2.15 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1# Patch in .match methods to the uri-template Template and Expression prototypes
2{Template, Expression} = require 'uri-template/lib/classes'
4queryStringOps = ['?', '&']
6Template::match = (input) ->
7 if @prefix
8 return false unless m = input.match '^' + @prefix
9 input = input.substring m[0].length
10 vars = {}
11 for expr in @expressions
12 inQS = expr.op.first in queryStringOps
13 remaining = expr.match input, vars
14 if remaining is null
15 return false
16 if remaining is false and not inQS
17 return false
18 input = remaining
19 if input and not inQS
20 return false
21 return vars
23# Matches an input string against the expression, assigning matched expression
24# parameter names as properties of the passed in `vars` object.
26# This has a somewhat ugly tri-state return:
27# * false if the match failed
28# * null if the enclosing template should be forced to fail as well
29# * the remaining input if the match succeeds
30Expression::match = (input, vars) ->
31 len = 0 # The total length of matched input
32 inQS = @op.first in queryStringOps
33 if not inQS
34 [input, qs] = input.split '?'
35 qs = if qs then '?'+qs else ''
36 else
37 qs = ''
39 if @op.first
40 return false unless input.substring(0,1) is @op.first
41 input = input.substring 1
42 len++
44 if @suffix
45 return false unless m = input.match @suffix
46 len += @suffix.length
47 matchable = input.substring 0, m.index
48 else
49 matchable = input
51 len += matchable.length
52 i = 0
53 named = {}
54 ordered = []
55 for part in matchable.split @op.sep
56 if part.match(/\//) and @op.allow isnt 'U+R'
57 return null
58 [n, v] = part.split '='
59 if not v?
60 if inQS
61 named[n] = true
62 else
63 ordered.push unescape n
64 else
65 named[n] = unescape v
67 for p in @params
68 if (v = named[p.name])?
69 #if inQS and v.match ',' then v = v.split ','
70 else
71 if p.explode
72 if ordered.length then v = ordered; ordered = null
73 else v = named; named = null
74 else
75 v = ordered.shift()
76 return false unless v or inQS
77 vars[p.name] = v or []
78 remaining = input.substring len
79 remaining + qs