79.9 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
5function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; }
7var protobufLight = _interopDefault(require('protobufjs/dist/protobuf-light'));
8var EventEmitter = _interopDefault(require('eventemitter3'));
9var _asyncToGenerator = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator'));
10var _toConsumableArray = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/toConsumableArray'));
11var _defineProperty = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty'));
12var _objectWithoutProperties = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties'));
13var _assertThisInitialized = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/assertThisInitialized'));
14var _inheritsLoose = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/inheritsLoose'));
15var _regeneratorRuntime = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/regenerator'));
16var d = _interopDefault(require('debug'));
17var shuffle = _interopDefault(require('lodash/shuffle'));
18var values = _interopDefault(require('lodash/values'));
19var _toArray = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/toArray'));
20var _createClass = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass'));
21var _applyDecoratedDescriptor = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/applyDecoratedDescriptor'));
22var StateMachine = _interopDefault(require('javascript-state-machine'));
23var _typeof = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof'));
24var isPlainObject = _interopDefault(require('lodash/isPlainObject'));
25var promiseTimeout = require('promise-timeout');
27var messageCompiled = protobufLight.newBuilder({})['import']({
28 "package": 'push_server.messages2',
29 syntax: 'proto2',
30 options: {
31 objc_class_prefix: 'AVIM'
32 },
33 messages: [{
34 name: 'JsonObjectMessage',
35 syntax: 'proto2',
36 fields: [{
37 rule: 'required',
38 type: 'string',
39 name: 'data',
40 id: 1
41 }]
42 }, {
43 name: 'UnreadTuple',
44 syntax: 'proto2',
45 fields: [{
46 rule: 'required',
47 type: 'string',
48 name: 'cid',
49 id: 1
50 }, {
51 rule: 'required',
52 type: 'int32',
53 name: 'unread',
54 id: 2
55 }, {
56 rule: 'optional',
57 type: 'string',
58 name: 'mid',
59 id: 3
60 }, {
61 rule: 'optional',
62 type: 'int64',
63 name: 'timestamp',
64 id: 4
65 }, {
66 rule: 'optional',
67 type: 'string',
68 name: 'from',
69 id: 5
70 }, {
71 rule: 'optional',
72 type: 'string',
73 name: 'data',
74 id: 6
75 }, {
76 rule: 'optional',
77 type: 'int64',
78 name: 'patchTimestamp',
79 id: 7
80 }, {
81 rule: 'optional',
82 type: 'bool',
83 name: 'mentioned',
84 id: 8
85 }, {
86 rule: 'optional',
87 type: 'bytes',
88 name: 'binaryMsg',
89 id: 9
90 }, {
91 rule: 'optional',
92 type: 'int32',
93 name: 'convType',
94 id: 10
95 }]
96 }, {
97 name: 'LogItem',
98 syntax: 'proto2',
99 fields: [{
100 rule: 'optional',
101 type: 'string',
102 name: 'from',
103 id: 1
104 }, {
105 rule: 'optional',
106 type: 'string',
107 name: 'data',
108 id: 2
109 }, {
110 rule: 'optional',
111 type: 'int64',
112 name: 'timestamp',
113 id: 3
114 }, {
115 rule: 'optional',
116 type: 'string',
117 name: 'msgId',
118 id: 4
119 }, {
120 rule: 'optional',
121 type: 'int64',
122 name: 'ackAt',
123 id: 5
124 }, {
125 rule: 'optional',
126 type: 'int64',
127 name: 'readAt',
128 id: 6
129 }, {
130 rule: 'optional',
131 type: 'int64',
132 name: 'patchTimestamp',
133 id: 7
134 }, {
135 rule: 'optional',
136 type: 'bool',
137 name: 'mentionAll',
138 id: 8
139 }, {
140 rule: 'repeated',
141 type: 'string',
142 name: 'mentionPids',
143 id: 9
144 }, {
145 rule: 'optional',
146 type: 'bool',
147 name: 'bin',
148 id: 10
149 }, {
150 rule: 'optional',
151 type: 'int32',
152 name: 'convType',
153 id: 11
154 }]
155 }, {
156 name: 'ConvMemberInfo',
157 syntax: 'proto2',
158 fields: [{
159 rule: 'optional',
160 type: 'string',
161 name: 'pid',
162 id: 1
163 }, {
164 rule: 'optional',
165 type: 'string',
166 name: 'role',
167 id: 2
168 }, {
169 rule: 'optional',
170 type: 'string',
171 name: 'infoId',
172 id: 3
173 }]
174 }, {
175 name: 'DataCommand',
176 syntax: 'proto2',
177 fields: [{
178 rule: 'repeated',
179 type: 'string',
180 name: 'ids',
181 id: 1
182 }, {
183 rule: 'repeated',
184 type: 'JsonObjectMessage',
185 name: 'msg',
186 id: 2
187 }, {
188 rule: 'optional',
189 type: 'bool',
190 name: 'offline',
191 id: 3
192 }]
193 }, {
194 name: 'SessionCommand',
195 syntax: 'proto2',
196 fields: [{
197 rule: 'optional',
198 type: 'int64',
199 name: 't',
200 id: 1
201 }, {
202 rule: 'optional',
203 type: 'string',
204 name: 'n',
205 id: 2
206 }, {
207 rule: 'optional',
208 type: 'string',
209 name: 's',
210 id: 3
211 }, {
212 rule: 'optional',
213 type: 'string',
214 name: 'ua',
215 id: 4
216 }, {
217 rule: 'optional',
218 type: 'bool',
219 name: 'r',
220 id: 5
221 }, {
222 rule: 'optional',
223 type: 'string',
224 name: 'tag',
225 id: 6
226 }, {
227 rule: 'optional',
228 type: 'string',
229 name: 'deviceId',
230 id: 7
231 }, {
232 rule: 'repeated',
233 type: 'string',
234 name: 'sessionPeerIds',
235 id: 8
236 }, {
237 rule: 'repeated',
238 type: 'string',
239 name: 'onlineSessionPeerIds',
240 id: 9
241 }, {
242 rule: 'optional',
243 type: 'string',
244 name: 'st',
245 id: 10
246 }, {
247 rule: 'optional',
248 type: 'int32',
249 name: 'stTtl',
250 id: 11
251 }, {
252 rule: 'optional',
253 type: 'int32',
254 name: 'code',
255 id: 12
256 }, {
257 rule: 'optional',
258 type: 'string',
259 name: 'reason',
260 id: 13
261 }, {
262 rule: 'optional',
263 type: 'string',
264 name: 'deviceToken',
265 id: 14
266 }, {
267 rule: 'optional',
268 type: 'bool',
269 name: 'sp',
270 id: 15
271 }, {
272 rule: 'optional',
273 type: 'string',
274 name: 'detail',
275 id: 16
276 }, {
277 rule: 'optional',
278 type: 'int64',
279 name: 'lastUnreadNotifTime',
280 id: 17
281 }, {
282 rule: 'optional',
283 type: 'int64',
284 name: 'lastPatchTime',
285 id: 18
286 }, {
287 rule: 'optional',
288 type: 'int64',
289 name: 'configBitmap',
290 id: 19
291 }]
292 }, {
293 name: 'ErrorCommand',
294 syntax: 'proto2',
295 fields: [{
296 rule: 'required',
297 type: 'int32',
298 name: 'code',
299 id: 1
300 }, {
301 rule: 'required',
302 type: 'string',
303 name: 'reason',
304 id: 2
305 }, {
306 rule: 'optional',
307 type: 'int32',
308 name: 'appCode',
309 id: 3
310 }, {
311 rule: 'optional',
312 type: 'string',
313 name: 'detail',
314 id: 4
315 }, {
316 rule: 'repeated',
317 type: 'string',
318 name: 'pids',
319 id: 5
320 }, {
321 rule: 'optional',
322 type: 'string',
323 name: 'appMsg',
324 id: 6
325 }]
326 }, {
327 name: 'DirectCommand',
328 syntax: 'proto2',
329 fields: [{
330 rule: 'optional',
331 type: 'string',
332 name: 'msg',
333 id: 1
334 }, {
335 rule: 'optional',
336 type: 'string',
337 name: 'uid',
338 id: 2
339 }, {
340 rule: 'optional',
341 type: 'string',
342 name: 'fromPeerId',
343 id: 3
344 }, {
345 rule: 'optional',
346 type: 'int64',
347 name: 'timestamp',
348 id: 4
349 }, {
350 rule: 'optional',
351 type: 'bool',
352 name: 'offline',
353 id: 5
354 }, {
355 rule: 'optional',
356 type: 'bool',
357 name: 'hasMore',
358 id: 6
359 }, {
360 rule: 'repeated',
361 type: 'string',
362 name: 'toPeerIds',
363 id: 7
364 }, {
365 rule: 'optional',
366 type: 'bool',
367 name: 'r',
368 id: 10
369 }, {
370 rule: 'optional',
371 type: 'string',
372 name: 'cid',
373 id: 11
374 }, {
375 rule: 'optional',
376 type: 'string',
377 name: 'id',
378 id: 12
379 }, {
380 rule: 'optional',
381 type: 'bool',
382 name: 'transient',
383 id: 13
384 }, {
385 rule: 'optional',
386 type: 'string',
387 name: 'dt',
388 id: 14
389 }, {
390 rule: 'optional',
391 type: 'string',
392 name: 'roomId',
393 id: 15
394 }, {
395 rule: 'optional',
396 type: 'string',
397 name: 'pushData',
398 id: 16
399 }, {
400 rule: 'optional',
401 type: 'bool',
402 name: 'will',
403 id: 17
404 }, {
405 rule: 'optional',
406 type: 'int64',
407 name: 'patchTimestamp',
408 id: 18
409 }, {
410 rule: 'optional',
411 type: 'bytes',
412 name: 'binaryMsg',
413 id: 19
414 }, {
415 rule: 'repeated',
416 type: 'string',
417 name: 'mentionPids',
418 id: 20
419 }, {
420 rule: 'optional',
421 type: 'bool',
422 name: 'mentionAll',
423 id: 21
424 }, {
425 rule: 'optional',
426 type: 'int32',
427 name: 'convType',
428 id: 22
429 }]
430 }, {
431 name: 'AckCommand',
432 syntax: 'proto2',
433 fields: [{
434 rule: 'optional',
435 type: 'int32',
436 name: 'code',
437 id: 1
438 }, {
439 rule: 'optional',
440 type: 'string',
441 name: 'reason',
442 id: 2
443 }, {
444 rule: 'optional',
445 type: 'string',
446 name: 'mid',
447 id: 3
448 }, {
449 rule: 'optional',
450 type: 'string',
451 name: 'cid',
452 id: 4
453 }, {
454 rule: 'optional',
455 type: 'int64',
456 name: 't',
457 id: 5
458 }, {
