7.26 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { KuzzleEventEmitter } from './core/KuzzleEventEmitter';
2import { KuzzleAbstractProtocol } from './protocols/abstract/Base';
3import { AuthController } from './controllers/Auth';
4import { CollectionController } from './controllers/Collection';
5import { DocumentController } from './controllers/Document';
6import { IndexController } from './controllers/Index';
7import { RealtimeController } from './controllers/Realtime';
8import { JSONObject } from './types';
9import { RequestPayload } from './types/RequestPayload';
10import { ResponsePayload } from './types/ResponsePayload';
11export declare class Kuzzle extends KuzzleEventEmitter {
12 [key: string]: any;
13 /**
14 * Protocol used by the SDK to communicate with Kuzzle.
15 */
16 protocol: any;
17 /**
18 * If true, automatically renews all subscriptions on a reconnected event.
19 */
20 autoResubscribe: boolean;
21 /**
22 * Timeout before sending again a similar event.
23 */
24 eventTimeout: number;
25 /**
26 * SDK version.
27 */
28 sdkVersion: string;
29 /**
30 * SDK name (e.g: `js@7.4.2`).
31 */
32 sdkName: string;
33 /**
34 * Common volatile data that will be sent to all future requests.
35 */
36 volatile: JSONObject;
37 auth: AuthController;
38 bulk: any;
39 collection: CollectionController;
40 document: DocumentController;
41 index: IndexController;
42 ms: any;
43 realtime: RealtimeController;
44 security: any;
45 server: any;
46 private _protectedEvents;
47 private _offlineQueue;
48 private _autoQueue;
49 private _autoReplay;
50 private _offlineQueueLoader;
51 private _queuing;
52 private _queueFilter;
53 private _queueMaxSize;
54 private _queueTTL;
55 private _replayInterval;
56 private _tokenExpiredInterval;
57 private _lastTokenExpired;
58 private __proxy__;
59 /**
60 * Instantiate a new SDK
61 *
62 * @example
63 *
64 * import { Kuzzle, WebSocket } from 'kuzzle-sdk';
65 *
66 * const kuzzle = new Kuzzle(
67 * new WebSocket('localhost')
68 * );
69 */
70 constructor(
71 /**
72 * Network protocol to connect to Kuzzle. (e.g. `Http` or `WebSocket`)
73 */
74 protocol: KuzzleAbstractProtocol, options?: {
75 /**
76 * Automatically renew all subscriptions on a `reconnected` event
77 * Default: `true`
78 */
79 autoResubscribe?: boolean;
80 /**
81 * Time (in ms) during which a similar event is ignored
82 * Default: `200`
83 */
84 eventTimeout?: number;
85 /**
86 * Common volatile data, will be sent to all future requests
87 * Default: `{}`
88 */
89 volatile?: JSONObject;
90 /**
91 * If `true`, automatically queues all requests during offline mode
92 * Default: `false`
93 */
94 autoQueue?: boolean;
95 /**
96 * If `true`, automatically replays queued requests
97 * on a `reconnected` event
98 * Default: `false`
99 */
100 autoReplay?: boolean;
101 /**
102 * Custom function called during offline mode to filter
103 * queued requests on-the-fly
104 */
105 queueFilter?: (request: RequestPayload) => boolean;
106 /**
107 * Called before dequeuing requests after exiting offline mode,
108 * to add items at the beginning of the offline queue
109 */
110 offlineQueueLoader?: (...any: any[]) => any;
111 /**
112 * Number of maximum requests kept during offline mode
113 * Default: `500`
114 */
115 queueMaxSize?: number;
116 /**
117 * Time a queued request is kept during offline mode, in milliseconds
118 * Default: `120000`
119 */
120 queueTTL?: number;
121 /**
122 * Delay between each replayed requests, in milliseconds
123 * Default: `10`
124 */
125 replayInterval?: number;
126 /**
127 * Time (in ms) during which a TokenExpired event is ignored
128 * Default: `1000`
129 */
130 tokenExpiredInterval?: number;
131 /**
132 * If set to `auto`, the `autoQueue` and `autoReplay` are also set to `true`
133 */
134 offlineMode?: 'auto';
135 });
136 get authenticated(): boolean;
137 get autoQueue(): any;
138 set autoQueue(value: any);
139 get autoReconnect(): any;
140 set autoReconnect(value: any);
141 get autoReplay(): any;
142 set autoReplay(value: any);
143 get connected(): any;
144 get host(): any;
145 get jwt(): any;
146 set jwt(encodedJwt: any);
147 get offlineQueue(): any;
148 get offlineQueueLoader(): any;
149 set offlineQueueLoader(value: any);
150 get port(): any;
151 get queueFilter(): any;
152 set queueFilter(value: any);
153 get queueMaxSize(): any;
154 set queueMaxSize(value: any);
155 get queueTTL(): any;
156 set queueTTL(value: any);
157 get reconnectionDelay(): any;
158 get replayInterval(): any;
159 set replayInterval(value: any);
160 get sslConnection(): any;
161 get tokenExpiredInterval(): any;
162 set tokenExpiredInterval(value: any);
163 /**
164 * Emit an event to all registered listeners
165 * An event cannot be emitted multiple times before a timeout has been reached.
166 */
167 emit(eventName: any, ...payload: any[]): boolean;
168 private _superEmit;
169 /**
170 * Connects to a Kuzzle instance
171 */
172 connect(): Promise<void>;
173 /**
174 * Adds a listener to a Kuzzle global event. When an event is fired, listeners are called in the order of their
175 * insertion.
176 *
177 * @param {string} event - name of the global event to subscribe to
178 * @param {function} listener - callback to invoke each time an event is fired
179 */
180 addListener(event: any, listener: any): this;
181 private _superAddListener;
182 /**
183 * Empties the offline queue without replaying it.
184 *
185 * @returns {Kuzzle}
186 */
187 flushQueue(): this;
188 /**
189 * Disconnects from Kuzzle and invalidate this instance.
190 */
191 disconnect(): void;
192 /**
193 * This is a low-level method, exposed to allow advanced SDK users to bypass
194 * high-level methods.
195 * Base method used to send read queries to Kuzzle
196 *
197 * Takes an optional argument object with the following properties:
198 * - volatile (object, default: null):
199 * Additional information passed to notifications to other users
200 *
201 * @param request
202 * @param options - Optional arguments
203 */
204 query(request?: RequestPayload, options?: JSONObject): Promise<ResponsePayload>;
205 /**
206 * Starts the requests queuing.
207 */
208 startQueuing(): this;
209 /**
210 * Stops the requests queuing.
211 */
212 stopQueuing(): this;
213 /**
214 * Plays the requests queued during offline mode.
215 */
216 playQueue(): this;
217 /**
218 * On token expiration, reset jwt and unsubscribe all rooms.
219 * Throttles to avoid duplicate event triggers.
220 */
221 tokenExpired(): void;
222 /**
223 * Adds a new controller and make it available in the SDK.
224 *
225 * @param ControllerClass
226 * @param accessor
227 */
228 useController(ControllerClass: any, accessor: string): this;
229 private _checkPropertyType;
230 /**
231 * Clean up the queue, ensuring the queryTTL and queryMaxSize properties are respected
232 */
233 private _cleanQueue;
234 /**
235 * Play all queued requests, in order.
236 */
237 private _dequeue;