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1// All properties we can use to start a query chain
2// from the `knex` object, e.g. `knex.select('*').from(...`
3module.exports = [
4 'with',
5 'withRecursive',
6 'select',
7 'as',
8 'columns',
9 'column',
10 'from',
11 'fromJS',
12 'into',
13 'withSchema',
14 'table',
15 'distinct',
16 'join',
17 'joinRaw',
18 'innerJoin',
19 'leftJoin',
20 'leftOuterJoin',
21 'rightJoin',
22 'rightOuterJoin',
23 'outerJoin',
24 'fullOuterJoin',
25 'crossJoin',
26 'where',
27 'andWhere',
28 'orWhere',
29 'whereNot',
30 'orWhereNot',
31 'whereRaw',
32 'whereWrapped',
33 'havingWrapped',
34 'orWhereRaw',
35 'whereExists',
36 'orWhereExists',
37 'whereNotExists',
38 'orWhereNotExists',
39 'whereIn',
40 'orWhereIn',
41 'whereNotIn',
42 'orWhereNotIn',
43 'whereNull',
44 'orWhereNull',
45 'whereNotNull',
46 'orWhereNotNull',
47 'whereBetween',
48 'whereNotBetween',
49 'andWhereBetween',
50 'andWhereNotBetween',
51 'orWhereBetween',
52 'orWhereNotBetween',
53 'groupBy',
54 'groupByRaw',
55 'orderBy',
56 'orderByRaw',
57 'union',
58 'unionAll',
59 'intersect',
60 'having',
61 'havingRaw',
62 'orHaving',
63 'orHavingRaw',
64 'offset',
65 'limit',
66 'count',
67 'countDistinct',
68 'min',
69 'max',
70 'sum',
71 'sumDistinct',
72 'avg',
73 'avgDistinct',
74 'increment',
75 'decrement',
76 'first',
77 'debug',
78 'pluck',
79 'clearSelect',
80 'clearWhere',
81 'clearOrder',
82 'clearHaving',
83 'insert',
84 'update',
85 'returning',
86 'del',
87 'delete',
88 'truncate',
89 'transacting',
90 'connection',