId);
8607 var paneIndicators = chartStore.getIndicatorStore().getInstances(paneId);
8608 var overlayPrecision = paneIndicators.reduce(function (prev, indicator) {
8609 var precision = indicator.precision;
8610 prev[indicator.name] = precision;
8611 prev.max = Math.max(prev.max, precision);
8612 prev.min = Math.min(prev.min, precision);
8613 prev.excludePriceVolumeMax = Math.max(prev.excludePriceVolumeMax, precision);
8614 prev.excludePriceVolumeMin = Math.min(prev.excludePriceVolumeMin, precision);
8615 return prev;
8616 }, __assign(__assign({}, precision), { max: Math.max(precision.price, precision.volume), min: Math.min(precision.price, precision.volume), excludePriceVolumeMax: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, excludePriceVolumeMin: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER }));
8617 overlays.forEach(function (overlay) {
8618 if (overlay.visible) {
8619 _this._drawOverlay(ctx, overlay, bounding, barSpace, overlayPrecision, dateTimeFormat, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, defaultStyles, xAxis, yAxis, hoverInstanceInfo, clickInstanceInfo, timeScaleStore);
8620 }
8621 });
8622 var progressInstanceInfo = overlayStore.getProgressInstanceInfo();
8623 if (progressInstanceInfo !== null) {
8624 var overlay = this.getProgressOverlay(progressInstanceInfo, paneId);
8625 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain
8626 if (overlay !== null && overlay.visible) {
8627 this._drawOverlay(ctx, overlay, bounding, barSpace, overlayPrecision, dateTimeFormat, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, defaultStyles, xAxis, yAxis, hoverInstanceInfo, clickInstanceInfo, timeScaleStore);
8628 }
8629 }
8630 };
8631 OverlayView.prototype._drawOverlay = function (ctx, overlay, bounding, barSpace, precision, dateTimeFormat, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, defaultStyles, xAxis, yAxis, hoverInstanceInfo, clickInstanceInfo, timeScaleStore) {
8632 var points = overlay.points;
8633 var coordinates = points.map(function (point) {
8634 var _a, _b;
8635 var dataIndex = point.dataIndex;
8636 if (isNumber(point.timestamp)) {
8637 dataIndex = timeScaleStore.timestampToDataIndex(point.timestamp);
8638 }
8639 var coordinate = { x: 0, y: 0 };
8640 if (isNumber(dataIndex)) {
8641 coordinate.x = (_a = xAxis === null || xAxis === void 0 ? void 0 : xAxis.convertToPixel(dataIndex)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;
8642 }
8643 if (isNumber(point.value)) {
8644 coordinate.y = (_b = yAxis === null || yAxis === void 0 ? void 0 : yAxis.convertToPixel(point.value)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0;
8645 }
8646 return coordinate;
8647 });
8648 if (coordinates.length > 0) {
8649 var figures = new Array().concat(this.getFigures(overlay, coordinates, bounding, barSpace, precision, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, dateTimeFormat, defaultStyles, xAxis, yAxis));
8650 this.drawFigures(ctx, overlay, figures, defaultStyles);
8651 }
8652 this.drawDefaultFigures(ctx, overlay, coordinates, bounding, precision, dateTimeFormat, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, defaultStyles, xAxis, yAxis, hoverInstanceInfo, clickInstanceInfo);
8653 };
8654 OverlayView.prototype.drawFigures = function (ctx, overlay, figures, defaultStyles) {
8655 var _this = this;
8656 figures.forEach(function (figure, figureIndex) {
8657 var type = figure.type, styles = figure.styles, attrs = figure.attrs, ignoreEvent = figure.ignoreEvent;
8658 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
8659 var attrsArray = [].concat(attrs);
8660 attrsArray.forEach(function (ats, attrsIndex) {
8661 var _a, _b, _c;
8662 var events = _this._createFigureEvents(overlay, 2 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.Other */, (_a = figure.key) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '', figureIndex, attrsIndex, ignoreEvent);
8663 var ss = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, defaultStyles[type]), (_b = overlay.styles) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b[type]), styles);
8664 (_c = _this.createFigure({
8665 name: type, attrs: ats, styles: ss
8666 }, events)) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.draw(ctx);
8667 });
8668 });
8669 };
8670 OverlayView.prototype.getCompleteOverlays = function (overlayStore, paneId) {
8671 return overlayStore.getInstances(paneId);
8672 };
8673 OverlayView.prototype.getProgressOverlay = function (info, paneId) {
8674 if (info.paneId === paneId) {
8675 return info.instance;
8676 }
8677 return null;
8678 };
8679 OverlayView.prototype.getFigures = function (overlay, coordinates, bounding, barSpace, precision, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, dateTimeFormat, defaultStyles, xAxis, yAxis) {
8680 var _a, _b;
8681 return (_b = (_a = overlay.createPointFigures) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(overlay, { overlay: overlay, coordinates: coordinates, bounding: bounding, barSpace: barSpace, precision: precision, thousandsSeparator: thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold: decimalFoldThreshold, dateTimeFormat: dateTimeFormat, defaultStyles: defaultStyles, xAxis: xAxis, yAxis: yAxis })) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [];
8682 };
8683 OverlayView.prototype.drawDefaultFigures = function (ctx, overlay, coordinates, _bounding, _precision, _dateTimeFormat, _customApi, _thousandsSeparator, _drawDefaultFigures, defaultStyles, _xAxis, _yAxis, hoverInstanceInfo, clickInstanceInfo) {
8684 var _this = this;
8685 var _a, _b;
8686 if (overlay.needDefaultPointFigure) {
8687 if ((((_a = hoverInstanceInfo.instance) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.id) === overlay.id && hoverInstanceInfo.figureType !== 0 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.None */) ||
8688 (((_b = clickInstanceInfo.instance) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.id) === overlay.id && clickInstanceInfo.figureType !== 0 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.None */)) {
8689 var styles = overlay.styles;
8690 var pointStyles_1 = __assign(__assign({}, defaultStyles.point), styles === null || styles === void 0 ? void 0 : styles.point);
8691 coordinates.forEach(function (_a, index) {
8692 var _b, _c, _d;
8693 var x = _a.x, y = _a.y;
8694 var radius = pointStyles_1.radius;
8695 var color = pointStyles_1.color;
8696 var borderColor = pointStyles_1.borderColor;
8697 var borderSize = pointStyles_1.borderSize;
8698 if (((_b = hoverInstanceInfo.instance) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.id) === overlay.id &&
8699 hoverInstanceInfo.figureType === 1 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.Point */ &&
8700 hoverInstanceInfo.figureIndex === index) {
8701 radius = pointStyles_1.activeRadius;
8702 color = pointStyles_1.activeColor;
8703 borderColor = pointStyles_1.activeBorderColor;
8704 borderSize = pointStyles_1.activeBorderSize;
8705 }
8706 (_c = _this.createFigure({
8707 name: 'circle',
8708 attrs: { x: x, y: y, r: radius + borderSize },
8709 styles: { color: borderColor }
8710 }, _this._createFigureEvents(overlay, 1 /* EventOverlayInfoFigureType.Point */, "".concat(OVERLAY_FIGURE_KEY_PREFIX, "point_").concat(index), index, 0))) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.draw(ctx);
8711 (_d = _this.createFigure({
8712 name: 'circle',
8713 attrs: { x: x, y: y, r: radius },
8714 styles: { color: color }
8715 })) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.draw(ctx);
8716 });
8717 }
8718 }
8719 };
8720 return OverlayView;
8724 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8725 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8726 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8728 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8730 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8731 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
8732 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
8733 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
8734 * limitations under the License.
8735 */
8736var IndicatorWidget = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
8737 __extends(IndicatorWidget, _super);
8738 function IndicatorWidget(rootContainer, pane) {
8739 var _this = _super.call(this, rootContainer, pane) || this;
8740 _this._gridView = new GridView(_this);
8741 _this._indicatorView = new IndicatorView(_this);
8742 _this._crosshairLineView = new CrosshairLineView(_this);
8743 _this._tooltipView = _this.createTooltipView();
8744 _this._overlayView = new OverlayView(_this);
8745 _this.addChild(_this._tooltipView);
8746 _this.addChild(_this._overlayView);
8747 _this.getContainer().style.cursor = 'crosshair';
8748 _this.registerEvent('mouseMoveEvent', function () {
8749 pane.getChart().getChartStore().getTooltipStore().setActiveIcon();
8750 return false;
8751 });
8752 return _this;
8753 }
8754 IndicatorWidget.prototype.getName = function () {
8755 return WidgetNameConstants.MAIN;
8756 };
8757 IndicatorWidget.prototype.updateMain = function (ctx) {
8758 this.updateMainContent(ctx);
8759 this._indicatorView.draw(ctx);
8760 this._gridView.draw(ctx);
8761 };
8762 IndicatorWidget.prototype.createTooltipView = function () {
8763 return new IndicatorTooltipView(this);
8764 };
8765 IndicatorWidget.prototype.updateMainContent = function (_ctx) { };
8766 IndicatorWidget.prototype.updateOverlay = function (ctx) {
8767 this._overlayView.draw(ctx);
8768 this._crosshairLineView.draw(ctx);
8769 this._tooltipView.draw(ctx);
8770 };
8771 return IndicatorWidget;
8775 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8776 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8777 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8779 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8781 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8782 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
8783 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
8784 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
8785 * limitations under the License.
8786 */
8787var Animation = /** @class */ (function () {
8788 function Animation(options) {
8789 this._options = { duration: 500, iterationCount: 1 };
8790 this._currentIterationCount = 0;
8791 this._running = false;
8792 this._time = 0;
8793 merge(this._options, options);
8794 }
8795 Animation.prototype._loop = function () {
8796 var _this = this;
8797 this._running = true;
8798 var step = function () {
8799 var _a;
8800 if (_this._running) {
8801 var diffTime = new Date().getTime() - _this._time;
8802 if (diffTime < _this._options.duration) {
8803 (_a = _this._doFrameCallback) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(_this, diffTime);
8804 requestAnimationFrame$1(step);
8805 }
8806 else {
8807 _this.stop();
8808 _this._currentIterationCount++;
8809 if (_this._currentIterationCount < _this._options.iterationCount) {
8810 _this.start();
8811 }
8812 }
8813 }
8814 };
8815 requestAnimationFrame$1(step);
8816 };
8817 Animation.prototype.doFrame = function (callback) {
8818 this._doFrameCallback = callback;
8819 return this;
8820 };
8821 Animation.prototype.setDuration = function (duration) {
8822 this._options.duration = duration;
8823 return this;
8824 };
8825 Animation.prototype.setIterationCount = function (iterationCount) {
8826 this._options.iterationCount = iterationCount;
8827 return this;
8828 };
8829 Animation.prototype.start = function () {
8830 if (!this._running) {
8831 this._time = new Date().getTime();
8832 this._loop();
8833 }
8834 };
8835 Animation.prototype.stop = function () {
8836 var _a;
8837 if (this._running) {
8838 (_a = this._doFrameCallback) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this, this._options.duration);
8839 }
8840 this._running = false;
8841 };
8842 return Animation;
8846 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8847 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8848 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8850 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8852 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8853 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
8854 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
8855 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
8856 * limitations under the License.
8857 */
8858var CandleAreaView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
8859 __extends(CandleAreaView, _super);
8860 function CandleAreaView() {
8861 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
8862 _this._ripplePoint = _this.createFigure({
8863 name: 'circle',
8864 attrs: {
8865 x: 0,
8866 y: 0,
8867 r: 0
8868 },
8869 styles: {
8870 style: 'fill'
8871 }
8872 });
8873 _this._animationFrameTime = 0;
8874 _this._animation = new Animation({ iterationCount: Infinity }).doFrame(function (time) {
8875 _this._animationFrameTime = time;
8876 var pane = _this.getWidget().getPane();
8877 pane.getChart().updatePane(0 /* UpdateLevel.Main */, pane.getId());
8878 });
8879 return _this;
8880 }
8881 CandleAreaView.prototype.drawImp = function (ctx) {
8882 var _a, _b, _c;
8883 var widget = this.getWidget();
8884 var pane = widget.getPane();
8885 var chart = pane.getChart();
8886 var dataList = chart.getDataList();
8887 var lastDataIndex = dataList.length - 1;
8888 var bounding = widget.getBounding();
8889 var yAxis = pane.getAxisComponent();
8890 var styles = chart.getStyles().candle.area;
8891 var coordinates = [];
8892 var minY = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
8893 var areaStartX = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
8894 var ripplePointCoordinate = null;
8895 this.eachChildren(function (data) {
8896 var kLineData = data.data, x = data.x;
8897 var value = kLineData === null || kLineData === void 0 ? void 0 : kLineData[styles.value];
8898 if (isNumber(value)) {
8899 var y = yAxis.convertToPixel(value);
8900 if (areaStartX === Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) {
8901 areaStartX = x;
8902 }
8903 coordinates.push({ x: x, y: y });
8904 minY = Math.min(minY, y);
8905 if (data.dataIndex === lastDataIndex) {
8906 ripplePointCoordinate = { x: x, y: y };
8907 }
8908 }
8909 });
8910 if (coordinates.length > 0) {
8911 (_a = this.createFigure({
8912 name: 'line',
8913 attrs: { coordinates: coordinates },
8914 styles: {
8915 color: styles.lineColor,
8916 size: styles.lineSize,
8917 smooth: styles.smooth
8918 }
8919 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.draw(ctx);
8920 // render area
8921 var backgroundColor = styles.backgroundColor;
8922 var color = void 0;
8923 if (isArray(backgroundColor)) {
8924 var gradient_1 = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, bounding.height, 0, minY);
8925 try {
8926 backgroundColor.forEach(function (_a) {
8927 var offset = _a.offset, color = _a.color;
8928 gradient_1.addColorStop(offset, color);
8929 });
8930 }
8931 catch (e) {
8932 }
8933 color = gradient_1;
8934 }
8935 else {
8936 color = backgroundColor;
8937 }
8938 ctx.fillStyle = color;
8939 ctx.beginPath();
8940 ctx.moveTo(areaStartX, bounding.height);
8941 ctx.lineTo(coordinates[0].x, coordinates[0].y);
8942 lineTo(ctx, coordinates, styles.smooth);
8943 ctx.lineTo(coordinates[coordinates.length - 1].x, bounding.height);
8944 ctx.closePath();
8945 ctx.fill();
8946 }
8947 var pointStyles = styles.point;
8948 if (pointStyles.show && isValid(ripplePointCoordinate)) {
8949 (_b = this.createFigure({
8950 name: 'circle',
8951 attrs: {
8952 x: ripplePointCoordinate.x,
8953 y: ripplePointCoordinate.y,
8954 r: pointStyles.radius
8955 },
8956 styles: {
8957 style: 'fill',
8958 color: pointStyles.color
8959 }
8960 })) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.draw(ctx);
8961 var rippleRadius = pointStyles.rippleRadius;
8962 if (pointStyles.animation) {
8963 rippleRadius = pointStyles.radius + this._animationFrameTime / pointStyles.animationDuration * (pointStyles.rippleRadius - pointStyles.radius);
8964 this._animation.setDuration(pointStyles.animationDuration).start();
8965 }
8966 (_c = this._ripplePoint) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.setAttrs({
8967 x: ripplePointCoordinate.x,
8968 y: ripplePointCoordinate.y,
8969 r: rippleRadius
8970 }).setStyles({ style: 'fill', color: pointStyles.rippleColor }).draw(ctx);
8971 }
8972 else {
8973 this.stopAnimation();
8974 }
8975 };
8976 CandleAreaView.prototype.stopAnimation = function () {
8977 this._animation.stop();
8978 };
8979 return CandleAreaView;
8983 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8984 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8985 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8987 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8989 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8990 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
8991 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
8992 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
8993 * limitations under the License.
8994 */
8995var CandleHighLowPriceView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
8996 __extends(CandleHighLowPriceView, _super);
8997 function CandleHighLowPriceView() {
8998 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
8999 }
9000 CandleHighLowPriceView.prototype.drawImp = function (ctx) {
9001 var widget = this.getWidget();
9002 var pane = widget.getPane();
9003 var chartStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore();
9004 var priceMarkStyles = chartStore.getStyles().candle.priceMark;
9005 var highPriceMarkStyles = priceMarkStyles.high;
9006 var lowPriceMarkStyles = priceMarkStyles.low;
9007 if (priceMarkStyles.show && (highPriceMarkStyles.show || lowPriceMarkStyles.show)) {
9008 var thousandsSeparator = chartStore.getThousandsSeparator();
9009 var decimalFoldThreshold = chartStore.getDecimalFoldThreshold();
9010 var precision = chartStore.getPrecision();
9011 var yAxis = pane.getAxisComponent();
9012 var high_1 = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
9013 var highX_1 = 0;
9014 var low_1 = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
9015 var lowX_1 = 0;
9016 this.eachChildren(function (data) {
9017 var kLineData = data.data, x = data.x;
9018 if (isValid(kLineData)) {
9019 if (high_1 < kLineData.high) {
9020 high_1 = kLineData.high;
9021 highX_1 = x;
9022 }
9023 if (low_1 > kLineData.low) {
9024 low_1 = kLineData.low;
9025 lowX_1 = x;
9026 }
9027 }
9028 });
9029 var highY = yAxis.convertToPixel(high_1);
9030 var lowY = yAxis.convertToPixel(low_1);
9031 if (highPriceMarkStyles.show && high_1 !== Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) {
9032 this._drawMark(ctx, formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands(formatPrecision(high_1, precision.price), thousandsSeparator), decimalFoldThreshold), { x: highX_1, y: highY }, highY < lowY ? [-2, -5] : [2, 5], highPriceMarkStyles);
9033 }
9034 if (lowPriceMarkStyles.show && low_1 !== Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
9035 this._drawMark(ctx, formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands(formatPrecision(low_1, precision.price), thousandsSeparator), decimalFoldThreshold), { x: lowX_1, y: lowY }, highY < lowY ? [2, 5] : [-2, -5], lowPriceMarkStyles);
9036 }
9037 }
9038 };
9039 CandleHighLowPriceView.prototype._drawMark = function (ctx, text, coordinate, offsets, styles) {
9040 var _a, _b, _c;
9041 var startX = coordinate.x;
9042 var startY = coordinate.y + offsets[0];
9043 (_a = this.createFigure({
9044 name: 'line',
9045 attrs: {
9046 coordinates: [
9047 { x: startX - 2, y: startY + offsets[0] },
9048 { x: startX, y: startY },
9049 { x: startX + 2, y: startY + offsets[0] }
9050 ]
9051 },
9052 styles: { color: styles.color }
9053 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.draw(ctx);
9054 var lineEndX;
9055 var textStartX;
9056 var textAlign;
9057 var width = this.getWidget().getBounding().width;
9058 if (startX > width / 2) {
9059 lineEndX = startX - 5;
9060 textStartX = lineEndX - styles.textOffset;
9061 textAlign = 'right';
9062 }
9063 else {
9064 lineEndX = startX + 5;
9065 textAlign = 'left';
9066 textStartX = lineEndX + styles.textOffset;
9067 }
9068 var y = startY + offsets[1];
9069 (_b = this.createFigure({
9070 name: 'line',
9071 attrs: {
9072 coordinates: [
9073 { x: startX, y: startY },
9074 { x: startX, y: y },
9075 { x: lineEndX, y: y }
9076 ]
9077 },
9078 styles: { color: styles.color }
9079 })) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.draw(ctx);
9080 (_c = this.createFigure({
9081 name: 'text',
9082 attrs: {
9083 x: textStartX,
9084 y: y,
9085 text: text,
9086 align: textAlign,
9087 baseline: 'middle'
9088 },
9089 styles: {
9090 color: styles.color,
9091 size: styles.textSize,
9092 family: styles.textFamily,
9093 weight: styles.textWeight
9094 }
9095 })) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.draw(ctx);
9096 };
9097 return CandleHighLowPriceView;
9101 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9102 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9103 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9105 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9107 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9108 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9109 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
9110 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
9111 * limitations under the License.
9112 */
9113var CandleLastPriceView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
9114 __extends(CandleLastPriceView, _super);
9115 function CandleLastPriceView() {
9116 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
9117 }
9118 CandleLastPriceView.prototype.drawImp = function (ctx) {
9119 var _a;
9120 var widget = this.getWidget();
9121 var pane = widget.getPane();
9122 var bounding = widget.getBounding();
9123 var chartStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore();
9124 var priceMarkStyles = chartStore.getStyles().candle.priceMark;
9125 var lastPriceMarkStyles = priceMarkStyles.last;
9126 var lastPriceMarkLineStyles = lastPriceMarkStyles.line;
9127 if (priceMarkStyles.show && lastPriceMarkStyles.show && lastPriceMarkLineStyles.show) {
9128 var yAxis = pane.getAxisComponent();
9129 var dataList = chartStore.getDataList();
9130 var data = dataList[dataList.length - 1];
9131 if (data != null) {
9132 var close_1 = data.close, open_1 = data.open;
9133 var priceY = yAxis.convertToNicePixel(close_1);
9134 var color = void 0;
9135 if (close_1 > open_1) {
9136 color = lastPriceMarkStyles.upColor;
9137 }
9138 else if (close_1 < open_1) {
9139 color = lastPriceMarkStyles.downColor;
9140 }
9141 else {
9142 color = lastPriceMarkStyles.noChangeColor;
9143 }
9144 (_a = this.createFigure({
9145 name: 'line',
9146 attrs: {
9147 coordinates: [
9148 { x: 0, y: priceY },
9149 { x: bounding.width, y: priceY }
9150 ]
9151 },
9152 styles: {
9153 style: lastPriceMarkLineStyles.style,
9154 color: color,
9155 size: lastPriceMarkLineStyles.size,
9156 dashedValue: lastPriceMarkLineStyles.dashedValue
9157 }
9158 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.draw(ctx);
9159 }
9160 }
9161 };
9162 return CandleLastPriceView;
9166 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9167 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9168 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9170 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9172 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9173 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9174 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
9175 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
9176 * limitations under the License.
9177 */
9178var zhCN = {
9179 time: '时间:',
9180 open: '开:',
9181 high: '高:',
9182 low: '低:',
9183 close: '收:',
9184 volume: '成交量:',
9185 turnover: '成交额:',
9186 change: '涨幅:'
9190 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9191 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9192 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9194 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9196 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9197 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9198 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
9199 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
9200 * limitations under the License.
9201 */
9202var enUS = {
9203 time: 'Time: ',
9204 open: 'Open: ',
9205 high: 'High: ',
9206 low: 'Low: ',
9207 close: 'Close: ',
9208 volume: 'Volume: ',
9209 turnover: 'Turnover: ',
9210 change: 'Change: '
9214 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9215 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9216 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9218 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9220 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9221 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9222 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
9223 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
9224 * limitations under the License.
9225 */
9226var locales = {
9227 'zh-CN': zhCN,
9228 'en-US': enUS
9230function registerLocale(locale, ls) {
9231 locales[locale] = __assign(__assign({}, locales[locale]), ls);
9233function getSupportedLocales() {
9234 return Object.keys(locales);
9236function i18n(key, locale) {
9237 var _a, _b;
9238 return (_b = (_a = locales[locale]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[key]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : key;
9242 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9243 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9244 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9246 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9248 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9249 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9250 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
9251 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
9252 * limitations under the License.
