307 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
5function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; }
7var platformAdaptersNode = require('@leancloud/platform-adapters-node');
8var _defineProperty = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty'));
9var protobufLight = _interopDefault(require('protobufjs/dist/protobuf-light'));
10var EventEmitter = _interopDefault(require('eventemitter3'));
11var _asyncToGenerator = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator'));
12var _toConsumableArray = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/toConsumableArray'));
13var _objectWithoutProperties = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties'));
14var _assertThisInitialized = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/assertThisInitialized'));
15var _inheritsLoose = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/inheritsLoose'));
16var _regeneratorRuntime = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/regenerator'));
17var d = _interopDefault(require('debug'));
18var shuffle = _interopDefault(require('lodash/shuffle'));
19var values = _interopDefault(require('lodash/values'));
20var _toArray = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/toArray'));
21var _createClass = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass'));
22var _applyDecoratedDescriptor = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/applyDecoratedDescriptor'));
23var StateMachine = _interopDefault(require('javascript-state-machine'));
24var _typeof = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof'));
25var isPlainObject = _interopDefault(require('lodash/isPlainObject'));
26var promiseTimeout = require('promise-timeout');
27var uuid = _interopDefault(require('uuid/v4'));
28var _slicedToArray = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray'));
29var base64Arraybuffer = require('base64-arraybuffer');
30var remove = _interopDefault(require('lodash/remove'));
31var isEmpty = _interopDefault(require('lodash/isEmpty'));
32var cloneDeep = _interopDefault(require('lodash/cloneDeep'));
33var find = _interopDefault(require('lodash/find'));
34var _get = _interopDefault(require('lodash/get'));
36var messageCompiled = protobufLight.newBuilder({})['import']({
37 "package": 'push_server.messages2',
38 syntax: 'proto2',
39 options: {
40 objc_class_prefix: 'AVIM'
41 },
42 messages: [{
43 name: 'JsonObjectMessage',
44 syntax: 'proto2',
45 fields: [{
46 rule: 'required',
47 type: 'string',
48 name: 'data',
49 id: 1
50 }]
51 }, {
52 name: 'UnreadTuple',
53 syntax: 'proto2',
54 fields: [{
55 rule: 'required',
56 type: 'string',
57 name: 'cid',
58 id: 1
59 }, {
60 rule: 'required',
61 type: 'int32',
62 name: 'unread',
63 id: 2
64 }, {
65 rule: 'optional',
66 type: 'string',
67 name: 'mid',
68 id: 3
69 }, {
70 rule: 'optional',
71 type: 'int64',
72 name: 'timestamp',
73 id: 4
74 }, {
75 rule: 'optional',
76 type: 'string',
77 name: 'from',
78 id: 5
79 }, {
80 rule: 'optional',
81 type: 'string',
82 name: 'data',
83 id: 6
84 }, {
85 rule: 'optional',
86 type: 'int64',
87 name: 'patchTimestamp',
88 id: 7
89 }, {
90 rule: 'optional',
91 type: 'bool',
92 name: 'mentioned',
93 id: 8
94 }, {
95 rule: 'optional',
96 type: 'bytes',
97 name: 'binaryMsg',
98 id: 9
99 }, {
100 rule: 'optional',
101 type: 'int32',
102 name: 'convType',
103 id: 10
104 }]
105 }, {
106 name: 'LogItem',
107 syntax: 'proto2',
108 fields: [{
109 rule: 'optional',
110 type: 'string',
111 name: 'from',
112 id: 1
113 }, {
114 rule: 'optional',
115 type: 'string',
116 name: 'data',
117 id: 2
118 }, {
119 rule: 'optional',
120 type: 'int64',
121 name: 'timestamp',
122 id: 3
123 }, {
124 rule: 'optional',
125 type: 'string',
126 name: 'msgId',
127 id: 4
128 }, {
129 rule: 'optional',
130 type: 'int64',
131 name: 'ackAt',
132 id: 5
133 }, {
134 rule: 'optional',
135 type: 'int64',
136 name: 'readAt',
137 id: 6
138 }, {
139 rule: 'optional',
140 type: 'int64',
141 name: 'patchTimestamp',
142 id: 7
143 }, {
144 rule: 'optional',
145 type: 'bool',
146 name: 'mentionAll',
147 id: 8
148 }, {
149 rule: 'repeated',
150 type: 'string',
151 name: 'mentionPids',
152 id: 9
153 }, {
154 rule: 'optional',
155 type: 'bool',
156 name: 'bin',
157 id: 10
158 }, {
159 rule: 'optional',
160 type: 'int32',
161 name: 'convType',
162 id: 11
163 }]
164 }, {
165 name: 'ConvMemberInfo',
166 syntax: 'proto2',
167 fields: [{
168 rule: 'optional',
169 type: 'string',
170 name: 'pid',
171 id: 1
172 }, {
173 rule: 'optional',
174 type: 'string',
175 name: 'role',
176 id: 2
177 }, {
178 rule: 'optional',
179 type: 'string',
180 name: 'infoId',
181 id: 3
182 }]
183 }, {
184 name: 'DataCommand',
185 syntax: 'proto2',
186 fields: [{
187 rule: 'repeated',
188 type: 'string',
189 name: 'ids',
190 id: 1
191 }, {
192 rule: 'repeated',
193 type: 'JsonObjectMessage',
194 name: 'msg',
195 id: 2
196 }, {
197 rule: 'optional',
198 type: 'bool',
199 name: 'offline',
200 id: 3
201 }]
202 }, {
203 name: 'SessionCommand',
204 syntax: 'proto2',
205 fields: [{
206 rule: 'optional',
207 type: 'int64',
208 name: 't',
209 id: 1
210 }, {
211 rule: 'optional',
212 type: 'string',
213 name: 'n',
214 id: 2
215 }, {
216 rule: 'optional',
217 type: 'string',
218 name: 's',
219 id: 3
220 }, {
221 rule: 'optional',
222 type: 'string',
223 name: 'ua',
224 id: 4
225 }, {
226 rule: 'optional',
227 type: 'bool',
228 name: 'r',
229 id: 5
230 }, {
231 rule: 'optional',
232 type: 'string',
233 name: 'tag',
234 id: 6
235 }, {
236 rule: 'optional',
237 type: 'string',
238 name: 'deviceId',
239 id: 7
240 }, {
241 rule: 'repeated',
242 type: 'string',
243 name: 'sessionPeerIds',
244 id: 8
245 }, {
246 rule: 'repeated',
247 type: 'string',
248 name: 'onlineSessionPeerIds',
249 id: 9
250 }, {
251 rule: 'optional',
252 type: 'string',
253 name: 'st',
254 id: 10
255 }, {
256 rule: 'optional',
257 type: 'int32',
258 name: 'stTtl',
259 id: 11
260 }, {
261 rule: 'optional',
262 type: 'int32',
263 name: 'code',
264 id: 12
265 }, {
266 rule: 'optional',
267 type: 'string',
268 name: 'reason',
269 id: 13
270 }, {
271 rule: 'optional',
272 type: 'string',
273 name: 'deviceToken',
274 id: 14
275 }, {
276 rule: 'optional',
277 type: 'bool',
278 name: 'sp',
279 id: 15
280 }, {
281 rule: 'optional',
282 type: 'string',
283 name: 'detail',
284 id: 16
285 }, {
286 rule: 'optional',
287 type: 'int64',
288 name: 'lastUnreadNotifTime',
289 id: 17
290 }, {
291 rule: 'optional',
292 type: 'int64',
293 name: 'lastPatchTime',
294 id: 18
295 }, {
296 rule: 'optional',
297 type: 'int64',
298 name: 'configBitmap',
299 id: 19
300 }]
301 }, {
302 name: 'ErrorCommand',
303 syntax: 'proto2',
304 fields: [{
305 rule: 'required',
306 type: 'int32',
307 name: 'code',
308 id: 1
309 }, {
310 rule: 'required',
311 type: 'string',
312 name: 'reason',
313 id: 2
314 }, {
315 rule: 'optional',
316 type: 'int32',
317 name: 'appCode',
318 id: 3
319 }, {
320 rule: 'optional',
321 type: 'string',
322 name: 'detail',
323 id: 4
324 }, {
325 rule: 'repeated',
326 type: 'string',
327 name: 'pids',
328 id: 5
329 }, {
330 rule: 'optional',
331 type: 'string',
332 name: 'appMsg',
333 id: 6
334 }]
335 }, {
336 name: 'DirectCommand',
337 syntax: 'proto2',
338 fields: [{
339 rule: 'optional',
340 type: 'string',
341 name: 'msg',
342 id: 1
343 }, {
344 rule: 'optional',
345 type: 'string',
346 name: 'uid',
347 id: 2
348 }, {
349 rule: 'optional',
350 type: 'string',
351 name: 'fromPeerId',
352 id: 3
353 }, {
354 rule: 'optional',
355 type: 'int64',
356 name: 'timestamp',
357 id: 4
358 }, {
359 rule: 'optional',
360 type: 'bool',
361 name: 'offline',
362 id: 5
363 }, {
364 rule: 'optional',
365 type: 'bool',
366 name: 'hasMore',
367 id: 6
368 }, {
369 rule: 'repeated',
370 type: 'string',
371 name: 'toPeerIds',
372 id: 7
373 }, {
374 rule: 'optional',
375 type: 'bool',
376 name: 'r',
377 id: 10
378 }, {
379 rule: 'optional',
380 type: 'string',
381 name: 'cid',
382 id: 11
383 }, {
384 rule: 'optional',
385 type: 'string',
386 name: 'id',
387 id: 12
388 }, {
389 rule: 'optional',
390 type: 'bool',
391 name: 'transient',
392 id: 13
393 }, {
394 rule: 'optional',
395 type: 'string',
396 name: 'dt',
397 id: 14
398 }, {
399 rule: 'optional',
400 type: 'string',
401 name: 'roomId',
402 id: 15
403 }, {
404 rule: 'optional',
405 type: 'string',
406 name: 'pushData',
407 id: 16
408 }, {
409 rule: 'optional',
410 type: 'bool',
411 name: 'will',
412 id: 17
413 }, {
414 rule: 'optional',
415 type: 'int64',
416 name: 'patchTimestamp',
417 id: 18
418 }, {
419 rule: 'optional',
420 type: 'bytes',
421 name: 'binaryMsg',
422 id: 19
423 }, {
424 rule: 'repeated',
425 type: 'string',
426 name: 'mentionPids',
427 id: 20
428 }, {
429 rule: 'optional',
430 type: 'bool',
431 name: 'mentionAll',
432 id: 21
433 }, {
434 rule: 'optional',
435 type: 'int32',
436 name: 'convType',
437 id: 22
438 }]
439 }, {
440 name: 'AckCommand',
441 syntax: 'proto2',
442 fields: [{
443 rule: 'optional',
444 type: 'int32',
445 name: 'code',
446 id: 1
447 }, {
448 rule: 'optional',
449 type: 'string',
450 name: 'reason',
451 id: 2
452 }, {
453 rule: 'optional',
454 type: 'string',
455 name: 'mid',
456 id: 3
457 }, {
458 rule: 'optional',
459 type: 'string',
460 name: 'cid',
461 id: 4
462 }, {
463 rule: 'optional',
464 type: 'int64',
465 name: 't',
466 id: 5
467 }, {
468 rule: 'optional',
469 type: 'string',
470 name: 'uid',
471 id: 6
472 }, {
473 rule: 'optional',
474 type: 'int64',
475 name: 'fromts',
476 id: 7
477 }, {
478 rule: 'optional',
479 type: 'int64',
480 name: 'tots',
481 id: 8
482 }, {
483 rule: 'optional',
484 type: 'string',
485 name: 'type',
486 id: 9
487 }, {
488 rule: 'repeated',
489 type: 'string',
490 name: 'ids',
491 id: 10
492 }, {
493 rule: 'optional',
494 type: 'int32',
495 name: 'appCode',
496 id: 11
497 }, {
498 rule: 'optional',
499 type: 'string',
500 name: 'appMsg',
501 id: 12
502 }]
503 }, {
504 name: 'UnreadCommand',
505 syntax: 'proto2',
506 fields: [{
507 rule: 'repeated',
508 type: 'UnreadTuple',
509 name: 'convs',
510 id: 1
511 }, {
512 rule: 'optional',
513 type: 'int64',
514 name: 'notifTime',
515 id: 2
516 }]
517 }, {
518 name: 'ConvCommand',
519 syntax: 'proto2',
520 fields: [{
521 rule: 'repeated',
522 type: 'string',
523 name: 'm',
524 id: 1
525 }, {
526 rule: 'optional',
527 type: 'bool',
528 name: 'transient',
529 id: 2
530 }, {
531 rule: 'optional',
532 type: 'bool',
533 name: 'unique',
534 id: 3
535 }, {
536 rule: 'optional',
537 type: 'string',
538 name: 'cid',
539 id: 4
540 }, {
541 rule: 'optional',
542 type: 'string',
543 name: 'cdate',
544 id: 5
545 }, {
546 rule: 'optional',
547 type: 'string',
548 name: 'initBy',
549 id: 6
550 }, {
551 rule: 'optional',
552 type: 'string',
553 name: 'sort',
554 id: 7
555 }, {
556 rule: 'optional',
557 type: 'int32',
558 name: 'limit',
559 id: 8
560 }, {
561 rule: 'optional',
562 type: 'int32',
563 name: 'skip',
564 id: 9
565 }, {
566 rule: 'optional',
567 type: 'int32',
568 name: 'flag',
569 id: 10
570 }, {
571 rule: 'optional',
572 type: 'int32',
573 name: 'count',
574 id: 11
575 }, {
576 rule: 'optional',
577 type: 'string',
578 name: 'udate',
579 id: 12
580 }, {
581 rule: 'optional',
582 type: 'int64',
583 name: 't',
584 id: 13
585 }, {
586 rule: 'optional',
587 type: 'string',
588 name: 'n',
589 id: 14
590 }, {
591 rule: 'optional',
592 type: 'string',
593 name: 's',
594 id: 15
595 }, {
596 rule: 'optional',
597 type: 'bool',
598 name: 'statusSub',
599 id: 16
600 }, {
601 rule: 'optional',
602 type: 'bool',
603 name: 'statusPub',
604 id: 17
605 }, {
606 rule: 'optional',
607 type: 'int32',
608 name: 'statusTTL',
609 id: 18
610 }, {
611 rule: 'optional',
612 type: 'string',
613 name: 'uniqueId',
614 id: 19
615 }, {
616 rule: 'optional',
617 type: 'string',
618 name: 'targetClientId',
619 id: 20
620 }, {
621 rule: 'optional',
622 type: 'int64',
623 name: 'maxReadTimestamp',
624 id: 21
625 }, {
626 rule: 'optional',
627 type: 'int64',
628 name: 'maxAckTimestamp',
629 id: 22
630 }, {
631 rule: 'optional',
632 type: 'bool',
633 name: 'queryAllMembers',
634 id: 23
635 }, {
636 rule: 'repeated',
637 type: 'MaxReadTuple',
638 name: 'maxReadTuples',
639 id: 24
640 }, {
641 rule: 'repeated',
642 type: 'string',
643 name: 'cids',
644 id: 25
645 }, {
646 rule: 'optional',
647 type: 'ConvMemberInfo',
648 name: 'info',
649 id: 26
650 }, {
651 rule: 'optional',
652 type: 'bool',
653 name: 'tempConv',
654 id: 27
655 }, {
656 rule: 'optional',
657 type: 'int32',
658 name: 'tempConvTTL',
659 id: 28
660 }, {
661 rule: 'repeated',
662 type: 'string',
663 name: 'tempConvIds',
664 id: 29
665 }, {
666 rule: 'repeated',
667 type: 'string',
668 name: 'allowedPids',
669 id: 30
670 }, {
671 rule: 'repeated',
672 type: 'ErrorCommand',
673 name: 'failedPids',
674 id: 31
675 }, {
676 rule: 'optional',
677 type: 'string',
678 name: 'next',
679 id: 40
680 }, {
681 rule: 'optional',
682 type: 'JsonObjectMessage',
683 name: 'results',
684 id: 100
685 }, {
686 rule: 'optional',
687 type: 'JsonObjectMessage',
688 name: 'where',
689 id: 101
690 }, {
691 rule: 'optional',
692 type: 'JsonObjectMessage',
693 name: 'attr',
694 id: 103
695 }, {
696 rule: 'optional',
697 type: 'JsonObjectMessage',
698 name: 'attrModified',
699 id: 104
700 }]
701 }, {
702 name: 'RoomCommand',
703 syntax: 'proto2',
704 fields: [{
705 rule: 'optional',
706 type: 'string',
707 name: 'roomId',
708 id: 1
709 }, {
710 rule: 'optional',
711 type: 'string',
712 name: 's',
713 id: 2
714 }, {
715 rule: 'optional',
716 type: 'int64',
717 name: 't',
718 id: 3
719 }, {
720 rule: 'optional',
721 type: 'string',
722 name: 'n',
723 id: 4
724 }, {
725 rule: 'optional',
726 type: 'bool',
727 name: 'transient',
728 id: 5
729 }, {
730 rule: 'repeated',
731 type: 'string',
732 name: 'roomPeerIds',
733 id: 6
734 }, {
735 rule: 'optional',
736 type: 'string',
737 name: 'byPeerId',
738 id: 7
739 }]
740 }, {
741 name: 'LogsCommand',
742 syntax: 'proto2',
743 fields: [{
744 rule: 'optional',
745 type: 'string',
746 name: 'cid',
747 id: 1
748 }, {
749 rule: 'optional',
750 type: 'int32',
751 name: 'l',
752 id: 2
753 }, {
754 rule: 'optional',
755 type: 'int32',
756 name: 'limit',
757 id: 3
758 }, {
759 rule: 'optional',
760 type: 'int64',
761 name: 't',
762 id: 4
763 }, {
764 rule: 'optional',
765 type: 'int64',
766 name: 'tt',
767 id: 5
768 }, {
769 rule: 'optional',
770 type: 'string',
771 name: 'tmid',
772 id: 6
773 }, {
774 rule: 'optional',
775 type: 'string',
776 name: 'mid',
777 id: 7
778 }, {
779 rule: 'optional',
780 type: 'string',
781 name: 'checksum',
782 id: 8
783 }, {
784 rule: 'optional',
785 type: 'bool',
786 name: 'stored',
787 id: 9
788 }, {
789 rule: 'optional',
790 type: 'QueryDirection',
791 name: 'direction',
792 id: 10,
793 options: {
794 "default": 'OLD'
795 }
796 }, {
797 rule: 'optional',
798 type: 'bool',
799 name: 'tIncluded',
800 id: 11
801 }, {
802 rule: 'optional',
803 type: 'bool',
804 name: 'ttIncluded',
805 id: 12
806 }, {
807 rule: 'optional',
808 type: 'int32',
809 name: 'lctype',
810 id: 13
811 }, {
812 rule: 'repeated',
813 type: 'LogItem',
814 name: 'logs',
815 id: 105
816 }],
817 enums: [{
818 name: 'QueryDirection',
819 syntax: 'proto2',
820 values: [{
821 name: 'OLD',
822 id: 1
823 }, {
824 name: 'NEW',
825 id: 2
826 }]
827 }]
828 }, {
829 name: 'RcpCommand',
830 syntax: 'proto2',
831 fields: [{
832 rule: 'optional',
833 type: 'string',
834 name: 'id',
835 id: 1
836 }, {
837 rule: 'optional',
838 type: 'string',
839 name: 'cid',
840 id: 2
841 }, {
842 rule: 'optional',
843 type: 'int64',
844 name: 't',
845 id: 3
846 }, {
847 rule: 'optional',
848 type: 'bool',
849 name: 'read',
850 id: 4
851 }, {
852 rule: 'optional',
853 type: 'string',
854 name: 'from',
855 id: 5
856 }]
857 }, {
858 name: 'ReadTuple',
859 syntax: 'proto2',
860 fields: [{
861 rule: 'required',
862 type: 'string',
863 name: 'cid',
864 id: 1
865 }, {
866 rule: 'optional',
867 type: 'int64',
868 name: 'timestamp',
869 id: 2
870 }, {
871 rule: 'optional',
872 type: 'string',
873 name: 'mid',
874 id: 3
875 }]
876 }, {
877 name: 'MaxReadTuple',
878 syntax: 'proto2',
879 fields: [{
880 rule: 'optional',
881 type: 'string',
882 name: 'pid',
883 id: 1
884 }, {
885 rule: 'optional',
886 type: 'int64',
887 name: 'maxAckTimestamp',
888 id: 2
889 }, {
890 rule: 'optional',
891 type: 'int64',
892 name: 'maxReadTimestamp',
893 id: 3
894 }]
895 }, {
896 name: 'ReadCommand',
897 syntax: 'proto2',
898 fields: [{
899 rule: 'optional',
900 type: 'string',
901 name: 'cid',
902 id: 1
903 }, {
904 rule: 'repeated',
905 type: 'string',
906 name: 'cids',
907 id: 2
908 }, {
909 rule: 'repeated',
910 type: 'ReadTuple',
911 name: 'convs',
912 id: 3
913 }]
914 }, {
915 name: 'PresenceCommand',
916 syntax: 'proto2',
917 fields: [{
918 rule: 'optional',
919 type: 'StatusType',
920 name: 'status',
921 id: 1
922 }, {
923 rule: 'repeated',
924 type: 'string',
925 name: 'sessionPeerIds',
926 id: 2
927 }, {
928 rule: 'optional',
929 type: 'string',
930 name: 'cid',
931 id: 3
932 }]
933 }, {
934 name: 'ReportCommand',
935 syntax: 'proto2',
936 fields: [{
937 rule: 'optional',
938 type: 'bool',
939 name: 'initiative',
940 id: 1
941 }, {
942 rule: 'optional',
943 type: 'string',
944 name: 'type',
945 id: 2
946 }, {
947 rule: 'optional',
948 type: 'string',
949 name: 'data',
950 id: 3
951 }]
952 }, {
953 name: 'PatchItem',
954 syntax: 'proto2',
955 fields: [{
956 rule: 'optional',
957 type: 'string',
958 name: 'cid',
959 id: 1
960 }, {
961 rule: 'optional',
962 type: 'string',
963 name: 'mid',
964 id: 2
965 }, {
966 rule: 'optional',
967 type: 'int64',
968 name: 'timestamp',
969 id: 3
970 }, {
971 rule: 'optional',
972 type: 'bool',
973 name: 'recall',
974 id: 4
975 }, {
976 rule: 'optional',
977 type: 'string',
978 name: 'data',
979 id: 5
980 }, {
981 rule: 'optional',
982 type: 'int64',
983 name: 'patchTimestamp',
984 id: 6
985 }, {
986 rule: 'optional',
987 type: 'string',
988 name: 'from',
989 id: 7
990 }, {
991 rule: 'optional',
992 type: 'bytes',
993 name: 'binaryMsg',
994 id: 8
995 }, {
996 rule: 'optional',
997 type: 'bool',
998 name: 'mentionAll',
999 id: 9
1000 }, {
1001 rule: 'repeated',
1002 type: 'string',
1003 name: 'mentionPids',
1004 id: 10
1005 }, {
1006 rule: 'optional',
1007 type: 'int64',
1008 name: 'patchCode',
1009 id: 11
1010 }, {
1011 rule: 'optional',
1012 type: 'string',
1013 name: 'patchReason',
1014 id: 12
1015 }]
1016 }, {
1017 name: 'PatchCommand',
1018 syntax: 'proto2',
1019 fields: [{
1020 rule: 'repeated',
1021 type: 'PatchItem',
1022 name: 'patches',
1023 id: 1
1024 }, {
1025 rule: 'optional',
1026 type: 'int64',
1027 name: 'lastPatchTime',
1028 id: 2
1029 }]
1030 }, {
1031 name: 'PubsubCommand',
1032 syntax: 'proto2',
1033 fields: [{
1034 rule: 'optional',
1035 type: 'string',
1036 name: 'cid',
1037 id: 1
1038 }, {
1039 rule: 'repeated',
1040 type: 'string',
1041 name: 'cids',
1042 id: 2
1043 }, {
1044 rule: 'optional',
1045 type: 'string',
1046 name: 'topic',
1047 id: 3
1048 }, {
1049 rule: 'optional',
1050 type: 'string',
1051 name: 'subtopic',
1052 id: 4
1053 }, {
1054 rule: 'repeated',
1055 type: 'string',
1056 name: 'topics',
1057 id: 5
1058 }, {
1059 rule: 'repeated',
1060 type: 'string',
1061 name: 'subtopics',
1062 id: 6
1063 }, {
1064 rule: 'optional',
1065 type: 'JsonObjectMessage',
1066 name: 'results',
1067 id: 7
1068 }]
1069 }, {
1070 name: 'BlacklistCommand',
1071 syntax: 'proto2',
1072 fields: [{
1073 rule: 'optional',
1074 type: 'string',
1075 name: 'srcCid',
1076 id: 1
1077 }, {
1078 rule: 'repeated',
1079 type: 'string',
1080 name: 'toPids',
1081 id: 2
1082 }, {
1083 rule: 'optional',
1084 type: 'string',
1085 name: 'srcPid',
1086 id: 3
1087 }, {
1088 rule: 'repeated',
1089 type: 'string',
1090 name: 'toCids',
1091 id: 4
1092 }, {
1093 rule: 'optional',
1094 type: 'int32',
1095 name: 'limit',
1096 id: 5
1097 }, {
1098 rule: 'optional',
1099 type: 'string',
1100 name: 'next',
1101 id: 6
1102 }, {
1103 rule: 'repeated',
1104 type: 'string',
1105 name: 'blockedPids',
1106 id: 8
1107 }, {
1108 rule: 'repeated',
1109 type: 'string',
1110 name: 'blockedCids',
1111 id: 9
1112 }, {
1113 rule: 'repeated',
1114 type: 'string',
1115 name: 'allowedPids',
1116 id: 10
1117 }, {
1118 rule: 'repeated',
1119 type: 'ErrorCommand',
1120 name: 'failedPids',
1121 id: 11
1122 }, {
1123 rule: 'optional',
1124 type: 'int64',
1125 name: 't',
1126 id: 12
1127 }, {
1128 rule: 'optional',
1129 type: 'string',
1130 name: 'n',
1131 id: 13
1132 }, {
1133 rule: 'optional',
1134 type: 'string',
1135 name: 's',
1136 id: 14
1137 }]
1138 }, {
1139 name: 'GenericCommand',
1140 syntax: 'proto2',
1141 fields: [{
1142 rule: 'optional',
1143 type: 'CommandType',
1144 name: 'cmd',
1145 id: 1
1146 }, {
1147 rule: 'optional',
1148 type: 'OpType',
1149 name: 'op',
1150 id: 2
1151 }, {
1152 rule: 'optional',
1153 type: 'string',
1154 name: 'appId',
1155 id: 3
1156 }, {
1157 rule: 'optional',
1158 type: 'string',
1159 name: 'peerId',
1160 id: 4
1161 }, {
1162 rule: 'optional',
1163 type: 'int32',
1164 name: 'i',
1165 id: 5
1166 }, {
1167 rule: 'optional',
1168 type: 'string',
1169 name: 'installationId',
1170 id: 6
1171 }, {
1172 rule: 'optional',
1173 type: 'int32',
1174 name: 'priority',
1175 id: 7
1176 }, {
1177 rule: 'optional',
1178 type: 'int32',
1179 name: 'service',
1180 id: 8
1181 }, {
1182 rule: 'optional',
1183 type: 'int64',
1184 name: 'serverTs',
1185 id: 9
1186 }, {
1187 rule: 'optional',
1188 type: 'int64',
1189 name: 'clientTs',
1190 id: 10
1191 }, {
1192 rule: 'optional',
1193 type: 'int32',
1194 name: 'notificationType',
1195 id: 11
1196 }, {
1197 rule: 'optional',
1198 type: 'DataCommand',
1199 name: 'dataMessage',
1200 id: 101
1201 }, {
1202 rule: 'optional',
1203 type: 'SessionCommand',
1204 name: 'sessionMessage',
1205 id: 102
1206 }, {
1207 rule: 'optional',
1208 type: 'ErrorCommand',
1209 name: 'errorMessage',
1210 id: 103
1211 }, {
1212 rule: 'optional',
1213 type: 'DirectCommand',
1214 name: 'directMessage',
1215 id: 104
1216 }, {
1217 rule: 'optional',
1218 type: 'AckCommand',
1219 name: 'ackMessage',
1220 id: 105
1221 }, {
1222 rule: 'optional',
1223 type: 'UnreadCommand',
1224 name: 'unreadMessage',
1225 id: 106
1226 }, {
1227 rule: 'optional',
1228 type: 'ReadCommand',
1229 name: 'readMessage',
1230 id: 107
1231 }, {
1232 rule: 'optional',
1233 type: 'RcpCommand',
1234 name: 'rcpMessage',
1235 id: 108
1236 }, {
1237 rule: 'optional',
1238 type: 'LogsCommand',
1239 name: 'logsMessage',
1240 id: 109
1241 }, {
1242 rule: 'optional',
1243 type: 'ConvCommand',
1244 name: 'convMessage',
1245 id: 110
1246 }, {
1247 rule: 'optional',
1248 type: 'RoomCommand',
1249 name: 'roomMessage',
1250 id: 111
1251 }, {
1252 rule: 'optional',
1253 type: 'PresenceCommand',
1254 name: 'presenceMessage',
1255 id: 112
1256 }, {
1257 rule: 'optional',
1258 type: 'ReportCommand',
1259 name: 'reportMessage',
1260 id: 113
1261 }, {
1262 rule: 'optional',
1263 type: 'PatchCommand',
1264 name: 'patchMessage',
1265 id: 114
1266 }, {
1267 rule: 'optional',
1268 type: 'PubsubCommand',
1269 name: 'pubsubMessage',
1270 id: 115
1271 }, {
1272 rule: 'optional',
1273 type: 'BlacklistCommand',
1274 name: 'blacklistMessage',
1275 id: 116
1276 }]
1277 }],
1278 enums: [{
1279 name: 'CommandType',
1280 syntax: 'proto2',
1281 values: [{
1282 name: 'session',
1283 id: 0
1284 }, {
1285 name: 'conv',
1286 id: 1
1287 }, {
1288 name: 'direct',
1289 id: 2
1290 }, {
1291 name: 'ack',
1292 id: 3
1293 }, {
1294 name: 'rcp',
1295 id: 4
1296 }, {
1297 name: 'unread',
1298 id: 5
1299 }, {
1300 name: 'logs',
1301 id: 6
1302 }, {
1303 name: 'error',
1304 id: 7
1305 }, {
1306 name: 'login',
1307 id: 8
1308 }, {
1309 name: 'data',
1310 id: 9
1311 }, {
1312 name: 'room',
1313 id: 10
1314 }, {
1315 name: 'read',
1316 id: 11
1317 }, {
1318 name: 'presence',
1319 id: 12
1320 }, {
1321 name: 'report',
1322 id: 13
1323 }, {
1324 name: 'echo',
1325 id: 14
1326 }, {
1327 name: 'loggedin',
1328 id: 15
1329 }, {
1330 name: 'logout',
1331 id: 16
1332 }, {
1333 name: 'loggedout',
1334 id: 17
1335 }, {
1336 name: 'patch',
1337 id: 18
1338 }, {
1339 name: 'pubsub',
1340 id: 19
1341 }, {
1342 name: 'blacklist',
1343 id: 20
1344 }, {
1345 name: 'goaway',
1346 id: 21
1347 }]
1348 }, {
1349 name: 'OpType',
1350 syntax: 'proto2',
1351 values: [{
1352 name: 'open',
1353 id: 1
1354 }, {
1355 name: 'add',
1356 id: 2
1357 }, {
1358 name: 'remove',
1359 id: 3
1360 }, {
1361 name: 'close',
1362 id: 4
1363 }, {
1364 name: 'opened',
1365 id: 5
1366 }, {
1367 name: 'closed',
1368 id: 6
1369 }, {
1370 name: 'query',
1371 id: 7
1372 }, {
1373 name: 'query_result',
1374 id: 8
1375 }, {
1376 name: 'conflict',
1377 id: 9
1378 }, {
1379 name: 'added',
1380 id: 10
1381 }, {
1382 name: 'removed',
1383 id: 11
1384 }, {
1385 name: 'refresh',
1386 id: 12
1387 }, {
1388 name: 'refreshed',
1389 id: 13
1390 }, {
1391 name: 'start',
1392 id: 30
1393 }, {
1394 name: 'started',
1395 id: 31
1396 }, {
1397 name: 'joined',
1398 id: 32
1399 }, {
1400 name: 'members_joined',
1401 id: 33
1402 }, {
1403 name: 'left',
1404 id: 39
1405 }, {
1406 name: 'members_left',
1407 id: 40
1408 }, {
1409 name: 'results',
1410 id: 42
1411 }, {
1412 name: 'count',
1413 id: 43
1414 }, {
1415 name: 'result',
1416 id: 44
1417 }, {
1418 name: 'update',
1419 id: 45
1420 }, {
1421 name: 'updated',
1422 id: 46
1423 }, {
1424 name: 'mute',
1425 id: 47
1426 }, {
1427 name: 'unmute',
1428 id: 48
1429 }, {
1430 name: 'status',
1431 id: 49
1432 }, {
1433 name: 'members',
1434 id: 50
1435 }, {
1436 name: 'max_read',
1437 id: 51
1438 }, {
1439 name: 'is_member',
1440 id: 52
1441 }, {
1442 name: 'member_info_update',
1443 id: 53
1444 }, {
1445 name: 'member_info_updated',
1446 id: 54
1447 }, {
1448 name: 'member_info_changed',
1449 id: 55
1450 }, {
1451 name: 'join',
1452 id: 80
1453 }, {
1454 name: 'invite',
1455 id: 81
1456 }, {
1457 name: 'leave',
1458 id: 82
1459 }, {
1460 name: 'kick',
1461 id: 83
1462 }, {
1463 name: 'reject',
1464 id: 84
1465 }, {
1466 name: 'invited',
1467 id: 85
1468 }, {
1469 name: 'kicked',
1470 id: 86
1471 }, {
1472 name: 'upload',
1473 id: 100
1474 }, {
1475 name: 'uploaded',
1476 id: 101
1477 }, {
1478 name: 'subscribe',
1479 id: 120
1480 }, {
1481 name: 'subscribed',
1482 id: 121
1483 }, {
1484 name: 'unsubscribe',
1485 id: 122
1486 }, {
1487 name: 'unsubscribed',
1488 id: 123
1489 }, {
1490 name: 'is_subscribed',
1491 id: 124
1492 }, {
1493 name: 'modify',
1494 id: 150
1495 }, {
1496 name: 'modified',
1497 id: 151
1498 }, {
1499 name: 'block',
1500 id: 170
1501 }, {
1502 name: 'unblock',
1503 id: 171
1504 }, {
1505 name: 'blocked',
1506 id: 172
1507 }, {
1508 name: 'unblocked',
1509 id: 173
1510 }, {
1511 name: 'members_blocked',
1512 id: 174
1513 }, {
1514 name: 'members_unblocked',
1515 id: 175
1516 }, {
1517 name: 'check_block',
1518 id: 176
1519 }, {
1520 name: 'check_result',
1521 id: 177
1522 }, {
1523 name: 'add_shutup',
1524 id: 180
1525 }, {
1526 name: 'remove_shutup',
1527 id: 181
1528 }, {
1529 name: 'query_shutup',
1530 id: 182
1531 }, {
1532 name: 'shutup_added',
1533 id: 183
1534 }, {
1535 name: 'shutup_removed',
1536 id: 184
1537 }, {
1538 name: 'shutup_result',
1539 id: 185
1540 }, {
1541 name: 'shutuped',
1542 id: 186
1543 }, {
1544 name: 'unshutuped',
1545 id: 187
1546 }, {
1547 name: 'members_shutuped',
1548 id: 188
1549 }, {
1550 name: 'members_unshutuped',
1551 id: 189
1552 }, {
1553 name: 'check_shutup',
1554 id: 190
1555 }]
1556 }, {
1557 name: 'StatusType',
1558 syntax: 'proto2',
1559 values: [{
1560 name: 'on',
1561 id: 1
1562 }, {
1563 name: 'off',
1564 id: 2
1565 }]
1566 }],
1567 isNamespace: true
1570var _messages$push_server = messageCompiled.push_server.messages2,
1571 JsonObjectMessage = _messages$push_server.JsonObjectMessage,
1572 UnreadTuple = _messages$push_server.UnreadTuple,
1573 LogItem = _messages$push_server.LogItem,
1574 DataCommand = _messages$push_server.DataCommand,
1575 SessionCommand = _messages$push_server.SessionCommand,
1576 ErrorCommand = _messages$push_server.ErrorCommand,
1577 DirectCommand = _messages$push_server.DirectCommand,
1578 AckCommand = _messages$push_server.AckCommand,
1579 UnreadCommand = _messages$push_server.UnreadCommand,
1580 ConvCommand = _messages$push_server.ConvCommand,
1581 RoomCommand = _messages$push_server.RoomCommand,
1582 LogsCommand = _messages$push_server.LogsCommand,
1583 RcpCommand = _messages$push_server.RcpCommand,
1584 ReadTuple = _messages$push_server.ReadTuple,
1585 MaxReadTuple = _messages$push_server.MaxReadTuple,
1586 ReadCommand = _messages$push_server.ReadCommand,
1587 PresenceCommand = _messages$push_server.PresenceCommand,
1588 ReportCommand = _messages$push_server.ReportCommand,
1589 GenericCommand = _messages$push_server.GenericCommand,
1590 BlacklistCommand = _messages$push_server.BlacklistCommand,
1591 PatchCommand = _messages$push_server.PatchCommand,
1592 PatchItem = _messages$push_server.PatchItem,
1593 ConvMemberInfo = _messages$push_server.ConvMemberInfo,
1594 CommandType = _messages$push_server.CommandType,
1595 OpType = _messages$push_server.OpType,
1596 StatusType = _messages$push_server.StatusType;
1598var message = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
1599 __proto__: null,
1600 JsonObjectMessage: JsonObjectMessage,
1601 UnreadTuple: UnreadTuple,
1602 LogItem: LogItem,
1603 DataCommand: DataCommand,
1604 SessionCommand: SessionCommand,
1605 ErrorCommand: ErrorCommand,
1606 DirectCommand: DirectCommand,
1607 AckCommand: AckCommand,
1608 UnreadCommand: UnreadCommand,
1609 ConvCommand: ConvCommand,
1610 RoomCommand: RoomCommand,
1611 LogsCommand: LogsCommand,
1612 RcpCommand: RcpCommand,
1613 ReadTuple: ReadTuple,
1614 MaxReadTuple: MaxReadTuple,
1615 ReadCommand: ReadCommand,
1616 PresenceCommand: PresenceCommand,
1617 ReportCommand: ReportCommand,
1618 GenericCommand: GenericCommand,
1619 BlacklistCommand: BlacklistCommand,
1620 PatchCommand: PatchCommand,
1621 PatchItem: PatchItem,
1622 ConvMemberInfo: ConvMemberInfo,
1623 CommandType: CommandType,
1624 OpType: OpType,
1625 StatusType: StatusType
1628var adapters = {};
1629var getAdapter = function getAdapter(name) {
1630 var adapter = adapters[name];
1631 if (adapter === undefined) {
1632 throw new Error("".concat(name, " adapter is not configured"));
1633 }
1634 return adapter;
1638 * 指定 Adapters
1639 * @function
1640 * @memberof module:leancloud-realtime
1641 * @param {Adapters} newAdapters Adapters 的类型请参考 {@link https://url.leanapp.cn/adapter-type-definitions @leancloud/adapter-types} 中的定义
1642 */
1643var setAdapters = function setAdapters(newAdapters) {
1644 Object.assign(adapters, newAdapters);
1647/* eslint-disable */
1648var global$1 = typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {};
1650var EXPIRED = Symbol('expired');
1651var debug = d('LC:Expirable');
1652var Expirable = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
1653 function Expirable(value, ttl) {
1654 this.originalValue = value;
1655 if (typeof ttl === 'number') {
1656 this.expiredAt = Date.now() + ttl;
1657 }
1658 }
1659 _createClass(Expirable, [{
1660 key: "value",
1661 get: function get() {
1662 var expired = this.expiredAt && this.expiredAt <= Date.now();
1663 if (expired) debug("expired: ".concat(this.originalValue));
1664 return expired ? EXPIRED : this.originalValue;
1665 }
1666 }]);
1667 return Expirable;
1669Expirable.EXPIRED = EXPIRED;
1671var debug$1 = d('LC:Cache');
1672var Cache = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
1673 function Cache() {
1674 var name = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'anonymous';
1675 this.name = name;
1676 this._map = {};
1677 }
1678 var _proto = Cache.prototype;
1679 _proto.get = function get(key) {
1680 var cache = this._map[key];
1681 if (cache) {
1682 var value = cache.value;
1683 if (value !== Expirable.EXPIRED) {
1684 debug$1('[%s] hit: %s', this.name, key);
1685 return value;
1686 }
1687 delete this._map[key];
1688 }
1689 debug$1("[".concat(this.name, "] missed: ").concat(key));
1690 return null;
1691 };
1692 _proto.set = function set(key, value, ttl) {
1693 debug$1('[%s] set: %s %d', this.name, key, ttl);
1694 this._map[key] = new Expirable(value, ttl);
1695 };
1696 return Cache;
1699function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
1700function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
1703 * 调试日志控制器
1704 * @const
1705 * @memberof module:leancloud-realtime
1706 * @example
1707 * debug.enable(); // 启用调试日志
1708 * debug.disable(); // 关闭调试日志
1709 */
1710var debug$2 = {
1711 enable: function enable() {
1712 var namespaces = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'LC*';
1713 return d.enable(namespaces);
1714 },
1715 disable: d.disable
1717var tryAll = function tryAll(promiseConstructors) {
1718 var promise = new Promise(promiseConstructors[0]);
1719 if (promiseConstructors.length === 1) {
1720 return promise;
1721 }
1722 return promise["catch"](function () {
1723 return tryAll(promiseConstructors.slice(1));
1724 });
1727// eslint-disable-next-line no-sequences
1728var tap = function tap(interceptor) {
1729 return function (value) {
1730 return interceptor(value), value;
1731 };
1733var finalize = function finalize(callback) {
1734 return [
1735 // eslint-disable-next-line no-sequences
1736 function (value) {
1737 return callback(), value;
1738 }, function (error) {
1739 callback();
1740 throw error;
1741 }];
1745 * 将对象转换为 Date,支持 string、number、ProtoBuf Long 以及 LeanCloud 的 Date 类型,
1746 * 其他情况下(包括对象为 falsy)返回原值。
1747 * @private
1748 */
1749var decodeDate = function decodeDate(date) {
1750 if (!date) return date;
1751 if (typeof date === 'string' || typeof date === 'number') {
1752 return new Date(date);
1753 }
1754 if (date.__type === 'Date' && date.iso) {
1755 return new Date(date.iso);
1756 }
1757 // Long
1758 if (typeof date.toNumber === 'function') {
1759 return new Date(date.toNumber());
1760 }
1761 return date;
1764 * 获取 Date 的毫秒数,如果不是一个 Date 返回 undefined。
1765 * @private
1766 */
1767var getTime = function getTime(date) {
1768 return date && date.getTime ? date.getTime() : undefined;
1772 * 解码对象中的 LeanCloud 数据结构。
1773 * 目前仅会处理 Date 类型。
1774 * @private
1775 */
1776var decode = function decode(value) {
1777 if (!value) return value;
1778 if (value.__type === 'Date' && value.iso) {
1779 return new Date(value.iso);
1780 }
1781 if (Array.isArray(value)) {
1782 return value.map(decode);
1783 }
1784 if (isPlainObject(value)) {
1785 return Object.keys(value).reduce(function (result, key) {
1786 return _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, result), {}, _defineProperty({}, key, decode(value[key])));
1787 }, {});
1788 }
1789 return value;
1792 * 将对象中的特殊类型编码为 LeanCloud 数据结构。
1793 * 目前仅会处理 Date 类型。
1794 * @private
1795 */
1796var encode = function encode(value) {
1797 if (value instanceof Date) return {
1798 __type: 'Date',
1799 iso: value.toJSON()
1800 };
1801 if (Array.isArray(value)) {
1802 return value.map(encode);
1803 }
1804 if (isPlainObject(value)) {
1805 return Object.keys(value).reduce(function (result, key) {
1806 return _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, result), {}, _defineProperty({}, key, encode(value[key])));
1807 }, {});
1808 }
1809 return value;
1811var keyRemap = function keyRemap(keymap, obj) {
1812 return Object.keys(obj).reduce(function (newObj, key) {
1813 var newKey = keymap[key] || key;
1814 return Object.assign(newObj, _defineProperty({}, newKey, obj[key]));
1815 }, {});
1817var isIE10 = global$1.navigator && global$1.navigator.userAgent && global$1.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 10.') !== -1;
1819/* eslint-disable no-proto */
1820var getStaticProperty = function getStaticProperty(klass, property) {
1821 return klass[property] || (klass.__proto__ ? getStaticProperty(klass.__proto__, property) : undefined);
1823/* eslint-enable no-proto */
1825var union = function union(a, b) {
1826 return Array.from(new Set([].concat(_toConsumableArray(a), _toConsumableArray(b))));
1828var difference = function difference(a, b) {
1829 return Array.from(function (bSet) {
1830 return new Set(a.filter(function (x) {
1831 return !bSet.has(x);
1832 }));
1833 }(new Set(b)));
1835var map = new WeakMap();
1837// protected property helper
1838var internal = function internal(object) {
1839 if (!map.has(object)) {
1840 map.set(object, {});
1841 }
1842 return map.get(object);
1844var compact = function compact(obj, filter) {
1845 if (!isPlainObject(obj)) return obj;
1846 var object = _objectSpread({}, obj);
1847 Object.keys(object).forEach(function (prop) {
1848 var value = object[prop];
1849 if (value === filter) {
1850 delete object[prop];
1851 } else {
1852 object[prop] = compact(value, filter);
1853 }
1854 });
1855 return object;
1858// debug utility
1859var removeNull = function removeNull(obj) {
1860 return compact(obj, null);
1862var trim = function trim(message) {
1863 return removeNull(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(message)));
1865var ensureArray = function ensureArray(target) {
1866 if (Array.isArray(target)) {
1867 return target;
1868 }
1869 if (target === undefined || target === null) {
1870 return [];
1871 }
1872 return [target];
1874var setValue = function setValue(target, key, value) {
1875 // '.' is not allowed in Class keys, escaping is not in concern now.