459 rule: 'optional',
460 type: 'string',
461 name: 'uid',
462 id: 6
463 }, {
464 rule: 'optional',
465 type: 'int64',
466 name: 'fromts',
467 id: 7
468 }, {
469 rule: 'optional',
470 type: 'int64',
471 name: 'tots',
472 id: 8
473 }, {
474 rule: 'optional',
475 type: 'string',
476 name: 'type',
477 id: 9
478 }, {
479 rule: 'repeated',
480 type: 'string',
481 name: 'ids',
482 id: 10
483 }, {
484 rule: 'optional',
485 type: 'int32',
486 name: 'appCode',
487 id: 11
488 }, {
489 rule: 'optional',
490 type: 'string',
491 name: 'appMsg',
492 id: 12
493 }]
494 }, {
495 name: 'UnreadCommand',
496 syntax: 'proto2',
497 fields: [{
498 rule: 'repeated',
499 type: 'UnreadTuple',
500 name: 'convs',
501 id: 1
502 }, {
503 rule: 'optional',
504 type: 'int64',
505 name: 'notifTime',
506 id: 2
507 }]
508 }, {
509 name: 'ConvCommand',
510 syntax: 'proto2',
511 fields: [{
512 rule: 'repeated',
513 type: 'string',
514 name: 'm',
515 id: 1
516 }, {
517 rule: 'optional',
518 type: 'bool',
519 name: 'transient',
520 id: 2
521 }, {
522 rule: 'optional',
523 type: 'bool',
524 name: 'unique',
525 id: 3
526 }, {
527 rule: 'optional',
528 type: 'string',
529 name: 'cid',
530 id: 4
531 }, {
532 rule: 'optional',
533 type: 'string',
534 name: 'cdate',
535 id: 5
536 }, {
537 rule: 'optional',
538 type: 'string',
539 name: 'initBy',
540 id: 6
541 }, {
542 rule: 'optional',
543 type: 'string',
544 name: 'sort',
545 id: 7
546 }, {
547 rule: 'optional',
548 type: 'int32',
549 name: 'limit',
550 id: 8
551 }, {
552 rule: 'optional',
553 type: 'int32',
554 name: 'skip',
555 id: 9
556 }, {
557 rule: 'optional',
558 type: 'int32',
559 name: 'flag',
560 id: 10
561 }, {
562 rule: 'optional',
563 type: 'int32',
564 name: 'count',
565 id: 11
566 }, {
567 rule: 'optional',
568 type: 'string',
569 name: 'udate',
570 id: 12
571 }, {
572 rule: 'optional',
573 type: 'int64',
574 name: 't',
575 id: 13
576 }, {
577 rule: 'optional',
578 type: 'string',
579 name: 'n',
580 id: 14
581 }, {
582 rule: 'optional',
583 type: 'string',
584 name: 's',
585 id: 15
586 }, {
587 rule: 'optional',
588 type: 'bool',
589 name: 'statusSub',
590 id: 16
591 }, {
592 rule: 'optional',
593 type: 'bool',
594 name: 'statusPub',
595 id: 17
596 }, {
597 rule: 'optional',
598 type: 'int32',
599 name: 'statusTTL',
600 id: 18
601 }, {
602 rule: 'optional',
603 type: 'string',
604 name: 'uniqueId',
605 id: 19
606 }, {
607 rule: 'optional',
608 type: 'string',
609 name: 'targetClientId',
610 id: 20
611 }, {
612 rule: 'optional',
613 type: 'int64',
614 name: 'maxReadTimestamp',
615 id: 21
616 }, {
617 rule: 'optional',
618 type: 'int64',
619 name: 'maxAckTimestamp',
620 id: 22
621 }, {
622 rule: 'optional',
623 type: 'bool',
624 name: 'queryAllMembers',
625 id: 23
626 }, {
627 rule: 'repeated',
628 type: 'MaxReadTuple',
629 name: 'maxReadTuples',
630 id: 24
631 }, {
632 rule: 'repeated',
633 type: 'string',
634 name: 'cids',
635 id: 25
636 }, {
637 rule: 'optional',
638 type: 'ConvMemberInfo',
639 name: 'info',
640 id: 26
641 }, {
642 rule: 'optional',
643 type: 'bool',
644 name: 'tempConv',
645 id: 27
646 }, {
647 rule: 'optional',
648 type: 'int32',
649 name: 'tempConvTTL',
650 id: 28
651 }, {
652 rule: 'repeated',
653 type: 'string',
654 name: 'tempConvIds',
655 id: 29
656 }, {
657 rule: 'repeated',
658 type: 'string',
659 name: 'allowedPids',
660 id: 30
661 }, {
662 rule: 'repeated',
663 type: 'ErrorCommand',
664 name: 'failedPids',
665 id: 31
666 }, {
667 rule: 'optional',
668 type: 'string',
669 name: 'next',
670 id: 40
671 }, {
672 rule: 'optional',
673 type: 'JsonObjectMessage',
674 name: 'results',
675 id: 100
676 }, {
677 rule: 'optional',
678 type: 'JsonObjectMessage',
679 name: 'where',
680 id: 101
681 }, {
682 rule: 'optional',
683 type: 'JsonObjectMessage',
684 name: 'attr',
685 id: 103
686 }, {
687 rule: 'optional',
688 type: 'JsonObjectMessage',
689 name: 'attrModified',
690 id: 104
691 }]
692 }, {
693 name: 'RoomCommand',
694 syntax: 'proto2',
695 fields: [{
696 rule: 'optional',
697 type: 'string',
698 name: 'roomId',
699 id: 1
700 }, {
701 rule: 'optional',
702 type: 'string',
703 name: 's',
704 id: 2
705 }, {
706 rule: 'optional',
707 type: 'int64',
708 name: 't',
709 id: 3
710 }, {
711 rule: 'optional',
712 type: 'string',
713 name: 'n',
714 id: 4
715 }, {
716 rule: 'optional',
717 type: 'bool',
718 name: 'transient',
719 id: 5
720 }, {
721 rule: 'repeated',
722 type: 'string',
723 name: 'roomPeerIds',
724 id: 6
725 }, {
726 rule: 'optional',
727 type: 'string',
728 name: 'byPeerId',
729 id: 7
730 }]
731 }, {
732 name: 'LogsCommand',
733 syntax: 'proto2',
734 fields: [{
735 rule: 'optional',
736 type: 'string',
737 name: 'cid',
738 id: 1
739 }, {
740 rule: 'optional',
741 type: 'int32',
742 name: 'l',
743 id: 2
744 }, {
745 rule: 'optional',
746 type: 'int32',
747 name: 'limit',
748 id: 3
749 }, {
750 rule: 'optional',
751 type: 'int64',
752 name: 't',
753 id: 4
754 }, {
755 rule: 'optional',
756 type: 'int64',
757 name: 'tt',
758 id: 5
759 }, {
760 rule: 'optional',
761 type: 'string',
762 name: 'tmid',
763 id: 6
764 }, {
765 rule: 'optional',
766 type: 'string',
767 name: 'mid',
768 id: 7
769 }, {
770 rule: 'optional',
771 type: 'string',
772 name: 'checksum',
773 id: 8
774 }, {
775 rule: 'optional',
776 type: 'bool',
777 name: 'stored',
778 id: 9
779 }, {
780 rule: 'optional',
781 type: 'QueryDirection',
782 name: 'direction',
783 id: 10,
784 options: {
785 "default": 'OLD'
786 }
787 }, {
788 rule: 'optional',
789 type: 'bool',
790 name: 'tIncluded',
791 id: 11
792 }, {
793 rule: 'optional',
794 type: 'bool',
795 name: 'ttIncluded',
796 id: 12
797 }, {
798 rule: 'optional',
799 type: 'int32',
800 name: 'lctype',
801 id: 13
802 }, {
803 rule: 'repeated',
804 type: 'LogItem',
805 name: 'logs',
806 id: 105
807 }],
808 enums: [{
809 name: 'QueryDirection',
810 syntax: 'proto2',
811 values: [{
812 name: 'OLD',
813 id: 1
814 }, {
815 name: 'NEW',
816 id: 2
817 }]
818 }]
819 }, {
820 name: 'RcpCommand',
821 syntax: 'proto2',
822 fields: [{
823 rule: 'optional',
824 type: 'string',
825 name: 'id',
826 id: 1
827 }, {
828 rule: 'optional',
829 type: 'string',
830 name: 'cid',
831 id: 2
832 }, {
833 rule: 'optional',
834 type: 'int64',
835 name: 't',
836 id: 3
837 }, {
838 rule: 'optional',
839 type: 'bool',
840 name: 'read',
841 id: 4
842 }, {
843 rule: 'optional',
844 type: 'string',
845 name: 'from',
846 id: 5
847 }]
848 }, {
849 name: 'ReadTuple',
850 syntax: 'proto2',
851 fields: [{
852 rule: 'required',
853 type: 'string',
854 name: 'cid',
855 id: 1
856 }, {
857 rule: 'optional',
858 type: 'int64',
859 name: 'timestamp',
860 id: 2
861 }, {
862 rule: 'optional',
863 type: 'string',
864 name: 'mid',
865 id: 3
866 }]
867 }, {
868 name: 'MaxReadTuple',
869 syntax: 'proto2',
870 fields: [{
871 rule: 'optional',
872 type: 'string',
873 name: 'pid',
874 id: 1
875 }, {
876 rule: 'optional',
877 type: 'int64',
878 name: 'maxAckTimestamp',
879 id: 2
880 }, {
881 rule: 'optional',
882 type: 'int64',
883 name: 'maxReadTimestamp',
884 id: 3
885 }]
886 }, {
887 name: 'ReadCommand',
888 syntax: 'proto2',
889 fields: [{
890 rule: 'optional',
891 type: 'string',
892 name: 'cid',
893 id: 1
894 }, {
895 rule: 'repeated',
896 type: 'string',
897 name: 'cids',
898 id: 2
899 }, {
900 rule: 'repeated',
901 type: 'ReadTuple',
902 name: 'convs',
903 id: 3
904 }]
905 }, {
906 name: 'PresenceCommand',
907 syntax: 'proto2',
908 fields: [{
909 rule: 'optional',
910 type: 'StatusType',
911 name: 'status',
912 id: 1
913 }, {
914 rule: 'repeated',
915 type: 'string',
916 name: 'sessionPeerIds',
917 id: 2
918 }, {
919 rule: 'optional',
920 type: 'string',
921 name: 'cid',
922 id: 3
923 }]
924 }, {
925 name: 'ReportCommand',
926 syntax: 'proto2',
927 fields: [{
928 rule: 'optional',
929 type: 'bool',
930 name: 'initiative',
931 id: 1
932 }, {
933 rule: 'optional',
934 type: 'string',
935 name: 'type',
936 id: 2
937 }, {
938 rule: 'optional',
939 type: 'string',
940 name: 'data',
941 id: 3
942 }]
943 }, {
944 name: 'PatchItem',
945 syntax: 'proto2',
946 fields: [{
947 rule: 'optional',
948 type: 'string',
949 name: 'cid',
950 id: 1
951 }, {
952 rule: 'optional',
953 type: 'string',
954 name: 'mid',
955 id: 2
956 }, {
957 rule: 'optional',
958 type: 'int64',
959 name: 'timestamp',
960 id: 3
961 }, {
962 rule: 'optional',
963 type: 'bool',
964 name: 'recall',
965 id: 4
966 }, {
967 rule: 'optional',
968 type: 'string',
969 name: 'data',
970 id: 5
971 }, {
972 rule: 'optional',
973 type: 'int64',
974 name: 'patchTimestamp',
975 id: 6
976 }, {
977 rule: 'optional',
978 type: 'string',
979 name: 'from',
980 id: 7
981 }, {
982 rule: 'optional',
983 type: 'bytes',
984 name: 'binaryMsg',
985 id: 8
986 }, {
987 rule: 'optional',
988 type: 'bool',
989 name: 'mentionAll',