9253 */
9254var CandleTooltipView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
9255 __extends(CandleTooltipView, _super);
9256 function CandleTooltipView() {
9257 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
9258 }
9259 CandleTooltipView.prototype.drawImp = function (ctx) {
9260 var widget = this.getWidget();
9261 var pane = widget.getPane();
9262 var paneId = pane.getId();
9263 var chartStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore();
9264 var crosshair = chartStore.getTooltipStore().getCrosshair();
9265 if (isValid(crosshair.kLineData)) {
9266 var bounding = widget.getBounding();
9267 var yAxisBounding = pane.getYAxisWidget().getBounding();
9268 var dataList = chartStore.getDataList();
9269 var precision = chartStore.getPrecision();
9270 var locale = chartStore.getLocale();
9271 var customApi = chartStore.getCustomApi();
9272 var thousandsSeparator = chartStore.getThousandsSeparator();
9273 var decimalFoldThreshold = chartStore.getDecimalFoldThreshold();
9274 var activeIcon = chartStore.getTooltipStore().getActiveIcon();
9275 var indicators = chartStore.getIndicatorStore().getInstances(pane.getId());
9276 var dateTimeFormat = chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().getDateTimeFormat();
9277 var styles = chartStore.getStyles();
9278 var candleStyles = styles.candle;
9279 var indicatorStyles = styles.indicator;
9280 if (candleStyles.tooltip.showType === exports.TooltipShowType.Rect &&
9281 indicatorStyles.tooltip.showType === exports.TooltipShowType.Rect) {
9282 var isDrawCandleTooltip = this.isDrawTooltip(crosshair, candleStyles.tooltip);
9283 var isDrawIndicatorTooltip = this.isDrawTooltip(crosshair, indicatorStyles.tooltip);
9284 this._drawRectTooltip(ctx, dataList, indicators, bounding, yAxisBounding, crosshair, precision, dateTimeFormat, locale, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, isDrawCandleTooltip, isDrawIndicatorTooltip, candleStyles.tooltip.offsetTop, styles);
9285 }
9286 else if (candleStyles.tooltip.showType === exports.TooltipShowType.Standard &&
9287 indicatorStyles.tooltip.showType === exports.TooltipShowType.Standard) {
9288 var _a = candleStyles.tooltip, offsetLeft = _a.offsetLeft, offsetTop = _a.offsetTop, offsetRight = _a.offsetRight;
9289 var maxWidth = bounding.width - offsetRight;
9290 var top_1 = this._drawCandleStandardTooltip(ctx, dataList, paneId, crosshair, activeIcon, precision, dateTimeFormat, locale, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, offsetLeft, offsetTop, maxWidth, candleStyles);
9291 this.drawIndicatorTooltip(ctx, paneId, dataList, crosshair, activeIcon, indicators, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, offsetLeft, top_1, maxWidth, indicatorStyles);
9292 }
9293 else if (candleStyles.tooltip.showType === exports.TooltipShowType.Rect &&
9294 indicatorStyles.tooltip.showType === exports.TooltipShowType.Standard) {
9295 var _b = candleStyles.tooltip, offsetLeft = _b.offsetLeft, offsetTop = _b.offsetTop, offsetRight = _b.offsetRight;
9296 var maxWidth = bounding.width - offsetRight;
9297 var top_2 = this.drawIndicatorTooltip(ctx, paneId, dataList, crosshair, activeIcon, indicators, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, offsetLeft, offsetTop, maxWidth, indicatorStyles);
9298 var isDrawCandleTooltip = this.isDrawTooltip(crosshair, candleStyles.tooltip);
9299 this._drawRectTooltip(ctx, dataList, indicators, bounding, yAxisBounding, crosshair, precision, dateTimeFormat, locale, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, isDrawCandleTooltip, false, top_2, styles);
9300 }
9301 else {
9302 var _c = candleStyles.tooltip, offsetLeft = _c.offsetLeft, offsetTop = _c.offsetTop, offsetRight = _c.offsetRight;
9303 var maxWidth = bounding.width - offsetRight;
9304 var top_3 = this._drawCandleStandardTooltip(ctx, dataList, paneId, crosshair, activeIcon, precision, dateTimeFormat, locale, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, offsetLeft, offsetTop, maxWidth, candleStyles);
9305 var isDrawIndicatorTooltip = this.isDrawTooltip(crosshair, indicatorStyles.tooltip);
9306 this._drawRectTooltip(ctx, dataList, indicators, bounding, yAxisBounding, crosshair, precision, dateTimeFormat, locale, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, false, isDrawIndicatorTooltip, top_3, styles);
9307 }
9308 }
9309 };
9310 CandleTooltipView.prototype._drawCandleStandardTooltip = function (ctx, dataList, paneId, crosshair, activeTooltipIcon, precision, dateTimeFormat, locale, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, left, top, maxWidth, styles) {
9311 var _a, _b, _c;
9312 var tooltipStyles = styles.tooltip;
9313 var tooltipTextStyles = tooltipStyles.text;
9314 var prevRowHeight = 0;
9315 var coordinate = { x: left, y: top };
9316 if (this.isDrawTooltip(crosshair, tooltipStyles)) {
9317 var dataIndex = (_a = crosshair.dataIndex) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;
9318 var legends = this._getCandleTooltipLegends({ prev: (_b = dataList[dataIndex - 1]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null, current: crosshair.kLineData, next: (_c = dataList[dataIndex + 1]) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : null }, precision, dateTimeFormat, locale, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, styles);
9319 var _d = __read(this.classifyTooltipIcons(tooltipStyles.icons), 3), leftIcons = _d[0], middleIcons = _d[1], rightIcons = _d[2];
9320 prevRowHeight = this.drawStandardTooltipIcons(ctx, activeTooltipIcon, leftIcons, coordinate, paneId, '', left, prevRowHeight, maxWidth);
9321 prevRowHeight = this.drawStandardTooltipIcons(ctx, activeTooltipIcon, middleIcons, coordinate, paneId, '', left, prevRowHeight, maxWidth);
9322 if (legends.length > 0) {
9323 prevRowHeight = this.drawStandardTooltipLegends(ctx, legends, coordinate, left, prevRowHeight, maxWidth, tooltipTextStyles);
9324 }
9325 prevRowHeight = this.drawStandardTooltipIcons(ctx, activeTooltipIcon, rightIcons, coordinate, paneId, '', left, prevRowHeight, maxWidth);
9326 }
9327 return coordinate.y + prevRowHeight;
9328 };
9329 CandleTooltipView.prototype._drawRectTooltip = function (ctx, dataList, indicators, bounding, yAxisBounding, crosshair, precision, dateTimeFormat, locale, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, isDrawCandleTooltip, isDrawIndicatorTooltip, top, styles) {
9330 var _this = this;
9331 var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
9332 var candleStyles = styles.candle;
9333 var indicatorStyles = styles.indicator;
9334 var candleTooltipStyles = candleStyles.tooltip;
9335 var indicatorTooltipStyles = indicatorStyles.tooltip;
9336 if (isDrawCandleTooltip || isDrawIndicatorTooltip) {
9337 var dataIndex = (_a = crosshair.dataIndex) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;
9338 var candleLegends = this._getCandleTooltipLegends({ prev: (_b = dataList[dataIndex - 1]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null, current: crosshair.kLineData, next: (_c = dataList[dataIndex + 1]) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : null }, precision, dateTimeFormat, locale, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, candleStyles);
9339 var offsetLeft = candleTooltipStyles.offsetLeft, offsetTop = candleTooltipStyles.offsetTop, offsetRight = candleTooltipStyles.offsetRight, offsetBottom = candleTooltipStyles.offsetBottom;
9340 var _f = candleTooltipStyles.text, baseTextMarginLeft_1 = _f.marginLeft, baseTextMarginRight_1 = _f.marginRight, baseTextMarginTop_1 = _f.marginTop, baseTextMarginBottom_1 = _f.marginBottom, baseTextSize_1 = _f.size, baseTextWeight_1 = _f.weight, baseTextFamily_1 = _f.family;
9341 var _g = candleTooltipStyles.rect, rectPosition = _g.position, rectPaddingLeft = _g.paddingLeft, rectPaddingRight_1 = _g.paddingRight, rectPaddingTop = _g.paddingTop, rectPaddingBottom = _g.paddingBottom, rectOffsetLeft = _g.offsetLeft, rectOffsetRight = _g.offsetRight, rectOffsetTop = _g.offsetTop, rectOffsetBottom = _g.offsetBottom, rectBorderSize_1 = _g.borderSize, rectBorderRadius = _g.borderRadius, rectBorderColor = _g.borderColor, rectBackgroundColor = _g.color;
9342 var maxTextWidth_1 = 0;
9343 var rectWidth_1 = 0;
9344 var rectHeight_1 = 0;
9345 if (isDrawCandleTooltip) {
9346 ctx.font = createFont(baseTextSize_1, baseTextWeight_1, baseTextFamily_1);
9347 candleLegends.forEach(function (data) {
9348 var title = data.title;
9349 var value = data.value;
9350 var text = "".concat(title.text).concat(value.text);
9351 var labelWidth = ctx.measureText(text).width + baseTextMarginLeft_1 + baseTextMarginRight_1;
9352 maxTextWidth_1 = Math.max(maxTextWidth_1, labelWidth);
9353 });
9354 rectHeight_1 += ((baseTextMarginBottom_1 + baseTextMarginTop_1 + baseTextSize_1) * candleLegends.length);
9355 }
9356 var _h = indicatorTooltipStyles.text, indicatorTextMarginLeft_1 = _h.marginLeft, indicatorTextMarginRight_1 = _h.marginRight, indicatorTextMarginTop_1 = _h.marginTop, indicatorTextMarginBottom_1 = _h.marginBottom, indicatorTextSize_1 = _h.size, indicatorTextWeight_1 = _h.weight, indicatorTextFamily_1 = _h.family;
9357 var indicatorLegendsArray_1 = [];
9358 if (isDrawIndicatorTooltip) {
9359 ctx.font = createFont(indicatorTextSize_1, indicatorTextWeight_1, indicatorTextFamily_1);
9360 indicators.forEach(function (indicator) {
9361 var _a;
9362 var tooltipDataValues = (_a = _this.getIndicatorTooltipData(dataList, crosshair, indicator, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, indicatorStyles).values) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [];
9363 indicatorLegendsArray_1.push(tooltipDataValues);
9364 tooltipDataValues.forEach(function (data) {
9365 var title = data.title;
9366 var value = data.value;
9367 var text = "".concat(title.text).concat(value.text);
9368 var textWidth = ctx.measureText(text).width + indicatorTextMarginLeft_1 + indicatorTextMarginRight_1;
9369 maxTextWidth_1 = Math.max(maxTextWidth_1, textWidth);
9370 rectHeight_1 += (indicatorTextMarginTop_1 + indicatorTextMarginBottom_1 + indicatorTextSize_1);
9371 });
9372 });
9373 }
9374 rectWidth_1 += maxTextWidth_1;
9375 if (rectWidth_1 !== 0 && rectHeight_1 !== 0) {
9376 rectWidth_1 += (rectBorderSize_1 * 2 + rectPaddingLeft + rectPaddingRight_1);
9377 rectHeight_1 += (rectBorderSize_1 * 2 + rectPaddingTop + rectPaddingBottom);
9378 var centerX = bounding.width / 2;
9379 var isPointer = rectPosition === CandleTooltipRectPosition.Pointer && crosshair.paneId === PaneIdConstants.CANDLE;
9380 var isLeft = ((_d = crosshair.realX) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : 0) > centerX;
9381 var rectX_1 = 0;
9382 if (isPointer) {
9383 var realX = crosshair.realX;
9384 if (isLeft) {
9385 rectX_1 = realX - rectOffsetRight - rectWidth_1;
9386 }
9387 else {
9388 rectX_1 = realX + rectOffsetLeft;
9389 }
9390 }
9391 else {
9392 if (isLeft) {
9393 rectX_1 = rectOffsetLeft + offsetLeft;
9394 if (styles.yAxis.inside && styles.yAxis.position === exports.YAxisPosition.Left) {
9395 rectX_1 += yAxisBounding.width;
9396 }
9397 }
9398 else {
9399 rectX_1 = bounding.width - rectOffsetRight - rectWidth_1 - offsetRight;
9400 if (styles.yAxis.inside && styles.yAxis.position === exports.YAxisPosition.Right) {
9401 rectX_1 -= yAxisBounding.width;
9402 }
9403 }
9404 }
9405 var rectY = top + rectOffsetTop;
9406 if (isPointer) {
9407 var y = crosshair.y;
9408 rectY = y - rectHeight_1 / 2;
9409 if (rectY + rectHeight_1 > bounding.height - rectOffsetBottom - offsetBottom) {
9410 rectY = bounding.height - rectOffsetBottom - rectHeight_1 - offsetBottom;
9411 }
9412 if (rectY < top + rectOffsetTop) {
9413 rectY = top + rectOffsetTop + offsetTop;
9414 }
9415 }
9416 (_e = this.createFigure({
9417 name: 'rect',
9418 attrs: {
9419 x: rectX_1,
9420 y: rectY,
9421 width: rectWidth_1,
9422 height: rectHeight_1
9423 },
9424 styles: {
9425 style: exports.PolygonType.StrokeFill,
9426 color: rectBackgroundColor,
9427 borderColor: rectBorderColor,
9428 borderSize: rectBorderSize_1,
9429 borderRadius: rectBorderRadius
9430 }
9431 })) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.draw(ctx);
9432 var candleTextX_1 = rectX_1 + rectBorderSize_1 + rectPaddingLeft + baseTextMarginLeft_1;
9433 var textY_1 = rectY + rectBorderSize_1 + rectPaddingTop;
9434 if (isDrawCandleTooltip) {
9435 // render candle texts
9436 candleLegends.forEach(function (data) {
9437 var _a, _b;
9438 textY_1 += baseTextMarginTop_1;
9439 var title = data.title;
9440 (_a = _this.createFigure({
9441 name: 'text',
9442 attrs: {
9443 x: candleTextX_1,
9444 y: textY_1,
9445 text: title.text
9446 },
9447 styles: {
9448 color: title.color,
9449 size: baseTextSize_1,
9450 family: baseTextFamily_1,
9451 weight: baseTextWeight_1
9452 }
9453 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.draw(ctx);
9454 var value = data.value;
9455 (_b = _this.createFigure({
9456 name: 'text',
9457 attrs: {
9458 x: rectX_1 + rectWidth_1 - rectBorderSize_1 - baseTextMarginRight_1 - rectPaddingRight_1,
9459 y: textY_1,
9460 text: value.text,
9461 align: 'right'
9462 },
9463 styles: {
9464 color: value.color,
9465 size: baseTextSize_1,
9466 family: baseTextFamily_1,
9467 weight: baseTextWeight_1
9468 }
9469 })) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.draw(ctx);
9470 textY_1 += (baseTextSize_1 + baseTextMarginBottom_1);
9471 });
9472 }
9473 if (isDrawIndicatorTooltip) {
9474 // render indicator texts
9475 var indicatorTextX_1 = rectX_1 + rectBorderSize_1 + rectPaddingLeft + indicatorTextMarginLeft_1;
9476 indicatorLegendsArray_1.forEach(function (legends) {
9477 legends.forEach(function (data) {
9478 var _a, _b;
9479 textY_1 += indicatorTextMarginTop_1;
9480 var title = data.title;
9481 var value = data.value;
9482 (_a = _this.createFigure({
9483 name: 'text',
9484 attrs: {
9485 x: indicatorTextX_1,
9486 y: textY_1,
9487 text: title.text
9488 },
9489 styles: {
9490 color: title.color,
9491 size: indicatorTextSize_1,
9492 family: indicatorTextFamily_1,
9493 weight: indicatorTextWeight_1
9494 }
9495 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.draw(ctx);
9496 (_b = _this.createFigure({
9497 name: 'text',
9498 attrs: {
9499 x: rectX_1 + rectWidth_1 - rectBorderSize_1 - indicatorTextMarginRight_1 - rectPaddingRight_1,
9500 y: textY_1,
9501 text: value.text,
9502 align: 'right'
9503 },
9504 styles: {
9505 color: value.color,
9506 size: indicatorTextSize_1,
9507 family: indicatorTextFamily_1,
9508 weight: indicatorTextWeight_1
9509 }
9510 })) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.draw(ctx);
9511 textY_1 += (indicatorTextSize_1 + indicatorTextMarginBottom_1);
9512 });
9513 });
9514 }
9515 }
9516 }
9517 };
9518 CandleTooltipView.prototype._getCandleTooltipLegends = function (data, precision, dateTimeFormat, locale, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, styles) {
9519 var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
9520 var tooltipStyles = styles.tooltip;
9521 var textColor = tooltipStyles.text.color;
9522 var current = data.current;
9523 var prevClose = (_b = (_a = data.prev) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.close) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : current.close;
9524 var changeValue = current.close - prevClose;
9525 var pricePrecision = precision.price, volumePrecision = precision.volume;
9526 var mapping = {
9527 '{time}': customApi.formatDate(dateTimeFormat, current.timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm', exports.FormatDateType.Tooltip),
9528 '{open}': formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands(formatPrecision(current.open, pricePrecision), thousandsSeparator), decimalFoldThreshold),
9529 '{high}': formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands(formatPrecision(current.high, pricePrecision), thousandsSeparator), decimalFoldThreshold),
9530 '{low}': formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands(formatPrecision(current.low, pricePrecision), thousandsSeparator), decimalFoldThreshold),
9531 '{close}': formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands(formatPrecision(current.close, pricePrecision), thousandsSeparator), decimalFoldThreshold),
9532 '{volume}': formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands(customApi.formatBigNumber(formatPrecision((_c = current.volume) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : tooltipStyles.defaultValue, volumePrecision)), thousandsSeparator), decimalFoldThreshold),
9533 '{turnover}': formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands(formatPrecision((_d = current.turnover) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : tooltipStyles.defaultValue, pricePrecision), thousandsSeparator), decimalFoldThreshold),
9534 '{change}': prevClose === 0 ? tooltipStyles.defaultValue : "".concat(formatThousands(formatPrecision(changeValue / prevClose * 100), thousandsSeparator), "%")
9535 };
9536 var legends = (_e = (isFunction(tooltipStyles.custom)
9537 ? tooltipStyles.custom(data, styles)
9538 : tooltipStyles.custom)) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : [];
9539 return legends.map(function (_a) {
9540 var _b;
9541 var title = _a.title, value = _a.value;
9542 var t = { text: '', color: '' };
9543 if (isObject(title)) {
9544 t = __assign({}, title);
9545 }
9546 else {
9547 t.text = title;
9548 t.color = textColor;
9549 }
9550 t.text = i18n(t.text, locale);
9551 var v = { text: tooltipStyles.defaultValue, color: '' };
9552 if (isObject(value)) {
9553 v = __assign({}, value);
9554 }
9555 else {
9556 v.text = value;
9557 v.color = textColor;
9558 }
9559 var match = v.text.match(/{(\S*)}/);
9560 if (match !== null && match.length > 1) {
9561 var key = "{".concat(match[1], "}");
9562 v.text = v.text.replace(key, ((_b = mapping[key]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : tooltipStyles.defaultValue));
9563 if (key === '{change}') {
9564 v.color = changeValue === 0 ? styles.priceMark.last.noChangeColor : (changeValue > 0 ? styles.priceMark.last.upColor : styles.priceMark.last.downColor);
9565 }
9566 }
9567 return { title: t, value: v };
9568 });
9569 };
9570 return CandleTooltipView;
9574 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9575 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9576 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9578 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9580 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9581 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9582 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
9583 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
9584 * limitations under the License.
9585 */
9586var CandleWidget = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
9587 __extends(CandleWidget, _super);
9588 function CandleWidget(rootContainer, pane) {
9589 var _this = _super.call(this, rootContainer, pane) || this;
9590 _this._candleBarView = new CandleBarView(_this);
9591 _this._candleAreaView = new CandleAreaView(_this);
9592 _this._candleHighLowPriceView = new CandleHighLowPriceView(_this);
9593 _this._candleLastPriceLineView = new CandleLastPriceView(_this);
9594 _this.addChild(_this._candleBarView);
9595 return _this;
9596 }
9597 CandleWidget.prototype.updateMainContent = function (ctx) {
9598 var candleStyles = this.getPane().getChart().getStyles().candle;
9599 if (candleStyles.type !== exports.CandleType.Area) {
9600 this._candleBarView.draw(ctx);
9601 this._candleHighLowPriceView.draw(ctx);
9602 this._candleAreaView.stopAnimation();
9603 }
9604 else {
9605 this._candleAreaView.draw(ctx);
9606 }
9607 this._candleLastPriceLineView.draw(ctx);
9608 };
9609 CandleWidget.prototype.createTooltipView = function () {
9610 return new CandleTooltipView(this);
9611 };
9612 return CandleWidget;
9616 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9617 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9618 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9620 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9622 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9623 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9624 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
9625 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
9626 * limitations under the License.
9627 */
9628var AxisView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
9629 __extends(AxisView, _super);
9630 function AxisView() {
9631 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
9632 }
9633 AxisView.prototype.drawImp = function (ctx) {
9634 var _this = this;
9635 var _a, _b;
9636 var widget = this.getWidget();
9637 var pane = widget.getPane();
9638 var bounding = widget.getBounding();
9639 var axis = pane.getAxisComponent();
9640 var styles = this.getAxisStyles(pane.getChart().getStyles());
9641 if (styles.show) {
9642 if (styles.axisLine.show) {
9643 (_a = this.createFigure({
9644 name: 'line',
9645 attrs: this.createAxisLine(bounding, styles),
9646 styles: styles.axisLine
9647 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.draw(ctx);
9648 }
9649 var ticks = axis.getTicks();
9650 if (styles.tickLine.show) {
9651 var lines = this.createTickLines(ticks, bounding, styles);
9652 lines.forEach(function (line) {
9653 var _a;
9654 (_a = _this.createFigure({
9655 name: 'line',
9656 attrs: line,
9657 styles: styles.tickLine
9658 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.draw(ctx);
9659 });
9660 }
9661 if (styles.tickText.show) {
9662 var texts = this.createTickTexts(ticks, bounding, styles);
9663 (_b = this.createFigure({
9664 name: 'text',
9665 attrs: texts,
9666 styles: styles.tickText
9667 })) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.draw(ctx);
9668 }
9669 }
9670 };
9671 return AxisView;
9675 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9676 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9677 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9679 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9681 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9682 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9683 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
9684 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
9685 * limitations under the License.
9686 */
9687var YAxisView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
9688 __extends(YAxisView, _super);
9689 function YAxisView() {
9690 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
9691 }
9692 YAxisView.prototype.getAxisStyles = function (styles) {
9693 return styles.yAxis;
9694 };
9695 YAxisView.prototype.createAxisLine = function (bounding, styles) {
9696 var yAxis = this.getWidget().getPane().getAxisComponent();
9697 var size = styles.axisLine.size;
9698 var x;
9699 if (yAxis.isFromZero()) {
9700 x = size / 2;
9701 }
9702 else {
9703 x = bounding.width - size;
9704 }
9705 return {
9706 coordinates: [
9707 { x: x, y: 0 },
9708 { x: x, y: bounding.height }
9709 ]
9710 };
9711 };
9712 YAxisView.prototype.createTickLines = function (ticks, bounding, styles) {
9713 var yAxis = this.getWidget().getPane().getAxisComponent();
9714 var axisLineStyles = styles.axisLine;
9715 var tickLineStyles = styles.tickLine;
9716 var startX = 0;
9717 var endX = 0;
9718 if (yAxis.isFromZero()) {
9719 startX = 0;
9720 if (axisLineStyles.show) {
9721 startX += axisLineStyles.size;
9722 }
9723 endX = startX + tickLineStyles.length;
9724 }
9725 else {
9726 startX = bounding.width;
9727 if (axisLineStyles.show) {
9728 startX -= axisLineStyles.size;
9729 }
9730 endX = startX - tickLineStyles.length;
9731 }
9732 return ticks.map(function (tick) { return ({
9733 coordinates: [
9734 { x: startX, y: tick.coord },
9735 { x: endX, y: tick.coord }
9736 ]
9737 }); });
9738 };
9739 YAxisView.prototype.createTickTexts = function (ticks, bounding, styles) {
9740 var yAxis = this.getWidget().getPane().getAxisComponent();
9741 var axisLineStyles = styles.axisLine;
9742 var tickLineStyles = styles.tickLine;
9743 var tickTextStyles = styles.tickText;
9744 var x = 0;
9745 if (yAxis.isFromZero()) {
9746 x = tickTextStyles.marginStart;
9747 if (axisLineStyles.show) {
9748 x += axisLineStyles.size;
9749 }
9750 if (tickLineStyles.show) {
9751 x += tickLineStyles.length;
9752 }
9753 }
9754 else {
9755 x = bounding.width - tickTextStyles.marginEnd;
9756 if (axisLineStyles.show) {
9757 x -= axisLineStyles.size;
9758 }
9759 if (tickLineStyles.show) {
9760 x -= tickLineStyles.length;
9761 }
9762 }
9763 var textAlign = this.getWidget().getPane().getAxisComponent().isFromZero() ? 'left' : 'right';
9764 return ticks.map(function (tick) { return ({
9765 x: x,
9766 y: tick.coord,
9767 text: tick.text,
9768 align: textAlign,
9769 baseline: 'middle'
9770 }); });
9771 };
9772 return YAxisView;
9776 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9777 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9778 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9780 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9782 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9783 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9784 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
9785 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
9786 * limitations under the License.
9787 */
9788var CandleLastPriceLabelView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
9789 __extends(CandleLastPriceLabelView, _super);
9790 function CandleLastPriceLabelView() {
9791 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
9792 }
9793 CandleLastPriceLabelView.prototype.drawImp = function (ctx) {
9794 var _a;
9795 var widget = this.getWidget();
9796 var pane = widget.getPane();
9797 var bounding = widget.getBounding();
9798 var chartStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore();
9799 var priceMarkStyles = chartStore.getStyles().candle.priceMark;
9800 var lastPriceMarkStyles = priceMarkStyles.last;
9801 var lastPriceMarkTextStyles = lastPriceMarkStyles.text;
9802 if (priceMarkStyles.show && lastPriceMarkStyles.show && lastPriceMarkTextStyles.show) {
9803 var precision = chartStore.getPrecision();
9804 var yAxis = pane.getAxisComponent();
9805 var dataList = chartStore.getDataList();
9806 var visibleDataList = chartStore.getVisibleDataList();
9807 var data = dataList[dataList.length - 1];
9808 if (isValid(data)) {
9809 var close_1 = data.close, open_1 = data.open;
9810 var priceY = yAxis.convertToNicePixel(close_1);
9811 var backgroundColor = void 0;
9812 if (close_1 > open_1) {
9813 backgroundColor = lastPriceMarkStyles.upColor;
9814 }
9815 else if (close_1 < open_1) {
9816 backgroundColor = lastPriceMarkStyles.downColor;
9817 }
9818 else {
9819 backgroundColor = lastPriceMarkStyles.noChangeColor;
9820 }
9821 var text = void 0;
9822 if (yAxis.getType() === exports.YAxisType.Percentage) {
9823 var fromData = visibleDataList[0].data;
9824 var fromClose = fromData.close;
9825 text = "".concat(((close_1 - fromClose) / fromClose * 100).toFixed(2), "%");
9826 }
9827 else {
9828 text = formatPrecision(close_1, precision.price);
9829 }
9830 text = formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands(text, chartStore.getThousandsSeparator()), chartStore.getDecimalFoldThreshold());
9831 var x = void 0;
9832 var textAlgin = void 0;
9833 if (yAxis.isFromZero()) {
9834 x = 0;
9835 textAlgin = 'left';
9836 }
9837 else {
9838 x = bounding.width;
9839 textAlgin = 'right';
9840 }
9841 (_a = this.createFigure({
9842 name: 'text',
9843 attrs: {
9844 x: x,
9845 y: priceY,
9846 text: text,
9847 align: textAlgin,
9848 baseline: 'middle'
9849 },
9850 styles: __assign(__assign({}, lastPriceMarkTextStyles), { backgroundColor: backgroundColor })
9851 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.draw(ctx);
9852 }
9853 }
9854 };
9855 return CandleLastPriceLabelView;
9859 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9860 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9861 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9863 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9865 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9866 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9867 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
9868 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
9869 * limitations under the License.
9870 */
9871var IndicatorLastValueView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
9872 __extends(IndicatorLastValueView, _super);
9873 function IndicatorLastValueView() {
9874 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
9875 }
9876 IndicatorLastValueView.prototype.drawImp = function (ctx) {
9877 var _this = this;
9878 var widget = this.getWidget();
9879 var pane = widget.getPane();
9880 var bounding = widget.getBounding();
9881 var chartStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore();
9882 var customApi = chartStore.getCustomApi();
9883 var defaultStyles = chartStore.getStyles().indicator;
9884 var lastValueMarkStyles = defaultStyles.lastValueMark;
9885 var lastValueMarkTextStyles = lastValueMarkStyles.text;
9886 if (lastValueMarkStyles.show) {
9887 var yAxis_1 = pane.getAxisComponent();
9888 var dataList_1 = chartStore.getDataList();
9889 var dataIndex_1 = dataList_1.length - 1;
9890 var indicators = chartStore.getIndicatorStore().getInstances(pane.getId());
9891 var thousandsSeparator_1 = chartStore.getThousandsSeparator();
9892 var decimalFoldThreshold_1 = chartStore.getDecimalFoldThreshold();
9893 indicators.forEach(function (indicator) {
9894 var result = indicator.result;
9895 var indicatorData = result[dataIndex_1];
9896 if (isValid(indicatorData) && indicator.visible) {
9897 var precision_1 = indicator.precision;
9898 eachFigures(dataList_1, indicator, dataIndex_1, defaultStyles, function (figure, figureStyles) {
9899 var _a;
9900 var value = indicatorData[figure.key];
9901 if (isNumber(value)) {
9902 var y = yAxis_1.convertToNicePixel(value);
9903 var text = formatPrecision(value, precision_1);
9904 if (indicator.shouldFormatBigNumber) {
9905 text = customApi.formatBigNumber(text);
9906 }
9907 text = formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands(text, thousandsSeparator_1), decimalFoldThreshold_1);
9908 var x = void 0;
9909 var textAlign = void 0;
9910 if (yAxis_1.isFromZero()) {
9911 x = 0;
9912 textAlign = 'left';
9913 }
9914 else {
9915 x = bounding.width;
9916 textAlign = 'right';
9917 }
9918 (_a = _this.createFigure({
9919 name: 'text',
9920 attrs: {
9921 x: x,
9922 y: y,
9923 text: text,
9924 align: textAlign,
9925 baseline: 'middle'
9926 },
9927 styles: __assign(__assign({}, lastValueMarkTextStyles), { backgroundColor: figureStyles.color })
9928 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.draw(ctx);
9929 }
9930 });
9931 }
9932 });
9933 }
9934 };
9935 return IndicatorLastValueView;
9939 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9940 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9941 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9943 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9945 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9946 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9947 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
9948 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
9949 * limitations under the License.
