3.12 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const { isEmpty, map, clone, each } = require('lodash');
2const Bluebird = require('bluebird');
4module.exports = function(Target) {
5 Target.prototype.toQuery = function(tz) {
6 let data = this.toSQL(this._method, tz);
7 if (!Array.isArray(data)) data = [data];
8 return map(data, (statement) => {
9 return this.client._formatQuery(statement.sql, statement.bindings, tz);
10 }).join(';\n');
11 };
13 // Create a new instance of the `Runner`, passing in the current object.
14 Target.prototype.then = function(/* onFulfilled, onRejected */) {
15 let result = this.client.runner(this).run();
17 if (this.client.config.asyncStackTraces) {
18 result = result.catch((err) => {
19 err.originalStack = err.stack;
20 const firstLine = err.stack.split('\n')[0];
21 this._asyncStack.unshift(firstLine);
22 // put the fake more helpful "async" stack on the thrown error
23 err.stack = this._asyncStack.join('\n');
24 throw err;
25 });
26 }
28 return Bluebird.resolve(result.then.apply(result, arguments));
29 };
31 // Add additional "options" to the builder. Typically used for client specific
32 // items, like the `mysql` and `sqlite3` drivers.
33 Target.prototype.options = function(opts) {
34 this._options = this._options || [];
35 this._options.push(clone(opts) || {});
36 return this;
37 };
39 // Sets an explicit "connection" we wish to use for this query.
40 Target.prototype.connection = function(connection) {
41 this._connection = connection;
42 return this;
43 };
45 // Set a debug flag for the current schema query stack.
46 Target.prototype.debug = function(enabled) {
47 this._debug = arguments.length ? enabled : true;
48 return this;
49 };
51 // Set the transaction object for this query.
52 Target.prototype.transacting = function(t) {
53 if (t && t.client) {
54 if (!t.client.transacting) {
55 t.client.logger.warn(`Invalid transaction value: ${t.client}`);
56 } else {
57 this.client = t.client;
58 }
59 }
60 if (isEmpty(t)) {
61 this.client.logger.error(
62 'Invalid value on transacting call, potential bug'
63 );
64 throw Error(
65 'Invalid transacting value (null, undefined or empty object)'
66 );
67 }
68 return this;
69 };
71 // Initializes a stream.
72 Target.prototype.stream = function(options) {
73 return this.client.runner(this).stream(options);
74 };
76 // Initialize a stream & pipe automatically.
77 Target.prototype.pipe = function(writable, options) {
78 return this.client.runner(this).pipe(
79 writable,
80 options
81 );
82 };
84 // Creates a method which "coerces" to a promise, by calling a
85 // "then" method on the current `Target`
86 each(
87 [
88 'bind',
89 'catch',
90 'finally',
91 'asCallback',
92 'spread',
93 'map',
94 'reduce',
95 'thenReturn',
96 'return',
97 'yield',
98 'ensure',
99 'reflect',
100 'get',
101 'mapSeries',
102 'delay',
103 ],
104 function(method) {
105 Target.prototype[method] = function() {
106 const promise = this.then();
107 return promise[method].apply(promise, arguments);
108 };
109 }
110 );