11 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { PolylineOptions, LatLng, LatLngLiteral, Polyline, LatLngExpression } from 'leaflet';
3interface GeodesicOptions extends PolylineOptions {
4 wrap?: boolean;
5 steps?: number;
6 radius?: number;
8interface WGS84Vector extends LatLngLiteral {
9 bearing: number;
11interface GeoDistance {
12 distance: number;
13 initialBearing: number;
14 finalBearing: number;
16declare class GeodesicCore {
17 readonly options: GeodesicOptions;
18 readonly ellipsoid: {
19 a: number;
20 b: number;
21 f: number;
22 };
23 constructor(options?: GeodesicOptions);
24 toRadians(degree: number): number;
25 toDegrees(radians: number): number;
26 /**
27 * implements scientific modulus
28 * source: http://www.codeavenger.com/2017/05/19/JavaScript-Modulo-operation-and-the-Caesar-Cipher.html
29 * @param n
30 * @param p
31 * @return
32 */
33 mod(n: number, p: number): number;
34 /**
35 * source: https://github.com/chrisveness/geodesy/blob/master/dms.js
36 * @param degrees arbitrary value
37 * @return degrees between 0..360
38 */
39 wrap360(degrees: number): number;
40 /**
41 * general wrap function with arbitrary max value
42 * @param degrees arbitrary value
43 * @param max
44 * @return degrees between `-max`..`+max`
45 */
46 wrap(degrees: number, max?: number): number;
47 /**
48 * Vincenty direct calculation.
49 * based on the work of Chris Veness (https://github.com/chrisveness/geodesy)
50 * source: https://github.com/chrisveness/geodesy/blob/master/latlon-ellipsoidal-vincenty.js
51 *
52 * @param start starting point
53 * @param bearing initial bearing (in degrees)
54 * @param distance distance from starting point to calculate along given bearing in meters.
55 * @param maxInterations How many iterations can be made to reach the allowed deviation (`ε`), before an error will be thrown.
56 * @return Final point (destination point) and bearing (in degrees)
57 */
58 direct(start: LatLng, bearing: number, distance: number, maxInterations?: number): WGS84Vector;
59 /**
60 * Vincenty inverse calculation.
61 * based on the work of Chris Veness (https://github.com/chrisveness/geodesy)
62 * source: https://github.com/chrisveness/geodesy/blob/master/latlon-ellipsoidal-vincenty.js
63 *
64 * @param start Latitude/longitude of starting point.
65 * @param dest Latitude/longitude of destination point.
66 * @return Object including distance, initialBearing, finalBearing.
67 */
68 inverse(start: LatLng, dest: LatLng, maxInterations?: number, mitigateConvergenceError?: boolean): GeoDistance;
69 /**
70 * Returns the point of intersection of two paths defined by position and bearing.
71 * This calculation uses a spherical model of the earth. This will lead to small errors compared to an ellipsiod model.
72 * based on the work of Chris Veness (https://github.com/chrisveness/geodesy)
73 * source: https://github.com/chrisveness/geodesy/blob/master/latlon-spherical.js
74 *
75 * @param firstPos 1st path: position and bearing
76 * @param firstBearing
77 * @param secondPos 2nd path: position and bearing
78 * @param secondBearing
79 */
80 intersection(firstPos: LatLng, firstBearing: number, secondPos: LatLng, secondBearing: number): LatLng | null;
81 midpoint(start: LatLng, dest: LatLng): LatLng;
84/** detailled information of the current geometry */
85interface Statistics {
86 /** Stores the distance for each individual geodesic line */
87 distanceArray: number[];
88 /** overall distance of all lines */
89 totalDistance: number;
90 /** number of positions that the geodesic lines are created from */
91 points: number;
92 /** number vertices that were created during geometry calculation */
93 vertices: number;
95declare class GeodesicGeometry {
96 readonly geodesic: GeodesicCore;
97 steps: number;
98 constructor(options?: GeodesicOptions);
99 /**
100 * A geodesic line between `start` and `dest` is created with this recursive function.
101 * It calculates the geodesic midpoint between `start` and `dest` and uses this midpoint to call itself again (twice!).
102 * The results are then merged into one continuous linestring.
103 *
104 * The number of resulting vertices (incl. `start` and `dest`) depends on the initial value for `iterations`
105 * and can be calculated with: vertices == 1 + 2 ** (initialIterations + 1)
106 *
107 * As this is an exponential function, be extra careful to limit the initial value for `iterations` (8 results in 513 vertices).
108 *
109 * @param start start position
110 * @param dest destination
111 * @param iterations
112 * @return resulting linestring
113 */
114 recursiveMidpoint(start: LatLng, dest: LatLng, iterations: number): LatLng[];
115 /**
116 * This is the wrapper-function to generate a geodesic line. It's just for future backwards-compatibility
117 * if there is another algorithm used to create the actual line.
118 *
119 * The `steps`-property is used to define the number of resulting vertices of the linestring: vertices == 1 + 2 ** (steps + 1)
120 * The value for `steps` is currently limited to 8 (513 vertices) for performance reasons until another algorithm is found.