1876 var segs = key.split('.');
1877 var lastSeg = segs.pop();
1878 var currentTarget = target;
1879 segs.forEach(function (seg) {
1880 if (currentTarget[seg] === undefined) currentTarget[seg] = {};
1881 currentTarget = currentTarget[seg];
1882 });
1883 currentTarget[lastSeg] = value;
1884 return target;
1886var isWeapp =
1887// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
1888(typeof wx === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(wx)) === 'object' && typeof wx.connectSocket === 'function';
1890// throttle decorator
1891var throttle = function throttle(wait) {
1892 return function (target, property, descriptor) {
1893 var callback = descriptor.value;
1894 // very naive, internal use only
1895 if (callback.length) {
1896 throw new Error('throttled function should not accept any arguments');
1897 }
1898 return _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, descriptor), {}, {
1899 value: function value() {
1900 var _this = this;
1901 var _internal = internal(this),
1902 throttleMeta = _internal.throttleMeta;
1903 if (!throttleMeta) {
1904 throttleMeta = {};
1905 internal(this).throttleMeta = throttleMeta;
1906 }
1907 var _throttleMeta = throttleMeta,
1908 propertyMeta = _throttleMeta[property];
1909 if (!propertyMeta) {
1910 propertyMeta = {};
1911 throttleMeta[property] = propertyMeta;
1912 }
1913 var _propertyMeta = propertyMeta,
1914 _propertyMeta$previou = _propertyMeta.previouseTimestamp,
1915 previouseTimestamp = _propertyMeta$previou === void 0 ? 0 : _propertyMeta$previou,
1916 timeout = _propertyMeta.timeout;
1917 var now = Date.now();
1918 var remainingTime = wait - (now - previouseTimestamp);
1919 if (remainingTime <= 0) {
1920 throttleMeta[property].previouseTimestamp = now;
1921 callback.apply(this);
1922 } else if (!timeout) {
1923 propertyMeta.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
1924 propertyMeta.previouseTimestamp = Date.now();
1925 delete propertyMeta.timeout;
1926 callback.apply(_this);
1927 }, remainingTime);
1928 }
1929 }
1930 });
1931 };
1933var isCNApp = function isCNApp(appId) {
1934 return appId.slice(-9) !== '-MdYXbMMI';
1936var equalBuffer = function equalBuffer(buffer1, buffer2) {
1937 if (!buffer1 || !buffer2) return false;
1938 if (buffer1.byteLength !== buffer2.byteLength) return false;
1939 var a = new Uint8Array(buffer1);
1940 var b = new Uint8Array(buffer2);
1941 return !a.some(function (value, index) {
1942 return value !== b[index];
1943 });
1946var _class;
1947function ownKeys$1(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
1948function _objectSpread$1(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys$1(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$1(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
1949var debug$3 = d('LC:WebSocketPlus');
1950var OPEN = 'open';
1951var DISCONNECT = 'disconnect';
1952var RECONNECT = 'reconnect';
1953var RETRY = 'retry';
1954var SCHEDULE = 'schedule';
1955var OFFLINE = 'offline';
1956var ONLINE = 'online';
1957var ERROR = 'error';
1958var MESSAGE = 'message';
1959var HEARTBEAT_TIME = 180000;
1960var TIMEOUT_TIME = 380000;
1962 return Math.min(1000 * Math.pow(2, attempt), 300000);
1964var requireConnected = function requireConnected(target, name, descriptor) {
1965 return _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, descriptor), {}, {
1966 value: function requireConnectedWrapper() {
1967 var _descriptor$value;
1968 this.checkConnectionAvailability(name);
1969 for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
1970 args[_key] = arguments[_key];
1971 }
1972 return (_descriptor$value = descriptor.value).call.apply(_descriptor$value, [this].concat(args));
1973 }
1974 });
1976var WebSocketPlus = (_class = /*#__PURE__*/function (_EventEmitter) {
1977 _inheritsLoose(WebSocketPlus, _EventEmitter);
1978 function WebSocketPlus(getUrls, protocol) {
1979 var _this;
1980 _this = _EventEmitter.call(this) || this;
1981 _this.init();
1982 _this._protocol = protocol;
1983 Promise.resolve(typeof getUrls === 'function' ? getUrls() : getUrls).then(ensureArray).then(function (urls) {
1984 _this._urls = urls;
1985 return _this._open();
1986 }).then(function () {
1987 _this.__postponeTimeoutTimer = _this._postponeTimeoutTimer.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_this));
1988 if (global$1.addEventListener) {
1989 _this.__pause = function () {
1990 if (_this.can('pause')) _this.pause();
1991 };
1992 _this.__resume = function () {
1993 if (_this.can('resume')) _this.resume();
1994 };
1995 global$1.addEventListener('offline', _this.__pause);
1996 global$1.addEventListener('online', _this.__resume);
1997 }
1998 _this.open();
1999 })["catch"](_this["throw"].bind(_assertThisInitialized(_this)));
2000 return _this;
2001 }
2002 var _proto = WebSocketPlus.prototype;
2003 _proto._open = function _open() {
2004 var _this2 = this;
2005 return this._createWs(this._urls, this._protocol).then(function (ws) {
2006 var _this2$_urls = _toArray(_this2._urls),
2007 first = _this2$_urls[0],
2008 reset = _this2$_urls.slice(1);
2009 _this2._urls = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(reset), [first]);
2010 return ws;
2011 });
2012 };
2013 _proto._createWs = function _createWs(urls, protocol) {
2014 var _this3 = this;
2015 return tryAll(urls.map(function (url) {
2016 return function (resolve, reject) {
2017 debug$3("connect [".concat(url, "] ").concat(protocol));
2018 var WebSocket = getAdapter('WebSocket');
2019 var ws = protocol ? new WebSocket(url, protocol) : new WebSocket(url);
2020 ws.binaryType = _this3.binaryType || 'arraybuffer';
2021 ws.onopen = function () {
2022 return resolve(ws);
2023 };
2024 ws.onclose = function (error) {
2025 if (error instanceof Error) {
2026 return reject(error);
2027 }
2028 // in browser, error event is useless
2029 return reject(new Error("Failed to connect [".concat(url, "]")));
2030 };
2031 ws.onerror = ws.onclose;
2032 };
2033 })).then(function (ws) {
2034 _this3._ws = ws;
2035 _this3._ws.onclose = _this3._handleClose.bind(_this3);
2036 _this3._ws.onmessage = _this3._handleMessage.bind(_this3);
2037 return ws;
2038 });
2039 };
2040 _proto._destroyWs = function _destroyWs() {
2041 var ws = this._ws;
2042 if (!ws) return;
2043 ws.onopen = null;
2044 ws.onclose = null;
2045 ws.onerror = null;
2046 ws.onmessage = null;
2047 this._ws = null;
2048 ws.close();
2049 }
2051 // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
2052 ;
2053 _proto.onbeforeevent = function onbeforeevent(event, from, to) {
2054 for (var _len2 = arguments.length, payload = new Array(_len2 > 3 ? _len2 - 3 : 0), _key2 = 3; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
2055 payload[_key2 - 3] = arguments[_key2];
2056 }
2057 debug$3("".concat(event, ": ").concat(from, " -> ").concat(to, " %o"), payload);
2058 };
2059 _proto.onopen = function onopen() {
2060 this.emit(OPEN);
2061 };
2062 _proto.onconnected = function onconnected() {
2063 this._startConnectionKeeper();
2064 };
2065 _proto.onleaveconnected = function onleaveconnected(event, from, to) {
2066 this._stopConnectionKeeper();
2067 this._destroyWs();
2068 if (to === 'offline' || to === 'disconnected') {
2069 this.emit(DISCONNECT);
2070 }
2071 };
2072 _proto.onpause = function onpause() {
2073 this.emit(OFFLINE);
2074 };
2075 _proto.onbeforeresume = function onbeforeresume() {
2076 this.emit(ONLINE);
2077 };
2078 _proto.onreconnect = function onreconnect() {
2079 this.emit(RECONNECT);
2080 };
2081 _proto.ondisconnected = function ondisconnected(event, from, to) {
2082 var _this4 = this;
2083 var attempt = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0;
2084 var delay = from === OFFLINE ? 0 : DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY.call(null, attempt);
2085 debug$3("schedule attempt=".concat(attempt, " delay=").concat(delay));
2086 this.emit(SCHEDULE, attempt, delay);
2087 if (this.__scheduledRetry) {
2088 clearTimeout(this.__scheduledRetry);
2089 }
2090 this.__scheduledRetry = setTimeout(function () {
2091 if (_this4.is('disconnected')) {
2092 _this4.retry(attempt);
2093 }
2094 }, delay);
2095 };
2096 _proto.onretry = function onretry(event, from, to) {
2097 var _this5 = this;
2098 var attempt = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0;
2099 this.emit(RETRY, attempt);
2100 this._open().then(function () {
2101 return _this5.can('reconnect') && _this5.reconnect();
2102 }, function () {
2103 return _this5.can('fail') && _this5.fail(attempt + 1);
2104 });
2105 };
2106 _proto.onerror = function onerror(event, from, to, error) {
2107 this.emit(ERROR, error);
2108 };
2109 _proto.onclose = function onclose() {
2110 if (global$1.removeEventListener) {
2111 if (this.__pause) global$1.removeEventListener('offline', this.__pause);
2112 if (this.__resume) global$1.removeEventListener('online', this.__resume);
2113 }
2114 };
2115 _proto.checkConnectionAvailability = function checkConnectionAvailability() {
2116 var name = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'API';
2117 if (!this.is('connected')) {
2118 var currentState = this.current;
2119 console.warn("".concat(name, " should not be called when the connection is ").concat(currentState));
2120 if (this.is('disconnected') || this.is('reconnecting')) {
2121 console.warn('disconnect and reconnect event should be handled to avoid such calls.');
2122 }
2123 throw new Error('Connection unavailable');
2124 }
2125 }
2127 // jsdoc-ignore-start
2128 ;
2129 _proto.
2130 // jsdoc-ignore-end
2131 _ping = function _ping() {
2132 debug$3('ping');
2133 try {
2134 this.ping();
2135 } catch (error) {
2136 console.warn("websocket ping error: ".concat(error.message));
2137 }
2138 };
2139 _proto.ping = function ping() {
2140 if (this._ws.ping) {
2141 this._ws.ping();
2142 } else {
2143 console.warn("The WebSocket implement does not support sending ping frame.\n Override ping method to use application defined ping/pong mechanism.");
2144 }
2145 };
2146 _proto._postponeTimeoutTimer = function _postponeTimeoutTimer() {
2147 var _this6 = this;
2148 debug$3('_postponeTimeoutTimer');
2149 this._clearTimeoutTimers();
2150 this._timeoutTimer = setTimeout(function () {
2151 debug$3('timeout');
2152 _this6.disconnect();
2153 }, TIMEOUT_TIME);
2154 };
2155 _proto._clearTimeoutTimers = function _clearTimeoutTimers() {
2156 if (this._timeoutTimer) {
2157 clearTimeout(this._timeoutTimer);
2158 }
2159 };
2160 _proto._startConnectionKeeper = function _startConnectionKeeper() {
2161 debug$3('start connection keeper');
2162 this._heartbeatTimer = setInterval(this._ping.bind(this), HEARTBEAT_TIME);
2163 var addListener = this._ws.addListener || this._ws.addEventListener;
2164 if (!addListener) {
2165 debug$3('connection keeper disabled due to the lack of #addEventListener.');
2166 return;
2167 }
2168 addListener.call(this._ws, 'message', this.__postponeTimeoutTimer);
2169 addListener.call(this._ws, 'pong', this.__postponeTimeoutTimer);
2170 this._postponeTimeoutTimer();
2171 };
2172 _proto._stopConnectionKeeper = function _stopConnectionKeeper() {
2173 debug$3('stop connection keeper');
2174 // websockets/ws#489
2175 var removeListener = this._ws.removeListener || this._ws.removeEventListener;
2176 if (removeListener) {
2177 removeListener.call(this._ws, 'message', this.__postponeTimeoutTimer);
2178 removeListener.call(this._ws, 'pong', this.__postponeTimeoutTimer);
2179 this._clearTimeoutTimers();
2180 }
2181 if (this._heartbeatTimer) {
2182 clearInterval(this._heartbeatTimer);
2183 }
2184 };
2185 _proto._handleClose = function _handleClose(event) {
2186 debug$3("ws closed [".concat(event.code, "] ").concat(event.reason));
2187 // socket closed manually, ignore close event.
2188 if (this.isFinished()) return;
2189 this.handleClose(event);
2190 };
2191 _proto.handleClose = function handleClose() {
2192 // reconnect
2193 this.disconnect();
2194 }
2196 // jsdoc-ignore-start
2197 ;
2198 _proto.
2199 // jsdoc-ignore-end
2200 send = function send(data) {
2201 debug$3('send', data);
2202 this._ws.send(data);
2203 };
2204 _proto._handleMessage = function _handleMessage(event) {
2205 debug$3('message', event.data);
2206 this.handleMessage(event.data);
2207 };
2208 _proto.handleMessage = function handleMessage(message) {
2209 this.emit(MESSAGE, message);
2210 };
2211 _createClass(WebSocketPlus, [{
2212 key: "urls",
2213 get: function get() {
2214 return this._urls;
2215 },
2216 set: function set(urls) {
2217 this._urls = ensureArray(urls);
2218 }
2219 }]);
2220 return WebSocketPlus;
2221}(EventEmitter), (_applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class.prototype, "_ping", [requireConnected], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_class.prototype, "_ping"), _class.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class.prototype, "send", [requireConnected], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_class.prototype, "send"), _class.prototype)), _class);
2223 target: WebSocketPlus.prototype,
2224 initial: {
2225 state: 'initialized',
2226 event: 'init',
2227 defer: true
2228 },
2229 terminal: 'closed',
2230 events: [{
2231 name: 'open',
2232 from: 'initialized',
2233 to: 'connected'
2234 }, {
2235 name: 'disconnect',
2236 from: 'connected',
2237 to: 'disconnected'
2238 }, {
2239 name: 'retry',
2240 from: 'disconnected',
2241 to: 'reconnecting'
2242 }, {
2243 name: 'fail',
2244 from: 'reconnecting',
2245 to: 'disconnected'
2246 }, {
2247 name: 'reconnect',
2248 from: 'reconnecting',
2249 to: 'connected'
2250 }, {
2251 name: 'pause',
2252 from: ['connected', 'disconnected', 'reconnecting'],
2253 to: 'offline'
2254 }, {}, {
2255 name: 'resume',
2256 from: 'offline',
2257 to: 'disconnected'
2258 }, {
2259 name: 'close',
2260 from: ['connected', 'disconnected', 'reconnecting', 'offline'],
2261 to: 'closed'
2262 }, {
2263 name: 'throw',
2264 from: '*',
2265 to: 'error'
2266 }]
2269var error = Object.freeze({
2270 1000: {
2271 name: 'CLOSE_NORMAL'
2272 },
2273 1006: {
2274 name: 'CLOSE_ABNORMAL'
2275 },
2276 4100: {
2277 name: 'APP_NOT_AVAILABLE',
2278 message: 'App not exists or realtime message service is disabled.'
2279 },
2280 4102: {
2281 name: 'SIGNATURE_FAILED',
2282 message: 'Login signature mismatch.'
2283 },
2284 4103: {
2285 name: 'INVALID_LOGIN',
2286 message: 'Malformed clientId.'
2287 },
2288 4105: {
2289 name: 'SESSION_REQUIRED',
2290 message: 'Message sent before session opened.'
2291 },
2292 4107: {
2293 name: 'READ_TIMEOUT'
2294 },
2295 4108: {
2296 name: 'LOGIN_TIMEOUT'
2297 },
2298 4109: {
2299 name: 'FRAME_TOO_LONG'
2300 },
2301 4110: {
2302 name: 'INVALID_ORIGIN',
2303 message: 'Access denied by domain whitelist.'
2304 },
2305 4111: {
2307 },
2308 4112: {
2310 },
2311 4113: {
2312 name: 'APP_QUOTA_EXCEEDED',
2313 message: 'The daily active users limit exceeded.'
2314 },
2315 4116: {
2317 message: 'Command sent too fast.'
2318 },
2319 4200: {
2320 name: 'INTERNAL_ERROR',
2321 message: 'Internal error, please contact LeanCloud for support.'
2322 },
2323 4301: {
2325 message: 'Upstream Conversatoin API failed, see error.detail for details.'
2326 },
2327 4302: {
2329 message: 'Conversation action signature mismatch.'
2330 },
2331 4303: {
2333 },
2334 4304: {
2336 },
2337 4305: {
2339 message: 'Conversation action rejected by hook.'
2340 },
2341 4306: {
2343 },
2344 4307: {
2346 },
2347 4308: {
2349 },
2350 4309: {
2352 message: 'Conversation update rejected because the client is not a member.'
2353 },
2354 4310: {
2356 message: 'Conversation query failed because it is too expansive.'
2357 },
2358 4311: {
2360 },
2361 4312: {
2363 message: 'Message query rejected because the client is not a member of the conversation.'
2364 },
2365 4313: {
2367 },
2368 4314: {
2370 },
2371 4315: {
2373 message: 'Blacklisted in the conversation.'
2374 },
2375 4316: {
2377 },
2378 4317: {
2380 },
2381 4318: {
2383 message: 'LeanCloud API quota exceeded. You may upgrade your plan.'
2384 },
2385 4323: {
2387 message: 'Temporary conversation expired or does not exist.'
2388 },
2389 4401: {
2391 message: 'Conversation does not exist or client is not a member.'
2392 },
2393 4402: {
2395 message: 'Message rejected by hook.'
2396 },
2397 4403: {
2399 },
2400 4404: {
2401 name: 'MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND'
2402 },
2403 4405: {
2405 message: 'Message update rejected by hook.'
2406 },
2407 4406: {
2409 },
2410 4407: {
2412 },
2413 5130: {
2415 message: "Updating a member's role to owner is not allowed."
2416 }
2418var ErrorCode = Object.freeze(Object.keys(error).reduce(function (result, code) {
2419 return Object.assign(result, _defineProperty({}, error[code].name, Number(code)));
2420}, {}));
2421var createError = function createError(_ref) {
2422 var code = _ref.code,
2423 reason = _ref.reason,
2424 appCode = _ref.appCode,
2425 detail = _ref.detail,
2426 errorMessage = _ref.error;
2427 var message = reason || detail || errorMessage;
2428 var name = reason;
2429 if (!message && error[code]) {
2430 name = error[code].name;
2431 message = error[code].message || name;
2432 }
2433 if (!message) {
2434 message = "Unknow Error: ".concat(code);
2435 }
2436 var err = new Error(message);
2437 return Object.assign(err, {
2438 code: code,
2439 appCode: appCode,
2440 detail: detail,
2441 name: name
2442 });
2445var debug$4 = d('LC:Connection');
2446var COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 20000;
2447var EXPIRE = Symbol('expire');
2448var isIdempotentCommand = function isIdempotentCommand(command) {
2449 return !(command.cmd === CommandType.direct || command.cmd === CommandType.session && command.op === OpType.open || command.cmd === CommandType.conv && (command.op === OpType.start || command.op === OpType.update || command.op === OpType.members));
2451var Connection = /*#__PURE__*/function (_WebSocketPlus) {
2452 _inheritsLoose(Connection, _WebSocketPlus);
2453 function Connection(getUrl, _ref) {
2454 var _this;
2455 var format = _ref.format,
2456 version = _ref.version;
2457 debug$4('initializing Connection');
2458 var protocolString = "lc.".concat(format, ".").concat(version);
2459 _this = _WebSocketPlus.call(this, getUrl, protocolString) || this;
2460 _this._protocolFormat = format;
2461 _this._commands = {};
2462 _this._serialId = 0;
2463 return _this;
2464 }
2465 var _proto = Connection.prototype;
2466 _proto.send = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
2467 var _send = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(command) {
2468 var _this2 = this;
2469 var waitingForRespond,
2470 buffer,
2471 serialId,
2472 duplicatedCommand,
2473 message,
2474 promise,
2475 _args = arguments;
2476 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
2477 while (1) switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
2478 case 0:
2479 waitingForRespond = _args.length > 1 && _args[1] !== undefined ? _args[1] : true;
2480 if (!waitingForRespond) {
2481 _context.next = 11;
2482 break;
2483 }
2484 if (!isIdempotentCommand(command)) {
2485 _context.next = 8;
2486 break;
2487 }
2488 buffer = command.toArrayBuffer();
2489 duplicatedCommand = values(this._commands).find(function (_ref2) {
2490 var targetBuffer = _ref2.buffer,
2491 targetCommand = _ref2.command;
2492 return targetCommand.cmd === command.cmd && targetCommand.op === command.op && equalBuffer(targetBuffer, buffer);
2493 });
2494 if (!duplicatedCommand) {
2495 _context.next = 8;
2496 break;
2497 }
2498 console.warn("Duplicated command [cmd:".concat(command.cmd, " op:").concat(command.op, "] is throttled."));
2499 return _context.abrupt("return", duplicatedCommand.promise);
2500 case 8:
2501 this._serialId += 1;
2502 serialId = this._serialId;
2503 command.i = serialId; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
2504 case 11:
2505 if (debug$4.enabled) debug$4('↑ %O sent', trim(command));
2506 if (this._protocolFormat === 'proto2base64') {
2507 message = command.toBase64();
2508 } else if (command.toArrayBuffer) {
2509 message = command.toArrayBuffer();
2510 }
2511 if (message) {
2512 _context.next = 15;
2513 break;
2514 }
2515 throw new TypeError("".concat(command, " is not a GenericCommand"));
2516 case 15:
2517 _WebSocketPlus.prototype.send.call(this, message);
2518 if (waitingForRespond) {
2519 _context.next = 18;
2520 break;
2521 }
2522 return _context.abrupt("return", undefined);
2523 case 18:
2524 promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
2525 _this2._commands[serialId] = {
2526 command: command,
2527 buffer: buffer,
2528 resolve: resolve,
2529 reject: reject,
2530 timeout: setTimeout(function () {
2531 if (_this2._commands[serialId]) {
2532 if (debug$4.enabled) debug$4('✗ %O timeout', trim(command));
2533 reject(createError({
2534 error: "Command Timeout [cmd:".concat(command.cmd, " op:").concat(command.op, "]"),
2535 name: 'COMMAND_TIMEOUT'
2536 }));
2537 delete _this2._commands[serialId];
2538 }
2540 };
2541 });
2542 this._commands[serialId].promise = promise;
2543 return _context.abrupt("return", promise);
2544 case 21:
2545 case "end":
2546 return _context.stop();
2547 }
2548 }, _callee, this);
2549 }));
2550 function send(_x) {
2551 return _send.apply(this, arguments);
2552 }
2553 return send;
2554 }();
2555 _proto.handleMessage = function handleMessage(msg) {
2556 var message;
2557 try {
2558 message = GenericCommand.decode(msg);
2559 if (debug$4.enabled) debug$4('↓ %O received', trim(message));
2560 } catch (e) {
2561 console.warn('Decode message failed:', e.message, msg);
2562 return;
2563 }
2564 var serialId = message.i;
2565 if (serialId) {
2566 if (this._commands[serialId]) {
2567 clearTimeout(this._commands[serialId].timeout);
2568 if (message.cmd === CommandType.error) {
2569 this._commands[serialId].reject(createError(message.errorMessage));
2570 } else {
2571 this._commands[serialId].resolve(message);
2572 }
2573 delete this._commands[serialId];
2574 } else {
2575 console.warn("Unexpected command received with serialId [".concat(serialId, "],\n which have timed out or never been requested."));
2576 }
2577 } else {
2578 switch (message.cmd) {
2579 case CommandType.error:
2580 {
2581 this.emit(ERROR, createError(message.errorMessage));
2582 return;
2583 }
2584 case CommandType.goaway:
2585 {
2586 this.emit(EXPIRE);
2587 return;
2588 }
2589 default:
2590 {
2591 this.emit(MESSAGE, message);
2592 }
2593 }
2594 }
2595 };
2596 _proto.ping = function ping() {
2597 return this.send(new GenericCommand({
2598 cmd: CommandType.echo
2599 }))["catch"](function (error) {
2600 return debug$4('ping failed:', error);
2601 });
2602 };
2603 return Connection;
2606var debug$5 = d('LC:request');
2607var request = (function (_ref) {
2608 var _ref$method = _ref.method,
2609 method = _ref$method === void 0 ? 'GET' : _ref$method,
2610 _url = _ref.url,
2611 query = _ref.query,
2612 headers = _ref.headers,
2613 data = _ref.data,
2614 time = _ref.timeout;
2615 var url = _url;
2616 if (query) {
2617 var queryString = Object.keys(query).map(function (key) {
2618 var value = query[key];
2619 if (value === undefined) return undefined;
2620 var v = isPlainObject(value) ? JSON.stringify(value) : value;
2621 return "".concat(encodeURIComponent(key), "=").concat(encodeURIComponent(v));
2622 }).filter(function (qs) {
2623 return qs;
2624 }).join('&');
2625 url = "".concat(url, "?").concat(queryString);
2626 }
2627 debug$5('Req: %O %O %O', method, url, {
2628 headers: headers,
2629 data: data
2630 });
2631 var request = getAdapter('request');
2632 var promise = request(url, {
2633 method: method,
2634 headers: headers,
2635 data: data
2636 }).then(function (response) {
2637 if (response.ok === false) {
2638 var error = createError(response.data);
2639 error.response = response;
2640 throw error;
2641 }
2642 debug$5('Res: %O %O %O', url, response.status, response.data);
2643 return response.data;
2644 })["catch"](function (error) {
2645 if (error.response) {
2646 debug$5('Error: %O %O %O', url, error.response.status, error.response.data);
2647 }
2648 throw error;
2649 });
2650 return time ? promiseTimeout.timeout(promise, time) : promise;
2653var checkType = function checkType(middleware) {
2654 return function (param) {
2655 var constructor = param.constructor;
2656 return Promise.resolve(param).then(middleware).then(tap(function (result) {
2657 if (result === undefined || result === null) {
2658 // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
2659 return console.warn("Middleware[".concat(middleware._pluginName || 'anonymous plugin', ":").concat(middleware.name || 'anonymous middleware', "] param/return types not match. It returns ").concat(result, " while a ").concat(param.constructor.name, " expected."));
2660 }
2661 if (!(result instanceof constructor)) {
2662 // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
2663 return console.warn("Middleware[".concat(middleware._pluginName || 'anonymous plugin', ":").concat(middleware.name || 'anonymous middleware', "] param/return types not match. It returns a ").concat(result.constructor.name, " while a ").concat(param.constructor.name, " expected."));
2664 }
2665 return 0;
2666 }));
2667 };
2669var applyDecorators = function applyDecorators(decorators, target) {
2670 if (decorators) {
2671 decorators.forEach(function (decorator) {
2672 try {
2673 decorator(target);
2674 } catch (error) {
2675 if (decorator._pluginName) {
2676 error.message += "[".concat(decorator._pluginName, "]");
2677 }
2678 throw error;
2679 }
2680 });
2681 }
2683var applyMiddlewares = function applyMiddlewares(middlewares) {
2684 return function (target) {
2685 return ensureArray(middlewares).reduce(function (previousPromise, middleware) {
2686 return previousPromise.then(checkType(middleware))["catch"](function (error) {
2687 if (middleware._pluginName) {
2688 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
2689 error.message += "[".concat(middleware._pluginName, "]");
2690 }
2691 throw error;
2692 });
2693 }, Promise.resolve(target));
2694 };
2696var applyDispatcher = function applyDispatcher(dispatchers, payload) {
2697 return ensureArray(dispatchers).reduce(function (resultPromise, dispatcher) {
2698 return resultPromise.then(function (shouldDispatch) {
2699 return shouldDispatch === false ? false : dispatcher.apply(void 0, _toConsumableArray(payload));
2700 })["catch"](function (error) {
2701 if (dispatcher._pluginName) {
2702 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
2703 error.message += "[".concat(dispatcher._pluginName, "]");
2704 }
2705 throw error;
2706 });
2707 }, Promise.resolve(true));
2710var version = "5.0.0-rc.8";
2712var _excluded = ["plugins"];
2713function ownKeys$2(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
2714function _objectSpread$2(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys$2(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$2(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
2715var debug$6 = d('LC:Realtime');
2716var routerCache = new Cache('push-router');
2717var initializedApp = {};
2718var Realtime = /*#__PURE__*/function (_EventEmitter) {
2719 _inheritsLoose(Realtime, _EventEmitter);
2720 /**
2721 * @extends EventEmitter
2722 * @param {Object} options
2723 * @param {String} options.appId
2724 * @param {String} options.appKey (since 4.0.0)
2725 * @param {String|Object} [options.server] 指定服务器域名,中国节点应用此参数必填(since 4.0.0)
2726 * @param {Boolean} [options.noBinary=false] 设置 WebSocket 使用字符串格式收发消息(默认为二进制格式)。
2727 * 适用于 WebSocket 实现不支持二进制数据格式的情况
2728 * @param {Boolean} [options.ssl=true] 使用 wss 进行连接
2729 * @param {String|String[]} [options.RTMServers] 指定私有部署的 RTM 服务器地址(since 4.0.0)
2730 * @param {Plugin[]} [options.plugins] 加载插件(since 3.1.0)
2731 */
2732 function Realtime(_ref) {
2733 var _this2;
2734 var plugins = _ref.plugins,
2735 options = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded);
2736 debug$6('initializing Realtime %s %O', version, options);
2737 _this2 = _EventEmitter.call(this) || this;
2738 var appId = options.appId;
2739 if (typeof appId !== 'string') {
2740 throw new TypeError("appId [".concat(appId, "] is not a string"));
2741 }
2742 if (initializedApp[appId]) {
2743 throw new Error("App [".concat(appId, "] is already initialized."));
2744 }
2745 initializedApp[appId] = true;
2746 if (typeof options.appKey !== 'string') {
2747 throw new TypeError("appKey [".concat(options.appKey, "] is not a string"));
2748 }
2749 if (isCNApp(appId)) {
2750 if (!options.server) {
2751 throw new TypeError("server option is required for apps from CN region");
2752 }
2753 }
2754 _this2._options = _objectSpread$2({
2755 appId: undefined,
2756 appKey: undefined,
2757 noBinary: false,
2758 ssl: true,
2759 RTMServerName: typeof process !== 'undefined' ? process.env.RTM_SERVER_NAME : undefined
2760 }, options);
2761 _this2._cache = new Cache('endpoints');
2762 var _this = internal(_assertThisInitialized(_this2));
2763 _this.clients = new Set();
2764 _this.pendingClients = new Set();
2765 var mergedPlugins = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(ensureArray(Realtime.__preRegisteredPlugins)), _toConsumableArray(ensureArray(plugins)));
2766 debug$6('Using plugins %o', mergedPlugins.map(function (plugin) {
2767 return plugin.name;
2768 }));
2769 _this2._plugins = mergedPlugins.reduce(function (result, plugin) {
2770 Object.keys(plugin).forEach(function (hook) {
2771 if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(plugin, hook) && hook !== 'name') {
2772 if (plugin.name) {
2773 ensureArray(plugin[hook]).forEach(function (value) {
2774 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
2775 value._pluginName = plugin.name;
2776 });
2777 }
2778 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
2779 result[hook] = ensureArray(result[hook]).concat(plugin[hook]);
2780 }
2781 });
2782 return result;
2783 }, {});
2784 // onRealtimeCreate hook
2785 applyDecorators(_this2._plugins.onRealtimeCreate, _assertThisInitialized(_this2));
2786 return _this2;
2787 }
2788 var _proto = Realtime.prototype;
2789 _proto._request = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
2790 var _request2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(_ref2) {
2791 var method, _url, _ref2$version, version, path, query, headers, data, url, _this$_options, appId, server, _yield$this$construct, api;
2792 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
2793 while (1) switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
2794 case 0:
2795 method = _ref2.method, _url = _ref2.url, _ref2$version = _ref2.version, version = _ref2$version === void 0 ? '1.1' : _ref2$version, path = _ref2.path, query = _ref2.query, headers = _ref2.headers, data = _ref2.data;
2796 url = _url;
2797 if (url) {
2798 _context.next = 9;
2799 break;
2800 }
2801 _this$_options = this._options, appId = _this$_options.appId, server = _this$_options.server;
2802 _context.next = 6;
2803 return this.constructor._getServerUrls({
2804 appId: appId,
2805 server: server
2806 });
2807 case 6:
2808 _yield$this$construct = _context.sent;
2809 api = _yield$this$construct.api;
2810 url = "".concat(api, "/").concat(version).concat(path);
2811 case 9:
2812 return _context.abrupt("return", request({
2813 url: url,
2814 method: method,
2815 query: query,
2816 headers: _objectSpread$2({
2817 'X-LC-Id': this._options.appId,
2818 'X-LC-Key': this._options.appKey
2819 }, headers),
2820 data: data
2821 }));
2822 case 10:
2823 case "end":
2824 return _context.stop();
2825 }
2826 }, _callee, this);
2827 }));
2828 function _request(_x) {
2829 return _request2.apply(this, arguments);
2830 }
2831 return _request;
2832 }();
2833 _proto._open = function _open() {
2834 var _this3 = this;
2835 if (this._openPromise) return this._openPromise;
2836 var format = 'protobuf2';
2837 if (this._options.noBinary) {
2838 // 不发送 binary data,fallback to base64 string
2839 format = 'proto2base64';
2840 }
2841 var version = 3;
2842 var protocol = {
2843 format: format,
2844 version: version
2845 };
2846 this._openPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
2847 debug$6('No connection established, create a new one.');
2848 var connection = new Connection(function () {
2849 return _this3._getRTMServers(_this3._options);
2850 }, protocol);
2851 connection.on(OPEN, function () {
2852 return resolve(connection);
2853 }).on(ERROR, function (error) {
2854 delete _this3._openPromise;
2855 reject(error);
2856 }).on(EXPIRE, /*#__PURE__*/_asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2() {
2857 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
2858 while (1) switch (_context2.prev = _context2.next) {
2859 case 0:
2860 debug$6('Connection expired. Refresh endpoints.');
2861 _this3._cache.set('endpoints', null, 0);
2862 _context2.next = 4;
2863 return _this3._getRTMServers(_this3._options);
2864 case 4:
2865 connection.urls = _context2.sent;
2866 connection.disconnect();
2867 case 6:
2868 case "end":
2869 return _context2.stop();
2870 }
2871 }, _callee2);
2872 }))).on(MESSAGE, _this3._dispatchCommand.bind(_this3));
2873 /**
2874 * 连接断开。
2875 * 连接断开可能是因为 SDK 进入了离线状态(see {@link Realtime#event:OFFLINE}),或长时间没有收到服务器心跳。
2876 * 连接断开后所有的网络操作都会失败,请在连接断开后禁用相关的 UI 元素。
2877 * @event Realtime#DISCONNECT
2878 */
2879 /**
2880 * 计划在一段时间后尝试重新连接
2881 * @event Realtime#SCHEDULE
2882 * @param {Number} attempt 尝试重连的次数
2883 * @param {Number} delay 延迟的毫秒数
2884 */
2885 /**
2886 * 正在尝试重新连接
2887 * @event Realtime#RETRY
2888 * @param {Number} attempt 尝试重连的次数
2889 */
2890 /**
2891 * 连接恢复正常。
2892 * 请重新启用在 {@link Realtime#event:DISCONNECT} 事件中禁用的相关 UI 元素
2893 * @event Realtime#RECONNECT
2894 */
2896 /**
2897 * 客户端连接断开
2898 * @event IMClient#DISCONNECT
2899 * @see Realtime#event:DISCONNECT
2900 * @since 3.2.0
2901 */
2902 /**
2903 * 计划在一段时间后尝试重新连接
2904 * @event IMClient#SCHEDULE
2905 * @param {Number} attempt 尝试重连的次数
2906 * @param {Number} delay 延迟的毫秒数
2907 * @since 3.2.0
2908 */
2909 /**
2910 * 正在尝试重新连接
2911 * @event IMClient#RETRY
2912 * @param {Number} attempt 尝试重连的次数
2913 * @since 3.2.0
2914 */
2916 /**
2917 * 客户端进入离线状态。
2918 * 这通常意味着网络已断开,或者 {@link Realtime#pause} 被调用
2919 * @event Realtime#OFFLINE
2920 * @since 3.4.0
2921 */
2922 /**
2923 * 客户端恢复在线状态
2924 * 这通常意味着网络已恢复,或者 {@link Realtime#resume} 被调用
2925 * @event Realtime#ONLINE
2926 * @since 3.4.0
2927 */
2928 /**
2929 * 进入离线状态。
2930 * 这通常意味着网络已断开,或者 {@link Realtime#pause} 被调用
2931 * @event IMClient#OFFLINE
2932 * @since 3.4.0
2933 */
2934 /**
2935 * 恢复在线状态
2936 * 这通常意味着网络已恢复,或者 {@link Realtime#resume} 被调用
2937 * @event IMClient#ONLINE
2938 * @since 3.4.0
2939 */
2941 // event proxy
2943 return connection.on(event, function () {
2944 for (var _len = arguments.length, payload = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
2945 payload[_key] = arguments[_key];
2946 }
2947 debug$6("".concat(event, " event emitted. %o"), payload);
2948 _this3.emit.apply(_this3, [event].concat(payload));
2949 if (event !== RECONNECT) {
2950 internal(_this3).clients.forEach(function (client) {
2951 client.emit.apply(client, [event].concat(payload));
2952 });
2953 }
2954 });
2955 });
2956 // override handleClose
2957 connection.handleClose = function handleClose(event) {
2958 var isFatal = [ErrorCode.APP_NOT_AVAILABLE, ErrorCode.INVALID_LOGIN, ErrorCode.INVALID_ORIGIN].some(function (errorCode) {
2959 return errorCode === event.code;
2960 });
2961 if (isFatal) {
2962 // in these cases, SDK should throw.