9950 */
9951var OverlayYAxisView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
9952 __extends(OverlayYAxisView, _super);
9953 function OverlayYAxisView() {
9954 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
9955 }
9956 OverlayYAxisView.prototype.coordinateToPointTimestampDataIndexFlag = function () {
9957 return false;
9958 };
9959 OverlayYAxisView.prototype.drawDefaultFigures = function (ctx, overlay, coordinates, bounding, precision, dateTimeFormat, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, defaultStyles, xAxis, yAxis, _hoverInstanceInfo, clickInstanceInfo) {
9960 this.drawFigures(ctx, overlay, this.getDefaultFigures(overlay, coordinates, bounding, precision, dateTimeFormat, customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, xAxis, yAxis, clickInstanceInfo), defaultStyles);
9961 };
9962 OverlayYAxisView.prototype.getDefaultFigures = function (overlay, coordinates, bounding, precision, _dateTimeFormat, _customApi, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, _xAxis, yAxis, clickInstanceInfo) {
9963 var _a, _b;
9964 var figures = [];
9965 if (overlay.needDefaultYAxisFigure &&
9966 overlay.id === ((_a = clickInstanceInfo.instance) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.id) &&
9967 clickInstanceInfo.paneId === this.getWidget().getPane().getId()) {
9968 var topY_1 = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
9969 var bottomY_1 = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
9970 var isFromZero = (_b = yAxis === null || yAxis === void 0 ? void 0 : yAxis.isFromZero()) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false;
9971 var textAlign_1;
9972 var x_1;
9973 if (isFromZero) {
9974 textAlign_1 = 'left';
9975 x_1 = 0;
9976 }
9977 else {
9978 textAlign_1 = 'right';
9979 x_1 = bounding.width;
9980 }
9981 coordinates.forEach(function (coordinate, index) {
9982 var point = overlay.points[index];
9983 if (isNumber(point.value)) {
9984 topY_1 = Math.min(topY_1, coordinate.y);
9985 bottomY_1 = Math.max(bottomY_1, coordinate.y);
9986 var text = formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands(formatPrecision(point.value, precision.price), thousandsSeparator), decimalFoldThreshold);
9987 figures.push({ type: 'text', attrs: { x: x_1, y: coordinate.y, text: text, align: textAlign_1, baseline: 'middle' }, ignoreEvent: true });
9988 }
9989 });
9990 if (coordinates.length > 1) {
9991 figures.unshift({ type: 'rect', attrs: { x: 0, y: topY_1, width: bounding.width, height: bottomY_1 - topY_1 }, ignoreEvent: true });
9992 }
9993 }
9994 return figures;
9995 };
9996 OverlayYAxisView.prototype.getFigures = function (overlay, coordinates, bounding, barSpace, precision, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, dateTimeFormat, defaultStyles, xAxis, yAxis) {
9997 var _a, _b;
9998 return (_b = (_a = overlay.createYAxisFigures) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(overlay, { overlay: overlay, coordinates: coordinates, bounding: bounding, barSpace: barSpace, precision: precision, thousandsSeparator: thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold: decimalFoldThreshold, dateTimeFormat: dateTimeFormat, defaultStyles: defaultStyles, xAxis: xAxis, yAxis: yAxis })) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [];
9999 };
10000 return OverlayYAxisView;
10004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10005 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10008 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10012 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
10014 * limitations under the License.
10015 */
10016var CrosshairHorizontalLabelView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
10017 __extends(CrosshairHorizontalLabelView, _super);
10018 function CrosshairHorizontalLabelView() {
10019 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
10020 }
10021 CrosshairHorizontalLabelView.prototype.drawImp = function (ctx) {
10022 var _a;
10023 var widget = this.getWidget();
10024 var pane = widget.getPane();
10025 var bounding = widget.getBounding();
10026 var chartStore = widget.getPane().getChart().getChartStore();
10027 var crosshair = chartStore.getTooltipStore().getCrosshair();
10028 var styles = chartStore.getStyles().crosshair;
10029 if (isString(crosshair.paneId) && this.compare(crosshair, pane.getId())) {
10030 if (styles.show) {
10031 var directionStyles = this.getDirectionStyles(styles);
10032 var textStyles = directionStyles.text;
10033 if (directionStyles.show && textStyles.show) {
10034 var axis = pane.getAxisComponent();
10035 var text = this.getText(crosshair, chartStore, axis);
10036 ctx.font = createFont(textStyles.size, textStyles.weight, textStyles.family);
10037 (_a = this.createFigure({
10038 name: 'text',
10039 attrs: this.getTextAttrs(text, ctx.measureText(text).width, crosshair, bounding, axis, textStyles),
10040 styles: textStyles
10041 })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.draw(ctx);
10042 }
10043 }
10044 }
10045 };
10046 CrosshairHorizontalLabelView.prototype.compare = function (crosshair, paneId) {
10047 return crosshair.paneId === paneId;
10048 };
10049 CrosshairHorizontalLabelView.prototype.getDirectionStyles = function (styles) {
10050 return styles.horizontal;
10051 };
10052 CrosshairHorizontalLabelView.prototype.getText = function (crosshair, chartStore, axis) {
10053 var _a;
10054 var yAxis = axis;
10055 var value = axis.convertFromPixel(crosshair.y);
10056 var text;
10057 if (yAxis.getType() === exports.YAxisType.Percentage) {
10058 var visibleDataList = chartStore.getVisibleDataList();
10059 var fromData = (_a = visibleDataList[0]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.data;
10060 text = "".concat(((value - fromData.close) / fromData.close * 100).toFixed(2), "%");
10061 }
10062 else {
10063 var indicators = chartStore.getIndicatorStore().getInstances(crosshair.paneId);
10064 var precision_1 = 0;
10065 var shouldFormatBigNumber_1 = false;
10066 if (yAxis.isInCandle()) {
10067 precision_1 = chartStore.getPrecision().price;
10068 }
10069 else {
10070 indicators.forEach(function (indicator) {
10071 precision_1 = Math.max(indicator.precision, precision_1);
10072 if (!shouldFormatBigNumber_1) {
10073 shouldFormatBigNumber_1 = indicator.shouldFormatBigNumber;
10074 }
10075 });
10076 }
10077 text = formatPrecision(value, precision_1);
10078 if (shouldFormatBigNumber_1) {
10079 text = chartStore.getCustomApi().formatBigNumber(text);
10080 }
10081 }
10082 return formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands(text, chartStore.getThousandsSeparator()), chartStore.getDecimalFoldThreshold());
10083 };
10084 CrosshairHorizontalLabelView.prototype.getTextAttrs = function (text, _textWidth, crosshair, bounding, axis, _styles) {
10085 var yAxis = axis;
10086 var x;
10087 var textAlign;
10088 if (yAxis.isFromZero()) {
10089 x = 0;
10090 textAlign = 'left';
10091 }
10092 else {
10093 x = bounding.width;
10094 textAlign = 'right';
10095 }
10096 return { x: x, y: crosshair.y, text: text, align: textAlign, baseline: 'middle' };
10097 };
10098 return CrosshairHorizontalLabelView;
10102 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10103 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10104 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10106 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10108 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10109 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10110 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10111 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
10112 * limitations under the License.
10113 */
10114var YAxisWidget = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
10115 __extends(YAxisWidget, _super);
10116 function YAxisWidget(rootContainer, pane) {
10117 var _this = _super.call(this, rootContainer, pane) || this;
10118 _this._yAxisView = new YAxisView(_this);
10119 _this._candleLastPriceLabelView = new CandleLastPriceLabelView(_this);
10120 _this._indicatorLastValueView = new IndicatorLastValueView(_this);
10121 _this._overlayYAxisView = new OverlayYAxisView(_this);
10122 _this._crosshairHorizontalLabelView = new CrosshairHorizontalLabelView(_this);
10123 _this.getContainer().style.cursor = 'ns-resize';
10124 _this.addChild(_this._overlayYAxisView);
10125 return _this;
10126 }
10127 YAxisWidget.prototype.getName = function () {
10128 return WidgetNameConstants.Y_AXIS;
10129 };
10130 YAxisWidget.prototype.updateMain = function (ctx) {
10131 this._yAxisView.draw(ctx);
10132 if (this.getPane().getAxisComponent().isInCandle()) {
10133 this._candleLastPriceLabelView.draw(ctx);
10134 }
10135 this._indicatorLastValueView.draw(ctx);
10136 };
10137 YAxisWidget.prototype.updateOverlay = function (ctx) {
10138 this._overlayYAxisView.draw(ctx);
10139 this._crosshairHorizontalLabelView.draw(ctx);
10140 };
10141 return YAxisWidget;
10144var AxisImp = /** @class */ (function () {
10145 function AxisImp(parent) {
10146 this._range = { from: 0, to: 0, range: 0, realFrom: 0, realTo: 0, realRange: 0 };
10147 this._prevRange = { from: 0, to: 0, range: 0, realFrom: 0, realTo: 0, realRange: 0 };
10148 this._ticks = [];
10149 this._autoCalcTickFlag = true;
10150 this._parent = parent;
10151 }
10152 AxisImp.prototype.getParent = function () { return this._parent; };
10153 AxisImp.prototype.buildTicks = function (force) {
10154 if (this._autoCalcTickFlag) {
10155 this._range = this.calcRange();
10156 }
10157 if (this._prevRange.from !== this._range.from || this._prevRange.to !== this._range.to || force) {
10158 this._prevRange = this._range;
10159 var defaultTicks = this.optimalTicks(this._calcTicks());
10160 this._ticks = this.createTicks({
10161 range: this._range,
10162 bounding: this.getSelfBounding(),
10163 defaultTicks: defaultTicks
10164 });
10165 return true;
10166 }
10167 return false;
10168 };
10169 AxisImp.prototype.getTicks = function () {
10170 return this._ticks;
10171 };
10172 AxisImp.prototype.getScrollZoomEnabled = function () {
10173 var _a;
10174 return (_a = this.getParent().getOptions().axisOptions.scrollZoomEnabled) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : true;
10175 };
10176 AxisImp.prototype.setRange = function (range) {
10177 this._autoCalcTickFlag = false;
10178 this._range = range;
10179 };
10180 AxisImp.prototype.getRange = function () { return this._range; };
10181 AxisImp.prototype.setAutoCalcTickFlag = function (flag) {
10182 this._autoCalcTickFlag = flag;
10183 };
10184 AxisImp.prototype.getAutoCalcTickFlag = function () { return this._autoCalcTickFlag; };
10185 AxisImp.prototype._calcTicks = function () {
10186 var _a = this._range, realFrom = _a.realFrom, realTo = _a.realTo, realRange = _a.realRange;
10187 var ticks = [];
10188 if (realRange >= 0) {
10189 var _b = __read(this._calcTickInterval(realRange), 2), interval = _b[0], precision = _b[1];
10190 var first = round(Math.ceil(realFrom / interval) * interval, precision);
10191 var last = round(Math.floor(realTo / interval) * interval, precision);
10192 var n = 0;
10193 var f = first;
10194 if (interval !== 0) {
10195 while (f <= last) {
10196 var v = f.toFixed(precision);
10197 ticks[n] = { text: v, coord: 0, value: v };
10198 ++n;
10199 f += interval;
10200 }
10201 }
10202 }
10203 return ticks;
10204 };
10205 AxisImp.prototype._calcTickInterval = function (range) {
10206 var interval = nice(range / 8.0);
10207 var precision = getPrecision(interval);
10208 return [interval, precision];
10209 };
10210 return AxisImp;
10214 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10215 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10216 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10218 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10220 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10221 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10222 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10223 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
10224 * limitations under the License.
10225 */
10226var YAxisImp = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
10227 __extends(YAxisImp, _super);
10228 function YAxisImp() {
10229 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
10230 }
10231 YAxisImp.prototype.calcRange = function () {
10232 var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
10233 var parent = this.getParent();
10234 var chart = parent.getChart();
10235 var chartStore = chart.getChartStore();
10236 var min = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
10237 var max = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
10238 var figuresResultList = [];
10239 var shouldOhlc = false;
10240 var specifyMin = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
10241 var specifyMax = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
10242 var indicatorPrecision = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
10243 var indicators = chartStore.getIndicatorStore().getInstances(parent.getId());
10244 indicators.forEach(function (indicator) {
10245 var _a, _b, _c;
10246 if (!shouldOhlc) {
10247 shouldOhlc = (_a = indicator.shouldOhlc) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false;
10248 }
10249 indicatorPrecision = Math.min(indicatorPrecision, indicator.precision);
10250 if (isNumber(indicator.minValue)) {
10251 specifyMin = Math.min(specifyMin, indicator.minValue);
10252 }
10253 if (isNumber(indicator.maxValue)) {
10254 specifyMax = Math.max(specifyMax, indicator.maxValue);
10255 }
10256 figuresResultList.push({
10257 figures: (_b = indicator.figures) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [],
10258 result: (_c = indicator.result) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : []
10259 });
10260 });
10261 var precision = 4;
10262 var inCandle = this.isInCandle();
10263 if (inCandle) {
10264 var pricePrecision = chartStore.getPrecision().price;
10265 if (indicatorPrecision !== Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
10266 precision = Math.min(indicatorPrecision, pricePrecision);
10267 }
10268 else {
10269 precision = pricePrecision;
10270 }
10271 }
10272 else {
10273 if (indicatorPrecision !== Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
10274 precision = indicatorPrecision;
10275 }
10276 }
10277 var visibleDataList = chartStore.getVisibleDataList();
10278 var candleStyles = chart.getStyles().candle;
10279 var isArea = candleStyles.type === exports.CandleType.Area;
10280 var areaValueKey = candleStyles.area.value;
10281 var shouldCompareHighLow = (inCandle && !isArea) || (!inCandle && shouldOhlc);
10282 visibleDataList.forEach(function (_a) {
10283 var dataIndex = _a.dataIndex, data = _a.data;
10284 if (isValid(data)) {
10285 if (shouldCompareHighLow) {
10286 min = Math.min(min, data.low);
10287 max = Math.max(max, data.high);
10288 }
10289 if (inCandle && isArea) {
10290 var value = data[areaValueKey];
10291 if (isNumber(value)) {
10292 min = Math.min(min, value);
10293 max = Math.max(max, value);
10294 }
10295 }
10296 }
10297 figuresResultList.forEach(function (_a) {
10298 var _b;
10299 var figures = _a.figures, result = _a.result;
10300 var indicatorData = (_b = result[dataIndex]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {};
10301 figures.forEach(function (figure) {
10302 var value = indicatorData[figure.key];
10303 if (isNumber(value)) {
10304 min = Math.min(min, value);
10305 max = Math.max(max, value);
10306 }
10307 });
10308 });
10309 });
10310 if (min !== Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER && max !== Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) {
10311 min = Math.min(specifyMin, min);
10312 max = Math.max(specifyMax, max);
10313 }
10314 else {
10315 min = 0;
10316 max = 10;
10317 }
10318 var type = this.getType();
10319 var dif;
10320 switch (type) {
10321 case exports.YAxisType.Percentage: {
10322 var fromData = (_a = visibleDataList[0]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.data;
10323 if (isValid(fromData) && isNumber(fromData.close)) {
10324 min = (min - fromData.close) / fromData.close * 100;
10325 max = (max - fromData.close) / fromData.close * 100;
10326 }
10327 dif = Math.pow(10, -2);
10328 break;
10329 }
10330 case exports.YAxisType.Log: {
10331 min = log10(min);
10332 max = log10(max);
10333 dif = 0.05 * index10(-precision);
10334 break;
10335 }
10336 default: {
10337 dif = index10(-precision);
10338 }
10339 }
10340 if (min === max ||
10341 Math.abs(min - max) < dif) {
10342 var minCheck = specifyMin === min;
10343 var maxCheck = specifyMax === max;
10344 min = minCheck ? min : (maxCheck ? min - 8 * dif : min - 4 * dif);
10345 max = maxCheck ? max : (minCheck ? max + 8 * dif : max + 4 * dif);
10346 }
10347 var height = (_c = (_b = this.getParent().getYAxisWidget()) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getBounding().height) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 0;
10348 var paneGap = parent.getOptions().gap;
10349 var topRate = (_d = paneGap === null || paneGap === void 0 ? void 0 : paneGap.top) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : 0.2;
10350 if (topRate >= 1) {
10351 topRate = topRate / height;
10352 }
10353 var bottomRate = (_e = paneGap === null || paneGap === void 0 ? void 0 : paneGap.bottom) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : 0.1;
10354 if (bottomRate >= 1) {
10355 bottomRate = bottomRate / height;
10356 }
10357 var range = Math.abs(max - min);
10358 // gap
10359 min = min - range * bottomRate;
10360 max = max + range * topRate;
10361 range = Math.abs(max - min);
10362 var realMin;
10363 var realMax;
10364 var realRange;
10365 if (type === exports.YAxisType.Log) {
10366 realMin = index10(min);
10367 realMax = index10(max);
10368 realRange = Math.abs(realMax - realMin);
10369 }
10370 else {
10371 realMin = min;
10372 realMax = max;
10373 realRange = range;
10374 }
10375 return {
10376 from: min, to: max,
10377 range: range,
10378 realFrom: realMin, realTo: realMax,
10379 realRange: realRange
10380 };
10381 };
10382 /**
10383 * 内部值转换成坐标
10384 * @param value
10385 * @return {number}
10386 * @private
10387 */
10388 YAxisImp.prototype._innerConvertToPixel = function (value) {
10389 var _a, _b;
10390 var height = (_b = (_a = this.getParent().getYAxisWidget()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getBounding().height) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0;
10391 var _c = this.getRange(), from = _c.from, range = _c.range;
10392 var rate = (value - from) / range;
10393 return this.isReverse() ? Math.round(rate * height) : Math.round((1 - rate) * height);
10394 };
10395 /**
10396 * 是否是蜡烛图轴
10397 * @return {boolean}
10398 */
10399 YAxisImp.prototype.isInCandle = function () {
10400 return this.getParent().getId() === PaneIdConstants.CANDLE;
10401 };
10402 /**
10403 * y轴类型
10404 * @return {YAxisType}
10405 */
10406 YAxisImp.prototype.getType = function () {
10407 if (this.isInCandle()) {
10408 return this.getParent().getChart().getStyles().yAxis.type;
10409 }
10410 return exports.YAxisType.Normal;
10411 };
10412 YAxisImp.prototype.getPosition = function () {
10413 return this.getParent().getChart().getStyles().yAxis.position;
10414 };
10415 /**
10416 * 是否反转
10417 * @return {boolean}
10418 */
10419 YAxisImp.prototype.isReverse = function () {
10420 if (this.isInCandle()) {
10421 return this.getParent().getChart().getStyles().yAxis.reverse;
10422 }
10423 return false;
10424 };
10425 /**
10426 * 是否从y轴0开始
10427 * @return {boolean}
10428 */
10429 YAxisImp.prototype.isFromZero = function () {
10430 var yAxisStyles = this.getParent().getChart().getStyles().yAxis;
10431 var inside = yAxisStyles.inside;
10432 return ((yAxisStyles.position === exports.YAxisPosition.Left && inside) ||
10433 (yAxisStyles.position === exports.YAxisPosition.Right && !inside));
10434 };
10435 YAxisImp.prototype.optimalTicks = function (ticks) {
10436 var _this = this;
10437 var _a, _b;
10438 var pane = this.getParent();
10439 var height = (_b = (_a = pane.getYAxisWidget()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getBounding().height) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0;
10440 var chartStore = pane.getChart().getChartStore();
10441 var customApi = chartStore.getCustomApi();
10442 var optimalTicks = [];
10443 var type = this.getType();
10444 var indicators = chartStore.getIndicatorStore().getInstances(pane.getId());
10445 var thousandsSeparator = chartStore.getThousandsSeparator();
10446 var decimalFoldThreshold = chartStore.getDecimalFoldThreshold();
10447 var precision = 0;
10448 var shouldFormatBigNumber = false;
10449 if (this.isInCandle()) {
10450 precision = chartStore.getPrecision().price;
10451 }
10452 else {
10453 indicators.forEach(function (tech) {
10454 precision = Math.max(precision, tech.precision);
10455 if (!shouldFormatBigNumber) {
10456 shouldFormatBigNumber = tech.shouldFormatBigNumber;
10457 }
10458 });
10459 }
10460 var textHeight = chartStore.getStyles().xAxis.tickText.size;
10461 var validY;
10462 ticks.forEach(function (_a) {
10463 var value = _a.value;
10464 var v;
10465 var y = _this._innerConvertToPixel(+value);
10466 switch (type) {
10467 case exports.YAxisType.Percentage: {
10468 v = "".concat(formatPrecision(value, 2), "%");
10469 break;
10470 }
10471 case exports.YAxisType.Log: {
10472 y = _this._innerConvertToPixel(log10(+value));
10473 v = formatPrecision(value, precision);
10474 break;
10475 }
10476 default: {
10477 v = formatPrecision(value, precision);
10478 if (shouldFormatBigNumber) {
10479 v = customApi.formatBigNumber(value);
10480 }
10481 break;
10482 }
10483 }
10484 v = formatFoldDecimal(formatThousands(v, thousandsSeparator), decimalFoldThreshold);
10485 var validYNumber = isNumber(validY);
10486 if (y > textHeight &&
10487 y < height - textHeight &&
10488 ((validYNumber && (Math.abs(validY - y) > textHeight * 2)) || !validYNumber)) {
10489 optimalTicks.push({ text: v, coord: y, value: value });
10490 validY = y;
10491 }
10492 });
10493 return optimalTicks;
10494 };
10495 YAxisImp.prototype.getAutoSize = function () {
10496 var pane = this.getParent();
10497 var chart = pane.getChart();
10498 var styles = chart.getStyles();
10499 var yAxisStyles = styles.yAxis;
10500 var width = yAxisStyles.size;
10501 if (width !== 'auto') {
10502 return width;
10503 }
10504 var chartStore = chart.getChartStore();
10505 var customApi = chartStore.getCustomApi();
10506 var yAxisWidth = 0;
10507 if (yAxisStyles.show) {
10508 if (yAxisStyles.axisLine.show) {
10509 yAxisWidth += yAxisStyles.axisLine.size;
10510 }
10511 if (yAxisStyles.tickLine.show) {
10512 yAxisWidth += yAxisStyles.tickLine.length;
10513 }
10514 if (yAxisStyles.tickText.show) {
10515 var textWidth_1 = 0;
10516 this.getTicks().forEach(function (tick) {
10517 textWidth_1 = Math.max(textWidth_1, calcTextWidth(tick.text, yAxisStyles.tickText.size, yAxisStyles.tickText.weight, yAxisStyles.tickText.family));
10518 });
10519 yAxisWidth += (yAxisStyles.tickText.marginStart + yAxisStyles.tickText.marginEnd + textWidth_1);
10520 }
10521 }
10522 var crosshairStyles = styles.crosshair;
10523 var crosshairVerticalTextWidth = 0;
10524 if (crosshairStyles.show &&
10525 crosshairStyles.horizontal.show &&
10526 crosshairStyles.horizontal.text.show) {
10527 var indicators = chartStore.getIndicatorStore().getInstances(pane.getId());
10528 var techPrecision_1 = 0;
10529 var shouldFormatBigNumber_1 = false;
10530 indicators.forEach(function (tech) {
10531 techPrecision_1 = Math.max(tech.precision, techPrecision_1);
10532 if (!shouldFormatBigNumber_1) {
10533 shouldFormatBigNumber_1 = tech.shouldFormatBigNumber;
10534 }
10535 });
10536 var precision = 2;
10537 if (this.getType() !== exports.YAxisType.Percentage) {
10538 if (this.isInCandle()) {
10539 var pricePrecision = chartStore.getPrecision().price;
10540 var lastValueMarkStyles = styles.indicator.lastValueMark;
10541 if (lastValueMarkStyles.show && lastValueMarkStyles.text.show) {
10542 precision = Math.max(techPrecision_1, pricePrecision);
10543 }
10544 else {
10545 precision = pricePrecision;
10546 }
10547 }
10548 else {
10549 precision = techPrecision_1;
10550 }
10551 }
10552 var valueText = formatPrecision(this.getRange().to, precision);
10553 if (shouldFormatBigNumber_1) {
10554 valueText = customApi.formatBigNumber(valueText);
10555 }
10556 valueText = formatFoldDecimal(valueText, chartStore.getDecimalFoldThreshold());
10557 crosshairVerticalTextWidth += (crosshairStyles.horizontal.text.paddingLeft +
10558 crosshairStyles.horizontal.text.paddingRight +
10559 crosshairStyles.horizontal.text.borderSize * 2 +
10560 calcTextWidth(valueText, crosshairStyles.horizontal.text.size, crosshairStyles.horizontal.text.weight, crosshairStyles.horizontal.text.family));
10561 }
10562 return Math.max(yAxisWidth, crosshairVerticalTextWidth);
10563 };
10564 YAxisImp.prototype.getSelfBounding = function () {
10565 return this.getParent().getYAxisWidget().getBounding();
10566 };
10567 YAxisImp.prototype.convertFromPixel = function (pixel) {
10568 var _a, _b, _c;
10569 var height = (_b = (_a = this.getParent().getYAxisWidget()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getBounding().height) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0;
10570 var _d = this.getRange(), from = _d.from, range = _d.range;
10571 var rate = this.isReverse() ? pixel / height : 1 - pixel / height;
10572 var value = rate * range + from;
10573 switch (this.getType()) {
10574 case exports.YAxisType.Percentage: {
10575 var chartStore = this.getParent().getChart().getChartStore();
10576 var visibleDataList = chartStore.getVisibleDataList();
10577 var fromData = (_c = visibleDataList[0]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.data;
10578 if (isValid(fromData) && isNumber(fromData.close)) {
10579 return fromData.close * value / 100 + fromData.close;
10580 }
10581 return 0;
10582 }
10583 case exports.YAxisType.Log: {
10584 return index10(value);
10585 }
10586 default: {
10587 return value;
10588 }
10589 }
10590 };
10591 YAxisImp.prototype.convertToRealValue = function (value) {
10592 var v = value;
10593 if (this.getType() === exports.YAxisType.Log) {
10594 v = index10(value);
10595 }
10596 return v;
10597 };
10598 YAxisImp.prototype.convertToPixel = function (value) {
10599 var _a;
10600 var v = value;
10601 switch (this.getType()) {
10602 case exports.YAxisType.Percentage: {
10603 var chartStore = this.getParent().getChart().getChartStore();
10604 var visibleDataList = chartStore.getVisibleDataList();
10605 var fromData = (_a = visibleDataList[0]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.data;
10606 if (isValid(fromData) && isNumber(fromData.close)) {
10607 v = (value - fromData.close) / fromData.close * 100;
10608 }
10609 break;
10610 }
10611 case exports.YAxisType.Log: {
10612 v = log10(value);
10613 break;
10614 }
10615 default: {
10616 v = value;
10617 }
10618 }
10619 return this._innerConvertToPixel(v);
10620 };
10621 YAxisImp.prototype.convertToNicePixel = function (value) {
10622 var _a, _b;
10623 var height = (_b = (_a = this.getParent().getYAxisWidget()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getBounding().height) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0;
10624 var pixel = this.convertToPixel(value);
10625 return Math.round(Math.max(height * 0.05, Math.min(pixel, height * 0.98)));
10626 };
10627 YAxisImp.extend = function (template) {
10628 var Custom = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
10629 __extends(Custom, _super);
10630 function Custom() {
10631 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
10632 }
10633 Custom.prototype.createTicks = function (params) {
10634 return template.createTicks(params);
10635 };
10636 return Custom;
10637 }(YAxisImp));
10638 return Custom;
10639 };
10640 return YAxisImp;
10644 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10645 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10646 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10648 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10650 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10651 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10652 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10653 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
10654 * limitations under the License.
10655 */
10656var defaultYAxis = {
10657 name: 'default',
10658 createTicks: function (_a) {
10659 var defaultTicks = _a.defaultTicks;
10660 return defaultTicks;
10661 }
10665 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10666 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10667 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10669 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10671 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10672 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10673 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10674 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
10675 * limitations under the License.