990 id: 9
991 }, {
992 rule: 'repeated',
993 type: 'string',
994 name: 'mentionPids',
995 id: 10
996 }, {
997 rule: 'optional',
998 type: 'int64',
999 name: 'patchCode',
1000 id: 11
1001 }, {
1002 rule: 'optional',
1003 type: 'string',
1004 name: 'patchReason',
1005 id: 12
1006 }]
1007 }, {
1008 name: 'PatchCommand',
1009 syntax: 'proto2',
1010 fields: [{
1011 rule: 'repeated',
1012 type: 'PatchItem',
1013 name: 'patches',
1014 id: 1
1015 }, {
1016 rule: 'optional',
1017 type: 'int64',
1018 name: 'lastPatchTime',
1019 id: 2
1020 }]
1021 }, {
1022 name: 'PubsubCommand',
1023 syntax: 'proto2',
1024 fields: [{
1025 rule: 'optional',
1026 type: 'string',
1027 name: 'cid',
1028 id: 1
1029 }, {
1030 rule: 'repeated',
1031 type: 'string',
1032 name: 'cids',
1033 id: 2
1034 }, {
1035 rule: 'optional',
1036 type: 'string',
1037 name: 'topic',
1038 id: 3
1039 }, {
1040 rule: 'optional',
1041 type: 'string',
1042 name: 'subtopic',
1043 id: 4
1044 }, {
1045 rule: 'repeated',
1046 type: 'string',
1047 name: 'topics',
1048 id: 5
1049 }, {
1050 rule: 'repeated',
1051 type: 'string',
1052 name: 'subtopics',
1053 id: 6
1054 }, {
1055 rule: 'optional',
1056 type: 'JsonObjectMessage',
1057 name: 'results',
1058 id: 7
1059 }]
1060 }, {
1061 name: 'BlacklistCommand',
1062 syntax: 'proto2',
1063 fields: [{
1064 rule: 'optional',
1065 type: 'string',
1066 name: 'srcCid',
1067 id: 1
1068 }, {
1069 rule: 'repeated',
1070 type: 'string',
1071 name: 'toPids',
1072 id: 2
1073 }, {
1074 rule: 'optional',
1075 type: 'string',
1076 name: 'srcPid',
1077 id: 3
1078 }, {
1079 rule: 'repeated',
1080 type: 'string',
1081 name: 'toCids',
1082 id: 4
1083 }, {
1084 rule: 'optional',
1085 type: 'int32',
1086 name: 'limit',
1087 id: 5
1088 }, {
1089 rule: 'optional',
1090 type: 'string',
1091 name: 'next',
1092 id: 6
1093 }, {
1094 rule: 'repeated',
1095 type: 'string',
1096 name: 'blockedPids',
1097 id: 8
1098 }, {
1099 rule: 'repeated',
1100 type: 'string',
1101 name: 'blockedCids',
1102 id: 9
1103 }, {
1104 rule: 'repeated',
1105 type: 'string',
1106 name: 'allowedPids',
1107 id: 10
1108 }, {
1109 rule: 'repeated',
1110 type: 'ErrorCommand',
1111 name: 'failedPids',
1112 id: 11
1113 }, {
1114 rule: 'optional',
1115 type: 'int64',
1116 name: 't',
1117 id: 12
1118 }, {
1119 rule: 'optional',
1120 type: 'string',
1121 name: 'n',
1122 id: 13
1123 }, {
1124 rule: 'optional',
1125 type: 'string',
1126 name: 's',
1127 id: 14
1128 }]
1129 }, {
1130 name: 'GenericCommand',
1131 syntax: 'proto2',
1132 fields: [{
1133 rule: 'optional',
1134 type: 'CommandType',
1135 name: 'cmd',
1136 id: 1
1137 }, {
1138 rule: 'optional',
1139 type: 'OpType',
1140 name: 'op',
1141 id: 2
1142 }, {
1143 rule: 'optional',
1144 type: 'string',
1145 name: 'appId',
1146 id: 3
1147 }, {
1148 rule: 'optional',
1149 type: 'string',
1150 name: 'peerId',
1151 id: 4
1152 }, {
1153 rule: 'optional',
1154 type: 'int32',
1155 name: 'i',
1156 id: 5
1157 }, {
1158 rule: 'optional',
1159 type: 'string',
1160 name: 'installationId',
1161 id: 6
1162 }, {
1163 rule: 'optional',
1164 type: 'int32',
1165 name: 'priority',
1166 id: 7
1167 }, {
1168 rule: 'optional',
1169 type: 'int32',
1170 name: 'service',
1171 id: 8
1172 }, {
1173 rule: 'optional',
1174 type: 'int64',
1175 name: 'serverTs',
1176 id: 9
1177 }, {
1178 rule: 'optional',
1179 type: 'int64',
1180 name: 'clientTs',
1181 id: 10
1182 }, {
1183 rule: 'optional',
1184 type: 'int32',
1185 name: 'notificationType',
1186 id: 11
1187 }, {
1188 rule: 'optional',
1189 type: 'DataCommand',
1190 name: 'dataMessage',
1191 id: 101
1192 }, {
1193 rule: 'optional',
1194 type: 'SessionCommand',
1195 name: 'sessionMessage',
1196 id: 102
1197 }, {
1198 rule: 'optional',
1199 type: 'ErrorCommand',
1200 name: 'errorMessage',
1201 id: 103
1202 }, {
1203 rule: 'optional',
1204 type: 'DirectCommand',
1205 name: 'directMessage',
1206 id: 104
1207 }, {
1208 rule: 'optional',
1209 type: 'AckCommand',
1210 name: 'ackMessage',
1211 id: 105
1212 }, {
1213 rule: 'optional',
1214 type: 'UnreadCommand',
1215 name: 'unreadMessage',
1216 id: 106
1217 }, {
1218 rule: 'optional',
1219 type: 'ReadCommand',
1220 name: 'readMessage',
1221 id: 107
1222 }, {
1223 rule: 'optional',
1224 type: 'RcpCommand',
1225 name: 'rcpMessage',
1226 id: 108
1227 }, {
1228 rule: 'optional',
1229 type: 'LogsCommand',
1230 name: 'logsMessage',
1231 id: 109
1232 }, {
1233 rule: 'optional',
1234 type: 'ConvCommand',
1235 name: 'convMessage',
1236 id: 110
1237 }, {
1238 rule: 'optional',
1239 type: 'RoomCommand',
1240 name: 'roomMessage',
1241 id: 111
1242 }, {
1243 rule: 'optional',
1244 type: 'PresenceCommand',
1245 name: 'presenceMessage',
1246 id: 112
1247 }, {
1248 rule: 'optional',
1249 type: 'ReportCommand',
1250 name: 'reportMessage',
1251 id: 113
1252 }, {
1253 rule: 'optional',
1254 type: 'PatchCommand',
1255 name: 'patchMessage',
1256 id: 114
1257 }, {
1258 rule: 'optional',
1259 type: 'PubsubCommand',
1260 name: 'pubsubMessage',
1261 id: 115
1262 }, {
1263 rule: 'optional',
1264 type: 'BlacklistCommand',
1265 name: 'blacklistMessage',
1266 id: 116
1267 }]
1268 }],
1269 enums: [{
1270 name: 'CommandType',
1271 syntax: 'proto2',
1272 values: [{
1273 name: 'session',
1274 id: 0
1275 }, {
1276 name: 'conv',
1277 id: 1
1278 }, {
1279 name: 'direct',
1280 id: 2
1281 }, {
1282 name: 'ack',
1283 id: 3
1284 }, {
1285 name: 'rcp',
1286 id: 4
1287 }, {
1288 name: 'unread',
1289 id: 5
1290 }, {
1291 name: 'logs',
1292 id: 6
1293 }, {
1294 name: 'error',
1295 id: 7
1296 }, {
1297 name: 'login',
1298 id: 8
1299 }, {
1300 name: 'data',
1301 id: 9
1302 }, {
1303 name: 'room',
1304 id: 10
1305 }, {
1306 name: 'read',
1307 id: 11
1308 }, {
1309 name: 'presence',
1310 id: 12
1311 }, {
1312 name: 'report',
1313 id: 13
1314 }, {
1315 name: 'echo',
1316 id: 14
1317 }, {
1318 name: 'loggedin',
1319 id: 15
1320 }, {
1321 name: 'logout',
1322 id: 16
1323 }, {
1324 name: 'loggedout',
1325 id: 17
1326 }, {
1327 name: 'patch',
1328 id: 18
1329 }, {
1330 name: 'pubsub',
1331 id: 19
1332 }, {
1333 name: 'blacklist',
1334 id: 20
1335 }, {
1336 name: 'goaway',
1337 id: 21
1338 }]
1339 }, {
1340 name: 'OpType',
1341 syntax: 'proto2',
1342 values: [{
1343 name: 'open',
1344 id: 1
1345 }, {
1346 name: 'add',
1347 id: 2
1348 }, {
1349 name: 'remove',
1350 id: 3
1351 }, {
1352 name: 'close',
1353 id: 4
1354 }, {
1355 name: 'opened',
1356 id: 5
1357 }, {
1358 name: 'closed',
1359 id: 6
1360 }, {
1361 name: 'query',
1362 id: 7
1363 }, {
1364 name: 'query_result',
1365 id: 8
1366 }, {
1367 name: 'conflict',
1368 id: 9
1369 }, {
1370 name: 'added',
1371 id: 10
1372 }, {
1373 name: 'removed',
1374 id: 11
1375 }, {
1376 name: 'refresh',
1377 id: 12
1378 }, {
1379 name: 'refreshed',
1380 id: 13
1381 }, {
1382 name: 'start',
1383 id: 30
1384 }, {
1385 name: 'started',
1386 id: 31
1387 }, {
1388 name: 'joined',
1389 id: 32
1390 }, {
1391 name: 'members_joined',
1392 id: 33
1393 }, {
1394 name: 'left',
1395 id: 39
1396 }, {
1397 name: 'members_left',
1398 id: 40
1399 }, {
1400 name: 'results',
1401 id: 42
1402 }, {
1403 name: 'count',
1404 id: 43
1405 }, {
1406 name: 'result',
1407 id: 44
1408 }, {
1409 name: 'update',
1410 id: 45
1411 }, {
1412 name: 'updated',
1413 id: 46
1414 }, {
1415 name: 'mute',
1416 id: 47
1417 }, {
1418 name: 'unmute',
1419 id: 48
1420 }, {
1421 name: 'status',
1422 id: 49
1423 }, {
1424 name: 'members',
1425 id: 50
1426 }, {
1427 name: 'max_read',
1428 id: 51
1429 }, {
1430 name: 'is_member',
1431 id: 52
1432 }, {
1433 name: 'member_info_update',
1434 id: 53
1435 }, {
1436 name: 'member_info_updated',
1437 id: 54
1438 }, {
1439 name: 'member_info_changed',
1440 id: 55
1441 }, {
1442 name: 'join',
1443 id: 80
1444 }, {
1445 name: 'invite',
1446 id: 81
1447 }, {
1448 name: 'leave',
1449 id: 82
1450 }, {
1451 name: 'kick',
1452 id: 83
1453 }, {
1454 name: 'reject',
1455 id: 84
1456 }, {
1457 name: 'invited',
1458 id: 85
1459 }, {
1460 name: 'kicked',
1461 id: 86
1462 }, {
1463 name: 'upload',
1464 id: 100
1465 }, {
1466 name: 'uploaded',
1467 id: 101
1468 }, {
1469 name: 'subscribe',
1470 id: 120
1471 }, {
1472 name: 'subscribed',
1473 id: 121
1474 }, {
1475 name: 'unsubscribe',
1476 id: 122
1477 }, {
1478 name: 'unsubscribed',
1479 id: 123
1480 }, {
1481 name: 'is_subscribed',
1482 id: 124
1483 }, {
1484 name: 'modify',
1485 id: 150
1486 }, {
1487 name: 'modified',
1488 id: 151
1489 }, {
1490 name: 'block',
1491 id: 170
1492 }, {
1493 name: 'unblock',
1494 id: 171
1495 }, {
1496 name: 'blocked',
1497 id: 172
1498 }, {
1499 name: 'unblocked',
1500 id: 173
1501 }, {
1502 name: 'members_blocked',
1503 id: 174
1504 }, {
1505 name: 'members_unblocked',
1506 id: 175
1507 }, {
1508 name: 'check_block',
1509 id: 176
1510 }, {
1511 name: 'check_result',
1512 id: 177
1513 }, {