2963 this["throw"](createError(event));
2964 } else {
2965 // reconnect
2966 this.disconnect();
2967 }
2968 };
2969 internal(_this3).connection = connection;
2970 });
2971 return this._openPromise;
2972 };
2973 _proto._getRTMServers = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
2974 var _getRTMServers2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee3(options) {
2975 var info, cachedEndPoints, _info, server, secondary, ttl;
2976 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee3$(_context3) {
2977 while (1) switch (_context3.prev = _context3.next) {
2978 case 0:
2979 if (!options.RTMServers) {
2980 _context3.next = 2;
2981 break;
2982 }
2983 return _context3.abrupt("return", shuffle(ensureArray(options.RTMServers)));
2984 case 2:
2985 cachedEndPoints = this._cache.get('endpoints');
2986 if (!cachedEndPoints) {
2987 _context3.next = 7;
2988 break;
2989 }
2990 info = cachedEndPoints;
2991 _context3.next = 14;
2992 break;
2993 case 7:
2994 _context3.next = 9;
2995 return this.constructor._fetchRTMServers(options);
2996 case 9:
2997 info = _context3.sent;
2998 _info = info, server = _info.server, secondary = _info.secondary, ttl = _info.ttl;
2999 if (!(typeof server !== 'string' && typeof secondary !== 'string' && typeof ttl !== 'number')) {
3000 _context3.next = 13;
3001 break;
3002 }
3003 throw new Error("malformed RTM route response: ".concat(JSON.stringify(info)));
3004 case 13:
3005 this._cache.set('endpoints', info, info.ttl * 1000);
3006 case 14:
3007 debug$6('endpoint info: %O', info);
3008 return _context3.abrupt("return", [info.server, info.secondary]);
3009 case 16:
3010 case "end":
3011 return _context3.stop();
3012 }
3013 }, _callee3, this);
3014 }));
3015 function _getRTMServers(_x2) {
3016 return _getRTMServers2.apply(this, arguments);
3017 }
3018 return _getRTMServers;
3019 }();
3020 Realtime._getServerUrls = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
3021 var _getServerUrls2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee4(_ref4) {
3022 var appId, server, cachedRouter, defaultProtocol;
3023 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee4$(_context4) {
3024 while (1) switch (_context4.prev = _context4.next) {
3025 case 0:
3026 appId = _ref4.appId, server = _ref4.server;
3027 debug$6('fetch server urls');
3028 if (!server) {
3029 _context4.next = 6;
3030 break;
3031 }
3032 if (!(typeof server !== 'string')) {
3033 _context4.next = 5;
3034 break;
3035 }
3036 return _context4.abrupt("return", server);
3037 case 5:
3038 return _context4.abrupt("return", {
3039 RTMRouter: server,
3040 api: server
3041 });
3042 case 6:
3043 cachedRouter = routerCache.get(appId);
3044 if (!cachedRouter) {
3045 _context4.next = 9;
3046 break;
3047 }
3048 return _context4.abrupt("return", cachedRouter);
3049 case 9:
3050 defaultProtocol = 'https://';
3051 return _context4.abrupt("return", request({
3052 url: 'https://app-router.com/2/route',
3053 query: {
3054 appId: appId
3055 },
3056 timeout: 20000
3057 }).then(tap(debug$6)).then(function (_ref5) {
3058 var RTMRouterServer = _ref5.rtm_router_server,
3059 APIServer = _ref5.api_server,
3060 _ref5$ttl = _ref5.ttl,
3061 ttl = _ref5$ttl === void 0 ? 3600 : _ref5$ttl;
3062 if (!RTMRouterServer) {
3063 throw new Error('rtm router not exists');
3064 }
3065 var serverUrls = {
3066 RTMRouter: "".concat(defaultProtocol).concat(RTMRouterServer),
3067 api: "".concat(defaultProtocol).concat(APIServer)
3068 };
3069 routerCache.set(appId, serverUrls, ttl * 1000);
3070 return serverUrls;
3071 })["catch"](function () {
3072 var id = appId.slice(0, 8).toLowerCase();
3073 var domain = 'lncldglobal.com';
3074 return {
3075 RTMRouter: "".concat(defaultProtocol).concat(id, ".rtm.").concat(domain),
3076 api: "".concat(defaultProtocol).concat(id, ".api.").concat(domain)
3077 };
3078 }));
3079 case 11:
3080 case "end":
3081 return _context4.stop();
3082 }
3083 }, _callee4);
3084 }));
3085 function _getServerUrls(_x3) {
3086 return _getServerUrls2.apply(this, arguments);
3087 }
3088 return _getServerUrls;
3089 }();
3090 Realtime._fetchRTMServers = function _fetchRTMServers(_ref6) {
3091 var appId = _ref6.appId,
3092 ssl = _ref6.ssl,
3093 server = _ref6.server,
3094 RTMServerName = _ref6.RTMServerName;
3095 debug$6('fetch endpoint info');
3096 return this._getServerUrls({
3097 appId: appId,
3098 server: server
3099 }).then(tap(debug$6)).then(function (_ref7) {
3100 var RTMRouter = _ref7.RTMRouter;
3101 return request({
3102 url: "".concat(RTMRouter, "/v1/route"),
3103 query: {
3104 appId: appId,
3105 secure: ssl,
3106 features: isWeapp ? 'wechat' : undefined,
3107 server: RTMServerName,
3108 _t: Date.now()
3109 },
3110 timeout: 20000
3111 }).then(tap(debug$6));
3112 });
3113 };
3114 _proto._close = function _close() {
3115 if (this._openPromise) {
3116 this._openPromise.then(function (connection) {
3117 return connection.close();
3118 });
3119 }
3120 delete this._openPromise;
3121 }
3123 /**
3124 * 手动进行重连。
3125 * SDK 在网络出现异常时会自动按照一定的时间间隔尝试重连,调用该方法会立即尝试重连并重置重连尝试计数器。
3126 * 只能在 `SCHEDULE` 事件之后,`RETRY` 事件之前调用,如果当前网络正常或者正在进行重连,调用该方法会抛异常。
3127 */;
3128 _proto.retry = function retry() {
3129 var _internal = internal(this),
3130 connection = _internal.connection;
3131 if (!connection) {
3132 throw new Error('no connection established');
3133 }
3134 if (connection.cannot('retry')) {
3135 throw new Error("retrying not allowed when not disconnected. the connection is now ".concat(connection.current));
3136 }
3137 return connection.retry();
3138 }
3140 /**
3141 * 暂停,使 SDK 进入离线状态。
3142 * 你可以在网络断开、应用进入后台等时刻调用该方法让 SDK 进入离线状态,离线状态下不会尝试重连。
3143 * 在浏览器中 SDK 会自动监听网络变化,因此无需手动调用该方法。
3144 *
3145 * @since 3.4.0
3146 * @see Realtime#event:OFFLINE
3147 */;
3148 _proto.pause = function pause() {
3149 // 这个方法常常在网络断开、进入后台时被调用,此时 connection 可能没有建立或者已经 close。
3150 // 因此不像 retry,这个方法应该尽可能 loose
3151 var _internal2 = internal(this),
3152 connection = _internal2.connection;
3153 if (!connection) return;
3154 if (connection.can('pause')) connection.pause();
3155 }
3157 /**
3158 * 恢复在线状态。
3159 * 你可以在网络恢复、应用回到前台等时刻调用该方法让 SDK 恢复在线状态,恢复在线状态后 SDK 会开始尝试重连。
3160 *
3161 * @since 3.4.0
3162 * @see Realtime#event:ONLINE
3163 */;
3164 _proto.resume = function resume() {
3165 // 与 pause 一样,这个方法应该尽可能 loose
3166 var _internal3 = internal(this),
3167 connection = _internal3.connection;
3168 if (!connection) return;
3169 if (connection.can('resume')) connection.resume();
3170 };
3171 _proto._registerPending = function _registerPending(value) {
3172 internal(this).pendingClients.add(value);
3173 };
3174 _proto._deregisterPending = function _deregisterPending(client) {
3175 internal(this).pendingClients["delete"](client);
3176 };
3177 _proto._register = function _register(client) {
3178 internal(this).clients.add(client);
3179 };
3180 _proto._deregister = function _deregister(client) {
3181 var _this = internal(this);
3182 _this.clients["delete"](client);
3183 if (_this.clients.size + _this.pendingClients.size === 0) {
3184 this._close();
3185 }
3186 };
3187 _proto._dispatchCommand = function _dispatchCommand(command) {
3188 return applyDispatcher(this._plugins.beforeCommandDispatch, [command, this]).then(function (shouldDispatch) {
3189 // no plugin handled this command
3190 if (shouldDispatch) return debug$6('[WARN] Unexpected message received: %O', trim(command));
3191 return false;
3192 });
3193 };
3194 return Realtime;
3195}(EventEmitter); // For test purpose only
3197var polyfilledPromise = Promise;
3199// IMClient
3200var UNREAD_MESSAGES_COUNT_UPDATE = 'unreadmessagescountupdate';
3201var CLOSE = 'close';
3202var CONFLICT = 'conflict';
3203var CONVERSATION_INFO_UPDATED = 'conversationinfoupdated';
3204var UNHANDLED_MESSAGE = 'unhandledmessage';
3206// shared
3207var INVITED = 'invited';
3208var KICKED = 'kicked';
3209var MEMBERS_JOINED = 'membersjoined';
3210var MEMBERS_LEFT = 'membersleft';
3211var MEMBER_INFO_UPDATED = 'memberinfoupdated';
3212var BLOCKED = 'blocked';
3213var UNBLOCKED = 'unblocked';
3214var MEMBERS_BLOCKED = 'membersblocked';
3215var MEMBERS_UNBLOCKED = 'membersunblocked';
3216var MUTED = 'muted';
3217var UNMUTED = 'unmuted';
3218var MEMBERS_MUTED = 'membersmuted';
3219var MEMBERS_UNMUTED = 'membersunmuted';
3220var MESSAGE$1 = 'message';
3221var MESSAGE_RECALL = 'messagerecall';
3222var MESSAGE_UPDATE = 'messageupdate';
3224// Conversation
3225var LAST_DELIVERED_AT_UPDATE = 'lastdeliveredatupdate';
3226var LAST_READ_AT_UPDATE = 'lastreadatupdate';
3227var INFO_UPDATED = 'infoupdated';
3229var IMEvent = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
3230 __proto__: null,
3257var _rMessageStatus;
3258function ownKeys$3(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
3259function _objectSpread$3(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys$3(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$3(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
3262 * 消息状态枚举
3263 * @enum {Symbol}
3264 * @since 3.2.0
3265 * @memberof module:leancloud-realtime
3266 */
3267var MessageStatus = {
3268 /** 初始状态、未知状态 */
3269 NONE: Symbol('none'),
3270 /** 正在发送 */
3271 SENDING: Symbol('sending'),
3272 /** 已发送 */
3273 SENT: Symbol('sent'),
3274 /** 已送达 */
3275 DELIVERED: Symbol('delivered'),
3276 /** 发送失败 */
3277 FAILED: Symbol('failed')
3280var rMessageStatus = (_rMessageStatus = {}, _defineProperty(_rMessageStatus, MessageStatus.NONE, true), _defineProperty(_rMessageStatus, MessageStatus.SENDING, true), _defineProperty(_rMessageStatus, MessageStatus.SENT, true), _defineProperty(_rMessageStatus, MessageStatus.DELIVERED, true), _defineProperty(_rMessageStatus, MessageStatus.READ, true), _defineProperty(_rMessageStatus, MessageStatus.FAILED, true), _rMessageStatus);
3281var Message = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
3282 /**
3283 * @implements AVMessage
3284 * @param {Object|String|ArrayBuffer} content 消息内容
3285 */
3286 function Message(content) {
3287 Object.assign(this, {
3288 content: content
3289 }, {
3290 /**
3291 * @type {String}
3292 * @memberof Message#
3293 */
3294 id: uuid(),
3295 /**
3296 * 消息所在的 conversation id
3297 * @memberof Message#
3298 * @type {String?}
3299 */
3300 cid: null,
3301 /**
3302 * 消息发送时间
3303 * @memberof Message#
3304 * @type {Date}
3305 */
3306 timestamp: new Date(),
3307 /**
3308 * 消息发送者
3309 * @memberof Message#
3310 * @type {String}
3311 */
3312 from: undefined,
3313 /**
3314 * 消息提及的用户
3315 * @since 4.0.0
3316 * @memberof Message#
3317 * @type {String[]}
3318 */
3319 mentionList: [],
3320 /**
3321 * 消息是否提及了所有人
3322 * @since 4.0.0
3323 * @memberof Message#
3324 * @type {Boolean}
3325 */
3326 mentionedAll: false,
3327 _mentioned: false
3328 });
3329 this._setStatus(MessageStatus.NONE);
3330 }
3332 /**
3333 * 将当前消息的内容序列化为 JSON 对象
3334 * @private
3335 * @return {Object}
3336 */
3337 var _proto = Message.prototype;
3338 _proto.getPayload = function getPayload() {
3339 return this.content;
3340 };
3341 _proto._toJSON = function _toJSON() {
3342 var id = this.id,
3343 cid = this.cid,
3344 from = this.from,
3345 timestamp = this.timestamp,
3346 deliveredAt = this.deliveredAt,
3347 updatedAt = this.updatedAt,
3348 mentionList = this.mentionList,
3349 mentionedAll = this.mentionedAll,
3350 mentioned = this.mentioned;
3351 return {
3352 id: id,
3353 cid: cid,
3354 from: from,
3355 timestamp: timestamp,
3356 deliveredAt: deliveredAt,
3357 updatedAt: updatedAt,
3358 mentionList: mentionList,
3359 mentionedAll: mentionedAll,
3360 mentioned: mentioned
3361 };
3362 }
3364 /**
3365 * 返回 JSON 格式的消息
3366 * @return {Object} 返回值是一个 plain Object
3367 */;
3368 _proto.toJSON = function toJSON() {
3369 return _objectSpread$3(_objectSpread$3({}, this._toJSON()), {}, {
3370 data: this.content
3371 });
3372 }
3374 /**
3375 * 返回 JSON 格式的消息,与 toJSON 不同的是,该对象包含了完整的信息,可以通过 {@link IMClient#parseMessage} 反序列化。
3376 * @return {Object} 返回值是一个 plain Object
3377 * @since 4.0.0
3378 */;
3379 _proto.toFullJSON = function toFullJSON() {
3380 var content = this.content,
3381 id = this.id,
3382 cid = this.cid,
3383 from = this.from,
3384 timestamp = this.timestamp,
3385 deliveredAt = this.deliveredAt,
3386 _updatedAt = this._updatedAt,
3387 mentionList = this.mentionList,
3388 mentionedAll = this.mentionedAll;
3389 return {
3390 data: content,
3391 id: id,
3392 cid: cid,
3393 from: from,
3394 timestamp: getTime(timestamp),
3395 deliveredAt: getTime(deliveredAt),
3396 updatedAt: getTime(_updatedAt),
3397 mentionList: mentionList,
3398 mentionedAll: mentionedAll
3399 };
3400 }
3402 /**
3403 * 消息状态,值为 {@link module:leancloud-realtime.MessageStatus} 之一
3404 * @type {Symbol}
3405 * @readonly
3406 * @since 3.2.0
3407 */;
3408 _proto._setStatus = function _setStatus(status) {
3409 if (!rMessageStatus[status]) {
3410 throw new Error('Invalid message status');
3411 }
3412 this._status = status;
3413 };
3414 _proto._updateMentioned = function _updateMentioned(client) {
3415 this._mentioned = this.from !== client && (this.mentionedAll || this.mentionList.indexOf(client) > -1);
3416 }
3418 /**
3419 * 获取提及用户列表
3420 * @since 4.0.0
3421 * @return {String[]} 提及用户的 id 列表
3422 */;
3423 _proto.getMentionList = function getMentionList() {
3424 return this.mentionList;
3425 }
3427 /**
3428 * 设置提及用户列表
3429 * @since 4.0.0
3430 * @param {String[]} clients 提及用户的 id 列表
3431 * @return {this} self
3432 */;
3433 _proto.setMentionList = function setMentionList(clients) {
3434 this.mentionList = ensureArray(clients);
3435 return this;
3436 }
3438 /**
3439 * 设置是否提及所有人
3440 * @since 4.0.0
3441 * @param {Boolean} [value=true]
3442 * @return {this} self
3443 */;
3444 _proto.mentionAll = function mentionAll() {
3445 var value = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true;
3446 this.mentionedAll = Boolean(value);
3447 return this;
3448 }
3450 /**
3451 * 判断给定的内容是否是有效的 Message,
3452 * 该方法始终返回 true
3453 * @private
3454 * @returns {Boolean}
3455 * @implements AVMessage.validate
3456 */;
3457 Message.validate = function validate() {
3458 return true;
3459 }
3461 /**
3462 * 解析处理消息内容
3463 * <pre>
3464 * 如果子类提供了 message,返回该 message
3465 * 如果没有提供,将 json 作为 content 实例化一个 Message
3466 * @private
3467 * @param {Object} json json 格式的消息内容
3468 * @param {Message} message 子类提供的 message
3469 * @return {Message}
3470 * @implements AVMessage.parse
3471 */;
3472 Message.parse = function parse(json, message) {
3473 return message || new this(json);
3474 };
3475 _createClass(Message, [{
3476 key: "status",
3477 get: function get() {
3478 return this._status;
3479 }
3480 }, {
3481 key: "timestamp",
3482 get: function get() {
3483 return this._timestamp;
3484 },
3485 set: function set(value) {
3486 this._timestamp = decodeDate(value);
3487 }
3489 /**
3490 * 消息送达时间
3491 * @type {?Date}
3492 */
3493 }, {
3494 key: "deliveredAt",
3495 get: function get() {
3496 return this._deliveredAt;
3497 },
3498 set: function set(value) {
3499 this._deliveredAt = decodeDate(value);
3500 }
3502 /**
3503 * 消息修改或撤回时间,可以通过比较其与消息的 timestamp 是否相等判断消息是否被修改过或撤回过。
3504 * @type {Date}
3505 * @since 3.5.0
3506 */
3507 }, {
3508 key: "updatedAt",
3509 get: function get() {
3510 return this._updatedAt || this.timestamp;
3511 },
3512 set: function set(value) {
3513 this._updatedAt = decodeDate(value);
3514 }
3516 /**
3517 * 当前用户是否在该消息中被提及
3518 * @type {Boolean}
3519 * @readonly
3520 * @since 4.0.0
3521 */
3522 }, {
3523 key: "mentioned",
3524 get: function get() {
3525 return this._mentioned;
3526 }
3527 }]);
3528 return Message;
3531/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
3533// documented in ../index.js
3534var messageType = function messageType(type) {
3535 if (typeof type !== 'number') {
3536 throw new TypeError("".concat(type, " is not a Number"));
3537 }
3538 return function (target) {
3539 target.TYPE = type;
3540 target.validate = function (json) {
3541 return json._lctype === type;
3542 };
3543 target.prototype._getType = function () {
3544 return {
3545 _lctype: type
3546 };
3547 };
3548 };
3551// documented in ../plugin-im.js
3552var messageField = function messageField(fields) {
3553 if (typeof fields !== 'string') {
3554 if (!Array.isArray(fields)) {
3555 throw new TypeError("".concat(fields, " is not an Array"));
3556 } else if (fields.some(function (value) {
3557 return typeof value !== 'string';
3558 })) {
3559 throw new TypeError('fields contains non-string typed member');
3560 }
3561 }
3562 return function (target) {
3563 // IE10 Hack:
3564 // static properties in IE10 will not be inherited from super
3565 // search for parse method and assign it manually
3566 var originalCustomFields = isIE10 ? getStaticProperty(target, '_customFields') : target._customFields;
3567 originalCustomFields = Array.isArray(originalCustomFields) ? originalCustomFields : [];
3568 target._customFields = originalCustomFields.concat(fields);
3569 };
3572// IE10 Hack:
3573// static properties in IE10 will not be inherited from super
3574// search for parse method and assign it manually
3576var IE10Compatible = function IE10Compatible(target) {
3577 if (isIE10) {
3578 target.parse = getStaticProperty(target, 'parse');
3579 }
3582var _dec, _class$1;
3583function ownKeys$4(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
3584function _objectSpread$4(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys$4(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$4(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
3586// jsdoc-ignore-start
3587var TypedMessage = (_dec = messageField(['_lctext', '_lcattrs']), _dec(_class$1 = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Message) {
3588 _inheritsLoose(TypedMessage, _Message);
3589 function TypedMessage() {
3590 return _Message.apply(this, arguments) || this;
3591 }
3592 var _proto = TypedMessage.prototype;
3593 /**
3594 * @param {String} text
3595 * @return {this} self
3596 */
3597 _proto.setText = function setText(text) {
3598 this._lctext = text;
3599 return this;
3600 }
3602 /**
3603 * @return {String}
3604 */;
3605 _proto.getText = function getText() {
3606 return this._lctext;
3607 }
3609 /**
3610 * @param {Object} attributes
3611 * @return {this} self
3612 */;
3613 _proto.setAttributes = function setAttributes(attributes) {
3614 this._lcattrs = attributes;
3615 return this;
3616 }
3618 /**
3619 * @return {Object}
3620 */;
3621 _proto.getAttributes = function getAttributes() {
3622 return this._lcattrs;
3623 };
3624 _proto._getCustomFields = function _getCustomFields() {
3625 var _this = this;
3626 var fields = Array.isArray(this.constructor._customFields) ? this.constructor._customFields : [];
3627 return fields.reduce(function (result, field) {
3628 if (typeof field !== 'string') return result;
3629 result[field] = _this[field]; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
3630 return result;
3631 }, {});
3632 }
3634 /* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */;
3635 _proto._getType = function _getType() {
3636 throw new Error('not implemented');
3637 }
3638 /* eslint-enable class-methods-use-this */;
3639 _proto.getPayload = function getPayload() {
3640 return compact(_objectSpread$4(_objectSpread$4({
3641 _lctext: this.getText(),
3642 _lcattrs: this.getAttributes()
3643 }, this._getCustomFields()), this._getType()));
3644 };
3645 _proto.toJSON = function toJSON() {
3646 var type = this.type,
3647 text = this.text,
3648 attributes = this.attributes,
3649 summary = this.summary;
3650 return _objectSpread$4(_objectSpread$4({}, _Message.prototype._toJSON.call(this)), {}, {
3651 type: type,
3652 text: text,
3653 attributes: attributes,
3654 summary: summary
3655 });
3656 };
3657 _proto.toFullJSON = function toFullJSON() {
3658 return _objectSpread$4(_objectSpread$4({}, _Message.prototype.toFullJSON.call(this)), {}, {
3659 data: this.getPayload()
3660 });
3661 }
3663 /**
3664 * 解析处理消息内容
3665 * <pre>
3666 * 为给定的 message 设置 text 与 attributes 属性,返回该 message
3667 * 如果子类没有提供 message,new this()
3668 * @protected
3669 * @param {Object} json json 格式的消息内容
3670 * @param {TypedMessage} message 子类提供的 message
3671 * @return {TypedMessage}
3672 * @implements AVMessage.parse
3673 */;
3674 TypedMessage.parse = function parse(json) {
3675 var message = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : new this();
3676 message.content = json; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
3677 var customFields = isIE10 ? getStaticProperty(message.constructor, '_customFields') : message.constructor._customFields;
3678 var fields = Array.isArray(customFields) ? customFields : [];
3679 fields = fields.reduce(function (result, field) {
3680 if (typeof field !== 'string') return result;
3681 result[field] = json[field]; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
3682 return result;
3683 }, {});
3684 Object.assign(message, fields);
3685 return _Message.parse.call(this, json, message);
3686 };
3687 _createClass(TypedMessage, [{
3688 key: "type",
3689 get:
3690 /**
3691 * @type {Number}
3692 * @readonly
3693 */
3694 function get() {
3695 return this.constructor.TYPE;
3696 }
3698 /** @type {String} */
3699 }, {
3700 key: "text",
3701 get: function get() {
3702 return this.getText();
3703 }
3705 /** @type {Object} */,
3706 set: function set(text) {
3707 return this.setText(text);
3708 }
3709 }, {
3710 key: "attributes",
3711 get: function get() {
3712 return this.getAttributes();
3713 }
3715 /**
3716 * 在客户端需要以文本形式展示该消息时显示的文案,
3717 * 如 <code>[红包] 新春快乐</code>。
3718 * 默认值为消息的 text。
3719 * @type {String}
3720 * @readonly
3721 */,
3722 set: function set(attributes) {
3723 return this.setAttributes(attributes);
3724 }
3725 }, {
3726 key: "summary",
3727 get: function get() {
3728 return this.text;
3729 }
3730 }]);
3731 return TypedMessage;
3732}(Message)) || _class$1);
3734var _dec$1, _class$2;
3736// jsdoc-ignore-start
3737var RecalledMessage = (_dec$1 = messageType(-127), _dec$1(_class$2 = IE10Compatible(_class$2 = /*#__PURE__*/function (_TypedMessage) {
3738 _inheritsLoose(RecalledMessage, _TypedMessage);
3739 function RecalledMessage() {
3740 return _TypedMessage.apply(this, arguments) || this;
3741 }
3742 _createClass(RecalledMessage, [{
3743 key: "summary",
3744 get:
3745 /**
3746 * 在客户端需要以文本形式展示该消息时显示的文案,值为 <code>[该消息已撤回]</code>
3747 * @type {String}
3748 * @readonly
3749 */
3750 // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
3751 function get() {
3752 return '[该消息已撤回]';
3753 }
3754 }]);
3755 return RecalledMessage;
3756}(TypedMessage)) || _class$2) || _class$2);
3758var _excluded$1 = ["id", "lastMessageAt", "lastMessage", "lastDeliveredAt", "lastReadAt", "unreadMessagesCount", "members", "mentioned"];
3759function ownKeys$5(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
3760function _objectSpread$5(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys$5(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$5(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
3761var debug$7 = d('LC:Conversation');
3762var serializeMessage = function serializeMessage(message) {
3763 var content = message.getPayload();
3764 var msg;
3765 var binaryMsg;
3766 if (content instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
3767 binaryMsg = content;
3768 } else if (typeof content !== 'string') {
3769 msg = JSON.stringify(content);
3770 } else {
3771 msg = content;
3772 }
3773 return {
3774 msg: msg,
3775 binaryMsg: binaryMsg
3776 };
3778var _LogsCommand$QueryDir = LogsCommand.QueryDirection,
3779 NEW = _LogsCommand$QueryDir.NEW,
3780 OLD = _LogsCommand$QueryDir.OLD;
3783 * 历史消息查询方向枚举
3784 * @enum {Number}
3785 * @since 4.0.0
3786 * @memberof module:leancloud-realtime
3787 */
3788var MessageQueryDirection = {
3789 /** 从后向前 */
3791 /** 从前向后 */
3795var ConversationBase = /*#__PURE__*/function (_EventEmitter) {
3796 _inheritsLoose(ConversationBase, _EventEmitter);
3797 /**
3798 * @extends EventEmitter
3799 * @private
3800 * @abstract
3801 */
3802 function ConversationBase(_ref, client) {
3803 var _this;
3804 var id = _ref.id,
3805 lastMessageAt = _ref.lastMessageAt,
3806 lastMessage = _ref.lastMessage,
3807 lastDeliveredAt = _ref.lastDeliveredAt,
3808 lastReadAt = _ref.lastReadAt,
3809 _ref$unreadMessagesCo = _ref.unreadMessagesCount,
3810 unreadMessagesCount = _ref$unreadMessagesCo === void 0 ? 0 : _ref$unreadMessagesCo,
3811 _ref$members = _ref.members,
3812 members = _ref$members === void 0 ? [] : _ref$members,
3813 _ref$mentioned = _ref.mentioned,
3814 mentioned = _ref$mentioned === void 0 ? false : _ref$mentioned,
3815 properties = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded$1);
3816 _this = _EventEmitter.call(this) || this;
3817 Object.assign(_assertThisInitialized(_this), _objectSpread$5({
3818 /**
3819 * 对话 id,对应 _Conversation 表中的 objectId
3820 * @memberof ConversationBase#
3821 * @type {String}
3822 */
3823 id: id,
3824 /**
3825 * 最后一条消息时间
3826 * @memberof ConversationBase#
3827 * @type {?Date}
3828 */
3829 lastMessageAt: lastMessageAt,
3830 /**
3831 * 最后一条消息
3832 * @memberof ConversationBase#
3833 * @type {?Message}
3834 */
3835 lastMessage: lastMessage,
3836 /**
3837 * 参与该对话的用户列表
3838 * @memberof ConversationBase#
3839 * @type {String[]}
3840 */
3841 members: members
3842 }, properties));
3843 _this.members = Array.from(new Set(_this.members));
3844 Object.assign(internal(_assertThisInitialized(_this)), {
3845 messagesWaitingForReceipt: {},
3846 lastDeliveredAt: lastDeliveredAt,
3847 lastReadAt: lastReadAt,
3848 unreadMessagesCount: unreadMessagesCount,
3849 mentioned: mentioned
3850 });
3851 _this._client = client;
3852 if (debug$7.enabled) {
3853 values(IMEvent).forEach(function (event) {
3854 return _this.on(event, function () {
3855 for (var _len = arguments.length, payload = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
3856 payload[_key] = arguments[_key];
3857 }
3858 return _this._debug("".concat(event, " event emitted. %o"), payload);
3859 });
3860 });
3861 }
3862 // onConversationCreate hook
3863 applyDecorators(_this._client._plugins.onConversationCreate, _assertThisInitialized(_this));
3864 return _this;
3865 }
3867 /**
3868 * 当前用户是否在该对话的未读消息中被提及
3869 * @type {Boolean}
3870 * @since 4.0.0
3871 */
3872 var _proto = ConversationBase.prototype;
3873 _proto._setUnreadMessagesMentioned = function _setUnreadMessagesMentioned(value) {
3874 internal(this).unreadMessagesMentioned = Boolean(value);
3875 };
3876 _proto._setLastDeliveredAt = function _setLastDeliveredAt(value) {
3877 var date = decodeDate(value);
3878 if (!(date < internal(this).lastDeliveredAt)) {
3879 internal(this).lastDeliveredAt = date;
3880 /**
3881 * 最后消息送达时间更新
3882 * @event ConversationBase#LAST_DELIVERED_AT_UPDATE
3883 * @since 3.4.0
3884 */
3886 }
3887 }
3889 /**
3890 * 最后消息被阅读时间,常用来实现发送消息的「已读」标记,可通过 {@link Conversation#fetchReceiptTimestamps} 获取或更新该属性
3891 * @type {?Date}
3892 * @since 3.4.0
3893 */;
3894 _proto._setLastReadAt = function _setLastReadAt(value) {
3895 var date = decodeDate(value);
3896 if (!(date < internal(this).lastReadAt)) {
3897 internal(this).lastReadAt = date;
3898 /**
3899 * 最后消息被阅读时间更新
3900 * @event ConversationBase#LAST_READ_AT_UPDATE
3901 * @since 3.4.0
3902 */
3903 this.emit(LAST_READ_AT_UPDATE);
3904 }
3905 }
3907 /**
3908 * 返回 JSON 格式的对话,与 toJSON 不同的是,该对象包含了完整的信息,可以通过 {@link IMClient#parseConversation} 反序列化。
3909 * @return {Object} 返回值是一个 plain Object
3910 * @since 4.0.0
3911 */;
3912 _proto.toFullJSON = function toFullJSON() {
3913 var id = this.id,
3914 members = this.members,
3915 lastMessageAt = this.lastMessageAt,
3916 lastDeliveredAt = this.lastDeliveredAt,
3917 lastReadAt = this.lastReadAt,
3918 lastMessage = this.lastMessage,
3919 unreadMessagesCount = this.unreadMessagesCount;
3920 return {
3921 id: id,
3922 members: members,
3923 lastMessageAt: getTime(lastMessageAt),
3924 lastDeliveredAt: getTime(lastDeliveredAt),
3925 lastReadAt: getTime(lastReadAt),
3926 lastMessage: lastMessage ? lastMessage.toFullJSON() : undefined,
3927 unreadMessagesCount: unreadMessagesCount
3928 };
3929 }
3931 /**
3932 * 返回 JSON 格式的对话
3933 * @return {Object} 返回值是一个 plain Object
3934 * @since 4.0.0
3935 */;
3936 _proto.toJSON = function toJSON() {
3937 var id = this.id,
3938 members = this.members,
3939 lastMessageAt = this.lastMessageAt,
3940 lastDeliveredAt = this.lastDeliveredAt,
3941 lastReadAt = this.lastReadAt,
3942 lastMessage = this.lastMessage,
3943 unreadMessagesCount = this.unreadMessagesCount,
3944 unreadMessagesMentioned = this.unreadMessagesMentioned;
3945 return {
3946 id: id,
3947 members: members,
3948 lastMessageAt: lastMessageAt,
3949 lastDeliveredAt: lastDeliveredAt,
3950 lastReadAt: lastReadAt,
3951 lastMessage: lastMessage ? lastMessage.toJSON() : undefined,
3952 unreadMessagesCount: unreadMessagesCount,
3953 unreadMessagesMentioned: unreadMessagesMentioned
3954 };
3955 };
3956 _proto._debug = function _debug() {
3957 for (var _len2 = arguments.length, params = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
3958 params[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
3959 }
3960 debug$7.apply(void 0, params.concat(["[".concat(this.id, "]")]));
3961 };
3962 _proto._send = function _send(command) {
3963 var _this$_client;
3964 /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
3965 if (command.cmd === null) {
3966 command.cmd = 'conv';
3967 }
3968 if (command.cmd === 'conv' && command.convMessage === null) {
3969 command.convMessage = new ConvCommand();
3970 }
3971 if (command.convMessage && command.convMessage.cid === null) {
3972 command.convMessage.cid = this.id;
3973 }
3974 /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */
3975 for (var _len3 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len3 > 1 ? _len3 - 1 : 0), _key3 = 1; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) {
3976 args[_key3 - 1] = arguments[_key3];
3977 }
3978 return (_this$_client = this._client)._send.apply(_this$_client, [command].concat(args));
3979 }
3981 /**
3982 * 发送消息
3983 * @param {Message} message 消息,Message 及其子类的实例
3984 * @param {Object} [options] since v3.3.0,发送选项
3985 * @param {Boolean} [options.transient] since v3.3.1,是否作为暂态消息发送
3986 * @param {Boolean} [options.receipt] 是否需要回执,仅在普通对话中有效
3987 * @param {Boolean} [options.will] since v3.4.0,是否指定该消息作为「掉线消息」发送,
3988 * 「掉线消息」会延迟到当前用户掉线后发送,常用来实现「下线通知」功能
3989 * @param {MessagePriority} [options.priority] 消息优先级,仅在暂态对话中有效,
3990 * see: {@link module:leancloud-realtime.MessagePriority MessagePriority}
3991 * @param {Object} [options.pushData] 消息对应的离线推送内容,如果消息接收方不在线,会推送指定的内容。其结构说明参见: {@link https://url.leanapp.cn/pushData 推送消息内容}
3992 * @return {Promise.<Message>} 发送的消息
3993 */;
3994 _proto.send =
3995 /*#__PURE__*/
3996 function () {
3997 var _send2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(message, options) {
3998 var _message$constructor$, _transient, receipt, priority, pushData, will, _serializeMessage, msg, binaryMsg, command, resCommand, _resCommand$ackMessag, uid, t, code, reason, appCode;
3999 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
4000 while (1) switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
4001 case 0:
4002 this._debug(message, 'send');
4003 if (message instanceof Message) {
4004 _context.next = 3;
4005 break;
4006 }
4007 throw new TypeError("".concat(message, " is not a Message"));
4008 case 3:
4009 _message$constructor$ = _objectSpread$5(_objectSpread$5(_objectSpread$5({}, message.constructor.sendOptions), typeof message.constructor.getSendOptions === 'function' ? message.constructor.getSendOptions(message) : {}), options), _transient = _message$constructor$["transient"], receipt = _message$constructor$.receipt, priority = _message$constructor$.priority, pushData = _message$constructor$.pushData, will = _message$constructor$.will;
4010 if (receipt) {
4011 if (this["transient"]) {
4012 console.warn('receipt option is ignored as the conversation is transient.');
4013 } else if (_transient) {
4014 console.warn('receipt option is ignored as the message is sent transiently.');
4015 } else if (this.members.length > 2) {
4016 console.warn('receipt option is recommended to be used in one-on-one conversation.'); // eslint-disable-line max-len
4017 }
4018 }
4020 if (priority && !this["transient"]) {
4021 console.warn('priority option is ignored as the conversation is not transient.');
4022 }
4023 Object.assign(message, {
4024 cid: this.id,
4025 from: this._client.id
4026 });
4027 message._setStatus(MessageStatus.SENDING);
4028 _serializeMessage = serializeMessage(message), msg = _serializeMessage.msg, binaryMsg = _serializeMessage.binaryMsg;
4029 command = new GenericCommand({
4030 cmd: 'direct',
4031 directMessage: new DirectCommand({
4032 msg: msg,
4033 binaryMsg: binaryMsg,
4034 cid: this.id,
4035 r: receipt,
4036 "transient": _transient,
4037 dt: message.id,
4038 pushData: JSON.stringify(pushData),
4039 will: will,
4040 mentionPids: message.mentionList,
4041 mentionAll: message.mentionedAll
4042 }),
4043 priority: priority
4044 });
4045 _context.prev = 10;
4046 _context.next = 13;
4047 return this._send(command);
4048 case 13:
4049 resCommand = _context.sent;
4050 _resCommand$ackMessag = resCommand.ackMessage, uid = _resCommand$ackMessag.uid, t = _resCommand$ackMessag.t, code = _resCommand$ackMessag.code, reason = _resCommand$ackMessag.reason, appCode = _resCommand$ackMessag.appCode;