10676 */
10677var yAxises = {
10678 default: YAxisImp.extend(defaultYAxis)
10680function registerYAxis(axis) {
10681 yAxises[axis.name] = YAxisImp.extend(axis);
10683function getYAxisClass(name) {
10684 var _a;
10685 return (_a = yAxises[name]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : yAxises.default;
10688var Pane = /** @class */ (function () {
10689 function Pane(rootContainer, afterElement, chart, id) {
10690 this._bounding = createDefaultBounding();
10691 this._chart = chart;
10692 this._id = id;
10693 this._init(rootContainer, afterElement);
10694 }
10695 Pane.prototype._init = function (rootContainer, afterElement) {
10696 this._rootContainer = rootContainer;
10697 this._container = createDom('div', {
10698 width: '100%',
10699 margin: '0',
10700 padding: '0',
10701 position: 'relative',
10702 overflow: 'hidden',
10703 boxSizing: 'border-box'
10704 });
10705 if (afterElement !== null) {
10706 rootContainer.insertBefore(this._container, afterElement);
10707 }
10708 else {
10709 rootContainer.appendChild(this._container);
10710 }
10711 };
10712 Pane.prototype.getContainer = function () {
10713 return this._container;
10714 };
10715 Pane.prototype.getId = function () {
10716 return this._id;
10717 };
10718 Pane.prototype.getChart = function () {
10719 return this._chart;
10720 };
10721 Pane.prototype.getBounding = function () {
10722 return this._bounding;
10723 };
10724 Pane.prototype.update = function (level) {
10725 if (this._bounding.height !== this._container.clientHeight) {
10726 this._container.style.height = "".concat(this._bounding.height, "px");
10727 }
10728 this.updateImp(level !== null && level !== void 0 ? level : 3 /* UpdateLevel.Drawer */, this._container, this._bounding);
10729 };
10730 Pane.prototype.destroy = function () {
10731 this._rootContainer.removeChild(this._container);
10732 };
10733 return Pane;
10737 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10738 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10739 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10741 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10743 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10744 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10745 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10746 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
10747 * limitations under the License.
10748 */
10749var DrawPane = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
10750 __extends(DrawPane, _super);
10751 function DrawPane(rootContainer, afterElement, chart, id, options) {
10752 var _this = _super.call(this, rootContainer, afterElement, chart, id) || this;
10753 _this._yAxisWidget = null;
10754 _this._options = { minHeight: PANE_MIN_HEIGHT, dragEnabled: true, gap: { top: 0.2, bottom: 0.1 }, axisOptions: { name: 'default', scrollZoomEnabled: true } };
10755 var container = _this.getContainer();
10756 _this._mainWidget = _this.createMainWidget(container);
10757 _this._yAxisWidget = _this.createYAxisWidget(container);
10758 _this.setOptions(options);
10759 return _this;
10760 }
10761 DrawPane.prototype.setOptions = function (options) {
10762 var _a, _b, _c;
10763 var name = (_a = options.axisOptions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name;
10764 if ((this._options.axisOptions.name !== name && isString(name)) ||
10765 !isValid(this._axis)) {
10766 this._axis = this.createAxisComponent(name !== null && name !== void 0 ? name : 'default');
10767 }
10768 merge(this._options, options);
10769 var container;
10770 var cursor;
10771 if (this.getId() === PaneIdConstants.X_AXIS) {
10772 container = this.getMainWidget().getContainer();
10773 cursor = 'ew-resize';
10774 }
10775 else {
10776 container = this.getYAxisWidget().getContainer();
10777 cursor = 'ns-resize';
10778 }
10779 if ((_c = (_b = options.axisOptions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.scrollZoomEnabled) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : true) {
10780 container.style.cursor = cursor;
10781 }
10782 else {
10783 container.style.cursor = 'default';
10784 }
10785 return this;
10786 };
10787 DrawPane.prototype.getOptions = function () { return this._options; };
10788 DrawPane.prototype.getAxisComponent = function () {
10789 return this._axis;
10790 };
10791 DrawPane.prototype.setBounding = function (rootBounding, mainBounding, yAxisBounding) {
10792 var _a, _b;
10793 merge(this.getBounding(), rootBounding);
10794 var contentBounding = {};
10795 if (isValid(rootBounding.height)) {
10796 contentBounding.height = rootBounding.height;
10797 }
10798 if (isValid(rootBounding.top)) {
10799 contentBounding.top = rootBounding.top;
10800 }
10801 this._mainWidget.setBounding(contentBounding);
10802 (_a = this._yAxisWidget) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setBounding(contentBounding);
10803 if (isValid(mainBounding)) {
10804 this._mainWidget.setBounding(mainBounding);
10805 }
10806 if (isValid(yAxisBounding)) {
10807 (_b = this._yAxisWidget) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.setBounding(yAxisBounding);
10808 }
10809 return this;
10810 };
10811 DrawPane.prototype.getMainWidget = function () { return this._mainWidget; };
10812 DrawPane.prototype.getYAxisWidget = function () { return this._yAxisWidget; };
10813 DrawPane.prototype.updateImp = function (level) {
10814 var _a;
10815 this._mainWidget.update(level);
10816 (_a = this._yAxisWidget) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.update(level);
10817 };
10818 DrawPane.prototype.destroy = function () {
10819 var _a;
10820 _super.prototype.destroy.call(this);
10821 this._mainWidget.destroy();
10822 (_a = this._yAxisWidget) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.destroy();
10823 };
10824 DrawPane.prototype.getImage = function (includeOverlay) {
10825 var _a = this.getBounding(), width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
10826 var canvas = createDom('canvas', {
10827 width: "".concat(width, "px"),
10828 height: "".concat(height, "px"),
10829 boxSizing: 'border-box'
10830 });
10831 var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
10832 var pixelRatio = getPixelRatio(canvas);
10833 canvas.width = width * pixelRatio;
10834 canvas.height = height * pixelRatio;
10835 ctx.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);
10836 var mainBounding = this._mainWidget.getBounding();
10837 ctx.drawImage(this._mainWidget.getImage(includeOverlay), mainBounding.left, 0, mainBounding.width, mainBounding.height);
10838 if (this._yAxisWidget !== null) {
10839 var yAxisBounding = this._yAxisWidget.getBounding();
10840 ctx.drawImage(this._yAxisWidget.getImage(includeOverlay), yAxisBounding.left, 0, yAxisBounding.width, yAxisBounding.height);
10841 }
10842 return canvas;
10843 };
10844 DrawPane.prototype.createYAxisWidget = function (_container) { return null; };
10845 return DrawPane;
10849 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10850 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10851 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10853 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10855 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10856 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10857 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10858 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
10859 * limitations under the License.
10860 */
10861var IndicatorPane = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
10862 __extends(IndicatorPane, _super);
10863 function IndicatorPane() {
10864 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
10865 }
10866 IndicatorPane.prototype.createAxisComponent = function (name) {
10867 var YAxisClass = getYAxisClass(name !== null && name !== void 0 ? name : 'default');
10868 return new YAxisClass(this);
10869 };
10870 IndicatorPane.prototype.createMainWidget = function (container) {
10871 return new IndicatorWidget(container, this);
10872 };
10873 IndicatorPane.prototype.createYAxisWidget = function (container) {
10874 return new YAxisWidget(container, this);
10875 };
10876 return IndicatorPane;
10880 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10881 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10882 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10884 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10886 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10887 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10888 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10889 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
10890 * limitations under the License.
10891 */
10892var CandlePane = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
10893 __extends(CandlePane, _super);
10894 function CandlePane() {
10895 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
10896 }
10897 CandlePane.prototype.createMainWidget = function (container) {
10898 return new CandleWidget(container, this);
10899 };
10900 return CandlePane;
10904 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10905 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10906 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10908 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10910 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10911 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10912 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10913 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
10914 * limitations under the License.
10915 */
10916var XAxisView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
10917 __extends(XAxisView, _super);
10918 function XAxisView() {
10919 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
10920 }
10921 XAxisView.prototype.getAxisStyles = function (styles) {
10922 return styles.xAxis;
10923 };
10924 XAxisView.prototype.createAxisLine = function (bounding, styles) {
10925 var correction = styles.axisLine.size / 2;
10926 return {
10927 coordinates: [
10928 { x: 0, y: correction },
10929 { x: bounding.width, y: correction }
10930 ]
10931 };
10932 };
10933 XAxisView.prototype.createTickLines = function (ticks, _bounding, styles) {
10934 var tickLineStyles = styles.tickLine;
10935 var axisLineSize = styles.axisLine.size;
10936 return ticks.map(function (tick) { return ({
10937 coordinates: [
10938 { x: tick.coord, y: 0 },
10939 { x: tick.coord, y: axisLineSize + tickLineStyles.length }
10940 ]
10941 }); });
10942 };
10943 XAxisView.prototype.createTickTexts = function (ticks, _bounding, styles) {
10944 var tickTickStyles = styles.tickText;
10945 var axisLineSize = styles.axisLine.size;
10946 var tickLineLength = styles.tickLine.length;
10947 return ticks.map(function (tick) { return ({
10948 x: tick.coord,
10949 y: axisLineSize + tickLineLength + tickTickStyles.marginStart,
10950 text: tick.text,
10951 align: 'center',
10952 baseline: 'top'
10953 }); });
10954 };
10955 return XAxisView;
10959 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10960 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10961 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10963 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10965 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10966 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10967 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10968 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
10969 * limitations under the License.
10970 */
10971var OverlayXAxisView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
10972 __extends(OverlayXAxisView, _super);
10973 function OverlayXAxisView() {
10974 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
10975 }
10976 OverlayXAxisView.prototype.coordinateToPointTimestampDataIndexFlag = function () {
10977 return true;
10978 };
10979 OverlayXAxisView.prototype.coordinateToPointValueFlag = function () {
10980 return false;
10981 };
10982 OverlayXAxisView.prototype.getCompleteOverlays = function (overlayStore) {
10983 return overlayStore.getInstances();
10984 };
10985 OverlayXAxisView.prototype.getProgressOverlay = function (info) {
10986 return info.instance;
10987 };
10988 OverlayXAxisView.prototype.getDefaultFigures = function (overlay, coordinates, bounding, _precision, dateTimeFormat, customApi, _thousandsSeparator, _decimalFoldThreshold, _xAxis, _yAxis, clickInstanceInfo) {
10989 var _a;
10990 var figures = [];
10991 if (overlay.needDefaultXAxisFigure && overlay.id === ((_a = clickInstanceInfo.instance) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.id)) {
10992 var leftX_1 = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
10993 var rightX_1 = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
10994 coordinates.forEach(function (coordinate, index) {
10995 leftX_1 = Math.min(leftX_1, coordinate.x);
10996 rightX_1 = Math.max(rightX_1, coordinate.x);
10997 var point = overlay.points[index];
10998 if (isNumber(point.timestamp)) {
10999 var text = customApi.formatDate(dateTimeFormat, point.timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm', exports.FormatDateType.Crosshair);
11000 figures.push({ type: 'text', attrs: { x: coordinate.x, y: 0, text: text, align: 'center' }, ignoreEvent: true });
11001 }
11002 });
11003 if (coordinates.length > 1) {
11004 figures.unshift({ type: 'rect', attrs: { x: leftX_1, y: 0, width: rightX_1 - leftX_1, height: bounding.height }, ignoreEvent: true });
11005 }
11006 }
11007 return figures;
11008 };
11009 OverlayXAxisView.prototype.getFigures = function (overlay, coordinates, bounding, barSpace, precision, thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold, dateTimeFormat, defaultStyles, xAxis, yAxis) {
11010 var _a, _b;
11011 return (_b = (_a = overlay.createXAxisFigures) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(overlay, { overlay: overlay, coordinates: coordinates, bounding: bounding, barSpace: barSpace, precision: precision, thousandsSeparator: thousandsSeparator, decimalFoldThreshold: decimalFoldThreshold, dateTimeFormat: dateTimeFormat, defaultStyles: defaultStyles, xAxis: xAxis, yAxis: yAxis })) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [];
11012 };
11013 return OverlayXAxisView;
11017 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
11018 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11019 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11021 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11023 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11024 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11025 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11026 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11027 * limitations under the License.
11028 */
11029var CrosshairVerticalLabelView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
11030 __extends(CrosshairVerticalLabelView, _super);
11031 function CrosshairVerticalLabelView() {
11032 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
11033 }
11034 CrosshairVerticalLabelView.prototype.compare = function (crosshair) {
11035 return isValid(crosshair.kLineData) && crosshair.dataIndex === crosshair.realDataIndex;
11036 };
11037 CrosshairVerticalLabelView.prototype.getDirectionStyles = function (styles) {
11038 return styles.vertical;
11039 };
11040 CrosshairVerticalLabelView.prototype.getText = function (crosshair, chartStore) {
11041 var _a;
11042 var timestamp = (_a = crosshair.kLineData) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.timestamp;
11043 return chartStore.getCustomApi().formatDate(chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().getDateTimeFormat(), timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm', exports.FormatDateType.Crosshair);
11044 };
11045 CrosshairVerticalLabelView.prototype.getTextAttrs = function (text, textWidth, crosshair, bounding, _axis, styles) {
11046 var x = crosshair.realX;
11047 var optimalX;
11048 var align = 'center';
11049 if (x - textWidth / 2 - styles.paddingLeft < 0) {
11050 optimalX = 0;
11051 align = 'left';
11052 }
11053 else if (x + textWidth / 2 + styles.paddingRight > bounding.width) {
11054 optimalX = bounding.width;
11055 align = 'right';
11056 }
11057 else {
11058 optimalX = x;
11059 }
11060 return { x: optimalX, y: 0, text: text, align: align, baseline: 'top' };
11061 };
11062 return CrosshairVerticalLabelView;
11066 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
11067 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11068 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11070 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11072 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11073 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11074 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11075 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11076 * limitations under the License.
11077 */
11078var XAxisWidget = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
11079 __extends(XAxisWidget, _super);
11080 function XAxisWidget(rootContainer, pane) {
11081 var _this = _super.call(this, rootContainer, pane) || this;
11082 _this._xAxisView = new XAxisView(_this);
11083 _this._overlayXAxisView = new OverlayXAxisView(_this);
11084 _this._crosshairVerticalLabelView = new CrosshairVerticalLabelView(_this);
11085 _this.getContainer().style.cursor = 'ew-resize';
11086 _this.addChild(_this._overlayXAxisView);
11087 return _this;
11088 }
11089 XAxisWidget.prototype.getName = function () {
11090 return WidgetNameConstants.X_AXIS;
11091 };
11092 XAxisWidget.prototype.updateMain = function (ctx) {
11093 this._xAxisView.draw(ctx);
11094 };
11095 XAxisWidget.prototype.updateOverlay = function (ctx) {
11096 this._overlayXAxisView.draw(ctx);
11097 this._crosshairVerticalLabelView.draw(ctx);
11098 };
11099 return XAxisWidget;
11103 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
11104 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11105 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11107 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11109 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11110 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11111 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11112 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11113 * limitations under the License.
11114 */
11115var XAxisImp = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
11116 __extends(XAxisImp, _super);
11117 function XAxisImp() {
11118 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
11119 }
11120 XAxisImp.prototype.calcRange = function () {
11121 var chartStore = this.getParent().getChart().getChartStore();
11122 var _a = chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().getVisibleRange(), from = _a.from, to = _a.to;
11123 var af = from;
11124 var at = to - 1;
11125 var range = to - from;
11126 return {
11127 from: af, to: at,
11128 range: range,
11129 realFrom: af, realTo: at, realRange: range
11130 };
11131 };
11132 XAxisImp.prototype.optimalTicks = function (ticks) {
11133 var _a, _b;
11134 var chart = this.getParent().getChart();
11135 var chartStore = chart.getChartStore();
11136 var formatDate = chartStore.getCustomApi().formatDate;
11137 var optimalTicks = [];
11138 var tickLength = ticks.length;
11139 var dataList = chartStore.getDataList();
11140 if (tickLength > 0) {
11141 var dateTimeFormat = chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().getDateTimeFormat();
11142 var tickTextStyles = chart.getStyles().xAxis.tickText;
11143 var defaultLabelWidth = calcTextWidth('00-00 00:00', tickTextStyles.size, tickTextStyles.weight, tickTextStyles.family);
11144 var pos = parseInt(ticks[0].value, 10);
11145 var x = this.convertToPixel(pos);
11146 var tickCountDif = 1;
11147 if (tickLength > 1) {
11148 var nextPos = parseInt(ticks[1].value, 10);
11149 var nextX = this.convertToPixel(nextPos);
11150 var xDif = Math.abs(nextX - x);
11151 if (xDif < defaultLabelWidth) {
11152 tickCountDif = Math.ceil(defaultLabelWidth / xDif);
11153 }
11154 }
11155 for (var i = 0; i < tickLength; i += tickCountDif) {
11156 var pos_1 = parseInt(ticks[i].value, 10);
11157 var kLineData = dataList[pos_1];
11158 var timestamp = kLineData.timestamp;
11159 var text = formatDate(dateTimeFormat, timestamp, 'HH:mm', exports.FormatDateType.XAxis);
11160 if (i !== 0) {
11161 var prevPos = parseInt(ticks[i - tickCountDif].value, 10);
11162 var prevKLineData = dataList[prevPos];
11163 var prevTimestamp = prevKLineData.timestamp;
11164 text = (_a = this._optimalTickLabel(formatDate, dateTimeFormat, timestamp, prevTimestamp)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : text;
11165 }
11166 var x_1 = this.convertToPixel(pos_1);
11167 optimalTicks.push({ text: text, coord: x_1, value: timestamp });
11168 }
11169 var optimalTickLength = optimalTicks.length;
11170 if (optimalTickLength === 1) {
11171 optimalTicks[0].text = formatDate(dateTimeFormat, optimalTicks[0].value, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm', exports.FormatDateType.XAxis);
11172 }
11173 else {
11174 var firstTimestamp = optimalTicks[0].value;
11175 var secondTimestamp = optimalTicks[1].value;
11176 if (isValid(optimalTicks[2])) {
11177 var thirdText = optimalTicks[2].text;
11178 if (/^[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/.test(thirdText)) {
11179 optimalTicks[0].text = formatDate(dateTimeFormat, firstTimestamp, 'MM-DD', exports.FormatDateType.XAxis);
11180 }
11181 else if (/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}$/.test(thirdText)) {
11182 optimalTicks[0].text = formatDate(dateTimeFormat, firstTimestamp, 'YYYY-MM', exports.FormatDateType.XAxis);
11183 }
11184 else if (/^[0-9]{4}$/.test(thirdText)) {
11185 optimalTicks[0].text = formatDate(dateTimeFormat, firstTimestamp, 'YYYY', exports.FormatDateType.XAxis);
11186 }
11187 }
11188 else {
11189 optimalTicks[0].text = (_b = this._optimalTickLabel(formatDate, dateTimeFormat, firstTimestamp, secondTimestamp)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : optimalTicks[0].text;
11190 }
11191 }
11192 }
11193 return optimalTicks;
11194 };
11195 XAxisImp.prototype._optimalTickLabel = function (formatDate, dateTimeFormat, timestamp, comparedTimestamp) {
11196 var year = formatDate(dateTimeFormat, timestamp, 'YYYY', exports.FormatDateType.XAxis);
11197 var month = formatDate(dateTimeFormat, timestamp, 'YYYY-MM', exports.FormatDateType.XAxis);
11198 var day = formatDate(dateTimeFormat, timestamp, 'MM-DD', exports.FormatDateType.XAxis);
11199 if (year !== formatDate(dateTimeFormat, comparedTimestamp, 'YYYY', exports.FormatDateType.XAxis)) {
11200 return year;
11201 }
11202 else if (month !== formatDate(dateTimeFormat, comparedTimestamp, 'YYYY-MM', exports.FormatDateType.XAxis)) {
11203 return month;
11204 }
11205 else if (day !== formatDate(dateTimeFormat, comparedTimestamp, 'MM-DD', exports.FormatDateType.XAxis)) {
11206 return day;
11207 }
11208 return null;
11209 };
11210 XAxisImp.prototype.getAutoSize = function () {
11211 var styles = this.getParent().getChart().getStyles();
11212 var xAxisStyles = styles.xAxis;
11213 var height = xAxisStyles.size;
11214 if (height !== 'auto') {
11215 return height;
11216 }
11217 var crosshairStyles = styles.crosshair;
11218 var xAxisHeight = 0;
11219 if (xAxisStyles.show) {
11220 if (xAxisStyles.axisLine.show) {
11221 xAxisHeight += xAxisStyles.axisLine.size;
11222 }
11223 if (xAxisStyles.tickLine.show) {
11224 xAxisHeight += xAxisStyles.tickLine.length;
11225 }
11226 if (xAxisStyles.tickText.show) {
11227 xAxisHeight += (xAxisStyles.tickText.marginStart + xAxisStyles.tickText.marginEnd + xAxisStyles.tickText.size);
11228 }
11229 }
11230 var crosshairVerticalTextHeight = 0;
11231 if (crosshairStyles.show &&
11232 crosshairStyles.vertical.show &&
11233 crosshairStyles.vertical.text.show) {
11234 crosshairVerticalTextHeight += (crosshairStyles.vertical.text.paddingTop +
11235 crosshairStyles.vertical.text.paddingBottom +
11236 crosshairStyles.vertical.text.borderSize * 2 +
11237 crosshairStyles.vertical.text.size);
11238 }
11239 return Math.max(xAxisHeight, crosshairVerticalTextHeight);
11240 };
11241 XAxisImp.prototype.getSelfBounding = function () {
11242 return this.getParent().getMainWidget().getBounding();
11243 };
11244 XAxisImp.prototype.convertTimestampFromPixel = function (pixel) {
11245 var timeScaleStore = this.getParent().getChart().getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore();
11246 var dataIndex = timeScaleStore.coordinateToDataIndex(pixel);
11247 return timeScaleStore.dataIndexToTimestamp(dataIndex);
11248 };
11249 XAxisImp.prototype.convertTimestampToPixel = function (timestamp) {
11250 var timeScaleStore = this.getParent().getChart().getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore();
11251 var dataIndex = timeScaleStore.timestampToDataIndex(timestamp);
11252 return timeScaleStore.dataIndexToCoordinate(dataIndex);
11253 };
11254 XAxisImp.prototype.convertFromPixel = function (pixel) {
11255 return this.getParent().getChart().getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore().coordinateToDataIndex(pixel);
11256 };
11257 XAxisImp.prototype.convertToPixel = function (value) {
11258 return this.getParent().getChart().getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore().dataIndexToCoordinate(value);
11259 };
11260 XAxisImp.extend = function (template) {
11261 var Custom = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
11262 __extends(Custom, _super);
11263 function Custom() {
11264 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
11265 }
11266 Custom.prototype.createTicks = function (params) {
11267 return template.createTicks(params);
11268 };
11269 return Custom;
11270 }(XAxisImp));
11271 return Custom;
11272 };
11273 return XAxisImp;
11277 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
11278 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11279 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11281 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11283 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11284 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11285 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11286 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11287 * limitations under the License.
11288 */
11289var defaultXAxis = {
11290 name: 'default',
11291 createTicks: function (_a) {
11292 var defaultTicks = _a.defaultTicks;
11293 return defaultTicks;
11294 }
11298 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
11299 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11300 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11302 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11304 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11305 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11306 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11307 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11308 * limitations under the License.
11309 */
11310var xAxises = {
11311 default: XAxisImp.extend(defaultXAxis)
11313function registerXAxis(axis) {
11314 xAxises[axis.name] = XAxisImp.extend(axis);
11316function getXAxisClass(name) {
11317 var _a;
11318 return (_a = xAxises[name]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : xAxises.default;
11322 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
11323 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11324 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11326 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11328 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11329 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11330 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11331 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11332 * limitations under the License.
11333 */
11334var XAxisPane = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
11335 __extends(XAxisPane, _super);
11336 function XAxisPane() {
11337 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
11338 }
11339 XAxisPane.prototype.createAxisComponent = function (name) {
11340 var XAxisClass = getXAxisClass(name);
11341 return new XAxisClass(this);
11342 };
11343 XAxisPane.prototype.createMainWidget = function (container) {
11344 return new XAxisWidget(container, this);
11345 };
11346 return XAxisPane;
11350 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
11351 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11352 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11354 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11356 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11357 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11358 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11359 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11360 * limitations under the License.
11361 */
11362function throttle(func, wait) {
11363 var previous = 0;
11364 return function () {
11365 var now = Date.now();
11366 if (now - previous > (wait )) {
11367 func.apply(this, arguments);
11368 previous = now;
11369 }
11370 };
11372// export function memoize<R1 = any, R2 = any> (func: (...args: any[]) => R1, resolver?: (...args: any[]) => R2): (...args: any[]) => R1 {
11373// if (!isFunction(func) || (isValid(resolver) && !isFunction(resolver))) {
11374// throw new TypeError('Expected a function')
11375// }
11376// const memoized = function (...args: any[]): any {
11377// const key = isFunction(resolver) ? resolver.apply(this, args) : args[0]
11378// const cache = memoized.cache
11379// if (cache.has(key)) {
11380// return cache.get(key)
11381// }
11382// const result = func.apply(this, args)
11383// // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions
11384// memoized.cache = cache.set(key, result) || cache
11385// return result
11386// }
11387// // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions
11388// memoized.cache = new (memoize.Cache || Map)()
11389// return memoized
11390// }
11391// memoize.Cache = Map
11394 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
11395 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11396 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11398 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11400 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11401 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11402 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11403 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11404 * limitations under the License.