1514 name: 'add_shutup',
1515 id: 180
1516 }, {
1517 name: 'remove_shutup',
1518 id: 181
1519 }, {
1520 name: 'query_shutup',
1521 id: 182
1522 }, {
1523 name: 'shutup_added',
1524 id: 183
1525 }, {
1526 name: 'shutup_removed',
1527 id: 184
1528 }, {
1529 name: 'shutup_result',
1530 id: 185
1531 }, {
1532 name: 'shutuped',
1533 id: 186
1534 }, {
1535 name: 'unshutuped',
1536 id: 187
1537 }, {
1538 name: 'members_shutuped',
1539 id: 188
1540 }, {
1541 name: 'members_unshutuped',
1542 id: 189
1543 }, {
1544 name: 'check_shutup',
1545 id: 190
1546 }]
1547 }, {
1548 name: 'StatusType',
1549 syntax: 'proto2',
1550 values: [{
1551 name: 'on',
1552 id: 1
1553 }, {
1554 name: 'off',
1555 id: 2
1556 }]
1557 }],
1558 isNamespace: true
1561var _messages$push_server = messageCompiled.push_server.messages2,
1562 JsonObjectMessage = _messages$push_server.JsonObjectMessage,
1563 UnreadTuple = _messages$push_server.UnreadTuple,
1564 LogItem = _messages$push_server.LogItem,
1565 DataCommand = _messages$push_server.DataCommand,
1566 SessionCommand = _messages$push_server.SessionCommand,
1567 ErrorCommand = _messages$push_server.ErrorCommand,
1568 DirectCommand = _messages$push_server.DirectCommand,
1569 AckCommand = _messages$push_server.AckCommand,
1570 UnreadCommand = _messages$push_server.UnreadCommand,
1571 ConvCommand = _messages$push_server.ConvCommand,
1572 RoomCommand = _messages$push_server.RoomCommand,
1573 LogsCommand = _messages$push_server.LogsCommand,
1574 RcpCommand = _messages$push_server.RcpCommand,
1575 ReadTuple = _messages$push_server.ReadTuple,
1576 MaxReadTuple = _messages$push_server.MaxReadTuple,
1577 ReadCommand = _messages$push_server.ReadCommand,
1578 PresenceCommand = _messages$push_server.PresenceCommand,
1579 ReportCommand = _messages$push_server.ReportCommand,
1580 GenericCommand = _messages$push_server.GenericCommand,
1581 BlacklistCommand = _messages$push_server.BlacklistCommand,
1582 PatchCommand = _messages$push_server.PatchCommand,
1583 PatchItem = _messages$push_server.PatchItem,
1584 ConvMemberInfo = _messages$push_server.ConvMemberInfo,
1585 CommandType = _messages$push_server.CommandType,
1586 OpType = _messages$push_server.OpType,
1587 StatusType = _messages$push_server.StatusType;
1589var message = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
1590 __proto__: null,
1591 JsonObjectMessage: JsonObjectMessage,
1592 UnreadTuple: UnreadTuple,
1593 LogItem: LogItem,
1594 DataCommand: DataCommand,
1595 SessionCommand: SessionCommand,
1596 ErrorCommand: ErrorCommand,
1597 DirectCommand: DirectCommand,
1598 AckCommand: AckCommand,
1599 UnreadCommand: UnreadCommand,
1600 ConvCommand: ConvCommand,
1601 RoomCommand: RoomCommand,
1602 LogsCommand: LogsCommand,
1603 RcpCommand: RcpCommand,
1604 ReadTuple: ReadTuple,
1605 MaxReadTuple: MaxReadTuple,
1606 ReadCommand: ReadCommand,
1607 PresenceCommand: PresenceCommand,
1608 ReportCommand: ReportCommand,
1609 GenericCommand: GenericCommand,
1610 BlacklistCommand: BlacklistCommand,
1611 PatchCommand: PatchCommand,
1612 PatchItem: PatchItem,
1613 ConvMemberInfo: ConvMemberInfo,
1614 CommandType: CommandType,
1615 OpType: OpType,
1616 StatusType: StatusType
1619var adapters = {};
1620var getAdapter = function getAdapter(name) {
1621 var adapter = adapters[name];
1622 if (adapter === undefined) {
1623 throw new Error("".concat(name, " adapter is not configured"));
1624 }
1625 return adapter;
1629 * 指定 Adapters
1630 * @function
1631 * @memberof module:leancloud-realtime
1632 * @param {Adapters} newAdapters Adapters 的类型请参考 {@link https://url.leanapp.cn/adapter-type-definitions @leancloud/adapter-types} 中的定义
1633 */
1634var setAdapters = function setAdapters(newAdapters) {
1635 Object.assign(adapters, newAdapters);
1638/* eslint-disable */
1639var global$1 = typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {};
1641var EXPIRED = Symbol('expired');
1642var debug = d('LC:Expirable');
1643var Expirable = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
1644 function Expirable(value, ttl) {
1645 this.originalValue = value;
1646 if (typeof ttl === 'number') {
1647 this.expiredAt = Date.now() + ttl;
1648 }
1649 }
1650 _createClass(Expirable, [{
1651 key: "value",
1652 get: function get() {
1653 var expired = this.expiredAt && this.expiredAt <= Date.now();
1654 if (expired) debug("expired: ".concat(this.originalValue));
1655 return expired ? EXPIRED : this.originalValue;
1656 }
1657 }]);
1658 return Expirable;
1660Expirable.EXPIRED = EXPIRED;
1662var debug$1 = d('LC:Cache');
1663var Cache = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
1664 function Cache() {
1665 var name = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'anonymous';
1666 this.name = name;
1667 this._map = {};
1668 }
1669 var _proto = Cache.prototype;
1670 _proto.get = function get(key) {
1671 var cache = this._map[key];
1672 if (cache) {
1673 var value = cache.value;
1674 if (value !== Expirable.EXPIRED) {
1675 debug$1('[%s] hit: %s', this.name, key);
1676 return value;
1677 }
1678 delete this._map[key];
1679 }
1680 debug$1("[".concat(this.name, "] missed: ").concat(key));
1681 return null;
1682 };
1683 _proto.set = function set(key, value, ttl) {
1684 debug$1('[%s] set: %s %d', this.name, key, ttl);
1685 this._map[key] = new Expirable(value, ttl);
1686 };
1687 return Cache;
1690function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
1691function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
1694 * 调试日志控制器
1695 * @const
1696 * @memberof module:leancloud-realtime
1697 * @example
1698 * debug.enable(); // 启用调试日志
1699 * debug.disable(); // 关闭调试日志
1700 */
1701var debug$2 = {
1702 enable: function enable() {
1703 var namespaces = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'LC*';
1704 return d.enable(namespaces);
1705 },
1706 disable: d.disable
1708var tryAll = function tryAll(promiseConstructors) {
1709 var promise = new Promise(promiseConstructors[0]);
1710 if (promiseConstructors.length === 1) {
1711 return promise;
1712 }
1713 return promise["catch"](function () {
1714 return tryAll(promiseConstructors.slice(1));
1715 });
1718// eslint-disable-next-line no-sequences
1719var tap = function tap(interceptor) {
1720 return function (value) {
1721 return interceptor(value), value;
1722 };
1724var isIE10 = global$1.navigator && global$1.navigator.userAgent && global$1.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 10.') !== -1;
1725var map = new WeakMap();
1727// protected property helper
1728var internal = function internal(object) {
1729 if (!map.has(object)) {
1730 map.set(object, {});
1731 }
1732 return map.get(object);
1734var compact = function compact(obj, filter) {
1735 if (!isPlainObject(obj)) return obj;
1736 var object = _objectSpread({}, obj);
1737 Object.keys(object).forEach(function (prop) {
1738 var value = object[prop];
1739 if (value === filter) {
1740 delete object[prop];
1741 } else {
1742 object[prop] = compact(value, filter);
1743 }
1744 });
1745 return object;
1748// debug utility
1749var removeNull = function removeNull(obj) {
1750 return compact(obj, null);
1752var trim = function trim(message) {
1753 return removeNull(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(message)));
1755var ensureArray = function ensureArray(target) {
1756 if (Array.isArray(target)) {
1757 return target;
1758 }
1759 if (target === undefined || target === null) {
1760 return [];
1761 }
1762 return [target];
1764var isWeapp =
1765// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
1766(typeof wx === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(wx)) === 'object' && typeof wx.connectSocket === 'function';
1767var isCNApp = function isCNApp(appId) {
1768 return appId.slice(-9) !== '-MdYXbMMI';
1770var equalBuffer = function equalBuffer(buffer1, buffer2) {
1771 if (!buffer1 || !buffer2) return false;
1772 if (buffer1.byteLength !== buffer2.byteLength) return false;
1773 var a = new Uint8Array(buffer1);
1774 var b = new Uint8Array(buffer2);
1775 return !a.some(function (value, index) {
1776 return value !== b[index];
1777 });
1780var _class;
1781function ownKeys$1(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
1782function _objectSpread$1(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys$1(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$1(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
1783var debug$3 = d('LC:WebSocketPlus');
1784var OPEN = 'open';
1785var DISCONNECT = 'disconnect';
1786var RECONNECT = 'reconnect';
1787var RETRY = 'retry';
1788var SCHEDULE = 'schedule';
1789var OFFLINE = 'offline';
1790var ONLINE = 'online';
1791var ERROR = 'error';
1792var MESSAGE = 'message';
1793var HEARTBEAT_TIME = 180000;
1794var TIMEOUT_TIME = 380000;