4051 if (!(code !== null)) {
4052 _context.next = 17;
4053 break;
4054 }
4055 throw createError({
4056 code: code,
4057 reason: reason,
4058 appCode: appCode
4059 });
4060 case 17:
4061 Object.assign(message, {
4062 id: uid,
4063 timestamp: t
4064 });
4065 if (!_transient) {
4066 this.lastMessage = message;
4067 this.lastMessageAt = message.timestamp;
4068 }
4069 message._setStatus(MessageStatus.SENT);
4070 if (receipt) {
4071 internal(this).messagesWaitingForReceipt[message.id] = message;
4072 }
4073 return _context.abrupt("return", message);
4074 case 24:
4075 _context.prev = 24;
4076 _context.t0 = _context["catch"](10);
4077 message._setStatus(MessageStatus.FAILED);
4078 throw _context.t0;
4079 case 28:
4080 case "end":
4081 return _context.stop();
4082 }
4083 }, _callee, this, [[10, 24]]);
4084 }));
4085 function send(_x, _x2) {
4086 return _send2.apply(this, arguments);
4087 }
4088 return send;
4089 }();
4090 _proto._update = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
4091 var _update2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2(message, newMessage, recall) {
4092 var msg, binaryMsg, content, id, cid, timestamp, from, _status;
4093 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
4094 while (1) switch (_context2.prev = _context2.next) {
4095 case 0:
4096 this._debug('patch %O %O %O', message, newMessage, recall);
4097 if (!(message instanceof Message)) {
4098 _context2.next = 8;
4099 break;
4100 }
4101 if (!(message.from !== this._client.id)) {
4102 _context2.next = 4;
4103 break;
4104 }
4105 throw new Error('Updating message from others is not allowed');
4106 case 4:
4107 if (!(message.status !== MessageStatus.SENT && message.status !== MessageStatus.DELIVERED)) {
4108 _context2.next = 6;
4109 break;
4110 }
4111 throw new Error('Message is not sent');
4112 case 6:
4113 _context2.next = 10;
4114 break;
4115 case 8:
4116 if (message.id && message.timestamp) {
4117 _context2.next = 10;
4118 break;
4119 }
4120 throw new TypeError("".concat(message, " is not a Message"));
4121 case 10:
4122 if (!recall) {
4123 content = serializeMessage(newMessage);
4124 msg = content.msg;
4125 binaryMsg = content.binaryMsg;
4126 }
4127 _context2.next = 13;
4128 return this._send(new GenericCommand({
4129 cmd: CommandType.patch,
4130 op: OpType.modify,
4131 patchMessage: new PatchCommand({
4132 patches: [new PatchItem({
4133 cid: this.id,
4134 mid: message.id,
4135 timestamp: Number(message.timestamp),
4136 recall: recall,
4137 data: msg,
4138 binaryMsg: binaryMsg,
4139 mentionPids: newMessage.mentionList,
4140 mentionAll: newMessage.mentionedAll
4141 })],
4142 lastPatchTime: this._client._lastPatchTime
4143 })
4144 }));
4145 case 13:
4146 id = message.id, cid = message.cid, timestamp = message.timestamp, from = message.from, _status = message._status;
4147 Object.assign(newMessage, {
4148 id: id,
4149 cid: cid,
4150 timestamp: timestamp,
4151 from: from,
4152 _status: _status
4153 });
4154 if (this.lastMessage && this.lastMessage.id === newMessage.id) {
4155 this.lastMessage = newMessage;
4156 }
4157 return _context2.abrupt("return", newMessage);
4158 case 17:
4159 case "end":
4160 return _context2.stop();
4161 }
4162 }, _callee2, this);
4163 }));
4164 function _update(_x3, _x4, _x5) {
4165 return _update2.apply(this, arguments);
4166 }
4167 return _update;
4168 }()
4169 /**
4170 * 获取对话人数,或暂态对话的在线人数
4171 * @return {Promise.<Number>}
4172 */
4173 ;
4174 _proto.count =
4175 /*#__PURE__*/
4176 function () {
4177 var _count = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee3() {
4178 var resCommand;
4179 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee3$(_context3) {
4180 while (1) switch (_context3.prev = _context3.next) {
4181 case 0:
4182 this._debug('count');
4183 _context3.next = 3;
4184 return this._send(new GenericCommand({
4185 op: 'count'
4186 }));
4187 case 3:
4188 resCommand = _context3.sent;
4189 return _context3.abrupt("return", resCommand.convMessage.count);
4190 case 5:
4191 case "end":
4192 return _context3.stop();
4193 }
4194 }, _callee3, this);
4195 }));
4196 function count() {
4197 return _count.apply(this, arguments);
4198 }
4199 return count;
4200 }()
4201 /**
4202 * 应用增加成员的操作,产生副作用
4203 * @param {string[]} members
4204 * @abstract
4205 * @private
4206 */
4207 ;
4208 _proto._addMembers = function _addMembers() {}
4210 /**
4211 * 应用减少成员的操作,产生副作用
4212 * @param {string[]} members
4213 * @abstract
4214 * @private
4215 */;
4216 _proto._removeMembers = function _removeMembers() {}
4218 /**
4219 * 修改已发送的消息
4220 * @param {AVMessage} message 要修改的消息,该消息必须是由当前用户发送的。也可以提供一个包含消息 {id, timestamp} 的对象
4221 * @param {AVMessage} newMessage 新的消息
4222 * @return {Promise.<AVMessage>} 更新后的消息
4223 */;
4224 _proto.update =
4225 /*#__PURE__*/
4226 function () {
4227 var _update3 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee4(message, newMessage) {
4228 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee4$(_context4) {
4229 while (1) switch (_context4.prev = _context4.next) {
4230 case 0:
4231 if (newMessage instanceof Message) {
4232 _context4.next = 2;
4233 break;
4234 }
4235 throw new TypeError("".concat(newMessage, " is not a Message"));
4236 case 2:
4237 return _context4.abrupt("return", this._update(message, newMessage, false));
4238 case 3:
4239 case "end":
4240 return _context4.stop();
4241 }
4242 }, _callee4, this);
4243 }));
4244 function update(_x6, _x7) {
4245 return _update3.apply(this, arguments);
4246 }
4247 return update;
4248 }()
4249 /**
4250 * 撤回已发送的消息
4251 * @param {AVMessage} message 要撤回的消息,该消息必须是由当前用户发送的。也可以提供一个包含消息 {id, timestamp} 的对象
4252 * @return {Promise.<RecalledMessage>} 一条已撤回的消息
4253 */
4254 ;
4255 _proto.recall =
4256 /*#__PURE__*/
4257 function () {
4258 var _recall = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee5(message) {
4259 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee5$(_context5) {
4260 while (1) switch (_context5.prev = _context5.next) {
4261 case 0:
4262 return _context5.abrupt("return", this._update(message, new RecalledMessage(), true));
4263 case 1:
4264 case "end":
4265 return _context5.stop();
4266 }
4267 }, _callee5, this);
4268 }));
4269 function recall(_x8) {
4270 return _recall.apply(this, arguments);
4271 }
4272 return recall;
4273 }()
4274 /**
4275 * 查询消息记录
4276 * 如果仅需实现消息向前记录翻页查询需求,建议使用 {@link Conversation#createMessagesIterator}。
4277 * 不论何种方向,获得的消息都是按照时间升序排列的。
4278 * startClosed 与 endClosed 用于指定查询区间的开闭。
4279 *
4280 * @param {Object} [options]
4281 * @param {Number} [options.limit] 限制查询结果的数量,目前服务端默认为 20
4282 * @param {Number} [options.type] 指定查询的富媒体消息类型,不指定则查询所有消息。
4283 * @param {MessageQueryDirection} [options.direction] 查询的方向。
4284 * 在不指定的情况下如果 startTime 大于 endTime,则为从新到旧查询,可以实现加载聊天记录等场景。
4285 * 如果 startTime 小于 endTime,则为从旧到新查询,可以实现弹幕等场景。
4286 * @param {Date} [options.startTime] 从该时间开始查询,不传则从当前时间开始查询
4287 * @param {String} [options.startMessageId] 从该消息之前开始查询,需要与 startTime 同时使用,为防止某时刻有重复消息
4288 * @param {Boolean}[options.startClosed] 指定查询范围是否包括开始的时间点,默认不包括
4289 * @param {Date} [options.endTime] 查询到该时间为止,不传则查询最早消息为止
4290 * @param {String} [options.endMessageId] 查询到该消息为止,需要与 endTime 同时使用,为防止某时刻有重复消息
4291 * @param {Boolean}[options.endClosed] 指定查询范围是否包括结束的时间点,默认不包括
4292 *
4293 * @param {Date} [options.beforeTime] DEPRECATED: 使用 startTime 代替。限制查询结果为小于该时间之前的消息,不传则为当前时间
4294 * @param {String} [options.beforeMessageId] DEPRECATED: 使用 startMessageId 代替。
4295 * 限制查询结果为该消息之前的消息,需要与 beforeTime 同时使用,为防止某时刻有重复消息
4296 * @param {Date} [options.afterTime] DEPRECATED: 使用 endTime 代替。限制查询结果为大于该时间之前的消息
4297 * @param {String} [options.afterMessageId] DEPRECATED: 使用 endMessageId 代替。
4298 * 限制查询结果为该消息之后的消息,需要与 afterTime 同时使用,为防止某时刻有重复消息
4299 * @return {Promise.<Message[]>} 消息列表
4300 */
4301 ;
4302 _proto.queryMessages =
4303 /*#__PURE__*/
4304 function () {
4305 var _queryMessages = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee7() {
4306 var _this2 = this;
4307 var options,
4308 beforeTime,
4309 beforeMessageId,
4310 afterTime,
4311 afterMessageId,
4312 limit,
4313 direction,
4314 type,
4315 startTime,
4316 startMessageId,
4317 startClosed,
4318 endTime,
4319 endMessageId,
4320 endClosed,
4321 conditions,
4322 resCommand,
4323 _args7 = arguments;
4324 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee7$(_context7) {
4325 while (1) switch (_context7.prev = _context7.next) {
4326 case 0:
4327 options = _args7.length > 0 && _args7[0] !== undefined ? _args7[0] : {};
4328 this._debug('query messages %O', options);
4329 beforeTime = options.beforeTime, beforeMessageId = options.beforeMessageId, afterTime = options.afterTime, afterMessageId = options.afterMessageId, limit = options.limit, direction = options.direction, type = options.type, startTime = options.startTime, startMessageId = options.startMessageId, startClosed = options.startClosed, endTime = options.endTime, endMessageId = options.endMessageId, endClosed = options.endClosed;
4330 if (!(beforeMessageId || beforeTime || afterMessageId || afterTime)) {
4331 _context7.next = 6;
4332 break;
4333 }
4334 console.warn('DEPRECATION: queryMessages options beforeTime, beforeMessageId, afterTime and afterMessageId are deprecated in favor of startTime, startMessageId, endTime and endMessageId.');
4335 return _context7.abrupt("return", this.queryMessages({
4336 startTime: beforeTime,
4337 startMessageId: beforeMessageId,
4338 endTime: afterTime,
4339 endMessageId: afterMessageId,
4340 limit: limit
4341 }));
4342 case 6:
4343 if (!(startMessageId && !startTime)) {
4344 _context7.next = 8;
4345 break;
4346 }
4347 throw new Error('query option startMessageId must be used with option startTime');
4348 case 8:
4349 if (!(endMessageId && !endTime)) {
4350 _context7.next = 10;
4351 break;
4352 }
4353 throw new Error('query option endMessageId must be used with option endTime');
4354 case 10:
4355 conditions = {
4356 t: startTime,
4357 mid: startMessageId,
4358 tIncluded: startClosed,
4359 tt: endTime,
4360 tmid: endMessageId,
4361 ttIncluded: endClosed,
4362 l: limit,
4363 lctype: type
4364 };
4365 if (conditions.t instanceof Date) {
4366 conditions.t = conditions.t.getTime();
4367 }
4368 if (conditions.tt instanceof Date) {
4369 conditions.tt = conditions.tt.getTime();
4370 }
4371 if (direction !== undefined) {
4372 conditions.direction = direction;
4373 } else if (conditions.tt > conditions.t) {
4374 conditions.direction = MessageQueryDirection.OLD_TO_NEW;
4375 }
4376 _context7.next = 16;
4377 return this._send(new GenericCommand({
4378 cmd: 'logs',
4379 logsMessage: new LogsCommand(Object.assign(conditions, {
4380 cid: this.id
4381 }))
4382 }));
4383 case 16:
4384 resCommand = _context7.sent;
4385 return _context7.abrupt("return", Promise.all(resCommand.logsMessage.logs.map( /*#__PURE__*/function () {
4386 var _ref3 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee6(_ref2) {
4387 var msgId, timestamp, patchTimestamp, from, ackAt, readAt, data, mentionAll, mentionPids, bin, messageData, message, status;
4388 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee6$(_context6) {
4389 while (1) switch (_context6.prev = _context6.next) {
4390 case 0:
4391 msgId = _ref2.msgId, timestamp = _ref2.timestamp, patchTimestamp = _ref2.patchTimestamp, from = _ref2.from, ackAt = _ref2.ackAt, readAt = _ref2.readAt, data = _ref2.data, mentionAll = _ref2.mentionAll, mentionPids = _ref2.mentionPids, bin = _ref2.bin;
4392 messageData = {
4393 data: data,
4394 bin: bin,
4395 id: msgId,
4396 cid: _this2.id,
4397 timestamp: timestamp,
4398 from: from,
4399 deliveredAt: ackAt,
4400 updatedAt: patchTimestamp,
4401 mentionList: mentionPids,
4402 mentionedAll: mentionAll
4403 };
4404 _context6.next = 4;
4405 return _this2._client.parseMessage(messageData);
4406 case 4:
4407 message = _context6.sent;
4408 status = MessageStatus.SENT;
4409 if (_this2.members.length === 2) {
4410 if (ackAt) status = MessageStatus.DELIVERED;
4411 if (ackAt) _this2._setLastDeliveredAt(ackAt);
4412 if (readAt) _this2._setLastReadAt(readAt);
4413 }
4414 message._setStatus(status);
4415 return _context6.abrupt("return", message);
4416 case 9:
4417 case "end":
4418 return _context6.stop();
4419 }
4420 }, _callee6);
4421 }));
4422 return function (_x9) {
4423 return _ref3.apply(this, arguments);
4424 };
4425 }())));
4426 case 18:
4427 case "end":
4428 return _context7.stop();
4429 }
4430 }, _callee7, this);
4431 }));
4432 function queryMessages() {
4433 return _queryMessages.apply(this, arguments);
4434 }
4435 return queryMessages;
4436 }()
4437 /**
4438 * 获取消息翻页迭代器
4439 * @param {Object} [options]
4440 * @param {Date} [options.beforeTime] 限制起始查询结果为小于该时间之前的消息,不传则为当前时间
4441 * @param {String} [options.beforeMessageId] 限制起始查询结果为该消息之前的消息,需要与 beforeTime 同时使用,为防止某时刻有重复消息
4442 * @param {Number} [options.limit] 限制每页查询结果的数量,目前服务端默认为 20
4443 * @return {AsyncIterater.<Promise.<IteratorResult<Message[]>>>} [AsyncIterator]{@link https://github.com/tc39/proposal-async-iteration},调用其 next 方法返回获取下一页消息的 Promise
4444 * @example
4445 * var messageIterator = conversation.createMessagesIterator({ limit: 10 });
4446 * messageIterator.next().then(function(result) {
4447 * // result: {
4448 * // value: [message1, ..., message10],
4449 * // done: false,
4450 * // }
4451 * });
4452 * messageIterator.next().then(function(result) {
4453 * // result: {
4454 * // value: [message11, ..., message20],
4455 * // done: false,
4456 * // }
4457 * });
4458 * messageIterator.next().then(function(result) {
4459 * // No more messages
4460 * // result: { value: [], done: true }
4461 * });
4462 */
4463 ;
4464 _proto.createMessagesIterator = function createMessagesIterator() {
4465 var _this3 = this;
4466 var _ref4 = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},
4467 beforeTime = _ref4.beforeTime,
4468 beforeMessageId = _ref4.beforeMessageId,
4469 limit = _ref4.limit;
4470 var promise;
4471 return {
4472 next: function next() {
4473 if (promise === undefined) {
4474 // first call
4475 promise = _this3.queryMessages({
4476 limit: limit,
4477 startTime: beforeTime,
4478 startMessageId: beforeMessageId
4479 });
4480 } else {
4481 promise = promise.then(function (prevMessages) {
4482 if (prevMessages.length === 0 || prevMessages.length < limit) {
4483 // no more messages
4484 return [];
4485 }
4486 return _this3.queryMessages({
4487 startTime: prevMessages[0].timestamp,
4488 startMessageId: prevMessages[0].id,
4489 limit: limit
4490 });
4491 });
4492 }
4493 return promise.then(function (value) {
4494 return {
4495 value: Array.from(value),
4496 done: value.length === 0 || value.length < limit
4497 };
4498 });
4499 }
4500 };
4501 }
4503 /**
4504 * 将该会话标记为已读
4505 * @return {Promise.<this>} self
4506 */;
4507 _proto.read =
4508 /*#__PURE__*/
4509 function () {
4510 var _read = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee8() {
4511 var client;
4512 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee8$(_context8) {
4513 while (1) switch (_context8.prev = _context8.next) {
4514 case 0:
4515 this.unreadMessagesCount = 0;
4516 this._setUnreadMessagesMentioned(false);
4517 // 跳过暂态会话
4518 if (!this["transient"]) {
4519 _context8.next = 4;
4520 break;
4521 }
4522 return _context8.abrupt("return", this);
4523 case 4:
4524 client = this._client;
4525 if (!internal(client).readConversationsBuffer) {
4526 internal(client).readConversationsBuffer = new Set();
4527 }
4528 internal(client).readConversationsBuffer.add(this);
4529 client._doSendRead();
4530 return _context8.abrupt("return", this);
4531 case 9:
4532 case "end":
4533 return _context8.stop();
4534 }
4535 }, _callee8, this);
4536 }));
4537 function read() {
4538 return _read.apply(this, arguments);
4539 }
4540 return read;
4541 }();
4542 _proto._handleReceipt = function _handleReceipt(_ref5) {
4543 var messageId = _ref5.messageId,
4544 timestamp = _ref5.timestamp,
4545 read = _ref5.read;
4546 if (read) {
4547 this._setLastReadAt(timestamp);
4548 } else {
4549 this._setLastDeliveredAt(timestamp);
4550 }
4551 var _internal = internal(this),
4552 messagesWaitingForReceipt = _internal.messagesWaitingForReceipt;
4553 var message = messagesWaitingForReceipt[messageId];
4554 if (!message) return;
4555 message._setStatus(MessageStatus.DELIVERED);
4556 message.deliveredAt = timestamp;
4557 delete messagesWaitingForReceipt[messageId];
4558 }
4560 /**
4561 * 更新对话的最新回执时间戳(lastDeliveredAt、lastReadAt)
4562 * @since 3.4.0
4563 * @return {Promise.<this>} this
4564 */;
4565 _proto.fetchReceiptTimestamps =
4566 /*#__PURE__*/
4567 function () {
4568 var _fetchReceiptTimestamps = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee9() {
4569 var _yield$this$_send, _yield$this$_send$con, maxReadTimestamp, maxAckTimestamp;
4570 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee9$(_context9) {
4571 while (1) switch (_context9.prev = _context9.next) {
4572 case 0:
4573 if (!(this["transient"] || this.system)) {
4574 _context9.next = 2;
4575 break;
4576 }
4577 return _context9.abrupt("return", this);
4578 case 2:
4579 _context9.next = 4;
4580 return this._send(new GenericCommand({
4581 op: 'max_read'
4582 }));
4583 case 4:
4584 _yield$this$_send = _context9.sent;
4585 _yield$this$_send$con = _yield$this$_send.convMessage;
4586 maxReadTimestamp = _yield$this$_send$con.maxReadTimestamp;
4587 maxAckTimestamp = _yield$this$_send$con.maxAckTimestamp;
4588 this._setLastDeliveredAt(maxAckTimestamp);
4589 this._setLastReadAt(maxReadTimestamp);
4590 return _context9.abrupt("return", this);
4591 case 11:
4592 case "end":
4593 return _context9.stop();
4594 }
4595 }, _callee9, this);
4596 }));
4597 function fetchReceiptTimestamps() {
4598 return _fetchReceiptTimestamps.apply(this, arguments);
4599 }
4600 return fetchReceiptTimestamps;
4601 }();
4602 _proto._fetchAllReceiptTimestamps = function _fetchAllReceiptTimestamps() {
4603 // 暂态/系统会话不支持回执
4604 if (this["transient"] || this.system) return this;
4605 var convMessage = new ConvCommand({
4606 queryAllMembers: true
4607 });
4608 return this._send(new GenericCommand({
4609 op: 'max_read',
4610 convMessage: convMessage
4611 })).then(function (_ref6) {
4612 var maxReadTuples = _ref6.convMessage.maxReadTuples;
4613 return maxReadTuples.filter(function (maxReadTuple) {
4614 return maxReadTuple.maxAckTimestamp || maxReadTuple.maxReadTimestamp;
4615 }).map(function (_ref7) {
4616 var pid = _ref7.pid,
4617 maxAckTimestamp = _ref7.maxAckTimestamp,
4618 maxReadTimestamp = _ref7.maxReadTimestamp;
4619 return {
4620 pid: pid,
4621 lastDeliveredAt: decodeDate(maxAckTimestamp),
4622 lastReadAt: decodeDate(maxReadTimestamp)
4623 };
4624 });
4625 });
4626 };
4627 _createClass(ConversationBase, [{
4628 key: "unreadMessagesMentioned",
4629 get: function get() {
4630 return internal(this).unreadMessagesMentioned;
4631 }
4632 }, {
4633 key: "unreadMessagesCount",
4634 get:
4635 /**
4636 * 当前用户在该对话的未读消息数
4637 * @type {Number}
4638 */
4639 function get() {
4640 return internal(this).unreadMessagesCount;
4641 },
4642 set: function set(value) {
4643 if (value !== this.unreadMessagesCount) {
4644 internal(this).unreadMessagesCount = value;
4645 this._client.emit(UNREAD_MESSAGES_COUNT_UPDATE, [this]);
4646 }
4647 }
4648 }, {
4649 key: "lastMessageAt",
4650 get: function get() {
4651 return this._lastMessageAt;
4652 }
4654 /**
4655 * 最后消息送达时间,常用来实现消息的「已送达」标记,可通过 {@link Conversation#fetchReceiptTimestamps} 获取或更新该属性
4656 * @type {?Date}
4657 * @since 3.4.0
4658 */,
4659 set: function set(value) {
4660 var time = decodeDate(value);
4661 if (time <= this._lastMessageAt) return;
4662 this._lastMessageAt = time;
4663 }
4664 }, {
4665 key: "lastDeliveredAt",
4666 get: function get() {
4667 if (this.members.length !== 2) return null;
4668 return internal(this).lastDeliveredAt;
4669 }
4670 }, {
4671 key: "lastReadAt",
4672 get: function get() {
4673 if (this.members.length !== 2) return null;
4674 return internal(this).lastReadAt;
4675 }
4676 }]);
4677 return ConversationBase;
4680var debug$8 = d('LC:SignatureFactoryRunner');
4681function _validateSignature() {
4682 var signatureResult = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
4683 var signature = signatureResult.signature,
4684 timestamp = signatureResult.timestamp,
4685 nonce = signatureResult.nonce;
4686 if (typeof signature !== 'string' || typeof timestamp !== 'number' || typeof nonce !== 'string') {
4687 throw new Error('malformed signature');
4688 }
4689 return {
4690 signature: signature,
4691 timestamp: timestamp,
4692 nonce: nonce
4693 };
4695var runSignatureFactory = (function (signatureFactory, params) {
4696 return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
4697 debug$8('call signatureFactory with %O', params);
4698 return signatureFactory.apply(void 0, _toConsumableArray(params));
4699 }).then(tap(function (signatureResult) {
4700 return debug$8('sign result %O', signatureResult);
4701 }), function (error) {
4702 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
4703 error.message = "sign error: ".concat(error.message);
4704 debug$8(error);
4705 throw error;
4706 }).then(_validateSignature);
4709var _excluded$2 = ["pids"],
4710 _excluded2 = ["creator", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "transient", "system", "muted", "mutedMembers"];
4711function ownKeys$6(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
4712function _objectSpread$6(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys$6(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$6(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
4715 * 部分失败异常
4716 * @typedef OperationFailureError
4717 * @type {Error}
4718 * @property {string} message 异常信息
4719 * @property {string[]} clientIds 因为该原因失败的 client id 列表
4720 * @property {number} [code] 错误码
4721 * @property {string} [detail] 详细信息
4722 */
4725 * 部分成功的结果
4726 * @typedef PartiallySuccess
4727 * @type {Object}
4728 * @property {string[]} successfulClientIds 成功的 client id 列表
4729 * @property {OperationFailureError[]} failures 失败的异常列表
4730 */
4733 * 分页查询结果
4734 * @typedef PagedResults
4735 * @type {Object}
4736 * @property {T[]} results 查询结果
4737 * @property {string} [next] 存在表示还有更多结果,在下次查询中带上可实现翻页。
4738 */
4740var createPartiallySuccess = function createPartiallySuccess(_ref) {
4741 var allowedPids = _ref.allowedPids,
4742 failedPids = _ref.failedPids;
4743 return {
4744 successfulClientIds: allowedPids,
4745 failures: failedPids.map(function (_ref2) {
4746 var pids = _ref2.pids,
4747 error = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref2, _excluded$2);
4748 return Object.assign(createError(error), {
4749 clientIds: pids
4750 });
4751 })
4752 };
4756 * @extends ConversationBase
4757 * @private
4758 * @abstract
4759 */
4760var PersistentConversation = /*#__PURE__*/function (_ConversationBase) {
4761 _inheritsLoose(PersistentConversation, _ConversationBase);
4762 function PersistentConversation(data, _ref3, client) {
4763 var _this;
4764 var creator = _ref3.creator,
4765 createdAt = _ref3.createdAt,
4766 updatedAt = _ref3.updatedAt,
4767 _ref3$transient = _ref3["transient"],
4768 _transient = _ref3$transient === void 0 ? false : _ref3$transient,
4769 _ref3$system = _ref3.system,
4770 system = _ref3$system === void 0 ? false : _ref3$system,
4771 _ref3$muted = _ref3.muted,
4772 muted = _ref3$muted === void 0 ? false : _ref3$muted,
4773 _ref3$mutedMembers = _ref3.mutedMembers,
4774 mutedMembers = _ref3$mutedMembers === void 0 ? [] : _ref3$mutedMembers,
4775 attributes = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref3, _excluded2);
4776 _this = _ConversationBase.call(this, _objectSpread$6(_objectSpread$6({}, data), {}, {
4777 /**
4778 * 对话创建者
4779 * @memberof PersistentConversation#
4780 * @type {String}
4781 */
4782 creator: creator,
4783 /**
4784 * 对话创建时间
4785 * @memberof PersistentConversation#
4786 * @type {Date}
4787 */
4788 createdAt: createdAt,
4789 /**
4790 * 对话更新时间
4791 * @memberof PersistentConversation#
4792 * @type {Date}
4793 */
4794 updatedAt: updatedAt,
4795 /**
4796 * 对该对话设置了静音的用户列表
4797 * @memberof PersistentConversation#
4798 * @type {?String[]}
4799 */
4800 mutedMembers: mutedMembers,
4801 /**
4802 * 暂态对话标记
4803 * @memberof PersistentConversation#
4804 * @type {Boolean}
4805 */
4806 "transient": _transient,
4807 /**
4808 * 系统对话标记
4809 * @memberof PersistentConversation#
4810 * @type {Boolean}
4811 * @since 3.3.0
4812 */
4813 system: system,
4814 /**
4815 * 当前用户静音该对话标记
4816 * @memberof PersistentConversation#
4817 * @type {Boolean}
4818 */
4819 muted: muted,
4820 _attributes: attributes
4821 }), client) || this;
4822 _this._reset();
4823 return _this;
4824 }
4825 var _proto = PersistentConversation.prototype;
4826 /**
4827 * 获取对话的自定义属性
4828 * @since 3.2.0
4829 * @param {String} key key 属性的键名,'x' 对应 Conversation 表中的 x 列
4830 * @return {Any} 属性的值
4831 */
4832 _proto.get = function get(key) {
4833 return _get(internal(this).currentAttributes, key);
4834 }
4836 /**
4837 * 设置对话的自定义属性
4838 * @since 3.2.0
4839 * @param {String} key 属性的键名,'x' 对应 Conversation 表中的 x 列,支持使用 'x.y.z' 来修改对象的部分字段。
4840 * @param {Any} value 属性的值
4841 * @return {this} self
4842 * @example
4843 *
4844 * // 设置对话的 color 属性
4845 * conversation.set('color', {
4846 * text: '#000',
4847 * background: '#DDD',
4848 * });
4849 * // 设置对话的 color.text 属性
4850 * conversation.set('color.text', '#333');
4851 */;
4852 _proto.set = function set(key, value) {
4853 this._debug("set [".concat(key, "]: ").concat(value));
4854 var _internal = internal(this),
4855 pendingAttributes = _internal.pendingAttributes;
4856 var pendingKeys = Object.keys(pendingAttributes);
4857 // suppose pendingAttributes = { 'a.b': {} }
4858 // set 'a' or 'a.b': delete 'a.b'
4859 var re = new RegExp("^".concat(key));
4860 var childKeys = pendingKeys.filter(re.test.bind(re));
4861 childKeys.forEach(function (k) {
4862 delete pendingAttributes[k];
4863 });
4864 if (childKeys.length) {
4865 pendingAttributes[key] = value;
4866 } else {
4867 // set 'a.c': nothing to do
4868 // set 'a.b.c.d': assign c: { d: {} } to 'a.b'
4869 var parentKey = find(pendingKeys, function (k) {
4870 return key.indexOf(k) === 0;
4871 }); // 'a.b'
4872 if (parentKey) {
4873 setValue(pendingAttributes[parentKey], key.slice(parentKey.length + 1), value);
4874 } else {
4875 pendingAttributes[key] = value;
4876 }
4877 }
4878 this._buildCurrentAttributes();
4879 return this;
4880 };
4881 _proto._buildCurrentAttributes = function _buildCurrentAttributes() {
4882 var _internal2 = internal(this),
4883 pendingAttributes = _internal2.pendingAttributes;
4884 internal(this).currentAttributes = Object.keys(pendingAttributes).reduce(function (target, k) {
4885 return setValue(target, k, pendingAttributes[k]);
4886 }, cloneDeep(this._attributes));
4887 };
4888 _proto._updateServerAttributes = function _updateServerAttributes(attributes) {
4889 var _this2 = this;
4890 Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (key) {
4891 return setValue(_this2._attributes, key, attributes[key]);
4892 });
4893 this._buildCurrentAttributes();
4894 };
4895 _proto._reset = function _reset() {
4896 Object.assign(internal(this), {
4897 pendingAttributes: {},
4898 currentAttributes: this._attributes
4899 });
4900 }
4902 /**
4903 * 保存当前对话的属性至服务器
4904 * @return {Promise.<this>} self
4905 */;
4906 _proto.save =
4907 /*#__PURE__*/
4908 function () {
4909 var _save = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee() {
4910 var attr, convMessage, resCommand;
4911 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
4912 while (1) switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
4913 case 0:
4914 this._debug('save');
4915 attr = internal(this).pendingAttributes;
4916 if (!isEmpty(attr)) {
4917 _context.next = 5;
4918 break;
4919 }
4920 this._debug('nothing touched, resolve with self');
4921 return _context.abrupt("return", this);
4922 case 5:
4923 this._debug('attr: %O', attr);
4924 convMessage = new ConvCommand({
4925 attr: new JsonObjectMessage({
4926 data: JSON.stringify(encode(attr))
4927 })
4928 });
4929 _context.next = 9;
4930 return this._send(new GenericCommand({
4931 op: 'update',
4932 convMessage: convMessage
4933 }));
4934 case 9:
4935 resCommand = _context.sent;
4936 this.updatedAt = resCommand.convMessage.udate;
4937 this._attributes = internal(this).currentAttributes;
4938 internal(this).pendingAttributes = {};
4939 return _context.abrupt("return", this);
4940 case 14:
4941 case "end":
4942 return _context.stop();
4943 }
4944 }, _callee, this);
4945 }));
4946 function save() {
4947 return _save.apply(this, arguments);
4948 }
4949 return save;
4950 }()
4951 /**
4952 * 从服务器更新对话的属性
4953 * @return {Promise.<this>} self
4954 */
4955 ;
4956 _proto.fetch =
4957 /*#__PURE__*/
4958 function () {
4959 var _fetch = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2() {
4960 var query;
4961 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
4962 while (1) switch (_context2.prev = _context2.next) {
4963 case 0:
4964 query = this._client.getQuery().equalTo('objectId', this.id);
4965 _context2.next = 3;
4966 return query.find();
4967 case 3:
4968 return _context2.abrupt("return", this);
4969 case 4:
4970 case "end":
4971 return _context2.stop();
4972 }
4973 }, _callee2, this);
4974 }));
4975 function fetch() {
4976 return _fetch.apply(this, arguments);
4977 }
4978 return fetch;
4979 }()
4980 /**
4981 * 静音,客户端拒绝收到服务器端的离线推送通知
4982 * @return {Promise.<this>} self
4983 */
4984 ;
4985 _proto.mute =
4986 /*#__PURE__*/
4987 function () {
4988 var _mute = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee3() {
4989 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee3$(_context3) {
4990 while (1) switch (_context3.prev = _context3.next) {
4991 case 0:
4992 this._debug('mute');
4993 _context3.next = 3;
4994 return this._send(new GenericCommand({
4995 op: 'mute'
4996 }));
4997 case 3:
4998 if (!this["transient"]) {
4999 this.muted = true;
5000 this.mutedMembers = union(this.mutedMembers, [this._client.id]);
5001 }
5002 return _context3.abrupt("return", this);
5003 case 5:
5004 case "end":
5005 return _context3.stop();
5006 }
5007 }, _callee3, this);
5008 }));
5009 function mute() {
5010 return _mute.apply(this, arguments);
5011 }
5012 return mute;
5013 }()
5014 /**
5015 * 取消静音
5016 * @return {Promise.<this>} self
5017 */
5018 ;
5019 _proto.unmute =
5020 /*#__PURE__*/
5021 function () {
5022 var _unmute = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee4() {
5023 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee4$(_context4) {
5024 while (1) switch (_context4.prev = _context4.next) {
5025 case 0:
5026 this._debug('unmute');
5027 _context4.next = 3;
5028 return this._send(new GenericCommand({
5029 op: 'unmute'
5030 }));
5031 case 3:
5032 if (!this["transient"]) {
5033 this.muted = false;
5034 this.mutedMembers = difference(this.mutedMembers, [this._client.id]);
5035 }
5036 return _context4.abrupt("return", this);
5037 case 5:
5038 case "end":
5039 return _context4.stop();
5040 }
5041 }, _callee4, this);
5042 }));
5043 function unmute() {
5044 return _unmute.apply(this, arguments);
5045 }
5046 return unmute;
5047 }();
5048 _proto._appendConversationSignature = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
5049 var _appendConversationSignature2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee5(command, action, clientIds) {
5050 var params, signatureResult;
5051 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee5$(_context5) {
5052 while (1) switch (_context5.prev = _context5.next) {
5053 case 0:
5054 if (!this._client.options.conversationSignatureFactory) {
5055 _context5.next = 6;
5056 break;
5057 }
5058 params = [this.id, this._client.id, clientIds.sort(), action];
5059 _context5.next = 4;
5060 return runSignatureFactory(this._client.options.conversationSignatureFactory, params);
5061 case 4:
5062 signatureResult = _context5.sent;
5063 Object.assign(command.convMessage, keyRemap({
5064 signature: 's',
5065 timestamp: 't',
5066 nonce: 'n'
5067 }, signatureResult));
5068 case 6:
5069 case "end":
5070 return _context5.stop();
5071 }
5072 }, _callee5, this);
5073 }));
5074 function _appendConversationSignature(_x, _x2, _x3) {
5075 return _appendConversationSignature2.apply(this, arguments);
5076 }
5077 return _appendConversationSignature;
5078 }();
5079 _proto._appendBlacklistSignature = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
5080 var _appendBlacklistSignature2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee6(command, action, clientIds) {
5081 var params, signatureResult;
5082 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee6$(_context6) {
5083 while (1) switch (_context6.prev = _context6.next) {
5084 case 0:
5085 if (!this._client.options.blacklistSignatureFactory) {
5086 _context6.next = 6;
5087 break;
5088 }
5089 params = [this.id, this._client.id, clientIds.sort(), action];
5090 _context6.next = 4;
5091 return runSignatureFactory(this._client.options.blacklistSignatureFactory, params);
5092 case 4:
5093 signatureResult = _context6.sent;
5094 Object.assign(command.blacklistMessage, keyRemap({
5095 signature: 's',
5096 timestamp: 't',
5097 nonce: 'n'