11405 */
11406var SeparatorWidget = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
11407 __extends(SeparatorWidget, _super);
11408 function SeparatorWidget(rootContainer, pane) {
11409 var _this = _super.call(this, rootContainer, pane) || this;
11410 _this._dragFlag = false;
11411 _this._dragStartY = 0;
11412 _this._topPaneHeight = 0;
11413 _this._bottomPaneHeight = 0;
11414 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method
11415 _this._pressedMouseMoveEvent = throttle(_this._pressedTouchMouseMoveEvent, 20);
11416 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
11417 _this.registerEvent('touchStartEvent', _this._mouseDownEvent.bind(_this))
11418 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
11419 .registerEvent('touchMoveEvent', _this._pressedMouseMoveEvent.bind(_this))
11420 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
11421 .registerEvent('touchEndEvent', _this._mouseUpEvent.bind(_this))
11422 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
11423 .registerEvent('mouseDownEvent', _this._mouseDownEvent.bind(_this))
11424 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
11425 .registerEvent('mouseUpEvent', _this._mouseUpEvent.bind(_this))
11426 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
11427 .registerEvent('pressedMouseMoveEvent', _this._pressedMouseMoveEvent.bind(_this))
11428 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
11429 .registerEvent('mouseEnterEvent', _this._mouseEnterEvent.bind(_this))
11430 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
11431 .registerEvent('mouseLeaveEvent', _this._mouseLeaveEvent.bind(_this));
11432 return _this;
11433 }
11434 SeparatorWidget.prototype.getName = function () {
11435 return WidgetNameConstants.SEPARATOR;
11436 };
11437 SeparatorWidget.prototype.checkEventOn = function () {
11438 return true;
11439 };
11440 SeparatorWidget.prototype._mouseDownEvent = function (event) {
11441 this._dragFlag = true;
11442 this._dragStartY = event.pageY;
11443 var pane = this.getPane();
11444 this._topPaneHeight = pane.getTopPane().getBounding().height;
11445 this._bottomPaneHeight = pane.getBottomPane().getBounding().height;
11446 return true;
11447 };
11448 SeparatorWidget.prototype._mouseUpEvent = function () {
11449 this._dragFlag = false;
11450 return this._mouseLeaveEvent();
11451 };
11452 SeparatorWidget.prototype._pressedTouchMouseMoveEvent = function (event) {
11453 var dragDistance = event.pageY - this._dragStartY;
11454 var currentPane = this.getPane();
11455 var topPane = currentPane.getTopPane();
11456 var bottomPane = currentPane.getBottomPane();
11457 var isUpDrag = dragDistance < 0;
11458 if (topPane !== null &&
11459 (bottomPane === null || bottomPane === void 0 ? void 0 : bottomPane.getOptions().dragEnabled)) {
11460 var reducedPane = void 0;
11461 var increasedPane = void 0;
11462 var startDragReducedPaneHeight = void 0;
11463 var startDragIncreasedPaneHeight = void 0;
11464 if (isUpDrag) {
11465 reducedPane = topPane;
11466 increasedPane = bottomPane;
11467 startDragReducedPaneHeight = this._topPaneHeight;
11468 startDragIncreasedPaneHeight = this._bottomPaneHeight;
11469 }
11470 else {
11471 reducedPane = bottomPane;
11472 increasedPane = topPane;
11473 startDragReducedPaneHeight = this._bottomPaneHeight;
11474 startDragIncreasedPaneHeight = this._topPaneHeight;
11475 }
11476 var reducedPaneMinHeight = reducedPane.getOptions().minHeight;
11477 if (startDragReducedPaneHeight > reducedPaneMinHeight) {
11478 var reducedPaneHeight = Math.max(startDragReducedPaneHeight - Math.abs(dragDistance), reducedPaneMinHeight);
11479 var diffHeight = startDragReducedPaneHeight - reducedPaneHeight;
11480 reducedPane.setBounding({ height: reducedPaneHeight });
11481 increasedPane.setBounding({ height: startDragIncreasedPaneHeight + diffHeight });
11482 var chart = currentPane.getChart();
11483 chart.getChartStore().getActionStore().execute(exports.ActionType.OnPaneDrag, { paneId: currentPane.getId() });
11484 chart.adjustPaneViewport(true, true, true, true, true);
11485 }
11486 }
11487 return true;
11488 };
11489 SeparatorWidget.prototype._mouseEnterEvent = function () {
11490 var _a;
11491 var pane = this.getPane();
11492 var bottomPane = pane.getBottomPane();
11493 if ((_a = bottomPane === null || bottomPane === void 0 ? void 0 : bottomPane.getOptions().dragEnabled) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false) {
11494 var chart = pane.getChart();
11495 var styles = chart.getStyles().separator;
11496 this.getContainer().style.background = styles.activeBackgroundColor;
11497 return true;
11498 }
11499 return false;
11500 };
11501 SeparatorWidget.prototype._mouseLeaveEvent = function () {
11502 if (!this._dragFlag) {
11503 this.getContainer().style.background = '';
11504 return true;
11505 }
11506 return false;
11507 };
11508 SeparatorWidget.prototype.createContainer = function () {
11509 return createDom('div', {
11510 width: '100%',
11511 height: "".concat(REAL_SEPARATOR_HEIGHT, "px"),
11512 margin: '0',
11513 padding: '0',
11514 position: 'absolute',
11515 top: '-3px',
11516 zIndex: '20',
11517 boxSizing: 'border-box',
11518 cursor: 'ns-resize'
11519 });
11520 };
11521 SeparatorWidget.prototype.updateImp = function (container, _bounding, level) {
11522 if (level === 4 /* UpdateLevel.All */ || level === 2 /* UpdateLevel.Separator */) {
11523 var styles = this.getPane().getChart().getStyles().separator;
11524 container.style.top = "".concat(-Math.floor((REAL_SEPARATOR_HEIGHT - styles.size) / 2), "px");
11525 container.style.height = "".concat(REAL_SEPARATOR_HEIGHT, "px");
11526 }
11527 };
11528 return SeparatorWidget;
11532 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
11533 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11534 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11536 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11538 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11539 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11540 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11541 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11542 * limitations under the License.
11543 */
11544var SeparatorPane = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
11545 __extends(SeparatorPane, _super);
11546 function SeparatorPane(rootContainer, afterElement, chart, id, topPane, bottomPane) {
11547 var _this = _super.call(this, rootContainer, afterElement, chart, id) || this;
11548 _this.getContainer().style.overflow = '';
11549 _this._topPane = topPane;
11550 _this._bottomPane = bottomPane;
11551 _this._separatorWidget = new SeparatorWidget(_this.getContainer(), _this);
11552 return _this;
11553 }
11554 SeparatorPane.prototype.setBounding = function (rootBounding) {
11555 merge(this.getBounding(), rootBounding);
11556 return this;
11557 };
11558 SeparatorPane.prototype.getTopPane = function () {
11559 return this._topPane;
11560 };
11561 SeparatorPane.prototype.setTopPane = function (pane) {
11562 this._topPane = pane;
11563 return this;
11564 };
11565 SeparatorPane.prototype.getBottomPane = function () {
11566 return this._bottomPane;
11567 };
11568 SeparatorPane.prototype.setBottomPane = function (pane) {
11569 this._bottomPane = pane;
11570 return this;
11571 };
11572 SeparatorPane.prototype.getWidget = function () { return this._separatorWidget; };
11573 SeparatorPane.prototype.getImage = function (_includeOverlay) {
11574 var _a = this.getBounding(), width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
11575 var styles = this.getChart().getStyles().separator;
11576 var canvas = createDom('canvas', {
11577 width: "".concat(width, "px"),
11578 height: "".concat(height, "px"),
11579 boxSizing: 'border-box'
11580 });
11581 var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
11582 var pixelRatio = getPixelRatio(canvas);
11583 canvas.width = width * pixelRatio;
11584 canvas.height = height * pixelRatio;
11585 ctx.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);
11586 ctx.fillStyle = styles.color;
11587 ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
11588 return canvas;
11589 };
11590 SeparatorPane.prototype.updateImp = function (level, container, bounding) {
11591 if (level === 4 /* UpdateLevel.All */ || level === 2 /* UpdateLevel.Separator */) {
11592 var styles = this.getChart().getStyles().separator;
11593 container.style.backgroundColor = styles.color;
11594 container.style.height = "".concat(bounding.height, "px");
11595 container.style.marginLeft = "".concat(bounding.left, "px");
11596 container.style.width = "".concat(bounding.width, "px");
11597 this._separatorWidget.update(level);
11598 }
11599 };
11600 return SeparatorPane;
11604 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
11605 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11606 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11608 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11610 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11611 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11612 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11613 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11614 * limitations under the License.
11615 */
11616function isFF() {
11617 var _a;
11618 if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
11619 return false;
11620 }
11621 return ((_a = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : -1) > -1;
11623function isIOS() {
11624 if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
11625 return false;
11626 }
11627 return /iPhone|iPad|iPod/.test(window.navigator.platform);
11630/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument */
11632 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
11633 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11634 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11636 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11638 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11639 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11640 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11641 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11642 * limitations under the License.
11643 */
11644var TOUCH_MIN_RADIUS = 10;
11645// TODO: get rid of a lot of boolean flags, probably we should replace it with some enum
11646var SyntheticEvent = /** @class */ (function () {
11647 function SyntheticEvent(target, handler, options) {
11648 var _this = this;
11649 this._clickCount = 0;
11650 this._clickTimeoutId = null;
11651 this._clickCoordinate = { x: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, y: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY };
11652 this._tapCount = 0;
11653 this._tapTimeoutId = null;
11654 this._tapCoordinate = { x: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, y: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY };
11655 this._longTapTimeoutId = null;
11656 this._longTapActive = false;
11657 this._mouseMoveStartCoordinate = null;
11658 this._touchMoveStartCoordinate = null;
11659 this._touchMoveExceededManhattanDistance = false;
11660 this._cancelClick = false;
11661 this._cancelTap = false;
11662 this._unsubscribeOutsideMouseEvents = null;
11663 this._unsubscribeOutsideTouchEvents = null;
11664 this._unsubscribeMobileSafariEvents = null;
11665 this._unsubscribeMousemove = null;
11666 this._unsubscribeMouseWheel = null;
11667 this._unsubscribeContextMenu = null;
11668 this._unsubscribeRootMouseEvents = null;
11669 this._unsubscribeRootTouchEvents = null;
11670 this._startPinchMiddleCoordinate = null;
11671 this._startPinchDistance = 0;
11672 this._pinchPrevented = false;
11673 this._preventTouchDragProcess = false;
11674 this._mousePressed = false;
11675 this._lastTouchEventTimeStamp = 0;
11676 // for touchstart/touchmove/touchend events we handle only first touch
11677 // i.e. we don't support several active touches at the same time (except pinch event)
11678 this._activeTouchId = null;
11679 // accept all mouse leave events if it's not an iOS device
11680 // see _mouseEnterHandler, _mouseMoveHandler, _mouseLeaveHandler
11681 this._acceptMouseLeave = !isIOS();
11682 /**
11683 * In Firefox mouse events dont't fire if the mouse position is outside of the browser's border.
11684 * To prevent the mouse from hanging while pressed we're subscribing on the mouseleave event of the document element.
11685 * We're subscribing on mouseleave, but this event is actually fired on mouseup outside of the browser's border.
11686 */
11687 this._onFirefoxOutsideMouseUp = function (mouseUpEvent) {
11688 _this._mouseUpHandler(mouseUpEvent);
11689 };
11690 /**
11691 * Safari doesn't fire touchstart/mousedown events on double tap since iOS 13.
11692 * There are two possible solutions:
11693 * 1) Call preventDefault in touchEnd handler. But it also prevents click event from firing.
11694 * 2) Add listener on dblclick event that fires with the preceding mousedown/mouseup.
11695 * https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/125073
11696 */
11697 this._onMobileSafariDoubleClick = function (dblClickEvent) {
11698 if (_this._firesTouchEvents(dblClickEvent)) {
11699 ++_this._tapCount;
11700 if (_this._tapTimeoutId !== null && _this._tapCount > 1) {
11701 var manhattanDistance = _this._mouseTouchMoveWithDownInfo(_this._getCoordinate(dblClickEvent), _this._tapCoordinate).manhattanDistance;
11702 if (manhattanDistance < 30 /* ManhattanDistance.DoubleTap */ && !_this._cancelTap) {
11703 _this._processEvent(_this._makeCompatEvent(dblClickEvent), _this._handler.doubleTapEvent);
11704 }
11705 _this._resetTapTimeout();
11706 }
11707 }
11708 else {
11709 ++_this._clickCount;
11710 if (_this._clickTimeoutId !== null && _this._clickCount > 1) {
11711 var manhattanDistance = _this._mouseTouchMoveWithDownInfo(_this._getCoordinate(dblClickEvent), _this._clickCoordinate).manhattanDistance;
11712 if (manhattanDistance < 5 /* ManhattanDistance.DoubleClick */ && !_this._cancelClick) {
11713 _this._processEvent(_this._makeCompatEvent(dblClickEvent), _this._handler.mouseDoubleClickEvent);
11714 }
11715 _this._resetClickTimeout();
11716 }
11717 }
11718 };
11719 this._target = target;
11720 this._handler = handler;
11721 this._options = options;
11722 this._init();
11723 }
11724 SyntheticEvent.prototype.destroy = function () {
11725 if (this._unsubscribeOutsideMouseEvents !== null) {
11726 this._unsubscribeOutsideMouseEvents();
11727 this._unsubscribeOutsideMouseEvents = null;
11728 }
11729 if (this._unsubscribeOutsideTouchEvents !== null) {
11730 this._unsubscribeOutsideTouchEvents();
11731 this._unsubscribeOutsideTouchEvents = null;
11732 }
11733 if (this._unsubscribeMousemove !== null) {
11734 this._unsubscribeMousemove();
11735 this._unsubscribeMousemove = null;
11736 }
11737 if (this._unsubscribeMouseWheel !== null) {
11738 this._unsubscribeMouseWheel();
11739 this._unsubscribeMouseWheel = null;
11740 }
11741 if (this._unsubscribeContextMenu !== null) {
11742 this._unsubscribeContextMenu();
11743 this._unsubscribeContextMenu = null;
11744 }
11745 if (this._unsubscribeRootMouseEvents !== null) {
11746 this._unsubscribeRootMouseEvents();
11747 this._unsubscribeRootMouseEvents = null;
11748 }
11749 if (this._unsubscribeRootTouchEvents !== null) {
11750 this._unsubscribeRootTouchEvents();
11751 this._unsubscribeRootTouchEvents = null;
11752 }
11753 if (this._unsubscribeMobileSafariEvents !== null) {
11754 this._unsubscribeMobileSafariEvents();
11755 this._unsubscribeMobileSafariEvents = null;
11756 }
11757 this._clearLongTapTimeout();
11758 this._resetClickTimeout();
11759 };
11760 SyntheticEvent.prototype._mouseEnterHandler = function (enterEvent) {
11761 var _this = this;
11762 var _a, _b, _c;
11763 (_a = this._unsubscribeMousemove) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this);
11764 (_b = this._unsubscribeMouseWheel) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(this);
11765 (_c = this._unsubscribeContextMenu) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(this);
11766 var boundMouseMoveHandler = this._mouseMoveHandler.bind(this);
11767 this._unsubscribeMousemove = function () {
11768 _this._target.removeEventListener('mousemove', boundMouseMoveHandler);
11769 };
11770 this._target.addEventListener('mousemove', boundMouseMoveHandler);
11771 var boundMouseWheel = this._mouseWheelHandler.bind(this);
11772 this._unsubscribeMouseWheel = function () {
11773 _this._target.removeEventListener('wheel', boundMouseWheel);
11774 };
11775 this._target.addEventListener('wheel', boundMouseWheel, { passive: false });
11776 var boundContextMenu = this._contextMenuHandler.bind(this);
11777 this._unsubscribeContextMenu = function () {
11778 _this._target.removeEventListener('contextmenu', boundContextMenu);
11779 };
11780 this._target.addEventListener('contextmenu', boundContextMenu, { passive: false });
11781 if (this._firesTouchEvents(enterEvent)) {
11782 return;
11783 }
11784 this._processEvent(this._makeCompatEvent(enterEvent), this._handler.mouseEnterEvent);
11785 this._acceptMouseLeave = true;
11786 };
11787 SyntheticEvent.prototype._resetClickTimeout = function () {
11788 if (this._clickTimeoutId !== null) {
11789 clearTimeout(this._clickTimeoutId);
11790 }
11791 this._clickCount = 0;
11792 this._clickTimeoutId = null;
11793 this._clickCoordinate = { x: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, y: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY };
11794 };
11795 SyntheticEvent.prototype._resetTapTimeout = function () {
11796 if (this._tapTimeoutId !== null) {
11797 clearTimeout(this._tapTimeoutId);
11798 }
11799 this._tapCount = 0;
11800 this._tapTimeoutId = null;
11801 this._tapCoordinate = { x: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, y: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY };
11802 };
11803 SyntheticEvent.prototype._mouseMoveHandler = function (moveEvent) {
11804 if (this._mousePressed || this._touchMoveStartCoordinate !== null) {
11805 return;
11806 }
11807 if (this._firesTouchEvents(moveEvent)) {
11808 return;
11809 }
11810 this._processEvent(this._makeCompatEvent(moveEvent), this._handler.mouseMoveEvent);
11811 this._acceptMouseLeave = true;
11812 };
11813 SyntheticEvent.prototype._mouseWheelHandler = function (wheelEvent) {
11814 if (Math.abs(wheelEvent.deltaX) > Math.abs(wheelEvent.deltaY)) {
11815 if (!isValid(this._handler.mouseWheelHortEvent)) {
11816 return;
11817 }
11818 this._preventDefault(wheelEvent);
11819 if (Math.abs(wheelEvent.deltaX) === 0) {
11820 return;
11821 }
11822 this._handler.mouseWheelHortEvent(this._makeCompatEvent(wheelEvent), -wheelEvent.deltaX);
11823 }
11824 else {
11825 if (!isValid(this._handler.mouseWheelVertEvent)) {
11826 return;
11827 }
11828 var deltaY = -(wheelEvent.deltaY / 100);
11829 if (deltaY === 0) {
11830 return;
11831 }
11832 this._preventDefault(wheelEvent);
11833 switch (wheelEvent.deltaMode) {
11834 case wheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PAGE:
11835 deltaY *= 120;
11836 break;
11837 case wheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE:
11838 deltaY *= 32;
11839 break;
11840 }
11841 if (deltaY !== 0) {
11842 var scale = Math.sign(deltaY) * Math.min(1, Math.abs(deltaY));
11843 this._handler.mouseWheelVertEvent(this._makeCompatEvent(wheelEvent), scale);
11844 }
11845 }
11846 };
11847 SyntheticEvent.prototype._contextMenuHandler = function (mouseEvent) {
11848 this._preventDefault(mouseEvent);
11849 };
11850 SyntheticEvent.prototype._touchMoveHandler = function (moveEvent) {
11851 var touch = this._touchWithId(moveEvent.changedTouches, this._activeTouchId);
11852 if (touch === null) {
11853 return;
11854 }
11855 this._lastTouchEventTimeStamp = this._eventTimeStamp(moveEvent);
11856 if (this._startPinchMiddleCoordinate !== null) {
11857 return;
11858 }
11859 if (this._preventTouchDragProcess) {
11860 return;
11861 }
11862 // prevent pinch if move event comes faster than the second touch
11863 this._pinchPrevented = true;
11864 var moveInfo = this._mouseTouchMoveWithDownInfo(this._getCoordinate(touch), this._touchMoveStartCoordinate);
11865 var xOffset = moveInfo.xOffset, yOffset = moveInfo.yOffset, manhattanDistance = moveInfo.manhattanDistance;
11866 if (!this._touchMoveExceededManhattanDistance && manhattanDistance < 5 /* ManhattanDistance.CancelTap */) {
11867 return;
11868 }
11869 if (!this._touchMoveExceededManhattanDistance) {
11870 // first time when current position exceeded manhattan distance
11871 // vertical drag is more important than horizontal drag
11872 // because we scroll the page vertically often than horizontally
11873 var correctedXOffset = xOffset * 0.5;
11874 // a drag can be only if touch page scroll isn't allowed
11875 var isVertDrag = yOffset >= correctedXOffset && !this._options.treatVertDragAsPageScroll();
11876 var isHorzDrag = correctedXOffset > yOffset && !this._options.treatHorzDragAsPageScroll();
11877 // if drag event happened then we should revert preventDefault state to original one
11878 // and try to process the drag event
11879 // else we shouldn't prevent default of the event and ignore processing the drag event
11880 if (!isVertDrag && !isHorzDrag) {
11881 this._preventTouchDragProcess = true;
11882 }
11883 this._touchMoveExceededManhattanDistance = true;
11884 // if manhattan distance is more that 5 - we should cancel tap event
11885 this._cancelTap = true;
11886 this._clearLongTapTimeout();
11887 this._resetTapTimeout();
11888 }
11889 if (!this._preventTouchDragProcess) {
11890 this._processEvent(this._makeCompatEvent(moveEvent, touch), this._handler.touchMoveEvent);
11891 // we should prevent default in case of touch only
11892 // to prevent scroll of the page
11893 // preventDefault(moveEvent)
11894 }
11895 };
11896 SyntheticEvent.prototype._mouseMoveWithDownHandler = function (moveEvent) {
11897 if (moveEvent.button !== 0 /* MouseEventButton.Left */) {
11898 return;
11899 }
11900 var moveInfo = this._mouseTouchMoveWithDownInfo(this._getCoordinate(moveEvent), this._mouseMoveStartCoordinate);
11901 var manhattanDistance = moveInfo.manhattanDistance;
11902 if (manhattanDistance >= 5 /* ManhattanDistance.CancelClick */) {
11903 // if manhattan distance is more that 5 - we should cancel click event
11904 this._cancelClick = true;
11905 this._resetClickTimeout();
11906 }
11907 if (this._cancelClick) {
11908 // if this._cancelClick is true, that means that minimum manhattan distance is already exceeded
11909 this._processEvent(this._makeCompatEvent(moveEvent), this._handler.pressedMouseMoveEvent);
11910 }
11911 };
11912 SyntheticEvent.prototype._mouseTouchMoveWithDownInfo = function (currentCoordinate, startCoordinate) {
11913 var xOffset = Math.abs(startCoordinate.x - currentCoordinate.x);
11914 var yOffset = Math.abs(startCoordinate.y - currentCoordinate.y);
11915 var manhattanDistance = xOffset + yOffset;
11916 return { xOffset: xOffset, yOffset: yOffset, manhattanDistance: manhattanDistance };
11917 };
11918 // eslint-disable-next-line complexity
11919 SyntheticEvent.prototype._touchEndHandler = function (touchEndEvent) {
11920 var touch = this._touchWithId(touchEndEvent.changedTouches, this._activeTouchId);
11921 if (touch === null && touchEndEvent.touches.length === 0) {
11922 // something went wrong, somehow we missed the required touchend event
11923 // probably the browser has not sent this event
11924 touch = touchEndEvent.changedTouches[0];
11925 }
11926 if (touch === null) {
11927 return;
11928 }
11929 this._activeTouchId = null;
11930 this._lastTouchEventTimeStamp = this._eventTimeStamp(touchEndEvent);
11931 this._clearLongTapTimeout();
11932 this._touchMoveStartCoordinate = null;
11933 if (this._unsubscribeRootTouchEvents !== null) {
11934 this._unsubscribeRootTouchEvents();
11935 this._unsubscribeRootTouchEvents = null;
11936 }
11937 var compatEvent = this._makeCompatEvent(touchEndEvent, touch);
11938 this._processEvent(compatEvent, this._handler.touchEndEvent);
11939 ++this._tapCount;
11940 if (this._tapTimeoutId !== null && this._tapCount > 1) {
11941 // check that both clicks are near enough
11942 var manhattanDistance = this._mouseTouchMoveWithDownInfo(this._getCoordinate(touch), this._tapCoordinate).manhattanDistance;
11943 if (manhattanDistance < 30 /* ManhattanDistance.DoubleTap */ && !this._cancelTap) {
11944 this._processEvent(compatEvent, this._handler.doubleTapEvent);
11945 }
11946 this._resetTapTimeout();
11947 }
11948 else {
11949 if (!this._cancelTap) {
11950 this._processEvent(compatEvent, this._handler.tapEvent);
11951 // do not fire mouse events if tap handler was executed
11952 // prevent click event on new dom element (who appeared after tap)
11953 if (isValid(this._handler.tapEvent)) {
11954 this._preventDefault(touchEndEvent);
11955 }
11956 }
11957 }
11958 // prevent, for example, safari's dblclick-to-zoom or fast-click after long-tap
11959 // we handle mouseDoubleClickEvent here ourselves
11960 if (this._tapCount === 0) {
11961 this._preventDefault(touchEndEvent);
11962 }
11963 if (touchEndEvent.touches.length === 0) {
11964 if (this._longTapActive) {
11965 this._longTapActive = false;
11966 // prevent native click event
11967 this._preventDefault(touchEndEvent);
11968 }
11969 }
11970 };
11971 SyntheticEvent.prototype._mouseUpHandler = function (mouseUpEvent) {
11972 if (mouseUpEvent.button !== 0 /* MouseEventButton.Left */) {
11973 return;
11974 }
11975 var compatEvent = this._makeCompatEvent(mouseUpEvent);
11976 this._mouseMoveStartCoordinate = null;
11977 this._mousePressed = false;
11978 if (this._unsubscribeRootMouseEvents !== null) {
11979 this._unsubscribeRootMouseEvents();
11980 this._unsubscribeRootMouseEvents = null;
11981 }
11982 if (isFF()) {
11983 var rootElement = this._target.ownerDocument.documentElement;
11984 rootElement.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this._onFirefoxOutsideMouseUp);
11985 }
11986 if (this._firesTouchEvents(mouseUpEvent)) {
11987 return;
11988 }
11989 this._processEvent(compatEvent, this._handler.mouseUpEvent);
11990 ++this._clickCount;
11991 if (this._clickTimeoutId !== null && this._clickCount > 1) {
11992 // check that both clicks are near enough
11993 var manhattanDistance = this._mouseTouchMoveWithDownInfo(this._getCoordinate(mouseUpEvent), this._clickCoordinate).manhattanDistance;
11994 if (manhattanDistance < 5 /* ManhattanDistance.DoubleClick */ && !this._cancelClick) {
11995 this._processEvent(compatEvent, this._handler.mouseDoubleClickEvent);
11996 }
11997 this._resetClickTimeout();
11998 }
11999 else {
12000 if (!this._cancelClick) {
12001 this._processEvent(compatEvent, this._handler.mouseClickEvent);
12002 }
12003 }
12004 };
12005 SyntheticEvent.prototype._clearLongTapTimeout = function () {
12006 if (this._longTapTimeoutId === null) {
12007 return;
12008 }
12009 clearTimeout(this._longTapTimeoutId);
12010 this._longTapTimeoutId = null;
12011 };
12012 SyntheticEvent.prototype._touchStartHandler = function (downEvent) {
12013 if (this._activeTouchId !== null) {
12014 return;
12015 }
12016 var touch = downEvent.changedTouches[0];
12017 this._activeTouchId = touch.identifier;
12018 this._lastTouchEventTimeStamp = this._eventTimeStamp(downEvent);
12019 var rootElement = this._target.ownerDocument.documentElement;
12020 this._cancelTap = false;
12021 this._touchMoveExceededManhattanDistance = false;
12022 this._preventTouchDragProcess = false;
12023 this._touchMoveStartCoordinate = this._getCoordinate(touch);
12024 if (this._unsubscribeRootTouchEvents !== null) {
12025 this._unsubscribeRootTouchEvents();
12026 this._unsubscribeRootTouchEvents = null;
12027 }
12028 {
12029 var boundTouchMoveWithDownHandler_1 = this._touchMoveHandler.bind(this);
12030 var boundTouchEndHandler_1 = this._touchEndHandler.bind(this);
12031 this._unsubscribeRootTouchEvents = function () {
12032 rootElement.removeEventListener('touchmove', boundTouchMoveWithDownHandler_1);
12033 rootElement.removeEventListener('touchend', boundTouchEndHandler_1);
12034 };
12035 rootElement.addEventListener('touchmove', boundTouchMoveWithDownHandler_1, { passive: false });
12036 rootElement.addEventListener('touchend', boundTouchEndHandler_1, { passive: false });
12037 this._clearLongTapTimeout();
12038 this._longTapTimeoutId = setTimeout(this._longTapHandler.bind(this, downEvent), 500 /* Delay.LongTap */);
12039 }
12040 this._processEvent(this._makeCompatEvent(downEvent, touch), this._handler.touchStartEvent);
12041 if (this._tapTimeoutId === null) {
12042 this._tapCount = 0;
12043 this._tapTimeoutId = setTimeout(this._resetTapTimeout.bind(this), 500 /* Delay.ResetClick */);
12044 this._tapCoordinate = this._getCoordinate(touch);
12045 }
12046 };
12047 SyntheticEvent.prototype._mouseDownHandler = function (downEvent) {
12048 if (downEvent.button === 2 /* MouseEventButton.Right */) {
12049 this._preventDefault(downEvent);
12050 this._processEvent(this._makeCompatEvent(downEvent), this._handler.mouseRightClickEvent);
12051 return;
12052 }
12053 if (downEvent.button !== 0 /* MouseEventButton.Left */) {
12054 return;
12055 }
12056 var rootElement = this._target.ownerDocument.documentElement;
12057 if (isFF()) {
12058 rootElement.addEventListener('mouseleave', this._onFirefoxOutsideMouseUp);
12059 }
12060 this._cancelClick = false;
12061 this._mouseMoveStartCoordinate = this._getCoordinate(downEvent);
12062 if (this._unsubscribeRootMouseEvents !== null) {
12063 this._unsubscribeRootMouseEvents();
12064 this._unsubscribeRootMouseEvents = null;
12065 }
12066 {
12067 var boundMouseMoveWithDownHandler_1 = this._mouseMoveWithDownHandler.bind(this);
12068 var boundMouseUpHandler_1 = this._mouseUpHandler.bind(this);
12069 this._unsubscribeRootMouseEvents = function () {
12070 rootElement.removeEventListener('mousemove', boundMouseMoveWithDownHandler_1);
12071 rootElement.removeEventListener('mouseup', boundMouseUpHandler_1);
12072 };
12073 rootElement.addEventListener('mousemove', boundMouseMoveWithDownHandler_1);
12074 rootElement.addEventListener('mouseup', boundMouseUpHandler_1);
12075 }
12076 this._mousePressed = true;
12077 if (this._firesTouchEvents(downEvent)) {
12078 return;
12079 }
12080 this._processEvent(this._makeCompatEvent(downEvent), this._handler.mouseDownEvent);
12081 if (this._clickTimeoutId === null) {
12082 this._clickCount = 0;
12083 this._clickTimeoutId = setTimeout(this._resetClickTimeout.bind(this), 500 /* Delay.ResetClick */);
12084 this._clickCoordinate = this._getCoordinate(downEvent);
12085 }
12086 };
12087 SyntheticEvent.prototype._init = function () {
12088 var _this = this;
12089 this._target.addEventListener('mouseenter', this._mouseEnterHandler.bind(this));
12090 // Do not show context menu when something went wrong
12091 this._target.addEventListener('touchcancel', this._clearLongTapTimeout.bind(this));
12092 {
12093 var doc_1 = this._target.ownerDocument;
12094 var outsideHandler_1 = function (event) {
12095 if (_this._handler.mouseDownOutsideEvent == null) {
12096 return;
12097 }
12098 if (event.composed && _this._target.contains(event.composedPath()[0])) {
12099 return;
12100 }
12101 if ((event.target !== null) && _this._target.contains(event.target)) {
12102 return;
12103 }
12104 _this._handler.mouseDownOutsideEvent({ x: 0, y: 0, pageX: 0, pageY: 0 });
12105 };
12106 this._unsubscribeOutsideTouchEvents = function () {
12107 doc_1.removeEventListener('touchstart', outsideHandler_1);
12108 };
12109 this._unsubscribeOutsideMouseEvents = function () {
12110 doc_1.removeEventListener('mousedown', outsideHandler_1);
12111 };
12112 doc_1.addEventListener('mousedown', outsideHandler_1);
12113 doc_1.addEventListener('touchstart', outsideHandler_1, { passive: true });
12114 }
12115 if (isIOS()) {
12116 this._unsubscribeMobileSafariEvents = function () {
12117 _this._target.removeEventListener('dblclick', _this._onMobileSafariDoubleClick);
12118 };
12119 this._target.addEventListener('dblclick', this._onMobileSafariDoubleClick);
12120 }
12121 this._target.addEventListener('mouseleave', this._mouseLeaveHandler.bind(this));
12122 this._target.addEventListener('touchstart', this._touchStartHandler.bind(this), { passive: true });
12123 this._target.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {
12124 if (e.button === 1 /* MouseEventButton.Middle */) {
12125 // prevent incorrect scrolling event
12126 e.preventDefault();
12127 return false;
12128 }
12129 return undefined;
12130 });
12131 this._target.addEventListener('mousedown', this._mouseDownHandler.bind(this));
12132 this._initPinch();
12133 // Hey mobile Safari, what's up?