1796 return Math.min(1000 * Math.pow(2, attempt), 300000);
1798var requireConnected = function requireConnected(target, name, descriptor) {
1799 return _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, descriptor), {}, {
1800 value: function requireConnectedWrapper() {
1801 var _descriptor$value;
1802 this.checkConnectionAvailability(name);
1803 for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
1804 args[_key] = arguments[_key];
1805 }
1806 return (_descriptor$value = descriptor.value).call.apply(_descriptor$value, [this].concat(args));
1807 }
1808 });
1810var WebSocketPlus = (_class = /*#__PURE__*/function (_EventEmitter) {
1811 _inheritsLoose(WebSocketPlus, _EventEmitter);
1812 function WebSocketPlus(getUrls, protocol) {
1813 var _this;
1814 _this = _EventEmitter.call(this) || this;
1815 _this.init();
1816 _this._protocol = protocol;
1817 Promise.resolve(typeof getUrls === 'function' ? getUrls() : getUrls).then(ensureArray).then(function (urls) {
1818 _this._urls = urls;
1819 return _this._open();
1820 }).then(function () {
1821 _this.__postponeTimeoutTimer = _this._postponeTimeoutTimer.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_this));
1822 if (global$1.addEventListener) {
1823 _this.__pause = function () {
1824 if (_this.can('pause')) _this.pause();
1825 };
1826 _this.__resume = function () {
1827 if (_this.can('resume')) _this.resume();
1828 };
1829 global$1.addEventListener('offline', _this.__pause);
1830 global$1.addEventListener('online', _this.__resume);
1831 }
1832 _this.open();
1833 })["catch"](_this["throw"].bind(_assertThisInitialized(_this)));
1834 return _this;
1835 }
1836 var _proto = WebSocketPlus.prototype;
1837 _proto._open = function _open() {
1838 var _this2 = this;
1839 return this._createWs(this._urls, this._protocol).then(function (ws) {
1840 var _this2$_urls = _toArray(_this2._urls),
1841 first = _this2$_urls[0],
1842 reset = _this2$_urls.slice(1);
1843 _this2._urls = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(reset), [first]);
1844 return ws;
1845 });
1846 };
1847 _proto._createWs = function _createWs(urls, protocol) {
1848 var _this3 = this;
1849 return tryAll(urls.map(function (url) {
1850 return function (resolve, reject) {
1851 debug$3("connect [".concat(url, "] ").concat(protocol));
1852 var WebSocket = getAdapter('WebSocket');
1853 var ws = protocol ? new WebSocket(url, protocol) : new WebSocket(url);
1854 ws.binaryType = _this3.binaryType || 'arraybuffer';
1855 ws.onopen = function () {
1856 return resolve(ws);
1857 };
1858 ws.onclose = function (error) {
1859 if (error instanceof Error) {
1860 return reject(error);
1861 }
1862 // in browser, error event is useless
1863 return reject(new Error("Failed to connect [".concat(url, "]")));
1864 };
1865 ws.onerror = ws.onclose;
1866 };
1867 })).then(function (ws) {
1868 _this3._ws = ws;
1869 _this3._ws.onclose = _this3._handleClose.bind(_this3);
1870 _this3._ws.onmessage = _this3._handleMessage.bind(_this3);
1871 return ws;
1872 });
1873 };
1874 _proto._destroyWs = function _destroyWs() {
1875 var ws = this._ws;
1876 if (!ws) return;
1877 ws.onopen = null;
1878 ws.onclose = null;
1879 ws.onerror = null;
1880 ws.onmessage = null;
1881 this._ws = null;
1882 ws.close();
1883 }
1885 // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
1886 ;
1887 _proto.onbeforeevent = function onbeforeevent(event, from, to) {
1888 for (var _len2 = arguments.length, payload = new Array(_len2 > 3 ? _len2 - 3 : 0), _key2 = 3; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
1889 payload[_key2 - 3] = arguments[_key2];
1890 }
1891 debug$3("".concat(event, ": ").concat(from, " -> ").concat(to, " %o"), payload);
1892 };
1893 _proto.onopen = function onopen() {
1894 this.emit(OPEN);
1895 };
1896 _proto.onconnected = function onconnected() {
1897 this._startConnectionKeeper();
1898 };
1899 _proto.onleaveconnected = function onleaveconnected(event, from, to) {
1900 this._stopConnectionKeeper();
1901 this._destroyWs();
1902 if (to === 'offline' || to === 'disconnected') {
1903 this.emit(DISCONNECT);
1904 }
1905 };
1906 _proto.onpause = function onpause() {
1907 this.emit(OFFLINE);
1908 };
1909 _proto.onbeforeresume = function onbeforeresume() {
1910 this.emit(ONLINE);
1911 };
1912 _proto.onreconnect = function onreconnect() {
1913 this.emit(RECONNECT);
1914 };
1915 _proto.ondisconnected = function ondisconnected(event, from, to) {
1916 var _this4 = this;
1917 var attempt = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0;
1918 var delay = from === OFFLINE ? 0 : DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY.call(null, attempt);
1919 debug$3("schedule attempt=".concat(attempt, " delay=").concat(delay));
1920 this.emit(SCHEDULE, attempt, delay);
1921 if (this.__scheduledRetry) {
1922 clearTimeout(this.__scheduledRetry);
1923 }
1924 this.__scheduledRetry = setTimeout(function () {
1925 if (_this4.is('disconnected')) {
1926 _this4.retry(attempt);
1927 }
1928 }, delay);
1929 };
1930 _proto.onretry = function onretry(event, from, to) {
1931 var _this5 = this;
1932 var attempt = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0;
1933 this.emit(RETRY, attempt);
1934 this._open().then(function () {
1935 return _this5.can('reconnect') && _this5.reconnect();
1936 }, function () {
1937 return _this5.can('fail') && _this5.fail(attempt + 1);
1938 });
1939 };
1940 _proto.onerror = function onerror(event, from, to, error) {
1941 this.emit(ERROR, error);
1942 };
1943 _proto.onclose = function onclose() {
1944 if (global$1.removeEventListener) {
1945 if (this.__pause) global$1.removeEventListener('offline', this.__pause);
1946 if (this.__resume) global$1.removeEventListener('online', this.__resume);
1947 }
1948 };
1949 _proto.checkConnectionAvailability = function checkConnectionAvailability() {
1950 var name = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'API';
1951 if (!this.is('connected')) {
1952 var currentState = this.current;
1953 console.warn("".concat(name, " should not be called when the connection is ").concat(currentState));
1954 if (this.is('disconnected') || this.is('reconnecting')) {
1955 console.warn('disconnect and reconnect event should be handled to avoid such calls.');
1956 }
1957 throw new Error('Connection unavailable');
1958 }
1959 }
1961 // jsdoc-ignore-start
1962 ;
1963 _proto.
1964 // jsdoc-ignore-end
1965 _ping = function _ping() {
1966 debug$3('ping');
1967 try {
1968 this.ping();
1969 } catch (error) {
1970 console.warn("websocket ping error: ".concat(error.message));
1971 }
1972 };
1973 _proto.ping = function ping() {
1974 if (this._ws.ping) {
1975 this._ws.ping();
1976 } else {
1977 console.warn("The WebSocket implement does not support sending ping frame.\n Override ping method to use application defined ping/pong mechanism.");
1978 }
1979 };
1980 _proto._postponeTimeoutTimer = function _postponeTimeoutTimer() {
1981 var _this6 = this;
1982 debug$3('_postponeTimeoutTimer');
1983 this._clearTimeoutTimers();
1984 this._timeoutTimer = setTimeout(function () {
1985 debug$3('timeout');
1986 _this6.disconnect();
1987 }, TIMEOUT_TIME);
1988 };
1989 _proto._clearTimeoutTimers = function _clearTimeoutTimers() {
1990 if (this._timeoutTimer) {
1991 clearTimeout(this._timeoutTimer);
1992 }
1993 };
1994 _proto._startConnectionKeeper = function _startConnectionKeeper() {
1995 debug$3('start connection keeper');
1996 this._heartbeatTimer = setInterval(this._ping.bind(this), HEARTBEAT_TIME);
1997 var addListener = this._ws.addListener || this._ws.addEventListener;
1998 if (!addListener) {
1999 debug$3('connection keeper disabled due to the lack of #addEventListener.');
2000 return;
2001 }
2002 addListener.call(this._ws, 'message', this.__postponeTimeoutTimer);
2003 addListener.call(this._ws, 'pong', this.__postponeTimeoutTimer);
2004 this._postponeTimeoutTimer();
2005 };
2006 _proto._stopConnectionKeeper = function _stopConnectionKeeper() {
2007 debug$3('stop connection keeper');
2008 // websockets/ws#489
2009 var removeListener = this._ws.removeListener || this._ws.removeEventListener;
2010 if (removeListener) {
2011 removeListener.call(this._ws, 'message', this.__postponeTimeoutTimer);
2012 removeListener.call(this._ws, 'pong', this.__postponeTimeoutTimer);
2013 this._clearTimeoutTimers();
2014 }
2015 if (this._heartbeatTimer) {
2016 clearInterval(this._heartbeatTimer);
2017 }
2018 };
2019 _proto._handleClose = function _handleClose(event) {
2020 debug$3("ws closed [".concat(event.code, "] ").concat(event.reason));
2021 // socket closed manually, ignore close event.
2022 if (this.isFinished()) return;
2023 this.handleClose(event);
2024 };
2025 _proto.handleClose = function handleClose() {
2026 // reconnect
2027 this.disconnect();
2028 }
2030 // jsdoc-ignore-start
2031 ;
2032 _proto.
