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1pathModule = require("path")
2crypto = require("crypto")
3fs = require("fs")
4wrench = require("wrench")
6program = require("commander").usage("[option] <js-folder-root>")
7 .option("-o,--output-file <path>","specify the output require configs")
8 .option("-r,--root <root patah>","specifty the generated files root name")
9 .option("-f,--force-overwrite","force overwrite the file rather than try merging it")
10 .option("--excludes <folder or file>","exclude certain folder or file by matching the starts, split by ','")
11 .option("--enable-debug","enable debug mode in config")
12 .option("--enable-cache","enable cache in config")
13 .option("--set-version <version>","set version for the config")
14 .option("--main <main module>","set entry module for the config")
15 .parse(process.argv)
16outputFile = program.outputFile
17outputFormat = "json"
18indentCount = 4
19jsIncludePath = program.args[0] or "./"
20excludes = (program.excludes or "").split(",").map((item)->item.trim()).filter (item)->item
21version = program.setVersion or null
22mainModule = program.main or null
23enableDebug = program.enableDebug and true or false
24if outputFormat is "json" and outputFile and not program.forceOverwrite and fs.existsSync outputFile
25 try
26 config = JSON.parse fs.readFileSync outputFile,"utf8"
27 catch e
28 console.error "outputFile #{outputFile} exists, but is not a valid json."
29 console.error "don't overwrite it."
30 process.exit(1)
32 config = {}
33config.name = config.name or "leaf-require"
34config.js = {}
35config.debug = config.debug or enableDebug
36config.cache = config.cache or program.enableCache or false
37if mainModule
38 config.js.main = mainModule
39if version
40 config.version = version
41files = wrench.readdirSyncRecursive jsIncludePath
42fileWhiteList = [/\.js$/i]
43files = files.filter (file)->
44 filePath = pathModule.resolve pathModule.join jsIncludePath,file
45 for exclude in excludes
46 excludePath = pathModule.resolve exclude
47 if filePath is excludePath or filePath.indexOf(excludePath+"/") is 0
48 return false
49 for white in fileWhiteList
50 if white.test file
51 return true
52 return false
53files = files.map (file)->
54 hash = crypto.createHash("md5").update(fs.readFileSync (pathModule.join jsIncludePath,file),"utf8").digest("hex").substring(0,6)
55 return {
56 path:file
57 hash:hash
58 }
59config.js.root = program.root or ""
60config.js.files = files
62content = JSON.stringify config,null,indentCount
63if outputFile
64 fs.writeFileSync outputFile,content
66 console.log content