12134 // If mobile Safari doesn't have any touchmove handler with passive=false
12135 // it treats a touchstart and the following touchmove events as cancelable=false,
12136 // so we can't prevent them (as soon we subscribe on touchmove inside touchstart's handler).
12137 // And we'll get scroll of the page along with chart's one instead of only chart's scroll.
12138 this._target.addEventListener('touchmove', function () { }, { passive: false });
12139 };
12140 SyntheticEvent.prototype._initPinch = function () {
12141 var _this = this;
12142 if (!isValid(this._handler.pinchStartEvent) &&
12143 !isValid(this._handler.pinchEvent) &&
12144 !isValid(this._handler.pinchEndEvent)) {
12145 return;
12146 }
12147 this._target.addEventListener('touchstart', function (event) { _this._checkPinchState(event.touches); }, { passive: true });
12148 this._target.addEventListener('touchmove', function (event) {
12149 if (event.touches.length !== 2 || _this._startPinchMiddleCoordinate === null) {
12150 return;
12151 }
12152 if (isValid(_this._handler.pinchEvent)) {
12153 var currentDistance = _this._getTouchDistance(event.touches[0], event.touches[1]);
12154 var scale = currentDistance / _this._startPinchDistance;
12155 _this._handler.pinchEvent(__assign(__assign({}, _this._startPinchMiddleCoordinate), { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 }), scale);
12156 _this._preventDefault(event);
12157 }
12158 }, { passive: false });
12159 this._target.addEventListener('touchend', function (event) {
12160 _this._checkPinchState(event.touches);
12161 });
12162 };
12163 SyntheticEvent.prototype._checkPinchState = function (touches) {
12164 if (touches.length === 1) {
12165 this._pinchPrevented = false;
12166 }
12167 if (touches.length !== 2 || this._pinchPrevented || this._longTapActive) {
12168 this._stopPinch();
12169 }
12170 else {
12171 this._startPinch(touches);
12172 }
12173 };
12174 SyntheticEvent.prototype._startPinch = function (touches) {
12175 var _a;
12176 var box = (_a = this._target.getBoundingClientRect()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : { left: 0, top: 0 };
12177 this._startPinchMiddleCoordinate = {
12178 x: ((touches[0].clientX - box.left) + (touches[1].clientX - box.left)) / 2,
12179 y: ((touches[0].clientY - box.top) + (touches[1].clientY - box.top)) / 2
12180 };
12181 this._startPinchDistance = this._getTouchDistance(touches[0], touches[1]);
12182 if (isValid(this._handler.pinchStartEvent)) {
12183 this._handler.pinchStartEvent({ x: 0, y: 0, pageX: 0, pageY: 0 });
12184 }
12185 this._clearLongTapTimeout();
12186 };
12187 SyntheticEvent.prototype._stopPinch = function () {
12188 if (this._startPinchMiddleCoordinate === null) {
12189 return;
12190 }
12191 this._startPinchMiddleCoordinate = null;
12192 if (isValid(this._handler.pinchEndEvent)) {
12193 this._handler.pinchEndEvent({ x: 0, y: 0, pageX: 0, pageY: 0 });
12194 }
12195 };
12196 SyntheticEvent.prototype._mouseLeaveHandler = function (event) {
12197 var _a, _b, _c;
12198 (_a = this._unsubscribeMousemove) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this);
12199 (_b = this._unsubscribeMouseWheel) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(this);
12200 (_c = this._unsubscribeContextMenu) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(this);
12201 if (this._firesTouchEvents(event)) {
12202 return;
12203 }
12204 if (!this._acceptMouseLeave) {
12205 // mobile Safari sometimes emits mouse leave event for no reason, there is no way to handle it in other way
12206 // just ignore this event if there was no mouse move or mouse enter events
12207 return;
12208 }
12209 this._processEvent(this._makeCompatEvent(event), this._handler.mouseLeaveEvent);
12210 // accept all mouse leave events if it's not an iOS device
12211 this._acceptMouseLeave = !isIOS();
12212 };
12213 SyntheticEvent.prototype._longTapHandler = function (event) {
12214 var touch = this._touchWithId(event.touches, this._activeTouchId);
12215 if (touch === null) {
12216 return;
12217 }
12218 this._processEvent(this._makeCompatEvent(event, touch), this._handler.longTapEvent);
12219 this._cancelTap = true;
12220 // long tap is active until touchend event with 0 touches occurred
12221 this._longTapActive = true;
12222 };
12223 SyntheticEvent.prototype._firesTouchEvents = function (e) {
12224 var _a;
12225 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
12226 // @ts-expect-error
12227 if (isValid((_a = e.sourceCapabilities) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.firesTouchEvents)) {
12228 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
12229 // @ts-expect-error
12230 return e.sourceCapabilities.firesTouchEvents;
12231 }
12232 return this._eventTimeStamp(e) < this._lastTouchEventTimeStamp + 500 /* Delay.PreventFiresTouchEvents */;
12233 };
12234 SyntheticEvent.prototype._processEvent = function (event, callback) {
12235 callback === null || callback === void 0 ? void 0 : callback.call(this._handler, event);
12236 };
12237 SyntheticEvent.prototype._makeCompatEvent = function (event, touch) {
12238 var _this = this;
12239 var _a;
12240 // TouchEvent has no clientX/Y coordinates:
12241 // We have to use the last Touch instead
12242 var eventLike = touch !== null && touch !== void 0 ? touch : event;
12243 var box = (_a = this._target.getBoundingClientRect()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : { left: 0, top: 0 };
12244 return {
12245 x: eventLike.clientX - box.left,
12246 y: eventLike.clientY - box.top,
12247 pageX: eventLike.pageX,
12248 pageY: eventLike.pageY,
12249 isTouch: !event.type.startsWith('mouse') && event.type !== 'contextmenu' && event.type !== 'click' && event.type !== 'wheel',
12250 preventDefault: function () {
12251 if (event.type !== 'touchstart') {
12252 // touchstart is passive and cannot be prevented
12253 _this._preventDefault(event);
12254 }
12255 }
12256 };
12257 };
12258 SyntheticEvent.prototype._getTouchDistance = function (p1, p2) {
12259 var xDiff = p1.clientX - p2.clientX;
12260 var yDiff = p1.clientY - p2.clientY;
12261 return Math.sqrt(xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff);
12262 };
12263 SyntheticEvent.prototype._preventDefault = function (event) {
12264 if (event.cancelable) {
12265 event.preventDefault();
12266 }
12267 };
12268 SyntheticEvent.prototype._getCoordinate = function (eventLike) {
12269 return {
12270 x: eventLike.pageX,
12271 y: eventLike.pageY
12272 };
12273 };
12274 SyntheticEvent.prototype._eventTimeStamp = function (e) {
12275 var _a;
12276 // for some reason e.timestamp is always 0 on iPad with magic mouse, so we use performance.now() as a fallback
12277 return (_a = e.timeStamp) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : performance.now();
12278 };
12279 SyntheticEvent.prototype._touchWithId = function (touches, id) {
12280 for (var i = 0; i < touches.length; ++i) {
12281 if (touches[i].identifier === id) {
12282 return touches[i];
12283 }
12284 }
12285 return null;
12286 };
12287 return SyntheticEvent;
12291 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
12292 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
12293 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
12295 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12297 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12298 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12299 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12300 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12301 * limitations under the License.
12302 */
12303var Event = /** @class */ (function () {
12304 function Event(container, chart) {
12305 var _this = this;
12306 // 惯性滚动开始时间
12307 this._flingStartTime = new Date().getTime();
12308 // 惯性滚动定时器
12309 this._flingScrollRequestId = null;
12310 // 开始滚动时坐标点
12311 this._startScrollCoordinate = null;
12312 // 开始触摸时坐标
12313 this._touchCoordinate = null;
12314 // 是否是取消了十字光标
12315 this._touchCancelCrosshair = false;
12316 // 是否缩放过
12317 this._touchZoomed = false;
12318 // 用来记录捏合缩放的尺寸
12319 this._pinchScale = 1;
12320 this._mouseDownWidget = null;
12321 this._prevYAxisRange = null;
12322 this._xAxisStartScaleCoordinate = null;
12323 this._xAxisStartScaleDistance = 0;
12324 this._xAxisScale = 1;
12325 this._yAxisStartScaleDistance = 0;
12326 this._mouseMoveTriggerWidgetInfo = { pane: null, widget: null };
12327 this._boundKeyBoardDownEvent = function (event) {
12328 if (event.shiftKey) {
12329 switch (event.code) {
12330 case 'Equal': {
12331 _this._chart.getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore().zoom(0.5);
12332 break;
12333 }
12334 case 'Minus': {
12335 _this._chart.getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore().zoom(-0.5);
12336 break;
12337 }
12338 case 'ArrowLeft': {
12339 var timeScaleStore = _this._chart.getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore();
12340 timeScaleStore.startScroll();
12341 timeScaleStore.scroll(-3 * timeScaleStore.getBarSpace().bar);
12342 break;
12343 }
12344 case 'ArrowRight': {
12345 var timeScaleStore = _this._chart.getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore();
12346 timeScaleStore.startScroll();
12347 timeScaleStore.scroll(3 * timeScaleStore.getBarSpace().bar);
12348 break;
12349 }
12350 }
12351 }
12352 };
12353 this._container = container;
12354 this._chart = chart;
12355 this._event = new SyntheticEvent(container, this, {
12356 treatVertDragAsPageScroll: function () { return false; },
12357 treatHorzDragAsPageScroll: function () { return false; }
12358 });
12359 container.addEventListener('keydown', this._boundKeyBoardDownEvent);
12360 }
12361 Event.prototype.pinchStartEvent = function () {
12362 this._touchZoomed = true;
12363 this._pinchScale = 1;
12364 return true;
12365 };
12366 Event.prototype.pinchEvent = function (e, scale) {
12367 var _a = this._findWidgetByEvent(e), pane = _a.pane, widget = _a.widget;
12368 if ((pane === null || pane === void 0 ? void 0 : pane.getId()) !== PaneIdConstants.X_AXIS && (widget === null || widget === void 0 ? void 0 : widget.getName()) === WidgetNameConstants.MAIN) {
12369 var event_1 = this._makeWidgetEvent(e, widget);
12370 var zoomScale = (scale - this._pinchScale) * 5;
12371 this._pinchScale = scale;
12372 this._chart.getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore().zoom(zoomScale, { x: event_1.x, y: event_1.y });
12373 return true;
12374 }
12375 return false;
12376 };
12377 Event.prototype.mouseWheelHortEvent = function (_, distance) {
12378 var timeScaleStore = this._chart.getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore();
12379 timeScaleStore.startScroll();
12380 timeScaleStore.scroll(distance);
12381 return true;
12382 };
12383 Event.prototype.mouseWheelVertEvent = function (e, scale) {
12384 var widget = this._findWidgetByEvent(e).widget;
12385 var event = this._makeWidgetEvent(e, widget);
12386 var name = widget === null || widget === void 0 ? void 0 : widget.getName();
12387 if (name === WidgetNameConstants.MAIN) {
12388 this._chart.getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore().zoom(scale, { x: event.x, y: event.y });
12389 return true;
12390 }
12391 return false;
12392 };
12393 Event.prototype.mouseDownEvent = function (e) {
12394 var _a, _b;
12395 var _c = this._findWidgetByEvent(e), pane = _c.pane, widget = _c.widget;
12396 this._mouseDownWidget = widget;
12397 if (widget !== null) {
12398 var event_2 = this._makeWidgetEvent(e, widget);
12399 var name_1 = widget.getName();
12400 switch (name_1) {
12401 case WidgetNameConstants.SEPARATOR: {
12402 return widget.dispatchEvent('mouseDownEvent', event_2);
12403 }
12404 case WidgetNameConstants.MAIN: {
12405 var range = (_a = pane.getAxisComponent().getRange()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
12406 this._prevYAxisRange = range === null ? range : __assign({}, range);
12407 this._startScrollCoordinate = { x: event_2.x, y: event_2.y };
12408 this._chart.getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore().startScroll();
12409 return widget.dispatchEvent('mouseDownEvent', event_2);
12410 }
12411 case WidgetNameConstants.X_AXIS: {
12412 var consumed = widget.dispatchEvent('mouseDownEvent', event_2);
12413 if (consumed) {
12414 this._chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */);
12415 }
12416 this._xAxisStartScaleCoordinate = { x: event_2.x, y: event_2.y };
12417 this._xAxisStartScaleDistance = event_2.pageX;
12418 return consumed;
12419 }
12420 case WidgetNameConstants.Y_AXIS: {
12421 var consumed = widget.dispatchEvent('mouseDownEvent', event_2);
12422 if (consumed) {
12423 this._chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */);
12424 }
12425 var range = (_b = pane.getAxisComponent().getRange()) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null;
12426 this._prevYAxisRange = range === null ? range : __assign({}, range);
12427 this._yAxisStartScaleDistance = event_2.pageY;
12428 return consumed;
12429 }
12430 }
12431 }
12432 return false;
12433 };
12434 Event.prototype.mouseMoveEvent = function (e) {
12435 var _a, _b, _c;
12436 var _d = this._findWidgetByEvent(e), pane = _d.pane, widget = _d.widget;
12437 var event = this._makeWidgetEvent(e, widget);
12438 if (((_a = this._mouseMoveTriggerWidgetInfo.pane) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getId()) !== (pane === null || pane === void 0 ? void 0 : pane.getId()) ||
12439 ((_b = this._mouseMoveTriggerWidgetInfo.widget) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getName()) !== (widget === null || widget === void 0 ? void 0 : widget.getName())) {
12440 widget === null || widget === void 0 ? void 0 : widget.dispatchEvent('mouseEnterEvent', event);
12441 (_c = this._mouseMoveTriggerWidgetInfo.widget) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.dispatchEvent('mouseLeaveEvent', event);
12442 this._mouseMoveTriggerWidgetInfo = { pane: pane, widget: widget };
12443 }
12444 if (widget !== null) {
12445 var name_2 = widget.getName();
12446 switch (name_2) {
12447 case WidgetNameConstants.MAIN: {
12448 var consumed = widget.dispatchEvent('mouseMoveEvent', event);
12449 var chartStore = this._chart.getChartStore();
12450 var crosshair = { x: event.x, y: event.y, paneId: pane === null || pane === void 0 ? void 0 : pane.getId() };
12451 if (consumed && chartStore.getTooltipStore().getActiveIcon() !== null) {
12452 crosshair = undefined;
12453 if (widget !== null) {
12454 widget.getContainer().style.cursor = 'pointer';
12455 }
12456 }
12457 this._chart.getChartStore().getTooltipStore().setCrosshair(crosshair);
12458 return consumed;
12459 }
12460 case WidgetNameConstants.SEPARATOR:
12461 case WidgetNameConstants.X_AXIS:
12462 case WidgetNameConstants.Y_AXIS: {
12463 var consumed = widget.dispatchEvent('mouseMoveEvent', event);
12464 this._chart.getChartStore().getTooltipStore().setCrosshair();
12465 return consumed;
12466 }
12467 }
12468 }
12469 return false;
12470 };
12471 Event.prototype.pressedMouseMoveEvent = function (e) {
12472 var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
12473 if (this._mouseDownWidget !== null && this._mouseDownWidget.getName() === WidgetNameConstants.SEPARATOR) {
12474 return this._mouseDownWidget.dispatchEvent('pressedMouseMoveEvent', e);
12475 }
12476 var _f = this._findWidgetByEvent(e), pane = _f.pane, widget = _f.widget;
12477 if (widget !== null &&
12478 ((_a = this._mouseDownWidget) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getPane().getId()) === (pane === null || pane === void 0 ? void 0 : pane.getId()) &&
12479 ((_b = this._mouseDownWidget) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getName()) === widget.getName()) {
12480 var event_3 = this._makeWidgetEvent(e, widget);
12481 var name_3 = widget.getName();
12482 switch (name_3) {
12483 case WidgetNameConstants.MAIN: {
12484 var bounding = widget.getBounding();
12485 var consumed = widget.dispatchEvent('pressedMouseMoveEvent', event_3);
12486 if (!consumed && this._startScrollCoordinate !== null) {
12487 var yAxis = pane.getAxisComponent();
12488 if (this._prevYAxisRange !== null && !yAxis.getAutoCalcTickFlag() && yAxis.getScrollZoomEnabled()) {
12489 var _g = this._prevYAxisRange, from = _g.from, to = _g.to, range = _g.range;
12490 var distance_1;
12491 if ((_c = yAxis === null || yAxis === void 0 ? void 0 : yAxis.isReverse()) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : false) {
12492 distance_1 = this._startScrollCoordinate.y - event_3.y;
12493 }
12494 else {
12495 distance_1 = event_3.y - this._startScrollCoordinate.y;
12496 }
12497 var scale = distance_1 / bounding.height;
12498 var difRange = range * scale;
12499 var newFrom = from + difRange;
12500 var newTo = to + difRange;
12501 var newRealFrom = yAxis.convertToRealValue(newFrom);
12502 var newRealTo = yAxis.convertToRealValue(newTo);
12503 yAxis.setRange({
12504 from: newFrom,
12505 to: newTo,
12506 range: newTo - newFrom,
12507 realFrom: newRealFrom,
12508 realTo: newRealTo,
12509 realRange: newRealTo - newRealFrom
12510 });
12511 }
12512 var distance = event_3.x - this._startScrollCoordinate.x;
12513 this._chart.getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore().scroll(distance);
12514 }
12515 this._chart.getChartStore().getTooltipStore().setCrosshair({ x: event_3.x, y: event_3.y, paneId: pane === null || pane === void 0 ? void 0 : pane.getId() });
12516 return consumed;
12517 }
12518 case WidgetNameConstants.X_AXIS: {
12519 var consumed = widget.dispatchEvent('pressedMouseMoveEvent', event_3);
12520 if (!consumed) {
12521 var xAxis = pane.getAxisComponent();
12522 if ((_d = xAxis === null || xAxis === void 0 ? void 0 : xAxis.getScrollZoomEnabled()) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : true) {
12523 var scale = this._xAxisStartScaleDistance / event_3.pageX;
12524 var zoomScale = (scale - this._xAxisScale) * 10;
12525 this._xAxisScale = scale;
12526 this._chart.getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore().zoom(zoomScale, (_e = this._xAxisStartScaleCoordinate) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : undefined);
12527 }
12528 }
12529 else {
12530 this._chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */);
12531 }
12532 return consumed;
12533 }
12534 case WidgetNameConstants.Y_AXIS: {
12535 var consumed = widget.dispatchEvent('pressedMouseMoveEvent', event_3);
12536 if (!consumed) {
12537 var yAxis = pane.getAxisComponent();
12538 if (this._prevYAxisRange !== null && yAxis.getScrollZoomEnabled()) {
12539 var _h = this._prevYAxisRange, from = _h.from, to = _h.to, range = _h.range;
12540 var scale = event_3.pageY / this._yAxisStartScaleDistance;
12541 var newRange = range * scale;
12542 var difRange = (newRange - range) / 2;
12543 var newFrom = from - difRange;
12544 var newTo = to + difRange;
12545 var newRealFrom = yAxis.convertToRealValue(newFrom);
12546 var newRealTo = yAxis.convertToRealValue(newTo);
12547 yAxis.setRange({
12548 from: newFrom,
12549 to: newTo,
12550 range: newRange,
12551 realFrom: newRealFrom,
12552 realTo: newRealTo,
12553 realRange: newRealTo - newRealFrom
12554 });
12555 this._chart.adjustPaneViewport(false, true, true, true);
12556 }
12557 }
12558 else {
12559 this._chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */);
12560 }
12561 return consumed;
12562 }
12563 }
12564 }
12565 return false;
12566 };
12567 Event.prototype.mouseUpEvent = function (e) {
12568 var widget = this._findWidgetByEvent(e).widget;
12569 var consumed = false;
12570 if (widget !== null) {
12571 var event_4 = this._makeWidgetEvent(e, widget);
12572 var name_4 = widget.getName();
12573 switch (name_4) {
12574 case WidgetNameConstants.MAIN:
12575 case WidgetNameConstants.SEPARATOR:
12576 case WidgetNameConstants.X_AXIS:
12577 case WidgetNameConstants.Y_AXIS: {
12578 consumed = widget.dispatchEvent('mouseUpEvent', event_4);
12579 break;
12580 }
12581 }
12582 if (consumed) {
12583 this._chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */);
12584 }
12585 }
12586 this._mouseDownWidget = null;
12587 this._startScrollCoordinate = null;
12588 this._prevYAxisRange = null;
12589 this._xAxisStartScaleCoordinate = null;
12590 this._xAxisStartScaleDistance = 0;
12591 this._xAxisScale = 1;
12592 this._yAxisStartScaleDistance = 0;
12593 return consumed;
12594 };
12595 Event.prototype.mouseClickEvent = function (e) {
12596 var widget = this._findWidgetByEvent(e).widget;
12597 if (widget !== null) {
12598 var event_5 = this._makeWidgetEvent(e, widget);
12599 return widget.dispatchEvent('mouseClickEvent', event_5);
12600 }
12601 return false;
12602 };
12603 Event.prototype.mouseRightClickEvent = function (e) {
12604 var widget = this._findWidgetByEvent(e).widget;
12605 var consumed = false;
12606 if (widget !== null) {
12607 var event_6 = this._makeWidgetEvent(e, widget);
12608 var name_5 = widget.getName();
12609 switch (name_5) {
12610 case WidgetNameConstants.MAIN:
12611 case WidgetNameConstants.X_AXIS:
12612 case WidgetNameConstants.Y_AXIS: {
12613 consumed = widget.dispatchEvent('mouseRightClickEvent', event_6);
12614 break;
12615 }
12616 }
12617 if (consumed) {
12618 this._chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */);
12619 }
12620 }
12621 return false;
12622 };
12623 Event.prototype.mouseDoubleClickEvent = function (e) {
12624 var _a = this._findWidgetByEvent(e), pane = _a.pane, widget = _a.widget;
12625 if (widget !== null) {
12626 var name_6 = widget.getName();
12627 switch (name_6) {
12628 case WidgetNameConstants.MAIN: {
12629 var event_7 = this._makeWidgetEvent(e, widget);
12630 return widget.dispatchEvent('mouseDoubleClickEvent', event_7);
12631 }
12632 case WidgetNameConstants.Y_AXIS: {
12633 var yAxis = pane.getAxisComponent();
12634 if (!yAxis.getAutoCalcTickFlag()) {
12635 yAxis.setAutoCalcTickFlag(true);
12636 this._chart.adjustPaneViewport(false, true, true, true);
12637 return true;
12638 }
12639 break;
12640 }
12641 }
12642 }
12643 return false;
12644 };
12645 Event.prototype.mouseLeaveEvent = function () {
12646 this._chart.getChartStore().getTooltipStore().setCrosshair();
12647 return true;
12648 };
12649 Event.prototype.touchStartEvent = function (e) {
12650 var _a = this._findWidgetByEvent(e), pane = _a.pane, widget = _a.widget;
12651 if (widget !== null) {
12652 var event_8 = this._makeWidgetEvent(e, widget);
12653 var name_7 = widget.getName();
12654 switch (name_7) {
12655 case WidgetNameConstants.MAIN: {
12656 var chartStore = this._chart.getChartStore();
12657 var tooltipStore = chartStore.getTooltipStore();
12658 if (widget.dispatchEvent('mouseDownEvent', event_8)) {
12659 this._touchCancelCrosshair = true;
12660 this._touchCoordinate = null;
12661 tooltipStore.setCrosshair(undefined, true);
12662 this._chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */);
12663 return true;
12664 }
12665 if (this._flingScrollRequestId !== null) {
12666 cancelAnimationFrame(this._flingScrollRequestId);
12667 this._flingScrollRequestId = null;
12668 }
12669 this._flingStartTime = new Date().getTime();
12670 this._startScrollCoordinate = { x: event_8.x, y: event_8.y };
12671 chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().startScroll();
12672 this._touchZoomed = false;
12673 if (this._touchCoordinate !== null) {
12674 var xDif = event_8.x - this._touchCoordinate.x;
12675 var yDif = event_8.y - this._touchCoordinate.y;
12676 var radius = Math.sqrt(xDif * xDif + yDif * yDif);
12677 if (radius < TOUCH_MIN_RADIUS) {
12678 this._touchCoordinate = { x: event_8.x, y: event_8.y };
12679 tooltipStore.setCrosshair({ x: event_8.x, y: event_8.y, paneId: pane === null || pane === void 0 ? void 0 : pane.getId() });
12680 }
12681 else {
12682 this._touchCoordinate = null;
12683 this._touchCancelCrosshair = true;
12684 tooltipStore.setCrosshair();
12685 }
12686 }
12687 return true;
12688 }
12689 case WidgetNameConstants.X_AXIS:
12690 case WidgetNameConstants.Y_AXIS: {
12691 var consumed = widget.dispatchEvent('mouseDownEvent', event_8);
12692 if (consumed) {
12693 this._chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */);
12694 }
12695 return consumed;
12696 }
12697 }
12698 }
12699 return false;
12700 };
12701 Event.prototype.touchMoveEvent = function (e) {
12702 var _a, _b, _c;
12703 var _d = this._findWidgetByEvent(e), pane = _d.pane, widget = _d.widget;
12704 if (widget !== null) {
12705 var event_9 = this._makeWidgetEvent(e, widget);
12706 var name_8 = widget.getName();
12707 var chartStore = this._chart.getChartStore();
12708 var tooltipStore = chartStore.getTooltipStore();
12709 switch (name_8) {
12710 case WidgetNameConstants.MAIN: {
12711 if (widget.dispatchEvent('pressedMouseMoveEvent', event_9)) {
12712 (_a = event_9.preventDefault) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(event_9);
12713 tooltipStore.setCrosshair(undefined, true);
12714 this._chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */);
12715 return true;
12716 }
12717 if (this._touchCoordinate !== null) {
12718 (_b = event_9.preventDefault) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(event_9);
12719 tooltipStore.setCrosshair({ x: event_9.x, y: event_9.y, paneId: pane === null || pane === void 0 ? void 0 : pane.getId() });
12720 }
12721 else {
12722 if (this._startScrollCoordinate !== null &&
12723 Math.abs(this._startScrollCoordinate.x - event_9.x) > this._startScrollCoordinate.y - event_9.y) {
12724 var distance = event_9.x - this._startScrollCoordinate.x;
12725 chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().scroll(distance);
12726 }
12727 }
12728 return true;
12729 }
12730 case WidgetNameConstants.X_AXIS:
12731 case WidgetNameConstants.Y_AXIS: {