2033 // jsdoc-ignore-end
2034 send = function send(data) {
2035 debug$3('send', data);
2036 this._ws.send(data);
2037 };
2038 _proto._handleMessage = function _handleMessage(event) {
2039 debug$3('message', event.data);
2040 this.handleMessage(event.data);
2041 };
2042 _proto.handleMessage = function handleMessage(message) {
2043 this.emit(MESSAGE, message);
2044 };
2045 _createClass(WebSocketPlus, [{
2046 key: "urls",
2047 get: function get() {
2048 return this._urls;
2049 },
2050 set: function set(urls) {
2051 this._urls = ensureArray(urls);
2052 }
2053 }]);
2054 return WebSocketPlus;
2055}(EventEmitter), (_applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class.prototype, "_ping", [requireConnected], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_class.prototype, "_ping"), _class.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class.prototype, "send", [requireConnected], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_class.prototype, "send"), _class.prototype)), _class);
2057 target: WebSocketPlus.prototype,
2058 initial: {
2059 state: 'initialized',
2060 event: 'init',
2061 defer: true
2062 },
2063 terminal: 'closed',
2064 events: [{
2065 name: 'open',
2066 from: 'initialized',
2067 to: 'connected'
2068 }, {
2069 name: 'disconnect',
2070 from: 'connected',
2071 to: 'disconnected'
2072 }, {
2073 name: 'retry',
2074 from: 'disconnected',
2075 to: 'reconnecting'
2076 }, {
2077 name: 'fail',
2078 from: 'reconnecting',
2079 to: 'disconnected'
2080 }, {
2081 name: 'reconnect',
2082 from: 'reconnecting',
2083 to: 'connected'
2084 }, {
2085 name: 'pause',
2086 from: ['connected', 'disconnected', 'reconnecting'],
2087 to: 'offline'
2088 }, {}, {
2089 name: 'resume',
2090 from: 'offline',
2091 to: 'disconnected'
2092 }, {
2093 name: 'close',
2094 from: ['connected', 'disconnected', 'reconnecting', 'offline'],
2095 to: 'closed'
2096 }, {
2097 name: 'throw',
2098 from: '*',
2099 to: 'error'
2100 }]
2103var error = Object.freeze({
2104 1000: {
2105 name: 'CLOSE_NORMAL'
2106 },
2107 1006: {
2108 name: 'CLOSE_ABNORMAL'
2109 },
2110 4100: {
2111 name: 'APP_NOT_AVAILABLE',
2112 message: 'App not exists or realtime message service is disabled.'
2113 },
2114 4102: {
2115 name: 'SIGNATURE_FAILED',
2116 message: 'Login signature mismatch.'
2117 },
2118 4103: {
2119 name: 'INVALID_LOGIN',
2120 message: 'Malformed clientId.'
2121 },
2122 4105: {
2123 name: 'SESSION_REQUIRED',
2124 message: 'Message sent before session opened.'
2125 },
2126 4107: {
2127 name: 'READ_TIMEOUT'
2128 },
2129 4108: {
2130 name: 'LOGIN_TIMEOUT'
2131 },
2132 4109: {
2133 name: 'FRAME_TOO_LONG'
2134 },
2135 4110: {
2136 name: 'INVALID_ORIGIN',
2137 message: 'Access denied by domain whitelist.'
2138 },
2139 4111: {
2141 },
2142 4112: {
2144 },
2145 4113: {
2146 name: 'APP_QUOTA_EXCEEDED',
2147 message: 'The daily active users limit exceeded.'
2148 },
2149 4116: {
2151 message: 'Command sent too fast.'
2152 },
2153 4200: {
2154 name: 'INTERNAL_ERROR',
2155 message: 'Internal error, please contact LeanCloud for support.'
2156 },
2157 4301: {
2159 message: 'Upstream Conversatoin API failed, see error.detail for details.'
2160 },
2161 4302: {
2163 message: 'Conversation action signature mismatch.'
2164 },
2165 4303: {
2167 },
2168 4304: {
2170 },
2171 4305: {
2173 message: 'Conversation action rejected by hook.'
2174 },
2175 4306: {
2177 },
2178 4307: {
2180 },
2181 4308: {
2183 },
2184 4309: {
2186 message: 'Conversation update rejected because the client is not a member.'
2187 },
2188 4310: {
2190 message: 'Conversation query failed because it is too expansive.'
2191 },
2192 4311: {
2194 },
2195 4312: {
2197 message: 'Message query rejected because the client is not a member of the conversation.'
2198 },
2199 4313: {
2201 },
2202 4314: {
2204 },
2205 4315: {
2207 message: 'Blacklisted in the conversation.'
2208 },
2209 4316: {
2211 },
2212 4317: {
2214 },
2215 4318: {
2217 message: 'LeanCloud API quota exceeded. You may upgrade your plan.'
2218 },
2219 4323: {
2221 message: 'Temporary conversation expired or does not exist.'
2222 },
2223 4401: {
2225 message: 'Conversation does not exist or client is not a member.'
2226 },
2227 4402: {
2229 message: 'Message rejected by hook.'
2230 },
2231 4403: {
2233 },
2234 4404: {
2235 name: 'MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND'
2236 },
2237 4405: {
2239 message: 'Message update rejected by hook.'
2240 },
2241 4406: {
2243 },
2244 4407: {
2246 },
2247 5130: {
2249 message: "Updating a member's role to owner is not allowed."
2250 }
2252var ErrorCode = Object.freeze(Object.keys(error).reduce(function (result, code) {
2253 return Object.assign(result, _defineProperty({}, error[code].name, Number(code)));
2254}, {}));
2255var createError = function createError(_ref) {
2256 var code = _ref.code,
2257 reason = _ref.reason,
2258 appCode = _ref.appCode,
2259 detail = _ref.detail,
2260 errorMessage = _ref.error;
2261 var message = reason || detail || errorMessage;
2262 var name = reason;
2263 if (!message && error[code]) {
2264 name = error[code].name;
2265 message = error[code].message || name;
2266 }
2267 if (!message) {
2268 message = "Unknow Error: ".concat(code);
2269 }
2270 var err = new Error(message);
2271 return Object.assign(err, {
2272 code: code,
2273 appCode: appCode,
2274 detail: detail,
2275 name: name
2276 });
2279var debug$4 = d('LC:Connection');
2280var COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 20000;
2281var EXPIRE = Symbol('expire');
2282var isIdempotentCommand = function isIdempotentCommand(command) {
2283 return !(command.cmd === CommandType.direct || command.cmd === CommandType.session && command.op === OpType.open || command.cmd === CommandType.conv && (command.op === OpType.start || command.op === OpType.update || command.op === OpType.members));
2285var Connection = /*#__PURE__*/function (_WebSocketPlus) {
2286 _inheritsLoose(Connection, _WebSocketPlus);
2287 function Connection(getUrl, _ref) {
2288 var _this;
2289 var format = _ref.format,
2290 version = _ref.version;
2291 debug$4('initializing Connection');
2292 var protocolString = "lc.".concat(format, ".").concat(version);
2293 _this = _WebSocketPlus.call(this, getUrl, protocolString) || this;
2294 _this._protocolFormat = format;
2295 _this._commands = {};
2296 _this._serialId = 0;
2297 return _this;
2298 }
2299 var _proto = Connection.prototype;
2300 _proto.send = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
2301 var _send = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(command) {
2302 var _this2 = this;
2303 var waitingForRespond,
2304 buffer,
2305 serialId,
2306 duplicatedCommand,
2307 message,
2308 promise,
2309 _args = arguments;
2310 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
2311 while (1) switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
2312 case 0:
2313 waitingForRespond = _args.length > 1 && _args[1] !== undefined ? _args[1] : true;
2314 if (!waitingForRespond) {
2315 _context.next = 11;
2316 break;
2317 }
2318 if (!isIdempotentCommand(command)) {
2319 _context.next = 8;
2320 break;
2321 }
2322 buffer = command.toArrayBuffer();
2323 duplicatedCommand = values(this._commands).find(function (_ref2) {
2324 var targetBuffer = _ref2.buffer,
2325 targetCommand = _ref2.command;
2326 return targetCommand.cmd === command.cmd && targetCommand.op === command.op && equalBuffer(targetBuffer, buffer);
2327 });
2328 if (!duplicatedCommand) {
2329 _context.next = 8;
2330 break;
2331 }
2332 console.warn("Duplicated command [cmd:".concat(command.cmd, " op:").concat(command.op, "] is throttled."));
2333 return _context.abrupt("return", duplicatedCommand.promise);
2334 case 8:
2335 this._serialId += 1;
2336 serialId = this._serialId;
2337 command.i = serialId; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
2338 case 11:
2339 if (debug$4.enabled) debug$4('↑ %O sent', trim(command));
2340 if (this._protocolFormat === 'proto2base64') {
2341 message = command.toBase64();
2342 } else if (command.toArrayBuffer) {
2343 message = command.toArrayBuffer();
2344 }
2345 if (message) {
2346 _context.next = 15;
2347 break;
2348 }
2349 throw new TypeError("".concat(command, " is not a GenericCommand"));
2350 case 15:
2351 _WebSocketPlus.prototype.send.call(this, message);
2352 if (waitingForRespond) {
2353 _context.next = 18;
2354 break;
2355 }
2356 return _context.abrupt("return", undefined);
2357 case 18:
2358 promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
2359 _this2._commands[serialId] = {
2360 command: command,
2361 buffer: buffer,
2362 resolve: resolve,
2363 reject: reject,
2364 timeout: setTimeout(function () {
2365 if (_this2._commands[serialId]) {
2366 if (debug$4.enabled) debug$4('✗ %O timeout', trim(command));
2367 reject(createError({
2368 error: "Command Timeout [cmd:".concat(command.cmd, " op:").concat(command.op, "]"),
2369 name: 'COMMAND_TIMEOUT'
2370 }));
2371 delete _this2._commands[serialId];
2372 }
2374 };
2375 });
2376 this._commands[serialId].promise = promise;
2377 return _context.abrupt("return", promise);
2378 case 21:
2379 case "end":
2380 return _context.stop();
2381 }
2382 }, _callee, this);
2383 }));
2384 function send(_x) {
2385 return _send.apply(this, arguments);
2386 }
2387 return send;
2388 }();
2389 _proto.handleMessage = function handleMessage(msg) {
2390 var message;
2391 try {
2392 message = GenericCommand.decode(msg);
2393 if (debug$4.enabled) debug$4('↓ %O received', trim(message));
2394 } catch (e) {
2395 console.warn('Decode message failed:', e.message, msg);
2396 return;
2397 }
2398 var serialId = message.i;
2399 if (serialId) {
2400 if (this._commands[serialId]) {
2401 clearTimeout(this._commands[serialId].timeout);
2402 if (message.cmd === CommandType.error) {
2403 this._commands[serialId].reject(createError(message.errorMessage));
2404 } else {
2405 this._commands[serialId].resolve(message);
2406 }
2407 delete this._commands[serialId];
2408 } else {
2409 console.warn("Unexpected command received with serialId [".concat(serialId, "],\n which have timed out or never been requested."));
2410 }
2411 } else {
2412 switch (message.cmd) {
2413 case CommandType.error:
2414 {
2415 this.emit(ERROR, createError(message.errorMessage));
2416 return;
2417 }
2418 case CommandType.goaway:
2419 {
2420 this.emit(EXPIRE);
2421 return;
2422 }
2423 default:
2424 {
2425 this.emit(MESSAGE, message);
2426 }
2427 }
2428 }
2429 };
2430 _proto.ping = function ping() {
2431 return this.send(new GenericCommand({
2432 cmd: CommandType.echo
2433 }))["catch"](function (error) {
2434 return debug$4('ping failed:', error);
2435 });
2436 };
2437 return Connection;
2440var debug$5 = d('LC:request');
2441var request = (function (_ref) {
2442 var _ref$method = _ref.method,
2443 method = _ref$method === void 0 ? 'GET' : _ref$method,
2444 _url = _ref.url,
2445 query = _ref.query,
2446 headers = _ref.headers,
2447 data = _ref.data,
2448 time = _ref.timeout;