5098 }, signatureResult));
5099 case 6:
5100 case "end":
5101 return _context6.stop();
5102 }
5103 }, _callee6, this);
5104 }));
5105 function _appendBlacklistSignature(_x4, _x5, _x6) {
5106 return _appendBlacklistSignature2.apply(this, arguments);
5107 }
5108 return _appendBlacklistSignature;
5109 }()
5110 /**
5111 * 增加成员
5112 * @param {String|String[]} clientIds 新增成员 client id
5113 * @return {Promise.<PartiallySuccess>} 部分成功结果,包含了成功的 id 列表、失败原因与对应的 id 列表
5114 */
5115 ;
5116 _proto.add =
5117 /*#__PURE__*/
5118 function () {
5119 var _add = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee7(clientIds) {
5120 var command, _yield$this$_send, convMessage, allowedPids;
5121 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee7$(_context7) {
5122 while (1) switch (_context7.prev = _context7.next) {
5123 case 0:
5124 this._debug('add', clientIds);
5125 if (typeof clientIds === 'string') {
5126 clientIds = [clientIds]; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
5127 }
5128 command = new GenericCommand({
5129 op: 'add',
5130 convMessage: new ConvCommand({
5131 m: clientIds
5132 })
5133 });
5134 _context7.next = 5;
5135 return this._appendConversationSignature(command, 'invite', clientIds);
5136 case 5:
5137 _context7.next = 7;
5138 return this._send(command);
5139 case 7:
5140 _yield$this$_send = _context7.sent;
5141 convMessage = _yield$this$_send.convMessage;
5142 allowedPids = _yield$this$_send.convMessage.allowedPids;
5143 this._addMembers(allowedPids);
5144 return _context7.abrupt("return", createPartiallySuccess(convMessage));
5145 case 12:
5146 case "end":
5147 return _context7.stop();
5148 }
5149 }, _callee7, this);
5150 }));
5151 function add(_x7) {
5152 return _add.apply(this, arguments);
5153 }
5154 return add;
5155 }()
5156 /**
5157 * 剔除成员
5158 * @param {String|String[]} clientIds 成员 client id
5159 * @return {Promise.<PartiallySuccess>} 部分成功结果,包含了成功的 id 列表、失败原因与对应的 id 列表
5160 */
5161 ;
5162 _proto.remove =
5163 /*#__PURE__*/
5164 function () {
5165 var _remove = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee8(clientIds) {
5166 var command, _yield$this$_send2, convMessage, allowedPids;
5167 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee8$(_context8) {
5168 while (1) switch (_context8.prev = _context8.next) {
5169 case 0:
5170 this._debug('remove', clientIds);
5171 if (typeof clientIds === 'string') {
5172 clientIds = [clientIds]; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
5173 }
5174 command = new GenericCommand({
5175 op: 'remove',
5176 convMessage: new ConvCommand({
5177 m: clientIds
5178 })
5179 });
5180 _context8.next = 5;
5181 return this._appendConversationSignature(command, 'kick', clientIds);
5182 case 5:
5183 _context8.next = 7;
5184 return this._send(command);
5185 case 7:
5186 _yield$this$_send2 = _context8.sent;
5187 convMessage = _yield$this$_send2.convMessage;
5188 allowedPids = _yield$this$_send2.convMessage.allowedPids;
5189 this._removeMembers(allowedPids);
5190 return _context8.abrupt("return", createPartiallySuccess(convMessage));
5191 case 12:
5192 case "end":
5193 return _context8.stop();
5194 }
5195 }, _callee8, this);
5196 }));
5197 function remove(_x8) {
5198 return _remove.apply(this, arguments);
5199 }
5200 return remove;
5201 }()
5202 /**
5203 * (当前用户)加入该对话
5204 * @return {Promise.<this>} self
5205 */
5206 ;
5207 _proto.join =
5208 /*#__PURE__*/
5209 function () {
5210 var _join = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee9() {
5211 var _this3 = this;
5212 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee9$(_context9) {
5213 while (1) switch (_context9.prev = _context9.next) {
5214 case 0:
5215 this._debug('join');
5216 return _context9.abrupt("return", this.add(this._client.id).then(function (_ref4) {
5217 var failures = _ref4.failures;
5218 if (failures[0]) throw failures[0];
5219 return _this3;
5220 }));
5221 case 2:
5222 case "end":
5223 return _context9.stop();
5224 }
5225 }, _callee9, this);
5226 }));
5227 function join() {
5228 return _join.apply(this, arguments);
5229 }
5230 return join;
5231 }()
5232 /**
5233 * (当前用户)退出该对话
5234 * @return {Promise.<this>} self
5235 */
5236 ;
5237 _proto.quit =
5238 /*#__PURE__*/
5239 function () {
5240 var _quit = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee10() {
5241 var _this4 = this;
5242 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee10$(_context10) {
5243 while (1) switch (_context10.prev = _context10.next) {
5244 case 0:
5245 this._debug('quit');
5246 return _context10.abrupt("return", this.remove(this._client.id).then(function (_ref5) {
5247 var failures = _ref5.failures;
5248 if (failures[0]) throw failures[0];
5249 return _this4;
5250 }));
5251 case 2:
5252 case "end":
5253 return _context10.stop();
5254 }
5255 }, _callee10, this);
5256 }));
5257 function quit() {
5258 return _quit.apply(this, arguments);
5259 }
5260 return quit;
5261 }()
5262 /**
5263 * 在该对话中禁言成员
5264 * @param {String|String[]} clientIds 成员 client id
5265 * @return {Promise.<PartiallySuccess>} 部分成功结果,包含了成功的 id 列表、失败原因与对应的 id 列表
5266 */
5267 ;
5268 _proto.muteMembers =
5269 /*#__PURE__*/
5270 function () {
5271 var _muteMembers = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee11(clientIds) {
5272 var command, _yield$this$_send3, convMessage;
5273 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee11$(_context11) {
5274 while (1) switch (_context11.prev = _context11.next) {
5275 case 0:
5276 this._debug('mute', clientIds);
5277 clientIds = ensureArray(clientIds); // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
5278 command = new GenericCommand({
5279 op: OpType.add_shutup,
5280 convMessage: new ConvCommand({
5281 m: clientIds
5282 })
5283 });
5284 _context11.next = 5;
5285 return this._send(command);
5286 case 5:
5287 _yield$this$_send3 = _context11.sent;
5288 convMessage = _yield$this$_send3.convMessage;
5289 return _context11.abrupt("return", createPartiallySuccess(convMessage));
5290 case 8:
5291 case "end":
5292 return _context11.stop();
5293 }
5294 }, _callee11, this);
5295 }));
5296 function muteMembers(_x9) {
5297 return _muteMembers.apply(this, arguments);
5298 }
5299 return muteMembers;
5300 }()
5301 /**
5302 * 在该对话中解除成员禁言
5303 * @param {String|String[]} clientIds 成员 client id
5304 * @return {Promise.<PartiallySuccess>} 部分成功结果,包含了成功的 id 列表、失败原因与对应的 id 列表
5305 */
5306 ;
5307 _proto.unmuteMembers =
5308 /*#__PURE__*/
5309 function () {
5310 var _unmuteMembers = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee12(clientIds) {
5311 var command, _yield$this$_send4, convMessage;
5312 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee12$(_context12) {
5313 while (1) switch (_context12.prev = _context12.next) {
5314 case 0:
5315 this._debug('unmute', clientIds);
5316 clientIds = ensureArray(clientIds); // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
5317 command = new GenericCommand({
5318 op: OpType.remove_shutup,
5319 convMessage: new ConvCommand({
5320 m: clientIds
5321 })
5322 });
5323 _context12.next = 5;
5324 return this._send(command);
5325 case 5:
5326 _yield$this$_send4 = _context12.sent;
5327 convMessage = _yield$this$_send4.convMessage;
5328 return _context12.abrupt("return", createPartiallySuccess(convMessage));
5329 case 8:
5330 case "end":
5331 return _context12.stop();
5332 }
5333 }, _callee12, this);
5334 }));
5335 function unmuteMembers(_x10) {
5336 return _unmuteMembers.apply(this, arguments);
5337 }
5338 return unmuteMembers;
5339 }()
5340 /**
5341 * 查询该对话禁言成员列表
5342 * @param {Object} [options]
5343 * @param {Number} [options.limit] 返回的成员数量,服务器默认值 10
5344 * @param {String} [options.next] 从指定 next 开始查询,与 limit 一起使用可以完成翻页。
5345 * @return {PagedResults.<string>} 查询结果。其中的 cureser 存在表示还有更多结果。
5346 */
5347 ;
5348 _proto.queryMutedMembers =
5349 /*#__PURE__*/
5350 function () {
5351 var _queryMutedMembers = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee13() {
5352 var _ref6,
5353 limit,
5354 next,
5355 command,
5356 _yield$this$_send5,
5357 _yield$this$_send5$co,
5358 m,
5359 newNext,
5360 _args13 = arguments;
5361 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee13$(_context13) {
5362 while (1) switch (_context13.prev = _context13.next) {
5363 case 0:
5364 _ref6 = _args13.length > 0 && _args13[0] !== undefined ? _args13[0] : {}, limit = _ref6.limit, next = _ref6.next;
5365 this._debug('query muted: limit %O, next: %O', limit, next);
5366 command = new GenericCommand({
5367 op: OpType.query_shutup,
5368 convMessage: new ConvCommand({
5369 limit: limit,
5370 next: next
5371 })
5372 });
5373 _context13.next = 5;
5374 return this._send(command);
5375 case 5:
5376 _yield$this$_send5 = _context13.sent;
5377 _yield$this$_send5$co = _yield$this$_send5.convMessage;
5378 m = _yield$this$_send5$co.m;
5379 newNext = _yield$this$_send5$co.next;
5380 return _context13.abrupt("return", {
5381 results: m,
5382 next: newNext
5383 });
5384 case 10:
5385 case "end":
5386 return _context13.stop();
5387 }
5388 }, _callee13, this);
5389 }));
5390 function queryMutedMembers() {
5391 return _queryMutedMembers.apply(this, arguments);
5392 }
5393 return queryMutedMembers;
5394 }()
5395 /**
5396 * 将用户加入该对话黑名单
5397 * @param {String|String[]} clientIds 成员 client id
5398 * @return {Promise.<PartiallySuccess>} 部分成功结果,包含了成功的 id 列表、失败原因与对应的 id 列表
5399 */
5400 ;
5401 _proto.blockMembers =
5402 /*#__PURE__*/
5403 function () {
5404 var _blockMembers = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee14(clientIds) {
5405 var command, _yield$this$_send6, blacklistMessage;
5406 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee14$(_context14) {
5407 while (1) switch (_context14.prev = _context14.next) {
5408 case 0:
5409 this._debug('block', clientIds);
5410 clientIds = ensureArray(clientIds); // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
5411 command = new GenericCommand({
5412 cmd: 'blacklist',
5413 op: OpType.block,
5414 blacklistMessage: new BlacklistCommand({
5415 srcCid: this.id,
5416 toPids: clientIds
5417 })
5418 });
5419 _context14.next = 5;
5420 return this._appendBlacklistSignature(command, 'conversation-block-clients', clientIds);
5421 case 5:
5422 _context14.next = 7;
5423 return this._send(command);
5424 case 7:
5425 _yield$this$_send6 = _context14.sent;
5426 blacklistMessage = _yield$this$_send6.blacklistMessage;
5427 return _context14.abrupt("return", createPartiallySuccess(blacklistMessage));
5428 case 10:
5429 case "end":
5430 return _context14.stop();
5431 }
5432 }, _callee14, this);
5433 }));
5434 function blockMembers(_x11) {
5435 return _blockMembers.apply(this, arguments);
5436 }
5437 return blockMembers;
5438 }()
5439 /**
5440 * 将用户移出该对话黑名单
5441 * @param {String|String[]} clientIds 成员 client id
5442 * @return {Promise.<PartiallySuccess>} 部分成功结果,包含了成功的 id 列表、失败原因与对应的 id 列表
5443 */
5444 ;
5445 _proto.unblockMembers =
5446 /*#__PURE__*/
5447 function () {
5448 var _unblockMembers = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee15(clientIds) {
5449 var command, _yield$this$_send7, blacklistMessage;
5450 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee15$(_context15) {
5451 while (1) switch (_context15.prev = _context15.next) {
5452 case 0:
5453 this._debug('unblock', clientIds);
5454 clientIds = ensureArray(clientIds); // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
5455 command = new GenericCommand({
5456 cmd: 'blacklist',
5457 op: OpType.unblock,
5458 blacklistMessage: new BlacklistCommand({
5459 srcCid: this.id,
5460 toPids: clientIds
5461 })
5462 });
5463 _context15.next = 5;
5464 return this._appendBlacklistSignature(command, 'conversation-unblock-clients', clientIds);
5465 case 5:
5466 _context15.next = 7;
5467 return this._send(command);
5468 case 7:
5469 _yield$this$_send7 = _context15.sent;
5470 blacklistMessage = _yield$this$_send7.blacklistMessage;
5471 return _context15.abrupt("return", createPartiallySuccess(blacklistMessage));
5472 case 10:
5473 case "end":
5474 return _context15.stop();
5475 }
5476 }, _callee15, this);
5477 }));
5478 function unblockMembers(_x12) {
5479 return _unblockMembers.apply(this, arguments);
5480 }
5481 return unblockMembers;
5482 }()
5483 /**
5484 * 查询该对话黑名单
5485 * @param {Object} [options]
5486 * @param {Number} [options.limit] 返回的成员数量,服务器默认值 10
5487 * @param {String} [options.next] 从指定 next 开始查询,与 limit 一起使用可以完成翻页
5488 * @return {PagedResults.<string>} 查询结果。其中的 cureser 存在表示还有更多结果。
5489 */
5490 ;
5491 _proto.queryBlockedMembers =
5492 /*#__PURE__*/
5493 function () {
5494 var _queryBlockedMembers = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee16() {
5495 var _ref7,
5496 limit,
5497 next,
5498 command,
5499 _yield$this$_send8,
5500 _yield$this$_send8$bl,
5501 blockedPids,
5502 newNext,
5503 _args16 = arguments;
5504 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee16$(_context16) {
5505 while (1) switch (_context16.prev = _context16.next) {
5506 case 0:
5507 _ref7 = _args16.length > 0 && _args16[0] !== undefined ? _args16[0] : {}, limit = _ref7.limit, next = _ref7.next;
5508 this._debug('query blocked: limit %O, next: %O', limit, next);
5509 command = new GenericCommand({
5510 cmd: 'blacklist',
5511 op: OpType.query,
5512 blacklistMessage: new BlacklistCommand({
5513 srcCid: this.id,
5514 limit: limit,
5515 next: next
5516 })
5517 });
5518 _context16.next = 5;
5519 return this._send(command);
5520 case 5:
5521 _yield$this$_send8 = _context16.sent;
5522 _yield$this$_send8$bl = _yield$this$_send8.blacklistMessage;
5523 blockedPids = _yield$this$_send8$bl.blockedPids;
5524 newNext = _yield$this$_send8$bl.next;
5525 return _context16.abrupt("return", {
5526 results: blockedPids,
5527 next: newNext
5528 });
5529 case 10:
5530 case "end":
5531 return _context16.stop();
5532 }
5533 }, _callee16, this);
5534 }));
5535 function queryBlockedMembers() {
5536 return _queryBlockedMembers.apply(this, arguments);
5537 }
5538 return queryBlockedMembers;
5539 }();
5540 _proto.toFullJSON = function toFullJSON() {
5541 var creator = this.creator,
5542 system = this.system,
5543 _transient2 = this["transient"],
5544 createdAt = this.createdAt,
5545 updatedAt = this.updatedAt,
5546 _attributes = this._attributes;
5547 return _objectSpread$6(_objectSpread$6({}, _ConversationBase.prototype.toFullJSON.call(this)), {}, {
5548 creator: creator,
5549 system: system,
5550 "transient": _transient2,
5551 createdAt: getTime(createdAt),
5552 updatedAt: getTime(updatedAt)
5553 }, _attributes);
5554 };
5555 _proto.toJSON = function toJSON() {
5556 var creator = this.creator,
5557 system = this.system,
5558 _transient3 = this["transient"],
5559 muted = this.muted,
5560 mutedMembers = this.mutedMembers,
5561 createdAt = this.createdAt,
5562 updatedAt = this.updatedAt,
5563 _attributes = this._attributes;
5564 return _objectSpread$6(_objectSpread$6({}, _ConversationBase.prototype.toJSON.call(this)), {}, {
5565 creator: creator,
5566 system: system,
5567 "transient": _transient3,
5568 muted: muted,
5569 mutedMembers: mutedMembers,
5570 createdAt: createdAt,
5571 updatedAt: updatedAt
5572 }, _attributes);
5573 };
5574 _createClass(PersistentConversation, [{
5575 key: "createdAt",
5576 get: function get() {
5577 return this._createdAt;
5578 },
5579 set: function set(value) {
5580 this._createdAt = decodeDate(value);
5581 }
5582 }, {
5583 key: "updatedAt",
5584 get: function get() {
5585 return this._updatedAt;
5586 }
5588 /**
5589 * 对话名字,对应 _Conversation 表中的 name
5590 * @type {String}
5591 */,
5592 set: function set(value) {
5593 this._updatedAt = decodeDate(value);
5594 }
5595 }, {
5596 key: "name",
5597 get: function get() {
5598 return this.get('name');
5599 },
5600 set: function set(value) {
5601 this.set('name', value);
5602 }
5603 }]);
5604 return PersistentConversation;
5608 * 对话成员角色枚举
5609 * @enum {String}
5610 * @since 4.0.0
5611 * @memberof module:leancloud-realtime
5612 */
5613var ConversationMemberRole = {
5614 /** 所有者 */
5615 OWNER: 'Owner',
5616 /** 管理员 */
5617 MANAGER: 'Manager',
5618 /** 成员 */
5619 MEMBER: 'Member'
5622var ConversationMemberInfo = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
5623 /**
5624 * 对话成员属性,保存了成员与某个对话相关的属性,对应 _ConversationMemberInfo 表
5625 * @since 4.0.0
5626 */
5627 function ConversationMemberInfo(_ref) {
5628 var conversation = _ref.conversation,
5629 memberId = _ref.memberId,
5630 role = _ref.role;
5631 if (!conversation) throw new Error('conversation requried');
5632 if (!memberId) throw new Error('memberId requried');
5633 Object.assign(internal(this), {
5634 conversation: conversation,
5635 memberId: memberId,
5636 role: role
5637 });
5638 }
5640 /**
5641 * 对话 Id
5642 * @type {String}
5643 * @readonly
5644 */
5645 var _proto = ConversationMemberInfo.prototype;
5646 _proto.toJSON = function toJSON() {
5647 var conversationId = this.conversationId,
5648 memberId = this.memberId,
5649 role = this.role,
5650 isOwner = this.isOwner;
5651 return {
5652 conversationId: conversationId,
5653 memberId: memberId,
5654 role: role,
5655 isOwner: isOwner
5656 };
5657 };
5658 _createClass(ConversationMemberInfo, [{
5659 key: "conversationId",
5660 get: function get() {
5661 return internal(this).conversation.id;
5662 }
5664 /**
5665 * 成员 Id
5666 * @type {String}
5667 * @readonly
5668 */
5669 }, {
5670 key: "memberId",
5671 get: function get() {
5672 return internal(this).memberId;
5673 }
5675 /**
5676 * 角色
5677 * @type {module:leancloud-realtime.ConversationMemberRole | String}
5678 * @readonly
5679 */
5680 }, {
5681 key: "role",
5682 get: function get() {
5683 if (this.isOwner) return ConversationMemberRole.OWNER;
5684 return internal(this).role;
5685 }
5687 /**
5688 * 是否是管理员
5689 * @type {Boolean}
5690 * @readonly
5691 */
5692 }, {
5693 key: "isOwner",
5694 get: function get() {
5695 return this.memberId === internal(this).conversation.creator;
5696 }
5697 }]);
5698 return ConversationMemberInfo;
5702 * 普通对话
5703 *
5704 * 无法直接实例化,请使用 {@link IMClient#createConversation} 创建新的普通对话。
5705 * @extends PersistentConversation
5706 * @public
5707 */
5708var Conversation = /*#__PURE__*/function (_PersistentConversati) {
5709 _inheritsLoose(Conversation, _PersistentConversati);
5710 function Conversation() {
5711 return _PersistentConversati.apply(this, arguments) || this;
5712 }
5713 var _proto = Conversation.prototype;
5714 _proto._addMembers = function _addMembers(members) {
5715 var _this = this;
5716 _PersistentConversati.prototype._addMembers.call(this, members);
5717 this.members = union(this.members, members);
5718 var _internal = internal(this),
5719 memberInfoMap = _internal.memberInfoMap;
5720 if (!memberInfoMap) return;
5721 members.forEach(function (memberId) {
5722 memberInfoMap[memberId] = memberInfoMap[memberId] || new ConversationMemberInfo({
5723 conversation: _this,
5724 memberId: memberId,
5725 role: ConversationMemberRole.MEMBER
5726 });
5727 });
5728 };
5729 _proto._removeMembers = function _removeMembers(members) {
5730 _PersistentConversati.prototype._removeMembers.call(this, members);
5731 this.members = difference(this.members, members);
5732 var _internal2 = internal(this),
5733 memberInfoMap = _internal2.memberInfoMap;
5734 if (!memberInfoMap) return;
5735 members.forEach(function (memberId) {
5736 delete memberInfoMap[memberId];
5737 });
5738 };
5739 _proto._fetchAllMemberInfo = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
5740 var _fetchAllMemberInfo2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee() {
5741 var _this2 = this;
5742 var response, memberInfos, memberInfoMap;
5743 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
5744 while (1) switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
5745 case 0:
5746 _context.next = 2;
5747 return this._client._requestWithSessionToken({
5748 method: 'GET',
5749 path: '/classes/_ConversationMemberInfo',
5750 query: {
5751 where: {
5752 cid: this.id
5753 }
5754 }
5755 });
5756 case 2:
5757 response = _context.sent;
5758 memberInfos = response.results.map(function (info) {
5759 return new ConversationMemberInfo({
5760 conversation: _this2,
5761 memberId: info.clientId,
5762 role: info.role
5763 });
5764 });
5765 memberInfoMap = {};
5766 memberInfos.forEach(function (memberInfo) {
5767 memberInfoMap[memberInfo.memberId] = memberInfo;
5768 });
5769 this.members.forEach(function (memberId) {
5770 memberInfoMap[memberId] = memberInfoMap[memberId] || new ConversationMemberInfo({
5771 conversation: _this2,
5772 memberId: memberId,
5773 role: ConversationMemberRole.MEMBER
5774 });
5775 });
5776 internal(this).memberInfoMap = memberInfoMap;
5777 return _context.abrupt("return", memberInfoMap);
5778 case 9:
5779 case "end":
5780 return _context.stop();
5781 }
5782 }, _callee, this);
5783 }));
5784 function _fetchAllMemberInfo() {
5785 return _fetchAllMemberInfo2.apply(this, arguments);
5786 }
5787 return _fetchAllMemberInfo;
5788 }()
5789 /**
5790 * 获取所有成员的对话属性
5791 * @since 4.0.0
5792 * @return {Promise.<ConversationMemberInfo[]>} 所有成员的对话属性列表
5793 */
5794 ;
5795 _proto.getAllMemberInfo =
5796 /*#__PURE__*/
5797 function () {
5798 var _getAllMemberInfo = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2() {
5799 var _ref,
5800 _ref$noCache,
5801 noCache,
5802 _internal3,
5803 memberInfoMap,
5804 _args2 = arguments;
5805 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
5806 while (1) switch (_context2.prev = _context2.next) {
5807 case 0:
5808 _ref = _args2.length > 0 && _args2[0] !== undefined ? _args2[0] : {}, _ref$noCache = _ref.noCache, noCache = _ref$noCache === void 0 ? false : _ref$noCache;
5809 _internal3 = internal(this), memberInfoMap = _internal3.memberInfoMap;
5810 if (!(!memberInfoMap || noCache)) {
5811 _context2.next = 6;
5812 break;
5813 }
5814 _context2.next = 5;
5815 return this._fetchAllMemberInfo();
5816 case 5:
5817 memberInfoMap = _context2.sent;
5818 case 6:
5819 return _context2.abrupt("return", this.members.map(function (memberId) {
5820 return memberInfoMap[memberId];
5821 }));
5822 case 7:
5823 case "end":
5824 return _context2.stop();
5825 }
5826 }, _callee2, this);
5827 }));
5828 function getAllMemberInfo() {
5829 return _getAllMemberInfo.apply(this, arguments);
5830 }
5831 return getAllMemberInfo;
5832 }()
5833 /**
5834 * 获取指定成员的对话属性
5835 * @since 4.0.0
5836 * @param {String} memberId 成员 Id
5837 * @return {Promise.<ConversationMemberInfo>} 指定成员的对话属性
5838 */
5839 ;
5840 _proto.getMemberInfo =
5841 /*#__PURE__*/
5842 function () {
5843 var _getMemberInfo = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee3(memberId) {
5844 var _internal4, memberInfoMap;
5845 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee3$(_context3) {
5846 while (1) switch (_context3.prev = _context3.next) {
5847 case 0:
5848 if (!(this.members.indexOf(memberId) === -1)) {
5849 _context3.next = 2;
5850 break;
5851 }
5852 throw new Error("".concat(memberId, " is not the mumber of conversation[").concat(this.id, "]"));
5853 case 2:
5854 _internal4 = internal(this), memberInfoMap = _internal4.memberInfoMap;
5855 if (memberInfoMap && memberInfoMap[memberId]) {
5856 _context3.next = 6;
5857 break;
5858 }
5859 _context3.next = 6;
5860 return this.getAllMemberInfo();
5861 case 6:
5862 return _context3.abrupt("return", internal(this).memberInfoMap[memberId]);
5863 case 7:
5864 case "end":
5865 return _context3.stop();
5866 }
5867 }, _callee3, this);
5868 }));
5869 function getMemberInfo(_x) {
5870 return _getMemberInfo.apply(this, arguments);
5871 }
5872 return getMemberInfo;
5873 }()
5874 /**
5875 * 更新指定用户的角色
5876 * @since 4.0.0
5877 * @param {String} memberId 成员 Id
5878 * @param {module:leancloud-realtime.ConversationMemberRole | String} role 角色
5879 * @return {Promise.<this>} self
5880 */
5881 ;
5882 _proto.updateMemberRole =
5883 /*#__PURE__*/
5884 function () {
5885 var _updateMemberRole = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee4(memberId, role) {
5886 var _internal5, memberInfos;
5887 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee4$(_context4) {
5888 while (1) switch (_context4.prev = _context4.next) {
5889 case 0:
5890 this._debug('update member role');
5891 if (!(role === ConversationMemberRole.OWNER)) {
5892 _context4.next = 3;
5893 break;
5894 }
5895 throw createError({
5897 });
5898 case 3:
5899 _context4.next = 5;
5900 return this._send(new GenericCommand({
5901 op: OpType.member_info_update,
5902 convMessage: new ConvCommand({
5903 targetClientId: memberId,
5904 info: new ConvMemberInfo({
5905 pid: memberId,
5906 role: role
5907 })
5908 })
5909 }));
5910 case 5:
5911 _internal5 = internal(this), memberInfos = _internal5.memberInfos;
5912 if (memberInfos && memberInfos[memberId]) {
5913 internal(memberInfos[memberId]).role = role;
5914 }
5915 return _context4.abrupt("return", this);
5916 case 8:
5917 case "end":
5918 return _context4.stop();
5919 }
5920 }, _callee4, this);
5921 }));
5922 function updateMemberRole(_x2, _x3) {
5923 return _updateMemberRole.apply(this, arguments);
5924 }
5925 return updateMemberRole;
5926 }();
5927 return Conversation;
5931 * 聊天室。
5932 *
5933 * 无法直接实例化,请使用 {@link IMClient#createChatRoom} 创建新的聊天室。
5934 * @since 4.0.0
5935 * @extends PersistentConversation
5936 * @public
5937 */
5938var ChatRoom = /*#__PURE__*/function (_PersistentConversati) {
5939 _inheritsLoose(ChatRoom, _PersistentConversati);
5940 function ChatRoom() {
5941 return _PersistentConversati.apply(this, arguments) || this;
5942 }
5943 return ChatRoom;
5947 * 服务号。
5948 *
5949 * 服务号不支持在客户端创建。
5950 * @since 4.0.0
5951 * @extends PersistentConversation
5952 * @public
5953 */
5954var ServiceConversation = /*#__PURE__*/function (_PersistentConversati) {
5955 _inheritsLoose(ServiceConversation, _PersistentConversati);
5956 function ServiceConversation() {
5957 return _PersistentConversati.apply(this, arguments) || this;
5958 }
5959 var _proto = ServiceConversation.prototype;
5960 /**
5961 * 订阅该服务号
5962 * @return {Promise.<this>} self
5963 */
5964 _proto.subscribe =
5965 /*#__PURE__*/
5966 function () {
5967 var _subscribe = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee() {
5968 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
5969 while (1) switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
5970 case 0:
5971 return _context.abrupt("return", this.join());
5972 case 1:
5973 case "end":
5974 return _context.stop();
5975 }
5976 }, _callee, this);
5977 }));
5978 function subscribe() {
5979 return _subscribe.apply(this, arguments);
5980 }
5981 return subscribe;
5982 }()
5983 /**
5984 * 退订该服务号
5985 * @return {Promise.<this>} self
5986 */
5987 ;
5988 _proto.unsubscribe =
5989 /*#__PURE__*/
5990 function () {
5991 var _unsubscribe = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2() {
5992 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
5993 while (1) switch (_context2.prev = _context2.next) {
5994 case 0:
5995 return _context2.abrupt("return", this.quit());
5996 case 1:
5997 case "end":
5998 return _context2.stop();
5999 }
6000 }, _callee2, this);
6001 }));
6002 function unsubscribe() {
6003 return _unsubscribe.apply(this, arguments);
6004 }
6005 return unsubscribe;
6006 }();
6007 return ServiceConversation;
6010function ownKeys$7(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
6011function _objectSpread$7(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys$7(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$7(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
6012var transformNotFoundError = function transformNotFoundError(error) {
6013 return error.code === ErrorCode.CONVERSATION_NOT_FOUND ? createError({
6015 }) : error;
6019 * 临时对话
6020 * @since 4.0.0
6021 * @extends ConversationBase
6022 * @public
6023 */
6024var TemporaryConversation = /*#__PURE__*/function (_ConversationBase) {
6025 _inheritsLoose(TemporaryConversation, _ConversationBase);
6026 /**
6027 * 无法直接实例化,请使用 {@link IMClient#createTemporaryConversation} 创建新的临时对话。
6028 */
6029 function TemporaryConversation(data, _ref, client) {
6030 var expiredAt = _ref.expiredAt;
6031 return _ConversationBase.call(this, _objectSpread$7(_objectSpread$7({}, data), {}, {
6032 expiredAt: expiredAt
6033 }), client) || this;
6034 }
6036 /**
6037 * 对话失效时间
6038 * @type {Date}
6039 */
6040 var _proto = TemporaryConversation.prototype;
6041 _proto._send = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
6042 var _send2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee() {
6043 var _ConversationBase$pro,
6044 _len,
6045 args,
6046 _key,
6047 _args = arguments;
6048 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
6049 while (1) switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
6050 case 0:
6051 if (!this.expired) {
6052 _context.next = 2;
6053 break;
6054 }
6055 throw createError({
6057 });
6058 case 2:
6059 _context.prev = 2;
6060 for (_len = _args.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
6061 args[_key] = _args[_key];
6062 }
6063 _context.next = 6;
6064 return (_ConversationBase$pro = _ConversationBase.prototype._send).call.apply(_ConversationBase$pro, [this].concat(args));
6065 case 6:
6066 return _context.abrupt("return", _context.sent);
6067 case 9:
6068 _context.prev = 9;
6069 _context.t0 = _context["catch"](2);
6070 throw transformNotFoundError(_context.t0);
6071 case 12:
6072 case "end":
6073 return _context.stop();
6074 }
6075 }, _callee, this, [[2, 9]]);
6076 }));
6077 function _send() {
6078 return _send2.apply(this, arguments);
6079 }
6080 return _send;
6081 }();
6082 _proto.send = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
6083 var _send3 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2() {
6084 var _ConversationBase$pro2,
6085 _len2,
6086 args,
6087 _key2,
6088 _args2 = arguments;
6089 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
6090 while (1) switch (_context2.prev = _context2.next) {
6091 case 0:
6092 _context2.prev = 0;
6093 for (_len2 = _args2.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
6094 args[_key2] = _args2[_key2];
6095 }
6096 _context2.next = 4;
6097 return (_ConversationBase$pro2 = _ConversationBase.prototype.send).call.apply(_ConversationBase$pro2, [this].concat(args));
6098 case 4:
6099 return _context2.abrupt("return", _context2.sent);
6100 case 7:
6101 _context2.prev = 7;
6102 _context2.t0 = _context2["catch"](0);
6103 throw transformNotFoundError(_context2.t0);
6104 case 10:
6105 case "end":
6106 return _context2.stop();
6107 }
6108 }, _callee2, this, [[0, 7]]);
6109 }));
6110 function send() {
6111 return _send3.apply(this, arguments);
6112 }
6113 return send;
6114 }();
6115 _proto.toFullJSON = function toFullJSON() {
6116 var expiredAt = this.expiredAt;
6117 return _objectSpread$7(_objectSpread$7({}, _ConversationBase.prototype.toFullJSON.call(this)), {}, {
6118 expiredAt: getTime(expiredAt)
6119 });
6120 };
6121 _proto.toJSON = function toJSON() {
6122 var expiredAt = this.expiredAt,
6123 expired = this.expired;
6124 return _objectSpread$7(_objectSpread$7({}, _ConversationBase.prototype.toJSON.call(this)), {}, {
6125 expiredAt: expiredAt,
6126 expired: expired
6127 });
6128 };
6129 _createClass(TemporaryConversation, [{
6130 key: "expiredAt",
6131 get: function get() {
6132 return this._expiredAt;
6133 }
6135 /**
6136 * 对话是否已失效
6137 * @type {Boolean}
6138 */,
6139 set: function set(value) {
6140 this._expiredAt = decodeDate(value);
6141 }
6142 }, {
6143 key: "expired",
6144 get: function get() {
6145 return this.expiredAt < new Date();
6146 }
6147 }]);
6148 return TemporaryConversation;
6151var debug$9 = d('LC:ConversationQuery');
6152var ConversationQuery = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
6153 ConversationQuery._encode = function _encode(value) {
6154 if (value instanceof Date) {
6155 return {
6156 __type: 'Date',
6157 iso: value.toJSON()
6158 };
6159 }
6160 if (value instanceof RegExp) {
6161 return value.source;
6162 }
6163 return value;
6164 };
6165 ConversationQuery._quote = function _quote(s) {
6166 return "\\Q".concat(s.replace('\\E', '\\E\\\\E\\Q'), "\\E");
6167 };
6168 ConversationQuery._calculateFlag = function _calculateFlag(options) {
6169 return ['withLastMessagesRefreshed', 'compact'].reduce(
6170 // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
6171 function (prev, key) {
6172 return (prev << 1) + Boolean(options[key]);
6173 }, 0);
6174 }
6176 /**
6177 * 构造一个用 AND 连接所有查询的 ConversationQuery
6178 * @param {...ConversationQuery} queries
6179 * @return {ConversationQuery}
6180 */;
6181 ConversationQuery.and = function and() {
6182 for (var _len = arguments.length, queries = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
6183 queries[_key] = arguments[_key];
6184 }
6185 if (queries.length < 2) {
6186 throw new Error('The queries must contain at least two elements');
6187 }
6188 if (!queries.every(function (q) {
6189 return q instanceof ConversationQuery;
6190 })) {
6191 throw new Error('The element of queries must be an instance of ConversationQuery');
6192 }
6193 var combined = new ConversationQuery(queries[0]._client);
6194 combined._where.$and = queries.map(function (q) {
6195 return q._where;
6196 });
6197 return combined;
6198 }
6200 /**
6201 * 构造一个用 OR 连接所有查询的 ConversationQuery