12732 var consumed = widget.dispatchEvent('pressedMouseMoveEvent', event_9);
12733 if (consumed) {
12734 (_c = event_9.preventDefault) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(event_9);
12735 this._chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */);
12736 }
12737 return consumed;
12738 }
12739 }
12740 }
12741 return false;
12742 };
12743 Event.prototype.touchEndEvent = function (e) {
12744 var _this = this;
12745 var widget = this._findWidgetByEvent(e).widget;
12746 if (widget !== null) {
12747 var event_10 = this._makeWidgetEvent(e, widget);
12748 var name_9 = widget.getName();
12749 switch (name_9) {
12750 case WidgetNameConstants.MAIN: {
12751 widget.dispatchEvent('mouseUpEvent', event_10);
12752 if (this._startScrollCoordinate !== null) {
12753 var time = new Date().getTime() - this._flingStartTime;
12754 var distance = event_10.x - this._startScrollCoordinate.x;
12755 var v_1 = distance / (time > 0 ? time : 1) * 20;
12756 if (time < 200 && Math.abs(v_1) > 0) {
12757 var timeScaleStore_1 = this._chart.getChartStore().getTimeScaleStore();
12758 var flingScroll_1 = function () {
12759 _this._flingScrollRequestId = requestAnimationFrame$1(function () {
12760 timeScaleStore_1.startScroll();
12761 timeScaleStore_1.scroll(v_1);
12762 v_1 = v_1 * (1 - 0.025);
12763 if (Math.abs(v_1) < 1) {
12764 if (_this._flingScrollRequestId !== null) {
12765 cancelAnimationFrame(_this._flingScrollRequestId);
12766 _this._flingScrollRequestId = null;
12767 }
12768 }
12769 else {
12770 flingScroll_1();
12771 }
12772 });
12773 };
12774 flingScroll_1();
12775 }
12776 }
12777 return true;
12778 }
12779 case WidgetNameConstants.X_AXIS:
12780 case WidgetNameConstants.Y_AXIS: {
12781 var consumed = widget.dispatchEvent('mouseUpEvent', event_10);
12782 if (consumed) {
12783 this._chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */);
12784 }
12785 }
12786 }
12787 }
12788 return false;
12789 };
12790 Event.prototype.tapEvent = function (e) {
12791 var _a = this._findWidgetByEvent(e), pane = _a.pane, widget = _a.widget;
12792 var consumed = false;
12793 if (widget !== null) {
12794 var event_11 = this._makeWidgetEvent(e, widget);
12795 var result = widget.dispatchEvent('mouseClickEvent', event_11);
12796 if (widget.getName() === WidgetNameConstants.MAIN) {
12797 var event_12 = this._makeWidgetEvent(e, widget);
12798 var chartStore = this._chart.getChartStore();
12799 var tooltipStore = chartStore.getTooltipStore();
12800 if (result) {
12801 this._touchCancelCrosshair = true;
12802 this._touchCoordinate = null;
12803 tooltipStore.setCrosshair(undefined, true);
12804 consumed = true;
12805 }
12806 else {
12807 if (!this._touchCancelCrosshair && !this._touchZoomed) {
12808 this._touchCoordinate = { x: event_12.x, y: event_12.y };
12809 tooltipStore.setCrosshair({ x: event_12.x, y: event_12.y, paneId: pane === null || pane === void 0 ? void 0 : pane.getId() }, true);
12810 consumed = true;
12811 }
12812 this._touchCancelCrosshair = false;
12813 }
12814 }
12815 if (consumed || result) {
12816 this._chart.updatePane(1 /* UpdateLevel.Overlay */);
12817 }
12818 }
12819 return consumed;
12820 };
12821 Event.prototype.doubleTapEvent = function (e) {
12822 return this.mouseDoubleClickEvent(e);
12823 };
12824 Event.prototype.longTapEvent = function (e) {
12825 var _a = this._findWidgetByEvent(e), pane = _a.pane, widget = _a.widget;
12826 if (widget !== null && widget.getName() === WidgetNameConstants.MAIN) {
12827 var event_13 = this._makeWidgetEvent(e, widget);
12828 this._touchCoordinate = { x: event_13.x, y: event_13.y };
12829 this._chart.getChartStore().getTooltipStore().setCrosshair({ x: event_13.x, y: event_13.y, paneId: pane === null || pane === void 0 ? void 0 : pane.getId() });
12830 return true;
12831 }
12832 return false;
12833 };
12834 Event.prototype._findWidgetByEvent = function (event) {
12835 var e_1, _a, e_2, _b;
12836 var x = event.x, y = event.y;
12837 var separatorPanes = this._chart.getAllSeparatorPanes();
12838 var separatorSize = this._chart.getChartStore().getStyles().separator.size;
12839 try {
12840 for (var separatorPanes_1 = __values(separatorPanes), separatorPanes_1_1 = separatorPanes_1.next(); !separatorPanes_1_1.done; separatorPanes_1_1 = separatorPanes_1.next()) {
12841 var _c = __read(separatorPanes_1_1.value, 2), pane_1 = _c[1];
12842 var bounding = pane_1.getBounding();
12843 var top_1 = bounding.top - Math.round((REAL_SEPARATOR_HEIGHT - separatorSize) / 2);
12844 if (x >= bounding.left && x <= bounding.left + bounding.width &&
12845 y >= top_1 && y <= top_1 + REAL_SEPARATOR_HEIGHT) {
12846 return { pane: pane_1, widget: pane_1.getWidget() };
12847 }
12848 }
12849 }
12850 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
12851 finally {
12852 try {
12853 if (separatorPanes_1_1 && !separatorPanes_1_1.done && (_a = separatorPanes_1.return)) _a.call(separatorPanes_1);
12854 }
12855 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
12856 }
12857 var drawPanes = this._chart.getAllDrawPanes();
12858 var pane = null;
12859 try {
12860 for (var drawPanes_1 = __values(drawPanes), drawPanes_1_1 = drawPanes_1.next(); !drawPanes_1_1.done; drawPanes_1_1 = drawPanes_1.next()) {
12861 var p = drawPanes_1_1.value;
12862 var bounding = p.getBounding();
12863 if (x >= bounding.left && x <= bounding.left + bounding.width &&
12864 y >= bounding.top && y <= bounding.top + bounding.height) {
12865 pane = p;
12866 break;
12867 }
12868 }
12869 }
12870 catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; }
12871 finally {
12872 try {
12873 if (drawPanes_1_1 && !drawPanes_1_1.done && (_b = drawPanes_1.return)) _b.call(drawPanes_1);
12874 }
12875 finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
12876 }
12877 var widget = null;
12878 if (pane !== null) {
12879 if (widget === null) {
12880 var mainWidget = pane.getMainWidget();
12881 var mainBounding = mainWidget.getBounding();
12882 if (x >= mainBounding.left && x <= mainBounding.left + mainBounding.width &&
12883 y >= mainBounding.top && y <= mainBounding.top + mainBounding.height) {
12884 widget = mainWidget;
12885 }
12886 }
12887 if (widget === null) {
12888 var yAxisWidget = pane.getYAxisWidget();
12889 if (yAxisWidget !== null) {
12890 var yAxisBounding = yAxisWidget.getBounding();
12891 if (x >= yAxisBounding.left && x <= yAxisBounding.left + yAxisBounding.width &&
12892 y >= yAxisBounding.top && y <= yAxisBounding.top + yAxisBounding.height) {
12893 widget = yAxisWidget;
12894 }
12895 }
12896 }
12897 }
12898 return { pane: pane, widget: widget };
12899 };
12900 Event.prototype._makeWidgetEvent = function (event, widget) {
12901 var _a, _b, _c;
12902 var bounding = (_a = widget === null || widget === void 0 ? void 0 : widget.getBounding()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
12903 return __assign(__assign({}, event), { x: event.x - ((_b = bounding === null || bounding === void 0 ? void 0 : bounding.left) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0), y: event.y - ((_c = bounding === null || bounding === void 0 ? void 0 : bounding.top) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 0) });
12904 };
12905 Event.prototype.destroy = function () {
12906 this._container.removeEventListener('keydown', this._boundKeyBoardDownEvent);
12907 this._event.destroy();
12908 };
12909 return Event;
12913 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
12914 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
12915 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
12917 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12919 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12920 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12921 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12922 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12923 * limitations under the License.
12924 */
12925exports.DomPosition = void 0;
12926(function (DomPosition) {
12927 DomPosition["Root"] = "root";
12928 DomPosition["Main"] = "main";
12929 DomPosition["YAxis"] = "yAxis";
12930})(exports.DomPosition || (exports.DomPosition = {}));
12931var ChartImp = /** @class */ (function () {
12932 function ChartImp(container, options) {
12933 this._drawPanes = [];
12934 this._separatorPanes = new Map();
12935 this._initContainer(container);
12936 this._chartEvent = new Event(this._chartContainer, this);
12937 this._chartStore = new ChartStore(this, options);
12938 this._initPanes(options);
12939 this.adjustPaneViewport(true, true, true);
12940 }
12941 ChartImp.prototype._initContainer = function (container) {
12942 this._container = container;
12943 this._chartContainer = createDom('div', {
12944 position: 'relative',
12945 width: '100%',
12946 outline: 'none',
12947 borderStyle: 'none',
12948 cursor: 'crosshair',
12949 boxSizing: 'border-box',
12950 userSelect: 'none',
12951 webkitUserSelect: 'none',
12952 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
12953 // @ts-expect-error
12954 msUserSelect: 'none',
12955 MozUserSelect: 'none',
12956 webkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent'
12957 });
12958 this._chartContainer.tabIndex = 1;
12959 container.appendChild(this._chartContainer);
12960 };
12961 ChartImp.prototype._initPanes = function (options) {
12962 var _this = this;
12963 var _a;
12964 var layout = (_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.layout) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [{ type: "candle" /* LayoutChildType.Candle */ }];
12965 var candlePaneInitialized = false;
12966 var xAxisPaneInitialized = false;
12967 var createXAxisPane = function (ops) {
12968 if (!xAxisPaneInitialized) {
12969 var pane = _this._createPane(XAxisPane, PaneIdConstants.X_AXIS, ops !== null && ops !== void 0 ? ops : {});
12970 _this._xAxisPane = pane;
12971 xAxisPaneInitialized = true;
12972 }
12973 };
12974 layout.forEach(function (child) {
12975 var _a, _b, _c;
12976 switch (child.type) {
12977 case "candle" /* LayoutChildType.Candle */: {
12978 if (!candlePaneInitialized) {
12979 var paneOptions_1 = (_a = child.options) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {};
12980 merge(paneOptions_1, { id: PaneIdConstants.CANDLE });
12981 _this._candlePane = _this._createPane(CandlePane, PaneIdConstants.CANDLE, paneOptions_1);
12982 var content = (_b = child.content) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [];
12983 content.forEach(function (v) {
12984 _this.createIndicator(v, true, paneOptions_1);
12985 });
12986 candlePaneInitialized = true;
12987 }
12988 break;
12989 }
12990 case "indicator" /* LayoutChildType.Indicator */: {
12991 var content = (_c = child.content) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : [];
12992 if (content.length > 0) {
12993 var paneId_1;
12994 content.forEach(function (v) {
12995 if (isValid(paneId_1)) {
12996 _this.createIndicator(v, true, { id: paneId_1 });
12997 }
12998 else {
12999 paneId_1 = _this.createIndicator(v, true, child.options);
13000 }
13001 });
13002 }
13003 break;
13004 }
13005 case "xAxis" /* LayoutChildType.XAxis */: {
13006 createXAxisPane(child.options);
13007 break;
13008 }
13009 }
13010 });
13011 createXAxisPane({ position: "bottom" /* PanePosition.Bottom */ });
13012 };
13013 ChartImp.prototype._createPane = function (DrawPaneClass, id, options) {
13014 var index = null;
13015 var pane = null;
13016 var position = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.position;
13017 switch (position) {
13018 case "top" /* PanePosition.Top */: {
13019 var firstPane = this._drawPanes[0];
13020 if (isValid(firstPane)) {
13021 pane = new DrawPaneClass(this._chartContainer, firstPane.getContainer(), this, id, options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : {});
13022 index = 0;
13023 }
13024 break;
13025 }
13026 case "bottom" /* PanePosition.Bottom */: {
13027 break;
13028 }
13029 default: {
13030 for (var i = this._drawPanes.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
13031 var p = this._drawPanes[i];
13032 var prevP = this._drawPanes[i - 1];
13033 if ((p === null || p === void 0 ? void 0 : p.getOptions().position) === "bottom" /* PanePosition.Bottom */ &&
13034 (prevP === null || prevP === void 0 ? void 0 : prevP.getOptions().position) !== "bottom" /* PanePosition.Bottom */) {
13035 pane = new DrawPaneClass(this._chartContainer, p.getContainer(), this, id, options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : {});
13036 index = i;
13037 break;
13038 }
13039 }
13040 }
13041 }
13042 if (!isValid(pane)) {
13043 pane = new DrawPaneClass(this._chartContainer, null, this, id, options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : {});
13044 }
13045 var newIndex;
13046 if (isNumber(index)) {
13047 this._drawPanes.splice(index, 0, pane);
13048 newIndex = index;
13049 }
13050 else {
13051 this._drawPanes.push(pane);
13052 newIndex = this._drawPanes.length - 1;
13053 }
13054 if (pane.getId() !== PaneIdConstants.X_AXIS) {
13055 var nextPane = this._drawPanes[newIndex + 1];
13056 if (isValid(nextPane)) {
13057 if (nextPane.getId() === PaneIdConstants.X_AXIS) {
13058 nextPane = this._drawPanes[newIndex + 2];
13059 }
13060 }
13061 if (isValid(nextPane)) {
13062 var separatorPane = this._separatorPanes.get(nextPane);
13063 if (isValid(separatorPane)) {
13064 separatorPane.setTopPane(pane);
13065 }
13066 else {
13067 separatorPane = new SeparatorPane(this._chartContainer, nextPane.getContainer(), this, '', pane, nextPane);
13068 this._separatorPanes.set(nextPane, separatorPane);
13069 }
13070 }
13071 var prevPane = this._drawPanes[newIndex - 1];
13072 if (isValid(prevPane)) {
13073 if (prevPane.getId() === PaneIdConstants.X_AXIS) {
13074 prevPane = this._drawPanes[newIndex - 2];
13075 }
13076 }
13077 if (isValid(prevPane)) {
13078 var separatorPane = new SeparatorPane(this._chartContainer, pane.getContainer(), this, '', prevPane, pane);
13079 this._separatorPanes.set(pane, separatorPane);
13080 }
13081 }
13082 return pane;
13083 };
13084 ChartImp.prototype._measurePaneHeight = function () {
13085 var _this = this;
13086 var _a;
13087 var totalHeight = Math.floor(this._container.clientHeight);
13088 var separatorSize = this._chartStore.getStyles().separator.size;
13089 var xAxisHeight = this._xAxisPane.getAxisComponent().getAutoSize();
13090 var paneExcludeXAxisHeight = totalHeight - xAxisHeight - this._separatorPanes.size * separatorSize;
13091 if (paneExcludeXAxisHeight < 0) {
13092 paneExcludeXAxisHeight = 0;
13093 }
13094 var indicatorPaneTotalHeight = 0;
13095 this._drawPanes.forEach(function (pane) {
13096 if (pane.getId() !== PaneIdConstants.CANDLE && pane.getId() !== PaneIdConstants.X_AXIS) {
13097 var paneHeight = pane.getBounding().height;
13098 var paneMinHeight = pane.getOptions().minHeight;
13099 if (paneHeight < paneMinHeight) {
13100 paneHeight = paneMinHeight;
13101 }
13102 if (indicatorPaneTotalHeight + paneHeight > paneExcludeXAxisHeight) {
13103 indicatorPaneTotalHeight = paneExcludeXAxisHeight;
13104 paneHeight = Math.max(paneExcludeXAxisHeight - indicatorPaneTotalHeight, 0);
13105 }
13106 else {
13107 indicatorPaneTotalHeight += paneHeight;
13108 }
13109 pane.setBounding({ height: paneHeight });
13110 }
13111 });
13112 var candlePaneHeight = paneExcludeXAxisHeight - indicatorPaneTotalHeight;
13113 (_a = this._candlePane) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setBounding({ height: candlePaneHeight });
13114 this._xAxisPane.setBounding({ height: xAxisHeight });
13115 var top = 0;
13116 this._drawPanes.forEach(function (pane) {
13117 var separatorPane = _this._separatorPanes.get(pane);
13118 if (isValid(separatorPane)) {
13119 separatorPane.setBounding({ height: separatorSize, top: top });
13120 top += separatorSize;
13121 }
13122 pane.setBounding({ top: top });
13123 top += pane.getBounding().height;
13124 });
13125 };
13126 ChartImp.prototype._measurePaneWidth = function () {
13127 var _this = this;
13128 var totalWidth = Math.floor(this._container.clientWidth);
13129 var styles = this._chartStore.getStyles();
13130 var yAxisStyles = styles.yAxis;
13131 var isYAxisLeft = yAxisStyles.position === exports.YAxisPosition.Left;
13132 var isOutside = !yAxisStyles.inside;
13133 var mainWidth = 0;
13134 var yAxisWidth = 0;
13135 var yAxisLeft = 0;
13136 var mainLeft = 0;
13137 this._drawPanes.forEach(function (pane) {
13138 if (pane.getId() !== PaneIdConstants.X_AXIS) {
13139 yAxisWidth = Math.max(yAxisWidth, pane.getAxisComponent().getAutoSize());
13140 }
13141 });
13142 if (yAxisWidth > totalWidth) {
13143 yAxisWidth = totalWidth;
13144 }
13145 if (isOutside) {
13146 mainWidth = totalWidth - yAxisWidth;
13147 if (isYAxisLeft) {
13148 yAxisLeft = 0;
13149 mainLeft = yAxisWidth;
13150 }
13151 else {
13152 yAxisLeft = totalWidth - yAxisWidth;
13153 mainLeft = 0;
13154 }
13155 }
13156 else {
13157 mainWidth = totalWidth;
13158 mainLeft = 0;
13159 if (isYAxisLeft) {
13160 yAxisLeft = 0;
13161 }
13162 else {
13163 yAxisLeft = totalWidth - yAxisWidth;
13164 }
13165 }
13166 this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().setTotalBarSpace(mainWidth);
13167 var paneBounding = { width: totalWidth };
13168 var mainBounding = { width: mainWidth, left: mainLeft };
13169 var yAxisBounding = { width: yAxisWidth, left: yAxisLeft };
13170 var separatorFill = styles.separator.fill;
13171 var separatorBounding;
13172 if (isOutside && !separatorFill) {
13173 separatorBounding = mainBounding;
13174 }
13175 else {
13176 separatorBounding = paneBounding;
13177 }
13178 this._drawPanes.forEach(function (pane) {
13179 var _a;
13180 (_a = _this._separatorPanes.get(pane)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setBounding(separatorBounding);
13181 pane.setBounding(paneBounding, mainBounding, yAxisBounding);
13182 });
13183 };
13184 ChartImp.prototype._setPaneOptions = function (options, forceShouldAdjust) {
13185 var _a, _b;
13186 if (isString(options.id)) {
13187 var pane = this.getDrawPaneById(options.id);
13188 var shouldMeasureHeight = false;
13189 if (pane !== null) {
13190 var shouldAdjust = forceShouldAdjust;
13191 if (options.id !== PaneIdConstants.CANDLE && isNumber(options.height) && options.height > 0) {
13192 var minHeight = Math.max((_a = options.minHeight) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : pane.getOptions().minHeight, 0);
13193 var height = Math.max(minHeight, options.height);
13194 pane.setBounding({ height: height });
13195 shouldAdjust = true;
13196 shouldMeasureHeight = true;
13197 }
13198 if (isString((_b = options.axisOptions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.name) || isValid(options.gap)) {
13199 shouldAdjust = true;
13200 }
13201 pane.setOptions(options);
13202 if (shouldAdjust) {
13203 this.adjustPaneViewport(shouldMeasureHeight, true, true, true, true);
13204 }
13205 }
13206 }
13207 };
13208 ChartImp.prototype.getDrawPaneById = function (paneId) {
13209 if (paneId === PaneIdConstants.CANDLE) {
13210 return this._candlePane;
13211 }
13212 if (paneId === PaneIdConstants.X_AXIS) {
13213 return this._xAxisPane;
13214 }
13215 var pane = this._drawPanes.find(function (p) { return p.getId() === paneId; });
13216 return pane !== null && pane !== void 0 ? pane : null;
13217 };
13218 ChartImp.prototype.getContainer = function () { return this._container; };
13219 ChartImp.prototype.getChartStore = function () { return this._chartStore; };
13220 ChartImp.prototype.getXAxisPane = function () { return this._xAxisPane; };
13221 ChartImp.prototype.getAllDrawPanes = function () { return this._drawPanes; };
13222 ChartImp.prototype.getAllSeparatorPanes = function () { return this._separatorPanes; };
13223 ChartImp.prototype.adjustPaneViewport = function (shouldMeasureHeight, shouldMeasureWidth, shouldUpdate, shouldAdjustYAxis, shouldForceAdjustYAxis) {
13224 if (shouldMeasureHeight) {
13225 this._measurePaneHeight();
13226 }
13227 var forceMeasureWidth = shouldMeasureWidth;
13228 var adjustYAxis = shouldAdjustYAxis !== null && shouldAdjustYAxis !== void 0 ? shouldAdjustYAxis : false;
13229 var forceAdjustYAxis = shouldForceAdjustYAxis !== null && shouldForceAdjustYAxis !== void 0 ? shouldForceAdjustYAxis : false;
13230 if (adjustYAxis || forceAdjustYAxis) {
13231 this._drawPanes.forEach(function (pane) {
13232 var adjust = pane.getAxisComponent().buildTicks(forceAdjustYAxis);
13233 if (!forceMeasureWidth) {
13234 forceMeasureWidth = adjust;
13235 }
13236 });
13237 }
13238 if (forceMeasureWidth) {
13239 this._measurePaneWidth();
13240 }
13241 if (shouldUpdate !== null && shouldUpdate !== void 0 ? shouldUpdate : false) {
13242 this._xAxisPane.getAxisComponent().buildTicks(true);
13243 this.updatePane(4 /* UpdateLevel.All */);
13244 }
13245 };
13246 ChartImp.prototype.updatePane = function (level, paneId) {
13247 if (isValid(paneId)) {
13248 var pane = this.getDrawPaneById(paneId);
13249 pane === null || pane === void 0 ? void 0 : pane.update(level);
13250 }
13251 else {
13252 this._separatorPanes.forEach(function (pane) {
13253 pane.update(level);
13254 });
13255 this._drawPanes.forEach(function (pane) {
13256 pane.update(level);
13257 });
13258 }
13259 };
13260 ChartImp.prototype.crosshairChange = function (crosshair) {
13261 var _this = this;
13262 var actionStore = this._chartStore.getActionStore();
13263 if (actionStore.has(exports.ActionType.OnCrosshairChange)) {
13264 var indicatorData_1 = {};
13265 this._drawPanes.forEach(function (pane) {
13266 var id = pane.getId();
13267 var paneIndicatorData = {};
13268 var indicators = _this._chartStore.getIndicatorStore().getInstances(id);
13269 indicators.forEach(function (indicator) {
13270 var _a;
13271 var result = indicator.result;
13272 paneIndicatorData[indicator.name] = result[(_a = crosshair.dataIndex) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : result.length - 1];
13273 });
13274 indicatorData_1[id] = paneIndicatorData;
13275 });
13276 if (isString(crosshair.paneId)) {
13277 actionStore.execute(exports.ActionType.OnCrosshairChange, __assign(__assign({}, crosshair), { indicatorData: indicatorData_1 }));
13278 }
13279 }
13280 };
13281 ChartImp.prototype.getDom = function (paneId, position) {
13282 var _a, _b;
13283 if (isString(paneId)) {
13284 var pane = this.getDrawPaneById(paneId);
13285 if (pane !== null) {
13286 var pos = position !== null && position !== void 0 ? position : exports.DomPosition.Root;
13287 switch (pos) {
13288 case exports.DomPosition.Root: {
13289 return pane.getContainer();
13290 }
13291 case exports.DomPosition.Main: {
13292 return pane.getMainWidget().getContainer();
13293 }
13294 case exports.DomPosition.YAxis: {
13295 return (_b = (_a = pane.getYAxisWidget()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getContainer()) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null;
13296 }
13297 }
13298 }
13299 }
13300 else {
13301 return this._chartContainer;
13302 }
13303 return null;
13304 };
13305 ChartImp.prototype.getSize = function (paneId, position) {
13306 var _a, _b;
13307 if (isValid(paneId)) {
13308 var pane = this.getDrawPaneById(paneId);
13309 if (pane !== null) {
13310 var pos = position !== null && position !== void 0 ? position : exports.DomPosition.Root;
13311 switch (pos) {
13312 case exports.DomPosition.Root: {
13313 return pane.getBounding();
13314 }
13315 case exports.DomPosition.Main: {
13316 return pane.getMainWidget().getBounding();
13317 }
13318 case exports.DomPosition.YAxis: {
13319 return (_b = (_a = pane.getYAxisWidget()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getBounding()) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null;
13320 }
13321 }
13322 }
13323 }
13324 else {
13325 return {
13326 width: Math.floor(this._chartContainer.clientWidth),
13327 height: Math.floor(this._chartContainer.clientHeight),
13328 left: 0,
13329 top: 0,
13330 right: 0,
13331 bottom: 0
13332 };
13333 }
13334 return null;
13335 };
13336 ChartImp.prototype.setStyles = function (styles) {
13337 var _a, _b;
13338 this._chartStore.setOptions({ styles: styles });
13339 var realStyles;
13340 if (isString(styles)) {
13341 realStyles = getStyles(styles);
13342 }
13343 else {
13344 realStyles = styles;
13345 }
13346 if (isValid((_a = realStyles === null || realStyles === void 0 ? void 0 : realStyles.yAxis) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.type)) {
13347 (_b = this._candlePane) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getAxisComponent().setAutoCalcTickFlag(true);
13348 }
13349 this.adjustPaneViewport(true, true, true, true, true);
13350 };
13351 ChartImp.prototype.getStyles = function () {
13352 return this._chartStore.getStyles();
13353 };
13354 ChartImp.prototype.setLocale = function (locale) {
13355 this._chartStore.setOptions({ locale: locale });
13356 this.adjustPaneViewport(true, true, true, true, true);
13357 };
13358 ChartImp.prototype.getLocale = function () {
13359 return this._chartStore.getLocale();
13360 };
13361 ChartImp.prototype.setCustomApi = function (customApi) {
13362 this._chartStore.setOptions({ customApi: customApi });
13363 this.adjustPaneViewport(true, true, true, true, true);
13364 };
13365 ChartImp.prototype.setPriceVolumePrecision = function (pricePrecision, volumePrecision) {
13366 this._chartStore.setPrecision({ price: pricePrecision, volume: volumePrecision });
13367 };
13368 ChartImp.prototype.getPriceVolumePrecision = function () {
13369 return this._chartStore.getPrecision();
13370 };
13371 ChartImp.prototype.setTimezone = function (timezone) {
13372 this._chartStore.setOptions({ timezone: timezone });
13373 this._xAxisPane.getAxisComponent().buildTicks(true);
13374 this._xAxisPane.update(3 /* UpdateLevel.Drawer */);