2449 var url = _url;
2450 if (query) {
2451 var queryString = Object.keys(query).map(function (key) {
2452 var value = query[key];
2453 if (value === undefined) return undefined;
2454 var v = isPlainObject(value) ? JSON.stringify(value) : value;
2455 return "".concat(encodeURIComponent(key), "=").concat(encodeURIComponent(v));
2456 }).filter(function (qs) {
2457 return qs;
2458 }).join('&');
2459 url = "".concat(url, "?").concat(queryString);
2460 }
2461 debug$5('Req: %O %O %O', method, url, {
2462 headers: headers,
2463 data: data
2464 });
2465 var request = getAdapter('request');
2466 var promise = request(url, {
2467 method: method,
2468 headers: headers,
2469 data: data
2470 }).then(function (response) {
2471 if (response.ok === false) {
2472 var error = createError(response.data);
2473 error.response = response;
2474 throw error;
2475 }
2476 debug$5('Res: %O %O %O', url, response.status, response.data);
2477 return response.data;
2478 })["catch"](function (error) {
2479 if (error.response) {
2480 debug$5('Error: %O %O %O', url, error.response.status, error.response.data);
2481 }
2482 throw error;
2483 });
2484 return time ? promiseTimeout.timeout(promise, time) : promise;
2487var applyDecorators = function applyDecorators(decorators, target) {
2488 if (decorators) {
2489 decorators.forEach(function (decorator) {
2490 try {
2491 decorator(target);
2492 } catch (error) {
2493 if (decorator._pluginName) {
2494 error.message += "[".concat(decorator._pluginName, "]");
2495 }
2496 throw error;
2497 }
2498 });
2499 }
2501var applyDispatcher = function applyDispatcher(dispatchers, payload) {
2502 return ensureArray(dispatchers).reduce(function (resultPromise, dispatcher) {
2503 return resultPromise.then(function (shouldDispatch) {
2504 return shouldDispatch === false ? false : dispatcher.apply(void 0, _toConsumableArray(payload));
2505 })["catch"](function (error) {
2506 if (dispatcher._pluginName) {
2507 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
2508 error.message += "[".concat(dispatcher._pluginName, "]");
2509 }
2510 throw error;
2511 });
2512 }, Promise.resolve(true));
2515var version = "5.0.0-rc.8";
2517var _excluded = ["plugins"];
2518function ownKeys$2(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
2519function _objectSpread$2(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys$2(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$2(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
2520var debug$6 = d('LC:Realtime');
2521var routerCache = new Cache('push-router');
2522var initializedApp = {};
2523var Realtime = /*#__PURE__*/function (_EventEmitter) {
2524 _inheritsLoose(Realtime, _EventEmitter);
2525 /**
2526 * @extends EventEmitter
2527 * @param {Object} options
2528 * @param {String} options.appId
2529 * @param {String} options.appKey (since 4.0.0)
2530 * @param {String|Object} [options.server] 指定服务器域名,中国节点应用此参数必填(since 4.0.0)
2531 * @param {Boolean} [options.noBinary=false] 设置 WebSocket 使用字符串格式收发消息(默认为二进制格式)。
2532 * 适用于 WebSocket 实现不支持二进制数据格式的情况
2533 * @param {Boolean} [options.ssl=true] 使用 wss 进行连接
2534 * @param {String|String[]} [options.RTMServers] 指定私有部署的 RTM 服务器地址(since 4.0.0)
2535 * @param {Plugin[]} [options.plugins] 加载插件(since 3.1.0)
2536 */
2537 function Realtime(_ref) {
2538 var _this2;
2539 var plugins = _ref.plugins,
2540 options = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded);
2541 debug$6('initializing Realtime %s %O', version, options);
2542 _this2 = _EventEmitter.call(this) || this;
2543 var appId = options.appId;
2544 if (typeof appId !== 'string') {
2545 throw new TypeError("appId [".concat(appId, "] is not a string"));
2546 }
2547 if (initializedApp[appId]) {
2548 throw new Error("App [".concat(appId, "] is already initialized."));
2549 }
2550 initializedApp[appId] = true;
2551 if (typeof options.appKey !== 'string') {
2552 throw new TypeError("appKey [".concat(options.appKey, "] is not a string"));
2553 }
2554 if (isCNApp(appId)) {
2555 if (!options.server) {
2556 throw new TypeError("server option is required for apps from CN region");
2557 }
2558 }
2559 _this2._options = _objectSpread$2({
2560 appId: undefined,
2561 appKey: undefined,
2562 noBinary: false,
2563 ssl: true,
2564 RTMServerName: typeof process !== 'undefined' ? process.env.RTM_SERVER_NAME : undefined
2565 }, options);
2566 _this2._cache = new Cache('endpoints');
2567 var _this = internal(_assertThisInitialized(_this2));
2568 _this.clients = new Set();
2569 _this.pendingClients = new Set();
2570 var mergedPlugins = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(ensureArray(Realtime.__preRegisteredPlugins)), _toConsumableArray(ensureArray(plugins)));
2571 debug$6('Using plugins %o', mergedPlugins.map(function (plugin) {
2572 return plugin.name;
2573 }));
2574 _this2._plugins = mergedPlugins.reduce(function (result, plugin) {
2575 Object.keys(plugin).forEach(function (hook) {
2576 if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(plugin, hook) && hook !== 'name') {
2577 if (plugin.name) {
2578 ensureArray(plugin[hook]).forEach(function (value) {
2579 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
2580 value._pluginName = plugin.name;
2581 });
2582 }
2583 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
2584 result[hook] = ensureArray(result[hook]).concat(plugin[hook]);
2585 }
2586 });
2587 return result;
2588 }, {});
2589 // onRealtimeCreate hook
2590 applyDecorators(_this2._plugins.onRealtimeCreate, _assertThisInitialized(_this2));
2591 return _this2;
2592 }
2593 var _proto = Realtime.prototype;
2594 _proto._request = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
2595 var _request2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(_ref2) {
2596 var method, _url, _ref2$version, version, path, query, headers, data, url, _this$_options, appId, server, _yield$this$construct, api;
2597 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
2598 while (1) switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
2599 case 0:
2600 method = _ref2.method, _url = _ref2.url, _ref2$version = _ref2.version, version = _ref2$version === void 0 ? '1.1' : _ref2$version, path = _ref2.path, query = _ref2.query, headers = _ref2.headers, data = _ref2.data;
2601 url = _url;
2602 if (url) {
2603 _context.next = 9;
2604 break;
2605 }
2606 _this$_options = this._options, appId = _this$_options.appId, server = _this$_options.server;
2607 _context.next = 6;
2608 return this.constructor._getServerUrls({
2609 appId: appId,
2610 server: server
2611 });
2612 case 6:
2613 _yield$this$construct = _context.sent;
2614 api = _yield$this$construct.api;
2615 url = "".concat(api, "/").concat(version).concat(path);
2616 case 9:
2617 return _context.abrupt("return", request({
2618 url: url,
2619 method: method,
2620 query: query,
2621 headers: _objectSpread$2({
2622 'X-LC-Id': this._options.appId,
2623 'X-LC-Key': this._options.appKey
2624 }, headers),
2625 data: data
2626 }));
2627 case 10:
2628 case "end":
2629 return _context.stop();
2630 }
2631 }, _callee, this);
2632 }));
2633 function _request(_x) {
2634 return _request2.apply(this, arguments);
2635 }
2636 return _request;
2637 }();
2638 _proto._open = function _open() {
2639 var _this3 = this;
2640 if (this._openPromise) return this._openPromise;
2641 var format = 'protobuf2';
2642 if (this._options.noBinary) {
2643 // 不发送 binary data,fallback to base64 string
2644 format = 'proto2base64';
2645 }
2646 var version = 3;
2647 var protocol = {
2648 format: format,
2649 version: version
2650 };
2651 this._openPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
2652 debug$6('No connection established, create a new one.');
2653 var connection = new Connection(function () {
2654 return _this3._getRTMServers(_this3._options);
2655 }, protocol);
2656 connection.on(OPEN, function () {
2657 return resolve(connection);
2658 }).on(ERROR, function (error) {
2659 delete _this3._openPromise;
2660 reject(error);
2661 }).on(EXPIRE, /*#__PURE__*/_asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2() {
2662 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
2663 while (1) switch (_context2.prev = _context2.next) {
2664 case 0:
2665 debug$6('Connection expired. Refresh endpoints.');
2666 _this3._cache.set('endpoints', null, 0);
2667 _context2.next = 4;
2668 return _this3._getRTMServers(_this3._options);
2669 case 4:
2670 connection.urls = _context2.sent;
2671 connection.disconnect();
2672 case 6:
2673 case "end":
2674 return _context2.stop();
2675 }
2676 }, _callee2);
2677 }))).on(MESSAGE, _this3._dispatchCommand.bind(_this3));
2678 /**
2679 * 连接断开。
2680 * 连接断开可能是因为 SDK 进入了离线状态(see {@link Realtime#event:OFFLINE}),或长时间没有收到服务器心跳。
2681 * 连接断开后所有的网络操作都会失败,请在连接断开后禁用相关的 UI 元素。
2682 * @event Realtime#DISCONNECT
2683 */
2684 /**
2685 * 计划在一段时间后尝试重新连接
2686 * @event Realtime#SCHEDULE
2687 * @param {Number} attempt 尝试重连的次数
2688 * @param {Number} delay 延迟的毫秒数
2689 */
2690 /**
2691 * 正在尝试重新连接
2692 * @event Realtime#RETRY
2693 * @param {Number} attempt 尝试重连的次数
2694 */
2695 /**
2696 * 连接恢复正常。
2697 * 请重新启用在 {@link Realtime#event:DISCONNECT} 事件中禁用的相关 UI 元素
2698 * @event Realtime#RECONNECT
2699 */
2701 /**
2702 * 客户端连接断开
2703 * @event IMClient#DISCONNECT
2704 * @see Realtime#event:DISCONNECT
2705 * @since 3.2.0
2706 */
2707 /**
2708 * 计划在一段时间后尝试重新连接
2709 * @event IMClient#SCHEDULE
2710 * @param {Number} attempt 尝试重连的次数
2711 * @param {Number} delay 延迟的毫秒数
2712 * @since 3.2.0
2713 */
2714 /**
2715 * 正在尝试重新连接
2716 * @event IMClient#RETRY
2717 * @param {Number} attempt 尝试重连的次数
2718 * @since 3.2.0
2719 */
2721 /**
2722 * 客户端进入离线状态。
2723 * 这通常意味着网络已断开,或者 {@link Realtime#pause} 被调用
2724 * @event Realtime#OFFLINE
2725 * @since 3.4.0
2726 */
2727 /**
2728 * 客户端恢复在线状态
2729 * 这通常意味着网络已恢复,或者 {@link Realtime#resume} 被调用
2730 * @event Realtime#ONLINE
2731 * @since 3.4.0
2732 */
2733 /**
2734 * 进入离线状态。
2735 * 这通常意味着网络已断开,或者 {@link Realtime#pause} 被调用
2736 * @event IMClient#OFFLINE
2737 * @since 3.4.0
2738 */
2739 /**
2740 * 恢复在线状态
2741 * 这通常意味着网络已恢复,或者 {@link Realtime#resume} 被调用
2742 * @event IMClient#ONLINE
2743 * @since 3.4.0
2744 */
2746 // event proxy
2748 return connection.on(event, function () {
2749 for (var _len = arguments.length, payload = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
2750 payload[_key] = arguments[_key];
2751 }
2752 debug$6("".concat(event, " event emitted. %o"), payload);
2753 _this3.emit.apply(_this3, [event].concat(payload));
2754 if (event !== RECONNECT) {
2755 internal(_this3).clients.forEach(function (client) {
2756 client.emit.apply(client, [event].concat(payload));
2757 });
2758 }
2759 });
2760 });
2761 // override handleClose
2762 connection.handleClose = function handleClose(event) {
2763 var isFatal = [ErrorCode.APP_NOT_AVAILABLE, ErrorCode.INVALID_LOGIN, ErrorCode.INVALID_ORIGIN].some(function (errorCode) {
2764 return errorCode === event.code;
2765 });
2766 if (isFatal) {
2767 // in these cases, SDK should throw.