6202 * @param {...ConversationQuery} queries
6203 * @return {ConversationQuery}
6204 */;
6205 ConversationQuery.or = function or() {
6206 var combined = ConversationQuery.and.apply(ConversationQuery, arguments);
6207 combined._where.$or = combined._where.$and;
6208 delete combined._where.$and;
6209 return combined;
6210 }
6212 /**
6213 * Create a ConversationQuery
6214 * @param {IMClient} client
6215 */;
6216 function ConversationQuery(client) {
6217 this._client = client;
6218 this._where = {};
6219 this._extraOptions = {};
6220 }
6221 var _proto = ConversationQuery.prototype;
6222 _proto._addCondition = function _addCondition(key, condition, value) {
6223 // Check if we already have a condition
6224 if (!this._where[key]) {
6225 this._where[key] = {};
6226 }
6227 this._where[key][condition] = this.constructor._encode(value);
6228 return this;
6229 };
6230 _proto.toJSON = function toJSON() {
6231 var json = {
6232 where: this._where,
6233 flag: this.constructor._calculateFlag(this._extraOptions)
6234 };
6235 if (typeof this._skip !== 'undefined') json.skip = this._skip;
6236 if (typeof this._limit !== 'undefined') json.limit = this._limit;
6237 if (typeof this._order !== 'undefined') json.sort = this._order;
6238 debug$9(json);
6239 return json;
6240 }
6242 /**
6243 * 增加查询条件,指定聊天室的组员包含某些成员即可返回
6244 * @param {string[]} peerIds - 成员 ID 列表
6245 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6246 */;
6247 _proto.containsMembers = function containsMembers(peerIds) {
6248 return this.containsAll('m', peerIds);
6249 }
6251 /**
6252 * 增加查询条件,指定聊天室的组员条件满足条件的才返回
6253 *
6254 * @param {string[]} - 成员 ID 列表
6255 * @param {Boolean} includeSelf - 是否包含自己
6256 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6257 */;
6258 _proto.withMembers = function withMembers(peerIds, includeSelf) {
6259 var peerIdsSet = new Set(peerIds);
6260 if (includeSelf) {
6261 peerIdsSet.add(this._client.id);
6262 }
6263 this.sizeEqualTo('m', peerIdsSet.size);
6264 return this.containsMembers(Array.from(peerIdsSet));
6265 }
6267 /**
6268 * 增加查询条件,当 conversation 的属性中对应的字段满足等于条件时即可返回
6269 *
6270 * @param {string} key
6271 * @param value
6272 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6273 */;
6274 _proto.equalTo = function equalTo(key, value) {
6275 this._where[key] = this.constructor._encode(value);
6276 return this;
6277 }
6279 /**
6280 * 增加查询条件,当 conversation 的属性中对应的字段满足小于条件时即可返回
6281 * @param {string} key
6282 * @param value
6283 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6284 */;
6285 _proto.lessThan = function lessThan(key, value) {
6286 return this._addCondition(key, '$lt', value);
6287 }
6289 /**
6290 * 增加查询条件,当 conversation 的属性中对应的字段满足小于等于条件时即可返回
6291 * @param {string} key
6292 * @param value
6293 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6294 */;
6295 _proto.lessThanOrEqualTo = function lessThanOrEqualTo(key, value) {
6296 return this._addCondition(key, '$lte', value);
6297 }
6299 /**
6300 * 增加查询条件,当 conversation 的属性中对应的字段满足大于条件时即可返回
6301 *
6302 * @param {string} key
6303 * @param value
6304 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6305 */;
6306 _proto.greaterThan = function greaterThan(key, value) {
6307 return this._addCondition(key, '$gt', value);
6308 }
6310 /**
6311 * 增加查询条件,当 conversation 的属性中对应的字段满足大于等于条件时即可返回
6312 *
6313 * @param {string} key
6314 * @param value
6315 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6316 */;
6317 _proto.greaterThanOrEqualTo = function greaterThanOrEqualTo(key, value) {
6318 return this._addCondition(key, '$gte', value);
6319 }
6321 /**
6322 * 增加查询条件,当 conversation 的属性中对应的字段满足不等于条件时即可返回
6323 *
6324 * @param {string} key
6325 * @param value
6326 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6327 */;
6328 _proto.notEqualTo = function notEqualTo(key, value) {
6329 return this._addCondition(key, '$ne', value);
6330 }
6332 /**
6333 * 增加查询条件,当 conversation 存在指定的字段时即可返回
6334 *
6335 * @since 3.5.0
6336 * @param {string} key
6337 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6338 */;
6339 _proto.exists = function exists(key) {
6340 return this._addCondition(key, '$exists', true);
6341 }
6343 /**
6344 * 增加查询条件,当 conversation 不存在指定的字段时即可返回
6345 *
6346 * @since 3.5.0
6347 * @param {string} key
6348 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6349 */;
6350 _proto.doesNotExist = function doesNotExist(key) {
6351 return this._addCondition(key, '$exists', false);
6352 }
6354 /**
6355 * 增加查询条件,当 conversation 的属性中对应的字段对应的值包含在指定值中时即可返回
6356 *
6357 * @param {string} key
6358 * @param values
6359 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6360 */;
6361 _proto.containedIn = function containedIn(key, values) {
6362 return this._addCondition(key, '$in', values);
6363 }
6365 /**
6366 * 增加查询条件,当 conversation 的属性中对应的字段对应的值不包含在指定值中时即可返回
6367 *
6368 * @param {string} key
6369 * @param values
6370 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6371 */;
6372 _proto.notContainsIn = function notContainsIn(key, values) {
6373 return this._addCondition(key, '$nin', values);
6374 }
6376 /**
6377 * 增加查询条件,当conversation的属性中对应的字段中的元素包含所有的值才可返回
6378 *
6379 * @param {string} key
6380 * @param values
6381 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6382 */;
6383 _proto.containsAll = function containsAll(key, values) {
6384 return this._addCondition(key, '$all', values);
6385 }
6387 /**
6388 * 增加查询条件,当 conversation 的属性中对应的字段对应的值包含此字符串即可返回
6389 *
6390 * @param {string} key
6391 * @param {string} subString
6392 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6393 */;
6394 _proto.contains = function contains(key, subString) {
6395 return this._addCondition(key, '$regex', ConversationQuery._quote(subString));
6396 }
6398 /**
6399 * 增加查询条件,当 conversation 的属性中对应的字段对应的值以此字符串起始即可返回
6400 *
6401 * @param {string} key
6402 * @param {string} prefix
6403 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6404 */;
6405 _proto.startsWith = function startsWith(key, prefix) {
6406 return this._addCondition(key, '$regex', "^".concat(ConversationQuery._quote(prefix)));
6407 }
6409 /**
6410 * 增加查询条件,当 conversation 的属性中对应的字段对应的值以此字符串结束即可返回
6411 *
6412 * @param {string} key
6413 * @param {string} suffix
6414 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6415 */;
6416 _proto.endsWith = function endsWith(key, suffix) {
6417 return this._addCondition(key, '$regex', "".concat(ConversationQuery._quote(suffix), "$"));
6418 }
6420 /**
6421 * 增加查询条件,当 conversation 的属性中对应的字段对应的值满足提供的正则表达式即可返回
6422 *
6423 * @param {string} key
6424 * @param {RegExp} regex
6425 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6426 */;
6427 _proto.matches = function matches(key, regex) {
6428 this._addCondition(key, '$regex', regex);
6429 // Javascript regex options support mig as inline options but store them
6430 // as properties of the object. We support mi & should migrate them to
6431 // modifiers
6432 var _modifiers = '';
6433 if (regex.ignoreCase) {
6434 _modifiers += 'i';
6435 }
6436 if (regex.multiline) {
6437 _modifiers += 'm';
6438 }
6439 if (_modifiers && _modifiers.length) {
6440 this._addCondition(key, '$options', _modifiers);
6441 }
6442 return this;
6443 }
6445 /**
6446 * 添加查询约束条件,查找 key 类型是数组,该数组的长度匹配提供的数值
6447 *
6448 * @param {string} key
6449 * @param {Number} length
6450 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6451 */;
6452 _proto.sizeEqualTo = function sizeEqualTo(key, length) {
6453 return this._addCondition(key, '$size', length);
6454 }
6456 /**
6457 * 设置返回集合的大小上限
6458 *
6459 * @param {Number} limit - 上限
6460 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6461 */;
6462 _proto.limit = function limit(_limit) {
6463 this._limit = _limit;
6464 return this;
6465 }
6467 /**
6468 * 设置返回集合的起始位置,一般用于分页
6469 *
6470 * @param {Number} skip - 起始位置跳过几个对象
6471 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6472 */;
6473 _proto.skip = function skip(_skip) {
6474 this._skip = _skip;
6475 return this;
6476 }
6478 /**
6479 * 设置返回集合按照指定key进行增序排列
6480 *
6481 * @param {string} key
6482 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6483 */;
6484 _proto.ascending = function ascending(key) {
6485 this._order = key;
6486 return this;
6487 }
6489 /**
6490 * 设置返回集合按照指定key进行增序排列,如果已设置其他排序,原排序的优先级较高
6491 *
6492 * @param {string} key
6493 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6494 */;
6495 _proto.addAscending = function addAscending(key) {
6496 if (this._order) {
6497 this._order += ",".concat(key);
6498 } else {
6499 this._order = key;
6500 }
6501 return this;
6502 }
6504 /**
6505 * 设置返回集合按照指定 key 进行降序排列
6506 *
6507 * @param {string} key
6508 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6509 */;
6510 _proto.descending = function descending(key) {
6511 this._order = "-".concat(key);
6512 return this;
6513 }
6515 /**
6516 * 设置返回集合按照指定 key 进行降序排列,如果已设置其他排序,原排序的优先级较高
6517 *
6518 * @param {string} key
6519 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6520 */;
6521 _proto.addDescending = function addDescending(key) {
6522 if (this._order) {
6523 this._order += ",-".concat(key);
6524 } else {
6525 this._order = "-".concat(key);
6526 }
6527 return this;
6528 }
6530 /**
6531 * 设置返回的 conversations 刷新最后一条消息
6532 * @param {Boolean} [enabled=true]
6533 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6534 */;
6535 _proto.withLastMessagesRefreshed = function withLastMessagesRefreshed() {
6536 var enabled = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true;
6537 this._extraOptions.withLastMessagesRefreshed = enabled;
6538 return this;
6539 }
6541 /**
6542 * 设置返回的 conversations 为精简模式,即不含成员列表
6543 * @param {Boolean} [enabled=true]
6544 * @return {ConversationQuery} self
6545 */;
6546 _proto.compact = function compact() {
6547 var enabled = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true;
6548 this._extraOptions.compact = enabled;
6549 return this;
6550 }
6552 /**
6553 * 执行查询
6554 * @return {Promise.<ConversationBase[]>}
6555 */;
6556 _proto.find =
6557 /*#__PURE__*/
6558 function () {
6559 var _find = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee() {
6560 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
6561 while (1) switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
6562 case 0:
6563 return _context.abrupt("return", this._client._executeQuery(this));
6564 case 1:
6565 case "end":
6566 return _context.stop();
6567 }
6568 }, _callee, this);
6569 }));
6570 function find() {
6571 return _find.apply(this, arguments);
6572 }
6573 return find;
6574 }()
6575 /**
6576 * 返回符合条件的第一个结果
6577 * @return {Promise.<ConversationBase>}
6578 */
6579 ;
6580 _proto.first =
6581 /*#__PURE__*/
6582 function () {
6583 var _first = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2() {
6584 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
6585 while (1) switch (_context2.prev = _context2.next) {
6586 case 0:
6587 _context2.next = 2;
6588 return this.limit(1).find();
6589 case 2:
6590 return _context2.abrupt("return", _context2.sent[0]);
6591 case 3:
6592 case "end":
6593 return _context2.stop();
6594 }
6595 }, _callee2, this);
6596 }));
6597 function first() {
6598 return _first.apply(this, arguments);
6599 }
6600 return first;
6601 }();
6602 return ConversationQuery;
6605var debug$a = d('LC:SessionManager');
6606var SessionManager = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
6607 function SessionManager() {
6608 var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},
6609 refresh = _ref.refresh,
6610 onBeforeGetSessionToken = _ref.onBeforeGetSessionToken;
6611 this.refresh = refresh;
6612 this._onBeforeGetSessionToken = onBeforeGetSessionToken;
6613 this.setSessionToken(null, 0);
6614 }
6615 var _proto = SessionManager.prototype;
6616 _proto.setSessionToken = function setSessionToken(token, ttl) {
6617 debug$a('set session token', token, ttl);
6618 var sessionToken = new Expirable(token, ttl * 1000);
6619 this._sessionToken = sessionToken;
6620 delete this._pendingSessionTokenPromise;
6621 return sessionToken;
6622 };
6623 _proto.setSessionTokenAsync = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
6624 var _setSessionTokenAsync = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(promise) {
6625 var _this = this;
6626 var currentSessionToken;
6627 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
6628 while (1) switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
6629 case 0:
6630 currentSessionToken = this._sessionToken;
6631 this._pendingSessionTokenPromise = promise["catch"](function (error) {
6632 // revert, otherwise the following getSessionToken calls
6633 // will all be rejected
6634 _this._sessionToken = currentSessionToken;
6635 throw error;
6636 });
6637 _context.t0 = this.setSessionToken;
6638 _context.t1 = this;
6639 _context.t2 = _toConsumableArray;
6640 _context.next = 7;
6641 return this._pendingSessionTokenPromise;
6642 case 7:
6643 _context.t3 = _context.sent;
6644 _context.t4 = (0, _context.t2)(_context.t3);
6645 return _context.abrupt("return", _context.t0.apply.call(_context.t0, _context.t1, _context.t4));
6646 case 10:
6647 case "end":
6648 return _context.stop();
6649 }
6650 }, _callee, this);
6651 }));
6652 function setSessionTokenAsync(_x) {
6653 return _setSessionTokenAsync.apply(this, arguments);
6654 }
6655 return setSessionTokenAsync;
6656 }();
6657 _proto.getSessionToken = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
6658 var _getSessionToken = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2() {
6659 var _ref2,
6660 _ref2$autoRefresh,
6661 autoRefresh,
6662 _ref3,
6663 value,
6664 originalValue,
6665 _yield$this$setSessio,
6666 newValue,
6667 _args2 = arguments;
6668 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
6669 while (1) switch (_context2.prev = _context2.next) {
6670 case 0:
6671 _ref2 = _args2.length > 0 && _args2[0] !== undefined ? _args2[0] : {}, _ref2$autoRefresh = _ref2.autoRefresh, autoRefresh = _ref2$autoRefresh === void 0 ? true : _ref2$autoRefresh;
6672 debug$a('get session token');
6673 if (this._onBeforeGetSessionToken) {
6674 this._onBeforeGetSessionToken(this);
6675 }
6676 _context2.t0 = this._sessionToken;
6677 if (_context2.t0) {
6678 _context2.next = 8;
6679 break;
6680 }
6681 _context2.next = 7;
6682 return this._pendingSessionTokenPromise;
6683 case 7:
6684 _context2.t0 = _context2.sent;
6685 case 8:
6686 _ref3 = _context2.t0;
6687 value = _ref3.value;
6688 originalValue = _ref3.originalValue;
6689 if (!(value === Expirable.EXPIRED && autoRefresh && this.refresh)) {
6690 _context2.next = 19;
6691 break;
6692 }
6693 debug$a('refresh expired session token');
6694 _context2.next = 15;
6695 return this.setSessionTokenAsync(this.refresh(this, originalValue));
6696 case 15:
6697 _yield$this$setSessio = _context2.sent;
6698 newValue = _yield$this$setSessio.value;
6699 debug$a('session token', newValue);
6700 return _context2.abrupt("return", newValue);
6701 case 19:
6702 debug$a('session token', value);
6703 return _context2.abrupt("return", value);
6704 case 21:
6705 case "end":
6706 return _context2.stop();
6707 }
6708 }, _callee2, this);
6709 }));
6710 function getSessionToken() {
6711 return _getSessionToken.apply(this, arguments);
6712 }
6713 return getSessionToken;
6714 }();
6715 _proto.revoke = function revoke() {
6716 if (this._sessionToken) this._sessionToken.expiredAt = -1;
6717 };
6718 return SessionManager;
6721var _excluded$3 = ["cmd", "op", "serverTs", "notificationType"],
6722 _excluded2$1 = ["headers", "query"],
6723 _excluded3 = ["data", "bin"],
6724 _excluded4 = ["id", "lastMessageAt", "lastMessage", "lastDeliveredAt", "lastReadAt", "unreadMessagesCount", "members", "mentioned"],
6725 _excluded5 = ["members", "name", "transient", "unique", "_tempConv", "_tempConvTTL"],
6726 _excluded6 = ["ttl"];
6727var _dec$2, _dec2, _class$3;
6728function ownKeys$8(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
6729function _objectSpread$8(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys$8(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$8(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
6730var debug$b = d('LC:IMClient');
6731var INVITED$1 = INVITED,
6740 MUTED$1 = MUTED,
6746 CLOSE$1 = CLOSE,
6753var isTemporaryConversatrionId = function isTemporaryConversatrionId(id) {
6754 return /^_tmp:/.test(id);
6758 * 1 patch-msg
6759 * 1 temp-conv-msg
6760 * 0 auto-bind-deviceid-and-installation
6761 * 1 transient-msg-ack
6762 * 1 keep-notification
6763 * 1 partial-failed-msg
6764 * 0 group-chat-rcp
6765 * 1 omit-peer-id
6766 * @ignore
6767 */
6768var configBitmap = 187;
6769var IMClient = (_dec$2 = throttle(1000), _dec2 = throttle(1000), (_class$3 = /*#__PURE__*/function (_EventEmitter) {
6770 _inheritsLoose(IMClient, _EventEmitter);
6771 /**
6772 * 无法直接实例化,请使用 {@link Realtime#createIMClient} 创建新的 IMClient。
6773 *
6774 * @extends EventEmitter
6775 */
6776 function IMClient(id) {
6777 var _this;
6778 var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
6779 var props = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
6780 if (!(id === undefined || typeof id === 'string')) {
6781 throw new TypeError("Client id [".concat(id, "] is not a String"));
6782 }
6783 _this = _EventEmitter.call(this) || this;
6784 Object.assign(_assertThisInitialized(_this), {
6785 /**
6786 * @var id {String} 客户端 id
6787 * @memberof IMClient#
6788 */
6789 id: id,
6790 options: options
6791 }, props);
6792 if (!_this._messageParser) {
6793 throw new Error('IMClient must be initialized with a MessageParser');
6794 }
6795 _this._conversationCache = new Cache("client:".concat(_this.id));
6796 _this._ackMessageBuffer = {};
6797 internal(_assertThisInitialized(_this)).lastPatchTime = Date.now();
6798 internal(_assertThisInitialized(_this)).lastNotificationTime = undefined;
6799 internal(_assertThisInitialized(_this))._eventemitter = new EventEmitter();
6800 if (debug$b.enabled) {
6801 values(IMEvent).forEach(function (event) {
6802 return _this.on(event, function () {
6803 for (var _len = arguments.length, payload = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
6804 payload[_key] = arguments[_key];
6805 }
6806 return _this._debug("".concat(event, " event emitted. %o"), payload);
6807 });
6808 });
6809 }
6810 // onIMClientCreate hook
6811 applyDecorators(_this._plugins.onIMClientCreate, _assertThisInitialized(_this));
6812 return _this;
6813 }
6814 var _proto = IMClient.prototype;
6815 _proto._debug = function _debug() {
6816 for (var _len2 = arguments.length, params = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
6817 params[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
6818 }
6819 debug$b.apply(void 0, params.concat(["[".concat(this.id, "]")]));
6820 }
6822 /**
6823 * @override
6824 * @private
6825 */;
6826 _proto._dispatchCommand =
6827 /*#__PURE__*/
6828 function () {
6829 var _dispatchCommand2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(command) {
6830 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
6831 while (1) switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
6832 case 0:
6833 this._debug(trim(command), 'received');
6834 if (command.serverTs && command.notificationType === 1) {
6835 internal(this).lastNotificationTime = getTime(decodeDate(command.serverTs));
6836 }
6837 _context.t0 = command.cmd;
6838 _context.next = _context.t0 === CommandType.conv ? 5 : _context.t0 === CommandType.direct ? 6 : _context.t0 === CommandType.session ? 7 : _context.t0 === CommandType.unread ? 8 : _context.t0 === CommandType.rcp ? 9 : _context.t0 === CommandType.patch ? 10 : 11;
6839 break;
6840 case 5:
6841 return _context.abrupt("return", this._dispatchConvMessage(command));
6842 case 6:
6843 return _context.abrupt("return", this._dispatchDirectMessage(command));
6844 case 7:
6845 return _context.abrupt("return", this._dispatchSessionMessage(command));
6846 case 8:
6847 return _context.abrupt("return", this._dispatchUnreadMessage(command));
6848 case 9:
6849 return _context.abrupt("return", this._dispatchRcpMessage(command));
6850 case 10:
6851 return _context.abrupt("return", this._dispatchPatchMessage(command));
6852 case 11:
6853 return _context.abrupt("return", this.emit(UNHANDLED_MESSAGE$1, command));
6854 case 12:
6855 case "end":
6856 return _context.stop();
6857 }
6858 }, _callee, this);
6859 }));
6860 function _dispatchCommand(_x) {
6861 return _dispatchCommand2.apply(this, arguments);
6862 }
6863 return _dispatchCommand;
6864 }();
6865 _proto._dispatchSessionMessage = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
6866 var _dispatchSessionMessage2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2(message) {
6867 var _message$sessionMessa, code, reason;
6868 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
6869 while (1) switch (_context2.prev = _context2.next) {
6870 case 0:
6871 _message$sessionMessa = message.sessionMessage, code = _message$sessionMessa.code, reason = _message$sessionMessa.reason;
6872 _context2.t0 = message.op;
6873 _context2.next = _context2.t0 === OpType.closed ? 4 : 8;
6874 break;
6875 case 4:
6876 internal(this)._eventemitter.emit('close');
6877 if (!(code === ErrorCode.SESSION_CONFLICT)) {
6878 _context2.next = 7;
6879 break;
6880 }
6881 return _context2.abrupt("return", this.emit(CONFLICT$1, {
6882 reason: reason
6883 }));
6884 case 7:
6885 return _context2.abrupt("return", this.emit(CLOSE$1, {
6886 code: code,
6887 reason: reason
6888 }));
6889 case 8:
6890 this.emit(UNHANDLED_MESSAGE$1, message);
6891 throw new Error('Unrecognized session command');
6892 case 10:
6893 case "end":
6894 return _context2.stop();
6895 }
6896 }, _callee2, this);
6897 }));
6898 function _dispatchSessionMessage(_x2) {
6899 return _dispatchSessionMessage2.apply(this, arguments);
6900 }
6901 return _dispatchSessionMessage;
6902 }();
6903 _proto._dispatchUnreadMessage = function _dispatchUnreadMessage(_ref) {
6904 var _this2 = this;
6905 var _ref$unreadMessage = _ref.unreadMessage,
6906 convs = _ref$unreadMessage.convs,
6907 notifTime = _ref$unreadMessage.notifTime;
6908 internal(this).lastUnreadNotifTime = notifTime;
6909 // ensure all converstions are cached
6910 return this.getConversations(convs.map(function (conv) {
6911 return conv.cid;
6912 })).then(function () {
6913 return (
6914 // update conversations data
6915 Promise.all(convs.map(function (_ref2) {
6916 var cid = _ref2.cid,
6917 unread = _ref2.unread,
6918 mid = _ref2.mid,
6919 ts = _ref2.timestamp,
6920 from = _ref2.from,
6921 data = _ref2.data,
6922 binaryMsg = _ref2.binaryMsg,
6923 patchTimestamp = _ref2.patchTimestamp,
6924 mentioned = _ref2.mentioned;
6925 var conversation = _this2._conversationCache.get(cid);
6926 // deleted conversation
6927 if (!conversation) return null;
6928 var timestamp;
6929 if (ts) {
6930 timestamp = decodeDate(ts);
6931 conversation.lastMessageAt = timestamp; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
6932 }
6934 return (mid ? _this2._messageParser.parse(binaryMsg || data).then(function (message) {
6935 var messageProps = {
6936 id: mid,
6937 cid: cid,
6938 timestamp: timestamp,
6939 updatedAt: patchTimestamp,
6940 from: from
6941 };
6942 Object.assign(message, messageProps);
6943 conversation.lastMessage = message; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
6944 }) : Promise.resolve()).then(function () {
6945 conversation._setUnreadMessagesMentioned(mentioned);
6946 var countNotUpdated = unread === internal(conversation).unreadMessagesCount;
6947 if (countNotUpdated) return null; // to be filtered
6948 // manipulate internal property directly to skip unreadmessagescountupdate event
6949 internal(conversation).unreadMessagesCount = unread;
6950 return conversation;
6951 });
6952 // filter conversations without unread count update
6953 })).then(function (conversations) {
6954 return conversations.filter(function (conversation) {
6955 return conversation;
6956 });
6957 })
6958 );
6959 }).then(function (conversations) {
6960 if (conversations.length) {
6961 /**
6962 * 未读消息数目更新
6964 * @since 3.4.0
6965 * @param {Conversation[]} conversations 未读消息数目有更新的对话列表
6966 */
6967 _this2.emit(UNREAD_MESSAGES_COUNT_UPDATE$1, conversations);
6968 }
6969 });
6970 };
6971 _proto._dispatchRcpMessage = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
6972 var _dispatchRcpMessage2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee3(message) {
6973 var rcpMessage, read, conversationId, messageId, timestamp, conversation;
6974 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee3$(_context3) {
6975 while (1) switch (_context3.prev = _context3.next) {
6976 case 0:
6977 rcpMessage = message.rcpMessage, read = message.rcpMessage.read;
6978 conversationId = rcpMessage.cid;
6979 messageId = rcpMessage.id;
6980 timestamp = decodeDate(rcpMessage.t);
6981 conversation = this._conversationCache.get(conversationId); // conversation not cached means the client does not send the message
6982 // during this session
6983 if (conversation) {
6984 _context3.next = 7;
6985 break;
6986 }
6987 return _context3.abrupt("return");
6988 case 7:
6989 conversation._handleReceipt({
6990 messageId: messageId,
6991 timestamp: timestamp,
6992 read: read
6993 });
6994 case 8:
6995 case "end":
6996 return _context3.stop();
6997 }
6998 }, _callee3, this);
6999 }));
7000 function _dispatchRcpMessage(_x3) {
7001 return _dispatchRcpMessage2.apply(this, arguments);
7002 }
7003 return _dispatchRcpMessage;
7004 }();
7005 _proto._dispatchPatchMessage = function _dispatchPatchMessage(_ref3) {
7006 var _this3 = this;
7007 var patches = _ref3.patchMessage.patches;
7008 // ensure all converstions are cached
7009 return this.getConversations(patches.map(function (patch) {
7010 return patch.cid;
7011 })).then(function () {
7012 return Promise.all(patches.map(function (_ref4) {
7013 var cid = _ref4.cid,
7014 mid = _ref4.mid,
7015 timestamp = _ref4.timestamp,
7016 recall = _ref4.recall,
7017 data = _ref4.data,
7018 patchTimestamp = _ref4.patchTimestamp,
7019 from = _ref4.from,
7020 binaryMsg = _ref4.binaryMsg,
7021 mentionAll = _ref4.mentionAll,
7022 mentionPids = _ref4.mentionPids,
7023 patchCode = _ref4.patchCode,
7024 patchReason = _ref4.patchReason;
7025 var conversation = _this3._conversationCache.get(cid);
7026 // deleted conversation
7027 if (!conversation) return null;
7028 return _this3._messageParser.parse(binaryMsg || data).then(function (message) {
7029 var patchTime = getTime(decodeDate(patchTimestamp));
7030 var messageProps = {
7031 id: mid,
7032 cid: cid,
7033 timestamp: timestamp,
7034 updatedAt: patchTime,
7035 from: from,
7036 mentionList: mentionPids,
7037 mentionedAll: mentionAll
7038 };
7039 Object.assign(message, messageProps);
7040 message._setStatus(MessageStatus.SENT);
7041 message._updateMentioned(_this3.id);
7042 if (internal(_this3).lastPatchTime < patchTime) {
7043 internal(_this3).lastPatchTime = patchTime;
7044 }
7045 // update conversation lastMessage
7046 if (conversation.lastMessage && conversation.lastMessage.id === mid) {
7047 conversation.lastMessage = message; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
7048 }
7050 var reason;
7051 if (patchCode) {
7052 reason = {
7053 code: patchCode.toNumber(),
7054 detail: patchReason
7055 };
7056 }
7057 if (recall) {
7058 /**
7059 * 消息被撤回
7060 * @event IMClient#MESSAGE_RECALL
7061 * @param {AVMessage} message 被撤回的消息
7062 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation 消息所在的会话
7063 * @param {PatchReason} [reason] 撤回的原因,不存在代表是发送者主动撤回
7064 */
7065 _this3.emit(MESSAGE_RECALL$1, message, conversation, reason);
7066 /**
7067 * 消息被撤回
7068 * @event ConversationBase#MESSAGE_RECALL
7069 * @param {AVMessage} message 被撤回的消息
7070 * @param {PatchReason} [reason] 撤回的原因,不存在代表是发送者主动撤回
7071 */
7072 conversation.emit(MESSAGE_RECALL$1, message, reason);
7073 } else {
7074 /**
7075 * 消息被修改
7076 * @event IMClient#MESSAGE_UPDATE
7077 * @param {AVMessage} message 被修改的消息
7078 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation 消息所在的会话
7079 * @param {PatchReason} [reason] 修改的原因,不存在代表是发送者主动修改
7080 */
7081 _this3.emit(MESSAGE_UPDATE$1, message, conversation, reason);
7082 /**
7083 * 消息被修改
7084 * @event ConversationBase#MESSAGE_UPDATE
7085 * @param {AVMessage} message 被修改的消息
7086 * @param {PatchReason} [reason] 修改的原因,不存在代表是发送者主动修改
7087 */
7088 conversation.emit(MESSAGE_UPDATE$1, message, reason);
7089 }
7090 });
7091 }));
7092 });
7093 };
7094 _proto._dispatchConvMessage = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
7095 var _dispatchConvMessage2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee4(message) {
7096 var convMessage, _message$convMessage, initBy, m, info, attr, conversation, payload, _payload, _payload2, _payload3, _payload4, _payload5, _payload6, _payload7, _payload8, _payload9, _payload10, _payload11, pid, role, _internal, memberInfoMap, memberInfo, _payload12, attributes, _payload13;
7097 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee4$(_context4) {
7098 while (1) switch (_context4.prev = _context4.next) {
7099 case 0:
7100 convMessage = message.convMessage, _message$convMessage = message.convMessage, initBy = _message$convMessage.initBy, m = _message$convMessage.m, info = _message$convMessage.info, attr = _message$convMessage.attr;
7101 _context4.next = 3;
7102 return this.getConversation(convMessage.cid);
7103 case 3:
7104 conversation = _context4.sent;
7105 _context4.t0 = message.op;
7106 _context4.next = _context4.t0 === OpType.joined ? 7 : _context4.t0 === OpType.left ? 12 : _context4.t0 === OpType.members_joined ? 17 : _context4.t0 === OpType.members_left ? 22 : _context4.t0 === OpType.members_blocked ? 27 : _context4.t0 === OpType.members_unblocked ? 31 : _context4.t0 === OpType.blocked ? 35 : _context4.t0 === OpType.unblocked ? 39 : _context4.t0 === OpType.members_shutuped ? 43 : _context4.t0 === OpType.members_unshutuped ? 47 : _context4.t0 === OpType.shutuped ? 51 : _context4.t0 === OpType.unshutuped ? 55 : _context4.t0 === OpType.member_info_changed ? 59 : _context4.t0 === OpType.updated ? 71 : 77;
7107 break;
7108 case 7:
7109 conversation._addMembers([this.id]);
7110 payload = {
7111 invitedBy: initBy
7112 };
7113 /**
7114 * 当前用户被添加至某个对话
7115 * @event IMClient#INVITED
7116 * @param {Object} payload
7117 * @param {String} payload.invitedBy 邀请者 id
7118 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation
7119 */
7120 this.emit(INVITED$1, payload, conversation);
7121 /**
7122 * 当前用户被添加至当前对话
7123 * @event ConversationBase#INVITED
7124 * @param {Object} payload
7125 * @param {String} payload.invitedBy 该移除操作的发起者 id
7126 */
7127 conversation.emit(INVITED$1, payload);
7128 return _context4.abrupt("return");
7129 case 12:
7130 conversation._removeMembers([this.id]);
7131 _payload = {
7132 kickedBy: initBy
7133 };
7134 /**
7135 * 当前用户被从某个对话中移除
7136 * @event IMClient#KICKED
7137 * @param {Object} payload
7138 * @param {String} payload.kickedBy 该移除操作的发起者 id
7139 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation
7140 */
7141 this.emit(KICKED$1, _payload, conversation);
7142 /**
7143 * 当前用户被从当前对话中移除
7144 * @event ConversationBase#KICKED
7145 * @param {Object} payload
7146 * @param {String} payload.kickedBy 该移除操作的发起者 id
7147 */
7148 conversation.emit(KICKED$1, _payload);
7149 return _context4.abrupt("return");
7150 case 17:
7151 conversation._addMembers(m);
7152 _payload2 = {
7153 invitedBy: initBy,
7154 members: m
7155 };
7156 /**
7157 * 有用户被添加至某个对话
7158 * @event IMClient#MEMBERS_JOINED
7159 * @param {Object} payload
7160 * @param {String[]} payload.members 被添加的用户 id 列表
7161 * @param {String} payload.invitedBy 邀请者 id
7162 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation
7163 */
7164 this.emit(MEMBERS_JOINED$1, _payload2, conversation);
7165 /**
7166 * 有成员被添加至当前对话
7167 * @event ConversationBase#MEMBERS_JOINED
7168 * @param {Object} payload
7169 * @param {String[]} payload.members 被添加的成员 id 列表
7170 * @param {String} payload.invitedBy 邀请者 id
7171 */
7172 conversation.emit(MEMBERS_JOINED$1, _payload2);
7173 return _context4.abrupt("return");
7174 case 22:
7175 conversation._removeMembers(m);
7176 _payload3 = {
7177 kickedBy: initBy,
7178 members: m
7179 };
7180 /**
7181 * 有成员被从某个对话中移除
7182 * @event IMClient#MEMBERS_LEFT
7183 * @param {Object} payload
7184 * @param {String[]} payload.members 被移除的成员 id 列表
7185 * @param {String} payload.kickedBy 该移除操作的发起者 id
7186 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation
7187 */
7188 this.emit(MEMBERS_LEFT$1, _payload3, conversation);
7189 /**
7190 * 有成员被从当前对话中移除
7191 * @event ConversationBase#MEMBERS_LEFT
7192 * @param {Object} payload
7193 * @param {String[]} payload.members 被移除的成员 id 列表
7194 * @param {String} payload.kickedBy 该移除操作的发起者 id
7195 */
7196 conversation.emit(MEMBERS_LEFT$1, _payload3);
7197 return _context4.abrupt("return");
7198 case 27:
7199 _payload4 = {
7200 blockedBy: initBy,
7201 members: m
7202 };
7203 /**
7204 * 有成员被加入某个对话的黑名单
7205 * @event IMClient#MEMBERS_BLOCKED
7206 * @param {Object} payload
7207 * @param {String[]} payload.members 成员 id 列表
7208 * @param {String} payload.blockedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7209 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation
7210 */
7211 this.emit(MEMBERS_BLOCKED$1, _payload4, conversation);
7212 /**
7213 * 有成员被加入当前对话的黑名单
7214 * @event ConversationBase#MEMBERS_BLOCKED
7215 * @param {Object} payload
7216 * @param {String[]} payload.members 成员 id 列表
7217 * @param {String} payload.blockedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7218 */
7219 conversation.emit(MEMBERS_BLOCKED$1, _payload4);
7220 return _context4.abrupt("return");
7221 case 31:
7222 _payload5 = {
7223 unblockedBy: initBy,
7224 members: m
7225 };
7226 /**
7227 * 有成员被移出某个对话的黑名单
7228 * @event IMClient#MEMBERS_UNBLOCKED
7229 * @param {Object} payload
7230 * @param {String[]} payload.members 成员 id 列表
7231 * @param {String} payload.unblockedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7232 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation
7233 */
7234 this.emit(MEMBERS_UNBLOCKED$1, _payload5, conversation);
7235 /**
7236 * 有成员被移出当前对话的黑名单
7237 * @event ConversationBase#MEMBERS_UNBLOCKED
7238 * @param {Object} payload
7239 * @param {String[]} payload.members 成员 id 列表
7240 * @param {String} payload.unblockedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7241 */
7242 conversation.emit(MEMBERS_UNBLOCKED$1, _payload5);
7243 return _context4.abrupt("return");
7244 case 35:
7245 _payload6 = {
7246 blockedBy: initBy
7247 };
7248 /**
7249 * 当前用户被加入某个对话的黑名单
7250 * @event IMClient#BLOCKED
7251 * @param {Object} payload
7252 * @param {String} payload.blockedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7253 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation
7254 */
7255 this.emit(BLOCKED$1, _payload6, conversation);
7256 /**
7257 * 当前用户被加入当前对话的黑名单
7258 * @event ConversationBase#BLOCKED
7259 * @param {Object} payload
7260 * @param {String} payload.blockedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7261 */
7262 conversation.emit(BLOCKED$1, _payload6);
7263 return _context4.abrupt("return");
7264 case 39:
7265 _payload7 = {
7266 unblockedBy: initBy
7267 };
7268 /**
7269 * 当前用户被移出某个对话的黑名单
7270 * @event IMClient#UNBLOCKED
7271 * @param {Object} payload
7272 * @param {String} payload.unblockedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7273 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation
7274 */
7275 this.emit(UNBLOCKED$1, _payload7, conversation);
7276 /**
7277 * 当前用户被移出当前对话的黑名单
7278 * @event ConversationBase#UNBLOCKED
7279 * @param {Object} payload
7280 * @param {String} payload.unblockedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7281 */
7282 conversation.emit(UNBLOCKED$1, _payload7);
7283 return _context4.abrupt("return");
7284 case 43:
7285 _payload8 = {
7286 mutedBy: initBy,
7287 members: m
7288 };
7289 /**
7290 * 有成员在某个对话中被禁言
7291 * @event IMClient#MEMBERS_MUTED
7292 * @param {Object} payload
7293 * @param {String[]} payload.members 成员 id 列表
7294 * @param {String} payload.mutedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7295 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation
7296 */
7297 this.emit(MEMBERS_MUTED$1, _payload8, conversation);
7298 /**
7299 * 有成员在当前对话中被禁言
7300 * @event ConversationBase#MEMBERS_MUTED
7301 * @param {Object} payload
7302 * @param {String[]} payload.members 成员 id 列表
7303 * @param {String} payload.mutedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7304 */
7305 conversation.emit(MEMBERS_MUTED$1, _payload8);
7306 return _context4.abrupt("return");
7307 case 47:
7308 _payload9 = {
7309 unmutedBy: initBy,
7310 members: m
7311 };
7312 /**
7313 * 有成员在某个对话中被解除禁言
7314 * @event IMClient#MEMBERS_UNMUTED
7315 * @param {Object} payload
7316 * @param {String[]} payload.members 成员 id 列表
7317 * @param {String} payload.unmutedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7318 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation
7319 */
7320 this.emit(MEMBERS_UNMUTED$1, _payload9, conversation);
7321 /**
7322 * 有成员在当前对话中被解除禁言
7323 * @event ConversationBase#MEMBERS_UNMUTED
7324 * @param {Object} payload
7325 * @param {String[]} payload.members 成员 id 列表
7326 * @param {String} payload.unmutedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7327 */
7328 conversation.emit(MEMBERS_UNMUTED$1, _payload9);
7329 return _context4.abrupt("return");
7330 case 51:
7331 _payload10 = {
7332 mutedBy: initBy
7333 };
7334 /**
7335 * 有成员在某个对话中被禁言
7336 * @event IMClient#MUTED
7337 * @param {Object} payload
7338 * @param {String} payload.mutedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7339 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation
7340 */
7341 this.emit(MUTED$1, _payload10, conversation);
7342 /**
7343 * 有成员在当前对话中被禁言
7344 * @event ConversationBase#MUTED
7345 * @param {Object} payload
7346 * @param {String} payload.mutedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7347 */
7348 conversation.emit(MUTED$1, _payload10);
7349 return _context4.abrupt("return");
7350 case 55:
7351 _payload11 = {
7352 unmutedBy: initBy
7353 };
7354 /**
7355 * 有成员在某个对话中被解除禁言
7356 * @event IMClient#UNMUTED
7357 * @param {Object} payload
7358 * @param {String} payload.unmutedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7359 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation
7360 */
7361 this.emit(UNMUTED$1, _payload11, conversation);
7362 /**
7363 * 有成员在当前对话中被解除禁言
7364 * @event ConversationBase#UNMUTED
7365 * @param {Object} payload
7366 * @param {String} payload.unmutedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7367 */
7368 conversation.emit(UNMUTED$1, _payload11);
7369 return _context4.abrupt("return");
7370 case 59:
7371 pid = info.pid, role = info.role;
7372 _internal = internal(conversation), memberInfoMap = _internal.memberInfoMap; // 如果不存在缓存,且不是 role 的更新,则不通知
7373 if (!(!memberInfoMap && !role)) {
7374 _context4.next = 63;
7375 break;
7376 }
7377 return _context4.abrupt("return");
7378 case 63:
7379 _context4.next = 65;
7380 return conversation.getMemberInfo(pid);
7381 case 65:
7382 memberInfo = _context4.sent;
7383 internal(memberInfo).role = role;
7384 _payload12 = {
7385 member: pid,
7386 memberInfo: memberInfo,
7387 updatedBy: initBy
7388 };
7389 /**
7390 * 有成员的对话信息被更新
7391 * @event IMClient#MEMBER_INFO_UPDATED
7392 * @param {Object} payload
7393 * @param {String} payload.member 被更新对话信息的成员 id
7394 * @param {ConversationMumberInfo} payload.memberInfo 被更新的成员对话信息
7395 * @param {String} payload.updatedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7396 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation
7397 */
7398 this.emit(MEMBER_INFO_UPDATED$1, _payload12, conversation);
7399 /**
7400 * 有成员的对话信息被更新
7401 * @event ConversationBase#MEMBER_INFO_UPDATED
7402 * @param {Object} payload
7403 * @param {String} payload.member 被更新对话信息的成员 id
7404 * @param {ConversationMumberInfo} payload.memberInfo 被更新的成员对话信息
7405 * @param {String} payload.updatedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7406 */
7407 conversation.emit(MEMBER_INFO_UPDATED$1, _payload12);
7408 return _context4.abrupt("return");
7409 case 71:
7410 attributes = decode(JSON.parse(attr.data));
7411 conversation._updateServerAttributes(attributes);
7412 _payload13 = {
7413 attributes: attributes,
7414 updatedBy: initBy
7415 };
7416 /**
7417 * 该对话信息被更新
7419 * @param {Object} payload
7420 * @param {Object} payload.attributes 被更新的属性
7421 * @param {String} payload.updatedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7422 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation
7423 */
7424 this.emit(CONVERSATION_INFO_UPDATED$1, _payload13, conversation);
7425 /**
7426 * 有对话信息被更新
7427 * @event ConversationBase#INFO_UPDATED
7428 * @param {Object} payload
7429 * @param {Object} payload.attributes 被更新的属性
7430 * @param {String} payload.updatedBy 该操作的发起者 id
7431 */
7432 conversation.emit(INFO_UPDATED$1, _payload13);
7433 return _context4.abrupt("return");
7434 case 77:
7435 this.emit(UNHANDLED_MESSAGE$1, message);
7436 throw new Error('Unrecognized conversation command');
7437 case 79:
7438 case "end":
7439 return _context4.stop();
7440 }
7441 }, _callee4, this);
7442 }));
7443 function _dispatchConvMessage(_x4) {
7444 return _dispatchConvMessage2.apply(this, arguments);
7445 }
7446 return _dispatchConvMessage;
7447 }();
7448 _proto._dispatchDirectMessage = function _dispatchDirectMessage(originalMessage) {
7449 var _this4 = this;
7450 var directMessage = originalMessage.directMessage,
7451 _originalMessage$dire = originalMessage.directMessage,
7452 id = _originalMessage$dire.id,
7453 cid = _originalMessage$dire.cid,
7454 fromPeerId = _originalMessage$dire.fromPeerId,
7455 timestamp = _originalMessage$dire.timestamp,
7456 _transient = _originalMessage$dire["transient"],
7457 patchTimestamp = _originalMessage$dire.patchTimestamp,
7458 mentionPids = _originalMessage$dire.mentionPids,
7459 mentionAll = _originalMessage$dire.mentionAll,
7460 binaryMsg = _originalMessage$dire.binaryMsg,
7461 msg = _originalMessage$dire.msg;
7462 var content = binaryMsg ? binaryMsg.toArrayBuffer() : msg;
7463 return Promise.all([this.getConversation(directMessage.cid), this._messageParser.parse(content)]).then(function (_ref5) {
7464 var _ref6 = _slicedToArray(_ref5, 2),
7465 conversation = _ref6[0],
7466 message = _ref6[1];
7467 // deleted conversation
7468 if (!conversation) return undefined;
7469 var messageProps = {
7470 id: id,
7471 cid: cid,
7472 timestamp: timestamp,
7473 updatedAt: patchTimestamp,
7474 from: fromPeerId,
7475 mentionList: mentionPids,
7476 mentionedAll: mentionAll
7477 };
7478 Object.assign(message, messageProps);
7479 message._updateMentioned(_this4.id);
7480 message._setStatus(MessageStatus.SENT);
7481 // filter outgoing message sent from another device
7482 if (message.from !== _this4.id) {
7483 if (!(_transient || conversation["transient"])) {
7484 _this4._sendAck(message);
7485 }
7486 }
7487 return _this4._dispatchParsedMessage(message, conversation);
7488 });
7489 };
7490 _proto._dispatchParsedMessage = function _dispatchParsedMessage(message, conversation) {
7491 var _this5 = this;
7492 // beforeMessageDispatch hook
7493 return applyDispatcher(this._plugins.beforeMessageDispatch, [message, conversation]).then(function (shouldDispatch) {
7494 if (shouldDispatch === false) return;
7495 conversation.lastMessage = message; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
7496 conversation.lastMessageAt = message.timestamp; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
7497 // filter outgoing message sent from another device
7498 if (message.from !== _this5.id) {
7499 conversation.unreadMessagesCount += 1; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
7500 if (message.mentioned) conversation._setUnreadMessagesMentioned(true);
7501 }
7502 /**
7503 * 当前用户收到消息
7504 * @event IMClient#MESSAGE
7505 * @param {Message} message
7506 * @param {ConversationBase} conversation 收到消息的对话
7507 */
7508 _this5.emit(MESSAGE$2, message, conversation);
7509 /**
7510 * 当前对话收到消息
7511 * @event ConversationBase#MESSAGE
7512 * @param {Message} message
7513 */
7514 conversation.emit(MESSAGE$2, message);
7515 });
7516 };
7517 _proto._sendAck = function _sendAck(message) {
7518 this._debug('send ack for %O', message);
7519 var cid = message.cid;
7520 if (!cid) {
7521 throw new Error('missing cid');
7522 }
7523 if (!this._ackMessageBuffer[cid]) {
7524 this._ackMessageBuffer[cid] = [];
7525 }
7526 this._ackMessageBuffer[cid].push(message);
7527 return this._doSendAck();
7528 }
7530 // jsdoc-ignore-start
7531 ;
7532 _proto.
7533 // jsdoc-ignore-end
7534 _doSendAck = function _doSendAck() {
7535 var _this6 = this;
7536 // if not connected, just skip everything
7537 if (!this._connection.is('connected')) return;
7538 this._debug('do send ack %O', this._ackMessageBuffer);
7539 Promise.all(Object.keys(this._ackMessageBuffer).map(function (cid) {
7540 var convAckMessages = _this6._ackMessageBuffer[cid];
7541 var timestamps = convAckMessages.map(function (message) {
7542 return message.timestamp;
7543 });
7544 var command = new GenericCommand({
7545 cmd: 'ack',
7546 ackMessage: new AckCommand({
7547 cid: cid,
7548 fromts: Math.min.apply(null, timestamps),
7549 tots: Math.max.apply(null, timestamps)
7550 })
7551 });
7552 delete _this6._ackMessageBuffer[cid];
7553 return _this6._send(command, false)["catch"](function (error) {
7554 _this6._debug('send ack failed: %O', error);
7555 _this6._ackMessageBuffer[cid] = convAckMessages;
7556 });
7557 }));
7558 };
7559 _proto._omitPeerId = function _omitPeerId(value) {
7560 internal(this).peerIdOmittable = value;
7561 };
7562 _proto._send = function _send(cmd) {
7563 var _this$_connection;
7564 var command = cmd;
7565 if (!internal(this).peerIdOmittable && this.id) {
7566 command.peerId = this.id;
7567 }
7568 for (var _len3 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len3 > 1 ? _len3 - 1 : 0), _key3 = 1; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) {
7569 args[_key3 - 1] = arguments[_key3];
7570 }
7571 return (_this$_connection = this._connection).send.apply(_this$_connection, [command].concat(args));
7572 };
7573 _proto._open = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
7574 var _open2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee5(appId, tag, deviceId) {
7575 var isReconnect,
7576 _internal2,
7577 lastUnreadNotifTime,
7578 lastPatchTime,
7579 lastNotificationTime,
7580 command,
7581 signatureResult,
7582 sessionToken,
7583 resCommand,
7584 _resCommand,
7585 peerId,
7586 sessionMessage,
7587 _resCommand$sessionMe,
7588 token,
7589 tokenTTL,
7590 code,
7591 serverTs,
7592 serverTime,
7593 _args5 = arguments;
7594 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee5$(_context5) {
7595 while (1) switch (_context5.prev = _context5.next) {
7596 case 0:
7597 isReconnect = _args5.length > 3 && _args5[3] !== undefined ? _args5[3] : false;
7598 this._debug('open session');
7599 _internal2 = internal(this), lastUnreadNotifTime = _internal2.lastUnreadNotifTime, lastPatchTime = _internal2.lastPatchTime, lastNotificationTime = _internal2.lastNotificationTime;
7600 command = new GenericCommand({
7601 cmd: 'session',
7602 op: 'open',
7603 appId: appId,
7604 peerId: this.id,
7605 sessionMessage: new SessionCommand({
7606 ua: "js/".concat(version),
7607 r: isReconnect,
7608 lastUnreadNotifTime: lastUnreadNotifTime,
7609 lastPatchTime: lastPatchTime,
7610 configBitmap: configBitmap
7611 })
7612 });
7613 if (isReconnect) {
7614 _context5.next = 13;
7615 break;
7616 }
7617 Object.assign(command.sessionMessage, trim({
7618 tag: tag,
7619 deviceId: deviceId
7620 }));
7621 if (!this.options.signatureFactory) {
7622 _context5.next = 11;
7623 break;
7624 }
7625 _context5.next = 9;
7626 return runSignatureFactory(this.options.signatureFactory, [this._identity]);
7627 case 9:
7628 signatureResult = _context5.sent;
7629 Object.assign(command.sessionMessage, keyRemap({
7630 signature: 's',
7631 timestamp: 't',
7632 nonce: 'n'
7633 }, signatureResult));
7634 case 11:
7635 _context5.next = 17;
7636 break;
7637 case 13:
7638 _context5.next = 15;
7639 return this._sessionManager.getSessionToken({
7640 autoRefresh: false
7641 });
7642 case 15:
7643 sessionToken = _context5.sent;
7644 if (sessionToken && sessionToken !== Expirable.EXPIRED) {
7645 Object.assign(command.sessionMessage, {
7646 st: sessionToken
7647 });
7648 }
7649 case 17:
7650 _context5.prev = 17;
7651 _context5.next = 20;
7652 return this._send(command);
7653 case 20:
7654 resCommand = _context5.sent;
7655 _context5.next = 32;
7656 break;
7657 case 23:
7658 _context5.prev = 23;
7659 _context5.t0 = _context5["catch"](17);
7660 if (!(_context5.t0.code === ErrorCode.SESSION_TOKEN_EXPIRED)) {
7661 _context5.next = 31;
7662 break;
7663 }
7664 if (this._sessionManager) {
7665 _context5.next = 28;
7666 break;
7667 }
7668 throw new Error('Unexpected session expiration');
7669 case 28:
7670 debug$b('Session token expired, reopening');
7671 this._sessionManager.revoke();
7672 return _context5.abrupt("return", this._open(appId, tag, deviceId, isReconnect));
7673 case 31:
7674 throw _context5.t0;
7675 case 32:
7676 _resCommand = resCommand, peerId = _resCommand.peerId, sessionMessage = _resCommand.sessionMessage, _resCommand$sessionMe = _resCommand.sessionMessage, token = _resCommand$sessionMe.st, tokenTTL = _resCommand$sessionMe.stTtl, code = _resCommand$sessionMe.code, serverTs = _resCommand.serverTs;
7677 if (!code) {
7678 _context5.next = 35;
7679 break;
7680 }
7681 throw createError(sessionMessage);
7682 case 35:
7683 if (peerId) {
7684 this.id = peerId;
7685 if (!this._identity) this._identity = peerId;
7686 if (token) {
7687 this._sessionManager = this._sessionManager || this._createSessionManager();
7688 this._sessionManager.setSessionToken(token, tokenTTL);
7689 }
7690 serverTime = getTime(decodeDate(serverTs));
7691 if (serverTs) {
7692 internal(this).lastPatchTime = serverTime;
7693 }
7694 if (lastNotificationTime) {
7695 // Do not await for it as this is failable
7696 this._syncNotifications(lastNotificationTime)["catch"](function (error) {
7697 return console.warn('Syncing notifications failed:', error);
7698 });
7699 } else {
7700 // Set timestamp to now for next reconnection
7701 internal(this).lastNotificationTime = serverTime;
7702 }
7703 } else {
7704 console.warn('Unexpected session opened without peerId.');
7705 }
7706 return _context5.abrupt("return", undefined);
7707 case 37:
7708 case "end":
7709 return _context5.stop();
7710 }
7711 }, _callee5, this, [[17, 23]]);
7712 }));
7713 function _open(_x5, _x6, _x7) {
7714 return _open2.apply(this, arguments);
7715 }
7716 return _open;
7717 }();
7718 _proto._syncNotifications = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
7719 var _syncNotifications2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee6(timestamp) {
7720 var _this7 = this;
7721 var _yield$this$_fetchNot, hasMore, notifications;
7722 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee6$(_context6) {
7723 while (1) switch (_context6.prev = _context6.next) {
7724 case 0:
7725 _context6.next = 2;
7726 return this._fetchNotifications(timestamp);
7727 case 2:
7728 _yield$this$_fetchNot = _context6.sent;
7729 hasMore = _yield$this$_fetchNot.hasMore;
7730 notifications = _yield$this$_fetchNot.notifications;
7731 notifications.forEach(function (notification) {
7732 var cmd = notification.cmd,
7733 op = notification.op,
7734 serverTs = notification.serverTs,
7735 notificationType = notification.notificationType,
7736 payload = _objectWithoutProperties(notification, _excluded$3);
7737 _this7._dispatchCommand(_defineProperty({
7738 cmd: CommandType[cmd],
7739 op: OpType[op],
7740 serverTs: serverTs,
7741 notificationType: notificationType
7742 }, "".concat(cmd, "Message"), payload));
7743 });
7744 if (!hasMore) {
7745 _context6.next = 8;
7746 break;
7747 }
7748 return _context6.abrupt("return", this._syncNotifications(internal(this).lastNotificationTime));
7749 case 8:
7750 return _context6.abrupt("return", undefined);
7751 case 9:
7752 case "end":
7753 return _context6.stop();
7754 }
7755 }, _callee6, this);
7756 }));
7757 function _syncNotifications(_x8) {
7758 return _syncNotifications2.apply(this, arguments);
7759 }
7760 return _syncNotifications;
7761 }();
7762 _proto._fetchNotifications = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
7763 var _fetchNotifications2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee7(timestamp) {
7764 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee7$(_context7) {
7765 while (1) switch (_context7.prev = _context7.next) {
7766 case 0:
7767 return _context7.abrupt("return", this._requestWithSessionToken({
7768 method: 'GET',
7769 path: '/rtm/notifications',
7770 query: {
7771 start_ts: timestamp,
7772 notification_type: 'permanent'
7773 }
7774 }));
7775 case 1:
7776 case "end":
7777 return _context7.stop();
7778 }
7779 }, _callee7, this);
7780 }));
7781 function _fetchNotifications(_x9) {
7782 return _fetchNotifications2.apply(this, arguments);
7783 }
7784 return _fetchNotifications;
7785 }();
7786 _proto._createSessionManager = function _createSessionManager() {
7787 var _this8 = this;
7788 debug$b('create SessionManager');
7789 return new SessionManager({
7790 onBeforeGetSessionToken: this._connection.checkConnectionAvailability.bind(this._connection),
7791 refresh: function refresh(manager, expiredSessionToken) {
7792 return manager.setSessionTokenAsync(Promise.resolve(new GenericCommand({
7793 cmd: 'session',
7794 op: 'refresh',
7795 sessionMessage: new SessionCommand({
7796 ua: "js/".concat(version),
7797 st: expiredSessionToken
7798 })
7799 })).then( /*#__PURE__*/function () {
7800 var _ref7 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee8(command) {
7801 var signatureResult;
7802 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee8$(_context8) {
7803 while (1) switch (_context8.prev = _context8.next) {
7804 case 0:
7805 if (!_this8.options.signatureFactory) {
7806 _context8.next = 5;
7807 break;
7808 }
7809 _context8.next = 3;
7810 return runSignatureFactory(_this8.options.signatureFactory, [_this8._identity]);
7811 case 3:
7812 signatureResult = _context8.sent;
7813 Object.assign(command.sessionMessage, keyRemap({
7814 signature: 's',
7815 timestamp: 't',
7816 nonce: 'n'
7817 }, signatureResult));
7818 case 5:
7819 return _context8.abrupt("return", command);
7820 case 6:
7821 case "end":
7822 return _context8.stop();
7823 }
7824 }, _callee8);
7825 }));
7826 return function (_x10) {
7827 return _ref7.apply(this, arguments);
7828 };
7829 }()).then(_this8._send.bind(_this8)).then(function (_ref8) {
7830 var _ref8$sessionMessage = _ref8.sessionMessage,
7831 token = _ref8$sessionMessage.st,
7832 ttl = _ref8$sessionMessage.stTtl;
7833 return [token, ttl];
7834 }));
7835 }
7836 });
7837 };
7838 _proto._requestWithSessionToken = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
7839 var _requestWithSessionToken2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee9(_ref9) {
7840 var headers, query, params, sessionToken;
7841 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee9$(_context9) {
7842 while (1) switch (_context9.prev = _context9.next) {
7843 case 0:
7844 headers = _ref9.headers, query = _ref9.query, params = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref9, _excluded2$1);
7845 _context9.next = 3;
7846 return this._sessionManager.getSessionToken();
7847 case 3:
7848 sessionToken = _context9.sent;
7849 return _context9.abrupt("return", this._request(_objectSpread$8({
7850 headers: _objectSpread$8({
7851 'X-LC-IM-Session-Token': sessionToken
7852 }, headers),
7853 query: _objectSpread$8({
7854 client_id: this.id
7855 }, query)
7856 }, params)));
7857 case 5:
7858 case "end":
7859 return _context9.stop();
7860 }
7861 }, _callee9, this);
7862 }));
7863 function _requestWithSessionToken(_x11) {
7864 return _requestWithSessionToken2.apply(this, arguments);
7865 }
7866 return _requestWithSessionToken;
7867 }()
7868 /**
7869 * 关闭客户端
7870 * @return {Promise}
7871 */
7872 ;
7873 _proto.close =
7874 /*#__PURE__*/
7875 function () {
7876 var _close = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee10() {
7877 var _ee, command;
7878 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee10$(_context10) {
7879 while (1) switch (_context10.prev = _context10.next) {
7880 case 0:
7881 this._debug('close session');
7882 _ee = internal(this)._eventemitter;
7883 _ee.emit('beforeclose');
7884 if (!this._connection.is('connected')) {
7885 _context10.next = 7;
7886 break;
7887 }
7888 command = new GenericCommand({
7889 cmd: 'session',
7890 op: 'close'
7891 });
7892 _context10.next = 7;
7893 return this._send(command);
7894 case 7:
7895 _ee.emit('close');
7896 this.emit(CLOSE$1, {
7897 code: 0
7898 });
7899 case 9:
7900 case "end":
7901 return _context10.stop();
7902 }
7903 }, _callee10, this);
7904 }));
7905 function close() {
7906 return _close.apply(this, arguments);
7907 }
7908 return close;
7909 }()
7910 /**
7911 * 获取 client 列表中在线的 client,每次查询最多 20 个 clientId,超出部分会被忽略
7912 * @param {String[]} clientIds 要查询的 client ids
7913 * @return {Primse.<String[]>} 在线的 client ids
7914 */
7915 ;
7916 _proto.ping =
7917 /*#__PURE__*/
7918 function () {
7919 var _ping = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee11(clientIds) {
7920 var command, resCommand;
7921 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee11$(_context11) {
7922 while (1) switch (_context11.prev = _context11.next) {
7923 case 0:
7924 this._debug('ping');
7925 if (clientIds instanceof Array) {
7926 _context11.next = 3;
7927 break;
7928 }
7929 throw new TypeError("clientIds ".concat(clientIds, " is not an Array"));
7930 case 3:
7931 if (clientIds.length) {
7932 _context11.next = 5;
7933 break;
7934 }
7935 return _context11.abrupt("return", Promise.resolve([]));
7936 case 5:
7937 command = new GenericCommand({
7938 cmd: 'session',
7939 op: 'query',
7940 sessionMessage: new SessionCommand({
7941 sessionPeerIds: clientIds
7942 })
7943 });
7944 _context11.next = 8;
7945 return this._send(command);
7946 case 8:
7947 resCommand = _context11.sent;
7948 return _context11.abrupt("return", resCommand.sessionMessage.onlineSessionPeerIds);
7949 case 10:
7950 case "end":
7951 return _context11.stop();
7952 }
7953 }, _callee11, this);
7954 }));
7955 function ping(_x12) {
7956 return _ping.apply(this, arguments);
7957 }
7958 return ping;
7959 }()
7960 /**
7961 * 获取某个特定的对话
7962 * @param {String} id 对话 id,对应 _Conversation 表中的 objectId
7963 * @param {Boolean} [noCache=false] 强制不从缓存中获取
7964 * @return {Promise.<ConversationBase>} 如果 id 对应的对话不存在则返回 null
7965 */
7966 ;
7967 _proto.getConversation =
7968 /*#__PURE__*/
7969 function () {
7970 var _getConversation = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee12(id) {
7971 var noCache,
7972 cachedConversation,
7973 _args12 = arguments;
7974 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee12$(_context12) {
7975 while (1) switch (_context12.prev = _context12.next) {
7976 case 0:
7977 noCache = _args12.length > 1 && _args12[1] !== undefined ? _args12[1] : false;
7978 if (!(typeof id !== 'string')) {
7979 _context12.next = 3;
7980 break;
7981 }
7982 throw new TypeError("".concat(id, " is not a String"));
7983 case 3:
7984 if (noCache) {
7985 _context12.next = 7;
7986 break;
7987 }
7988 cachedConversation = this._conversationCache.get(id);
7989 if (!cachedConversation) {
7990 _context12.next = 7;
7991 break;
7992 }
7993 return _context12.abrupt("return", cachedConversation);
7994 case 7:
7995 if (!isTemporaryConversatrionId(id)) {
7996 _context12.next = 14;
7997 break;
7998 }
7999 _context12.next = 10;
8000 return this._getTemporaryConversations([id]);
8001 case 10:
8002 _context12.t0 = _context12.sent[0];
8003 if (_context12.t0) {
8004 _context12.next = 13;
8005 break;
8006 }
8007 _context12.t0 = null;
8008 case 13:
8009 return _context12.abrupt("return", _context12.t0);
8010 case 14:
8011 return _context12.abrupt("return", this.getQuery().equalTo('objectId', id).find().then(function (conversations) {
8012 return conversations[0] || null;
8013 }));
8014 case 15:
8015 case "end":
8016 return _context12.stop();
8017 }
8018 }, _callee12, this);
8019 }));
8020 function getConversation(_x13) {
8021 return _getConversation.apply(this, arguments);
8022 }
8023 return getConversation;
8024 }()
8025 /**
8026 * 通过 id 批量获取某个特定的对话
8027 * @since 3.4.0
8028 * @param {String[]} ids 对话 id 列表,对应 _Conversation 表中的 objectId
8029 * @param {Boolean} [noCache=false] 强制不从缓存中获取
8030 * @return {Promise.<ConversationBase[]>} 如果 id 对应的对话不存在则返回 null
8031 */
8032 ;
8033 _proto.getConversations =
8034 /*#__PURE__*/
8035 function () {
8036 var _getConversations = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee13(ids) {
8037 var _this9 = this;
8038 var noCache,
8039 remoteConversationIds,
8040 remoteTemporaryConversationIds,
8041 query,
8042 remoteTemporaryConversationsPromise,
8043 _args13 = arguments;
8044 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee13$(_context13) {
8045 while (1) switch (_context13.prev = _context13.next) {
8046 case 0:
8047 noCache = _args13.length > 1 && _args13[1] !== undefined ? _args13[1] : false;
8048 remoteConversationIds = noCache ? ids : ids.filter(function (id) {
8049 return _this9._conversationCache.get(id) === null;
8050 });
8051 if (!remoteConversationIds.length) {
8052 _context13.next = 9;
8053 break;
8054 }
8055 remoteTemporaryConversationIds = remove(remoteConversationIds, isTemporaryConversatrionId);
8056 query = [];
8057 if (remoteConversationIds.length) {
8058 query.push(this.getQuery().containedIn('objectId', remoteConversationIds).limit(999).find());
8059 }
8060 if (remoteTemporaryConversationIds.length) {
8061 remoteTemporaryConversationsPromise = remoteTemporaryConversationIds.map(this._getTemporaryConversations.bind(this));
8062 query.push.apply(query, _toConsumableArray(remoteTemporaryConversationsPromise));
8063 }
8064 _context13.next = 9;
8065 return Promise.all(query);
8066 case 9:
8067 return _context13.abrupt("return", ids.map(function (id) {
8068 return _this9._conversationCache.get(id);
8069 }));
8070 case 10:
8071 case "end":
8072 return _context13.stop();
8073 }
8074 }, _callee13, this);
8075 }));
8076 function getConversations(_x14) {
8077 return _getConversations.apply(this, arguments);
8078 }
8079 return getConversations;
8080 }();
8081 _proto._getTemporaryConversations = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
8082 var _getTemporaryConversations2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee14(ids) {
8083 var command, resCommand;
8084 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee14$(_context14) {
8085 while (1) switch (_context14.prev = _context14.next) {
8086 case 0:
8087 command = new GenericCommand({
8088 cmd: 'conv',
8089 op: 'query',
8090 convMessage: new ConvCommand({
8091 tempConvIds: ids
8092 })
8093 });
8094 _context14.next = 3;
8095 return this._send(command);
8096 case 3:
8097 resCommand = _context14.sent;
8098 return _context14.abrupt("return", this._handleQueryResults(resCommand));
8099 case 5:
8100 case "end":
8101 return _context14.stop();
8102 }
8103 }, _callee14, this);
8104 }));
8105 function _getTemporaryConversations(_x15) {
8106 return _getTemporaryConversations2.apply(this, arguments);
8107 }
8108 return _getTemporaryConversations;
8109 }()
8110 /**
8111 * 构造一个 ConversationQuery 来查询对话
8112 * @return {ConversationQuery.<PersistentConversation>}
8113 */
8114 ;
8115 _proto.getQuery = function getQuery() {
8116 return new ConversationQuery(this);
8117 }
8119 /**
8120 * 构造一个 ConversationQuery 来查询聊天室
8121 * @return {ConversationQuery.<ChatRoom>}
8122 */;
8123 _proto.getChatRoomQuery = function getChatRoomQuery() {
8124 return this.getQuery().equalTo('tr', true);
8125 }
8127 /**
8128 * 构造一个 ConversationQuery 来查询服务号
8129 * @return {ConversationQuery.<ServiceConversation>}
8130 */;
8131 _proto.getServiceConversationQuery = function getServiceConversationQuery() {
8132 return this.getQuery().equalTo('sys', true);
8133 };
8134 _proto._executeQuery = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
8135 var _executeQuery2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee15(query) {
8136 var queryJSON, command, resCommand;
8137 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee15$(_context15) {
8138 while (1) switch (_context15.prev = _context15.next) {
8139 case 0:
8140 queryJSON = query.toJSON();
8141 queryJSON.where = new JsonObjectMessage({
8142 data: JSON.stringify(encode(queryJSON.where))
8143 });
8144 command = new GenericCommand({
8145 cmd: 'conv',
8146 op: 'query',
8147 convMessage: new ConvCommand(queryJSON)
8148 });
8149 _context15.next = 5;
8150 return this._send(command);
8151 case 5:
8152 resCommand = _context15.sent;
8153 return _context15.abrupt("return", this._handleQueryResults(resCommand));
8154 case 7:
8155 case "end":
8156 return _context15.stop();
8157 }
8158 }, _callee15, this);
8159 }));
8160 function _executeQuery(_x16) {
8161 return _executeQuery2.apply(this, arguments);
8162 }
8163 return _executeQuery;
8164 }();
8165 _proto._handleQueryResults = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
8166 var _handleQueryResults2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee16(resCommand) {
8167 var conversations, commandString;
8168 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee16$(_context16) {
8169 while (1) switch (_context16.prev = _context16.next) {
8170 case 0:
8171 _context16.prev = 0;
8172 conversations = decode(JSON.parse(resCommand.convMessage.results.data));
8173 _context16.next = 8;
8174 break;
8175 case 4:
8176 _context16.prev = 4;
8177 _context16.t0 = _context16["catch"](0);
8178 commandString = JSON.stringify(trim(resCommand));
8179 throw new Error("Parse query result failed: ".concat(_context16.t0.message, ". Command: ").concat(commandString));
8180 case 8:
8181 _context16.next = 10;
8182 return Promise.all(conversations.map(this._parseConversationFromRawData.bind(this)));
8183 case 10:
8184 conversations = _context16.sent;
8185 return _context16.abrupt("return", conversations.map(this._upsertConversationToCache.bind(this)));
8186 case 12:
8187 case "end":
8188 return _context16.stop();
8189 }