13375 };
13376 ChartImp.prototype.getTimezone = function () {
13377 return this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().getTimezone();
13378 };
13379 ChartImp.prototype.setOffsetRightDistance = function (distance) {
13380 this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().setOffsetRightDistance(distance, true);
13381 };
13382 ChartImp.prototype.getOffsetRightDistance = function () {
13383 return this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().getOffsetRightDistance();
13384 };
13385 ChartImp.prototype.setMaxOffsetLeftDistance = function (distance) {
13386 if (distance < 0) {
13387 logWarn('setMaxOffsetLeftDistance', 'distance', 'distance must greater than zero!!!');
13388 return;
13389 }
13390 this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().setMaxOffsetLeftDistance(distance);
13391 };
13392 ChartImp.prototype.setMaxOffsetRightDistance = function (distance) {
13393 if (distance < 0) {
13394 logWarn('setMaxOffsetRightDistance', 'distance', 'distance must greater than zero!!!');
13395 return;
13396 }
13397 this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().setMaxOffsetRightDistance(distance);
13398 };
13399 ChartImp.prototype.setLeftMinVisibleBarCount = function (barCount) {
13400 if (barCount < 0) {
13401 logWarn('setLeftMinVisibleBarCount', 'barCount', 'barCount must greater than zero!!!');
13402 return;
13403 }
13404 this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().setLeftMinVisibleBarCount(Math.ceil(barCount));
13405 };
13406 ChartImp.prototype.setRightMinVisibleBarCount = function (barCount) {
13407 if (barCount < 0) {
13408 logWarn('setRightMinVisibleBarCount', 'barCount', 'barCount must greater than zero!!!');
13409 return;
13410 }
13411 this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().setRightMinVisibleBarCount(Math.ceil(barCount));
13412 };
13413 ChartImp.prototype.setBarSpace = function (space) {
13414 this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().setBarSpace(space);
13415 };
13416 ChartImp.prototype.getBarSpace = function () {
13417 return this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().getBarSpace().bar;
13418 };
13419 ChartImp.prototype.getVisibleRange = function () {
13420 return this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().getVisibleRange();
13421 };
13422 ChartImp.prototype.clearData = function () {
13423 this._chartStore.clear();
13424 };
13425 ChartImp.prototype.getDataList = function () {
13426 return this._chartStore.getDataList();
13427 };
13428 ChartImp.prototype.applyNewData = function (data, more, callback) {
13429 if (isValid(callback)) {
13430 logWarn('applyNewData', '', 'param `callback` has been deprecated since version 9.8.0, use `subscribeAction(\'onDataReady\')` instead.');
13431 }
13432 this._chartStore.addData(data, LoadDataType.Init, more).then(function () { }).catch(function () { }).finally(function () { callback === null || callback === void 0 ? void 0 : callback(); });
13433 };
13434 /**
13435 * @deprecated
13436 * Since v9.8.0 deprecated, since v10 removed
13437 */
13438 ChartImp.prototype.applyMoreData = function (data, more, callback) {
13439 logWarn('', '', 'Api `applyMoreData` has been deprecated since version 9.8.0.');
13440 this._chartStore.addData(data, LoadDataType.Forward, more !== null && more !== void 0 ? more : true).then(function () { }).catch(function () { }).finally(function () { callback === null || callback === void 0 ? void 0 : callback(); });
13441 };
13442 ChartImp.prototype.updateData = function (data, callback) {
13443 if (isValid(callback)) {
13444 logWarn('updateData', '', 'param `callback` has been deprecated since version 9.8.0, use `subscribeAction(\'onDataReady\')` instead.');
13445 }
13446 this._chartStore.addData(data).then(function () { }).catch(function () { }).finally(function () { callback === null || callback === void 0 ? void 0 : callback(); });
13447 };
13448 /**
13449 * @deprecated
13450 * Since v9.8.0 deprecated, since v10 removed
13451 */
13452 ChartImp.prototype.loadMore = function (cb) {
13453 logWarn('', '', 'Api `loadMore` has been deprecated since version 9.8.0, use `setLoadDataCallback` instead.');
13454 this._chartStore.setLoadMoreCallback(cb);
13455 };
13456 ChartImp.prototype.setLoadDataCallback = function (cb) {
13457 this._chartStore.setLoadDataCallback(cb);
13458 };
13459 ChartImp.prototype.createIndicator = function (value, isStack, paneOptions, callback) {
13460 var _this = this;
13461 var _a;
13462 var indicator = isString(value) ? { name: value } : value;
13463 if (getIndicatorClass(indicator.name) === null) {
13464 logWarn('createIndicator', 'value', 'indicator not supported, you may need to use registerIndicator to add one!!!');
13465 return null;
13466 }
13467 var paneId = paneOptions === null || paneOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : paneOptions.id;
13468 var currentPane = this.getDrawPaneById(paneId !== null && paneId !== void 0 ? paneId : '');
13469 if (currentPane !== null) {
13470 this._chartStore.getIndicatorStore().addInstance(indicator, paneId !== null && paneId !== void 0 ? paneId : '', isStack !== null && isStack !== void 0 ? isStack : false).then(function (_) {
13471 var _a;
13472 _this._setPaneOptions(paneOptions !== null && paneOptions !== void 0 ? paneOptions : {}, (_a = currentPane.getAxisComponent().buildTicks(true)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false);
13473 }).catch(function (_) { });
13474 }
13475 else {
13476 paneId !== null && paneId !== void 0 ? paneId : (paneId = createId(PaneIdConstants.INDICATOR));
13477 var pane = this._createPane(IndicatorPane, paneId, paneOptions !== null && paneOptions !== void 0 ? paneOptions : {});
13478 var height = (_a = paneOptions === null || paneOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : paneOptions.height) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : PANE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
13479 pane.setBounding({ height: height });
13480 void this._chartStore.getIndicatorStore().addInstance(indicator, paneId, isStack !== null && isStack !== void 0 ? isStack : false).finally(function () {
13481 _this.adjustPaneViewport(true, true, true, true, true);
13482 callback === null || callback === void 0 ? void 0 : callback();
13483 });
13484 }
13485 return paneId !== null && paneId !== void 0 ? paneId : null;
13486 };
13487 ChartImp.prototype.overrideIndicator = function (override, paneId, callback) {
13488 var _this = this;
13489 this._chartStore.getIndicatorStore().override(override, paneId !== null && paneId !== void 0 ? paneId : null).then(function (_a) {
13490 var _b = __read(_a, 2), onlyUpdateFlag = _b[0], resizeFlag = _b[1];
13491 if (onlyUpdateFlag || resizeFlag) {
13492 _this.adjustPaneViewport(false, resizeFlag, true, resizeFlag);
13493 callback === null || callback === void 0 ? void 0 : callback();
13494 }
13495 }).catch(function () { });
13496 };
13497 ChartImp.prototype.getIndicatorByPaneId = function (paneId, name) {
13498 return this._chartStore.getIndicatorStore().getInstanceByPaneId(paneId, name);
13499 };
13500 ChartImp.prototype.removeIndicator = function (paneId, name) {
13501 var e_1, _a;
13502 var _b;
13503 var indicatorStore = this._chartStore.getIndicatorStore();
13504 var removed = indicatorStore.removeInstance(paneId, name);
13505 if (removed) {
13506 var shouldMeasureHeight = false;
13507 if (paneId !== PaneIdConstants.CANDLE) {
13508 if (!indicatorStore.hasInstances(paneId)) {
13509 var pane = this.getDrawPaneById(paneId);
13510 var index = this._drawPanes.findIndex(function (p) { return p.getId() === paneId; });
13511 if (pane !== null) {
13512 shouldMeasureHeight = true;
13513 var separatorPane = this._separatorPanes.get(pane);
13514 if (isValid(separatorPane)) {
13515 var topPane = separatorPane === null || separatorPane === void 0 ? void 0 : separatorPane.getTopPane();
13516 try {
13517 for (var _c = __values(this._separatorPanes), _d = _c.next(); !_d.done; _d = _c.next()) {
13518 var item = _d.value;
13519 if (item[1].getTopPane().getId() === pane.getId()) {
13520 item[1].setTopPane(topPane);
13521 break;
13522 }
13523 }
13524 }
13525 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
13526 finally {
13527 try {
13528 if (_d && !_d.done && (_a = _c.return)) _a.call(_c);
13529 }
13530 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
13531 }
13532 separatorPane.destroy();
13533 this._separatorPanes.delete(pane);
13534 }
13535 this._drawPanes.splice(index, 1);
13536 pane.destroy();
13537 var firstPane = this._drawPanes[0];
13538 if (isValid(firstPane)) {
13539 if (firstPane.getId() === PaneIdConstants.X_AXIS) {
13540 firstPane = this._drawPanes[1];
13541 }
13542 }
13543 (_b = this._separatorPanes.get(firstPane)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.destroy();
13544 this._separatorPanes.delete(firstPane);
13545 }
13546 }
13547 }
13548 this.adjustPaneViewport(shouldMeasureHeight, true, true, true, true);
13549 }
13550 };
13551 ChartImp.prototype.createOverlay = function (value, paneId) {
13552 var overlays = [];
13553 if (isString(value)) {
13554 overlays = [{ name: value }];
13555 }
13556 else if (isArray(value)) {
13557 overlays = value.map(function (v) {
13558 if (isString(v)) {
13559 return { name: v };
13560 }
13561 return v;
13562 });
13563 }
13564 else {
13565 var overlay = value;
13566 overlays = [overlay];
13567 }
13568 var appointPaneFlag = true;
13569 if (!isValid(paneId) || this.getDrawPaneById(paneId) === null) {
13570 paneId = PaneIdConstants.CANDLE;
13571 appointPaneFlag = false;
13572 }
13573 var ids = this._chartStore.getOverlayStore().addInstances(overlays, paneId, appointPaneFlag);
13574 if (isArray(value)) {
13575 return ids;
13576 }
13577 return ids[0];
13578 };
13579 ChartImp.prototype.getOverlayById = function (id) {
13580 return this._chartStore.getOverlayStore().getInstanceById(id);
13581 };
13582 ChartImp.prototype.overrideOverlay = function (override) {
13583 this._chartStore.getOverlayStore().override(override);
13584 };
13585 ChartImp.prototype.removeOverlay = function (remove) {
13586 var overlayRemove;
13587 if (isValid(remove)) {
13588 if (isString(remove)) {
13589 overlayRemove = { id: remove };
13590 }
13591 else {
13592 overlayRemove = remove;
13593 }
13594 }
13595 this._chartStore.getOverlayStore().removeInstance(overlayRemove);
13596 };
13597 ChartImp.prototype.setPaneOptions = function (options) {
13598 this._setPaneOptions(options, false);
13599 };
13600 ChartImp.prototype.setZoomEnabled = function (enabled) {
13601 this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().setZoomEnabled(enabled);
13602 };
13603 ChartImp.prototype.isZoomEnabled = function () {
13604 return this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().getZoomEnabled();
13605 };
13606 ChartImp.prototype.setScrollEnabled = function (enabled) {
13607 this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().setScrollEnabled(enabled);
13608 };
13609 ChartImp.prototype.isScrollEnabled = function () {
13610 return this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().getScrollEnabled();
13611 };
13612 ChartImp.prototype.scrollByDistance = function (distance, animationDuration) {
13613 var duration = isNumber(animationDuration) && animationDuration > 0 ? animationDuration : 0;
13614 var timeScaleStore = this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore();
13615 if (duration > 0) {
13616 timeScaleStore.startScroll();
13617 var startTime_1 = new Date().getTime();
13618 var animation_1 = function () {
13619 var progress = (new Date().getTime() - startTime_1) / duration;
13620 var finished = progress >= 1;
13621 var dis = finished ? distance : distance * progress;
13622 timeScaleStore.scroll(dis);
13623 if (!finished) {
13624 requestAnimationFrame(animation_1);
13625 }
13626 };
13627 animation_1();
13628 }
13629 else {
13630 timeScaleStore.startScroll();
13631 timeScaleStore.scroll(distance);
13632 }
13633 };
13634 ChartImp.prototype.scrollToRealTime = function (animationDuration) {
13635 var timeScaleStore = this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore();
13636 var barSpace = timeScaleStore.getBarSpace().bar;
13637 var difBarCount = timeScaleStore.getLastBarRightSideDiffBarCount() - timeScaleStore.getInitialOffsetRightDistance() / barSpace;
13638 var distance = difBarCount * barSpace;
13639 this.scrollByDistance(distance, animationDuration);
13640 };
13641 ChartImp.prototype.scrollToDataIndex = function (dataIndex, animationDuration) {
13642 var timeScaleStore = this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore();
13643 var distance = (timeScaleStore.getLastBarRightSideDiffBarCount() + (this.getDataList().length - 1 - dataIndex)) * timeScaleStore.getBarSpace().bar;
13644 this.scrollByDistance(distance, animationDuration);
13645 };
13646 ChartImp.prototype.scrollToTimestamp = function (timestamp, animationDuration) {
13647 var dataIndex = binarySearchNearest(this.getDataList(), 'timestamp', timestamp);
13648 this.scrollToDataIndex(dataIndex, animationDuration);
13649 };
13650 ChartImp.prototype.zoomAtCoordinate = function (scale, coordinate, animationDuration) {
13651 var duration = isNumber(animationDuration) && animationDuration > 0 ? animationDuration : 0;
13652 var timeScaleStore = this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore();
13653 if (duration > 0) {
13654 var barSpace_1 = timeScaleStore.getBarSpace().bar;
13655 var scaleDataSpace = barSpace_1 * scale;
13656 var difSpace_1 = scaleDataSpace - barSpace_1;
13657 var startTime_2 = new Date().getTime();
13658 var animation_2 = function () {
13659 var progress = (new Date().getTime() - startTime_2) / duration;
13660 var finished = progress >= 1;
13661 var progressDataSpace = finished ? difSpace_1 : difSpace_1 * progress;
13662 timeScaleStore.zoom(progressDataSpace / barSpace_1, coordinate);
13663 if (!finished) {
13664 requestAnimationFrame(animation_2);
13665 }
13666 };
13667 animation_2();
13668 }
13669 else {
13670 timeScaleStore.zoom(scale, coordinate);
13671 }
13672 };
13673 ChartImp.prototype.zoomAtDataIndex = function (scale, dataIndex, animationDuration) {
13674 var x = this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore().dataIndexToCoordinate(dataIndex);
13675 this.zoomAtCoordinate(scale, { x: x, y: 0 }, animationDuration);
13676 };
13677 ChartImp.prototype.zoomAtTimestamp = function (scale, timestamp, animationDuration) {
13678 var dataIndex = binarySearchNearest(this.getDataList(), 'timestamp', timestamp);
13679 this.zoomAtDataIndex(scale, dataIndex, animationDuration);
13680 };
13681 ChartImp.prototype.convertToPixel = function (points, finder) {
13682 var _a;
13683 var _b = finder.paneId, paneId = _b === void 0 ? PaneIdConstants.CANDLE : _b, _c = finder.absolute, absolute = _c === void 0 ? false : _c;
13684 var coordinates = [];
13685 if (paneId !== PaneIdConstants.X_AXIS) {
13686 var pane = this.getDrawPaneById(paneId);
13687 if (pane !== null) {
13688 var timeScaleStore_1 = this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore();
13689 var bounding_1 = pane.getBounding();
13690 var ps = new Array().concat(points);
13691 var xAxis_1 = this._xAxisPane.getAxisComponent();
13692 var yAxis_1 = pane.getAxisComponent();
13693 coordinates = ps.map(function (point) {
13694 var coordinate = {};
13695 var dataIndex = point.dataIndex;
13696 if (isNumber(point.timestamp)) {
13697 dataIndex = timeScaleStore_1.timestampToDataIndex(point.timestamp);
13698 }
13699 if (isNumber(dataIndex)) {
13700 coordinate.x = xAxis_1 === null || xAxis_1 === void 0 ? void 0 : xAxis_1.convertToPixel(dataIndex);
13701 }
13702 if (isNumber(point.value)) {
13703 var y = yAxis_1 === null || yAxis_1 === void 0 ? void 0 : yAxis_1.convertToPixel(point.value);
13704 coordinate.y = absolute ? bounding_1.top + y : y;
13705 }
13706 return coordinate;
13707 });
13708 }
13709 }
13710 return isArray(points) ? coordinates : ((_a = coordinates[0]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {});
13711 };
13712 ChartImp.prototype.convertFromPixel = function (coordinates, finder) {
13713 var _a;
13714 var _b = finder.paneId, paneId = _b === void 0 ? PaneIdConstants.CANDLE : _b, _c = finder.absolute, absolute = _c === void 0 ? false : _c;
13715 var points = [];
13716 if (paneId !== PaneIdConstants.X_AXIS) {
13717 var pane = this.getDrawPaneById(paneId);
13718 if (pane !== null) {
13719 var timeScaleStore_2 = this._chartStore.getTimeScaleStore();
13720 var bounding_2 = pane.getBounding();
13721 var cs = new Array().concat(coordinates);
13722 var xAxis_2 = this._xAxisPane.getAxisComponent();
13723 var yAxis_2 = pane.getAxisComponent();
13724 points = cs.map(function (coordinate) {
13725 var _a, _b;
13726 var point = {};
13727 if (isNumber(coordinate.x)) {
13728 var dataIndex = (_a = xAxis_2 === null || xAxis_2 === void 0 ? void 0 : xAxis_2.convertFromPixel(coordinate.x)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : -1;
13729 point.dataIndex = dataIndex;
13730 point.timestamp = (_b = timeScaleStore_2.dataIndexToTimestamp(dataIndex)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : undefined;
13731 }
13732 if (isNumber(coordinate.y)) {
13733 var y = absolute ? coordinate.y - bounding_2.top : coordinate.y;
13734 point.value = yAxis_2.convertFromPixel(y);
13735 }
13736 return point;
13737 });
13738 }
13739 }
13740 return isArray(coordinates) ? points : ((_a = points[0]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {});
13741 };
13742 ChartImp.prototype.executeAction = function (type, data) {
13743 var _a;
13744 switch (type) {
13745 case exports.ActionType.OnCrosshairChange: {
13746 var crosshair = __assign({}, data);
13747 crosshair.paneId = (_a = crosshair.paneId) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : PaneIdConstants.CANDLE;
13748 this._chartStore.getTooltipStore().setCrosshair(crosshair);
13749 break;
13750 }
13751 }
13752 };
13753 ChartImp.prototype.subscribeAction = function (type, callback) {
13754 this._chartStore.getActionStore().subscribe(type, callback);
13755 };
13756 ChartImp.prototype.unsubscribeAction = function (type, callback) {
13757 this._chartStore.getActionStore().unsubscribe(type, callback);
13758 };
13759 ChartImp.prototype.getConvertPictureUrl = function (includeOverlay, type, backgroundColor) {
13760 var _this = this;
13761 var width = this._chartContainer.clientWidth;
13762 var height = this._chartContainer.clientHeight;
13763 var canvas = createDom('canvas', {
13764 width: "".concat(width, "px"),
13765 height: "".concat(height, "px"),
13766 boxSizing: 'border-box'
13767 });
13768 var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
13769 var pixelRatio = getPixelRatio(canvas);
13770 canvas.width = width * pixelRatio;
13771 canvas.height = height * pixelRatio;
13772 ctx.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);
13773 ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor !== null && backgroundColor !== void 0 ? backgroundColor : '#FFFFFF';
13774 ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
13775 var overlayFlag = includeOverlay !== null && includeOverlay !== void 0 ? includeOverlay : false;
13776 this._drawPanes.forEach(function (pane) {
13777 var separatorPane = _this._separatorPanes.get(pane);
13778 if (isValid(separatorPane)) {
13779 var separatorBounding = separatorPane.getBounding();
13780 ctx.drawImage(separatorPane.getImage(overlayFlag), separatorBounding.left, separatorBounding.top, separatorBounding.width, separatorBounding.height);
13781 }
13782 var bounding = pane.getBounding();
13783 ctx.drawImage(pane.getImage(overlayFlag), 0, bounding.top, width, bounding.height);
13784 });
13785 return canvas.toDataURL("image/".concat(type !== null && type !== void 0 ? type : 'jpeg'));
13786 };
13787 ChartImp.prototype.resize = function () {
13788 this.adjustPaneViewport(true, true, true, true, true);
13789 };
13790 ChartImp.prototype.destroy = function () {
13791 this._chartEvent.destroy();
13792 this._drawPanes.forEach(function (pane) {
13793 pane.destroy();
13794 });
13795 this._drawPanes = [];
13796 this._separatorPanes.forEach(function (pane) {
13797 pane.destroy();
13798 });
13799 this._separatorPanes.clear();
13800 this._container.removeChild(this._chartContainer);
13801 };
13802 return ChartImp;
13806 * ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
13807 * /\__\ /\__\ ___ /\__\ /\ \ /\ \ /\__\ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \
13808 * /:/ / /:/ / /\ \ /::| | /::\ \ /::\ \ /:/ / /::\ \ /::\ \ \:\ \
13809 * /:/__/ /:/ / \:\ \ /:|:| | /:/\:\ \ /:/\:\ \ /:/__/ /:/\:\ \ /:/\:\ \ \:\ \
13810 * /::\__\____ /:/ / /::\__\ /:/|:| |__ /::\~\:\ \ /:/ \:\ \ /::\ \ ___ /::\~\:\ \ /::\~\:\ \ /::\ \
13811 * /:/\:::::\__\ /:/__/ __/:/\/__/ /:/ |:| /\__\ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/__/ \:\__\ /:/\:\ /\__\ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/\:\__\
13812 * \/_|:|~~|~ \:\ \ /\/:/ / \/__|:|/:/ / \:\~\:\ \/__/ \:\ \ \/__/ \/__\:\/:/ / \/__\:\/:/ / \/_|::\/:/ / /:/ \/__/
13813 * |:| | \:\ \ \::/__/ |:/:/ / \:\ \:\__\ \:\ \ \::/ / \::/ / |:|::/ / /:/ /
13814 * |:| | \:\ \ \:\__\ |::/ / \:\ \/__/ \:\ \ /:/ / /:/ / |:|\/__/ \/__/
13815 * |:| | \:\__\ \/__/ /:/ / \:\__\ \:\__\ /:/ / /:/ / |:| |
13816 * \|__| \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \|__|
13817 *
13818 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
13819 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
13820 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
13822 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13824 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13825 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13826 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13827 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13828 * limitations under the License.
13829 */
13830var instances = new Map();
13831var chartBaseId = 1;
13833 * Chart version
13834 * @return {string}
13835 */
13836function version() {
13837 return '9.8.8';
13840 * Init chart instance
13841 * @param ds
13842 * @param options
13843 * @returns {Chart}
13844 */
13845function init(ds, options) {
13846 logTag();
13847 var dom;
13848 if (isString(ds)) {
13849 dom = document.getElementById(ds);
13850 }
13851 else {
13852 dom = ds;
13853 }
13854 if (dom === null) {
13855 logError('', '', 'The chart cannot be initialized correctly. Please check the parameters. The chart container cannot be null and child elements need to be added!!!');
13856 return null;
13857 }
13858 var chart = instances.get(dom.id);
13859 if (isValid(chart)) {
13860 logWarn('', '', 'The chart has been initialized on the dom!!!');
13861 return chart;
13862 }
13863 var id = "k_line_chart_".concat(chartBaseId++);
13864 chart = new ChartImp(dom, options);
13865 chart.id = id;
13866 dom.setAttribute('k-line-chart-id', id);
13867 instances.set(id, chart);
13868 return chart;
13871 * Destroy chart instance
13872 * @param dcs
13873 */
13874function dispose(dcs) {
13875 var _a, _b;
13876 var id;
13877 if (dcs instanceof ChartImp) {
13878 id = dcs.id;
13879 }
13880 else {
13881 var dom = void 0;
13882 if (isString(dcs)) {
13883 dom = document.getElementById(dcs);
13884 }
13885 else {
13886 dom = dcs;
13887 }
13888 id = (_a = dom === null || dom === void 0 ? void 0 : dom.getAttribute('k-line-chart-id')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
13889 }
13890 if (id !== null) {
13891 (_b = instances.get(id)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.destroy();
13892 instances.delete(id);
13893 }
13895var utils = {
13896 clone: clone,
13897 merge: merge,
13898 isString: isString,
13899 isNumber: isNumber,
13900 isValid: isValid,
13901 isObject: isObject,
13902 isArray: isArray,
13903 isFunction: isFunction,
13904 isBoolean: isBoolean,
13905 formatValue: formatValue,
13906 formatPrecision: formatPrecision,
13907 formatBigNumber: formatBigNumber,
13908 formatDate: formatDate,
13909 formatThousands: formatThousands,
13910 formatFoldDecimal: formatFoldDecimal,
13911 calcTextWidth: calcTextWidth,
13912 getLinearSlopeIntercept: getLinearSlopeIntercept,
13913 getLinearYFromSlopeIntercept: getLinearYFromSlopeIntercept,
13914 getLinearYFromCoordinates: getLinearYFromCoordinates,
13915 checkCoordinateOnArc: checkCoordinateOnArc,
13916 checkCoordinateOnCircle: checkCoordinateOnCircle,
13917 checkCoordinateOnLine: checkCoordinateOnLine,
13918 checkCoordinateOnPolygon: checkCoordinateOnPolygon,
13919 checkCoordinateOnRect: checkCoordinateOnRect,
13920 checkCoordinateOnText: checkCoordinateOnText,
13921 drawArc: drawArc,
13922 drawCircle: drawCircle,
13923 drawLine: drawLine,
13924 drawPolygon: drawPolygon,
13925 drawRect: drawRect,
13926 drawText: drawText,
13927 drawRectText: drawRectText
13930exports.dispose = dispose;
13931exports.getFigureClass = getFigureClass;
13932exports.getOverlayClass = getOverlayClass;
13933exports.getSupportedFigures = getSupportedFigures;
13934exports.getSupportedIndicators = getSupportedIndicators;
13935exports.getSupportedLocales = getSupportedLocales;
13936exports.getSupportedOverlays = getSupportedOverlays;
13937exports.init = init;
13938exports.registerFigure = registerFigure;
13939exports.registerIndicator = registerIndicator;
13940exports.registerLocale = registerLocale;
13941exports.registerOverlay = registerOverlay;
13942exports.registerStyles = registerStyles;
13943exports.registerXAxis = registerXAxis;
13944exports.registerYAxis = registerYAxis;
13945exports.utils = utils;
13946exports.version = version;
13949//# sourceMappingURL=klinecharts.js.map