121 *
122 * @param start start position
123 * @param dest destination
124 * @return resulting linestring
125 */
126 line(start: LatLng, dest: LatLng): LatLng[];
127 multiLineString(latlngs: LatLng[][]): LatLng[][];
128 lineString(latlngs: LatLng[]): LatLng[];
129 /**
130 *
131 * Is much (10x) faster than the previous implementation:
132 *
133 * ```
134 * Benchmark (no split): splitLine x 459,044 ops/sec ±0.53% (95 runs sampled)
135 * Benchmark (split): splitLine x 42,999 ops/sec ±0.51% (97 runs sampled)
136 * ```
137 *
138 * @param startPosition
139 * @param destPosition
140 */
141 splitLine(startPosition: LatLng, destPosition: LatLng): LatLng[][];
142 /**
143 * Linestrings of a given multilinestring that cross the antimeridian will be split in two separate linestrings.
144 * This function is used to wrap lines around when they cross the antimeridian
145 * It iterates over all linestrings and reconstructs the step-by-step if no split is needed.
146 * In case the line was split, the linestring ends at the antimeridian and a new linestring is created for the
147 * remaining points of the original linestring.
148 *
149 * @param multilinestring
150 * @return another multilinestring where segments crossing the antimeridian are split
151 */
152 splitMultiLineString(multilinestring: LatLng[][]): LatLng[][];
153 wrapMultiLineString(multilinestring: LatLng[][]): LatLng[][];
154 /**
155 * Creates a circular (constant radius), closed (1st pos == last pos) geodesic linestring.
156 * The number of vertices is calculated with: `vertices == steps + 1` (where 1st == last)
157 *
158 * @param center
159 * @param radius
160 * @return resulting linestring
161 */
162 circle(center: LatLng, radius: number): LatLng[];
163 /**
164 * Handles splitting of circles at the antimeridian.
165 * @param linestring a linestring that resembles the geodesic circle
166 * @return a multilinestring that consist of one or two linestrings
167 */
168 splitCircle(linestring: LatLng[]): LatLng[][];
169 /**
170 * Calculates the distance between two positions on the earths surface
171 * @param start 1st position
172 * @param dest 2nd position
173 * @return the distance in **meters**
174 */
175 distance(start: LatLng, dest: LatLng): number;
176 multilineDistance(multilinestring: LatLng[][]): number[];
177 updateStatistics(points: LatLng[][], vertices: LatLng[][]): Statistics;
181 * Draw geodesic lines based on L.Polyline
182 */
183declare class GeodesicLine extends Polyline {
184 /** these should be good for most use-cases */
185 defaultOptions: GeodesicOptions;
186 /** does the actual geometry calculations */
187 readonly geom: GeodesicGeometry;
188 /** use this if you need some detailled info about the current geometry */
189 statistics: Statistics;
190 /** stores all positions that are used to create the geodesic line */
191 points: LatLng[][];
192 constructor(latlngs?: LatLngExpression[] | LatLngExpression[][], options?: GeodesicOptions);
193 /** calculates the geodesics and update the polyline-object accordingly */
194 private updateGeometry;
195 /**
196 * overwrites the original function with additional functionality to create a geodesic line
197 * @param latlngs an array (or 2d-array) of positions
198 */
199 setLatLngs(latlngs: LatLngExpression[] | LatLngExpression[][]): this;
200 /**
201 * add a given point to the geodesic line object
202 * @param latlng point to add. The point will always be added to the last linestring of a multiline
203 * @param latlngs define a linestring to add the new point to. Read from points-property before (e.g. `line.addLatLng(Beijing, line.points[0]);`)
204 */
205 addLatLng(latlng: LatLngExpression, latlngs?: LatLng[]): this;
206 /**
207 * Creates geodesic lines from a given GeoJSON-Object.
208 * @param input GeoJSON-Object
209 */
210 fromGeoJson(input: GeoJSON.GeoJSON): this;
211 /**
212 * Calculates the distance between two geo-positions
213 * @param start 1st position
214 * @param dest 2nd position
215 * @return the distance in meters
216 */
217 distance(start: LatLngExpression, dest: LatLngExpression): number;
221 * Can be used to create a geodesic circle based on L.Polyline
222 */
223declare class GeodesicCircleClass extends Polyline {
224 defaultOptions: GeodesicOptions;
225 readonly geom: GeodesicGeometry;
226 center: LatLng;
227 radius: number;
228 statistics: Statistics;
229 constructor(center?: LatLngExpression, options?: GeodesicOptions);
230 /**
231 * Updates the geometry and re-calculates some statistics
232 */
233 private update;
234 /**
235 * Calculate the distance between the current center and an arbitrary position.
236 * @param latlng geo-position to calculate distance to
237 * @return distance in meters
238 */
239 distanceTo(latlng: LatLngExpression): number;
240 /**
241 * Set a new center for the geodesic circle and update the geometry. Radius may also be set.
242 * @param center the new center
243 * @param radius the new radius
244 */
245 setLatLng(center: LatLngExpression, radius?: number): void;
246 /**
247 * Set a new radius for the geodesic circle and update the geometry. Center may also be set.
248 * @param radius the new radius
249 * @param center the new center
250 */
251 setRadius(radius: number, center?: LatLngExpression): void;
254declare module "leaflet" {
255 type Geodesic = GeodesicLine;
256 let Geodesic: typeof GeodesicLine;
257 let geodesic: (...args: ConstructorParameters<typeof GeodesicLine>) => GeodesicLine;
258 type GeodesicCircle = GeodesicCircleClass;
259 let GeodesicCircle: typeof GeodesicCircleClass;
260 let geodesiccircle: (...args: ConstructorParameters<typeof GeodesicCircleClass>) => GeodesicCircleClass;
263export { GeodesicCircleClass, GeodesicLine };
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