8190 }, _callee16, this, [[0, 4]]);
8191 }));
8192 function _handleQueryResults(_x17) {
8193 return _handleQueryResults2.apply(this, arguments);
8194 }
8195 return _handleQueryResults;
8196 }();
8197 _proto._upsertConversationToCache = function _upsertConversationToCache(fetchedConversation) {
8198 var conversation = this._conversationCache.get(fetchedConversation.id);
8199 if (!conversation) {
8200 conversation = fetchedConversation;
8201 this._debug('no match, set cache');
8202 this._conversationCache.set(fetchedConversation.id, fetchedConversation);
8203 } else {
8204 this._debug('update cached conversation');
8205 ['creator', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'lastMessageAt', 'lastMessage', 'mutedMembers', 'members', '_attributes', 'transient', 'muted'].forEach(function (key) {
8206 var value = fetchedConversation[key];
8207 if (value !== undefined) conversation[key] = value;
8208 });
8209 if (conversation._reset) conversation._reset();
8210 }
8211 return conversation;
8212 }
8214 /**
8215 * 反序列化消息,与 {@link Message#toFullJSON} 相对。
8216 * @param {Object}
8217 * @return {AVMessage} 解析后的消息
8218 * @since 4.0.0
8219 */;
8220 _proto.parseMessage =
8221 /*#__PURE__*/
8222 function () {
8223 var _parseMessage = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee17(_ref10) {
8224 var data, _ref10$bin, bin, properties, content, message;
8225 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee17$(_context17) {
8226 while (1) switch (_context17.prev = _context17.next) {
8227 case 0:
8228 data = _ref10.data, _ref10$bin = _ref10.bin, bin = _ref10$bin === void 0 ? false : _ref10$bin, properties = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref10, _excluded3);
8229 content = bin ? base64Arraybuffer.decode(data) : data;
8230 _context17.next = 4;
8231 return this._messageParser.parse(content);
8232 case 4:
8233 message = _context17.sent;
8234 Object.assign(message, properties);
8235 message._updateMentioned(this.id);
8236 return _context17.abrupt("return", message);
8237 case 8:
8238 case "end":
8239 return _context17.stop();
8240 }
8241 }, _callee17, this);
8242 }));
8243 function parseMessage(_x18) {
8244 return _parseMessage.apply(this, arguments);
8245 }
8246 return parseMessage;
8247 }()
8248 /**
8249 * 反序列化对话,与 {@link Conversation#toFullJSON} 相对。
8250 * @param {Object}
8251 * @return {ConversationBase} 解析后的对话
8252 * @since 4.0.0
8253 */
8254 ;
8255 _proto.parseConversation =
8256 /*#__PURE__*/
8257 function () {
8258 var _parseConversation = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee18(_ref11) {
8259 var id, lastMessageAt, lastMessage, lastDeliveredAt, lastReadAt, unreadMessagesCount, members, mentioned, properties, conversationData, _transient2, system, expiredAt;
8260 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee18$(_context18) {
8261 while (1) switch (_context18.prev = _context18.next) {
8262 case 0:
8263 id = _ref11.id, lastMessageAt = _ref11.lastMessageAt, lastMessage = _ref11.lastMessage, lastDeliveredAt = _ref11.lastDeliveredAt, lastReadAt = _ref11.lastReadAt, unreadMessagesCount = _ref11.unreadMessagesCount, members = _ref11.members, mentioned = _ref11.mentioned, properties = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref11, _excluded4);
8264 conversationData = {
8265 id: id,
8266 lastMessageAt: lastMessageAt,
8267 lastMessage: lastMessage,
8268 lastDeliveredAt: lastDeliveredAt,
8269 lastReadAt: lastReadAt,
8270 unreadMessagesCount: unreadMessagesCount,
8271 members: members,
8272 mentioned: mentioned
8273 };
8274 if (!lastMessage) {
8275 _context18.next = 7;
8276 break;
8277 }
8278 _context18.next = 5;
8279 return this.parseMessage(lastMessage);
8280 case 5:
8281 conversationData.lastMessage = _context18.sent;
8282 conversationData.lastMessage._setStatus(MessageStatus.SENT);
8283 case 7:
8284 _transient2 = properties["transient"], system = properties.system, expiredAt = properties.expiredAt;
8285 if (!_transient2) {
8286 _context18.next = 10;
8287 break;
8288 }
8289 return _context18.abrupt("return", new ChatRoom(conversationData, properties, this));
8290 case 10:
8291 if (!system) {
8292 _context18.next = 12;
8293 break;
8294 }
8295 return _context18.abrupt("return", new ServiceConversation(conversationData, properties, this));
8296 case 12:
8297 if (!(expiredAt || isTemporaryConversatrionId(id))) {
8298 _context18.next = 14;
8299 break;
8300 }
8301 return _context18.abrupt("return", new TemporaryConversation(conversationData, {
8302 expiredAt: expiredAt
8303 }, this));
8304 case 14:
8305 return _context18.abrupt("return", new Conversation(conversationData, properties, this));
8306 case 15:
8307 case "end":
8308 return _context18.stop();
8309 }
8310 }, _callee18, this);
8311 }));
8312 function parseConversation(_x19) {
8313 return _parseConversation.apply(this, arguments);
8314 }
8315 return parseConversation;
8316 }();
8317 _proto._parseConversationFromRawData = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
8318 var _parseConversationFromRawData2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee19(rawData) {
8319 var data, ttl;
8320 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee19$(_context19) {
8321 while (1) switch (_context19.prev = _context19.next) {
8322 case 0:
8323 data = keyRemap({
8324 objectId: 'id',
8325 lm: 'lastMessageAt',
8326 m: 'members',
8327 tr: 'transient',
8328 sys: 'system',
8329 c: 'creator',
8330 mu: 'mutedMembers'
8331 }, rawData);
8332 if (data.msg) {
8333 data.lastMessage = {
8334 data: data.msg,
8335 bin: data.bin,
8336 from: data.msg_from,
8337 id: data.msg_mid,
8338 timestamp: data.msg_timestamp,
8339 updatedAt: data.patch_timestamp
8340 };
8341 delete data.lastMessageFrom;
8342 delete data.lastMessageId;
8343 delete data.lastMessageTimestamp;
8344 delete data.lastMessagePatchTimestamp;
8345 }
8346 ttl = data.ttl;
8347 if (ttl) data.expiredAt = Date.now() + ttl * 1000;
8348 return _context19.abrupt("return", this.parseConversation(data));
8349 case 5:
8350 case "end":
8351 return _context19.stop();
8352 }
8353 }, _callee19, this);
8354 }));
8355 function _parseConversationFromRawData(_x20) {
8356 return _parseConversationFromRawData2.apply(this, arguments);
8357 }
8358 return _parseConversationFromRawData;
8359 }()
8360 /**
8361 * 创建一个对话
8362 * @param {Object} options 除了下列字段外的其他字段将被视为对话的自定义属性
8363 * @param {String[]} options.members 对话的初始成员列表,默认包含当前 client
8364 * @param {String} [options.name] 对话的名字
8365 * @param {Boolean} [options.unique=true] 唯一对话,当其为 true 时,如果当前已经有相同成员的对话存在则返回该对话,否则会创建新的对话
8366 * @return {Promise.<Conversation>}
8367 */
8368 ;
8369 _proto.createConversation =
8370 /*#__PURE__*/
8371 function () {
8372 var _createConversation = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee20() {
8373 var _ref12,
8374 m,
8375 name,
8376 _transient3,
8377 _ref12$unique,
8378 unique,
8379 tempConv,
8380 tempConvTTL,
8381 properties,
8382 members,
8383 attr,
8384 startCommandJson,
8385 command,
8386 params,
8387 signatureResult,
8388 _yield$this$_send,
8389 _yield$this$_send$con,
8390 cid,
8391 cdate,
8392 ttl,
8393 data,
8394 conversation,
8395 _args20 = arguments;
8396 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee20$(_context20) {
8397 while (1) switch (_context20.prev = _context20.next) {
8398 case 0:
8399 _ref12 = _args20.length > 0 && _args20[0] !== undefined ? _args20[0] : {}, m = _ref12.members, name = _ref12.name, _transient3 = _ref12["transient"], _ref12$unique = _ref12.unique, unique = _ref12$unique === void 0 ? true : _ref12$unique, tempConv = _ref12._tempConv, tempConvTTL = _ref12._tempConvTTL, properties = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref12, _excluded5);
8400 if (_transient3 || Array.isArray(m)) {
8401 _context20.next = 3;
8402 break;
8403 }
8404 throw new TypeError("conversation members ".concat(m, " is not an array"));
8405 case 3:
8406 members = new Set(m);
8407 members.add(this.id);
8408 members = Array.from(members).sort();
8409 attr = properties || {};
8410 if (!name) {
8411 _context20.next = 11;
8412 break;
8413 }
8414 if (!(typeof name !== 'string')) {
8415 _context20.next = 10;
8416 break;
8417 }
8418 throw new TypeError("conversation name ".concat(name, " is not a string"));
8419 case 10:
8420 attr.name = name;
8421 case 11:
8422 attr = new JsonObjectMessage({
8423 data: JSON.stringify(encode(attr))
8424 });
8425 startCommandJson = {
8426 m: members,
8427 attr: attr,
8428 "transient": _transient3,
8429 unique: unique,
8430 tempConv: tempConv,
8431 tempConvTTL: tempConvTTL
8432 };
8433 command = new GenericCommand({
8434 cmd: 'conv',
8435 op: 'start',
8436 convMessage: new ConvCommand(startCommandJson)
8437 });
8438 if (!this.options.conversationSignatureFactory) {
8439 _context20.next = 20;
8440 break;
8441 }
8442 params = [null, this._identity, members, 'create'];
8443 _context20.next = 18;
8444 return runSignatureFactory(this.options.conversationSignatureFactory, params);
8445 case 18:
8446 signatureResult = _context20.sent;
8447 Object.assign(command.convMessage, keyRemap({
8448 signature: 's',
8449 timestamp: 't',
8450 nonce: 'n'
8451 }, signatureResult));
8452 case 20:
8453 _context20.next = 22;
8454 return this._send(command);
8455 case 22:
8456 _yield$this$_send = _context20.sent;
8457 _yield$this$_send$con = _yield$this$_send.convMessage;
8458 cid = _yield$this$_send$con.cid;
8459 cdate = _yield$this$_send$con.cdate;
8460 ttl = _yield$this$_send$con.tempConvTTL;
8461 data = _objectSpread$8({
8462 name: name,
8463 "transient": _transient3,
8464 unique: unique,
8465 id: cid,
8466 createdAt: cdate,
8467 updatedAt: cdate,
8468 lastMessageAt: null,
8469 creator: this.id,
8470 members: _transient3 ? [] : members
8471 }, properties);
8472 if (ttl) data.expiredAt = Date.now() + ttl * 1000;
8473 _context20.next = 31;
8474 return this.parseConversation(data);
8475 case 31:
8476 conversation = _context20.sent;
8477 return _context20.abrupt("return", this._upsertConversationToCache(conversation));
8478 case 33:
8479 case "end":
8480 return _context20.stop();
8481 }
8482 }, _callee20, this);
8483 }));
8484 function createConversation() {
8485 return _createConversation.apply(this, arguments);
8486 }
8487 return createConversation;
8488 }()
8489 /**
8490 * 创建一个聊天室
8491 * @since 4.0.0
8492 * @param {Object} options 除了下列字段外的其他字段将被视为对话的自定义属性
8493 * @param {String} [options.name] 对话的名字
8494 * @return {Promise.<ChatRoom>}
8495 */
8496 ;
8497 _proto.createChatRoom =
8498 /*#__PURE__*/
8499 function () {
8500 var _createChatRoom = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee21(param) {
8501 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee21$(_context21) {
8502 while (1) switch (_context21.prev = _context21.next) {
8503 case 0:
8504 return _context21.abrupt("return", this.createConversation(_objectSpread$8(_objectSpread$8({}, param), {}, {
8505 "transient": true,
8506 members: null,
8507 unique: false,
8508 _tempConv: false
8509 })));
8510 case 1:
8511 case "end":
8512 return _context21.stop();
8513 }
8514 }, _callee21, this);
8515 }));
8516 function createChatRoom(_x21) {
8517 return _createChatRoom.apply(this, arguments);
8518 }
8519 return createChatRoom;
8520 }()
8521 /**
8522 * 创建一个临时对话
8523 * @since 4.0.0
8524 * @param {Object} options
8525 * @param {String[]} options.members 对话的初始成员列表,默认包含当前 client
8526 * @param {String} [options.ttl] 对话存在时间,单位为秒,最大值与默认值均为 86400(一天),过期后该对话不再可用。
8527 * @return {Promise.<TemporaryConversation>}
8528 */
8529 ;
8530 _proto.createTemporaryConversation =
8531 /*#__PURE__*/
8532 function () {
8533 var _createTemporaryConversation = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee22(_ref13) {
8534 var _tempConvTTL, param;
8535 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee22$(_context22) {
8536 while (1) switch (_context22.prev = _context22.next) {
8537 case 0:
8538 _tempConvTTL = _ref13.ttl, param = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref13, _excluded6);
8539 return _context22.abrupt("return", this.createConversation(_objectSpread$8(_objectSpread$8({}, param), {}, {
8540 _tempConv: true,
8541 _tempConvTTL: _tempConvTTL
8542 })));
8543 case 2:
8544 case "end":
8545 return _context22.stop();
8546 }
8547 }, _callee22, this);
8548 }));
8549 function createTemporaryConversation(_x22) {
8550 return _createTemporaryConversation.apply(this, arguments);
8551 }
8552 return createTemporaryConversation;
8553 }() // jsdoc-ignore-start
8554 ;
8555 _proto.
8556 // jsdoc-ignore-end
8557 _doSendRead = function _doSendRead() {
8558 var _this10 = this;
8559 // if not connected, just skip everything
8560 if (!this._connection.is('connected')) return;
8561 var buffer = internal(this).readConversationsBuffer;
8562 var conversations = Array.from(buffer);
8563 if (!conversations.length) return;
8564 var ids = conversations.map(function (conversation) {
8565 if (!(conversation instanceof ConversationBase)) {
8566 throw new TypeError("".concat(conversation, " is not a Conversation"));
8567 }
8568 return conversation.id;
8569 });
8570 this._debug("mark [".concat(ids, "] as read"));
8571 buffer.clear();
8572 this._sendReadCommand(conversations)["catch"](function (error) {
8573 _this10._debug('send read failed: %O', error);
8574 conversations.forEach(buffer.add.bind(buffer));
8575 });
8576 };
8577 _proto._sendReadCommand = function _sendReadCommand(conversations) {
8578 var _this11 = this;
8579 return this._send(new GenericCommand({
8580 cmd: 'read',
8581 readMessage: new ReadCommand({
8582 convs: conversations.map(function (conversation) {
8583 return new ReadTuple({
8584 cid: conversation.id,
8585 mid: conversation.lastMessage && conversation.lastMessage.from !== _this11.id ? conversation.lastMessage.id : undefined,
8586 timestamp: (conversation.lastMessageAt || new Date()).getTime()
8587 });
8588 })
8589 })
8590 }), false);
8591 };
8592 return IMClient;
8593}(EventEmitter), (_applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class$3.prototype, "_doSendAck", [_dec$2], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_class$3.prototype, "_doSendAck"), _class$3.prototype), _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class$3.prototype, "_doSendRead", [_dec2], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_class$3.prototype, "_doSendRead"), _class$3.prototype)), _class$3));
8595 * 修改、撤回消息的原因
8596 * @typedef PatchReason
8597 * @type {Object}
8598 * @property {number} code 负数为内置 code,正数为开发者在 hook 中自定义的 code。比如因为敏感词过滤被修改的 code 为 -4408。
8599 * @property {string} [detail] 具体的原因说明。
8600 */
8602var RECONNECT_ERROR = 'reconnecterror';
8604var CoreEvent = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
8605 __proto__: null,
8615var _class$4;
8616function ownKeys$9(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
8617function _objectSpread$9(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys$9(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$9(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
8618// jsdoc-ignore-start
8619var BinaryMessage = IE10Compatible(_class$4 = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Message) {
8620 _inheritsLoose(BinaryMessage, _Message);
8621 /**
8622 * 二进制消息
8623 * @extends Message
8624 * @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer
8625 * @since 4.0.0
8626 */
8627 function BinaryMessage(buffer) {
8628 if (!(buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer)) {
8629 throw new TypeError("".concat(buffer, " is not an ArrayBuffer"));
8630 }
8631 return _Message.call(this, buffer) || this;
8632 }
8634 /**
8635 * @type ArrayBuffer
8636 */
8637 BinaryMessage.validate = function validate(target) {
8638 return target instanceof ArrayBuffer;
8639 };
8640 var _proto = BinaryMessage.prototype;
8641 _proto.toJSON = function toJSON() {
8642 return _objectSpread$9(_objectSpread$9({}, _Message.prototype._toJSON.call(this)), {}, {
8643 data: base64Arraybuffer.encode(this.content)
8644 });
8645 };
8646 _proto.toFullJSON = function toFullJSON() {
8647 return _objectSpread$9(_objectSpread$9({}, _Message.prototype.toFullJSON.call(this)), {}, {
8648 bin: true,
8649 data: base64Arraybuffer.encode(this.content)
8650 });
8651 };
8652 _createClass(BinaryMessage, [{
8653 key: "buffer",
8654 get: function get() {
8655 return this.content;
8656 },
8657 set: function set(buffer) {
8658 this.content = buffer;
8659 }
8660 }]);
8661 return BinaryMessage;
8662}(Message)) || _class$4;
8664var _dec$3, _class$5;
8666// jsdoc-ignore-start
8667var TextMessage = (_dec$3 = messageType(-1), _dec$3(_class$5 = IE10Compatible(_class$5 = /*#__PURE__*/function (_TypedMessage) {
8668 _inheritsLoose(TextMessage, _TypedMessage);
8669 /**
8670 * 文类类型消息
8671 * @extends TypedMessage
8672 * @param {String} [text='']
8673 * @throws {TypeError} text 不是 String 类型
8674 */
8675 function TextMessage() {
8676 var _this;
8677 var text = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : '';
8678 if (typeof text !== 'string') {
8679 throw new TypeError("".concat(text, " is not a string"));
8680 }
8681 _this = _TypedMessage.call(this) || this;
8682 _this.setText(text);
8683 return _this;
8684 }
8685 return TextMessage;
8686}(TypedMessage)) || _class$5) || _class$5);
8688 * @name TYPE
8689 * @memberof TextMessage
8690 * @type Number
8691 * @static
8692 * @const
8693 */
8695var _class$6;
8696function ownKeys$a(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
8697function _objectSpread$a(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys$a(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$a(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
8698function _createForOfIteratorHelper(o, allowArrayLike) { var it = typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && o[Symbol.iterator] || o["@@iterator"]; if (!it) { if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === "number") { if (it) o = it; var i = 0; var F = function F() {}; return { s: F, n: function n() { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }, e: function e(_e) { throw _e; }, f: F }; } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return { s: function s() { it = it.call(o); }, n: function n() { var step = it.next(); normalCompletion = step.done; return step; }, e: function e(_e2) { didErr = true; err = _e2; }, f: function f() { try { if (!normalCompletion && it["return"] != null) it["return"](); } finally { if (didErr) throw err; } } }; }
8699function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }
8700function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i]; return arr2; }
8701var debug$c = d('LC:MessageParser');
8702var tryParseJson = function tryParseJson(target, key, descriptor) {
8703 var fn = descriptor.value;
8704 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
8705 descriptor.value = function wrapper(param) {
8706 var content;
8707 if (typeof param !== 'string') {
8708 content = param;
8709 } else {
8710 try {
8711 content = JSON.parse(param);
8712 } catch (error) {
8713 content = param;
8714 }
8715 }
8716 return fn.call(this, content);
8717 };
8719var applyPlugins = function applyPlugins(target, key, descriptor) {
8720 var fn = descriptor.value;
8721 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
8722 descriptor.value = function wrapper(json) {
8723 var _this = this;
8724 return Promise.resolve(json).then(applyMiddlewares(this._plugins.beforeMessageParse)).then(function (decoratedJson) {
8725 return fn.call(_this, decoratedJson);
8726 }).then(applyMiddlewares(this._plugins.afterMessageParse));
8727 };
8729var MessageParser = (_class$6 = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
8730 /**
8731 * 消息解析器
8732 * @param {Object} plugins 插件,插件的 messageClasses 会自动被注册,在解析时 beforeMessageParse 与 afterMessageParse Middleware 会被应用。
8733 */
8734 function MessageParser() {
8735 var plugins = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
8736 this._plugins = plugins;
8737 this._messageClasses = [];
8738 this.register(plugins.messageClasses);
8739 }
8741 /**
8742 * 注册消息类
8743 *
8744 * @param {Function | Function[]} messageClass 消息类,需要实现 {@link AVMessage} 接口,
8745 * 建议继承自 {@link TypedMessage},也可以传入一个消息类数组。
8746 * @throws {TypeError} 如果 messageClass 没有实现 {@link AVMessage} 接口则抛出异常
8747 */
8748 var _proto = MessageParser.prototype;
8749 _proto.register = function register(messageClasses) {
8750 var _this2 = this;
8751 ensureArray(messageClasses).map(function (klass) {
8752 return _this2._register(klass);
8753 });
8754 };
8755 _proto._register = function _register(messageClass) {
8756 if (messageClass && messageClass.parse && messageClass.prototype && messageClass.prototype.getPayload) {
8757 this._messageClasses.unshift(messageClass);
8758 } else {
8759 throw new TypeError('Invalid messageClass');
8760 }
8761 }
8763 // jsdoc-ignore-start
8764 ;
8765 _proto.
8766 // jsdoc-ignore-end
8767 /**
8768 * 解析消息内容
8769 * @param {Object | string | any} target 消息内容,如果是字符串会尝试 parse 为 JSON。
8770 * @return {AVMessage} 解析后的消息
8771 * @throws {Error} 如果不匹配任何注册的消息则抛出异常
8772 */
8773 parse = function parse(content) {
8774 debug$c('parsing message: %O', content);
8775 // eslint-disable-next-line
8776 var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(this._messageClasses),
8777 _step;
8778 try {
8779 for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) {
8780 var Klass = _step.value;
8781 var contentCopy = isPlainObject(content) ? _objectSpread$a({}, content) : content;
8782 var valid = void 0;
8783 var result = void 0;
8784 try {
8785 valid = Klass.validate(contentCopy);
8786 } catch (error) {
8787 // eslint-disable-line no-empty
8788 }
8789 if (valid) {
8790 try {
8791 result = Klass.parse(contentCopy);
8792 } catch (error) {
8793 console.warn('parsing a valid message content error', {
8794 error: error,
8795 Klass: Klass,
8796 content: contentCopy
8797 });
8798 }
8799 if (result !== undefined) {
8800 debug$c('parse result: %O', result);
8801 return result;
8802 }
8803 }
8804 }
8805 } catch (err) {
8806 _iterator.e(err);
8807 } finally {
8808 _iterator.f();
8809 }
8810 throw new Error('No Message Class matched');
8811 };
8812 return MessageParser;
8813}(), (_applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class$6.prototype, "parse", [tryParseJson, applyPlugins], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_class$6.prototype, "parse"), _class$6.prototype)), _class$6);
8815var _excluded$4 = ["tag", "isReconnect"];
8816function ownKeys$b(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
8817function _objectSpread$b(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys$b(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$b(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
8818var debug$d = d('LC:IMPlugin');
8821 * 消息优先级枚举
8822 * @enum {Number}
8823 * @since 3.3.0
8824 */
8825var MessagePriority = {
8826 /** 高 */
8827 HIGH: 1,
8828 /** 普通 */
8829 NORMAL: 2,
8830 /** 低 */
8831 LOW: 3
8836 * 为 Conversation 定义一个新属性
8837 * @param {String} prop 属性名
8838 * @param {Object} [descriptor] 属性的描述符,参见 {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/getOwnPropertyDescriptor#Description getOwnPropertyDescriptor#Description - MDN},默认为该属性名对应的 Conversation 自定义属性的 getter/setter
8839 * @returns void
8840 * @example
8841 *
8842 * conversation.get('type');
8843 * conversation.set('type', 1);
8844 *
8845 * // equals to
8846 * defineConversationProperty('type');
8847 * conversation.type;
8848 * conversation.type = 1;
8849 */
8850var defineConversationProperty = function defineConversationProperty(prop) {
8851 var descriptor = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {
8852 get: function get() {
8853 return this.get(prop);
8854 },
8855 set: function set(value) {
8856 this.set(prop, value);
8857 }
8858 };
8859 Object.defineProperty(Conversation.prototype, prop, descriptor);
8861var onRealtimeCreate = function onRealtimeCreate(realtime) {
8862 /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
8863 var deviceId = uuid();
8864 realtime._IMClients = {};
8865 realtime._IMClientsCreationCount = 0;
8866 var messageParser = new MessageParser(realtime._plugins);
8867 realtime._messageParser = messageParser;
8868 var signAVUser = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
8869 var _ref = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(user) {
8870 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
8871 while (1) switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
8872 case 0:
8873 return _context.abrupt("return", realtime._request({
8874 method: 'POST',
8875 path: '/rtm/sign',
8876 data: {
8877 session_token: user.getSessionToken()
8878 }
8879 }));
8880 case 1:
8881 case "end":
8882 return _context.stop();
8883 }
8884 }, _callee);
8885 }));
8886 return function signAVUser(_x) {
8887 return _ref.apply(this, arguments);
8888 };
8889 }();
8891 /**
8892 * 注册消息类
8893 *
8894 * 在接收消息、查询消息时,会按照消息类注册顺序的逆序依次尝试解析消息内容
8895 *
8896 * @memberof Realtime
8897 * @instance
8898 * @param {Function | Function[]} messageClass 消息类,需要实现 {@link AVMessage} 接口,
8899 * 建议继承自 {@link TypedMessage}
8900 * @throws {TypeError} 如果 messageClass 没有实现 {@link AVMessage} 接口则抛出异常
8901 */
8902 var register = messageParser.register.bind(messageParser);
8903 /**
8904 * 创建一个即时通讯客户端,多次创建相同 id 的客户端会返回同一个实例
8905 * @memberof Realtime
8906 * @instance
8907 * @param {String|AV.User} [identity] 客户端 identity,如果不指定该参数,服务端会随机生成一个字符串作为 identity,
8908 * 如果传入一个已登录的 AV.User,则会使用该用户的 id 作为客户端 identity 登录。
8909 * @param {Object} [options]
8910 * @param {Function} [options.signatureFactory] open session 时的签名方法 // TODO need details
8911 * @param {Function} [options.conversationSignatureFactory] 对话创建、增减成员操作时的签名方法
8912 * @param {Function} [options.blacklistSignatureFactory] 黑名单操作时的签名方法
8913 * @param {String} [options.tag] 客户端类型标记,以支持单点登录功能
8914 * @param {String} [options.isReconnect=false] 单点登录时标记该次登录是不是应用启动时自动重新登录
8915 * @return {Promise.<IMClient>}
8916 */
8917 var createIMClient = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
8918 var _ref2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2(identity) {
8919 var _realtime$_open$then;
8920 var _ref3,
8921 tag,
8922 isReconnect,
8923 clientOptions,
8924 lagecyTag,
8925 id,
8926 buildinOptions,
8927 sessionToken,
8928 _tag,
8929 promise,
8930 _args2 = arguments;
8931 return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
8932 while (1) switch (_context2.prev = _context2.next) {
8933 case 0:
8934 _ref3 = _args2.length > 1 && _args2[1] !== undefined ? _args2[1] : {}, tag = _ref3.tag, isReconnect = _ref3.isReconnect, clientOptions = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref3, _excluded$4);
8935 lagecyTag = _args2.length > 2 ? _args2[2] : undefined;
8936 buildinOptions = {};
8937 if (!identity) {
8938 _context2.next = 19;
8939 break;
8940 }
8941 if (!(typeof identity === 'string')) {
8942 _context2.next = 8;
8943 break;
8944 }
8945 id = identity;
8946 _context2.next = 17;
8947 break;
8948 case 8:
8949 if (!(identity.id && identity.getSessionToken)) {
8950 _context2.next = 16;
8951 break;
8952 }
8953 id = identity.id;
8954 sessionToken = identity.getSessionToken();
8955 if (sessionToken) {
8956 _context2.next = 13;
8957 break;
8958 }
8959 throw new Error('User must be authenticated');
8960 case 13:
8961 buildinOptions.signatureFactory = signAVUser;
8962 _context2.next = 17;
8963 break;
8964 case 16:
8965 throw new TypeError('Identity must be a String or an AV.User');
8966 case 17:
8967 if (!(realtime._IMClients[id] !== undefined)) {
8968 _context2.next = 19;
8969 break;
8970 }
8971 return _context2.abrupt("return", realtime._IMClients[id]);
8972 case 19:
8973 if (lagecyTag) {
8974 console.warn('DEPRECATION createIMClient tag param: Use options.tag instead.');
8975 }
8976 _tag = tag || lagecyTag;
8977 promise = (_realtime$_open$then = realtime._open().then(function (connection) {
8978 var client = new IMClient(id, _objectSpread$b(_objectSpread$b({}, buildinOptions), clientOptions), {
8979 _connection: connection,
8980 _request: realtime._request.bind(realtime),
8981 _messageParser: messageParser,
8982 _plugins: realtime._plugins,
8983 _identity: identity
8984 });
8985 connection.on(RECONNECT, function () {
8986 return client._open(realtime._options.appId, _tag, deviceId, true)
8987 /**
8988 * 客户端连接恢复正常,该事件通常在 {@link Realtime#event:RECONNECT} 之后发生
8989 * @event IMClient#RECONNECT
8990 * @see Realtime#event:RECONNECT
8991 * @since 3.2.0
8992 */
8993 /**
8994 * 客户端重新登录发生错误(网络连接已恢复,但重新登录错误)
8995 * @event IMClient#RECONNECT_ERROR
8996 * @since 3.2.0
8997 */.then(function () {
8998 return client.emit(RECONNECT);
8999 }, function (error) {
9000 return client.emit(RECONNECT_ERROR, error);
9001 });
9002 });
9003 internal(client)._eventemitter.on('beforeclose', function () {
9004 delete realtime._IMClients[client.id];
9005 if (realtime._firstIMClient === client) {
9006 delete realtime._firstIMClient;
9007 }
9008 }, realtime);
9009 internal(client)._eventemitter.on('close', function () {
9010 realtime._deregister(client);
9011 }, realtime);
9012 return client._open(realtime._options.appId, _tag, deviceId, isReconnect).then(function () {
9013 realtime._IMClients[client.id] = client;
9014 realtime._IMClientsCreationCount += 1;
9015 if (realtime._IMClientsCreationCount === 1) {
9016 client._omitPeerId(true);
9017 realtime._firstIMClient = client;
9018 } else if (realtime._IMClientsCreationCount > 1 && realtime._firstIMClient) {
9019 realtime._firstIMClient._omitPeerId(false);
9020 }
9021 realtime._register(client);
9022 return client;
9023 })["catch"](function (error) {
9024 delete realtime._IMClients[client.id];
9025 throw error;
9026 });
9027 })).then.apply(_realtime$_open$then, _toConsumableArray(finalize(function () {
9028 realtime._deregisterPending(promise);
9029 })))["catch"](function (error) {
9030 delete realtime._IMClients[id];
9031 throw error;
9032 });
9033 if (identity) {
9034 realtime._IMClients[id] = promise;
9035 }
9036 realtime._registerPending(promise);
9037 return _context2.abrupt("return", promise);
9038 case 25:
9039 case "end":
9040 return _context2.stop();
9041 }
9042 }, _callee2);
9043 }));
9044 return function createIMClient(_x2) {
9045 return _ref2.apply(this, arguments);
9046 };
9047 }();
9048 Object.assign(realtime, {
9049 register: register,
9050 createIMClient: createIMClient
9051 });
9052 /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */
9055var beforeCommandDispatch = function beforeCommandDispatch(command, realtime) {
9056 var isIMCommand = command.service === null || command.service === 2;
9057 if (!isIMCommand) return true;
9058 var targetClient = command.peerId ? realtime._IMClients[command.peerId] : realtime._firstIMClient;
9059 if (targetClient) {
9060 Promise.resolve(targetClient).then(function (client) {
9061 return client._dispatchCommand(command);
9062 })["catch"](debug$d);
9063 } else {
9064 debug$d('[WARN] Unexpected message received without any live client match: %O', trim(command));
9065 }
9066 return false;
9068var IMPlugin = {
9069 name: 'leancloud-realtime-plugin-im',
9070 onRealtimeCreate: onRealtimeCreate,
9071 beforeCommandDispatch: beforeCommandDispatch,
9072 messageClasses: [Message, BinaryMessage, RecalledMessage, TextMessage]
9075function ownKeys$c(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
9076function _objectSpread$c(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys$c(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$c(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
9077Realtime.defineConversationProperty = defineConversationProperty;
9078Realtime.__preRegisteredPlugins = [IMPlugin];
9079var Event = _objectSpread$c(_objectSpread$c({}, CoreEvent), IMEvent);
9081/** core + plugins + platform adapters */
9083 WebSocket: platformAdaptersNode.WebSocket,
9084 request: platformAdaptersNode.request
9087exports.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;
9088exports.BinaryMessage = BinaryMessage;
9089exports.ChatRoom = ChatRoom;
9090exports.Conversation = Conversation;
9091exports.ConversationMemberRole = ConversationMemberRole;
9092exports.ConversationQuery = ConversationQuery;
9093exports.ErrorCode = ErrorCode;
9094exports.Event = Event;
9095exports.IE10Compatible = IE10Compatible;
9096exports.IMPlugin = IMPlugin;
9097exports.Message = Message;
9098exports.MessageParser = MessageParser;
9099exports.MessagePriority = MessagePriority;
9100exports.MessageQueryDirection = MessageQueryDirection;
9101exports.MessageStatus = MessageStatus;
9102exports.Promise = polyfilledPromise;
9103exports.Protocals = message;
9104exports.Protocols = message;
9105exports.Realtime = Realtime;
9106exports.RecalledMessage = RecalledMessage;
9107exports.ServiceConversation = ServiceConversation;
9108exports.TemporaryConversation = TemporaryConversation;
9109exports.TextMessage = TextMessage;
9110exports.TypedMessage = TypedMessage;
9111exports.debug = debug$2;
9112exports.defineConversationProperty = defineConversationProperty;
9113exports.getAdapter = getAdapter;
9114exports.messageField = messageField;
9115exports.messageType = messageType;
9116exports.setAdapters = setAdapters;
9117//# sourceMappingURL=im-node.js.map