6.5 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "knex",
3 "version": "0.21.13",
4 "description": "A batteries-included SQL query & schema builder for Postgres, MySQL and SQLite3 and the Browser",
5 "main": "knex.js",
6 "types": "types/index.d.ts",
7 "engines": {
8 "node": ">=10"
9 },
10 "scripts": {
11 "format": "prettier --write \"{lib,bin,scripts,test}/**/*.js\"",
12 "debug:test": "mocha --inspect-brk --exit -t 0 test/all-tests-suite.js",
13 "debug:tape": "node --inspect-brk test/tape/index.js",
14 "coveralls": "nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls",
15 "lint": "eslint \"lib/**/*.js\" \"test/**/*.js\"",
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17 "lint:everything": "npm run lint:types && npm run lint",
18 "test:unit": "mocha --exit -t 10000 test/db-less-test-suite.js && npm run test:tape && npm run test:cli",
19 "test:db": "mocha --exit -t 10000 test/integration-test-suite.js",
20 "test:db:no-oracle": "cross-env DB=\"mssql mysql mysql2 postgres sqlite3\" mocha --exit -t 10000 test/integration-test-suite.js",
21 "test": "mocha --exit -t 10000 test/all-tests-suite.js && npm run test:tape && npm run test:cli",
22 "test:coverage": "nyc mocha --exit --check-leaks --globals __core-js_shared__ -t 10000 test/all-tests-suite.js && npm run test:tape && npm run test:cli",
23 "test:everything": "npm run lint:everything && npm run test:coverage",
24 "test:sqlite": "cross-env DB=sqlite3 npm run test:db",
25 "test:postgres": "cross-env DB=postgres npm run test:db",
26 "test:tape": "node test/tape/index.js | tap-spec",
27 "test:cli": "cross-env KNEX_PATH=../knex.js KNEX=bin/cli.js jake -f test/jake/Jakefile",
28 "db:start": "docker-compose -f scripts/docker-compose.yml up --build -d mysql oracledbxe postgres mssql; docker-compose -f scripts/docker-compose.yml up initmssqlknexdb waitmysql waitpostgres waitoracledbxe",
29 "db:start:no-oracle": "docker-compose -f scripts/docker-compose.yml up --build -d mysql postgres mssql && docker-compose -f scripts/docker-compose.yml up initmssqlknexdb waitmysql waitpostgres",
30 "db:stop": "docker-compose -f scripts/docker-compose.yml down",
31 "db:start:postgres": "docker-compose -f scripts/docker-compose.yml up --build -d postgres && docker-compose -f scripts/docker-compose.yml up waitpostgres",
32 "db:stop:postgres": "docker-compose -f scripts/docker-compose.yml down",
33 "stress:init": "docker-compose -f scripts/stress-test/docker-compose.yml up --no-start && docker-compose -f scripts/stress-test/docker-compose.yml start",
34 "stress:test": "node scripts/stress-test/knex-stress-test.js | grep -A 5 -B 60 -- '- STATS '",
35 "stress:destroy": "docker-compose -f scripts/stress-test/docker-compose.yml stop"
36 },
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50 },
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54 "mysql2": "^2.1.0",
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56 "sqlite3": "^5.0.0"
57 },
58 "peerDependenciesMeta": {
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60 "optional": true
61 },
62 "mysql": {
63 "optional": true
64 },
65 "mysql2": {
66 "optional": true
67 },
68 "pg": {
69 "optional": true
70 },
71 "sqlite3": {
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73 }
74 },
75 "lint-staged": {
76 "*.{js,json}": [
77 "prettier --write",
78 "git add"
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80 },
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94 "husky": "^4.3.5",
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96 "lint-staged": "^10.5.3",
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98 "mock-fs": "^4.13.0",
99 "mssql": "^6.2.3",
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101 "mysql2": "^2.2.5",
102 "nyc": "^15.1.0",
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119 },
120 "buildDependencies": [
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122 ],
123 "bin": {
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125 },
126 "repository": {
127 "type": "git",
128 "url": "git://github.com/knex/knex.git"
129 },
130 "homepage": "https://knexjs.org",
131 "keywords": [
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133 "query",
134 "postgresql",
135 "mysql",
136 "sqlite3",
137 "oracle",
138 "mssql"
139 ],
140 "author": {
141 "name": "Tim Griesser",
142 "web": "https://github.com/tgriesser"
143 },
144 "contributors": [
145 {
146 "name": "Mikael Lepisto"
147 },
148 {
149 "name": "Igor Savin",
150 "web": "https://www.codeflashbacks.com"
151 },
152 {
153 "name": "Simon Liden"
154 },
155 {
156 "name": "Paul Gaurab",
157 "web": "https://lorefnon.tech"
158 },
159 {
160 "name": "Brian Lauber",
161 "web": "https://briandamaged.org"
162 }
163 ],
164 "browser": {
165 "./lib/migrate/Migrator.js": "./lib/util/noop.js",
166 "./lib/bin/cli.js": "./lib/util/noop.js",
167 "./lib/seed/Seeder.js": "./lib/util/noop.js",
168 "mssql": false,
169 "mssql/lib/base": false,
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178 },
179 "react-native": {
180 "./lib/migrate": "./lib/util/noop.js",
181 "./lib/seed": "./lib/util/noop.js"
182 },
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185 "README.md",
186 "bin/*",
187 "lib/*",
188 "lib/*",
189 "knex.js",
190 "LICENSE",
191 "CHANGELOG.md",
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193 "types/index.d.ts",
194 "types/result.d.ts",
195 "types/tables.d.ts"
196 ],
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198 "tonicExampleFilename": "scripts/runkit-example.js",
199 "nyc": {
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212 }
213 },
214 "tsd": {
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216 "compilerOptions": {
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218 "module": "commonjs"
219 }
220 }