2768 this["throw"](createError(event));
2769 } else {
2770 // reconnect
2771 this.disconnect();
2772 }
2773 };
2774 internal(_this3).connection = connection;
2775 });
2776 return this._openPromise;
2777 };
2778 _proto._getRTMServers = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
2779 var _getRTMServers2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee3(options) {
2780 var info, cachedEndPoints, _info, server, secondary, ttl;
2781 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee3$(_context3) {
2782 while (1) switch (_context3.prev = _context3.next) {
2783 case 0:
2784 if (!options.RTMServers) {
2785 _context3.next = 2;
2786 break;
2787 }
2788 return _context3.abrupt("return", shuffle(ensureArray(options.RTMServers)));
2789 case 2:
2790 cachedEndPoints = this._cache.get('endpoints');
2791 if (!cachedEndPoints) {
2792 _context3.next = 7;
2793 break;
2794 }
2795 info = cachedEndPoints;
2796 _context3.next = 14;
2797 break;
2798 case 7:
2799 _context3.next = 9;
2800 return this.constructor._fetchRTMServers(options);
2801 case 9:
2802 info = _context3.sent;
2803 _info = info, server = _info.server, secondary = _info.secondary, ttl = _info.ttl;
2804 if (!(typeof server !== 'string' && typeof secondary !== 'string' && typeof ttl !== 'number')) {
2805 _context3.next = 13;
2806 break;
2807 }
2808 throw new Error("malformed RTM route response: ".concat(JSON.stringify(info)));
2809 case 13:
2810 this._cache.set('endpoints', info, info.ttl * 1000);
2811 case 14:
2812 debug$6('endpoint info: %O', info);
2813 return _context3.abrupt("return", [info.server, info.secondary]);
2814 case 16:
2815 case "end":
2816 return _context3.stop();
2817 }
2818 }, _callee3, this);
2819 }));
2820 function _getRTMServers(_x2) {
2821 return _getRTMServers2.apply(this, arguments);
2822 }
2823 return _getRTMServers;
2824 }();
2825 Realtime._getServerUrls = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
2826 var _getServerUrls2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee4(_ref4) {
2827 var appId, server, cachedRouter, defaultProtocol;
2828 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee4$(_context4) {
2829 while (1) switch (_context4.prev = _context4.next) {
2830 case 0:
2831 appId = _ref4.appId, server = _ref4.server;
2832 debug$6('fetch server urls');
2833 if (!server) {
2834 _context4.next = 6;
2835 break;
2836 }
2837 if (!(typeof server !== 'string')) {
2838 _context4.next = 5;
2839 break;
2840 }
2841 return _context4.abrupt("return", server);
2842 case 5:
2843 return _context4.abrupt("return", {
2844 RTMRouter: server,
2845 api: server
2846 });
2847 case 6:
2848 cachedRouter = routerCache.get(appId);
2849 if (!cachedRouter) {
2850 _context4.next = 9;
2851 break;
2852 }
2853 return _context4.abrupt("return", cachedRouter);
2854 case 9:
2855 defaultProtocol = 'https://';
2856 return _context4.abrupt("return", request({
2857 url: 'https://app-router.com/2/route',
2858 query: {
2859 appId: appId
2860 },
2861 timeout: 20000
2862 }).then(tap(debug$6)).then(function (_ref5) {
2863 var RTMRouterServer = _ref5.rtm_router_server,
2864 APIServer = _ref5.api_server,
2865 _ref5$ttl = _ref5.ttl,
2866 ttl = _ref5$ttl === void 0 ? 3600 : _ref5$ttl;
2867 if (!RTMRouterServer) {
2868 throw new Error('rtm router not exists');
2869 }
2870 var serverUrls = {
2871 RTMRouter: "".concat(defaultProtocol).concat(RTMRouterServer),
2872 api: "".concat(defaultProtocol).concat(APIServer)
2873 };
2874 routerCache.set(appId, serverUrls, ttl * 1000);
2875 return serverUrls;
2876 })["catch"](function () {
2877 var id = appId.slice(0, 8).toLowerCase();
2878 var domain = 'lncldglobal.com';
2879 return {
2880 RTMRouter: "".concat(defaultProtocol).concat(id, ".rtm.").concat(domain),
2881 api: "".concat(defaultProtocol).concat(id, ".api.").concat(domain)
2882 };
2883 }));
2884 case 11:
2885 case "end":
2886 return _context4.stop();
2887 }
2888 }, _callee4);
2889 }));
2890 function _getServerUrls(_x3) {
2891 return _getServerUrls2.apply(this, arguments);
2892 }
2893 return _getServerUrls;
2894 }();
2895 Realtime._fetchRTMServers = function _fetchRTMServers(_ref6) {
2896 var appId = _ref6.appId,
2897 ssl = _ref6.ssl,
2898 server = _ref6.server,
2899 RTMServerName = _ref6.RTMServerName;
2900 debug$6('fetch endpoint info');
2901 return this._getServerUrls({
2902 appId: appId,
2903 server: server
2904 }).then(tap(debug$6)).then(function (_ref7) {
2905 var RTMRouter = _ref7.RTMRouter;
2906 return request({
2907 url: "".concat(RTMRouter, "/v1/route"),
2908 query: {
2909 appId: appId,
2910 secure: ssl,
2911 features: isWeapp ? 'wechat' : undefined,
2912 server: RTMServerName,
2913 _t: Date.now()
2914 },
2915 timeout: 20000
2916 }).then(tap(debug$6));
2917 });
2918 };
2919 _proto._close = function _close() {
2920 if (this._openPromise) {
2921 this._openPromise.then(function (connection) {
2922 return connection.close();
2923 });
2924 }
2925 delete this._openPromise;
2926 }
2928 /**
2929 * 手动进行重连。
2930 * SDK 在网络出现异常时会自动按照一定的时间间隔尝试重连,调用该方法会立即尝试重连并重置重连尝试计数器。
2931 * 只能在 `SCHEDULE` 事件之后,`RETRY` 事件之前调用,如果当前网络正常或者正在进行重连,调用该方法会抛异常。
2932 */;
2933 _proto.retry = function retry() {
2934 var _internal = internal(this),
2935 connection = _internal.connection;
2936 if (!connection) {
2937 throw new Error('no connection established');
2938 }
2939 if (connection.cannot('retry')) {
2940 throw new Error("retrying not allowed when not disconnected. the connection is now ".concat(connection.current));
2941 }
2942 return connection.retry();
2943 }
2945 /**
2946 * 暂停,使 SDK 进入离线状态。
2947 * 你可以在网络断开、应用进入后台等时刻调用该方法让 SDK 进入离线状态,离线状态下不会尝试重连。
2948 * 在浏览器中 SDK 会自动监听网络变化,因此无需手动调用该方法。
2949 *
2950 * @since 3.4.0
2951 * @see Realtime#event:OFFLINE
2952 */;
2953 _proto.pause = function pause() {
2954 // 这个方法常常在网络断开、进入后台时被调用,此时 connection 可能没有建立或者已经 close。
2955 // 因此不像 retry,这个方法应该尽可能 loose
2956 var _internal2 = internal(this),
2957 connection = _internal2.connection;
2958 if (!connection) return;
2959 if (connection.can('pause')) connection.pause();
2960 }
2962 /**
2963 * 恢复在线状态。
2964 * 你可以在网络恢复、应用回到前台等时刻调用该方法让 SDK 恢复在线状态,恢复在线状态后 SDK 会开始尝试重连。
2965 *
2966 * @since 3.4.0
2967 * @see Realtime#event:ONLINE
2968 */;
2969 _proto.resume = function resume() {
2970 // 与 pause 一样,这个方法应该尽可能 loose
2971 var _internal3 = internal(this),
2972 connection = _internal3.connection;
2973 if (!connection) return;
2974 if (connection.can('resume')) connection.resume();
2975 };
2976 _proto._registerPending = function _registerPending(value) {
2977 internal(this).pendingClients.add(value);
2978 };
2979 _proto._deregisterPending = function _deregisterPending(client) {
2980 internal(this).pendingClients["delete"](client);
2981 };
2982 _proto._register = function _register(client) {
2983 internal(this).clients.add(client);
2984 };
2985 _proto._deregister = function _deregister(client) {
2986 var _this = internal(this);
2987 _this.clients["delete"](client);
2988 if (_this.clients.size + _this.pendingClients.size === 0) {
2989 this._close();
2990 }
2991 };
2992 _proto._dispatchCommand = function _dispatchCommand(command) {
2993 return applyDispatcher(this._plugins.beforeCommandDispatch, [command, this]).then(function (shouldDispatch) {
2994 // no plugin handled this command
2995 if (shouldDispatch) return debug$6('[WARN] Unexpected message received: %O', trim(command));
2996 return false;
2997 });
2998 };
2999 return Realtime;
3000}(EventEmitter); // For test purpose only
3002var polyfilledPromise = Promise;
3004exports.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;
3005exports.Promise = polyfilledPromise;
3006exports.Protocals = message;
3007exports.Protocols = message;
3008exports.Realtime = Realtime;
3009exports.debug = debug$2;
3010exports.getAdapter = getAdapter;
3011exports.setAdapters = setAdapters;
3012//# sourceMappingURL=core.js.map